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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (e.g. 4K editing, high FPS gaming)
State budget and COUNTRY or you will not be helped

Ryzen 9000 / Zen 5 July launch
Intel Arc Xe2 officially not cancelled

Fully seat a 12VHPWR connector in its socket, otherwise the connection can melt.

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: i3 13100
Gaming: R5 7600; budget: R5 5600
eXtreme gaming: R7 7800X3D; alternate: i5 14600K
Multicore: R9 7950X; budget: i5 13600K
>Avoid iGPU-less CPUs
>Existing AM4 board with an old chip? Consider a Zen 3 CPU

1080p: RTX 4060; budget: RX 6600; ultra budget: used RTX 2060
1440p: RTX 4070 Super; budget: RX 7700 XT
2160p: RTX 4080 Super (at MSRP); budget: RTX 4070 Ti Super
Amateur production: RTX 3060 12GB, RTX 4060 Ti 16GB, used RTX 3090, RTX 4090

DDR4: Zen3/AM4 - 2x 16GB 3600 MT/s CL18; for locked "non-K" 12th/13th/LGA1700 - 2x 16GB 3200 MT/s CL16
DDR5: Zen4/AM5 - 2x 16GB 6000 MT/s CL30; for unlocked "K" 13th/14th/LGA1700 - 2x 16GB 6400MT/s CL32

Standout: Peerless Assassin 120 (or variant)

Not worth buying a new PSU unless it's ATX 3.0 compliant
Aim for 50-75% PSU utilization at full system load
https://hwbusters.com/best_picks/best-atx-v3-0-pcie-5-0-ready-psus-picks-2023-hardware-busters/ (updated for 2024)

Standout: SN770 2TB
Avoid: outdated Samsung 970 Evo Plus, cheapest NVMe SSDs

Good power delivery is required for Intel CPUs like the i5 13600K and above
Don't pair a K CPU with a B mobo chipset

Standouts: Dell G2724D, AOC Q27G3XMN, MSI MPG 321URX

Previous: >>101235794
Are intel gpu worth it
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i should put this to expo-6000, right?
Suppose I have a 12700k and ASUS's default multicore enhancement bullshit was enabled in the BIOS unbeknownst to me. Then suppose I opened a retardedly unoptimized chink UE5 game that caused my CPU to draw 340w for roughly 1-2 seconds.

My system did not crash and the max CPU temperature was only 77c oddly enough (NH-D15 cooler). My question is this: did I potentially damage something in the CPU or am I all good?
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Not for most people. If you enjoy tinkering, being a beta tester, finding workarounds, getting hyped over improvements, etc., sure. Personally I would WaitTM until the end of the year for Xe2 if you want an Intel card. Not going be as cheap as the current offerings though


You're fine. Degradation happens over time.
shouldnt i put the dram perfomance mode to competitive as well
also isnt 1.35v a bit high
i dont know anything about this stuff
IDK your motherboard specs, just do it. If it doesn't work anymore then reset CMOS.
Not unless you're having stability problems with the AMD's default voltages. The high voltages AMD was allowing motherboard manufacturers to use previous was frying chips. If you're having stability problems, I would just manually bump SoC voltage slightly before using the competitive preset if you don't know what it does

Not for the voltage going directly to the memory. The voltage going to the memory doesn't need to be tweaked; it's factory guaranteed to work in the OC at whatever voltage (like 1.35 V). Applying voltage to the CPU (basically to stably raise the infinity fabric speed to match the RAM's bandwidth and timings) is what you'll need to do if the system isn't stable at the AMD default voltages. Basically instability would mean that you lost the silicon lottery on the CPU, so you have to juice it a little bit.
Great to know after i've already done it.
God damn it.
Anyways I'm trying to install windows and nothing is happening, i pressed f10 in bios and nothing
I dont get it. It's like my pc cant detect my screen anymore
Reset CMOS as anon suggested by using the button your motherboard (if it has one) or removing the battery if you can no longer get into BIOS
How much should I pay for a 4070 TiS? Prices are all over the place but the one I want is $830.
MSRP is $800 so something around that. In the USA, the ASUS TUF Gaming can be had for MSRP, so that's what I'd get. The Gigabyte Gaming has has a silent BIOS switch, so it's also an option at the same price.
I don't believe that the 12700k can ever draw that much power at stock settings. It's probably a miscalculation. The worst I've ever seen my 12900k draw is about 280W in prime95
Is the RTX 5000 series worth waiting for?
only if your getting the 5090
If you're considering the 4080 Super or the 4090, I would say yes. The 5080 and likely 5090 will be out by the end of this year. Otherwise no, as the lower tier cards don't even have a rumored release window yet, and I don't think it's worth waiting a year for cards that likely won't even be that much of an improvement
i was playing elden ring on max settings earlier and my display turned off(lost game audio too) but the computer was still running,
i restarted, turned down ray tracing and didnt have the same problem again but experienced some frame drops.
could it be a power issue?
i9-13900k/4070ti/bequiet 13 PSU
temperatures were good when i checked
bros i will build new pc to replace 10 year old workhorse later this month :) super excited, cause im poor and rarely make any big investments
im tinkering enthusiast cant wait to get to push all the buttons and experience to new tech
Unless you're considering the 5080 or 5090 that will likely release at 1400/2000$ MSRP, I would say probably not.
If your PC still holds up I would wait for a few months, but if you need it now I think the 4070/Ti Super and 4080 Super are valid purchases.
>frame drops.
The game engine stutters like crazy. Not a problem with your hardware. Reseat the graphics card in the PCIe slot, the 12VHPWR cable, and both ends of the DisplayPort cable
>Reseat the graphics card in the PCIe slot, the 12VHPWR cable, and both ends of the DisplayPort cable
did this earlier was able to get the 12vhpwr in more firmly, hopefully its just that
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So my computer case did not come with mobo mounting screws. I have the fan screws, the standoff, washers, cable ties, but no motherboard screws or a bag for them. I also have seen 8 different suggestions for what screws to buy to replace them.
What fucking screws do I need to buy to get them, or should I get in touch with Corsair to get them faster?
Case is a Corsair 4000D Airflow
I'm replacing my 1080/6600K later this year so I'm sharing your excitement.
>comparison of 3 completely different images, not even angled/cropped correctly
Very cool!
>display turned off(lost game audio too) but the computer was still running
Either your GPU driver crashed and couldn't restart, or the game crashed your PC, doubt it's a hardware issue.
Also RT is a complete waste in ER, turn it off completely. It only affects sun shadows and AO. No effect on lighting, reflections or local shadows while having a big performance impact. As other anon said the engine IS shit and stutters a lot, but the stutters aren't going to be visible on an FPS counter, you would need to be looking at a frame time graph.
>192 bit
>128 bit
>plays with ray tracing on
>instead of downloading EldenRingFPSunlock
> 4070/Ti Super
4070 has too little VRAM, only the Ti Super version is worth it
How is he wrong in saying that the 4070 has too little VRAM? Games can easily hit 12GB even now, let alone a few years later. It's not a good thing if you don't want to be forced to upgrade every other gen, stop trying to spin it otherwise.
8gb is all you need. This vram fearmongering is getting out of hand.
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>"Consoles? No way! You need yourself a gaming PC. Think of how fun it'll be!"
>My room temperature after gaming session.
I'm enjoying my $3,000 sauna /g/
Worth going from an RX 6800 to an RTX 4070 super? I mainly want to get away from Radeon's bullshit
What's a good mobo for a 7800X3D&4070 super build?
I recommend sticking to Asrock's ATX b650 lineup
Gigabyte is technically fine but I hear lots of complains about coil whine on those boards. Asus are meh while MSI is downright horrible as they take forever to train ram on bootup
For me, it's Arrow Lake
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For me, its Meteor Lake

>not upgraded til my $300 14900k burns my house down
After several iterations I think it's done... An office/gaming midrange 1440p build.


Any last minute thoughts or criticisms before I pull the trigger?
7600 comes with a cooler and doesn't need an aftermarket one
the gaming x is way overpriced at $180
Would it be worthwhile to upgrade from a ryzen 5600 to a 5700x3d?

Main application is gaming and minor 3d modeling in autodesk fusion and blender.
Gpu is a 7800xt
32gb of ram (slow, didn't pay extra for more mhz)

Thinking it may help with X4 foundations and kingdom come 2 when it comes out later this year.
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>Games can easily hit 12GB even now
No they don't. And before you post something retarded, learn the difference between allocates and requires. Plenty of games will use whatever VRAM is available without actually needing it

>I mainly want to get away from Radeon's bullshit
Understandable. Really this is something you have to decide

Pretty standard, although I'd rather have the Aorus Elite AX

>upgrade from a ryzen 5600 to a 5700x3d?
Generally I would say no, not enough improvement unless some particular game really loves the 3D cache
I think it would be INTERESTING if there were a computer case with compartment for a built-in UPS. full-size ATX cases have a lot of empty space since people aren't using DVD drives and harddrives anymore. So why not put a big fat battery in there? I think it would have the added benefit of better cable management. You have one power cable for your tower, then you plug your monitor, speakers, and such into outlets on the back of your PC. Then you just zip-tie all of these cables plugged into the back of your PC and everything is tidy.
trying to understand gpus
why do 2000 series nvidia graphics cards cost as much as 3000?
i mean for example, i saw a 2070 with 8gb vram, but them then there's a 3060 "ti" which has better everything and has extra 4 more gbs yet they cost around the same
Retailers often put prices up as supply dwindles. I suppose it's to maximize revenue from people who need a *specific* part. If you don't then, yeah, just buy the newer card with better performance.
Is the MSI B650 gaming plus a good board? I'll put a 7800x3d in it
nope see >>101252652
What ASRock board should I get then? I know the b650 HDV is a popular choice, but I'm looking for an ATX board
i have 5 3600x planning to upgrade but idk which one, should i bother to just move from am4 to am5? price wise 7800x3d and 5800x3d pretty much the same for me but i have to buy whole ass fucking mobo for 7800x3d, pretty much just for casual gaming, i think the heaviest game i played this year just dragon dogma2
the pro rs and livemixer are good entry level boards. just find one that has the i/o features you need like the number of usb ports and sata ports
get the 5700x3d
ah yeah, that flew under the radar for me, might be worth it since a bit cheaper and i can plug in the money to buy 4070 to upgrade my gpu (2060s)
if you're not actively gaming anything modern just wait for 50xx at this point
when is my razer blade 2019 (rtx 2060) finally going to be outdated so I can build a new PC?
I want a shiny new desktop but I can't justify it at all.
yeah its not like im buying right now, i just want have something at least planned, gotta think about the price too since i assume IF 50xx come out soon, i can get the previous gen a bit cheaper
If you like AAAslop then it's outdated now. If not then you can probably keep it for another gen.
well things you can build soon and not have it be outdated immediately is am5 mobo, 32gb ddr5 + 9800x3d when it launches
then add 5080 to it and you can play rt games at 1440p at least this console gen
Is it even worth waiting for Nvidia GPUs at this point?
The reason you wait is because youll be able to get better hardware at the same price, but Nvidia just charges more for the same tier of graphics card with each generation
well sure, buying 3080 3 years ago would be the best option
at least people buying the top tier can get 5090 which brings in significant perf increase over 4090, then the lower tiers have to settle for shit
They'll probably do the same thing again where the new tier is just a couple % behind the old one for $100 less but gimped in some way.
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yeah maybe
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I've just emerged from the classic wow cave after 5 years. I haven't really played modern AAA slop outside of Dark Souls and Doom. Not even sure what's out there to be honest. I get decent enough performance on Doom eternal, like 60 fps most of the time on mostly high settings. Not ideal but it's ok. Looking at my steam wishlist, most of the stuff I have is indie games and lower performance titles.

My main concern with building a PC is future proofing. The last PC I built had an i5-6600K and an r9 390x, and I used that at least part time until like 2 years ago. Only reason I stopped is because displayport 1.2 couldn't drive my new monitor.
I just don't want to drop $3000 on a new rig only for it to be outdated ewaste in 2 years

All that to say that I'm probably just going to upgrade my ram again and wait another few years. I tried upgrading to 32gb before but I got a bad pair and had to return em.
Future proofing is a fool's game. Build the best rig you can with your budget and consider it a bonus if you get a good lifespan out of it. FWIW, a $3k budget is near enough TotL so it should last you a long time. Especially with a card upgrade halfway through.
There's no way it would get any worse from rtx40
Rtx30 was the outlier generation that had very wide busses for cards like the 3060ti and 3080, and afterwards rtx40 corrected that
Got a 7900 for cheap recently, pretty great so far huge upgrade from a 1060. I have a concent though, I play on a Smart TV so it's UHD by default but when I used my 1060 I could scale it down to 1080p. AMD won't allow this, it shows 1080p on display settings but it's obviously in 2k wtf
the gpu should be able to fsr to 4k
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Better up buy all those cheap optane drives before they're gone for good anons
Lexar nm790 2tb is 4 bucks cheaper than western digital sn770.Should I get the lexar one?
3060 12 gb or 4060
Shit didn't mean to send that pic

Sister wants a pc to play WoW Dragonflight at 1080p 60fps, 800€ (France) budget including a monitor.
She sent me this, what do you think : https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/Wfj4z6
3060 if you really have to buy now and can't afford a 4070S
Ask her to send her tits next
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If something is 10% better it should cost 10% more obviously.
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I have this old wd drive..is it safe to use as a backup drive? I mean as 3rd copy.
4060 since its way faster
Go with 4070S if you insist on having 12gb of vram
i don't understand what would be unsafe about that. it's not like it will suddenly explode or something. i myself use old-ass hdds as additional backups since they are collecting dust anyways so might as well use them for something.
>win11 125€
so the cheapest build is buying used pc

new build :
5600/x ~125€
16gb 3200 corsair ddr4 40€
Crucial P3 2TB 130€
4060 300€
Lian Li LANCOOL 215 90€
some corsair 650w psu 100€
AOC 24G4 monitor 150€
so i want to upgrade this old dell shitbox with a cheap SSD and i just went on amazon and what the fuck? $50 SSDs are now $100?
I know that if you're building from scratch you should probably get a modern platform. However, any reason you shouldn't just get a cheap AM4 motherboard with Thunderbolt 4, plenty of PCIe slots, slap a 5950x on it (less than 300€ here, crazy) and call it a day? What would AM5 realistically give you outside of higher prices and PCIe5 (which doesn't do anything) ?
>cheap AM4 motherboard with Thunderbolt 4
They don't exist.
as with all new cpu gens, newer cpus have faster cores that matter more than how many cores you have in 95% of use cases
30% better performance and possibility for future upgrades
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11 days after installing my new 4090 and the level tool bubble suggests that the GPU is experiencing a little bit of sagging, not like a grandmas tits but like a perky teenage girl going to saggy unsymmetrical udders, I fear it can get really ugly too.
its not much sagging but I remember it was fully center when I installed it, the anti sag bracket is sitting tight and its screwed to the Big Tower like the Gigabyte manual said so how the fuck can this sagging be?
how much is the tolerance on huge GPUs like the 4090 anyway?
like the bracket that was delivered with the GPU MUST prevent the sagging beyond the critical failure point right?
I plan to install an additional anti sag pillar but need to order one first.
are there any really slim ones? recommendations?
ASUS ProArt B550-Creator

Yeah, very good points. I forgot DDR5 too, which has dropped to quite reasonable prices now. Didn't mean to be biased in my post there.
it doesn't have to be perfectly level
the sag bracket is still useful in preventing the gpu from sagging to the point of critical failure (e.g. from shocks delivered by moving the case with gpu installed)
nh-d15 g2 just dropped, now at 168mm tall
no temp tests yet
neat, gonna get one for my next build.

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