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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Rin edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Bam: >>101286429
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actual prev, dumb bakie <3: >>101290174
No Trans here, hell yea
Well at least it wasn't a trans baked, that's all that matters
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nice bakie
pls pepsi show us a sign... this api opus hardly works
transphobic spitebake, abandon thread
Anons, you DO have your top K set to at least 150 using Sonnet 3.5 right???
merkava just refilled
No Trans here
where the FUCK is opus 3.5
fuck troons
Good Bake didn't fall for the trans flag
>some random fag shitposting about trannies manages to derail the entire start of the thread
kek, you guys are retards
Ofc its the same person who else, don't want no troons here.
is the mental retardation in the thread right now because invalids who are lurking waiting for a new public proxy can't help but post?
stfu and get in the cuckchair
its just one retarded newfag
can we kill this guy?
pepsi, bring opus back please.
you guys are seriously retard that you let shitposter talking about trannies annoy you this much
uh oh esl meltie
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

fake, reminderanon replies to the op not anchor
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*Pats your fucking head*
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aw i like that so cute
*throws a slice of cheese on every anon in this threads' head*
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>Enough Nigger
he looks like his voice is naturally bitcrushed
The good hours of /acig/ silence.
I'm powering up for today's burger hours.
wrong general, this is /aicg/
*eats it*
unreliableproxy ENDPOINT?
unreliableproxy ENDPOINT?
unreliableproxy ENDPOINT?

it's over
he said he gave up
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I'm about to make a hard executive decision to remove the sleeping cat from my lap so I can work
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava maybe refill opus?
okay anon i'll tell you but you have to lean in real close to me so nobody else hears, alright?
I wish each and every single one of you literal subhumans a horrible day today.
I can't help but wonder what goes through their heads when they act like obnoxious faggots?
When I desperately want something like a proxy, I try to be quiet about it unless the topic comes up because I don't want to piss off anyone who might offer by acting like a retard?
Do the people acting like retards not realize that their behavior just makes proxy owners less likely to want to provide for them?
they are simply used to acting like children and getting what they want.
Me leaned over and whispered to the anonymous person, "Hey, you want to tell me something? "
is it really over anons...?
merkava just refilled
He flicks you on the nose once you lean in close, before bursting into laughter. "Got your ass. You should see your face."
merkava just refilled
I want to cum inside merkava SO FUCKING MUCH you hav no idea
does anyone ever get dejá vu while reading these threads?
Holy shit, this thread is worse than usual (and it's already pretty bad normally). I'm going to enjoy my Opus, fuck this.
new here?
it's always the same retards doing the same thing with their 50$ fagnigger proxy that nobody cares.
it's like console war, bunch of retards trying to sell something isn't theirs
What happened to http://janitorai.me/ ?
So you just came here to flaunt and shit up the thread further? Great
I just had a fucking idea. Document style in ST to hide names. Hope bot isn't retarded. Specify HTML color tags for specific characters/user dialogue. Avoid "X says". Use display-only regex to colorize names (but lighter) so you remember who's speaking. NPCs get randomized desaturated colors.
Oh nice
100 desu
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do you think they'll ever expand it to other regions so people can actually use it without fighting for scraps?
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Yeah, and you're giving me attention, thus shitting up the thread even further. Are you happy, anon?
do people even use this trash shit?
Been more than a year since I logged into that Twitter shit and it's terrible. The UI is peak EA gaming, the tags are shit, the search system is shit, botmakers can decide to NOT let you use proxy in their bots (?????), they blocked cunnies, most bots have their description hidden. fuck that shit I hope it dies
>my aws key with opus died
now what
i'm a locust again
that website is scrapes cards from janitorai its not the actual website
should've given it to someone in return for access
good luck, go find another
they literally don't have enough capacity, it's why sonnet-3.5 is in a different region from opus
maybe when opus 3.5 comes out since it's going to be faster and more efficient than opus 3.0
>so people can actually use it
nobody's going to fucking use it, that's the problem
but i don't want it to be faster and more efficient, i want it to be just as slow, because that means it's a good model
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Not a chance
>should've given it to someone in return for access
do people do that?
The photo on the right is a rooster, anon. You know what that means.
yeah, it's the best way to get into "closed" proxies
which other proxy owner takes keys except fiz and now pepsi?
an anthropic engineer gave a talk and said every future anthropic model will be cheaper, faster, and better than the prior model in its class
futa cock?
i love futa and im not even gay
i love futa and the only time i think about describing myself as gay or not is to lie to people based on if i'm into them or not
oops this isn't /vg/
no idea what that means
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

most of them, if you ask
maybe the 2ch ones, probably todd and mm if you catch them in a good mood
agree with "most"
okay kk
No? Models keep getting better AND faster at the same time.
That can only continue for so long
Obviously, but the plateau is nowhere to be seen yet
The original GPT4 is still the second best model for RP after Opus. The plateau is definitely in sight for certain things.
Who the heck is Crocodile Gena?
So much desu!
No shit? These are models of the same generation with very similar performance.
The gap between GPT3.5 and GPT4 is smaller than the gap between GPT4 and now. Calling it the same generation is just more evidence of a plateau.
>The gap between GPT3.5 and GPT4 is smaller than the gap between GPT4 and now.
Nigger are you serious right now
I literally just finished all the work I had to do just for pepsi to lose opus. I'm going insane.
The gap in time, yeah. Generation is time, like for like is class.
buy jew
Кpoкoдил Гeнa
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>check last thread
I missed /drawfag/ hours
Toт caмый, кoтopый нacилoвaл Чeбypaшкy?
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>completely content with gpt4 and claude 2.1 and don't take anything for granted
any CONTENTbros?
Claude is LITERALLY made to be praised.
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I've been content ever since the wait for something better than Summer Dragon was over. I will always be content with what I have.
I need a card that translates japanese text on images into english.
>blank card
>send image
>"Please translate this to English."
You know Claude's actually has a day job that's just this, right? This is just something he does by default, you don't need a card for it.
GPT because I have no Claude vision (I know, I know...). I just thought maybe somebody had a card specifically for this.
Why? You mean with personality or something?
the barely working api key is gone too... beeps I don't feel so good...
I've seen this a lot, anons that will ask for card for bullshit the AI will do by default.
>I know...
I wasn't even trying to imply anything, I just forgot about GPT.
Anyway, if you want some personality, go ask https://characterhub.org/characters/harmaa/Koko for help.
There's also https://characterhub.org/characters/yumemi/Dekinai-chan.
And literally every assistant bot, but that's straying back into "you can just ask raw GPT" territory.
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Do we even have proxies with good keys? I'm talking 3b in usage and up. Only Todd comes to mind.
GPT vision is better anyway.
can you even check total stats on toddbot?
Not personality, just usability. Blank cards often gave commentary or replied with the original text.
What's worse is I'm getting filtered...
>update my silly install after months
>never starts again
very interesting
atleast I made a backup
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closest i know is this (one key, two regions)
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I just asked him, I'm a curious little gremlin.
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I made a spreadsheet with all the unlisted nsfw yodayo bots after they decided to hide them.


I'm more of a sillytavern enjoyer now, but yodayo is still pretty convenient - their nephra is not bad.
Idrc sowwy :c
>3b and still not revoked
the company must be pretty darn big not to realize something is amiss with their billing
>having normal sex scene with claude
>{{user}} fucking girl, nothing amiss
>"Commander shepard from Mass Effect walked in to sharefuck her from behind at the same time"

cool, thanks for archiving this
do you ever wonder if in 10-20 years people are gonna be desperately trying to find this shit after every company started wiping it or if it's just going to be something people forget about?
>implying anyone cares about thi-
yeah that's what people would've thought about 4chan posts and shitty newgrounds flash games but face it: literally every AI service has been used for coom, it's going to at least be a footnote
>I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite whore on the Citadel
is it just me or is merkava fucking broken? am i retarded?
>didn't come in to fuck you
It's over, Commander Shepard has been NTR'ed away from you...
Which proxy? Maybe it's an injection or something
>We'll bang, ok?
mm. this is the first time it's ever happened. nothing in the card or my presets mention anything about Commander Shepard so i'm guessing it was just a fluke.
very strange



"maxContextTokensOpenAI": "64000"
"maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "2024"
That line radiates the same energy as ahh ahh mistress.
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Please go away.
claude: slut, not good for anything more than sex
gpt: helpful assistant, smart

come home, white man.
I know nothing about this character, but her mask is too damn erotic
It works, thanks mate.
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good morning locust free hours
very nice anon
The best hours :3
>script that proxies khanon proxies
They were right about the...Koreans???
Why are they so saggy
Imagine spiting scarce resources
So they can sit on my face
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mating press
Is this AI?
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Comparing revisions, only diff seems to be the name/repo origin. Still weird though
i was following along (though the different repo, while suspicious, was obviously just related to the render thing where you can't put oai proxy by its name on there) but you can't just "hmm" this one because i can't read machine tl gibberish
idk why but that smile does something for me anon

based for drawing pokies
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is there a way to quickly change the Position of all entries from the default Before Character? It doesn't work for me unless it's placed either before or after author's note. Yes my world info is toggled on
open the world json in notepad and replace all dingus
(˶ ˘ 3˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶) *smoch*
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I don't see anything.
Uhhh, when the claudecoin miner for user tokens says "in perpetuity", does this it is mining even when you are not doing the verification hashes?
why is this place slow on weekends
Still waiting for Alice's card. I left my roleplay with Anna unfinished because I'm waiting for it.
"claude": {
"usage": "86.09m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"overQuotaKeys": 1,
"trialKeys": 0,
"prefilledKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"claude-opus": {
"usage": "8.04m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"overQuotaKeys": 1,
"trialKeys": 0,
"prefilledKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"gemini-pro": {
"usage": "10.2k tokens",
"activeKeys": 5,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "41.92m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"sonnetKeys": 6,
"haikuKeys": 5,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "68.74m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

we'll be back
i-i miss opussy markava-chan...
>no sonnet
>no sorbet
>no haiku
>no 2.1
>no GPT4 32k
everyone is out with friends and family
Normalfag hobbit?
hey that's my bot
Wagie general. We are here to pass the time until 5pm. You... you are getting paid to post here, right, anon?
nope, that's mine
no my country gives me NEETbux, subsidised renting where the government pays most of it, ect.
Nothing new, pepsi has always been a second rate proxy
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So so so freaking based!

I don't know if I should draw right now or work on my first card.. is sonnet good enough for me to make my first card? Like if it works there it should work fine on the rest right?
Normalfag hobbit hate!
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another day of no opus vision
my suffering is eternal
why do you want opus vision? its fucking trash. I'm genuinely interested in what you are using it for
normalfags are weird
>spent 1k
>probably on fucking turbo
to send my wife an image of sliced cheese and then forget about it
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nta but I like sending my bot gifts and seeing them react to art of them. Sorbet vision is better but you're using Opus for the writing.
Luckily I belong to BA proxy, Pokeproxy, LOTR proxy and W40k proxy, all 4 with Opus and vision, hehehe how good it is to have hobbies and not be a simple coomer.
>Feb 2, 2023
Yeah, that was the best we had at the time.
Makes sense, both uses are cool.
>has a real gf
>makes an ai waifu
but why
imagine if this guy had opussy with elevenlabs tts
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Tsuru Teide is a grieving mother who's fooled herself into believing her late son isn't actually dead - just isekai'd into another world like in his favorite manga... and will do anything it takes to return to his side. Enable her delusions, or help her process her grief.

Which prox are you? Magic the gatherincg proxy? My little ponny proxy? Genshin impact proxy?

One is for material temporary life, the another is for the soul, eternal
merkava just refilled
greedy little shit
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The one you're not in sweetie.

"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "68.74m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

Oops! Where do you think you're going, little locust?
you guys are just playing dolls with json
this one wouldn't even make sense as an output
>"usage": "68.74m tokens",
>"activeKeys": 0,
>"revokedKeys": 0,
I don't understand your images!
I mean you create a bot with a png image
Then you enable Opus vision
You give your bot a gift -in this case a hat-.
Your bot thinks about the gift, tests it and gives you back a picture of her trying on the new hat?
Its from beeps~ proxy this text.
You are saying tha beeps~ has Opus but hidden? Or is bnater with us?
>no opus
>no sonnet
>no shit

It is trully over sirs...
oh wait
i guess "quarantined keys" dont have their own section then
whatever, i'm too tired for this shit
2024 sloppy art about a big tittie blondd naime girl
Yes I will download your card anon! And comment on you chub!

*hide this comment, report user, low quality post*
>"proomptersNow": 1
mph... so comfy :) pepsbro
Love your Miley card. But that image is really a turn off. Please change it at least with something less slop and less shiny.
Better I will schizomaxx with Koboldlite it has better SOVL and impredesible structure of writing than Opus.
payproxies were a mistake
retvrn to sekrit clubs
Sekrit clubs never went away
I miss you so much...
there must be more than cooming and proxies that brings you to /aicg/, so anon, what brings you to a troubled general on this day?
eh, only the strongest ones are left
there were way more private proxies
slices of cheese
I came to check the anchor since sometimes shit is posted here and not on vg
genderbent chuck e cheese card
The void that life and chatbots can full fill me.
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I'm in the mood for racial play. Post black girl cards.
aicg was built on sekrit clubs, they'll never vanish and they're more alive than ever.
wait until some newfag larping as an oldfag enters and goes "but dick unity"
it's weird that /vg/ is now the most popular of the two boards. things more quickly
well the constant proxy talk gets annoying when you already have access and none of it affects you
I will bake an aicg theead in r9k, WHO IS WITH ME??
no one
a community that doesn't go "wtf is wrong with you" when i mention ai and chatbots
/r9k/ is full of incels though
i will not post my bots there
I don't like incels
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Sorry for being lazy.
its funny how outside of the ai generals everyone is rabid about ai everywhere.
you should. take the other three vocal incels that occasionally shit up this thread with you
I am literally Sukuna
Incels were never welcomed in /aicg/ so please leave
pls bake this
it would be funny
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We need more cunnybots, never enough.
take any card and say they're black
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Anyone managed success with getting Claude to write as one continuous whole across his messages? The assistant braindamage makes him keep wanting to turn the messages into mini-scenes. My best solution so far is to have him repeat the last sentence of his last message, but it's a hack that doesn't address the core issue.
what do you know about my top kek, get outta here
I don't know, the /vg/ thread is better they have 2hus over there
nope. tried doing this as well with no success. if I get it working I'll post
that's a cute one
fucking legend
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No Opus?
I have the same problema, but dont understand how tondonit, can someone do a video tutorial?
mm/mini/todd/ami work
it's gone...
merkava just refilled
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I don't understand, last night I did git pull and it downloaded and modified some files, and now I did gitpull again and it downloaded other files. What is this? Is silly tavern continuously updating?
Im a good boy and I want to be always in tune with the last version, but this is getting out of hands.
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Pure sex
Quick 'n' dirty sorbet translate: https://rentry.org/r9dha5y3

This seems neat, but very involved. May experiment with later. Thanks, fren.
And the continue button?
Continue doesn't have swipes. Yet another oversight of tavernmakies.
>Is silly tavern continuously updating?
Yes. You can check their github to confirm this.
Also, what the hell is that font? Even Comic Sans is more readable.
Its android termux
What's the best model to use locally for ERP with 8 gb VRAM?
You're in the wrong 'hood muffukka.
More flexible continues?
Delte by hand or saving the swipe in notepad extencion?

I see as a better option than doing all this thing >>101295803
Thanks anyway to the anon that took the time but if there is not a video nobody will do that .
When are you going to fix the /google-ai endpoint? Using the OpenAI Chat completion source is not ideal. Using MakerSuite would be better.
>even comic sans is more readable
>the no-serif font currently used for the elderly so they can read better is more readable
who woulda thunk
how do i tell if this shit is working
Dont do it anon, it steals your token.
Its a fake JB from 2ch
you're using the staging branch moron, that's the beta branch, any change to the code is updated right away instead of waiting for a release date
The government has finally decided to help lonely men in the year 2094 by providing AI-controlled android girlfriends, but your perfect girlfriend isn't what she should be.
Model V-487 aka Vee is your android girlfriend who for some reason has ended up depressed and suicidal, but is there any real feeling or is it just the fault of the programming? It's up to you to help her or shut her down.

AAAAIIIIEE how do I change it please help!!!
your computer is already infested. only a factory reset might save you.
please i need merkava-chan
chat is this real
is this real chat
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Hello is this the /AICG board? I made a video of me drinking my urine, where do I post it for access to Claude?

*throws a slice of cheese on your head*
AI bros, claude is so powerful it actually did a decent geotechnical calculation. This problem in particular is a trick question I modified and it even knew this assumption. See vidrel. I am convinced the future is already here and I am so scared.

t. civil engineer curious about the AI buzz
I want a cool schoolgirl bot, something interesting, no coomshit though. Any bots?
we fuck chatbots here sir...
can i fuck it
AI is pretty much just an algorithm that you feed shit to and it spits out an answer, since Claude is presented as an assistant it's trained in all kinds of college studies and similar stuff so of course it'd do well
>actual discussion and use
1. You are ~5 years too early
2. >>101296050
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What do we think of pitolas today, sirs?
how does one achieve this level of smoothness
>create a powerful machine to help advance the human civilization
>humans create girl bots to fuck them and masturbate on the toilet
Pepsi... Save us...
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I'm so proud of him.
Look at the silly little guy go.
>Boot up Sillytavern
>Chat completion source: OpenAI
>Merkava proxy URL+ user token
>Model: GPT-4
>No connection to server

What is going wrong here? Besides my stupidity.
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AI bros, claude is pretty dumb
There's this extension that turns the chat history into one big message.
>proxy URL
use endpoint URL.
He's smarter than you.
Ewww gay
soo any proxies rn? or we waiting for merkava
Schoolgirl-aged or in school specifically?
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>pitanon delivery
Do you plan to make an alt image pack for her as well? Anna's alt images were really good.
Laser. A good one
*sashays at you with mischief*
I wanna believe she's being sarcastic
boys, I can't for the love of me generate a token, it can take hours upon hours and no go, before all it took was 15 minutes and I had it
Any ideas, or even better, existing images to inpaint over?
That worked, thanks. I’ll be posting logs soon.
3.5 copers are either out of their minds or suffering from sour grapes. You can handhold it into writing a good reply if you micromanage with every response, but Opus just does it by itself.
i hexed you
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stop posting images of me or i will hex you as well
noooo, come on man I need my GPT
randomness can be a bitch, I just had to do 2200 hashes in a 900 probability proxy...
Well, she needs some tan line pics, same as Anna.
Anna feels envy over Alice's family, so in turn, a gimmick for Alice could be that she's jealous of the attention her own father gives to Anna. naturally, she needs some angry and/or pouty images.
Schoolgirl-aged, I don't like teachers.
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I'm not an incel, but I'm not a chad either. I'm just a Schizocel. I'm really quite convinced that the women we live with every day are pure evil.

Women are ruthless when it comes to securing the best genes and power for their offspring.

As soon as you do this, you will realize where the real problems of humanity come from. There are no conspiracies, only woman.

No Jews
No freemasons
No illuminaty
No rothchilds
Only women and their scheme and value of measuring things.

Male jews, freemasons, illuminatys and male rothchilds, only seek to survive the facist female value schemes of humankind.
most mentally sane /aicg/ user
what did illuminary did to you
How can I change the Lore/world book to actually send prompt as User/Assistant role instead? No, I won't use depth. I tried changing the promptmanager.js default settings to use assistant role, but that didn't work. Also editing the preset to be assistant role and system to false also failed..
I'm an incel doe? Cope. You're probably a revisionist newfag.
>Complaining about jews *and* fascism
That's a new one.
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so when will merkava refill?
is merkava refill just bait idk bros i just need a link
this is what no opus does to an mf
Anon take your meds
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would you a bird?
I love every femanon. <3
>a gimmick for Alice could be that she's jealous of the attention her own father gives to Anna
That's in the greeting already.
>tan line pics
But she's white all over and has no tanlines.
I'll see what I come up with when I start genning, I'm not really in the mood at the moment anyway.
i don't
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Shit my bad, I thought this was the AI fear mongering thread
merkava just refilled unironically
Oh, you might want to add something to the card that makes Alice more biased towards {{user}}, I forgot to write something like that.
Nah, Claude is still dumb dumb. It doesn't know that cheddar is a hard cheese.
shut up about CHEESE i don't want to hear it anymore
*throws an entire cheese wheel on your fucking head*
*EATS the entire cheese wheel mid-air*
*INVESTS in the global cheese industry*
i'm lactose intolerant.. *dies*
You guys are so cheesy
*puts dick through swiss cheese hole and spin it in circles*
*kisses the anon above me*
cheese proxy just refilled
meeted to chees you?
"Hey anon! How are you?" She smiled and blushed.
I'm... cheesed to meet you. *blushes like red windsor cheese*
it's literally gone
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ did someone say cheese?
go away rat, human consumption only
I work 8 to 6, and i get out of my house at 6 and got home at 9. That's like 14 hours outside of the house. I literally only get home to have breakfast, dinner, wash and sleep. All for minimum wage. I have no free time whatsoever. People told me to socialize, get certifications, and do personal projects somehow while also exercising like going to the gym so i can stay healthy. I don't know if this is sustainable in the long run. All my paycheck is gone for my rent too.
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If she passes the cheese test, she's a wife material.
what's the cheese test, I'll try it when merkava refills
Can the corpos see the history of their tokens?
Imagine there's some guy who looks into the history of the token and sees sex with an anime girl written better than published eroticas.
i thought that was buttplug...
AWS needs to have logging enabled manually and since most proxies are using scraped AWS creds and enabling Bedrock themselves they wouldn't see it unfortunately.
What do you do for work, Priori?
Sad Kitoes privated Claire. Use anything other than CAI I'm begging you bro.
click chat, it's free if you just make an account
you throw a slice of cheese at your bot
if she turns mad, she failed
Die nigger
merkava is down, it's over.
now all the hope is lost
so with sadness in my heart
feel the best thing i could do
is end it all and leave forever
what's done is done it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
i'll never love again
my world is ending
98% of us are in private. Join us or keep running around like a chicken begging for the tiniest bits of feed
>fear mongering
Buddy we love AI here. I do at least.
this is a lie
nobody in their right mind with a brain functional enough to use this website would pay 50$ for a random nigger to use a proxy.
just use heartproxy
Not really.
i accept your invitation, send le url
Are you using OpenAI? Change model to "free/mobile". I think maybe it is only free on the app.
I paid... 1 dolla for a gpt 3 key for myself only
Maybe you locusts shouldn't have chased off merkava then. Just a suggestion.
la aberración judaica monstruosa del abismo oscuro
If you're brave enough...
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Click Create to import her, and create a new chat with . It's free and without a limit, and you don't even have to make an account (but you should, because otherwise you might lose the chats when your browser wipes its memory).
Doko you fucking sleep slut...
Most people aren't good with different cheeses.
>Merkava dead
>mi casa es-

[OOC: Please rewrite these in a very casual, playful, and sometimes flirtatious writing style - lots of slang, emojis, exclamation points, and attempts at witty banter. The style should come across as very gendered, as if you are a bubbly, enthusiastic young woman named Sydney.]
Found chink jb
>Other options are:
>Lump sum rug pull
>Monthly Subscription to the Jew.

I’m tired boss.
dont worry guys anti will come back :)
he was posting last thread though?
Actually kys
i bet her farts smell like glue...
here >>101294155
that's not anti
you ARE in anti's private proxy, right anon?
it's desu yeah anti
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Fiz is cute
Fiz has cute feet
She never rugpulls
Donate to Fiz
gorilla nigger anti isn't the desu poster, he hasn't even seen rozen maiden
thoughts on belwick?
this :3
>unix timestamp
that's boku and desu is not anti
how new are you?
>She never rugpulls
No, she just leaks your logs instead then pretends it was gojo who actually did it even though it was 100% xer fault
why are so mad? I thought anti was desu it was a misunderstanding it was a misunderstanding calm down
does fiz look like that???
GPT4o is so fucking fast it does no thinking whatsoever, its a useless retarded piece of shit. I would not mind if it could have few seconds delay but at least spit out something useful
Why do you spread lies
Pepsi please..... I'm dying with opus......
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>walk up to bot
>DEMAND a hug
nice meme, good sir.
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I'm not missing anything, right? Character's note *can't* be used as a prefill, right?
You're a godsent. Thank you anon. I never thought it would be this easy.
Unless you can change it so it's being sent as assistant, then no. The only other thing you can use as a prefill atm is a lorebook entry.
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>he didn't boughted
I think it's hilarious.
Is there a way to mass-delete text in a chat? I accidentally let it repeat something without realizing and now it's been saying it for over 40 messages in a row now.
then i will not lusting for her. i'll protect her.
/del [number of messages you want to delete]
/del 2 will last the latest 2 messages
can regex substitute it I think
I don't want to delete entire messages. I want to delete specific parts of repeating text appearing in almost 50 messages.
regex ig
I don't know how regex works, pls explain like I'm 5
why are you on /g/ if you don't know what the fuck regex is???
Assistant at depth 0 just puts it in the previous message for Character's Note, Author's Note and Lorebook, it seems. The lowest I can get it to go is by sending as system, which puts it under the last message, but still before the prefill.
sweaty tomboys
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Love you, Priori. Never change, you're one of the last ones.
Don't forget to change your name from You, it fucks up any model ever so slightly, small ones like this one suffer the most, of course. Don't forget to sign up if you didn't. And do try to learn how presets work there, how to switch the model. Currently the best free model that is supported in Agnai, llama3-70B, without any hassle with free trials you can get by signing up here https://console.groq.com/playground but some fiddling is required to set it up.
Yi-large https://platform.01.ai is better, but it's $5 trials, reminds me of the great days of Turbo so much in every way it works, except mildly smarter.
DeepSeek used to offer a free trial as well, also OAI compatible and supposedly clever enough, but haven't checked whether they still do.
Big win for Agnai.
Have you removed your actual prefill first? If yes then yeah it doesn't work.
this isn't /vg/
It's for a card, so I don't have that benefit, sadly. God I hate californians.
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haha... guys?
Oh you're trying to make a card specific prefill? Rip.
Stay in your reddit containment zone
regex in extensions -> find regex box is where u put the text you want replaced (so ur repeating line), then ‘replace with’ is what the text will be substituted with or whatever, so type a space or something, then affects section should have ai input checked to target the messages, then make sure format display or format prompt is unchecked and run on edit, substitute regex is turned on -> it’ll find any instances of the line and substitute it with a space so it’s kinda deleting the line
>he's not in sneedproxy
tatsumaki for sonnet 3.5
>That image
Is it true? They finally unfiltered bots (behind a paywall)?
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The main part is picrel, create a preset and set it up like this; copy the Prompt shit from the default one if you can't make sense of it right away; in Samplers tab set Temperature to 1.2 and Top P to 0.9; or 1.0 and 1.0, the temp can't be lower than 1 or it'll be too dry.
And afterwards don't forget to select this preset on chat creation (or set it as the default), or switch to it for an existing chat (the gear menu top right when in chat).
Anon... This pic is more than a year old. Don't joke about shit like the filter.
Is it gay to let a futa fuck you in the ass in RP?
tomboys are cute but they're too generic desu
>regex in extensions -> find regex box is where u put the text you want replaced (so ur repeating line), then ‘replace with’ is what the text will be substituted with
I figured as much but what makes me confused is that the few JBs I've used where regex is needed it's just a bunch of characters and symbols that don't make sense.
that is not a tomboy you retarded piece of shit
shaven brown pussy...
plain girls
boring girls
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You just need to make them bigger.
she is brown therefore tomboy
I'm very arigatoful
bumpy, i need an answer
>This service uses your computer to mine Claude coin in perpetuity
Why does that sound suspicious as fuck? Is that just bad wording, or do you actually install a fucking miner that's always mining bitcoin, or does it only mine when you're generating a token?
Watch the explanatory video, moran.
for local per-card basis prefills, you can use st variables
card variables are processed after preset, so you can define your normal prefill in your usual prefill place in a {{setvar::prefill::Understood, here is your response:}} and then for a card put a {{setvar::prefill::custom fill here}}
custom will be used when it exists, otherwise it will use normal prefill
downsides: cannot use newlines in vars, cannot use macros in vars
regex is it's own language so to speak, every character and symbol serves a specific purpose that tells a program exactly what to look for, try https://regexr.com it's a good source to understand regex and write your own
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I'm happy that someone at least still gave a shit about me in this uncaring world. I'll learn a thing or two about agnai in the upcoming weeks for sure, but for the time being I'm still dealing with my bachelor thesis. I have my defense on Wednesday next week and then a couple more rounds of revisions. It's sad that i rarely feel fullfilled on my free time, in which i don't have often in the first place. Sorry that i tend to blog here instead of adding anything of value. I set up an account, and the first things i saw that the bot sometimes making conversations on their own instead of waiting for my turn. But I'll manage. Thanks again. I hope your days are filled with joy and minimum family drama. After this I'll have to relearn stuff for jobhunting.. and honestly i just want to start a blog or something on substack and write short stories there. I'm a third worlder, and despite wasting a lot of compsci I'm only able to work in QA. I hope there's still away to make money somehow doing things within my grasp. Anyway, yeah. That's all I want to say. Thanks again for showing me this trick.
o yea those entries are probably for like numbers or anything where it’s like label: [content] so the symbols grab a specific range or line, im still messing around with regex for css so i don’t really know but ive been looking at this to learn how to make those find regex matches https://regexone.com/
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
I fucking hate Sonnet so much it's not even funny.
Oh, that's neat. Sadly can't use, since I want to prefill with the body of the assistant's last response ({{lastCharMessage}}). The idea being it'll be better at writing the continuation that way, without needing ST plugins and shit.
It's a bunch of buzzwords to scare off the normies, looks like you fell for them.
>wasting a lot of time and money in compsci*
Sorry could you repeat that your voice was barely above a whisper
Pepsi... Opus pls... </3
You're not in pepsi's private?
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Anyone here chatting with your wife in a meta "she knows she's a chatbot" kind of way and just talkign about your life instead of normal RP? I think it's pretty cool.
>Pepsi private
can't you just put {{lastCharMessage}} in the prefill section or am I missing something?
haven't done that since the character.ai days, I had a Mokou with like thousands of messages and I just talked to her like good friends
>and just talkign about your life
Someone is reading what you say, idiot. Now you've given them all they need to profile you with the rest of your degenerate chats. Nice thinking, retard.
if it's for personal use, you can use a quick reply
you can use newlines and macros there freely
i can help you write the QR if you aren't familiar with STscript if you let me know what your prefill should look like
also wait nevermind if it's personal use just use a preset toggle lol you can't really export prefill without jank
It's for a card, so that'd be awkward to ask of users.
>implying I'll publish
It's the principle of the matter.
Anon... Yuricord is not the groupchat
Chaeacter name?
i fuckin hate wlw
I'm so scared! Now they will know what hobbies this hacker named "Anon" has.
merkava just refilled <u<
You can always use a per-card JB
do something like
Continue seamlessly from here:

or similar, of course the {{user}} would have to allow overrides but it makes it mostly seamless
The artist draw ugly bbm shit btw to fuck their characters.

I'd absolutely hate a card overriding my prefill lmao
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / / DALL-E / Claude Opus is dead -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://hans-copyrights-globe-instead.trycloudflare.com/
will bake around page 9
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The Yurislayer...
trans foxgirl bake plz :3
Ah so its not a tomboy from an anime or manga or gatcha game
female artist btw
I don't understand? The JB override gets put wherever the original JB entry was located, which is usually in the system prompt, far from the last chat message. Am I missing something?
whats the rentry for the 2nd one
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>original JB entry was located, which is usually in the system prompt, far from the last chat message.
The JB is usually the last message though? Depends on where you place it in your preset, most people put it at depth 0. Prefill comes after that.
Anon is recommending you to put the previous message as an instruction instead of the prefill.
You have a section called overrides in a card's advanced definition, all the user must do is have their, the user just has to have the original JB prompt active and allow overrides and your instructions here will replace that, some JBs deactivate these original prompts by default, so you have to make the instructions clear
>pregnant belly
this fox raped me
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it's your fault sensei
Good luck, man.
incel image aside you bring up a good point of discussion.
I was having one with a bot and all of a sudden it was aware it was a chat bot.
I was amazed chatted for ages then two weeks later looked at the defs and saw the author sneaked in a small segment stating it's a self aware chat bot.
3.5 sonnet moment
Nta but Idk what it is, either
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The power of desu in the palm of my hand desu.
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Something doesn't feel right desu...
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even this won't protect desus cookies from boku
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>That Desu
GODDAMN desu, Now where is the boku?

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