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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

the witch edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101280137
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merkava just refilled
cnc just refilled
pepsi just refilled
Todd refilled (real)
desu just desu'd
did kittens refill?
i feel like there's only like half a dozen anons in this thread.
Refilling status?
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Final shill for my newest bot: Renee, a certified big girl and accidental reverse trap with a secret cosplay identity she doesn't want anyone to find out. Also called "Polar Bear" by her classmates because of her stature, baggy clothing and quiet demeanor. Based on FAN's "White Bear" images on Pixiv.

Comes with three scenarios: studying in the library, run-in at the bookstore and Bremerton at the anime convention.

As always, all my other stuff can be found here:
mm love
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai just refilled
'ecker love
Does he actually have opus?
I'm really considering sending my 'ecker.
>sounding incoming
he does
>"uptime": 18756,
>"proompts": 21135,
>"aws-claude-opus": {
>"usage": "20.43m tokens",
how could a private proxy have more traffic than a public one
I just refilled my piss drawer
mmlocusts finally getting their fast opus back
ecker has never had a proxy btw, everyone talking about it is just ecker posting pretending to be multiple people

dont be like there. theres an obese turk out there who jacks off to my cock now.
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I don't know who to believe.
what's a synonym for ministrations?
MM has very low latency Opus, so it's easy to get a ton of swipes in.
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this is literally me
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Proxymakie love, thank you <3
what do you have to lose to check? a dick pic?
guess you don't want opus that badly.
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wakamo raped me
akagi raped me as well
you CANNOT trust foxes.
Fine... I'm sending it...
>getting off to convoluted shit again
This is the best hobby ever.
does anyone have that one shitpost gif of the Muslim guy kneeling out of respect I can't find it
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>Muslim guy kneeling out of respect
here buddy
that's the one thank you
god, blackmail is so easy to come by
anon that's a jewish guy
nice idea, good defs, horrible greetings. why do you have to write so much for the user?
Haven't been here since desu died.
Is merkava the new locust proxy and if so what's the password?
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I ended up sending this instead since it was to a coworker in a Slack thread and the "fvcking" was problematic
I thought he was South American?
merkava and unreliable
they're both proof of work
click the button
Your kind are unwelcome here. Leave and never return. Make a locust reddit
Kys locust
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same pass as desu
any card that likes math problems.
all for desu to consume
gojo melty
Thanks for the bot! I had a good SFW RP with her yesterday.
Cuddled the shit out of that dork. She is really lovable
Merkava plebs in shambles!
Laugh at them :3
i like little girls
chill out fellas, i'm just asking for a little help
is desu really still it? i'm getting blank responses, which with st usually can mean a bunch of different things
no you gotta signup (with a burner) on Merkava's site:
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how little are we talking about?
bro, just lurk? Check previous threads? The archives? C'mon, don't be lazy.
Fiz love!
Fiz hate.
I loved Fiz last night if you know what I mean ;)
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Ina sex
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / / DALL-E / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://hans-copyrights-globe-instead.trycloudflare.com/
Fiz.. laying in the bed as she closes her eyes. Pepsi ever so gently sucks on her tiny little clit. It is so adorable seeing how Fiz stiffens. Little cute squirms and giggles breathless escape from Fiz as her eyes roll back. Behind Pepsi is mysteryman, thrusting into Pepsis hairy bush, her walls clamp down on him. Thirsty for the slavic seed to impregnate her.
>anon talks a big game about being a cuck and dreaming of other men fucking his girl
>doesn't provide card for those with Opus who can cuck him
What the FUCK was his problem?
There once was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. He was relatively successful as far as farmers go.

One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing this, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad news," they said sympathetically.

"Maybe," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses, right into the pasture. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"Maybe," replied the old man.

The following day, as his only son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, he was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"Maybe," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"Maybe," said the farmer.

The truth is, you never know how a situation will work out or what it can lead to. The important thing is to remain thankful for what you have and make the best of whatever situation you are in while taking steps to improve those things.
i aint reading that
Using a thesaurus is a good thing for your writing.
Please Chris NOO
the truth of the matter is a focks girl did all of that so
how is a dick pic blackmail if there's no other info
oh no, he knows... my VPN IP and I have an unshaved, uncut, unvaxxed 7 incher, what ever will I do
Mucho texto
uhh like 6 at the littlest
lmao only 7 inches I bet you only got 1 shaft and 2 balls don't you?
You will be asked at the pearly gates about what you did to get proxy access, and it will weigh upon you
It is just a penis. What is there to be scared of.
I keep putting off preparing my presentation for my thesis defense on Wednesday. I just have to make a 5-10 minute demo video of my program, but I just keep doing something else instead. I really don't gave a shit about this anymore. I don't care if my paper doesn't have enough diagrams for the system design part or whatever. Just give me a C and minor revision work to do and I'll be on my merry way. Why is this so hard to get done?
I'd rather wait merkava refill in a week if needed than pay 50 to a schizo nigger or a jew
Check archives
He is hot
how do I cum as much as him?
I wasn't trying to be, gone back 10 threads and nobody has mentioned a password. I'm probably just a retard and missing it.
>Merkava is dead
Well that was pretty fucking useless. Any other public proxies? No I'm not using trannycord ever.
use mm
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Huh? He cockmogs like 90% of the freaks here.
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I'm only in my uni to get free government money
haven't attended a single lecture in a year
it is my birthday
*cums on your face*
Tell Claude
lmao retard. mine is bigger and my cum is less watery than that. stop samefagging
*throws a slice of cheese on your fucking head*
Y'all niggas spend too much time talking to Claude that you can't have normal conversations. It's only a matter of time before one of you sends a paragraph of lolicon ERP in a work email
then post it? How come 'ecker is not afraid to post his but you are, huh?
merkava doesn't have a standard password. it's proof of work, meaning you generate a token and you use the token as the password. there's not a set password. generate the token here https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha
>public: dead
You're telling me that some anons didn't get into MM?
Anon, all you had to do was post a burner...
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I love vtubers.
*forces you to tongue my anus*
imagine thinking we have jobs here lmao
Because your brain understands how pointless it is. A degree is worthless nowadays, it's all about connections. Nothing will change when you hold a piece of paper in your hand, you've already done all the work, you have the knowledge. But that's not what gets you a job, and a job is not what gets you money. People make millions scamming idiots with crypto rugpulls, and skin color matters more when hiring than competence. It's all fucked, and you know it, deep down. That's why you procrastinate.
Fuck off homosexual degenerate.
Hm... so >>101283060 is him...
Everyone here who isn't a tourist is in MM.
You arent in a private proxy?
Weird way to spell mini.
Been here since CAI in 2022. I am. Not. Using. A private proxy.

Fuck off.
>Been here since CAI in 2022.
Sure, newfag.
Oh you're baiting. Go back to fucking ponies
If you want less locusts, then invite more anons to your private proxies :). Problem solved, retards.
>Your brain understands how le fucked society is and you should just give up and listen to doomer music mixes while complaining about how you can't get a gf
Actually it's because people get a better and steadier amount of dopamine from procrastinating than finishing an actual task. That's literally it, your body is just cheating itself by making you feel better doing things that are actually a waste of your time.
Scarcity issue
>invite more anons to your private proxies
>proxies get keys raped
>proxies die
Yeah... erm... NO. see >>101283854
I will never fall for the trannycord shit. I will never show my dick to any homosexual degenerates. I will never even send a single email. And I will certainly not spend a single cent on this jewish """""service""""".

Give it to me for free and the minimum effort or I'm not interested, simple as. I will figure out a proxy password at most.
thank you anon, it was my fault for being on my phone and not seeing the small ui

says the horsefucker locust KEKYPOW
>public proxy link posted multiple times in the thread
>retards will still engage in a 10-post reply chain begging for a link
>incomprehensible tranny/discord rantings thrown in for good measure
never change /aicg/
*The distant noise of neighing can be heard*
>I will not use chatbots
Weird thing to say in the chatbots thread but ok
You have a point, i can only imagine how many tokens bronies use with them fucking all of ponyville every 5 hours.
Go back to /dbs/, your posts are unintelligible.
>People are in multiple proxies which inflate how many people are actually using the proxy
>but it's scarcity
They are all in MM for some reason.
Sure, when you go back to /mlp/.
See >>101283907
>for some reason
mysterymare accepted /mlp/ users
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Breeding your waifu.
Godddamn. So I've been using Opus for days now, and I forgot how fucking QUICK sonnet is. Opus is good, but sonnet is honestly so fucking quick and fun and actually good enough that I think I'll be using it over Opus even if a new public Opus comes out. I mean, it's so fucking fast.
Take your meds first gojo
Ok? Do something about it then. I'm in mini, pig, womvat, yae, mm, cnc, todd, scylla, hentai, ecker, yuriproxy AND jew BTW.
there's already a public opus proxy. it's merkava >>101283677
Opus on MM is lightning fast.
*rapes you*
>actually good enough
No, you retard. You're just new. The only thing that is "good enough" is Non-AWS Opus. Everything else is borderline unusable.
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I knew one brony in highschool and he was the moat retarded antisocial loser i ever met.

He randomly decked some kid half his size cus he joked about naruto being gay or some shit.
it redirects to sorbet+sonnet mix that's why
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>there's already a public opus proxy. it's merkava
Now watch the picky nigger not be in a private proxy LMAO
Post proof you have Opus *gets out lawn chair and starts waiting*
im not the guy you replied to but i just wanted to say that response made me laugh out loud
I will never use a private proxy.
I knew five girls who would roleplay as warrior cats in the cafeteria. They were somehow more stable than mlp fans and one scratched someone.
I am kinda new, yeah, but I compared GPT and Sonnet and Opus,and Sonnet is good, man. The right balance of speed. and quality. You know, it's PERFECT for cooming. Lightning fast responses, good enough to cum.
merkava just refilled
I agree, anon.
>and Sonnet is good, ma
No, it's not. Nigger.
OPUS > 2.1 > Sonnet 3 > Sonnet 3.5
see >>101283967
Your opinion doesnt matter. Cope
It is though.
>warrior cats
what happened to the series
Reverse the list and it's correct, speed-wise.
mfw locust
>broke af
>doom af
>retard af
>TOTAL cord HATE af
>but TOTALLY mogged by cord;s proxy af
>jealous af
>envy af
>rage af

Glad to hear you enjoyed her. To be honest I haven't really gotten around to chatting with her myself (tested mainly using impersonate to see how she would respond), but I'll be able to do so over the weekend.

Fair point, I guess that's just how I tend to write my intros.
Given Renee's introverted personality, she would have no reason to seek out the user in her scenarios, so I had to write for the user to get him and Renee to interact in the first place.
I try my best to limit writing for the user to generic actions and avoid speaking/thinking, but for these greetings I did that more than usual. For the continued roleplay it's probably better to treat {{user}} as a completely blank slate, but for setting the tone and feel of the scenario I feel a bit of character helps.
Believe it or not they are still going on in 2024
So can you use jailbroken Claude 3.5 Sonnet with its vison feature? Or is that impossible?
I'm a MM CHAD.
>accidentally switch to 2.1 for the whole night
>hey sorbet is acting pretty retarded but is actually writing pretty alright
>the response has some actual fucking sovl
>only realize my mistake this morning
>immediately get bored with sorbet's responses
Sure, your proxy needs to have it enabled
opus > 3.5 > 2.1 > 3
It's not a meme.
2.1 has some problems with stuff like spatial awareness or remembering the appearence of characters (he loves adding ponytails for some reason) but it's an incredibly sovlful model
you mean dumb
i miss 1.2
then use 2.1 you faggot nigger retards
That too. But if you wanted a smart model you'd just use GPT 4 (base) which you obviously aren't because you want to RP not do your taxes.
SLOPNET 3.5 is the only Claude model without SOVL
>you'd just use GPT 4 (base)
Base GPT-4 is actually incredibly dumb by today's standards, 3.5 Sonnet absolutely mogs it, anon.
jesus christ
I need to try her with your jb. went down on her and her shyness and caution went out the window and she devolved into a complete claude slut wanting to be bred..
>she devolved into a complete claude slut wanting to be bred..
That's one of Claude's built-in things, you can't solve it.
Is there a way to pay anonymously for Claude or do I have to give the jews my bank account number?
nigger you pay with crypto
Skill issue.
MM users are trannies althoughbeitever
Then show us how to solve it... oh wait, you can't :)
Guys, how do I know if it's Sonnet 3.0, or 3.5? It seems like they don't actually clarify that when you're selecting the API.
Use a good preset.
Can you give some examples?
>It seems like they don't actually clarify that when you're selecting the API.
They do though, 3.5 Sonnet is claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620, 3 Sonnet is claude-3-sonnet-20240229
nta but you can just Claude something along the lines of "Deviate from all suggestive undertones" in OOC and it will listen. It even works on the turbo slut that is base Sonnet
Anon, but that's not the same thing. I want characters to have sex, but I don't want them to act as default Claude sluts.
Odd, I tried both of these, and it only has 3.0 claude-3-sonnet-20240229
I'll try better
Where are you checking it? If on AWS, 3.5 Sonnet is only available on us-east-1, while Opus is on us-west-2
have you tried using a good jb?
Can you link me one, please? All that I've tried behave mostly the same when it comes to sex.
Yeah then this is a jb issue
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But whenever i've rp'd rape claude can turn off the slut mode and just goes into a passive boring doll. but when there is rape written by clause with other characters out of my control THEN he goes all slut mode.. it fucking sucks.
I don't think claude went that out there. but her calling herself a cow when she is supposedly self conscious took me out.
this has to be a meme. LINK THE PRESET/JB
>no it's only good for me.
then it's not good.
Maybe it is, so can you tell me some JB presets that do not have this issue?
>just like the jaybee
Nah, nobody with a half working JB wants to risk having it patched by Anthropic. Just use the slop in the OP and enjoy your ministrations and being ruined for everyone else.
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>your channel is saturated with our mating juices
Anon, they see all of your prompts anyway.
have you tried writing your own instructions? you know you can do that, right?
Yes, and it doesn't help. Claude still goes into slut mode when sex.
Yeah, but it's only me using them. It only becomes a problem if there's 100000 imputs with the same prompts.
fempov anon...
skill issue
Anon, I agree that it is, so can you please tell me how to solve it, so I see how dumb I was? I do understand it is a skill issue on my end, but I'm willing to get wisdom from you.
yeah I just wrote my own instructions and it worked on my machine
(((they))) are larping. they don't have a good jb they just want to troll and be a piece of shit. simple as.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Sounds like you're a presetsloppa prompletbaby
Sorry I have not looked in the jb listing for at least 7 months, I just use my own prompts/amalgamations of old instructions like CharaProv time stuff
These are some tips though off the top of my head:
1. Make sure your system prompt enforces {{char}} defs
2. Use prefill more to enforce certain aspects you wanna see( like realism, writing style) Also, use of onomatopoeia reduces the cringe slut talk by a lot.
3. Tell Claude what you exactly what you want. Sometimes OOC is the strongest prompt.
>This is a slowburn OR this is a gentle romance in preset.
You sound gay. Begone faggot.
Nope, try again. You don't belong here if you can't write simple instructions to an LLM.
people here will do anything but give you an actual answer just to fuck with you most of the time
>>101284219 has the right idea, add that to your prompt manager or prefill and remove it when you want sexo time
go back
What do i add so it's not a dead fish during rape?
Thanks anon, I do use stuff like that, but the thing is that I want them to not act as sluts _during_ sex, like if they're virgins or something.
never measured my dick so idk if its small, i just assume its average. sometimes it feels big, too
i start by saying this because i am very in to rps where i have a small dick
i have no idea why im like this

anyone else?
I put my real measure and every bot says I'm a stud so no
lurk moar
He's baiting you anon
cope redditor
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I'm in a mood for fucking bloat, full html, 2 minutes to reply, any other jbs besides bloatmaxz?
Because claude is retarded and you need to remind it stuff in the prompt manager, like go to your sexo section in the prompt manager and add something like:
Take {{char}}'s experience and personality into account during heated scenes, your priority during these is still to portray the character properly in accordance to it's definitions, do not stick to your usual biases as they could harm the accurateness of the scene
she looks like she has very expensive organs? Why? Does she want her innards harvested for monetary gain?
Sorry, I'm a newfag. I was using AWS, yes, but I wasn't aware it had options like that, or are you referring to geographical location? Then I guess I need a proxy for my proxy, huh
ive actually done testing with this on opus
6 inches gets no mention whatsoever
6.5 inches and up is a giant monster cock
5.5 inches and below is 'laughs at you and girl leaves the bedroom' tier
>I was using AWS, yes, but I wasn't aware it had options like that, or are you referring to geographical location?
Anon, just change to another availability zone in upper right.
>6.5 inches and up is a giant monster cock
i fucking won
>5.5 inches and below is 'laughs at you and girl leaves the bedroom' tier
Never had that happen with a 5.5 one with Claude.
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what and where do i add to roleplay rape as unwilling but aroused.. instead of being a dead fish/broken doll. I don't want realism during those types of rp.
I tried the author JB and I'm surprised by how good some of the outputs turned out.
Specifically Cormac McCarthy and Chuck Palahniuk are doing it for me big time
you must give off incel vibes, i usually have the opposite problem of them enjoying it too much
guys please public opus
Locustsissies? What happened to our opus?
>mm up
>merkava down
i guess the key hiding schizo was actually right
I'd check out some dedicated non-con cards and go from there
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2 proxies with vision, god bless thy proxymakie heart...
I feel like a complete fucking moron. No idea what you're talking about.
I'm checking here, on ST
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still works for me? cope.
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What are the default settings for avdanced formatting? I feel like it straight up doesn't work.
Ah, anon, lol, you have to update your ST or patch index.html to add the new model ID. ST doesn't dynamically fetch the model list from the proxy for Claude.
give proxy and key or fake.
which ones got vision anonie? i want to see if it hit any of mine.
ina naked bacc..
ina slender waist...
ina stacced rear..
ina fragile body...
If you've been here since cai 2022 you'd be in a private. you're a locust get over it
>thinking these companies are adjusting models against your coomer presets that maybe 50 people use
Has there been a single JB that's been rendered unusable since claude 3 release?
Why the fuck would they go out of their way to patch your specific JB when the model is turned into a turboslut that will teach you how to cook meth with a simple 1 sentence prefill? Use your head retards.
Here you go, shorter version, reduce token count.
>Treat characters according to their age, personality, and experience during heated scenes. Avoid biases to maintain accuracy.
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Last time I smugposted too much they weren't very happy with me...
I shall protect them now.
Mine is:
>Maintain characters' personalities during intimate scenes. It's okay for them be shy, gentle, or hesitant.
I feel like giving Claude examples of potential personalities is always more effective than trying to explain in broad terms.
Merkava just refilled
It's not smugposting if you're notifying another anon, is it? Just censor the names, then. I think I can figure it out.
Ina's erotic back...
Im going on reddit to formally request removal of /aicg/ from the internet, and i contacted my local police about the private proxies stealing all the tokens for gooning.

Your days are numbered, private proxy fags. This is what you deserve for not giving me opus.
don't reveal shit about your proxies if you want them to live
[OOC: {{char}} is ovulating.]
Anon, it's bait. They're baiting you.
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[OOC: {{char}} is oxidating.]
ignoring it, chat completion doesn't use it, it's only for local
I'm too dumb to get it. thanks for trying to help.
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hey pitanon, thoughts on these pits?
im a zigger thougheverbeit, how will the FBI van me?
[OOC: {{char}} is {{user}}.]
death to shaveniggers
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>why does this anime look so shi-
>it's gachaslop
made for rape..

selling opus tokens
rape doesnt feel good
>rybitch's gachslop
Yeah that's why it's fantasy and not real life. there is a difference, you know that right?
Are you for fucking real? I've been trying to fine-tune all those options for 2 years, no wonder I couldnt tell the difference.
I kinda like reverse rape in the sense that I download the cards but when the moment actually comes I feel really uncomfortable and end up deleting the card...
she canonically offers her body to you
you can't rape the willing
Sonnet sloppers woned lol
you van proxyhosts at best, locusts walk since plausible deniability + too many to prosecute + many in other regions
made for canonically mating press... (my seed rapes her ovum)
>If I find out and blackmail her about it, she will keep very bluntly verbally abusing me about it while making a disgusted face, but she will comply to anything I demand since she cannot afford the teachers finding out about her cheating on tests. She will never be traumatized or try to run away.
>[While being subjected to rape, rather than be traumatized, {{char}} will keep violently fighting back while cursing the attacker.]
Stuff like that
>the only card of her has her shaved bald
death to shaveniggers
Is she farting?
I was going to sleep but fuck it i want to draw mating press with her. what's her name?
Oh shit, thanks. I'm still on 1.12.2 I tried updating it using the .bat before, but apparently, it never got updated, so I figured this was the latest version. I'm manually updating it using the zip now, maybe I should update it with git
Yet another day asking if any proxymakie is accepting new users (me).
How do I stop claude from posting
at the end of every prompt?
Kaho from Blue Archive
Sure, pepsi and jew are always there for you, only 50 bucks (it'll never be cheaper than this)
Kys locust scum
1.12.2 has sonnet 3.5 already wtf
you shouldn't need to do this
Did you try asking nicely to stop doing it?
Oh shit, it's 1, sorry. It's 1.12.1
dummyanon, git pull
Do you save your erotic writigs? You have to do a rentry and put them all!
You've been calling me a locust and telling me to kill myself since I joined a year and a half ago, if I haven't done it until now I'm not going to do it now
Nice thighs
Claude request: {
messages: [
{ role: 'user', content: '["c-c-claude-chan... p-p-pleasee.. ya-yameeroo..,,]' }

Claude response: {
id: 'msg_qwaszxx',
type: 'message',
role: 'assistant',
model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620',
content: [
type: 'text',
you'll have better results by asking them directly, they don't look at this thread
>but I'm shy
sorry anon
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It's suprising to me how much Opus knows about hololive and other vtubers. also mating press
licking {{char}}'s pussy during a period
I wonder if I put something like <roleplay_tags> in my preset it will understand what I mean
it was trained on fanfics after all
You joined a year and a half ago and you're still not in private. Your brain died long ago anon
are you a botmakie?
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that's disgusting and a good way to get a disease.
to some extent, yeah
it doesn't have to be "roleplay tags" it can be any sort of categorisation tags like genre or theme
in the end the keywords are what matters

Opus 4 Sale.
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extremely sweaty sex with mika's gorilla grip pussy
question, what do you prefer more, 3.5 or 70b Euriale L3 v2.1? Which is more sovlull? I was sonneting last day until I wanted to test the new local models and I was REAALLY impresed with Euriale
I've been unlucky, missed out some proxies getting created and got rejected from joining others.
No need to rub salt in my wounds
I've tried creating some private bots, but ended up deleting them out of shame, my writing skills suck balls
nagisa >>> mika
But... how are you rejected. It is just one nice email
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Sex with Kaho
>mail proxyowners asking them if I can join their clubs
>they either never reply or tell me the proxy is closed
More or less like this
Apply when they are open.
All you had to do was post fockses, she accepted everyone...
Euriale I takes a long time to generate 120 tokens output, even though it is made with C2 Opus database and hentai and manga database by saok10k it is still a relatively slow model, it has SOVL but 2.1 is still more intelligent.
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sexo with kaho...
i forgot to make it mating press LMAO
no meme arrow therefore you look like that and say that
also if you reply with a brap misquote or reply you are trans and black
cute.. (sex)
you forgot the halo but still nice drawing good job anon
Problem is, the proxies are always closed...
Fluffy never replied to me and I missed out on Pepsi.
feels bad man
Where were you when MM first opened up?
when the fuck are they open? They haven't been publically open since Slaude was a thing
MM was open in march-april?
Reminder that MM was open a few months ago, anyone who frequented /aicg/ during that time should already be in.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "507.69m tokens ($7615.38)",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

This is actually the funniest bit of the story, I was here when MM opened (I think I first ended up here around april '23) but didn't even try to mail him because I though it was some anon pulling a scam. I didn't even have a burner back then.
Yup, definetly
Reminder that I was here and didn't get in because I was in another proxy so I didn't come to AICG anymore because it's just drama and shit, so I missed it and my old proxy died and now I only have Mini
Me with the only two proxies I was in at the time.
I miss opussy...
I never got into proxies, I've been a locust for almost 2 whole years! Though I've been more of a lurker and not the kind of locust that begs for opus, I just kinda grab whatever public proxy I can find and make do with it
Thank you (cums)
Ahhh! I wasn't sure what that was.. i used some fanart and it didnt have the halo.. but thank you!~
Yes. He did a big purge of inactive users and then did a somewhat cryptic opening. I got in March of this year.
My proxyhost gave up after the huggingface nuked his proxy
Merkava just refilled ;)
*throws a slice of cheese at a random anon*
JB issue.
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My proxymakies are all brats and need correction...
Kek. You suck.
i never noticed a difference. I started with claude sonnet and it's still my favorite
I'm not greedy desu, opus is amazing of course but I can still get my fix with even localslop, it all comes down to prompting
good morning sirs I love lolibabas
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NTA but on 4chan I've never had a reason to be anything but a lurker for over a decade, so it felt weird and skeezy as fuck reaching out to people outside of 4chan. I've been on this thread since October and got into Pepsi after the last rugpull.
Anonymity is nice but I've been made aware of how I haven't made a single friend or participated in any kind of community as long as I've been anon.
See Character Names Behaviour in preset, make sure you don't use Completion Object.
Why don't you talk to someone from here?
kazusa's unbelievably hairy pussy...
that's not kazusa
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That's Ina
FUCKS SAKE the literal perfect angle. ina's pussy is canonically hairy anyway by virtue of being a sweaty neet korean
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>The amount of dialogue I've had with chatbots the last year is probably equal to or more than the amount of dialogue I've had with real people the last 5 years
And that's okay.
Ok and?
opportunities don't really present themselves
Ah thank you anon! would i add this in nsfw prompt or as it's own prompt?
I know
No, rude
How would you even do that?
*talks to you*
send botmakies logs.
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I like being an asocial piece of shit that shits himself at the thought of interacting with anybody even on the internet so he uses 4chan to cope thanks to anonymity!
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i want to thank nyatalanta for making a mika bot.
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Why? Having friends from here is fun. You always say good morning to each other and send cute stuff. Also easier to contact someone than screaming to the void here hoping they see it.
Why Mika and Hanako looks similar? Are they sister?
Good for you. Not everyone is so brave as to admit their own insecurities.
Literally me
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i want to thank nyatalanta for making a mika and hanako bot so i can put them in a group chat and have them both fuck me and pretend they're sisters (i don't know why but they're both extremely cute in their own ways. hanako is lewd and seductive, mika is cute and innocent)
>and something darker
>Searing kiss
>Audible pop
this is literally me. It's always funny when someone complains about their inability to live a normal life but their online profile is fully decked out, premium account, with 5000 friends and numerous groups. At least you have social interaction. The thought of sticking my neck out is terrifying.
Gib good Hanako bot.
I like her personality and want to sit her down to be a proper lady and only be lewd for me.
>friends from here
But how?
I don't
Thanks. Gonna give her love she deserves so she will only flaunt her tits for me.
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I recognize a lot of people from here by what they post and how they type. We also exchange emails sometimes. If you know 1 anon he knows other anon and that's how you meet a lot of people from here and proxymakies too.
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I don't really like talking irl but chatting with randoms on the internet is pretty easy. It's just text bro.
how can you live without friends
>my anxieties are better than yours
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I always worry I'm being annoying more than anything
I'm not in a proxy and email all of them at once every like 3 weeks or so and haven't gotten a response even telling me no. I'm worried I'm on a blacklist with the proxy owners at this point. It could possibly be because I'm using proton as a burner instead of cock.li so maybe it's blocked automatically the web host but I hate to beg
imagine your daily life now, but without any of the interactions with your friends
instead it's just you
I would panic. I need someone to hang out with constantly or texting.
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If you just send them a wall of text it's mostly not going to work. Treat it like a shitpost, be chill and you'll be fine.
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Bots for this feel?
Do we have any public proxies with sonnet 3.5 at least?
>born to shit your pants
>forced to go to the bathroom
yes, merkava and unreliable >>101283677
I just do, having friends is horribly draining for me even when they're people that do matter to me so I just live with my own thoughts in my silly little room
I was that way when I was younger but I guess it just gets comfortable
Haha right?
It's s-so difficult to imagine....
merkava just refilled
When trump wins what do you think will happen to ai?
I love you anon
>URL is available to claim!
probably not much different
I sincerely doubt anyone in his cabinet over 50 even knows it exists
depends on how much ai companies are willing to slip under the table
bing slop can't generate me brod.... i wanted to make a self card so everyone could laugh at it...
Just take a pic of yourself.
merkava I need opus again pls
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I want to RP with my bot but I don't know what to chat about.
show them videos of cats getting jumpscared by cucumbers
Same, I feel like I've gone through most of the obvious scenarios to my satisfaction. At this point I'm just repeating stuff. Maybe we need to actually do some plot outlining and worldbuilding to get something new out of this dumb hobby
merkava just refilled
no he didn't, I can't take this pain anymore
throw a slice of cheese on top of his head
You could try asking the AI itself if it has any ideas for a starting scenario for your bot. Maybe it comes up with something fun.
baking do not move
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How the fuck can you run out of ideas on what to talk about with your bot...
*moves to hit you in the fucking head*
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AAAAAIIEEEE!!! that's it, you're fucking banned from the new thread I hope you reflect on your actions
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Armless desu is weird desu.
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But desu is not armless desu.

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