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Why does nobody take internet addiction seriously?
>China among the least
>Why does no one take this third world illness more serious?
Because zoomer are the one most affected by it, no proper adult that has better things to do while outside or with friends. Most european places being in the 30-35 region while the US and all third world states are around 40-50 says it all.
this infographic has to be wrong / skewed

are we really supposed to buy that japan and south korea have some of the lowest screen time to awake hours in the world?

what is "Screen time" in this chart? The description references "scrolling", but is screen time sitting at a desk job or scrolling on social media? because it also says "in front of screens"
same reason no one took tv addiction seriously 20 years ago
yeah I thought they all needed glasses cause of their addiction? I also remember it being the country with the most mobile devices, though that's probably india by now.
>Japan has the least screen time
Because they're too busy working themselves to death to do anything else.
Government mandated screentime limit for children. Thats on smartphones/tvs.
well according to this: https://explodingtopics.com/blog/screen-time-stats, it's mostly TV, vidya, and social media, which checks out cause in my personal experience; people don't seem to have many different hobbies anymore
Looking again, its Japan's got lower @ 21.7%.

My own hypothesis for Japan is that Japan is woefully behind on technology/internet/computers compared to rest of the developed world.
I would assume that it doesn't count work hours despite saying time awake, but don't quote me on that.
japan and south korea work the longest hours of any country, they don't have time to be on they phone
>tfw mine is very close to 100% and has been so for about a decade or more and it won't stop anytime soon
Ngl, it's probably for the best all things considered.
do you have any hobbies or do you just mindlessly scrool?
how about friends?

what a horrible life
>for children
Yeah, because Japanese spend all their free time at work. They probably only use their phones during morning and evening commute.
Also being social outcast and having no friends means there is little to do on social media
yeah i think its safe to assume they're not factoring in work screens then it makes sense

but if work screens were factored in, China, Japan and SK would easily top this
how exactly are they getting this data?
This. Most of the time I'm hanging out with friends or at work or spending time with my wife kids and dogs. I'll spend time viewing /g/ while taking a shit. I'm about to wipe my ass and flush so see y'all later. We're about to light off fireworks and enjoy our lives, have a cookout with burgers and hot dogs.
why did the ignore most of africa and much of asia?
yeah that makes sense however the graphic should really specify that it's non-work related screens or "Screen usage during free time"
Top kek and if "she" is real "she" probably has a dick too
>internet addiction
What would you do with your time instead of internet? OP, if you feel like internet is negatively impacting your life and you can't function, then maybe seek help?
>the true question is, how do they know the screen uptime
Children are ~1/3-1/4 of the population but are the most avid users of smartphones. So if you cut down on the largest active users base, you reduce the over all usage.
>do you have any hobbies or do you just mindlessly scrool?
I've been watching and listening to a lot of educational stuff on YouTube and other places, including many audiobooks and public Uni courses. But it's was mostly driven by whatever impulse came over me that day rather than an attempt to focus on something and get better at it. Plus that a lot of it involved philosophy, psychology, literature, history and the like rather than something that could be monetized. And I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a fair amount of mindless entertainment as well.

>how about friends?
Stopped talking to them entirely a few years ago.
No they aren't, millenials are
Everyone post their screen time- mine is 10 hours weekly, t. NEET
>I'll spend time viewing /g/ while taking a shit.
Same. Thankfully the board is slow enough that I can just reply to threads a few times a day and they will stay up. It does extend my pissing and shitting breaks significantly, but I'm in no rush.
dont they still use floppys and physical media is alive and well?
I doubt that's enforceable. Parents will give the little shits access to phones to get them off their back.
Dumb broccolihead
Phone companies abide by it. There's CCTVs everywhere. Tik tok aka Doyjin in China abides by it. Social media in China abides by it. The Tik tok in China and Tik Tok in the US are absolutely different forms of reality. One is about hatred/anger/mindless consoom shit, other is about education/fun/enjoying the life/etc. They have to follow the mandate.
i think they would realize that when the parent's phone reports 5 hours on youtube kids
>But it's was mostly driven by whatever impulse came over me that day rather than an attempt to focus on something and get better at it
that sounds like me, you're on a trajectory to waste your whole life
i don't ever get good at anything or even finish anything because my attention span rarely lasts more than a few days, the next year rolls around and I'm still more or less the same person I was a year ago and I hate it.
that's how (((they))) want you to be
The good ones or the bad ones?
when are there ever good ones
There are Jews who oppose Israel and support Putin
controlled opposition
Why so high in America? America has so much cool stuff outside all types of weather and landscapes mountains and deserts gorges parks and stuff to do
Russia all you have is snow
I can only assume this isn't counting japan's work hours
Because it makes FAGMAN money.
In America all you have is trannies and troon clinics while in schools the teachers just give the kids the phones to learn, one to learn the free market liberalism and the other to learn the dick cutting troonism, they together make the american zoomer's brain. In Russia you have beautiful straight women, there are straight people in Russia. Feels weird huh. But that's not all, snow is good too, snow is beutiful and we have good food and drinks too. Russia famous for good food and drink for since 100 years
Note that the graph says "scrolling" not "electronics use". I'm guessing it only counts people mindlessly scrolling through Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram or whatever, rather than, say, watching a movie or reading manga on a device.
If you've ever seen South Americans using their phones this graph makes complete sense, they scroll the most inane bullshit known to man, they aren't consuming actual media they just need a dopamine rush from a five second clip of someone twerking.
it literally says people aged 16-64 right there in the image
>he still believed the "Russia is a trad paradise" propaganda
same case in asia too, Im guessing africa is the same as well
In East Asia, if you're under ~22 or so, you're still considered a child.

In terms of biology, East Asians take the longest to reach puberty and their brain takes the longest to grow properly.
and 16-22 is 1/3-1/4 of the population?
Russia was isolated from the west for 70 years, of course is trad. Then a disaster for 10 years and slow improvement, but now a large leap forward again in improvement
Thats the population that uses the most of the smartphones being glued to their face.
In East Asia when you are 12 you already work 8 hours at a factory and by 16 you work 12 hours lol. Maybe not in China because it has the strongest labor laws by far
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Not just east asia there are 23 year old children everywhere
why do these whores lie so boldly?
Yeah absolutely the same in Africa, South Africa is the biggest indicator of it, it has the most cashed up lower classes on the continent, also massive obesity issues as a result.
Inane scrolling is massively popular among poors who lack the ability to make healthy lifestyle choices so it's no surprise it's more common among countries with a lot of those people.
It's really not, just because they have a few flashy laws trying to punish troons it doesn't change the underlying reality of their society. They have massive issues with poverty and lower class scum, alcoholism, high HIV/ abortion rates and so on.
I can guess your ethnic makeup
Go on?
These are all traditional however
its crazy how the third world is the most addicted, I would've thought it would be North America since we have more white collar professions and money to afford stuff
Nah, it's predictable. Look at the Abos in Australia, the ones they can convince to live in houses and society like regular people, they are all addicted to alcohol and soda and diabetic in way higher numbers than the general population. They got hooked on all the bad shit way worse than anyone else.
The thing is smartphones are not that expensive anymore, credit plans are more accessible for everyone as well, and they're basically considered an essential asset now.
Not to mention developed countries were eased into them more, they started out with low functionality ones that struggled to surf the web, development was tailored towards the rich urbanites who could afford them, only gradually did we get to the pocket computers we have now.
Thirdies got flooded with these highly sophisticated machines and apps tailored towards feeding them extremely high quality clips without much latency. Not to mention phones now come pre-installed with a lot of that garbage and instantly direct you towards it.
I just remembered that story of the tribe that got starlink and yeah i see what you mean, as >>101249889 pointed out they got all of this shit at once instead of over time
vgh the dilapidated medieval yeoman lifestyle, alive and well in modern Rvssia
This explains a lot why ESL thirdies and zoomers are so alike
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US, and by extension the west, is speed running the idiocracy on all levels.

Man = woman
War = good
Senile presidency
1+1 = racist
Castration ideology
Meritocracy = racist patriarchy
US is simply approaching the final stage of western values
Yeah zoomers have got it pretty bad too, the way they've been propelled into this atmosphere.
I recently bought a tablet after not having one in a decade and the amount of jank on it is insane, you swipe all the way to the left and have something called an "Entertainment Space" that immediately loads a bunch of YouTube recs, Netflix, Tiktok etc.
I immediately disabled it because I don't use any of that stuff, I just want it to read manga, browse news sites and maybe watch videos. That's because my mindset of what to use a tablet is probably a decade out of date and I'm thinking of the first ones where the peak of its power and ability was just being able to run Fruit Ninja. But if you buy a cheap iPad for a toddler this kind of shit is immediately what they're immersed in, very kind of cheap low quality content.
It's similar to how old people get hooked on slots machines because of all the bright and colourful colours.
>western values
Douyin is not educational at all, it's the same retarded slop as Tiktok but more patriotric. Just go check their website.
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Those slot machines evolved too
There's just a sliver of society left out there not being hooked because they still assume all the technology they used is as limited as it was 10 years ago, or even purposefully use it in those limited ways to escape the modern madness.
Real life is even worse.
If I weren't here all the time I'd be drinking myself under the table. I don't mind that so much but everyone else acts like it's the end of the world so I do this instead.
Because capitalism
>But why
Tldr it's profitable for you to be an addict
>Fruit Ninja.
I wish thats what mobile games still were and not gacha casino slop
Based anti-human marxists.
Why are latrinos so addicted to their phones
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Because the internet isn't an addiction, it's the world. A large portion of human society has moved to the Internet and there are entire subcultures that primarily communicate online. Addiction is an arbitrary term used to describe harmful/nonbeneficial urges. You are just seeing profound change, and that makes some people uncomfortable.
>shithole countries have the higheat avg screentime
i guess thats not surprising
The mean age in japan/denmark/germany is not the same as the mean age in brazil or south africa
>gacha casino slop
In reality I think the most popular games are even worse than that. Look up "Royal Match", it's just a shitty candycrush ripoff and it's massive.
Honestly it makes me pine for games as basic as Angry Birds and Cut the Rope, they were at least decent puzzle games instead of BAM BAM WAHOO FLASHING LIGHTS
>mindlessly scrolling reels for two hours is communication
Meant for >>101250084
Man I'm glad I at least don't do that.
>that primarily communicate online.
there's a lot you lose out on communicating without face to face
Do you mean there is even more stuff to buy? I haven't played any phone games in 8 years or so
Why is argentina light blue??
At 53.80% they should be #2f6acd
I think even the people trying to use anachronistic tech are often deluding themselves, I've seen a lot of articles where people try to use a Nokia brickphone for a week then complain about its obvious limitations and how much not being able to rely on stuff like Google Maps hinders you, when people should take a sensible middle ground and just use smaller smartphones that give you that functionality without having a massive screens that facilitate easy TikTok or Youtube scrolling.
Admittedly a part of the problem is small smartphones are virtually extinct, but I think a part of the blame for them not being made is on these idiots that won't consider the merit of a small screen smartphone.
>Google Maps hinders you
You can go to barns and noble and buy a road atlas + a map of your city and instantly solve this.

Everyone always bitches about maps with feature phones but that's such a non-issue. Did everyone just become extremely retarded?
Yeah sure that's definitely the same thing lmao
Of course you can get by doing that, but I only used it as an example, there are a wide range of things that a smartphone is good for, you just don't need a massive screen for it.
>Did everyone just become extremely retarded?
yes- see r/teachers
Literally the one thing smartphones do is online check caching. Everything else can be done with a laptop if you need a portable computer.
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There are very obvious efficiencies related to using a smartphone vs a laptop.
To go back to your atlas example, yeah I could buy one for my city but they're big, bulky and expensive, so not good for public transport, and my phone gives me live transport updates, so even if I carried around a binder with all the bus timetables it still won't be as useful.
It's also so much handier for travelling, yeah again I could spend money on big bulky atlases and transport timetables when heading to another city but it still won't be as good or convenient.
I also read the news a lot on my phone, often on the train or when waiting somewhere, I often switch between about four papers so the non-phone alternative would be to buy four newspapers (which aren't cheap in my cunt) and carry that shit around with me each day, although even that doesn't wouldn't fully cover me as one of these sites doesn't have physical media and again it's not updated in real time if there's breaking news.
I don't even really need to type this out, it's pretty obvious. Lugging around a laptop for this is not at all practical.
Also, I drive a motorbike so an atlas isn't going to cut it for me kek
>yeah I could buy one for my city but they're big, bulky
Mine fits nicely in my car door and laptop bag
> and expensive,
Mine was a few dollars, certainly cheaper than a phone
> so not good for public transport,
Where I used to live this was written on the wall in the station and the bus terminals had free maps for each bus route. It was easier to go that way than use the website.
>and my phone gives me live transport updates,
They had screens on the wall for this. idk maybe they don't do that in poorer cities but IME the transit in those places is so bad you're better off walking anyway.

>It's also so much handier for travelling,
I've driven to foreign countries with just my North America road Atlas and a laptop.
I've done this multiple times in the past couple years.

>I also read the news a lot on my phone,
Most of that is crap. It's harder to see when you're reading it often but it's worse than nothing.
>often on the train or when waiting somewhere,
I carry a journal and either journal or write patches for programs I'm writing and scan them in later.
>I often switch between about four papers so the non-phone alternative would be to buy four newspapers (which aren't cheap in my cunt) and carry that shit around with me each day, although even that doesn't wouldn't fully cover me as one of these sites doesn't have physical media and again it's not updated in real time if there's breaking news.
idk in my country there are almost no papers worth reading. I just check "the daily stormer" and futures/stock quotes once a week and consider that good enough.
>I don't even really need to type this out, it's pretty obvious. Lugging around a laptop for this is not at all practical.
Yeah that's why I usually leave the laptop at home too but if I actually needed a computer for something it's pretty small. I have one of those GDP things that just about fits in my coat pocket anyway.
I hope you don't have a smartphone out while you're motor biking. That's extremely unsafe.
You'd be much better off just pulling a map out of your saddle bag the first time you fill up and going over with it with a highlighter. Then you have the whole route in your head with no distractions.
>Where I used to live this was written on the wall in the station and the bus terminals had free maps for each bus route. It was easier to go that way than use the website.
>They had screens on the wall for this. idk maybe they don't do that in poorer cities but IME the transit in those places is so bad you're better off walking anyway.
I'm talking about bus stops which at best will have a bit of paper with the timetables taped up but like I said it doesn't provide live updates, pretty common where I live for buses to be running a bit late or even early and a phone provides you with that info
>I've driven to foreign countries with just my North America road Atlas and a laptop.
Did you exclusively drive? Because a phone is extremely handy for flying to another city and figuring out how their public transport system works.
>It's harder to see when you're reading it
Words are words anon, it's not really a big deal.
Even before smartphones newspaper writing was engineered to be bite sized anyway, you have the most important single sentences at the beginning before going into a little bit more detail, but still with very concise writing.
>idk in my country there are almost no papers worth reading. I just check "the daily stormer"
>I have one of those GDP things that just about fits in my coat pocket anyway.
What's that?
You just have to not be a retard and it's perfectly safe.
It's handy when going to meet someone at a place you haven't been to before. Of course I check the route beforehand but if I make a wrong turn it'll then show me where to go. I live in a built up area so the routes I'm taking aren't straightforward.
I guess the main point I want to make is smartphones have extremely useful functionality, of course you can absolutely get by without them doing the stuff you do, but they are great for a lot of essential tasks, with functionality you can't get with physical, static media.
Phones tell you where you are on the map in relation to where you are going.
>japan least
why are they always so damn based?
tbf this guy makes a good point >>101250165 the population is older on average so overall it's going to be lower use
i wish they had a version that only counts phones. most of my screen time is my computer screen as im currently attending online uni. if you take that away my screen time is essentially zero. i barely use my phone and since this semseter began i havent been watching anything besides the occasional youtube video and i havent play vidya in weeks.
by recording your screen
>Did you exclusively drive? Because a phone is extremely handy for flying to another city and figuring out how their public transport system works.
You look this stuff up the day before you leave instead of wandering around the world disoriented following the instructions from a computer. That's super creepy.
Infact I did fly for half the trip every time except the first. I had forgotten about that because it was kind of a non-event and I thought driving was more interesting because there aren't massive arrows twice the size of my head everywhere telling me where to go.
You print off your ticket info from your email the night before, walk up to the kiosk, print the boarding pass (which doesn't crash run out of battery btw) and you're good to go
>What's that?
For some reason the Asians are the only ones making "netbooks" these days. That's all it is.
>You just have to not be a retard and it's perfectly safe.
heh. It's the same thing with navigating the old way. It requires a minimal amount of effort and competence.
>Phones tell you where you are on the map in relation to where you are going.
I can look out the window and then look at the map and know this without having to run non-free software and suffer constant pop ups and other crap being shoved in front of me.
even worse than 996
I read 3 hours a day on my kobo ereader, does that count as 'screen time'?
Obviously, why wouldn’t it
Its an eink screen and doesn't connect to the internet, I use it with sideloaded epubs.
In general when people say screen time they are referring to computers and phones. If I use an MP3 player to listen to music is that screen time? What about my car, it has a screen in it?
This is so fake
To add, why do you think the OP titled this thread
>Why does nobody take internet addiction seriously?
Google sells the data to them.
That’s a fair point, you aren’t really rotting your brain with e readers either
You just keep ignoring all the points I'm making about tech that is completely impossible to replicate with physical media
Of course you can go without, you're just missing out on a lot of handy functionality.
>without having to run non-free software and suffer constant pop ups and other crap being shoved in front of me.
Because you aren't having to pay for all the other stuff phones mimic instead, and aren't being exposed to ads 24/7 otherwise?
What a retarded hypothesis.
Well, chinas law was for people up to 17 years old, and it never went into effect. And honestly, a law like that would be a good thing anywhere in the world.

it is the notifier culture, people are supposed to be available at working hours, so they watch screen all day while not moving or assembling stuff
To be fair, that sounds just like America after the crisis of 1929. Antilgbt laws and everything.

Good old days, uh?
literally their horrendous working hours. even for kids, school is like sixty hours a week.
Where do you think you are?
It's not an addiction when everyone does it. Just like coffee.
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South Africa, at the top of the list, has higher working hours than South Korea.
Why doe
Probably a fake stat. I see Chinese kids with their phones on lanyards and they're constantly gaming pretty much every minute of every day, so there's no way the real stat is that low.
And lower jobs involving screens. This is why critical thinking is necessary to understand statistics.
Idk man alcohol addiction before prohibition was most certainly an addiction.
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Oh man thanks for this list
>amerimutts constantly talking about their work
>yeah in 'murrica we WORK so much ALL THE TIME. Here in Europe you take time to live and all
>Turns out they are barely above Spain
Still too much
It can also be about how those hours are distributed. I work about 48 hours per week for a while and then get a few days off eventually, and then just repeat the cycle.
>amerimutts constantly talking about their work
this doesnt happen
They built a Gundam, how can that be?
My screen time usually varies between 5 to 10 hours a day.
It is well known that japans functional technological infrastructure is a good 10-20 years outdated.
NYC's subway still runs on OS/2 and a lot of other infrastructure in the US is running Windows 98 and Windows XP.
Sorry, I meant infrastructure as in private sector infracstructure.
Does ms still provide updates for them? Do they pay for ms to offer them?
Not sure. I have however seen that the government is going to be paying a few hundred million over the next 5 years just for Microsoft to continue supporting Windows 10 for just a little while longer.
>paying a company to support a product for five more years that they were already going to support for 8 more years
Because the government don't want its citizen to get better.
Just look at the most widespread addiction : water.
100% of the population is terminally addicted to water. The average joe will weakens, and die in about three days, if you deprive him of water.
What was the government response to that addiction?
They simply ensured that drinking water was widely available.
That's it. You read it right. The fucking government is actively perpetuating our addiction.

They do the same shit for Internet btw.
Here in France, the government is the one supervising the deployment of optic fiber to each and every taxpayer's home in the country.
If your house is too far away from civilisation to get the fiber. They'll make sure you get the service through 5G or satellite.
There's no winning the war on addiction, so long the government will fight on the side of addiction.

Absolutely disgusting.
Online communication also has it's advantages. You can reach people with niche interests.
>china being honest with their statistics
>covid numbers, economy, etc.
Ror, ramo even.
never (You) me again your mass replying faggot
do (You) me again you mass replying heterosexual
Can't you use anything expect buzzwords and attention deficient tactics.
go back
"""""work""""" in medland mostly consists of slacking off and trying to look busy. Hence why Germany works """less""" than Spain yet gets so much more stuff done. Hans isn't taking 30 minute smoke breaks every hour.
I work with screens, 7.5hrs min in front of a screen daily.
What counts as screen time? If the computer counts I'm way above 10 hours a week.
Does your computer have a screen?

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