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Oz edition

previous: >>101262296

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Post racks
My rack is so smol and perky UwU :(. Any tips on how to make it grow big and boisterous desu??
(Repasta from >>101283708)

Someone recommend me a random piece of home server software (from the awesome list or something) that you like/use.

I'm currently too far in my comfort zone to try out new things.

(Dubs and I'll force myself to use it to the fullest extent for at least a month.)
What are you currently running?
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i need to buy a new switch and maybe build an opnsense/pfsense box (havent looked into them much) to replace my router
these are my portainer containers:
To be honest, nothing yet, since I'm waiting on hardware to arrive (babby's first homeserver).

Once I have it I'm throwing a MC server, Plex, Nextcloud and Dashy on it, together with Portainer. These are the only pieces of software I'm already familiar with.
Thanks, I'll take a look at those. I recognize a few.

I'm running pihole already on a dedicated pi actually. Could as well run it (or adguard/pfsense) on the server instead.
i am planning to setup Frigate so that it takes several daily pics of my milf neighbour as she is going in/out of her house, then run the pics through a nudify AI filter and send them to (my) private email account together with several lewd AI generated paragraph like
>mhmmm this slut is all wet and ready for you ;) what would you do to me?
i am also planning to implement chatbot style interaction where "we" can go back and forth with lewd conversation as i receive a nude with each reply.
Just sit tight for a few years. you'll eventually accumulate more equipment in the natural course of things, just because you needed to do X or wanted to tinker with Y.
(whether any of this equipment is useful is a separate question, mind)
Very nice racks
Before you start:
>Ansible (jump box)
>Terraform (jump box)
>HashiCorp Vault
>Active Directory
>Kubernetes or OpenShift
>VMware vSAN / StarWind VSAN Free (KVM)
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Tinkerer here.
I have all the parts to build an Intel i3-12100 home lab serverm, except the MB. I saw this online and was wondering if any of you have rigged up dell precision server shit. I know I need the ATX12vo adapter, but was wondering if this is nightmare fuel over just getting a retail asus w680. Dug into this and apparently you need to solder proprietary power connectors, as well.

I want / need something that has low power draw, intel quick sync, ECC ram (I love my data) but don't need a lot of CPU horsepower as it will mostly be a dumb file server.
Too complicated for what I need. I think I'll be set with a ssh connection and Portainer.

Even Ansible would just be used for setting up Docker.
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I will try that if there's no other choice, but it doesn't seem like it should need a special application to resolve an allowed and accessible IP, seeing as the rules should already be in place for it to work.

I even added the IP of each box to the access lists in the DNS resolver's, but still nada. Anything I should try before I dive into haproxy?
I hate proprietary mobos so much it's unreal
None of the oems follow atx standards for mounting either and use their own proprietary psus. The psus are decent themselves but are limited on power.
You're not getting ecc on a consumer intel platform without a W680 board. You'll want to check if an i3 will even support it.
>tfw all /g/ archives have search disabled so have to post here and hope to be spoonfed instead
what's /gee/'s preferred NAS? been thinking of repurposing a couple of identical drives into a raid1 setup, but want to use a filesystem that windows doesn't support (zfs)
so i'm thinking some dedicated hardware would be best to handle that, then i can just access the files from a network share within windows, but i want something simple that Just Werks (tm) without too much tinkering and preferably isn't too expensive (maybe ~€200-300 or less, no idea how much these things usually go for)

also one of the drives has data on it so what i want to accomplish is
>have drive 1 with all the important data on it, formatted as NTFS
>drive 2 is free to be formatted to ZFS, plugged into the NAS and all the data transferred back over
>then drive 1 can be wiped, added to the ZFS pool and mirrored from drive 2

is this possible and if so what are /g/'s preferred devices within that budget?
Sounds like the only way to get low power idle use on an ECC Quicksync platform is with the Atom c3000 chips. My lord these are fucking expensive. Intel has outsmarted the goy yet again.
So you're aiming for a two disk zfs raid?
>just werks
This isn't happening.
You also write like you're in for rookie mistake 101 regarding zfs: Once your raid is built, you can't just add/extend plates like you want.
Requesting /hsg/'s quick run down on vSAN, why and how does it matter for home usage and what's the difference with a NAS

>t. new to the concept
Check ebay for an HP 800 G4 SFF or Z2 SFF if you only need two 3.5" bays. Fujitsu might have a 2-bay sff but I'm not familiar with their lineup. It'll have m.2 slots and most listings include that or an ssd for the OS.
If you actually can't deal with installing your own OS and finding some hand-holding app manager, then you're stuck buying an expensive appliance nas, which will be dicier about copying your existing data to a mirror arrangement. It will be simpler to get a third disk, mirroring across the two free disks, and keeping the original for backup purposes.

I guess getting one of the half-height/itx arc cards defeats low power idle? Because a 4-core epyc for am5 should be available "soon" and asrock consumer boards usually support unbuffered ecc if you don't want to splurge on an asrock rack board, though those have some nice nics.
>I have all the parts to build an Intel i3-12100 home lab serverm, except the MB
oh right.
Honestly, ECC is only necessary if you're selling data or doing a lot of offloaded processing.
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new toplology just dropped
I posted the wrong image so I deleted it :)
I haven't removed the DAC yet since I need a 10gbit switch for that
You gettin the switch or stayin with the DAC? I remember recommending keeping the DAC but given you don't have a managed switch might as well get it
For right now I'm sticking with the DAC since I want to get the APs set up (should be delivered today).

Eventually I want to get rid of it and get a switch for a few reasons
>it will let my server do more than 1gbit of traffic between multiple clients
>only have the 10.x devices on my trusted network
>it will let me consolidate my reverse proxies so i dont have to have additional 172.x proxies for devices that can use the speed (like speedtest, filebrowser, etc)
But that's probably in a few weeks.

Once that's done I might build a pfsense/opnsense box, but not sure if I'll have the time to deal with that.
Thanks desu.
DESU I don't really need ECC memory, I just already have 64gb of unbuffered ddr5 memory so why not use it? I just added up the cost of running this server 24/7 for a year in my eurocuck power residence so this does matter (35-40/month). I consider this free heat in the winter months, but it does make sense to be more selective for a server running 24/7. Some peeps schedule off / on reboots during night hours but I think that might cause other issues.
Anything you recommend that does low power idle? AMD or INTEL. Quicksync is nice but not mandatory. Have 6 HDD's in a ZFS2 array and I checked those run 30w on average which I can live with.
>I might build a pfsense/opnsense box
Just virtualize it
Raspberry Pi OS vs Ubuntu Server for a rspi?Does it really matter?

Primarily planning to run Pi-hole. But might fuck around with some other server software later.
get this
has like 7 processes and takes 40MB ram out of the box
yeah i'm a bit of a newfren regarding home server stuff, never considered using any hardware other than my main pc so not 100% sure what these things usually cost, sorry - my previous setup was with storage spaces in windows
regarding the raid i just want a simple raid1 two-way mirror for redundancy - i have no plans to expand it or do anything more complex beyond mirroring like parity, striping etc.
and if i did expand it would ideally be with another set of two drives, mirrored in the same way

hmm, i can look into that, thanks anon
not sure how i feel about secondhand stuff but we'll see
i don't mind setting up the os and such provided it's not too much of a hassle - i've spent hours debloating and customising my windows installs before so tinkering isn't new to me, it's more that i don't want to go wrong and set it up in a way that puts my data at risk
so an os that installs and mostly "just werks" (even if it does require minimal tinkering) would be nice
really not keen on having to buy a third drive though
40mb ram instead of 100mb ram, everything else is just only slightly better.

Except putting logfiles on tmpfs, why are they praising that as an improvement? Just use logrotate and prune the oldest bunch.

This smells like a meme OS ngl.
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how can I get down to 40mb with a regular distro?
Unironically, what's the use case of that? I want shit to work without too much hassle.

I've tried enough stripped down distro's where I run into time-wasting shit down the road because e.g. musl was used because of glibc, making shit I wanted to install incompatible, or dependencies were missing and not in their own package repos etc.
The only way is to use a minimal distro like Tiny Core. You won't be able to get that with a regular distro.
This is a non-starter, consumer grade desktop parts, not server parts. It's a nightmare.
Xeon E-2300 or E-2400 (with Intel Data Center GPU Flex Series) would've been what you were looking for.
>You're not getting ecc on a consumer intel platform without a W680 board. You'll want to check if an i3 will even support it.
Nope. No ECC on i3-12100, even with a W680 workstation board.
Non-tinker route: Synology (0-1 devices) or Dell PowerVault.
Tinker route: StarWind VSAN Free (KVM) controller virtual machine, PCIe passthrough of a HBA (up to 2-3 servers).
Shared storage. Think of it as RAID except instead of between disks it's between multiple server hosts. It can help with live migration and recovery of VMs.
>Unironically, what's the use case of that?
neofetch threads on /g/
damn. i figured i could just recompile without some options. i dont have many processes running
This still needs improvement to follow a router-on-a-stick configuration or a two tier campus network architecture.
Both easier and better if you would buy a dedicated firewall appliance (non-virtualized) instead of DIY.
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I have a few 1tb SSDs that I want to put in a NAS.
Would it make sense to just use them in JBOD by themselves as they are, or are they better used as RAID cache inside a NAS with other HDDs?
You can still use those sticks in any board but the ecc won't be active, so you can get a consumer matx board if you just wanted to get something together. Most modern cpus have pretty good idle power states if you don't get a 12-core+ monster.
But there's nothing out regarding epyc 4004 yet, should mostly follow 7000-series but the 4-core is new. But you're likely pushing the cost of a proper W680 board getting new amd stuff.

Alpine won't trash your sd card, but will likely drive you insane getting it installed properly.

>not sure how i feel about secondhand stuff
You're not going to find anything that cheap for two disks unless you already have old hardware lying around. And getting something you setup yourself means you can make sure zfs populates and mirrors correctly instead of automagically deciding for you.

Looks like 2-bay appliance nas are floating around $200~300 new.
Depends entirely on the SSD models if they are suitable to be considered in the first place. (Read: enterprise SSDs)
>Most modern cpus have pretty good idle power states if you don't get a 12-core+ monster.
TDP does not equate to idle power consumption (outside of two-socket servers). A higher TDP processor of the same generation can consume less power than a lower TDP one, race to sleep (to lower C-state).
>(Read: enterprise SSDs)
what makes them different from commercial SSDs?
Nice, thanks, how would you go about implementing this? Preferable using Proxmox, but I'm interested given I plan to introduce another virtual host node
high tbw
Endurance and consistent performance (not aiming for highest peak performance with trashy performance when the cache runs out), particularly with fsync.
If you want to lab it, grab a VMware ISO and install it on three virtual machines with VMware VMXNET3 network adapter and VMware PVSCSI. Enable nested virtualization or passthrough the host CPU.
You need a minimum of 2+1 dedicated servers (2 nodes + witness) with hardware validated in VMware's HCL and also vSAN HCL to run it in production. Preferably HBA and a homogenous environment of hosts. https://www.vmware.com/go/hcl
StarWind VSAN Free can also do ZFS (SAN) replication with 2 hosts without a witness, to achieve something similar as VMware vSAN with 2+1. Requires 10 GbE, preferably 25 GbE between hosts, thus Mellanox Connect-X4 or better. You don't necessarily need 10 Gbps or 25 Gbps switches for cluster traffic.

>Dell PowerEdge R730 for VMware 7.0U3 and vSAN 7
>Dell PowerEdge R740 for VMware 8.0U3 and vSAN 8
>Mellanox Connect-X4
Mellanox ConnectX-4 *
Forgot to tell. From there, in a Windows desktop environment, install VCSA on one of the (virtual) ESXi hosts to get vSphere. After setup, start enabling vSAN from vSphere Client (web UI).
Lab licensing is $210/year, or a keygen.
Thanks. I get the ECC vs non ECC benefit, I just figured you might have insight, which you did. I am getting the w680 asus pro board + i3-14100t cpu combo + 64 ecc ddr5 ram I have. It supports ECC ram (confirmed) and the board supports the memory which is always dodgy with pro tier Intel shit. The board is way overkill for what i need, but I figured ECC is worth it, and the Quicksync is a nice feature. Its onboarrd SOC is supposedly excellent for the 6 drive HDD setup I will be running, and its 2.5 gbe Intel NIC is good. Never ran a dual lan server before, not sure if I will get any benefit, but will set it up. I have a 10gb nic card lying around, but will only convert my network to 10gb if I have to, to save power.

I have a real feast or famine server environment where like 6-8 users will be streaming at once from my plex server (I have a lot of kids / relatives at the house during summer / pool) but most of the time its totally idle so power use is what I am going with for the 14100t chip which basically shuts off when not in use (less than 5w). Wish me luck on the new build!

inb4 blog post
I was wondering today: Why should you buy several $2000 enterprise servers at home, that will be obsolete in 5 years or less?
It's cheaper to buy a $5000 life size Azuka statue and it won't be obsolete in 10 years.
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>It supports ECC ram (confirmed)
Loud incorrect buzzer. Aw dang it.
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>a router-on-a-stick configuration or a two tier campus network architecture
how would those differ from pic rel, which is probably my next step (getting a switch to replace the dac and putting everything on 10.x)?

right now I'm using a port and a wifi network to keep the 192.x network (untrusted devices) isolated from the 10.x network (trusted devices)
>its 2.5 gbe Intel NIC is good
This is also incorrect. Consumer grade Intel i225-V / Intel i226-V have a severe Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) bug, where single-stream TCP connections can become limited to 100 Mbps throughput or more severely drop packets.
Allow routers to route and switches to switch. Connect end-user devices to switches, or wireless access points, not all-in-one devices. Use VLANs; your isolated subnet could dangle off the switch show in main network area, if managed.
The mobile devices and Roku in the main network are weird in the graph.
You need a firewall. This could act as your aggregate-core, and be connected to the ISP provided CPE (whatever that thing is below the globe).
A smaller access layer below access layer is fine, but not common.
Maybe the graph isn't readable to understand your full intentions.

Sorry I don't have time or interest to draw you a better graph now.
use a core switch with VLANs for your segmentation instead. you'll get your port density and layer 3 functionality that way as well.
this "allow routers to route and switches to switch" in a homelab meme doesn't make any sense because there's no dynamic routing or QoS happening whatsoever. a good switch can do everything and more. the real question is a firewall with stateful inspection, because consumer routers and switches are mostly incapable of stateful inspection.
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Guess it's time to build a server for my anime. Where to start?
What do you do with anaconda?
buy a synology
>build a new pc
>install NAS specific OS
you're done

or, if you're like me and cheap and don't care about disposable media (as in you can find and redownload them again) then just get one of those USB HDD dockers.
Synology is expensive.
How much should i be looking to spend?
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Does anyone know the difference between H530 and H520? This seems like a pretty good deal, comes with 5 year warranty it seems.

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My router runs dd-wrt so I just use that to create a rough port/ssid based vlan. It works well enough.
>The mobile devices and Roku in the main network are weird in the graph.
How so? The one Roku is hardwired to the access point (treating it as a switch) and the others are connected to it via wifi (dashed lines).
>A smaller access layer below access layer is fine, but not common.
Not sure what you mean here either.

I think my router has vlan tagging support so I can mess around with that when my APs come in. It would probably look something like this monstrosity until I get the new switch, though, since all I have is a 5 port switch.
About three fifty
$100 + drives
3x what ever you think is good for redundancy
no idea, in canada a 5 bay synology nas is around ~$1000 basically try to keep it lower than a nas. qnap nas 4 bay is around $800.
honestly it's not that hard to do but i personally would not go over $600 for one. the one i currently want to build is around $400 before taxes at the moment. i could go lower if i ditch a case and just chuck it in a cardboard box and use metal racks for the hdd. you don't need anything fancy for JUST a storage server.
oh, and this is without including the prices of the hdds.
those prices depends on how much you want for space and reliability
Was looking at enterprise SSD's for a zfs array. I know consumer QLC drives can slow substantially during large sequential transfers, is this still a problem for enterprise QLC drives like the P5316?
I need a 4x gbit NIC for an OPNsense box. What should I get?
Used i-350 from eBay .
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>sata, sas or nvme?
>drive endurance rating?
>size of drives?
>number of drives?
Anything cheaper?
Google still had sandy bridge hardware in production up until a few months ago.
It's only outdated when it stops being useful

I know I would get bored jerking to that statue in way less than 13 years
P5316 in u.2 nvme,
Drive endurance 10.78PBW(64K Random), 51.85PBW(64K Sequential)
4 x 15.36TB in raidz1

Rated at 7000MB/s read, 3200MB/s write.
Just wondering if these things will stall to under 100MB/s like consumer QLC when doing large transfers or backing up.
Get a dual nic then and a 5 port switch
You only need WAN and LAN

That 3200mb/s is for the whole drive
Enterprise SSDs don't play games with inflated speed numbers, it's why they seem neutered compared to consumer SSDs but in actuality are much faster when you actually start writing heavily
>You only need WAN and LAN
I have multiple WANs.
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I wonder how much the paint job cost when google originally bought them.
>the one i currently want to build is around $400
post specs?
Those are really for sticking in your corporate lan, letting it crawl your network and having your own personal Google for the company
Actual DC hardware is built so utilitarian and custom it's sickening
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ignore the $688, i plan on buying some of these used.
i haven't included some peripherals yet but even if i did it wont be above $600. and for a storage server i wont need them yet. i dont need fancy case fans since unlike a regular nas this one is only turned on when i need to transfer files, so i wont need to worry about heat. im not using it as a plex server so i dont need to have a beefy cpu. and i dont really plan on having more than 6 hdds at all times so i dont need those fancy adapters either.
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Should I just buy a supermicro chassis to place my existing ATX nas build into? Instead of operating power-hungry spare enterprise servers wholesale
>cisco switch lost all its config settings after power outage
How do I know if the disk is dead?
I dared to dream a dream. Intel said no. The holy grail of a quick sync Intel CPU with ecc ram support is still impossible.
Did some shit change again
Could of sworn pretty much all LGA1700 chips support ECC when in a w680 board
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I thought so too. According to this guy>>101288931 it doesn't. I went to Intels ARK page and sure enough it doesnt list ECC yes or no. The only low power cpu that does is the i3-12100e which is pretty much unobtanium online.

The only motherboard that gives me hope is this one from asrock. Sweet jesus the gook who designed this one is my spirit animal:

ECC ram support
Intel Quicksync
Ridiculously low power draw at idle <5w
M2 software L2ARC cache drive capabilty
IPMI with dedicated lan
13 SATA ports controlled onboard by Intel SOC
Dual Intel LAN with teaming

Its the perfect Truenas server board.

Finding it available from a reliable seller is nigh impossible because all the network chads already scooped them all up.
I think the i5 13400 is the most economical chip that supports ECC on a W680 platform, but while researching this stuff lately I kept hearing the TDP isn't necessarily reflective of the power consumption.
Rather, newer Intel CPUs are actually pretty power efficient, because they idle low and then turbo when necessary to finish tasks faster, which is OK for a home NAS workload (might be an issue for an enterprise network appliance due to the clock-speed delta resulting in jitter). Anyway, have you seen this one?

What about this?
Caveat: If the price seems bad, as I mentioned before I've been looking into this shit recently- and having trawled over hundreds of listings this is one where the seller sent through one of those eBay automatic lower-price offers 400 USD, which isn't unreasonable since it comes with heatsinks and stuff. They also have a bare board available if you don't care about the accessories, or you could message them directly and see if they might give you a better price.
Good thing I wasn't talking about a thermal measurement and instead the presence of extra CCDs or simply more cores needing more juice for physically existing.

I can't find anything but if you checked then
>Intel said no
Also something full-featured like a W680 will destroy any power savings without turning everything off in bios. IPMI especially eats power while off.

SFF off ebay. Buy a new fat disk and an external of the same size.
Fat lives in the SFF and takes all of your hoarding. Backup to the external when you remember but preferably on a schedule. If you suspect you are lazy, then get an HP 800 SFF G4 or newer, so it can take two internal disks to mirror.
When you decide to expand, you either make a dedicated disk storage or attach a jbod via an external sas/sff connector.

i3 tend to be on a different process. And intel never allowed any sort of ecc on their consumer lines for segmentation purposes.

TDP is a thermal measurement of how much the cooling needs to lift out of the processor. It's not reflective of idle state or full load power consumption.
>plug OPNSense machine and WAN into switch
>set up VLAN on WAN port
>set up trunking on OPNSense port
>configure OPNSense's WAN interface to the VLAN I set up
>WAN interface gets IP address
>can't ping internet IPs from OPNSense
>receiving ping replies only while packet capture is ongoing
use lighter software (such as busybox/musl)
custom kernel with everything you don't need stripped out
no initramfs
I love you, home server general anons
Where's the server hardware?
Okay, I'm spoonfeeding the answers I already knew yesterday.

>The holy grail of a quick sync Intel CPU with ecc ram support is still impossible.
Xeon E-2300 series was the last server CPU series. Then Intel Arc / Flex discrete graphics were made.

>Could of sworn pretty much all LGA1700 chips support ECC when in a w680 board
Sockets Supported: FCLGA1700
ECC Memory Supported: Yes

13500T/14500T and up in the Raptor Lake series, excluding F models without iGP, when in a W680 workstation board.

The i3-12100 does not support ECC memory.
Puke. The software is falling apart in development.

>i5 13400 is the most economical chip that supports ECC on a W680 platform
Again, an i5 13400 does not support ECC on a W680.

I repeat: Xeon E3 / E-2100 / E-2200 / E-2300 series for Intel server CPUs with QuickSync video and ECC memory support. Alternatively, a Flex series GPU but with off-label uses.
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I recently picked up one of these secondhand in hopes of assembling a NAS:

How would you design a system for fault-tolerance, good thermal management, and relatively low noise with these limitations:
>1x PCIe x16 slot ~ bifurcates to x8/x8 or x8/x4/x4 (nil four x4 option)
>8x SATA (SATA_0,1,2,3 via Oculink + _4,5,6,7 on PCB; *"SATA_1 will be disabled when M.2 is SATA signal.")
>1x 2242 M.2 slot (*"NVMe SSDs PCIEx4 [Share with SATA_0,1,2,3]")

My max budget for drives is relatively flexible, even if I'd like to keep it as far south of $3000 USD as possible (USD equivalent anyway, money for server gear doesn't go anywhere near as far outside the US it seems), but in targeting ~20TB of available space with either mirrors, raidz2, or mirrors+raidz1 I'm really struggling to find a robust option that would stay quiet and run cool with the internal I/O only.
And full disclosure: I'm an Ausfag, plus I live in a tiny unit, so it's less about running cool than not giving myself tinnitus from 7200 rpm drives and not cooking during the summer (it can only be kept in my living room due to space constraints) also in combination with our soaring electricity rates, enterprise gear in general and HBAs are not an option.
>intel never allowed any sort of ecc on their consumer lines for segmentation purposes.
ECC memory support on Intel consumer Core lines lines exists (since 12th generation), with the appropriate combination of board and CPU.
Workstation boards such as W680 are still very much targeted at a consumer or business client / desktop audience, particularly since Xeon W series workstation CPUs with ECC memory support were consolidated into Alder Lake-S and later. That's to say, ECC memory was enabled in Core series CPUs in 12th generation Core with a workstation board, but a Xeon W1390P was also a rebranded 11900K before that, and Xeon E was usually a similar chip but targeted at entry level servers.
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>build a server
Building your own server, especially for NAS, will never be as good or well supported as a (refurbished) pre-built server or NAS appliance from a big name OEM.
>This is essentially like owning a gun... there are "duty" weapons you bet your life on and "range toys" that are a useful hobby... but you won't depend on them.
How many times are you going to post this?
I don't know if this meets your criteria, but it looks like the E version of the G7400 supports ECC.
However its only dual core.
Correct, but the G7400E is for embedded servers and it's hard to find a platform using it.
If you want to care about Pentium Gold series for whatever the reason, let it be known Dell supports those on PowerEdge R240/R340/R250/R350 servers at least.
PCPartPicker doesn't have Xeon E-2300 or E-2400 series CPUs. It also doesn't have Supermicro X12, X13 or X14 motherboards.
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Le plex server
Ain't she a beaut
No server hardware explicitly shown or visible. Specifications?
I don't need to be enterprise schizo to be unnerved by those unmounted hdd's.
what are the drive temps
opnsense and pfsense are both buggy php code, you just have to go through all configuration pages and figure out what broke
enterprise-jew fails again to understand the aryan spirit
is there the opposite of ethernet over coax? a reverse moca if you will?
basically damage to my home due to a storm killed the cax cable to our living room.
i dont really watch tv but the rest of my family do.
i layed out cat6a all over the home so we still have ethernet there.
is there some sort of device that lets mee feed coax to one end, send it over the networ and then recieve it on another end?
googling this stuff is kinda difficult cause it always shows moca results.
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Me again. I ended up copying >>101291031 for the most part. I wasnt sure what to do about the drives so I just searched for refurbished enterprise ones and found some that look good. Thoughts?
It's still a gaming PC, not a server.
>No ECC memory or ECC memory support
>No redundancies or failure tolerance
>Single PSU
>Single boot drive
>Tower chassis
>Realtek 2.5 GbE LAN
>Microsoft Windows® 10 64-bit / 11 64-bit
And it's more expensive than a refurbished rackmount server with server grade hardware.
And why do you need a z690 gaming board for a 12400f, in a server? Also don't get an f sku, you want the apu.
Look, if you're still set on DIY building, start over from an ASRock Rack or Supermicro motherboard.
I dont know. irl im just a codemonkey, i know nothing about computer hardware.
how come? im not necessarily set on DIY building either I just thought it would be the best value
Are things like CasaOS, UmbrelOS and CapRover worth to play around with?

Or just install Dashy and DIY?
Small communities, no support.
>how come?
Remote management, validated hardware for server tasks and operating systems (particularly with Supermicro in the DIY space), ECC memory support, options for redundancies, server grade NICs with SR-IOV support and without major firmware issues, and many more plausible conveniences (such as front bay hotswappable disk trays if you have the right chassis).
I mounted ur moms rack last night
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>/hsg/ can't decide whether to recommend enterprise grade hardware or a shitty SFF from ebay to a guy who just wants to store his animus
Genuinely what is wrong with you spergs?
Mini pc with a das that passes through individual drives. Or just plug that into your pc if you don't need it to be always up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYGBm-m-h0s Should have this video on hand.
Looking that some of those HP microservers come with Pentium Gold G6405. Do those things support ECC memory? I'm seeing conflicting information.
If I want to render services that will depend on eachother, for instance: torrentclient, *arr, VPN, am I better off on running these in a single docker/portainer stack? Or does it not matter much If I just make seperate images
Not validated for ECC.
>Ask for a server
>Synology is too expensive
It ain't. But you should be able to swap in a CPU that does support it. I'm sure a couple of the more expensive spec ones have ECC supporting CPUs in it. And at one point I considered buying one 2nd hand off eBay for cheap and switching out the CPU. But I got a Supermicro SuperServer mini tower instead.
i'll tell you what's wrong, we're more than one person
there should be a separated enterprise thread
docker compose can run interdependent dockers, proxmox can set start order fields to set which vms start first
ok, kinda shitty. I guess I'd also need to make sure the board does each time as well. You'd think with server level stuff they'd make the tech specs incredibly clear and verbose.
What're some fun /HSG/-related things I can do with an older mini PC?
It has a 35W 7th gen i5, 250gb SSD and 8gb RAM. I can upgrade the ram and SSD.
Testbench for client installs via PXE boot. Windows 10 or older.
Best raidz configuration for general fileserver? I haven't bpught drives yet though I'll probably get 3-6 at first depending on what raid config I decide on.
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>newer Intel CPUs are actually pretty power efficient, because they idle low and then turbo when necessary to finish tasks faster
No way unless you got an i3 on a mitx board with some sort of picopsu
regular Haswell/Skylake boards regularly got 25W-30W idle with 4 drives included
Also modern intels have power spikes well beyond tdp
I'll believe what you said when I see pics of some actual wattmeter
get an external 1TB HD, install Proxmox, install Plex in a vm to stream anime,
>RAID10 (striped mirrors) for HDDs (archival)
>RAID10 (striped mirrors) for busy SSDs (hot data, random IOPS)
>RAID-Z2 or RAID10 (striped mirrors) for SSDs (hot backup data, sequential writes/reads)
Resilvering times taken into consideration, always consider mirrors. Even an unnamed ZFS developer suggests to consider using mirrors instead of RAID-Z.
Forgot to add:
>RAID1 (mirrors) for redundant boot drives
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Dumb question, but is there something like Proxmox just for containers, podman preferred, that isn't full K8S or RHELs personal cock tool to sell? Just a nice GUI to add pods, see if they're running and shut them down on a click.
Also enterprise for a small home NAS is borderline retarded.
>Also modern intels have power spikes well beyond tdp
That's the turbo TDP. Don't complain if your motherboard removes power limits.
>I'll believe what you said when I see pics of some actual wattmeter
>not k8s
>not OpenShift
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I am going to buy a synology.
Portainer or Rancher?
there's Swarmpit for Docker Swarm, but i think Swarm is pretty much a dead project, too bad because it was nice to use unlike k8s and all that garbage
check "show logging" for syslogs indicating failure
dir bootflash: or dir flash: or dir * to check directories
diagnostic start switch 1 test all
show environment
I am doing raid1 on the boot drives already. I'm using truenas so mirrored vdevs sound like it would be about the same.
A great candidate for the radiator.
It's important to note that this isn't mission critical data, and it will be backed up to the current server I'm using.
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Suck ass.
Better than above.
As you said, dead as stone.

I'm not trying to be too grumpy here, but I'm asking myself this question for the better half of this year now as my current workflow is creating a pod via ansible with complementary systemd job and use webmin as overview like a good goy. All of this seems to me an easy to sell "solution" or just another webgui really and yet out of all my hot loaded ideas, this is the one that hasn't been done before..
>under 45
No , nothing good and reliable.

If you're really that cheap buy some junk from aliexpress
Cockpits podman add-on is good for everything but creating pods/containers . Dosnt bother me much because I prefer the command line for that anyway
>Anything cheaper?
Poorfag, yada yada, but you may have other concerns to spend your money on, if this already a questionable amount for your personal home networking.
there's a lot of stuff for k8s, there's just nothing if you don't need all the k8s features, and learning k8s for simple things sucks ass
He spent all his money on multiple WANs
what's the best open/librre source calendar server?
for 1 person, not for enterprise niggers
proxmox server for services.
i have a g3 400 and i put 32gb of ram on it and run like 30+ lxc containers all from a unifi controller to a music server and plex. the intel igpu supports quicksync so transcoding is a non issue for like 4 or so clients at once.
or nextclouds' calendar.
Sure but basically confirms what i said (newer desktop consoomer intels & motherboards kinda got worse) i agree with the server part tho.
also one more reason why raspi are memes.
"race to idle" is not a very convincing argument when it comes to a skylake i5 vs raptorlake i5 because the total idle watts have doubled with the latter option for the exact same type of parts (let's say matx and 4 to 8 hard drives for a small home box)
yes raptor lake finishes the job quicker then goes to idle but the overall platform idle watts baseline is 2x so what are we doing here?
I have a 14900k in my desktop
Idle is just as good as previous platforms, if anything it's gotten better just due to what the CPUs are capable of.
If there was an idle problem then it has to do with retarded gaymer boards, when at 250w on the CPU and the VRMs are only at a quarter of what they are capable of, it means your going to be in the dirt for idle efficiency. Many boards also don't bother anymore with phase down options on the controller

Any time modern 12th gen+ CPUs are paired with a a mini-PC or a board actually designed correctly, idle is great.
Seagate IronWolf Pro 16TB hds for NAS, y/n?
>If there was an idle problem then it has to do with retarded gaymer boards
>Any time modern 12th gen+ CPUs are paired with a a mini-PC or a board actually designed correctly, idle is great.
definitely, i agree, hence i mentioned here >>101294982
with a mitx board and some sort of picopsu you can bring the whole box to 9W idle
on hardwareluxx.de forums there are some well documented systems like that (where the OP spreadsheet is taken from)
my issue was with the general statement "modern intels are more efficient" without a proper context of what when and why
this is ontopic
>consumer hardware
>talks about server software

this is not on topic
you can save more power and money by not having a home server, who gives a shit about 10W vs 20W idle?
how about you leave my thread, who gives a shit about your opinion
depends on electricity prices
How would I go about hosting bots to complain abput stupid shit in /hsg/?
You gonna need
>A 4chan pass
>Learn to program 4chan's API
Aldo idk if the pass removes the Cloudflare captcha which is impossible to bypass as of right now (I have a couple of bots neutralized because of it)
If Synology, check with their compatibility list to find compatible models. 19 series, 20 series, 21 series are supported, etc.
If vSAN, nope, because SATA.
If DIY or lab, do whatever. They're CMR. 5 year warranty.

Possible compare to data from Backblaze drive stats, if available. Then $/TB.
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Don't let the enterprise anons see this post.
>my issue was with the general statement "modern intels are more efficient" without a proper context of what when and why
They very much are, every CPU gen has been more idle efficient than the last. It just doesn't seem that way as CPU idle power becomes an ever smaller and smaller portion of the power consumed.
The whole VRM issue has been a problem since 10th gen when vendors went fucking stupid.

It's just now coming to ahead because people are seeing their CPUs sip less and less power in software and in OEM platforms but idle power from their custom PC/server isn't going down in proportion.

People are really starting to wake up that the general DIY PC market has not prioritized idle efficiency and there is more to it than the CPU or even efficiency rating of the PSU.
A little bit related, but the DIY PC market also has not prioritized reliable 1 GbE NICs unlike e.g. Dell does with OptiPlex desktops to date. The DIY PC market prioritizes speed for everything, reliability or power consumption be damned.
I'm curious and wasn't able to find quick info on this.
>what makes OptiPlex's NIC better than the ones found in DYI parts?
>Wizard of Oz
>not adding an install wizard somewhere
cool, there's not many great options here for better $/TB, mostly just second hand, but seems a bit dangerous
Dell doesn't explicitly state which NIC models they use, usually referring it to as "RJ45" or "RJ-45 Ethernet Port 10/100/1000 Mbps". I suspect they are I219-LM, due to vPro. Generally, all Intel 1 GbE NICs are fine and without issues, very mature.
In comparison, Intel i225-V and Intel i226-V 2.5 GbE NICs are still found to date on the latest Z-chipsets in the DIY PC market. They're faulty from the factory, with a Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) bug that can only be worked around by disabling EEE support in firmware or software (thus increasing idle power consumption by a miniscule amount). The bug can throttle single-stream TCP or drop packets. IIRC, Intel allows either 2.5 GbE or 1 GbE for Z-chipsets, although the latter is tagged as "optional".
Then there's the whole slew of Realtek and Marvel NICs, which may have less driver support outside of Windows client operating systems. Historically Realtek 1 GbE used to have many reliability issues or less hardware offloading capabilities, it's gotten the NICs a bad rep, 2.5 GbE not so much anymore I've read.
I quite dislike the idea of 2.5 GbE in clients anyway, because there's no affordable enterprise grade hardware such as firewalls or switches to support it anyway. The more expensive 2.5 GbE PoE ports on enterprise switches are better to be left for WiFi 6E/7 wireless access points, but even there it's incredibly niche and requires a very clean RF spectrum, because a single older client can downgrade the rest of wireless clients.
Interesting and helpful post anon, thanks so much. Will have this mind.
The frenzy for 2.5G is really just because it's a cheap cop out as to not add 10g
A few years ago saw many of boards with 10G because it was getting ridiculous that 1g had been the standard for a decade.

Every since 2.5g became regularly available they been touting that as high-end networking and very seldom put 10G anymore. For the highest end boards they'll put 1g+2.5gb or some other combo of nonsense
The latest asrock meme boards with 2.5g+5g
10 GbE copper (RJ-45) is not power efficient (versus SFP+ and fiber), nor cost efficient for businesses to replace their existing Cat 5e or 6 cabling with Cat 6A cabling to go the full 100 meters.
>For the highest end boards they'll put 1g+2.5gb or some other combo of nonsense
That's standard practice and what Intel suggests OEMs to do in the client segment, in their chipset architecture slides. 2.5 GbE by default, 1 GbE optional. There's no suggestion to use 10 GbE NICs, actually those are just PCIe lanes taken and reduced from the rest of the chipset.
It just doesn't make sense. I have 100G networking in my homelab, and a dual port 100G NIC costs about 3x as much as a quad port gigabit NIC? What?
>There's no suggestion to use 10 GbE NICs
And in the client market, Intel doesn't really have a 10 GbE client NIC. There's Intel X550, but it's for the server market.
What's the ballpark cost of 10gb vs 40gb vs 100gb?
where do you even find drives that small?
what do you guys think of mikrotik?
>10 GbE copper (RJ-45) is not power efficient
Bruh people are using CPUs that consume 150w+ when playing a gayme, anyone with a 10g network isn't gonna care about a few watts.
>That's standard practice and what Intel suggests OEMs to do in the client segment,
And they only take that suggestion because it's lower cost for them. They otherwise aren't forced to unless something has changed since I bought my Z590 master with its sole 10G port
>actually those are just PCIe lanes taken and reduced from the rest of the chipset.
It takes 2 lanes to implement a 10G NIC, they have the lanes
Depends extremely heavily on where you live and how lucky you are.
I got 4 dual port 100G Mellanox NICs for less than I initially spent on my first 10G network upgrade.
Prosumer gear used by some smaller EMEA ISPs. Glorified layer 2 switches. No stacking capabilities for ease of management locally, actually very archaic to manage.
great for home and small businesses. terrible for enterprise also what >>101297508 said.
they have no stacking capabilties and no real way to do clustering or HA. they can do VRRP but and you can set machines to have different priorities but they cant do any real HA stuff.
that being said the mirkotik engineering and software are really solid.
once you gete past the way mikrotiks are configured and their own odd quirks they are super fucking robust and often more reliable than enterprise grade stuff with HA.
if properly done a 100$ hex poe can shit all over a fortigate in reliability.
Is it possible to directly attach two servers via fiber rather than going through a switch? If so, any particular reason not to do it?
It's about scale and SFP+ transreceiver compatibility. Fiber is more economical for TCO, simply put.
>Is it possible to directly attach two servers via fiber rather than going through a switch?
>If so, any particular reason not to do it?
If you need other devices on that network
fiber works exactly like ethernet. the only thing that changes is it uses light instead of electricity and you cant do poe as a result.
OP here. I don't really care from a money standpoint, because I am rich. I just don't like wasting energy needlessly just for personal reasons. No reason even pro shit has to be a housefire 24/7 in terms of energy use. For example a titanium power supply will save around 30w over the equivanent bronze dell shit per year. With 24/7 ontime, that adds up to $70 / year in Amerifatt cheap energy prices. Double that in Europe. Its doesn't make sense to cheap out considering I just bought a 850w Superflower Leadex new off amazon for $120 new WITH an ten year warranty.

Same with NAS servers. I know we all larp as data centers here (based) but none of our shit is being used heavily while at work or from 1am to 7am. It makes sense to idle down our CPU's and shit to low power states.
>If so, any particular reason not to do it?
If you need to connect other devices AND the servers don't have additional NIC's
Never mind then
Your just a brain dead autist who can't even follow the post chain to get the context
Yes, and it's often more economical to have smaller 2-3 server node clusters directly connected with single or dual 25 GbE or faster, and/or a witness host or clients "consuming" the data stored on the servers' disks over a 1 or 10 GbE link connected to stacked access layer switches.
It won't scale well past 2-3 servers, and should be an isolated network to avoid network loops.
the embodied energy in every new thing you buy is immense, if you care about the environment, buy nothing
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Is cockpit even still maintained? Last time i checked it looked to me like an intern project pushed out and forgotten.

Pretty much. I get it though. Why build s new project when you just grinded yourself through k8s? Might as well use it.

Flash NAS solves this too, as a bonus.
>Is cockpit even still maintained?
I don't see it being deprecated either, in fact virt-manager was deprecated in RHEL 8 in favor of Cockpit.
It can't do everything I'd want, and I don't personally like using Cockpit to manage SMB / NFS shares.
>I recently picked up one of these secondhand
how much was it
>virt-manager was deprecated in RHEL 8 in favor of Cockpit
Lmao, RHEL's just shameless these days.
>I am rich
Then set up some solar panels and windmills, faggot
Thanks for not even giving me a pointer of what could've possibly broken.
yes, that was the point of the post, it could be anything getting randomly changed without you doing anything
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Take a guess as to what could cause this. It makes no sense.
Ok, I'm running a permanent packet capture against a reserved IP address( Fixed
This is the kind of cursed shit someone finds twenty years down the line, turns it off and then promptly has a heart attack as the entire network for a billion dollar company goes offline.
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So... do I get the job?
Get the job? You're getting promoted, it's all hands on deck now.
redpill me on revolt and matrix (element) or their alternatives
just planning to mess about a little to experience it but i can't make it through all of the marketing gimmics
>Testbench for client installs via PXE boot
why? I only have one PC, not a dozen.
good ideas. I think I'm gonna go with Proxmox and spin up a few VMs to try things out.
How dangerous is a port forward if its only on a qbt docker container?
Your house might blow up
Those damn hackers
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Don't tell me it's finally time again?
Bro you got a whole collection of these pics or something? If so help a brother out and share a zip

F-for on my home server, of course.
>not having a 20TB NAS with RAID10 full of anime feet
Revolt shouldn't be considered, they begrudgingly allow self hosting and I'm guessing at some point they'll kill it altogether.
Matrix is more selfhost friendly but is "pozzed" because of Israeli intelligence connections and synapse federating to matrix.org by default. If you want bridges and bots included in your sever you have to be connected to the central matrix.org server 24/7. Notifications are centralized too.
Xmpp seems to be the /g/ approved alternative by people that have never tried setting it up. I tried ejabberd and prosody, jabber refused to work no matter what I tried and prosody has outdated ldap extensions that don't work.
If you have nextcloud up and running there's an extension app that adds chat/call/screenshare in the webclient.
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i think one of the fedora variants is immutable and is designed for running stuff as containers.
fedora iot or fedora coreos

havent tried though. as for gui: portainer/cockpit?
cool. which one?
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thank you
i'm quite new to the /hsg/ scene, currently with only jellyfin and transmission running so i am looking to expand
coincidentally i was already debating between owncloud and nextcloud so this seals the deal, ill check out the extension once i get it running (y)
That'd be part of OKD.
Talos "Linux" takes the concept to an extreme and even removes SSH from the immutable OS.
i'll say it again: you can easily host Revolt since several years now. they had some issues with some retarded config files - kept changing location with every version, but last time i checked, it was fine.
not sure about how secure it is on a public vps for example but that's another discussion altogether and dont expect a million features like Discord.

i've seen an instance deployed with around 100 members and it's fast as fuck, way faster than discord, it's like running WindowsXP on modern hardware.
i guess that's what what zero telemetry does to a messaging platform.
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any pre-built NAS to install TrueNAS with zfs? or better build my own?

are the cases in OP up to date?

was checking the Fractal Design Node 304 Mini ITX Tower Case, wanted at least 6 slots to start with 2 drives in mirror, then expand to 4 and 6 when needed

i guess there's also QNAP for zfs, but doubt its as good as TrueNAS
>any pre-built NAS to install TrueNAS with zfs?
>or better build my own?
For scale, yes. For 1 node, Synology?
>are the cases in OP up to date?
Nothing in the wiki is up to date.
>Mini ITX Tower Case
Why not a rackmount chassis?
Why ZFS?
>Why ZFS?
as far as i've read it's better on everything, performance, reliability, easy to expand, snapshots. thanks ill check iXsystems
RAID-Z expansion is new.
It's still experimental in Ubuntu, and has been since 19.10.
It's unsupported in RHEL. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/79633
Why is nobody talking about T10 DIF / T10 PI?
Just tested mdadm vs ZFS at work with NVMe today, mdadm was faster than ZFS. We used FIO.

TrueNAS' clustering is also deprecated, thanks to Red Hat for stopping the development on Gluster. Still various other software that can make use of XFS or ZFS and support clustering, without going the full way with Ceph or vSAN.
And more importantly, Tang + Clevis works better with LVM for network bound boot of encrypted disks.
was going to use raid1/mirror, not raidz1, seems a bit unclear the advantages of raidz and complicates expansions while in raid1 its just +2 drives
indeed, expanding mirror with another mirror is easy and straightforward, while raidz expansion is a brand new feature with some quirks (for example, you end up with less space than if you recreated your pool)
Ds920+. It's no longer in stock apparently but I found a refurbished one from synology for $450.
Why is it not a rackmounted model?
Cus i don't have a rack
Rookie mistake.
I initially set it up for school stuff but since VS Code has its own jupyter instance extension, I mostly just use that.
ayo hold up
why is truenas shit? was gonna use it on some old box
Anyone have any experience with the Minis Forum MS-01? been seeing it shilled lately. Looks like it would be a good fit to hook up to my TV and use as a router/Pihole/NAS/watching movies and youtube
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>got the new APs last night
>installed them today
>speed is great (gbps wifi on my wifi 6 devices)
>coverage is also great
The drawback is I wanted to put the iot devices on the APs as well, but the APs don't support vlan tagging when in AP mode. I'm not even sure I would be able to get my ancient router to handle that anyway.

So right now I just moved the iot devices to 10.x's dhcp pool and have it isolated on the guest network (the APs have an iot network but for some inexplicable reason it allows connections to the wider network). And then I have my work laptop connected directly to the router (either via wifi or a port, depending where I am) with a vlan setup.

Short of returning the APs and getting whole new ones and then also buying/building a new router, I'm not sure what else I can do.
>or dependencies were missing and not in their own package repos etc.
it's why you get something like dietpi where you have access to 9 million packages and you can inflate it as you wish
350 AUD.
Not super cheap, but by far the least-expensive thing I found that supported ECC memory.
Why is her head so big
>is there some sort of device that lets mee feed coax to one end, send it over the networ and then recieve it on another end?
Soldering iron
Solder the two coax wires to a twisted pair within the cat6 cable then solder the same pair to the coax at the other end
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Is anywhere from $30 for a used board to $65 for a new one worth it for IPMI on a soft router? Would be a downgrade from a much newer celeron g5905
Had a dead external NIC halt PfSense from booting after a power outage and dragging out a monitor and KB wasn't fun, just found out how cheap lga1150 Supermicro boards are and have a spare e3-1246v3.

Plan to upgrade to 2Gb as soon as it's available from my ISP
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hey can i trust this chink shit i just want a small form factor firewall like this and some of the specs seem decent but there could be like hardware level bullshit going on?
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Follow the HGST production team anon. They did a reverse takeover of WD during the merger - their line of production is still the best.
>t. happy owner of 6x WUH721816ALE6L4, 0 DOAs with a 0.3% yearly failure rate on backblaze
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Also, why do all the pcie adapter cards I can find run the wrong way?
Plotting this out myself, I'm thinking of using the x4/x4 for 2x m.2 drives via an adapter, and since the x8 can't be split without a HBA/PLX I may as well use it for a faster NIC, but the orientation of the expansion slots on most NAS cases don't match the only available x8/x8 risers.
>Intel I226-V
Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) bug.
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Absolute noob here, hoping for an anon to point me in the right direction.
So I installed Ubuntu Server on an old PC and wish to use it for accessing files from my other computers, which are a mix of linux and windows systems. Being able to access the files over the internet would be pretty sweet, but I'd settle for just the local wifi network to start with.
How do I set this up on the server, and how do I access the files/server from the other systems?
Hard mode: Samba on Ubuntu Server (SMB network share).
Something in between: StarWind VSAN Free (KVM) virtual machine, disks / HBA passthrough, to setup SMB shares with a web UI (can be on an Ubuntu Server host). Alternatively, Cockpit (with some plugins), but Cockpit isn't as good.
Easier mode: Windows Server with an Active Directory domain.

Don't let anyone tell you to use TrueNAS or openmediavault.
fuck you are right, and i see a lot of these chinkboxes with either 225 or 226 D:
shut up and learn to use tags on a booru, spoonfeed retard
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How will my collection of lust provoking images grab your attention next time i'd ask if bread is good for me, if I just give them away now?

You should learn how to use danbooru, on your home server, of course.
Eventually you will reach >>101299462

Haven't checked Talos yet. Certainly looks interesting.

How about buying/diy a ups to avoid repeating failures?

Depends on specs, but we had one of those in our student club when they first got popular and it was fine. Not good, not bad.
i have one of those with the intel n200 but not from protecli. hate that company.
anyways i run opnsense on mine and it works fine.
What is a good password manager service to host ? I would like a solutio to have it easily sync on all my devices.
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what's the best remote desktop for Linux in a LAN? that i can use seamlessly in full screen? just a regular Xorg client/server? can i use it just starting with "startx" with some parameters in a local TTY to connect to the remote server, and have my own local desktop in another TTY and change between them with control+alt+F1? i don't like running remote desktops inside of another desktop, inside of a window, it fucks up with my brain like in a bad Christopher Nolan movie
The best one is still Bitwarden.
It's still always going to be VNC, because xRDP isn't good enough, but no audio, so nothing comparable to Windows RDP. No, not even virt-viewer.
i don't need audio in my case, what are the limitations of Xorg? can you run VNC as standalone fullscreen without running it inside another desktop?
you can easily stream audio with pulseaudio
Does any anon know of a quick way to create symlinks on a remote server? It's not supported through SMB remotely
I get syntax errors on doing it in bash through ssh because the target link has parentheses in it
try escaping the parantheses then?
>I get syntax errors on doing it in bash through ssh because the target link has parentheses in it
use quotes or escapes
okay thanks fellas, did indeed have a missing quote
Is there some kind of service that makes this easier though? Dolphin has a simple drag n drop which I enjoy greatly
researching this, seems like it's possible with XDMCP, but it's insecure so you have to add an SSH tunnel, i'll report back if i have any luck with this

the Arch wiki is really retarded, it first says:
>If snooping is possible, this leaves the system vulnerable to attack. It is disabled by default, using an ssh tunnel for X traffic is preferred.
and then when you connect it says:
>You can access your login manager on the network computer (using in the following command). TCP and UDP streams are opened. So it is not possible to access the login manager via an SSH connection.
???? thanks niggers
Try AnyDesk. That shit just works. I was doing some massive file copy job on my Mint computer for ROMs that may or may not be replaced. Was a godsend for the GUI file manager in that scenario though I could have been less retarded and just use ranger but I think it was some weird permissions shit preventing me from doing so.

Anyway, I used that from a phone on the same LAN network to just monitor what was going on. Very cool and intuitive.
Do not use SMB for accessing across the internet.
Personal suggestion:
>Setup Samba/SMB for local access across LAN, this should work with Windows and Linux boxes
>Setup Nextcloud for "cloud" access of files across the internet
Now for Nextcloud you'll likely need:
>A domain
>Static IP
>Open ports
>Secure the system
Each of those will require some work from your part.
The other way around is to not open ports and just get a static IP, then:
>Setup a VPN service like Wireguard or OpenVPN
>Connect to the VPN on the go
>Access your files through samba or SSHFS

Yes, you can use TrueNAS or OpenMediaVault, the other anon was trolling you
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10gbit is so cheap now
for the price you could get a 2-port 40GbE ConnectX-3, and even flash it to 56GbIB/56GbE version.
can it still be worth mining shitcoins at home? or are we beyond the point where you would spend more money in electricity than what you get back?
Too old, too obscure. Mellanox ConnectX-4, ConnectX-4 Lx, or ConnectX-5 is just as cheap.

ConnectX-3 is too old, no RDMA.
Any jewropeans here? I moved back to the NL and wanna buy an h12ssl-i with an epyc cpu from ebay. It ships from China. Some sellers mention they'll try to circumvent customs duties by shipping things in parts and claiming fake low values on them, but some say they're not responsible for customs. Are the latter willing to do shit like the former chink sellers if you ask them? How do you guys avoid customs here? Cost is around 800.. No idea how much import duties would be but the government steals more than enough from me already.
>no RDMA
it has both RDMA on IB and RoCE on Ethernet, just no RoCEv2
the thing that worries me about those random ebay nics is somebody putting malware on it
you can easily reflash the firmware with the one straight from Mellanox if you're worried
>How about buying/diy a ups to avoid repeating failures?
I don't believe a UPS would have helped, it wasn't any surge that caused the power to be cut but just simply a breaker overload.

Wouldn't think it would have been damaged from the power cut, it was in disuse anyway as it quit reliably powering a 10g base-t SFP so it could have died while ago
I'm considering building an opnsense box. How much of a headache is it?
which one? is it really worth the price compared with buying a PC and a switch instead?
I'd be using an unused server for this.
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so you just mean installing opnsense? not buying one of this? that's fine, usually opnsense works, but sometimes it breaks while configuring it, or while updating it, usually if it allows you to configure it, it stays working, at least until you try to update it
NTA but the pricing is quite non-competitive versus enterprise grade firewalls.
yes, seems very overpriced, i assume a computer
+ a switch will be better value
What enterprise grade firewalls are you thinking of?
Any reason why you would have an IP default gateway of 192.168.x.254 instead of 192.168.x.1 for a Cisco switch? Trying to follow this: /r/homelab/comments/7is1x0/cisco_switch_101_starting_from_nothing_part_1

Also, does passwordless ssh work?
Actually, I think I'll just do 'IP address dhcp' and forget about default gateway instead.
>went through the whole process of setting up vpn+qbt+*arr stack in docker
>qbt webui doesn't allow torrent creation
okay recommend me a torrentservice that can create torrents serverside holy shit this is maddening
That's what you get for using docker
>i can't create a torrent with qbittorrent
why? qbittorrent can create torrents, you're just fucking retarded. and even if you couldn't that has nothing to do with your setup. how can you be this retarded?
not having the ability to create a torrent or not knowing how to create a torrent has nothing to do with docker. seriously, how the fuck are you idiots even able to breathe on your own? are you morons really this fucking stupid? it's hilarious to see replies as retarded as yours. docker runs processes like any other process you run. by saying "DUHHH IT'S DOCKERS FAULT" you're actually saying it's qbittorrents fault. so do you think qbittorrent can create torrents or not? because it can.
The qbitorrent webui doesnt have the ability to creat torrents
how do you power rack fans?
im about to buy my first ever closet rack since ive only ever used open racks.
i wanna put up two 120mm fans at the top but i have no idea how to power them.
is there some sort of usb to pwm adapter?
do i just use the pwm headers from one of my servers?
how should i go about it.
are you some kind of retarded windows user? you can also use the command line. or use transmission, there's tons of options, but apparently you're too stupid to figure it out for yourself?
I fucked up and my current setup won't support new drives I'm getting, so I need to build a dedicated NAS finally. Are there ANY worthwhile AMD options if power use is a concern, or am I stuck with Xeon if I want ECC?
the only people that care about power are poor people and europeans (poor people). are you either?
I already have plenty on this circuit and don't really want to run wire through my attic for another receptacle.
so then go here and pick something out:
Some of the latest Asrock Rack AM5 boards have 10gbit-ethernet copper and/or SFP28 on them.

Main issue with fiber is that the standards also have minimum distances.

Sliger for rackmount after the random ones you might find on newegg.
Jonsbo N-series for diy-tier with bays, though good luck finding an appropriate itx mb that will run all the disk bays, without burning your lone slot on an hba.
Silverstone has some niche cases but good luck obtaining them.

Seems to have some new-product pains, depending on the forum you check.

Epyc 4004 series (AM5) is "soon" including a 4-core option.
They have some embedded series cpus that should be even better about idle but the boards that I've found are absurdly expensive and built around running displays.

new thread you guys:



Palo Alto if you can afford it, Fortigate you cannot.
it's nice if the NAS is somewhat quiet if you dont have a big MacMansion
>quiet = power efficient
you're retarded

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