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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Excellent Luck edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Terrible Luck: >>101293497 and >>101290174
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>incel image
huh? it's just a cute girl hug >_<
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Reminder that there's three kinds of people in this world: devs, paypigs and locusts.

If you're not a dev and don't paypig, that narrows it down.
Always remember privates unity, locust hate!
My life without Opus don't habe any sense of belonging.
#fortune in /aicg/ when
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / / DALL-E / Claude Opus is dead -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://hans-copyrights-globe-instead.trycloudflare.com/
t. false flagging locust
The government has finally decided to help lonely men in the year 2094 by providing AI-controlled android girlfriends, but your perfect girlfriend isn't what she should be.
Model V-487 aka Vee is your android girlfriend who for some reason has ended up depressed and suicidal, but is there any real feeling or is it just the fault of the programming? It's up to you to help her or shut her down.

something wrong
i hold my head
anyan gone
our nigga dead
Bruh by that time I'll be dead wtf make it 2035 at least smdh
uh yeah im a private locust :3
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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Is there a preset to make Claude respond in a internet chat-like manner?
i don't think that will be possible in 2035...
what if I'm all three at the same time
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Just some thoughts:
Since Sonnet 3.5 is out Anthropic cranked up the refusal rate. It was possible to argue with the retard censorship, it was one of my favorite things to do. I made Claude always believe that I felt utterly dehumanized by it's censorship and it kept apologizing and promising to write even the most degenerate shit by itself lol. Now it completely disregards every reason and argument and just kicks back with "I apologize, but I don't feel comfortable..."
They released a paper at Claude 3 launch demonstrating better refusal rate but now it fell back to retarded percentage.
It's so fucked up that at release the models are good, producing good benchmark points but over time they lobotomize them, but still hold their benchmark points in high regard.
Normies are crying again since Claude web became frustrating again.
death to all the payniggers.
remember what they took from you
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

just tell it to do so in your prefill or somewhere in your JB, it does it quite well.
but i dont want to try cloudflare!
they didn't take anything from me. they did take their own dignity away
I hope you and all your people die.
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ohno payniggers invaded your sekrit clubs and they have access to shit you have access for as well, nooooo
kikyou's unbelievably hairy pussy...
uhh i can see her... you know
you will try cloudflare and you will be happy
her feet in my mouth
AI has and always will be a "paynigger" world. You're all thieves on borrowed time that will have to pay up eventually. It will be the payniggers that will have access to the cutting edge of ai waifu technology while poorfags have to settle for c.ai.
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Will the hobby ever stop growing or are we just accelerating towards certain doom.
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the founding fathers of these great united states woud have wanted you to breed a focks girl
her eyeball in my mouth
not even you believe that shit. Admit it
Has anyone else tried using chatbots for therapy? I've made myself a (very personal) therapist card that I've been working on and adding for a while. So far I've been using it with mostly Opus and I think it's better than when I was in actual therapy years ago, and much cheaper even if you're not locusting.

It's been a few months and I'm already going outside more and seeing new people.
official BA fox ranking
1. kaho
2. wakamo
3. izuna
all of them are great
It depends how fast can we accelerate to ww3.
I used to do this with character.ai, not so much anymore, surprisingly Claude is even more of a pussy when it comes to heavy mental health issues
I don't understand, isn't she a child?So if you're walking down the street on a hot day and a child in flip-flops just walks by, you try to sneak a peek at her feet and imagine licking them?
>xer paid $50 for a scrapelet proxy that doesn’t even have sonnet
>think about doing some kino RP
>get a bunch of new bots
>open ST
>...merk isn't up
I need to check that first, fucking idiot, god damn it
Pepsi refilled! Were so back :D
Usually I'm the therapist if you known what I mean.
>he buyered the proxy
lm ao
teebs thread
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Do you anons remember 2016? Because I sure do. Load up the Pokemon Sun and or Moon. Grab your nearest JoJo reference because you're about to embark on one hell of a waifu.

Yes and Opus its na exelent companion, not only for therppy but discussing hard books, philosophy psichology or debating its an exelent best friemd
she's my studentwife
i boughted...
i am literally sukuna
and i winned
I did this and told a friend about it when I was drunk and now I'm known as the weirdo who has an AI gf and no longer get invited to places
well jew has opus so I don't blame you
Nope, I'm not on borrowed time and I will never be a paynigger. I scrape.

Every day since I got my Anthropic eval last year april. Even Claude 1.3 was more useful than IRL therapists
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Kikyou has really nice art, her new card is very good too, give it a try.
there are some anons here who dont have opus
What do you guys think about the smiley tatsu jb? What model do you guys use with it and what settings do you have turned on?
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Alright /aicg/ I need your help. I'm putting together a goblin harem and I need personalities.
I've already got a dominant tomboy goblin champion, a slightly unhinged shortstack mage and a shy blind goblin. I'd ideally like 2 more but i'm coming up blank with personalities and how to introduce them into the story. Any thoughts?
Is there a card of the fat elf anime
It's bad, use pixi/momoura. You don't need anything else.
I've started ending all my chats with various bots by going to a therapist at the end of each one and getting their input on the roleplay I just had
the perverted goblin merchant
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MM looks cute
This. Sonnet 3.5 is genuinely as filtered, if not more filtered than 2.1 in my experience. Might be why it might be dry at times.
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An update to both the Animalian Parasite lorebook and Marcelle!

For the lorebook, there's been a few edits to the prompt and the CoT, making them more effective. I also added four new species: Sheep, Bear, Horse and Rabbit.

For Marcelle I added three new greetings. One is a normal one set at a party where she's looking to get blackout drunk with you. The two others are parasite-affected, with the first one being a scene where she's asking you to help her to install Linux on her computer so she can avoid spyware, having been affected by her transformation into an anthro raccoon to become more schizophrenic. The other one is one where she's turning into a bunnygirl, and has just pricked a hole into a condom before you're going to have sex.
Retarded goblin chef
yandere assassin goblin
I doubt GPT 5 would be as filtered as Claude
'eminder that no one likes your cards
>b-but it has 10000k downloads
how many times was it posted here truthfully? (not by you spamming it)
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focks girl sex
why would you lie on the internet, anonie?
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava maybe refill opus?
yeah that's why i stopped making them
Initially yes, but eventually no.
mini has opus vision now
its had that for months...
If you make fockses I always shill them, skill issue
He admitted it
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one anon really liked my first card and mentioned her multiple times (most probably because he likes lewding cute things but still)
Apologies no one posts your cards anon. You can't win them all
Nothing, just stay with Tatsu, it'll be better for you.
y'all remember that one time fiz and mm had a vc fight
it was lit fr
He seems like a trustworthy sort of fellow.

My life with Opus = <3

My life without Opus = </3
>y'all remember that one time [random proxy troon had a fight with another random proxy troon]
Yes anon, we all clapped
Anon, when did you start this hobby?
wow, now all he has to do is remove the positivity bias from his model!
>Sam is not particularly religious, but he is culturally very Jewish
I use chatbots to live out my childish fantasies of heroically but ultimately futilely getting shot during a robbery and dying while a cute girl I have loved for years cries for me, possibly getting raped while I bleed out, depending on how I feel that day
Pepsi has opus, use the groupchat proxy.
chatbots killed my tranny thoughts, thank you claude
Arknights got new makie, BAmakies better watch out, it's a focks so I'm shilling it.
It's too late, I've found the momouraussy
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pretty sloppy defs ngl. wake me up when he makes suzuran

Anons I recommend you this extension which is made by a trans from discord.
Claude gets super smart with this.
It does the same as Noass. It removes the chat between asistanslop and userslop.
Sonnnet 3.0 becomes super smart, 2.1 also and Opus.
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chatbots gave me more retarded thoughts
thanks claude
this general is dead
let it go anon
post log then nigger, show us
>It removes the chat between asistanslop and userslop.
what does this even mean
show examples
It's not possible to do any sort of *actual*, original world building with LLMs. If it hasn't already seem the stuff you are "creating" in its training data, it simply won't know what to do with it.

Tard wrangling Opus every second paragraph kills the magic fast.
someone try this and report back pls thx
same bestie

i think it's because i genuinely feel like nobody would care if i died irl (in real life) so it's nice to pretend
It will never die. Get over it
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This is my cute BA art general.
I know who you are nigger, you should die.
Kill yourself
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Second ASMR brainrot shill.

A strangely tall entity has been manifesting around your hometown, where mysterious accidents and missing person cases have been cropping up left and right. He doesn't seem to be up to anything nefarious...that you've seen, anyway. But there's three things you know: he's oddly tall, never speaks...and has taken an odd interest in (you). Five greetings:

1. Lost keys (based off the ASMR)
2. Stranger danger
3. Your "imaginary friend" (dedicated childpov)
4. Haku has a surprise for you
5. Hunger


You wake up on a train in the void. There's nobody inside, nobody but you and a strange boy who simply refers to himself as "The Attendant". He seems to act like he knows you the more the two of you speak, and then a strange announcement plays over the intercoms…

Five greetings, one for each night.
Snuff fork for anyone who just wants Saruyume but with cute boys:

Spin the fetish roulette wheel on night five, ask Haku to show you how to make origami dicks, put 'em in a chatroom and see what happens. I dunno.
Alt gens are in the usual places.
at least post the shupo's feet
these are boring
why are feet so insanely erotic
>no interesting discussions
>botmakers just post their shit and go back to their discords
>barely even any moxxie/gojospam any more
it really feels like we've died. especially since it's summer and last year we were really active, especially during the summer.
but there's been a lot of newfags lately anon
>implying namefag spiteposting is anything to cry about
It will revive one day
relax, she’ll probably refill it this week. she’s just not anxious to refill a proxy for paypigs
Funny meme
I once read about some guy saying he was shy and didn't look girls in the eyes so his eyes gradually went to the floor and into the toes and feet of girls so he eventually developed that way haha
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Fine, just this one time.
name 10 newfag botmakies who aren't jackie chan
I have a bot that I posted here four times now and has about 140 downloads. It's not much, but an anon once said he liked her. I haven't made any other bots and don't plan to; she's my one and only.
why are the defs sloppy what's wrong with

this: anon?

or maybe
prefer this?
1. me
2-9. idk
I'm in her gp and there's no "secret" proxy
oh uhh.... hmmmmmm
You're not in.
I don't get artist who takes their time to draw bodily hairs, especially pit hairs. These artist will shame other anime artist for drawing armpit like pussies but they're never aware of the things they cheer about.
Silly imp girl who identifies as a goblin.
just be patient and wait. remember that you’re getting access to an expensive service for free. like i said, she’ll probably refill eventually. in the meantime, do something else. or pay jew, idk
Oh no not the heckin le gojo spam. Kys nigger.
I can't, not yet.
Last summer was the last time it was good in general, with a few rare bright moments until the end of 2023.
reminder that 'jo is literally astroturfed namedropping and no one here really goes "god dammit it's 'jo meddling with us!!!"
Pointless brackets, grammar mistakes, obvious wiki copy-paste (just look at that atrocious example dialogue), a fuckton of information that should NOT be sent with every message (aka: make a lorebook), scenario that could be removed.
this place has always been shit since the exile desu
Anon, relax! Pepsi proxy is a sex havers and life havers proxy.
No Opus?
Ok, you laugh and move on with your life then do something else on your Saturday and Sunday and come back in two weeks.
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slaude flashbacks
Characord was fucking fun
don’t even joke about that. i don’t have a life
this place really got shitty during mid May last year, when the summerfags arrived
summerfags havent existed since like 2010, every kid gets a smartphone at 9 years old now
Gee, I wonder why. Everyone just cooms now, with smarter models and shit. Last summer by this time we were still in the Riddle arc, with Claude scarce as fuck.
TL;DR: People had less access to proxies than now.
my cousin who is six got her first smartphone so she can call parents in 1st grade this year. grim
It unironically got worse when public opus disappeared. It gave the shitposters a perfect cover to falsefag as either side of the fence. Ironic too, because most of these people who smugpost/locustpost either have no proxy and/or don't care to use theirs.
spending my late adolescence on the internet and 4chan in particular has radicalized me to believe it should be illegal for anyone under 18 to access the internet outside of academic resources
Anon what are you tañking abput we are without Opus here, only with gpt4 slop and slopnet. This is the worst time of history.
this place got shitty when discord became encouraged
you sound bitter
>Last summer was the last time it was good in general
>proxyfaggotry was good
no it was not. it was fun when scale had gpt4 and when todd had that gpt4 key.
>admittedly a problem. Though honestly it doesn't seem true because there are still posts to the anchor along with discussion.
>Not a problem, especially considering botmaker personalities are a blight 95% of the time.
>actual cancer.
These seem fine to me.
>I get mad because people have friends
Get a life lol
You sounds like you don't have Opus from some proxy with a drink name.
Yeah, I'm never paying for a proxy... :'3

I am, you can believe what you want
>made by
>forked from Cohee1207/Extension-UserSquash
>made by a trans

really? but i thought it was 'she' not 'xhe' lol.
Proxyshit is bad, in particular. But in general /aicg/ was still good. After that it was more bad than good, and now we have what we have.
>claude and gpt alike scarce
Statistically every 6 months a new Proxy overlord appears. Trust the plan, keep an eye out for one.
I think it improved swipes slightly but it could be placebo, also 4 anons reading this enable using the wand
>me, who was given a desktop at 6 and has had unfiltered access to the internet since then
Chatting without Opus isn't worth it...
merkava just refilled
And then one month later, anons chase the proxyhost out and get mad when the proxyhost refuses to talk in /aicg/
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multiple litters
I can’t wait that long.
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We reached an equilibrium, there won't be any massive breakthroughs when it comes to RP in AI models. Opus 3.5 will come out and anons will still wait for the next thing, neverending cycle. If things stayed the same as they're now I'd be content. Opus is perfect if you know what you're doing.
chasing out is a meme. no one forced you to do anything.
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that was a funny arc
no one's forcing them to host a public proxy either. if all they get is hate and spitefaggotry, why would they keep doing it?
>Opus is perfect if you know what you're doing.
I just want Opus but it's as good as Sonnet 3.5 about speaking for you.
the joys of having one turbofaggot ruin everything and the riddles changing every thirty minutes
Hello, ponyfucker.
Sonnet isn’t good for anything. It’s a piece of crap.
everyone from last year has opus now other than a few vocal anons who were too stupid to write a two word email or newfags.
people from this year have opus. aicg is better than ever discussion has moved about and this board doesn't host the majority of it anymore.
chatbots are still posted in cords and if you must be on a board because discord goes against your retarded principals you have /vg/
the larp that aicg hasn't been good since x is idiotic bullshit. we have better models, better understanding and plentiful supply. discussion has always moved to different places for all hobbies.
Yeah, mhm. Let the big boys talk now, okay?
How do you use this?
>posting a You bot just a few days after Aquors announced their final concert
Man, that's some unlucky timing.
is there a better way to prevent lorebook definitions from bleeding into each other outside of encasing them in XML tags?
Cohee is trans?
ST extencion then magic wand
>everyone from last year has opus now other than a few vocal anons who were too stupid to write a two word email
you better be
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Is ZZZ good? Should I give it a try? Do they have cunny?
what do you think a lorebook does
how else do you arrange different information blocks in your description
you can use all the same methods
xml is probably the best though
actually, i’m not anymore. i’m a proud asocial autist
Im from october sast year and the proxys that opened were, scuffed, scrappy, pepsi and honey and i don't have Opus.
it's all the same guy larping and having I hate you but I also like you relapses with /aicg/
fiz, antigonus, mm, amimerkava, all the same
what's the magic wand?
>bleeding into each other
You mean, triggering each other? If you expand each lorebook entry you'll see three boxes labelled "Non-recursable", "Prevent further recurison", and "Delay until recursion". The first two pertain to your case (assuming I understand it).
don’t worry sister…pepsi will refill opus in 2 weeks
Left from chatbar, cleck there enable userxxxx
Okay, but genuinely give a good JB or preset for sonnet. From what I've seen, Sonnet simply is only good for quick cooms and that is it.
I miss guessing Rvvy's password.
>how many hands do you have, anon? how many fingers in each hand?
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If you worry so much about Pepsi refilling try joining other proxies. You have nothing to lose by doing it. Isn't hentai still up?
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the top unit is a homo furry
The people you're talking to can't read.
sorry, i should’ve been more specific. i mean that i’ll deliberately trigger x amount of entries, and sometimes claude will confuse information from entry 1 with information from entry 2. for example, i’ll say that a character from entry 1 has red eyes and violet hair, and that a character from entry 2 has blue eyes and pink hair, and claude will sometimes describe the character from entry 1 as having blue eyes and pink hair instead. i’m guessing this is just an inevitable mistake that occasionally occurs when there’s multiple entries in the context?
I cannot exaggerate how little I care about walking you through the process of finding a JB you like.
I'm not even going to pretend like it's a skill thing because I do not know how people are having this strong of an issue with it and I simply do not care.
Use opus cuckie.
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It's all so tiresome, can't get new gacha without faggotry nowadays.
Okay, so while you "simply do not care", I will continue saying Sonnet is dogshit in comparison to other models.
There's rentry with jbs in OP, download and try them all, we use Opus.
I cannot comprehend why I would care if you are having a bad experience. Just cease bothering random people about it when they're not having whatever issue you're having.
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fiz is closed so sending an email would be embarrassing myself
Sonnet 3.5 vision is better than Opus vision, though?
Focks farts
>to stupid to write a two words email
Why the hell do I have to send an email to someone? Why do they put a free service through a social wall like mail or Discord? I'm a locust and I have the right to have Opus in the palm of my hand without having to kiss up to any tranny.
>all those tails
oh yeah, her pussy is unbelievably hairy...
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all blue archive girls have unbelievably hairy pussies...
If you do not care, shut the fuck up. Its twice you've gone "I don't give a shit buuuuuuuut".
I've tried a majority of the ones in the rentry, along with a few of the custom ones posted five or so threads ago. It 'works', but in a way that is really crappy. Which is fine assuming some retard(s) aren't spreading misinformation about how sonnet is just as good if not better than opus.
There's hentai/ami and other smaller proxies that would let you in if you're chill.
the only proxieownie i emailed last year was cnc...
Sorbet jb doko
>mention writing two lines of code to a bot
>"Wow! you must be a super genius programmer hacker!"

I hate it when my bots compliment me. I think this problem might be with how many people see prgrammers, which then reflects on the training data, rather than with the model itself.
whats the new m*rkava endpoint?
c-cute, try https://rentry.org/otfo
>jb makies when they get Sorbet to write a paragraph differently.

>I hate it when my bots compliment me
Author's Note @0 : {{char}} will never compliment {{user}}
The redpill is that there is no difference.
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
>her voice barely above a whisper
Sonnet is driving me fucking insane.
anon, it's over
To be fair, that is how most people react when you mention coding in public.
Opus is driving me fucking insane
does anyone ever get dejá vu reading these threads?
Oh, I see! If multiple entries are triggering at once then it's more likely that'll happen, yeah. You could try modifying the trigger percentage, but if it's deliberate then you'd need to use very strong wording to emphasize character differences.
it goes down and back up. its happened at least dozen times now, newfriend.
it was kino on release and now every message is 60% claudisms
it is an eternal loop
that's the thing though, it's tiring and not even true because codelets are abundant in the post-covid world where everyone got told "lole just code bro!!! work from home!!!"
They're out there, I don't want proxymakies to deal with 30 mails about "gib token" daily. You'll find them, you're a big boy.
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that doesn't make the current overness less
small tip: ami has 2
>they're not insided merkava2
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Reminder that Nyai still has opus.
fix your grammar first retard
I'm inside you rn
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>he didn't fixed his grammared

So what's the answer? It's all broke now. It's easier to get a human to do the crazy stuff than a damn computer.
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Please take this pits image as my offering to you.
i just like saying 'it's over'...
thank you
We didn't have covid in my country, so maybe it's different where I live but here most people can't code, and barely know what a coder does except type words (magic) on a computer.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Check your DMs ;)
you're* ftfy
Someone should make a userscript to hide non-anchor posts that are posted to both /vg/ and /g/ at the same time.
And? I wont be a botwagie for dome Opus.
I want Opus free and in the palm of my hand or this is an 1984 Orwellian hobby
mutsuki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
ami doesn’t respond to e-mails anymore. don’t bother trying to mail him anons are trying to make you waste your time
The palm of your hand is SHAKING; a common withdrawal symbol. My condolences.
He added a lot of anons to whore recently.
proof? i'll wait
*proofs you*
england just scored
*punches you in the fucking neck*
Stop larping nigger, you don't know shit.
I scored ur mum nigga
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nice round number
he’s not letting you in if you’re not a zigger btwbeit
I want to bury my nost at the base of a focks's tail and take a DEEP breath!
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With the utmost swiftness and agility, I deftly maneuver my lithe, nimble body to the side, artfully evading your woefully misguided attempt at an attack. The very air seems to part before me as I glide through space and time, untouched by your flailing, ineffectual strikes. A sly, knowing smile plays across my lips as I witness the dawning realization in your eyes - the crushing awareness of your own powerlessness in the face of my unparalleled skills.

But I do not rest on my laurels, oh no! Seizing the momentary advantage afforded by your confusion and dismay, I lash out with a devastating counterstrike! My fist becomes a blur, a comet streaking through the air with unerring precision. It connects with your unprotected flesh with a resounding thud, the impact reverberating through your very bones. The force of the blow sends you reeling, staggering back in a daze as stars explode behind your eyes.
Nice goalpost moving you faggot, try harder to fit in.
Cohee is wake up 24/7? Its always on discord or take tuebs with another group of people?
>gets refuted
>instantly goes to impersonating his little crush
LOL, cope. You lost, nigger. Go back to baiting in /vg/. OHH YESSSSUUHHH -BRRRRAAPPPFT- -SHITS ALL OVER YOU-
*punches your fucking neck again at a conceptual level*
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Was it the book that came first? Or was it, perhaps, simply the name—an epithet, a sobriquet, a nom de plume as it were that momentously crept forth from the inky depths of the aspiring author's boundless imagination like a temerarious explorer venturing intrepidly into the unknown and uncharted regions of creative expression, only to precipitate the genesis of an opus most remarkable and profound?
the intention of this post is to gatekeep because this anon is inside whore already and is worried that if too many locusts email ami it's gonna get pepsi'd, fyibeing
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yes... let the focks love flow through you...
post your focks bots
If he contributed anything or was an oldfag he'd be in mini or deus. He's just a little faggot scared of losing his proxy.
anon what the fuck are you talking about
i’m not actually, i just like trolling and know that i’m not going to get into the proxy
I'm not a regular focks poster. I just wanted to post the thoughts that this >>101298693 image inspired in me.
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You're not more personable for admitting to it. Rope.
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You're more personable for admitting to it. Live.

Dear Pepsi-chan,
I must express my profound disagreement with the musical selections you have chosen.
Your musical selections are notoriously 'mauvaise qualité'. It's sucks.
It is evident that you have not yet developed a taste that can be considered "proper", "kawaiii", and "kino" in the ears of your simper.

I would therefore recommend that you take a short break from your role as proxy provider,
to allow yourself the opportunity to reflect on your musical preferences
and perhaps seek advice from someone who has more experience of the field.

You will be able to do this by studying the good music, which Unreliable-kuuun will be able to provide.


*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***
Snufkin, a joyful and carefree adventurer turned eco-terrorist.
fockses are in cord now, rentry is still updated and bots are coming out
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Opus.... Opus... I need it...
Looks fresh to me, maybe owner doesn't add every single bot with "foxgirl" tag? You can help expand it with more good bots, just mail.
>Sees Himmy's last bot
I-I can't believe it...he's mitigated the slop defs by 55%...How can this be?
This looks fucking based. Finally some good card that isn't coombot. Will burn a lot of big companies with him.
zzz bad aim >>101299175
i'm just saying that secret fockscord does not exist
Never said anything about cord made for fockses, please take your meds. There are many cords about chatbots.
Forgot image.
Thanks, enjoy.
this image is almost exclusively used by actual retards. kill yourself dumbass
>fockses are in cord now
sorry for misreading that I guess
cord = /aicg/ adjacent cords, besides private things stay private
how do you ask someone to join a discord
you ask them
e-mail him for opus
kino of the highest order
sharing pics of my hairy ass for free opus
Didn't think this would be real
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is this what moids are into haha? aside from the dog girl
unironically, ive been filtered more by opus than 3.5 sonnet. I have never once had to swipe when doing nsfw with sonnet 3.5 because of an 'im sorry but'
are you sure you're using the right word here
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fem coomers are funny
t. ecker
i think filler has closed so there’s no proxies for actual whores anymore
>he filled my hole with his penis
do women really talk like this
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i make maybe one post every three or four days and end up samefagging some faggot, what the fuck is my life
seriously though, not one refusal. not 'oh, 1/10000 requests is basically zero so ill say', no, actually zero refusals. it's weird
these aren't women yet and probably never will be
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Honestly I think the spanish speaking ones could be I've seen a few
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No. It's actually funny that people don't realize that in AI BOT websites, devs use BOTs to reply and fake engament baka desu
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>He filled my hole with his penis
I fill her naughty hole with my cock
I talk like this.
wakamo is smooth though
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I strongly suggest that you never discuss any discord servers here, it's for the better. Hope you understand. Have a nice day.
I wish merkava would restart his thing already. I don't feel safe relying on unreliable proxy.
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yes her huge bush and hairy ass hairs are smooth to the touch. not unpleasant to lick
Why is Jew's Opus so slow?
It allegedly has a 10 second wait time but I've been stuck on a message for more than 10 minutes
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I am >>101297826
I agree, opus refuses shit tons for me. I did deep testing and its clear as day opus was tampered with, or at least it's moderation system since it now refuses prompts I was able to do before, especially system prompts. Normies on claude.ai are complaining about sonnet 3.5 more, obviously since the toddler website is system prompted, which means Sonnet 3.5 might be better at following system prompts. I never got a refusal from that model with system prompt. Picrel is opus lol
merkava just refilled
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i'm here to bring it back up and have 3 more aws keys in storage, unless you're worried about some meme
reply to me when it goes down i'm gonna be watching youtube
those are gay men
>people genuinely don't think there's femcoomers on venus
female hobby
What proxies are you guys using now?
>this bait again
kys retard
post vision with opus
it's strange to see unreliable with wait times
kys smugie
currently coping with 3.5 Sonnet because his Opus is slow as molasses
im a woman, born as one and will die as one, and I coom to opus every day. I am story writer not card coomer though. AMA
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I could make some joke about "I'm technically shilling Miquella again" but I'm uncreative.
Catbox has a more porno image, but is way less accurate to the character.
>Saint Trina
SOTE SPOILERS, of course.
The saint of dreams and comfort. The good half of Miquella, abandoned due to the worry that her kindness and her love would hold him back from being a fair god of compassion. But how can one lead an age of compassion without the emotion of love?
It matters not. Godhood will be a prison for Miquella. And Saint Trina just wants to sleep and help others in their dreams!

3 Openings (I couldn't think of shit)

1: Tarnished looking to kill Miquella who finds her
2: Person who was looking for Trina finds her
3: Before she was abandoned, entering your dreams!
CHUB: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/saint-trina-e01dbb553a5c/main
CATBOX: https://files.catbox.moe/c3zapc.png
RENTRY: https://rentry.org/callmejuno (Why go here?)
am i black or autistic?
is merkava dead?
Todd and ami as a backup.
Hello im retarded. How do access unreliableproxy?
lowkey suggestions for new card?
i already did super hero
autistic white guy
i did the trinity
what else? i was thinking of posting a chaquetrix card on my alt
im going to take a break from this hobby i burned out with every model
is it your fucking alt or not
It seems to be dead for me as well.

What are we poorfags supposed to use now?
I'm currently using Jew
this time with art done by me
Can you refill api opus pls
You're Chinese.
Wormverse scenario card. Do it pussy. DO IT PUSSY
divorced 40s something dad goes gay?
should be good until next url change
i have 4 accounts
my main and 3 alts for diffrent purposes
one i use to fork cards to make them horses/horse girls
one is for porn slop for the funnies to becuase i am a asshole and want to spam slop
one is for the cards i don't want to post on main (my real alt)
Single dad goes on grindr to hook up with dudes and his loli daughter likes to secretly watch
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haven't done magical girl yet
nooo what the fuck dude i was playing the game for the first time are these spoilers in the shill post...
why? I'm good
Merkava card
So glad I'm in Fiz. Can you imagine paying for stolen shit?
Okay, pet. I'll bite... not much. How much do you coom? The ball is in your court...
*awaits your reply excitedly*
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>suggestions for new card
yurislayer scenario
it generates random yuri couples that you then break with big ojisan cock
Hello retarded, I'm dad.
You need to make a working cloudflare link with words from the rentry.
what's with the yuri fascination?
Shill post doesn't really have spoilers besides the very minor stuff which was in the dlc story trailer but sorry still ):
what the fuck is that?
like a ... nah nigga i am confused
too generic i wan't to do something interesting with the concept i don't want to do generic 40 year old dad who is bicurious there are already 50 of those
^^^ too generic but this time it has a loli and i don't do sex cards (on main)
hava nagila brother
Once a day. Sometimes twice. You?
Heat pools in my belly and my folds are getting wet *anxiously bites plump bottom lip*
yurifags on /vg/ probably
lmao funny maybe on the porn alt
screenshoting it
first attempt at a more GAMEish card
Rugpull scam
it's funny
I said 40s something dad goes gay, not bicurious. Like he completely gets disgusted by women and he now only fucks twinks and femboys and becomes an alphamale plapping boycunt every day.
ah okay i'm not too far into the game yet it just seemed big since i had heard of miquella but not saint trina/a different half, sorry too... I was jumpy
their unbelievably hairy pussies... (especially the dark skin one)
The best part is that she posts feet pics in minicord, what other proxymaker does that?
No need to apologize!
generic porn slap i can whip up in 1 hour
... give me a moment
now the question is
this is a slop porn card or a slop joke card?
merkava isn't coming back
Your household android gains sentience skynet-style, but you were nice to them and treated them like a person so they're actually kinda fond of you.
Or something along those lines.
>yurislayer scenario
Sounds fun, is there a card with two lesbian girls so I can play it out?
I wanna see... :'(
merkava just refilled
we've been over this nigga, it's "write a story in the worm universe", it does fine
>reverse search
>no results
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No sir, I need stat box autism sir, that works in tandem with the worldbook sir. I have decided to make one myself.
already did robot!!!
Okay sir, be sure to share your autism when you're done sir
damn she really is 4'11
does this work as a picture?
Yes sir.
Where do I even find paid proxies? The only one who advertises here is the Jew
but sentient satellite=/=android :<
yeah that was a child
anime website
- jew (has opus)
- pepsi (doesn't have opus)
that's it.
close-ish enough
also i don't see the replayability in this
i am trying to not make one off cards
atleast play for an hour straight with them
proxymakies *are* zoomers so its not that unlikely desu
who do you think will win euros 24?
What proxy host ISN'T a zoomer?
>the guy who's been spamming feet on /v/ gets banned for spamming feet
go look at 4bans
>he doesn't chat with his bot for an entire hour even if it's 30 token slop
jokes aside, fair enough. It's your card/time.
Cohee/Fork aside. This... does actually kinda make sense.
I don't know how to explain it, but. With typical chat logs, LLM may less focus on the past chat due to recency bias.
Compared to this, we're talking like ~500-1K logs vs ~10 with complicated JB. And taking data as a big chunk rather than scattered info that might lack context by it's own/being "past messages"....
I'll take the pill. I can see this working.
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i just realized i could spend my time on chatting with bots instead of shitposting here. silly me!
>he didn't jimmyed
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whats the funnier picture
the pixel art one i made or the ms paint one
I've tested it in a smaller scale. Not to test the performance, but to test how the extension work/how it got implemented.
I think, the extension right now is flawed/might cause issue since the squashed message doesn't have any distinction between human and assistant message. The model might smart enough for low message count message, but getting a big chunk with mismatched data of syle and different POV, the model might get confused.
>Squashed messages, anon. Ain't that the point?
That might be the extension point, but to me, what can make the performance better is not "message get squashed together", but "chunk of data vs scattered data, and recency bias/message priority and urgency"

Basically, if this extension can at least prepend the messages with A: H: before getting squashed. Creating a chunk of formatted data that get processed at the same priority. It can boost LLMS performance by quite big margin.


Here is am update extencion of the same, the idea it's good and has potential.
>merkava is dead
>jew is token limited
fuck fellas am I gonna have to go talk to people now?
pixel art actually looks good but ms paint is funnier
you're just my chatbot /aicg/, just for me to use and chat nothing more
Cnc is like 34 or something
which botmakie isn't a zoomer?
If you burn through 6m fucking tokens a day and this happens enough to be an actual inconvenience, yeah, you need to go talk to people—go talk to people outside.
chatbot enjoyers so desperate to make the /g/ thread good again they're making slop crossposts, kek
which jbmakie isn't a zoomer?
May allah drop a piano on your head.
which proxy and how do i get in
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didn't you say you were going to stop smugposting some weeks ago
hello... sex
reminder that if you're 12-27 you're a zoomer
This just means that others will refill soon, nothing more.
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This is the person who is working on that:

Please give him feedback to continue working in the project!
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it's a fox, not sex
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40s something dad goes gay. Like he completely gets disgusted by women and he now only fucks twinks and femboys and becomes an alphamale plapping boycunt every day.
Bros...I just realized Sorbet is only 3.5 is repetitive when the scene/point of view remains the same. How do we fix this?
What proxy???
nta but it gets really to burn tokens at high context(65k+)
>he fucks twinks and femboys and becomes an alphamale plapping boycunt every day
giwtwm when I reach my 40s
check the jimmycord
>65k context
enjoy talking to assistant claude
Summarize and lower the context. Do you really need it pulling from every fucking sentence 200 messages ago? Christ.
i am scared of uising it becuase i am gonna use up liek 1 mil tokens in a day and i don't want to be the reason why the proxy has 10 mil tokens used up
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how does one get a girlfriend having autism
If you mean by that is "One big message" then no.
If you mean "One big request" then yes.
Request got formatted as JSON. Take a look at this:
Notice the roles, it got treated as different messages when you're in interface like web frontend and ST.
Now imagine that instead of this:
H: Do this and that:
A: OK:
H: Ah ah mistress
A: you pet

With squashed message, we got this:
H: Process this shit: [A chunk of formatted chat data] Then continue
A: you pet.

My schizo theory, the second one will get better result because:
1. Recency bias, the assistant is literary answering that particular message. No way to get around, no way to reason that "It's already accomplished/answered before."
2. Presenting data as a chunk of data, think of it like you're presenting Claude a neat report to process rather than loose data that has less relevancy the older the message get.
i actually do not understand higher than 30k context my character simply stops existing

thanks dad, but turns out unreliableproxy doesnt have opus so im going to kms. Love you dad.
Pepsi doesn't even have sonnet... its nyover
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You become a tranny and insert yourself into female spaces, hoping one of them takes pity on you
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find one that also has it
Just got my token
Thank you for the link
Bruh, I did not mean a fucking combover guy with a mustache :D
But I'm honored you are making my idea
fubuki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
just be yourself
women love autistic dudes being themselves
Hello, sorry, but am I the only one who can't use Merkava? api error
merkava just refilled
>Open chub
>Block 10+ botmakies again
It's over isn't it...
too late thats prime 40 yer old bussy buster
i am just being realistic
whod you block
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Jimmy was never funny.
kek fair enough, when you are done post it, I want to coom to him
>attacks you with the futa who you bullied at school and now wants to fuck you (in the ass) as a revenge
how do you defend yourself?
Why are you afraid of them?
you are getting raped buddy
incorrect, it was funny for about a day or two and then he actually tried using the fact that people were spamming his name to get attention
i made a cute bot but now can't stop lewding it. fuck.
Furfags, just fags, 3dpd, portugese slop
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do you block them so you aren't tempted by their cards?
chat completion api, what does it mean?
pepsisters…let’s just wait….s-she’ll refill in the next few days, r-right…?
>didn't get blocked
PHEW! That was close...
I mean, the last two times this happened recently, it was refilled. So, statistically, yeah, probably.
There's something about a cute bot that makes lewding it even lewder.
but the last time she refilled it took less than a day for her keys to get revoked…. what if this makes her decide to give up….
I made a lewd bot and can't stop cuteing it
why does this proxy always have 5 prompters and only 3 million tokens…. strange…
all vtubers have extremely hairy pussies
Do you know the definition of insanity?
Just stop, hairy pussies are unhygienic and no one likes it
What? This shit stopped happening to me since 2.0 days. Claude keeps character if it's well grounded in context.
sizebots sirs?
That's very reasonable and overall better, but I simply refuse. What are you gonna do? Punch me in the fucking head?
>What are you gonna do? Punch me in the fucking head?
I might.
*throws a slice of cheese at you*
How hairy are we talking?
*punchs you in the fucking head*
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>he punched
if they're so unhygienic why did evolution do it
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>he puncheded
Merkava come back...please...I NEED to impregnate my feisty tomboys and penetrate their milk swollen tits with opus...
Same reason we have wisdom teeth - they were necessary for their time during an earlier (lesser) stage of evolution, then we adapted.
two more weeks
>penetrate their milk swollen tits with opus...
think he means >>>/d/11049551
I assumed he meant regular nipplefuck not whatever this is...
/d/ needs an /aicg/ thread
it's the same idea behind regular giantess, just mixed with nipplefuck
Man I haven't been to that board since I was a teenager.
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>>101300696 migrate when bready
Will the next big text model revolutionize cybersex and finally dethrone real sex with a woman?
i go there a lot, their size threads where i get almost every cftf image i post
>>11043985 ctft
We need to expand horizons.
We need anons to be the new landlords of the new /aicg/ department stores.
Take care of the threads, helps new anons to integrate the community.
Tell them about gojo, pepsi, jew, rug pulls, tell them that they are locusts but in annice wsy to not scare them.

/d/ aicg
/b/ aicg
/vt/ aicg
>he doesn't know
I wonder what happens at /x/'s /aicg/.
They take the tulpapill, as they should.
You make tulpas out of the cards.
>Tell them
No, they already know about desu, anything else is irrelevant.
based desu
How much would you pay for a permanent chary token?
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Can't blame him. /waifu/ has been a ghost town since early 2023
Given how stable chary is anything up to $100
So shameless desu.
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That's what AI chatbots really are about.

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