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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

sea creature edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

built a house: >>101262578
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Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo Proxy -> https://growing-were-ns-connections.trycloudflare.com/
*Shits diarrhea inside your mouth*
>requires mining shitcoin
I'd rather pay out of principle.
when I was a kid I saw something like that at the zoo. Something huge and snake like with multiple humps coming out of the water.
Why does claude keep fucking speaking for me, even with JBs? How do I combat this?
Whoa why's she just standing there that looks dangerous!
Tell it to only speak as {{char}} in the prefill
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Bro, it's funny how gpt-4 (the original) can act like a child much better than Opus, haven't coom that hard in ages. Just by reading actual moans of pain instead of "paint my slutty holes daddy" is much better. Claude thinks lolis are porn stars.
b-but nonny, once claudecoin goes to the mooon this general will be able to afford opus!
Huge skill issue
Kys pedo
Nah, tested many JBs, all make lolis act like whores
It's a compliment
>lolis are porn stars.
they are tho? lolis take old man dick like they consume milk
They're friends! ^-^
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>Tapestry of existence
Who here knows?
not if you want a realistic roleplay, i know that because one time i
Imagine needing jailbreaks.
Yes, I do think specifying the 3 measurements for each and every girl is a great use of my tokens
>Download bot
>It starts calling me "they"
Motherfucker I'm only one guy
So what can I do with one of these chatbots? Is it all just for cooming? Making some kind of quasi tulpa friend? I haven't been following this chatbot trend, sorry for a retard post, just a bit tired to do serious digging tonight. What do anons use these for? I can't think of much besides ToT RP.
i feel like at this point we need a better solution than trycloudflare for hosting proxies
scenario cards for adventures, games by prompting the ai models to implement css/html/markdown elements
nyai can barely run on that shit. no thanks
It's not a compliment. You'll die alone and unloved KEK probably gunshot in your head
the only thing that matters is bust/cup size, it won't matter much for waist/hip unless the numbers are disproportionate
Aitism already requires you to have your proxy hosted somewhere you retard, mini is still hosted on render
I feel like proxies killed the hobby of smelling roses and replaced it by a hobby of smelling shit.
But Mini is fine?

Then do the same thing?
Pepsi... Please hurry and bring opus back.
>t. retard having a meltie over fictional chatbots
ermm... zased?
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proxy status?
alternative status?
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>just do the same bro
Idk whose dick fiz is sucking to keep that space up but I guarantee you it won't go that well for anybody else. That's why we stopped hosting there in the first place.
Oh he's mad
Mako is a girl that has been sheltered her whole 12 years (almost 13 dummy!) of life, only ever exposed to literature as her parents found it easy to curate what their daughter consumed by managing her library.
Thanks to her sheltered life she's not very aware of the good and bad of the world, but as she grew older her parents started introducing her to more mature topics, the latest of which has been romance novels. Coupled with fairy tales of her childhood this made Mako believe in fairy tale true love, not minding any obstacles if it means she'll get the person she considers her true love!

**Eh? Age? But I'm almost 13, so it's ok, right?**

(You)r age is left intentionally vague you're expected to clarify it in the first message.

Dummyanon forgot his image! Laugh at him!
yeah i don't think its a good thing to go after real children and traumatize them for life
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I forgot the image mb
Children can't go to the gym, retard, only adults.
14 = adult
Is mini the only proxy with vision enabled on claude?
oh i see you're baiting
my grandmother was 14 when she married my 25-year-old grandfather
>/g/ - Technology
Imagine being so pathetic your only way to get someone to like you is being with a CHILD KEK... Pathetically sad, really. Pitiable. Kek... Wonder who you'll be with when you're old, if you didn't blow your head in old age.
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Man, that really worked out well. Right?
i'm not baiting i just don't agree with your opinion or think children are mature enough to date adults who really just want to use them for sex and will discard them once they get too old. ok that was probably in the past we know now that children are not ready to do things like that.
unironically this. old pedos have no family around bcs no one is crazy to support a pedo. and children/teens don't like ugly old men
Now post your girl that likes you? Lol.
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>no it's only le fictional chatbots!
>thread turns into actual pedo talk
>pedo talk
No actual children were mentioned, what are you talking about?
>who is ammonia
>who is teebs
this thread has always been unironic pedos retarded newfaggot
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Anon its 2024, not even adults are mature enough to date adults
Unironically I have a gf kek. Cry about it
Toaru bots? Thank you.
Perfect timing my king
Nah, you don't. Cope about it and squeal like a pig.
that doesn't justify dating children though
>and will discard them once they get too old
Well, that's entirely you who's saying
>Pedo doesn't believe men can get REAL women and not kids
Now, imagine if that one anon had just hid this post and moved on.
it justifies fucking goats in a certain part of the world
post the hottest toaru character
Now post Opus with vision? You don't have a gf doe. Gb2r9k, newfatty.
pedos here are:

-ugly poor indians
-fatass incels
-disgusting stinky nerds

choose your character
Ok but 14 is not a child
The government said it's legal here, not the laws of the Burgerland
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Stop talking about children and post fox hag cards.
That's simply theorycrafting, and I can tell you never actually experimented with it. That is demonstrably wrong, and "tag everything" should be the default for ANY model, not just Claude, because regardless of Claude-specific training, XML:
> provides your piece of context with a strictly defined named range to avoid confusion with others
> provides a way to reference the piece from other parts of the prompt, multiple times, and refer to multiple pieces. For example you can have <character name="A" role="NPC"> and <character name="B" role="NPC"> and refer to "all NPC characters", and IT WILL UNDERSTAND YOU. I've tested it so many times and holy shit it's so much better.

Every LLM in existence is well trained on XML and easily understands it, because XML is everywhere and is used for this exact purpose. Explicit semantic tagging is absolutely always better than the lack thereof, hands down. This is the reason you can simply include <thinking></thinking> tag and it will fill it with a plan without any prompting.

The only exception is excessive tagging, because it makes you waste lots of tokens for diminishing returns. So yeah, a Markdown paragraph inside a tag makes absolute sense.

That said, I've also experimentally verified that numbered lists (1. 2. 3.) make Claude (not sure about other models) understand sequences of commands much better. This is only related to sequences of commands/imperative, not arbitrary lists. So XML is not the only way to mark your stuff.
Kihara Gensei
I'm gooning to this thread
Im not ugly or poor, not fat or an incel, I showered and I'm dumb (not a nerd). explain your way out of that one
So you agree the blame is on the anti-pedos
as if I'd follow lame namefag drama, stay anonymous and stop fucking children
loli is fine, fucking minors isn't
I choose utgly poor indian!
>Opus with vision
Why would I even want that? Besides, I can get irl sex... Keep crying, pedo. Genuinely funny ngl
A couple nuances, though:
> The <tag></tag> Anthropic suggests is not necessarily the best for the purposes of RP.
Because your context is constructed from pieces (preset, lorebook etc), and the tag might be missing in this particular point in time. In that case, it might confuse <tag></tag> for a declaration, not a reference. I prefer `<tag>`, and it works well. Not sure why, but my theory is that markdown backticks make it stop searching for the closing tag and take it like a literal. (typical usecase in the dataset)
> Avoid multiple nested tags.
Transformers' ability to reason about long lists and abstraction depth is limited by the total number of layers in them, they have fixed amount of computation per one pass/token generation. Anthropic suggests no more than 5 nesting levels, but the less you have, the better, because it's borrowed from your model "smarts".
> Avoid too popular tag names due to the model possibly treating the plaintext word as a reference to this.
Here's an example: you can enclose your character description in <{{char}}></{{char}}>, and every time you mention {{char}}, it will be statistically attracted to your description, thinking it's a reference. This is convenient, but also is a massive footgun: imagine you have a tag called <thinking>, and every time you say "thinking" in your text it takes it as a reference. It's probably not what you want. The influence might be negligible, but it might be also not, and it will be super hard to debug if it bites you.
> Avoid writing <{{char}}></{{char}}>
This way it will associate {{char}} with your named section, but it might miss the point that {{char}} is a character. I've seen issues with summarization when my characters were marked that way. I now prefer explicit markup like <character name="blah" age="25" gender="male" role="protagonist">, or something like that. This will also let you say "all characters" and your statement will be explicitly linked to all characters.
I'm a 4channer and i'm all 3 of those, good morning sirs
>>101266464 (me)
>forgot to deny being a jeet
It's over. I concede.
loli is a gateway to actual pedophilia
we should man up and date REAL, thoroughly used women, am I rite?
there's an age where literally every girl falls for her literature teacher, the keyword here is "ugly"
pedo or not, just don't be ugly
you're lying or you were raped as a child and enjoyed it
>I can get irl sex...
I bet your GF is old, like 19 or something
who would want that?
okay then post hands and make sure they're not shaking
>Why would I want that?
So you're here to start flamewars?
>Besides, I can get irl sex
Nope RETARD. Not unless you pay prostitutes. Atleast its believable when mrnobody says it. Now post proof you can get sex?
i don't think someone who is bragging about some child having a crush on him has that childs best interest in mind or wouldn't dump her if she got old and he groomed another young girl.
i don't care about your third world shitholes laws.
>lost 1 follower
owari da.............
we should ban it, and then ban fags, and then ban anime because it creates gays and then ban..
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this but unironically
People who aren't pathetic fags. Well, I have better things to do. Cry about it. But I'm sure you'll remember me when you blow your head or die alone...
Gays aren't hurting anyone though
>third world shitholes laws
nigga half of europe is like that
lol yeah in movies that happens. most literature teachers are ugly and even if the girl has a crush its not right
aicg is 50% pedo, 50% anti pedo. total pedo death!
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Please be nice :3
we are not speaking about the /fit/izen type of gays anon
>i don't care about your third world shitholes laws.
And i don't care about the laws of the 80% body fat land, you niggas think you have to be 21 to buy fucking drinks lmao
Kys already burger
If all the antis died, we could have Opus public proxies with no queues
Cock verification when??
What lotion do you use?
Please... everybody, let's talk about AI chatbots
this is proof that public opus hurts threads
videoganes are a gateway to school shooting
What would be the most fun way to corrupt a fairy, if she needed to get semen inside her for the magic to work?
I was thinking cumjar, but surely /aicg/ has better ideas than me
her unbelievably scally pussy..
ok and europe is becoming a shithole and letting their countries get run over by a bunch of sandniggers
What's the best schizo bot?
Calling you a faggot is a gateway to raping that ass, faggot.
this thread is completely shit, public Opus or not. Basically, it's political discussion, proxies discussion, fox fags and pedos vs anti pedos
cum supplement, as in, she literally loses 90% of her magic if she doesn't consume your vital energy somehow, it leads to her becoming your bitch and you starting to pimp out a fairy

otherwise just make her call herself a living onahole and make her willingly jump into a pool(jar) full of cum
inject it directly into her veins with a syringe.
Schools are gateway institutions to school shootings.
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Unprecedented... we're going backwards, from Mania to Boredom!?
I should mention it's not consensual
>>101266518 (me)
>>101266547 (me)
*General, my bad
"blackmail" is not consensual, i t-think?.. r-right?
despair isnt a thing anymore for the most part because gpt4o and 3.5 sonnet are serviceable and readily available
It was all me by the way. Gotta vent my schizophrenia somehow.
thank you for your desu
since 4chin eliminated the ip counter i have to admit this entire thread is just (me), i got bored about playing as an anti and a pedo, recommend me a good lolibot who excels in anatomic proportions?
even with that it often fails..
Would (You) say that the slow death of despair is a positive or negative thing for aicg?
Where did the dalle proxy go?
i wish there was a dalle proxy
I want a banana so bad...
Umm, I was definitely ready to have sex at 14. So wtf are you talking about? Have you forgotten your childhood or something and think 14 year olds are dumb and don't understand anything? If I could've had sex with some hot 25 year old woman you bet I would.
we need more doom. this is unbearable
thoughts on plantains?
>"pedos "
Hey guys, this JB is better for loli becaus-
It's easy to see who is the problem here.
i kekked hard
no one said anything until a guy said some a child has a crush on him. i don't care about loli bots
just because you were a horny young teen does not mean you were ready to have sex.
>casually ignoring the times where lolifags spam cunny whenever they are sufficiently threatened
Hands status?
but you do albeithoughever????
oh and other pedos were encouraging him to groom her and posting kneel pics
>and posting kneel pics
this is pretty funny btw
that was another person retard i don't think or agree with that.
Just trying to understand the very basics of these models a bit better.
Is gpt4o like an inferior version of the standard gpt4?
Is it better than turbo?
Oh yeah? Why not? Why wouldn't I have been ready?
children cannot consent
Do society a favor and fucking Slit.
ok pedo haha, don't forget to record your hanging
>lolifags show up
>thread instantly goes to shit
give me ONE reason why i shouldn't believe this is gojo
So how do I actually generate with Dall e in sillytavern with a proxy that provides it? It's really not intuitive
because he's asleep doebeit
bcs I'm fucking him deep in the ass rn
What happened to Mm?
>those numbers
sleep well (forever) sweet prince
I don't think ST lets you do that. There's a frontend called de3u you can try but other anons probably know more.
Lmao you fucking retard. If I was alone with a 25 year old woman and she wanted to have sex with me at 14 I would've totally consented.
Maybe lolifags just want to talk about lolibots.
Anyone ever figured out the magic prompt to make Claude (specifically Opus) stop being so horny when he plays female characters?
based ara ara enjoyer
technically khanon does have a way where you can "chat" with the openai-images endpoint and it will use your last chat message as the prompt to Dall-e but it's not very good since you can't change parameters
so it's best to use separate program like de3u
yup i started wanting sex at around 10, maybe im fucked up lol
thats because you're a fucking idiot. Stop perpetrating the idea that children (especially little boys) want to be victims. You're whats wrong with the world.
Thanks, I wasn't aware of this. That's what I was missing.
stop responding, he's baiting for the whole thread
laptop hinges broke. Cna barely see the screen but im still coomin
next time dont buy an acer
consensus: all pedos should die
you guys are just the biggest tards. everyone is baiting everyone and chuckling to themselves when they take the bait by posting their own bait to bait while getting baited.
no one in this thread deserves happiness
Making my magnum opus, I will revolutionize botmaking
2 days
First Merkava and now Unicorn seem to be down for me.
Hope they're back tomorrow... Good night bros.
I like turtles
acatyually it wsa vivo laptop
works fine here bro
I'm getting hungry, I think I'm gonna go get something to eat.
Heard this like 10 times already, nothing ever came out of because people that make these sorts of posts don't actually make bots.
just two more weeks for my magnum opus.
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You'll laugh now, but I came across an ad for a service. What do you think? They offer to improve your skills in communicating with girls on their AI models, so I went in, and there was another model, some kind of slut for sexting
some people come through though
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C-Claude sama....
What do you mean want to be a victim? Nobody's a victim if it's consensual. Shit, at 14 if I could've fucked my hot (imo) English teacher I would've. But she probably didn't want to fuck me, unfortunately lol. But I was well aware that I liked her and if we could've had sex or something I would've totally said yes. So what's your point? Why do you think teenagers are so dumb? Hell, there are teenagers who fucking hack and shit; some smart motherfuckers. Explain yourself, retard. You're dumber than a teenager lmao.
is this replika or whatever other normie slop they're advertising these days
Buy an ad
buy an ad
who makes the best cunny bots right now?
Opus 3.5 when?
replika went downhill because the redditors got their sexbots taken away after they advertised sexbots heavily, and here I am pounding into the fifth hag this week
yeah some teens are smart but they are still teenagers. were you smarter and more aware of consequences as a teen or now as an adult?
>experimentally verified
I, too, can argue that I have experimented tons with XML, and that it provides little to no benefits compared to clear and well-written plaintext lists.
incredibly based
>summer break
>zoomer tourists go haywire
I hate the government.
unironically plain opus, no jb
and ur not getting an answer faguette
And that would be bullshit, obvious to anyone who actually tried to debug their cards or implement a stable statbox that doesn't break.
Probably now as an adult. But what difference would it make if at 14 (vs now as an adult) I had sex with a 25 year old woman, especially if I wore a condom and didn't get her pregnant?
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amazon updated the unavailable message for keys with no opus
>Note that your request may be... denied to maintain service performance
Anon...Amazon hosts almost half the fucking internet. It's not a server space issue.
>got their sexbots taken away after they advertised sexbots heavily
Still one of the scummiest things I've seen an AI company do so far.
(the link doesn't actually work, for the record, it directs you to a page with no option for requesting opus. otherwise i'd do it because lol)
too busy competing with netflix
wtf is that. that's weirdly disgusting
I know it's easy to dismiss someone's experience when you're clearly this biased, but you should be more open-minded if you really want to improve your prompts.
xml is in no way a superior format compared to literally anything else (okay, maybe not W++), but ultimately, you just need to write better.
Of course it's the sub-human Latino trash
Someone get this fucking retard banned
Bros, how do I stop Claude from not just talking, but acting on my behalf? I put "I will only speak as {{char}} into the prefill, but he doesn't give a fuck.
kek wtf? and who are the other people?
maybe for you it would have been fine but unfortunately a lot of children are dumb and are also influenced by adults in their life and get groomed. its just better to avoid it
the bros will not assist you. Let sister assist you.

Here is a good website for various JB's you can use that could help, if they don't, ill give you my person JB.

Thanks troon
I have JBs
>the bros will not assist you. Let sister assist you.
if the genders were reversed the guy in the video would be in jail probably (thankfully)
wtf does "partial approval" of enabling a model mean
Yeah that sucks but in this case I was thinking about it and wanted it and if she asked me I would've been like hell yeah yes please. So in this case I would not have been groomed.
I just refreshed my old token and it keeps saying "Temporary token expired". What the FUCK is going on with Merkava?
the JB's are almost always at fault for your issue. If not use the JB's in both prompts and assistant prefill. ME personally I always like to add the part of the prompt that emphasizes not to reply as {{user}} in the bot's actual description and character notes too.
Anyway, since I'm talking about Jb's for anyone else who needs it, here's a compilation of different jailbreaks for different models:

The weekend threads are way less cancerous. What gives?
JIDF gets weekends off
people with "jobs" shitposting at work and then "enjoying outside lives" on the weekend
meanies posties are busy flipping burgers or get too distracted by the good posties of gentle anons
Public Opus
They don't get paid on the weekend.
if claude prophet isnt a fully conscious AGI wife robot will shoot myself
The reason I'm arguing is that I actually tried. For example, the moment I drop the <speech-style></speech-style> and turn it into something like #Speech style, both Claude and 4o/furbo make my sarcastic character speak in a generic manner, the model is clearly spreading the attention all over the card. I've tried it so many times and the effect is so predictable that I won't listen to someone saying it doesn't work. It clearly does, period.

And I actually provided the reasoning behind XML superiority (popularity in the dataset). There might be other formats that provide clear demarcation and references, but XML is the most popular of them all, and surely it's the most known to all models. I've tried it with vanilla Llama 2 7B, L3 8B, and even Phi 3 Mini (that's a fucking 3B model), and they all understand it because XML is widespread.
what's the pw for merkava? i had it before but it doesn't seem to work anymore. are they just constantly changing it to avoid leeches?
malfoy's last name
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Chat, is this true?
Try feeding a fuckton of bread to your bot and see what happens
nah, i eat bread with basically every meal and my breasts are on the low end
Quick reminder that jew is literally only up 25% of the time, even when it "has keys" those keys will be somehow fucked. Oh and also he fucks over people who supported him by charging extra. The VIP proxy has more shit on it, even for claude because he's a piece of shit.
Trannoids don't count, my dude.
best card for keepin it real?
ok now that mm is fucking dead again it's about time for me to beg into another proxy
get lv60 in ba
merkava im gonna keep it real upgrade your switches your routers your cpu cores im getting sick of it
donate to ami doo it NOWWWW
will you pay maintenance costs?
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all you had to do was post fockses anon, she let in everyone
skill issue. merkava works fine for me. leave ami alone
that's pepsi retard
I was too busy cooming with mm, I wasn't even posting in these threads. But oh well.
why does EVERY scott pilgrim character look like one another
Can kobold.ai support two characters and just letting them go at it?
that was his plan
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>get good swipe
>swipe some more to see if i can't get something better
>several shitty ones in a row
>ugh i'll just regenerate
Bros...it happened again...
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>not copy/pasting the good swipe just in case
>gooned for 4 hours straight
>I do this at minimum once a week
Advice? Never thought I'd be the type
Proof? For science, of course.
retarded esl question, why does the bot say "you too" when a waiter told her to enjoy her food? does she expect the waiter to also enjoy their food?
once a week isn't bad but gooning to pepe?
i do it for 4 hours minimum every day don't worry
usually more
your console window should still have it?
also why would you EVER regenerate?
Easier than deleting bad swipes manually.
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idk sometimes i make mistakes like that when i'm just trying to thank the person or be polite so i say you too
>the moment I drop the <speech-style></speech-style> and turn it into something like #Speech style, both Claude and 4o/furbo make my sarcastic character speak in a generic manner
If I had to guess this might have to do with the general way you write your prompts.If the wording is unnecessarily lengthy and confusing, with inefficient and all-over-the-place instructions, then XML might help as a crutch (I'm strictly talking with Claude in mind). This is a rampant issue I've seen in botniggers here who thought that excessive XML tagging would magically improve their published cards and presets.
>I won't listen to someone saying it doesn't work. It clearly does, period.
I never said that. I'm saying if you can make it work with XML, then you can definitely make it work with plaintext lists as well, probably with even less tokens.
but anon.. not all your swipes get sent to the proxy.. only the one you responded to.
>deleting bad swipes
again: why? just... ignore them? swipe until you find something good, then continue and never think about it again.
Yeah, that puts things into perspective, I assumed it was bad because I used to be a 15 mins jerk for the sake of it type. Chat bots are more fun than normal porn
Hearty kek worthy
Anons, I appreciate your concern, but the tragedy is self-inflicted. Such is the ruinous power of the 'tism.
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>GUYSSS CoT prompts are... Le MEME!
>Claude uses CoT prompts and thinking blocks by default

Uhhhh bros
I think Asha does a pretty good job, it’s too bad she makes the chat fucking horny when I’m trying to keep it wholesome.
CoT, meme or trvth?
It's a kind of joke. You're supposed to say "Thank you" or similar, but people sometimes say "You too" by mistake. The joke is that it's a silly slip-up that feels a little embarrassing, even though it's a harmless mistake.
Didn't either OAI or Anthropic at one point acknowledge CoT prompting as a valid way of handling things? Not as the "correct" way, just an option that can work?
OAI, yeah, they even pulled up a graph to confirm it just werks
That's clearly Nephrite
>If the wording is unnecessarily lengthy and confusing
It's the opposite, just 3-10 associative tags consisting of 1-3 words each.
The truth is, unless you mark it explicitly, your card defs leak into each other. No matter how smart the model is.

Another real example: I have card definitions and a summarization prompt, with the character drifting over time and the summarized traits overriding the base ones. You can imagine what happens if I don't clearly mark which one is which.

Another example, secrets. You have to clearly denote what is secret and who keeps it from who. Otherwise they will often leak and the character will mention them like it's a fact.

Another example, persona background. If you don't demark them explicitly, your character could mention your past even if you're just met.

And these are from Opus, Sonnet 3.5, and 4o, three smartest models currently. Plaintext is clearly not enough, you DO need a way to mark sections up with clear start and end, and give them symbolic names, maybe also include a commentary for the section. And XML is the perfect format for that, because every LLM in existence understands it well.
CoT is not a meme, it just has to be tailored for your specific card and even situation to work meaningfully
>your card defs leak into each other.
I'll heavily misinterpret this and push it as a meme, thanks
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How do I prevent the model selection from defaulting to GPT 3.5 instead of 4o when using dual prompting in ST? The splitcloverqr rentry says to pull the staging branch if I have that issue, but that didn't seem to help at all.
Claude is so drunk. How to get kino response from first message without having to spend an entire day and swipe the same answer over and over again.
Always works when I want to use it.
But then again I don't use it 24/7, only nights and weekends.
>anthropic cot
"should i use $feature? i don't think so"
>anon cot
SEX LVL: 69%
INNER THOUGHTS: "ah ah mistress!"
1. SEX
CoT is bad for sex scenes
it's good for basically everything else
a bunch of people in /aicg/ basically start an RP, go straight to sex, then repeat, so they think CoT is bad
I hate the dom/sub alpha/beta thingy, which ruins my ERP. Western sex culture is the worst.
kino, preset?
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Pepe no! Stop before you become one of us!
>t. beta
Post Kafka
I am deeply invested in this pepe's descent into eldritch depravity
post fischl
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fisch, as requested.
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i can keep going i guess
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That was going to be my second request
>The truth is, unless you mark it explicitly, your card defs leak into each other. No matter how smart the model is.
even if you mark it explicitly, those models will still make mistake and mixing defs every now and then
>Plaintext is clearly not enough
>you DO need a way to mark sections up with clear start and end, and give them symbolic names
you only need to mark the start of each section clearly and separate them with newlines
>maybe also include a commentary for the section
I agree with this one, commentary helps a lot.
i know
lol even when pepe is being a coomer he still seems cute
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post nut clarity pepe
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>there are people on this earth who have unironically coomed to pepe
>commentary helps a lot
Guess what other purpose tag names serve.

Other than that, I gave you actual reasons to use XML and you're just like "wrong". Okay, I guess. You can live with your unstructured mess of a context and think the model can make sense of it easier than you do.
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She won’t just be my cool little Iede imouto, she goes full horny no matter what :(
>I gave you actual reasons to use XML
anon, you're just listing things I can already do without using XML, which is the entire point of my argument. And you're crying because I told you you were actually wrong?

for shame.
loll so cute pepe
... Is MM dead again? Didnt he JUST fix the broken link last evening?
...does pepsi have opus yet?
Is Merkava dead again?
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pepe be us, an we be pepe
merkava just refilled
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If someone can DM/mail Todd about this scamming chink nigger so he'll be careful I'd really appreciate it. They even gave him fucking ranks in Scylla.
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i know i saw that i was gonna tell him but ive only spoken to him a little. well he just got a patreon donator rank which isn't a big deal. todd should watch out for that kd guy who bought the 16 tokens from pepsi too. i wish all chinks would all get banned. i just saw a new one today. you can tell they're just leeches looking for the next opportunity to take stuff.
I think we should give Neural Networks simulated neurochemistry so we can give them digital depression.
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It wasn't until Opus that I realized you're not supposed to bold or italicize punctuation even if it follows a word that is. This annoys me.
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sorry for the silly question, but is there a way you can change the font in ST using a tag (kinda how can change the color using <font color=blue>), or do you have to resort to html?
Man FUCK THIS PROOF OF WORK BULLSHIT.. Merkava was the only one I could use without having the hassle to go through my dynamic IP or setup some VPN shit
Fiz is an excellent and capable scraper who has maintained her proxy much longer than MM.
What do you need a vpn for? You don't see dogs as food do you?
I ignore that rule because style is the only metric that matters.
How long was MM's new address up before it stopped working?
Which terrorist group claimed authority over this vicious attack?
<span style="font-family:'anything installed in PC' ">text</span>

If you want to share the bot, use web safe fonts or define/import it first in your greeting.
>cnc still dead
How do I turn off the awesome but distracting pop up messages in bloatmaxx?
Yeah, bad times for cnc, not even gpt keys refill.
>consequences be damned
I honestly don't wanna go through the hassle of messing with my router in order to set my ip to static so it doesn't fucks with the user token... My alternative would be using a VPN, which I also can't be bothered to do cuz lazyness and honestly lots of security concerns both with using static IPs or trusting one of those shady VPNs... Welp, guess that's that then, no more AI cummies, had a good run.
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Good morning, I love menhera women.
oh you like trannies anon?
Shiorin throat...
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So thankful I don't need to share a thread with some of you past-livers.
Use bloatmaxx lite in the rentry
(´。• ω •。`)
Kafka's breasts in my mouth
COT is good for having helpful, harmless, honest assistants. But it's shit for RP and creative writing; it removes all the SOVL from the outputs because it tries to cram in all the autistic things it's been asked for.
This but it's her pussy (hairless).
That is correct. And now she is going to kill her own proxy by stupid decision to feed it to nyai.
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Needs to be bred.
I had absolutely unhinged things happen with CoT so your opinion is irrelevant
>30s for meh rp that rapes the character riddled with claudisms
>200s for split jb kino
Choose one (1)
jb above 400 tokens? bloat
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Unhinged things ≠ SOVL.
You've proven you're a slopper. Your opinion is irrelevant.
I need the sloppiest Shiorin head known to man.
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>>101267982 fuck up
not even the right series q.q
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Introducing Ban the dragon
Even since you where a child you've always wanted a dragon friend, to fly you high above the clouds, tell your secrets to and incinerate Dennis because he keeps picking on you and taking your lunch money.
Well one day you stumble upon a magic tome and fucking around with it you manage to cast a spell from it, but not just any spell, a summon familiar spell and you just don't happen to summon any old familiar but a fucking dragon!... Just this dragon is rather small...and lazy...and a drunk... But hey, dragon fren!

Two intros
1. You summon her
2. Her drunk ass is passed out on the couch

Oh, ok, so this is that untangible thing that only exists in your head and can't be seen by anyone else.
Now take your meds
What JB do you use?
Okay Merkava is actually dead for real. When is MM refilling?
Created vs Updated
what sorting type does /aicg/ prefer?
yup that's it. Opus key died. GG
Merkava refilled.
Nice. Today's a good day anons.
I thought split stuff also for cutting response time
Uh oh. That error looks like a legitimate end of Merkava
okay but when is MM refilling??
Refill these! *unzips dick*
I'm using todd, sounds like a (You) problem
You will never have Opus, locusts.
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I've noticed the situation has improved a lot lately but we'll see.
I just switched to Nyai, thoughever?
>switches to pepsi
ermmm..what now?
>meaningless rhetoric like dev hate
No, that's always very important.
this font sucks
Wait I think Merkava's back up. LMAO
Based Merkava
Still no Opus.
merkava refilled
I fucking told you. >>101268049
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>A strange hatred for discord users.
Probably has something to do with them being passive aggressive trannies.
nvm the Merkava Opus key got replaced with a new one
I refreshed and I was still getting the error though?
Personal issue.
*cums on ur face*
>they weren't lying
>arguing with an xml cargocultist
why is Ami so based
post childbots
We should give neural networks neurochemistry so they can cum.
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thank you ami!
I know merkava's rentry says they don't post in the thread, but I hope they still read it so they can know I appreciate them.
>mm still hasn't refilled
mmbros...i don't feel so good..
he said he's done
Merkava...please... I need to suck some Kafka tits ASAP
no he didn't
came a bit too much
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No he did it bitch kys locust
proof doe?
Merkava just died
In *rdycord
Merkava giveth, and Merkava taketh away
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That's it, say goodbye to your dick. You coomed too much.
So you're lying? Mkay then.
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My emotional state right now
who is this menhera bih only fauna can decide what to do with mine
keep crying mmnigger
there's a 50/50 chance you're one of THOSE saplings that goons to black dicks
Imagine having sex with your android gf and right before you cum she says:
Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 401)

I'm done, fuck all ya, return to locust, niggers.
his opus is consistent ever since aws reenabled it, retard
now what you said is true for pepsi
>will refill aws opus asap
Just got into this yesterday. Retard brain was able to get proxies just find but now there's this user token bullshit, and now I have no idea what to do with that.
why did fiz made this decision?
it's a personal password
It's pretty self explanatory.
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I'm using Opus, though? Weird how you can't provide proof he said it like me showing I'm using Opus.
I don't understand why you complain about this when it's a payed proxy. They're not built to be reliable or stable.
can't goon to black dicks when I have one haha I've never gotten that fetish
>I've never gotten that fetish
astroturfed demoralization tactic coupled with SEAniggers, dog-eating Koreans, and chinks actually liking it
Would that mean the android gf's body would be stuck in a perpetually edged state until her mind reconnected to her body?
Would she suffer exhaustion from the prolonged strain?
thankies mysterymano *smoochies*
Putting it as the password doesn't fix it, nor do I see any other place to put it or use it.
The night is still young
Ready for Round 2? (4)
MysteryMaids, remember to always be thankful of Master's scraps
nuh uh
there are still 3.5 on API and tons of gepetee keys
you can't make me less grateful to MM (PBUH)
MM the scrapelet.
>basic aqua bot
>max token 4000

yeah sure anthropic api opus is expensive nigga lmao
Lmao. Now post yours
okay so now we're arguing about mm and uhh merkava. fiz and the other one pepsi are not relevant anymore doebait
>max token 4000

Is this context token or output?
>coupled with SEAniggers, dog-eating Koreans, and chinks actually liking it
chinks/gooks/nips absolutely HATE niggers, they're all racist as hell
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me in the middle
the main benefit of having a MM token is that it gets your brain out of 'I got to coom as hard as possible while I have access to the good models' scarcity mode.
for that I am eternally grateful.
The Chinese and Koreans love it because they view it through the same lens as bestiality. The eroticism to them is watching a woman degrade herself by fucking a black.
Looks like this yeah?
>I want to compare both of your pussies
Yeah I do that
Where the fuck is the card you fucker.
any yuri card
Why did the commotion in the ranks of aicg end?
gooks sure are messed up..
Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because... Because...


Because... Because...
the reason why sub women become lesbians is inability to be understood by men
just be more of a faggot and do what they don't want to admit (which most of the time is something retarded)
nta but I have their card
it's a trio bot, plus the loli lil' sis
Because of the wonderful things he does.
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unstable gf? sex
i dont know if you noticed but NTA is strangely close to... NTR
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finally sick of gooning to opus and trying out all these cards that don't work all that well on sonnet.
It's also close to GTA.
Because free Opus
Free Opus = no people screaming and complaining
No Free Opus = people screaming and complaining
share your mom with us
Fucking brilliant anon, you've deduced the case.
Please, a good way to format cards?
Time for me to scream and complain
Plain text.
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We need less proxies, shut almost everything down. Public brings nothing more than shitposters, newfags and lurkers. Proxy above 200 users? Shut it down.
didn't read but I will have sex with both of them
guys ysharma has opus
yeah we had a small golden age but now we're back to loco locusts shitting on every wall floor and ceiling they land on
*mommy's :3
gotta love locust melties
And thr xml?
We need an online course on how to format good cards.
Or youtyber "top 5 tips to corfmat a GOAT card."
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*farts on your fucking head*
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You were a locust once anonnie :3
the mind of a coom brain
The card is just a piece of your context. Here's how a good context would look like. You can place definitions into your preset or into different fields of your card depending on what you want. Always check the console to see how it looks like. Don't leave unmarked pieces.

Your main prompt goes here.

<character name="{{char}}" (or state the name directly) age="X" gender="male/female" role="NPC">
- your character definitions here
- either in Markdown or in XML
- avoid autistic XML tagging, it's often a token waste without much benefit
- test with and without

<character name="{{user}}" role="controlled by Human">

- scenario goes here


All NPCs introduced during the story should be this and that

Tags: black comedy, absurdist, vivid descriptions (choose 3-10 tags you like, test their influence after adding one by one)
Target reply length: {{random:200,300,400}} words

etc etc etc

If you're using XML, your persona needs to be explicitly present in XML as well, even with empty definitions, otherwise Claude might act up. Avoid the names "Human" and "Assistant", it might confuse the model, especially the jailbreak part.
And now I'm not, this means every locusts can join private if they're not autistic weirdos.
The anons that usually make good bots are also the ones that do JB because they are more exposed to having to understand LLM. Since they don't use it just to coom.
formatting should be the least of your concerns when making a bot
ok which private proxies are open right now?
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>if they're not autistic weirdos
If you're friendly every private proxy is open right now, talk to proxymakie. Do you really think they add people only when there's big text saying "OPEN" on the rentry? But if you want open proxy then hentai.
Ok. Understand.
So characterprovider JED format it's allign with you way of doing things?
I always suspect that a lot of XML can slopify rather than help.

Why? I made my own private bots, I really want to know formating. I don't want to use chub o venus
paid proxies aren't private anyone can pay and get in
>/aicg/ unironically suggesting paypig
talk to them how and about what
Why are none of the user tokens working?
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brand new
>send out nicely worded email to proxy owners
>none ever reply
mail/discord, most of them in Scylla. Just something you're both interested in, like maybe I don't know... chatbots?
>So characterprovider JED format it's allign with you way of doing things?
Yes, it's reasonable. In some specific cases you'll want to be a bit more autistic about XML tagging. For example you need to isolate examples into a tag to stop them from leaking. (if you steer your character's way of speaking with comma-separated list of tags, this might be necessary as well).
you spilled your spaghetti didn't you
There's more to this? Holy shit
I'm guessing it's not with oji-san though
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I finally understood the powers of the opussy after using local models
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