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The Indonesian Government has been hit by a ransomware cyberattack and they have realised they don't have any backups.

The Facility that got hit was the nation's " Temporary National Data Center"

The Facility was being used to store data permanently.

A backup capacity was available to government agencies at the datacenters - but using it was optional. Most agencies did not use it. In the future it will become mandatory.

The country's Vice President was quoted telling reporters "I didn't think hacking was so devastating"
haha jeff butts
Based indogs hope they overreact and cut off their internet forever
Sucks to suck, unlucky.
That's what you get for anti-Semitism. Praise God
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That's what happens when you give jobs to a bunch of idiots just because they're social and smiling, leaving the technical and people with good skills unemployed because these individuals "didn't have chemistry/compatibility with the team" or "person doesn't wear appropriate attire".
unironically how does this happen?
you are a nation. millions of people.
People could get hurt
It would be funny if someone randomwared every financial institution and wiped everyone's debt haha.
They have paper copies of your debts for this reason
Good. Maybe that's the only way they'll learn a lesson.
Remember, nothing is history comes for free. Humanity sometimes needs to be hit to evolve.
The only non-whites to be considered people are attractive brown women. I will fix their IT problems if they show me their tits
The data is worthless to begin with.
most people laugh when you talk about corruption in the US. You dont know how good you have it.
This is a thirdie country the jobs were most definitely just given to family members and other related nepotism
Maybe their government should do something about that.
Or rather, should have done.
governments tend to pay several times less than the private sector and, accordingly, end up slurping up the caste of unmotivated mouth-breathers, who just want to watch the game and have no drive to constantly modernize and optimize their work process to improve their whatever metrics for the next PI or financial year.

in a private tech company some tryhard will at least try to bring up necessity for backups, security audits etc. for the performance-review good-boy points.
How do I get a goverment job?
Keep posting on 4channel for free
more concisely - governments slurp up the people who are too retarded to compete in the private sector.
I can fix them
If you get hit with ransomware and you have no backups, is that really something you should publicly announce? You're probably gonna have to pay, so unless your negotiating strategy is hoping the attacker takes pity on you, you probably shouldn't let the them know just how fucked you are.
It's Indonesia the government job definitely pays better than whatever private sector they have out there that is getting raped by the government the second they make too much money. And even then you have to bribe your way into a government job.
>imagine using windows
They asked for this.

Also, some ransomwares disable backup services, and since windows suck at security, you only realize it when you need them.
Reminder that windows spammers here also come from the same country as picrel btw
Indonesia has an average IQ of 78.
Meritocracy is a Western European idea that is almost exclusively practiced by Western European people.
That's just an IQ of west Indonesian people
>The Facility that got hit was the nation's " Temporary National Data Center"
>The Facility was being used to store data permanently.
Cloudfags btfo.
as an indo, it has no impact on me whatsoever
i hope this is just a bunch of skiddies doing drama to gain popularity in this shithole
and also i am more worried about the data breach in tokopedia, which was actually done by a actual hacker
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>Indonesia just realized it has no backups
>depend on the govt
many such cases
kys faggots
Based, backups are for the weak.
humiliation ritual
>The country's Vice President was quoted telling reporters "I didn't think hacking was so devastating"
kek, kys indogs.
Stupid country
what they are going to do, burn old storage in oil barrels, buy new and give indonesian a chance to alter their data even to fantasy level
Indon negeri budu, ahahahahaha.
IT indon idiot semua, rakyat sdm rendah, komplit sudah.
>Antisemitic country
>The Indonesian Government has been hit by a ransomware cyberattack
>and they have realised they don't have any backups
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>>Antisemitic country
Explain, faggot
Shalom, Rabbi
Contradictory statement.
>ITT all the seething trannies because CHADonesia is shitting on them
SEA-monkeys btfo'd kek
Bro really just cross-posted from another timeline where Indonesia is a global superpower
Anyone have a copy of this?
I don't think there have been people there since the Dutch left.
the only backup i care about
Good. Governments need less data
and nothing of value was lost
This is why I'm studying cyber security. You only need to score 1 successful job to get $10 million
>governments tend to pay several times less than the private sector and, accordingly, end up slurping up the caste of unmotivated mouth-breathers, who just want to watch the game and have no drive to constantly modernize and optimize their work process to improve their whatever metrics for the next PI or financial year.
>in a private tech company some tryhard will at least try to bring up necessity for backups, security audits etc. for the performance-review good-boy points.
It's not just the people, governments tend to refuse to upgrade systems until something dire happens when suddenly they need anyone else but themselves to blame for the problem they caused.
Imagine having a data center that exists just to store backups, and you don't airgap those at least one copy of those backups
Wtf is wrong with people?
>governments tend to pay several times less than the private sector
is this a SEA thing? every place i've been to has very well paying government jobs
mamala would never say anything like that
How much data could a government even use? It’s probably less than 20TB. It’s probably less than 20 gigabytes.
It’s probably an excel spreadsheet and a small database on a server that is 11 years old running out of a janitor’s closet.
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I mean they're Muslim, so their IQ is 80 at best
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funny enough, the Brain Cipher, the one who's behind the ransomware attack pitied the government so they gave the decryption key free of charge and warned them to recruit better cybersecurity specialists. How pathetic of a shitty government, never trust any government should be the universal law
so INdo refuses to pay and they got the decryption key? seems based to me
the data almost gone because cuckminfo (kominfo, the Indonesian government ministry of communications and informatics) refused to pay, but who cares as the data is not important itself (for them) so you could say that but that's only a small hacking group, imagine if another foreign state actors decided to attack like the infamous Chinese or Russian hackers, it'd be over.
Fucking lol
>outsource to save money
>pay more because it's still what it is
they never learn
>do nothing
>get back data for free
erm, based?
what data is taken from the government? i have searched everywhere and i cant find it
at least when the data breach in tokopedia or wattpad last year, they shared the data on github like this
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based thirdie coomer.
I think I'm mistaken here, The Brain Cipher is another variant of Lockbit 3.0 but I just assume it was the name given to the hackers behind the ransomware attack

Have you tried checking BreachForums or something similar?
their mistake was to hack this poor third world country. there's no data privacy here and nobody cares . if you want to be sneaky you either become smarter than the government (which isn't hard) or do things the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper
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they needed to target rich white countries with rich white people who are overly sensitive with their info. poor indo muslims don't care
mostly done by skiddies, where the validity of the data is questionable
I will validate it on haveibepwned and look for the data on github
The hacker took pity on them because they realized there was jack shit worth jacking. Most Indonesians are trad and live in rural villages where the internet is a foreign concept. They haven't fallen prey to the Jew-run digital plantation, and still do things the old-school way - manual storage, no fancy cloud crap
study cyber security
get hired in some shitty second rate country
study their lack of IT defense
ransom them
get rich
Install Gentoo
CS students from this country really try to learn everything but programming
literal shithole
this. bonus if you target rich jewish companies. you can work in cyber security well into your 60s and 70s as an "independent worker" wink wink
please leave Indonesia immediately
islams ain't people
>the old school way
>manual storage
based, most /g/tards here also do the same

I hope you can find it

Untill their data used by (((someone))) in online gambling sites
I couldn't fuck up that bad if I tried. Literally: Backing shit up is trivial, but I wouldn't know how to get all that data ingested in the first place. Incredible. I'm sort of impressed.
Based latina enjoyer
Negara tolol, negara gagal
>didn't have chemistry/compatibility with the team
>person doesn't wear appropriate attire
Both of these are excuses for "you asked for too much money". People in the third-world will work for peanuts for a 1/10 of a white guy's salary. They also have a 1/10 of the ability too.
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Satan is real
Jesus is kill
There's only 1 indonesian worth protecting
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>The Facility that got hit was the nation's " Temporary National Data Center"
Yeah, I don't backup my temp folder either, so why the mocking?
That's not Ayunda Risu
Shalom, bergstein
Indonesia is a secular country larping as pajeet though. Even the national symbol is garuda, a hindu symbol.
Free West Papua
Wonderful Indonesia, they said
This is what you get when you violently kill all Communists in your country.
Correct. You're a fan of the wrong idol.
>le shitty technicians
yeah, there is that, but sometimes your client is just pants on head retarded. You may bombard them with warning mails about imminent danger but they wont give a shit. then only recourse you have in those situations is flood yourself with cover-your-ass mails (that most likely will be ignored) in which you warn and describe about what theya re doping it wrong and what could be done. When shit hits the fan, you can get your stack of mails with a smug.
>wow what gold hearted crackers
KEK, i wont say thatsa possibility, but most likely, they realized the accidentaly a whole country goverment, so decided to pull back to not attract unnecesary attention, fuck me running, a whole y government datacenter getting hacked is by itself a beacon for laughs, let alone attention.
>removed anime from that channel that used to invest the hardest on it to be shown every Sunday
>prceeded to create ipo-chan which is vtuber shit
Anime sucks and weaboos are trash but fuck that. The hackers can have those data.
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You just know the crazy muslims are gonna use this to ban more porn.
>millions of people
Millions? Indonesia is huge dude. Its population isn't far behind the US. Not that that really helps the matter.
backups cost money
nobody wants to spend money on 0.001% operational failure chance
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govt jobs, sure, but not in the tech sector.
each whole project is always being dumped on 1 intern monkey who only knows wordpress stack without any sort of support system let alone tech mentoring.
couple that with extremely tight waterfall deadline and wage (more like commision) around usd2k a year (picrel inculdes private companies), it will never fail to end up like op picrel
t. indog
>seething commies still exist
Kek did they really?
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>not have them pressed against your back while you fix the problems
what a faggot lmao
>Lying about someone so you can murder them is okay so long as you've convinced yourself it's okay
That's how jews operate
Communists are anti-religion and religious zealots don't consider them humans.
>pressed against your back while you fix the problems
>not have them rest their massive funbags on your shoulders, snuggling your head so you can simply turn and give their firm teats a suck and a lick while you fix the problem
virgins, I swear
Based. Fuck commies. Only reddit midwits still subscribe to this idea
>Only reddit midwits still subscribe to this idea
These killings aren't recent, retard. A lot of the people they killed weren't even commies. I like how you support Islam over Communism though. Hope the mudslimes destroy your country too.
mudslime subhumans had it coming
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>simping for a fat brown pig
literal seamonkey.
>holofags spamming their off topic shit
GR15 all vtumors.
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you /vt/roons are all subhuman
what's tokopedia friend?
go away reddit tourists. This is not your place
basically amazon of indonesia.
indonesia's protectionism policy is very weird, international online shops and individual importers are heavily restricted while also allowing middleman to buy a shitload of chinkshit, slap some brand name, and mark the price up by 300%.
Sounds like a good way to make money for the Indos that own that middleman
i see
thank you!
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great way to erase some data you'd like to make go away
I don't see you behavior policing threads like >>101272801. What's with the double standard? Could it be that maybe you're just targeting South East Asians, or maybe you just came into this thread to be upset for no reason?
maybe it was on purpose?
>calls out vtumors
>posts a vtumor politically baiting that was not mentioned up until your post itt
you wanna explain to everyone why you have the pic on hand and how you think posting about a completely separate e-thot is gonna help?
Third Worldists have a long way to go before they can overcome the stupidity and inexperience of less developed nations.
>millions of people.
Very inbred people, probably. They have the misfortune of being Muslim.
I don't think you understood my post. If I called you a Communist would you be okay with being shot?
I'd unironically rather be Muslim than American or Israeli. I'd kill a lot less innocent people that way.
>innocent people
There are no innocent people in this world, anon.
This is why the "paperless office" is an incredibly dangerous idea.
so wait is indonesia the long name for india or is that a different thing entirely?
>follow 3-2-1 rule
>have to keep one of your backups in another country
Meritocracy was an obvious lie told to gullible boomers to con them into believing that race doesn't matter because only the best qualified people will rise to the top. The moment a sufficient quantity of alien invaders were imported to displace Whites, it's now fuck the White man kill the Boer. Straight up South African anti-White politics orchestrated by jews.
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the jews are a cancer on any society that tolerates them
hope this helps
>prove to be too retarded
>prove to be too retarded
>is this a SEA thing?
No it's the same all around the world.
Can they pass a law that puts ransomware authors to death?

Like seriously These people are causing harm to millions of people in order to scam people.
No, and if I understood your original post correctly, I was adding to it not countering it. They lied about Communists because they wanted to get rid of them and I was giving the reason why they wanted to do so. And I know a lot of people they killed weren't even commies. The guys in that documentary even say that they were having fun killing because they convinced themselves that they were killing Communists.
I have no clue who this is
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"communists" aka jews
>A lot of the people they killed weren't even commies.

Commies do the same. They kill people for made-up crimes.
Mass repliers should get hurt
wait if the communists are jews and the capitalists are jews who are the good guys
The Indonesians. And /g/ is celebrating their demise... really says a lot about /g.
>A lot of the people they killed weren't even commies.
and the communists didn't? lmao, you got to love when the tankie apologism is so blatant
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you can fit more text on paper by printing 2D barcodes on them rather than plain text, in addition they can better resist damage and it makes digitising them again trivial
pic related i made a while ago, it's the 230k source code of the program used to make it, compressed to 46.5k. and this is using an inkjet so it's not even very high resolution. the photo itself is clear enough to decode it
Yeah you are right
no it isn't, usually government jobs are highly contested
>a while ago
ok, let's see it in 20 years
fuck no, indians are even lower tier than already low tier indonesians
you need redundancy in case so parts of the paper is unreadable
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>fuck no, indians are even lower tier than already low tier indonesians
it uses golay codes to protect from damage
Literally cleaner than any *ndian shithole
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>Literally cleaner than any *ndian shithole
same shit
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Indogs here. Indonesia is garbage.
A family of 7 would live in a house the size of a single apartment room. The home Internet is so slow that people would rather connect their laptops to their phones. And garbage everywhere.
No designated shitting streets though.
Indonesia is huge dude, come to Jakarta and u'll not seeing people is eating bats or dogs
>come to Jakarta and u'll not seeing people is eating bats or dogs
All you will see is cars stuck on a 3 hours long traffic jam because there are too many people and the idea of public transport is beneath them.
How about you learn some English first, you fucking retarded nigger
>The home Internet is so slow
Are you living in papua or something?
Also imagine not living in gated communities
What's the use case of fast internet?
Our home Internet is so garbage that it would intermittently shit itself 5 minutes at a time every single day.
They do get behavior policed all the time, you vtroon. They're one of the most hated threads on the entire fucking site, retard.
pajeet copium will always be hilarious. keep on coping pajeet
resorting to ad hominem I see
oh fuck off
indonesia is much better than india
stop hating ur cunt
Allah will show up and save Palestine soon habibi. I, Johniz Smithammed of America state of America supports #brownisthenewblack
since nkeodashii is wordfilterd, i propose we start responding to pictures of attractive women (who fuck human men) with the phrase 'bokep'.

/g/ will become a SEA monkey colony, and we will push the SIRS to the ocean.
>it's literally that easy

remember this webm the next time some faggot tells you its impossible to expel forigners from your country.
kek hard drives are so cheap
government waggies get piss pay, but if youhave seniority you can social network/nepotism yourself into good paying positions, and if you are really smart you can get in with other groups of people who basically make their jobs funnel all the benefits to themselves.

>government teacher
>get paid dick for your entire life
>jerk yourself off and tell you its a sacrifice you must make for the good of society

>be government teacher (administrator)
>get paid double the salary for half the work
>laugh at the teachers under you complaining about cost of living
>just tell them about muh budget constraints and name drop some politicans they will never talk to be cause they are barely functioning retards who think spending 12 years to teach black kids how to read at a 3rd grade level is a good use of their time and society's money
If everybody made proper backups then ransomware wouldn't be a thing.
better than relying on corporations
but it's always fun to literally take third world examples to poke fun at le evil government
state or corporate the point is you as an individual is likely to get fucked no matter what. but the state is at least, in appearance, forced to serve its citizens and the obvious lesser evil
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Mossad or cia (eastern mossad) behind this?
I'm guessing some government bureaucrat 10 years ago decided backups are a waste of money and not needed
>better than relying on corporations
Uh no. If you don't want what a corporation is selling you just move on and that is the end of it. Refuse the government and it will happily ventilate you and your dog at 3am in the morning with a no knock raid.
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not some
several different agencies that were all using the same datacenter
making backups would have costed money and would be shot down by the "government officials" so there's no winning
the average IQ in Indonesia is 80
as the average IQ in the U.S. drops due to uncontrolled 3rd world immigration and low fertility among the non-retarded population, incidents like this will become common here
the Amalek
cool project dude
Extreme nepotism for those in high positions paired with inexperience and lack of knowledge.
This is wrong, at least in my experience.
Well the part about expenditure is right at least. But government departments have a lot of talented people who want to innovate, but they ideas are always pushed back because the extreme amount of red tape it takes to implement them, and fears over "security" of new products/systems (never mind that the older a system is the more potential vulnerabilities it accrues).
I'll give a good example. Many contractors in the defence sector wish to bring more automation methods into the development of products and systems to be used by defence, but the process for getting a new development method approved is literally a 5 year minimum process.
And another example, some systems within defence are still running Windows XP, because of security concerns about upgrading to anything newer.
Millions of people, 5 underpaid IT guys, that's how.
no source, lurk more you faggot. Don't post again for another two years, newfag.
Does it still work after you fold the paper several times?
so many tears baww more you cunt
i didn't make it
Best idol
bokep bokep bokep bokep!!!!!!!
indonesia numba wan
This is what you get when you elect Jokodog in this country

Now we have gaybowo and his faggot little deputy which is none other than Jokodok's little offspring

I hope this country burns to the ground
i hope theyre country gets nuked next
> nkeodashii is wordfilterd
You're just not weaboo enough. You are free to say 中出し.
I want bokep bro
Bend over.
This thread filled by SEANiggers, abort the thread NOW
This is serious
big if true
this incident actually affected my company, fucking cunts i swear
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I was a libertarian, Ancap even, in college too
no one cares. fuck off retard
/g/ lost again...
try the entire internet
S 4 spit
>bug people
>Abdul Mohammed Ali
Stop lying, so many of your fellow mujeets wished to be Americans, or beg america to intervene on your behalf to send you gibs or to save you from Israel
What a beast. God's chosen people for sure.
all those scam call centers finally caught up with them.

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