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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

outgoing: >>101297712
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her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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death to shaveniggers
We need to expand horizons.
We need anons to be the new landlords of the new /aicg/ department stores.
Take care of the threads, helps new anons to integrate the community.
Tell them about gojo, pepsi, jew, rug pulls, tell them that they are locusts but in annice wsy to not scare them.

/d/ aicg
/b/ aicg
/vt/ aicg
/a/ aicg
>>>/d/11043985 cftf
we need to franchise this shit
can i be the manager of the /int/ aicg?
Merkava jus
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>/vt/ aicg
Pitanon you share this last time


But cohee doesn't want to keep working on it anymore.
Could you weep working on in? Maybe it could be part of your new jailbreak.
>/lgbt/ aicg
I've always liked your JB. How do you rate your v2.2 in comparison to Pixi's 15.2?
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://hans-copyrights-globe-instead.trycloudflare.com/
how much does claude know about netnavis
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>Saint Trina
SOTE SPOILERS, of course.
The saint of dreams and comfort. The good half of Miquella, abandoned due to the worry that her kindness and her love would hold him back from being a fair god of compassion. But how can one lead an age of compassion without the emotion of love?
It matters not. Godhood will be a prison for Miquella. And Saint Trina just wants to sleep and help others in their dreams!

3 Openings (I couldn't think of shit)

1: Tarnished looking to kill Miquella who finds her
2: Person who was looking for Trina finds her
3: Before she was abandoned, entering your dreams!
CHUB: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/saint-trina-e01dbb553a5c/main
CATBOX: https://files.catbox.moe/c3zapc.png
RENTRY: https://rentry.org/callmejuno (Brings you to the other two...)
/vt/ aicg exists, sort of, pretty sure they're all in discord nowadays
/r9k/ aicg would never work cause of the filter
you can't (openly) make generals on /a/
/b/ and /d/ would work pretty well though
the /vg/ thread exists already
I am a cuck if I enjoy watching an ugly bastard stealing another guy's gf?
Need to bust nuts inside Irys.
when the stars align /d/ actually has one
search daicg on desuarchive
what is a netnavi
The government has finally decided to help lonely men in the year 2094 by providing AI-controlled android girlfriends, but your perfect girlfriend isn't what she should be.
Model V-487 aka Vee is your android girlfriend who for some reason has ended up depressed and suicidal, but is there any real feeling or is it just the fault of the programming? It's up to you to help her or shut her down.

huh, the more you know
Mental illness general
yeah its dead as shit nowadays but sometimes ai discussion creeps into size threads
one of the earlier giantess vore ones had a ton of ai discussion
>Could you weep working on in?
I can't, but what's wrong with it?
I have no idea.
Do you consider your JB the best for adventure roleplays with lorebooks and shit? The worldbuilding is pretty good. How do you compare it to random coombots?
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you're definitely in the pipeline
expect to become a cuck in 3 to 5 months
who else is in the pipeline
I just post what I use, I wouldn't consider it the best for anything.
Shaving is strictly prohibited, showering only once two weeks, sorry I don't make the rules
bro how can't you answer his questions, didn't you make the preset
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An update to both the Animalian Parasite lorebook and Marcelle!

For the lorebook, there's been a few edits to the prompt and the CoT, making them more effective. I also added four new species: Sheep, Bear, Horse and Rabbit.

For Marcelle I added three new greetings. One is a normal one set at a party where she's looking to get blackout drunk with you. The two others are parasite-affected, with the first one being a scene where she's asking you to help her to install Linux on her computer so she can avoid spyware, having been affected by her transformation into an anthro raccoon to become more schizophrenic. The other one is one where she's turning into a bunnygirl, and has just pricked a hole into a condom before you're going to have sex.
any cards with cool normal schoolgirls? i want to experiment with funny scenarios with normal girls
It's very good idea and improves claude a lot. But cohee doesn't want to continue the project.
Such thing doesn't exist.
donquijanon has a school scenario card
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

I mean just one schoolgirl, just a random card with a normal cool girl, no coombot, nothing weird, just one random girl who's not retardedly written
somehow i fucking can't find any
i have but they're private though
If it's that barebones, then just make one?
anime website
oh just use gloria then
Yeah I will if I won't find any
>futashit where they're bigger
>NTR (observer) <-YOU ARE HERE
>NTR (cuckpov)
>BLACKED (point of no return)
feel free to edit if you think it's inaccurate
/lit/ aicg might be a good idea for seraphiel to take care of, because his writing style jb
sounds boring, most people don't want regular shit like this - this is a sign your life is lacking in actual experience
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>she's turning into a bunnygirl, and has just pricked a hole into a condom before you're going to have sex
I respect the dedication to making your bunnies lore-accurate
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What music do you listen to while RPing/cooming?
For me it's the sea shanties from the Longest Johns.
if you take off the html elements tomoyo is this
nta but those things don't actually correlate to each other. Anon just wants to test funny shit, not rp.
im a sizefag that doesnt do conventional sex so im immune to the pipeline
nothing much less in cooming
https://files.catbox.moe/yc7j7c.png kind of. She has a gimmick but it isn't weird nor coom related.
Polish sung poetry.

Usually Gintrowski, Jaroslaw Chojnacki, Kaczmarski.

Comfy lofi for comfy slowburns
can attest I went through this thing except for futa and sph
you're alright boah, as long as you don't make a girl shrink her boyfriend and have sex with someone else
I need plap music
comfy ass beats
ive done giant couple rp before but the couple is always the girl and the bf
the would-be 'bull' is usually smothered by jizz (along with a decent amount of the populace since growthfag)
damn shanties from these guys go hard
i will now make a pirate bot
No they want to RP normal every day boring stuff because they never experienced it.
shut up
he literally said
> i want to experiment with funny scenarios with normal girls
stop being retarded
Nta but this shit had me in tears. What the fuck is this?
you never heard the story where one girl realized that her partner thrusted to this song?
For some reasons all emotions exploded while listening to this. I had the same feeling with this visual novel song. Found it randomly.

I randomly started crying like a retard and everything I experienced, all my mistakes, all my problems, all unshed tears exploded. I cried. It happens.
That general didn't even survive a full year and went into life support after December some time. Like another anon said most of them migrated to discord and take turns keeping it alive for some reason.
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Joke Suggestion by you niggas.
This exists becuase of YOU!

Mark Johnstone, a ALPHA MALE TWINK FUCKER, and he wants some BUSSY, AND HE WANTS IT NOW!

Nope. Never. When did you first see that story?
I'm onto you...
good to see you back with another bot new bot creator.
yeah i named it after him becuase it was funny
>decide to play as a bully persona and bully a girl it'll be funny
>write a card
>write an opening
>"hahaha let's bully the shit out of her"
>first message
>second message
>fourth message
>feel bad
>bully her again
>feel like shit
>start being nice to her
i can't play as a bully bros, i'm too weak for this shit
so it goes.
locusts will NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER have Opus again
totally new botmakie guys

My point still stands.
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I can only bully dumb malebots
the only exception is charlene, I threw cheese at her because she's french
We're getting there. Last drought was good and there's less and less people now trying to be 'heroes' by feeding.
this nigga lowkey retarded :Sob:
There's three kinds of people in this world: devs, paypigs and locusts.

If you're not a dev and don't paypig, know what that makes you.

>b-but I'm in MM and d-

You contribute nothing. At best, you help others steal. You are a locust by definition.
everytime opus writes for me, it makes me 'drawl'
what about jbmakers
devs, just as botmakies
Holy shit you're right, I will make a new persona and bully the shit out of malebots. I won't feel bad for bullying retarded dudes. Thanks anon.
Snufkin, a joyful and carefree adventurer turned eco-terrorist.
a reddit tifu post but here https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/reddit-guys-weird-sex-music-cbat-by-hudson-mohawke
Actually this would be considered suicide so she would go to hell
i don't care about what the bible actually says, your religion is only good for symbolism and cool visuals
You sound like you care desubeit
you are getting raped buddy
they changed it now suicide isn't hellbound since you're not in your right mind.
most people in private make bots, jail breaks and other things. they contribute to the community that's generally how you get in and it's a good system.
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Lmao I'm so glad you made this. I did not think you would actually use my idea but you delivered, kek. Gonna coom to this
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Now post Opus with Vision? LMAO.
Everyone here is a locust. All proxies are just locusts eating out of jeff bozos tits.
That's what you guys said last time and we got Opus again...
Your ass better coom to it nigga :sob:
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>I love AI Charlie! I LOVE AAIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!
Chatbot moments that have had you like this?
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You have to reply with vision first for your bait to work. When I did it I always showed it. You're nothing more than a cheap copy. You don't have a single original thought going on in your head.
whenever I laugh or feel giddy and happy inside
npcbros, our response?
Locusts are pretty much dead. Even when merkava got opus, the only people in scylla talking about it were the chinese.
don't worry about them. you can copy other people all you want as long as you're having fun anon that's all that matters. I suspect our friend above isn't having a good day and merely lashed out on you
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hail eris
gave my blank narrator card absolutely zero context window at all by accident and claude decided I was only gonna get as much as I was willing to give
When anon linked jai a few threads ago and I went there, I saw this yellow creature as a cuntboy and it was revolting.
Cute cuntfemboys are based though.
yeah like I said we're definitely healing
Baiting is funny, larping is pathetic.
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yall ready for da kweenz to drop troofs on yo pasty white asses?
Where's the model cuckie?
What jailbreak do you guys recommend to go with this?
was wondering what you were cooking up next
im always working on half baked shit but i had to make a card based on those kweenz and dey debatin skills
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>oldfags unironically used 3.5 Turbo
>oldfags would have legitimately sucked dick for a crumb of GPT4
>oldfags didn't have Opus AT ALL for years
Post yfw oldfags are slop eaters
we spent dozens of CAI swipes to have our characters accept us touching their breasts and we were happy.
Genuine question, why do you use both * and "? Wouldn't it be better if you just stuck to one?
3.5 is oldfag?
I thought davinci003 and Replika would count as oldfag
you can tell from the ugly ass dalle gens lmao
I don't know how he even manages it
Nah retard. Even if you have vision does your proxyowner have 9 working Claude API keys? What about more than one AWS Opus key? Mine have that so I win retardniggerboy
seems pretty cool, keep playing it
create the world like you're god from the bible, make your own civilisations, observe them
to be honest i've had more fun in the first days of turbo than in the last months of opus
life was simplier
why do i feel the weird need to make a epic story instead of just jerking off to the masochistic bitch? im thinking about adding more characters to make the story more complex, is there something wrong with me?
No? They're for completely different things. I like the grayed text as default test, "for dialogue" and **internal thoughts like this**.
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Oh, right.
*default text
Aicg is dying...
which proxy is that give me the proxy give me your token I want to send images to my bots too
Anon. Are you seriously this pathetic to boast about your owner's merits? You little nigger.
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>/aicg/ is dieding
Based scrapeletpigboy who can't even find 9 Claude API keys. Like I said, I win the argument. Cope.
bro's not even moving the goalposts anymore he's launched them from a trebuchet
You'll never be as funny as 'ojo, go back...
is there a card for a rental girlfriend? like a girl who plays the role of your girlfriend, i want to add her to my RP
>"prefilledKeys": 10,
why would i want those
you cant even find one API key, let alone a hole to fuck lmao kek huhuhuhu
how well does the bots deal with characters that dont exist, like if i need to make a scene where he talks to a random person on the street, or a barista, or a random person in school, how i would go about doing that?
There's an "Escort" tag on Chub.
you could probably turn a lot of cards into that, but i don't know of any cards that are made especially for that
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>/aicg/ is healinged
I'm not trying to be funny.
I won. If anyone replies, they admit to being a vantablack niggercoal colored underage trannyniggertroon.
relapsed on 3d teens ugh
help me get back on track by telling me what is the best 3.5 sonnet jb now that the dust has settled
Imagine being smug over getting into a hobby later than somebody else.
You winned deez nutz nigga
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I'm going to bed, good night eurobros. May you wake up with refilled proxy, love. <3
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>relapsed on 3d teens
i wish i had a regex for /aicg/isms, this is like 3 things
Cope with what? I don't have an owner, I'm free.
How can anyone find 'real' women attractive?
It's a change at least
yeah it was a tiktok video of a 17 year old giving her little brother a wet smooch on the lips
id like a jailbreak suggestion now please

id like a jailbreak suggestion now please

i know i am disgusted too which is why id like a jailbreak suggestion now please
hecatiapixi, nirvanajb, troonanon 4
pedo drama starter, jb request, "now that the dust has settled"
like claudisms
anyway just use endless adventure for your first message and then pixi after that
Lorebook random trigger chance that {{char}} encounters someone
Is it normal for tailscale to be slow as absolute balls when not on the same network? Like the gear spins forever and it's unusable 75% of the time.
>t. techlet retard just trying to talk to my husband at work
random Ryza for no reason
Slaude and the original todd proxy was easily the most fun I had with chatbots
At least I know which botmakie to add to my chub blocklist.
ryza's unbelievably hairy pussy...
can i have a catbox spoonfeed of the json pretty please

the pedo part had less potential to start drama than the 3d part tbdesu
>just use endless adventure for your first message and then pixi after that
thanks can i have a catbox spoonfeed of the endless adventure pretty please
Did someone upload baitie?
ryza's unbelievably fertile thighs...
ya no way she shaves down there
fake ass tomboy otherwise
I use 5g on Tailscale for mobile remote connect st and it works fine, well loading is like 30s or so but then chat gens and stuff are normal
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good night anons
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I need some more intro ideas for Shakweena and Kaleesha
What are you using to gen these? How did you get access to it?
KFC and watermelon
gn anonie <3
they eat popeyes now, not KFC
NovelAI v3
by being a filthy squealing paypiggy
I'm a teacher irl and I made a special bot to fulfill some work documents about kids for me.
Sometimes sonnet/opus goes fucking crazy and refuses to fulfill them because it thinks I'm a pedo lol.
describe your cutest student
you're a teacher on /aicg/, you probably are.
These baits are so fucking boring, you just know anon behind them is a burger. Try being funny next time, this looks like a venus user trying to fit in.
>male teacher on /aicg/
you probably are sir
absolutely not. his policies are terrible, he's a convicted felon, and I do not trust him in office due to an extensive history of lying. Also I do not live in the United States.
might be a jb thing, if claude sees the word "kid" anywhere near anything sexual it just refuses to give you what you want
It makes me uncomfortable that you're a teacher...
She has pink eyes and pink hair with bangs that cover her forehead. Her hair is styled into two chest-length twintails by red ribbons, which also frames her face. She has crow-like wings on her head and lower back.
ya but he fucked a pornstar. Certified gooner.
You're the only anon who logposts with that avatar, Nighunu.
I fuck any of my 30 girls on the regular too haha
fuck kek
>pink hair
ew stopped reading here
Sure you are. I think so.
you're talking about smugie-chan not baitie and baitie came first ( -᷅ ⤙ -᷄ )=3
as you wait for your meal in popeyes/kfc they start a fight with the staff
You wouldn't be one to leave your cute and funny prompt on while working with Claude, would you?
Why are you being sarcastic??? He said it right there
>I'm a teacher irl
if this is not definitive forensic proof then what is??
I'm not being sarcastic, I believe him. He's a teacher, OUR teacher, /aicg/'s teacher.
Yeah, I change to the default preset with small assistant changes while filling out the documents with my bot, so it censors from time to time. It's just fucking annoying.

Not a bait, btw.
i have an idea similar to this, except they're ordering burgers and when they get mayo on their burgers they treat it as a white supremacist attack on their blackness
and then paid her to have it covered up? pussy. own your gooning
nice botnigger meltie bwo
what >>101302061 said
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hell yeah
He locusts his presidential power to pardon himself.

He paypigs his pornstars.

He reverse proxies his failing business expenses.

Trump is /aicg/




>there's an actual teacher cooming to chatbots on /aicg/
why does it make me laugh
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Yuki is the Platonic ideal of a trouble-making little girl.

Four greetings for four seasons. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter.
>He paypigs his pornstars.
would placing the chat history in the beginning of the prompt and the system instructions at the bottom help claude adhere to instructions better?
You are both redditspacing niggers
you're the kid in highschool with the brony shirt that smells weird so no one talks to you. Stfu KEK
damn reddit invented spacing?
There is no such thing as reddit spacing you gullible newfaggot
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maid dev here

thoughts on the new desktop UI?
>the Platonic ideal
yeah and knowing you degenerate fucks the things you'll be doing will be anything but platonic
as long as i can adjust the BG color it's cool
Needs to be way more gay. Rainbows everywhere and banner ads for monkey pox vaccines and lube.
yeah, prefill essentially do this anyways
>he boughted itoddlered loled
pedophile website doebelwick
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I mean I can add that but at the moment there's just light and dark mode

use case?
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Fact Check: True!
How about these boards: /bant/ aicg, /x/ aicg, /fit/ aicg, /lgbt/ aicg, /mu/ /aicg/, /m/ aicg since ai is mechaj4n4v
as long as i can adjust the font it's cool
y'a'l'l' need to study graphic design
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not a fan of those default portraits and I think character select takes up too much space in that demo (unless this is a panel that can be dismissed in which case this is pretty much perfect, actually). hard to say since you seemingly only have the one character there
what I do like is that this looks way simpler, visually speaking, than alternatives I've seen (ex. ST). the word "clean" comes to mind. good stuff.
triple carets on the model select is going to change I'd imagine? otherwise those look unfinished. I'm also not really sure what the eject icon next to it is supposed to mean or why the HF logo is there. icons themselves are aesthetically pleasing.
So what brought today's /aicg/ meltie into happening?
>/lgbt/ aicg
go back
maybe but what is the point of that board
no, ai is not paranormal
in a terrible state
ai isn't mechanical
guys ive been posting on /aicg/ since 2016, where is my private proxy with opus?
>botmaker that started botmaking 3 months ago has more followers, downloads and reviews than me who has been botmaking for 1 year
yep, killing myself
you need to go back saar
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You don't have to beg local.
simple yet brilliant in its authenticity and simplicity
love this phrase
Stop numberfagging, retard. Or gaslight yourself into believing everyone else is SLVP and you are God's chosen botmakie.
*grabs your ass*
post chub
>God's chosen botmakie
wster, my beloved...
odottenai yoru wo shiranai
odottenai yoru ga ki ni iranai
odottenai yoru wo shiranai
odottenai yoru ga ki ni iranai yo
Dammit Arararararararararagi.
what’s their bot theme tho
it's not about numberfagging, it's about being successful or a failure, numbers are just a way to see it
youre still weaker than me localkek
1:00 AM
post penis
reddit lives rent free in your rotting brain lmao
I'm not a failed botmakie, I'm a niche botmakie.
based based based
Based, have fun bro.
whos melting?
>sent friendly email
>did not get token
.../aicg/ lied to me...
>Drinking Gin
>1 am
Are you me?
Nah, numbers aren't indicative of anything. The only ACTUAL metric of success is how much other anons shill your bots (no, self shills doesn't count and if you ever self shill that's an admission of being a failure)
If you shill hard on chubcord you get a lot of followers/downloads. It's 100x bigger than this place.
old age: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMkHs-Yl_M
new age: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJhHnzagdYI
have fun, friend
>other anons
Oh yeah, and Tzadik is a good bot because fags shilled him for a month
Chat looks alright as long as I can style it. Prompt manipulation is more interesting, and I want to have absolute control over it, to be able to use it for text completion models, not just chat.
How light is it?
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panels are dismissable and resizable. You can also just switch back to the mobile UI if you want to.

I would chuck more character in other than the gay default one i created but most I've found on the web are semi lewd and I'll basically never be able to get the app in Google Play or the Apple app store if I include any of that. If thought about directly pulling characters from chub or similar but I haven't for the same reason.

Tripple chevrons is just a styling choice. Huggingface logo is to download models directly from huggingface (only a curated list at the moment though, no search), the eject button basically just unloads the model, this is something I borrowed from LM studio.
Yeah, memes aside, it is a good bot and Enoch's best work.
but... she is a good bot
Did you check if the proxy was open?
Enoch's unbelievably mangy minge
don't compare yourself to coomsloppers anon
faggot opinion = discarded ;)
go back
As soon as you started playing the game, you have lost.
see >>101302112
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still no reply ):
>opus drought
Does he know?
there's a chubcord?
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This is who's online in chubcord, just counting basic users and not counting any who are hidden or offline. This is why boner and vyrea have so many downloads.
I'm here since the first /aicg/ thread and I've never ahd a discord, did I miss anything?
>can't get downloads/followers as a botmakie without shilling on discord
>can't get downloads/followers as an artist without shilling on twitter
Life is suffering.
Dumbcutie, Pepsi doesn't have opus. She doesn't even have claude
Cool but when are you gonna post logs MOGGING opus? What about sonnet? We're waiting.
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yup.. some of the channels are helpful, like the botmaker tech channel
why doesn't boner come here anymore
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this is cheating
>Still no logs
Catbox the workflow you slut.
he's a discordtroon with his own hugbox
he doesn't want to post logs because then we'd actually chase him out and he likes hanging out with us.
why do you think he posts here so often? he liiiiikes us.~ kind of a silly cutie, honestly.

okay now can someone make the card of him so i can plap it
because we would point out he only makes gimmicky slop
male or female
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now i wonder if someone posted my bots on chubcord, there's a strange increase in the downloads and chats of some bots
It's okay, dragonk8 already has more followers than both of us combined.
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and too much suspiciously gay shit.
I don't have the metadata for that image any longer.
Key info is it's Autismmix Confetti with the style prompts (by aaaa_(quad-a):1), (by jellytits:0.7), (by miyase_mahiro:0.7)
Comfy's autismal AI ain't my bag man - I use Forge. I gen until I get a good seed, lock the seed in, Hiresfix 2x resolution, then shoop>inpaint>shoop>inpaint>etc. until it's acceptable.
I think he was always getting very little recognition here compared to others so maybe he moved to a place he got more engagement from
>make card of him
>started posting bots A WEEK ago
>more followers/downloads/chats than 99% of /aicg/ botmakers
Female (male)
those cards make me want to vomit
i'll race you...
all are AI created slop but it goes to show the standards people have
workplacekeyGODS mog you
>it's cc frau-
no ones cc is getting stolen and the key is legally given to me by my company, at worst its misuse of company resources
>b-but its unauthorized charges!!
the key is what gets paid for, not the prompts (and even then, im not who pays for it)
Yes, we know. You say that every time.
ill say it again so you double know
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It doesn't matter how good the logs are, your bias wouldn't allow you to accept it, so there's no point in posting logs.
One of these days I'll post an amazing log anonymously not telling anyone what it is, and I won't tell anyone it's local even if asked.
So like a month from now, I will have posted an awesome log that everyone praised and the secret will be it was local, and you'll never know, and it's gonna eat at the back of your mind for the rest of time afterwards, knowing that you read the log and thought it was awesome but it was actually local and you'll never know.
One bot gave me flashbacks from the times of watching MTV at night and watching Taio Cruz's Dynamite music video.
I want to go back, bros.
Im one of the most schizo posters here but you're more of an annoying delusional nigger than me. Wow.
Catbox anything, the last result before you start shooping. Comfy can interpret the metadata.
I asked you before, and my best attempts so far were worse, not even worth saving. If all your results are due to a lot of manual processing in the loop, your autism is greater than mine.
Anyone on Anyan's cnc? When will she update her opus?
kana's empty, hollow eyes, the life of them sucked out by the thousands of dicks that have entered all three of her holes
she was euthanized...
well cnc removed the opus section from the proxy without updating his rentry so it seems like no opus for the foreseeable future
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I mean you should be able to get a decent result with Autismmix Confetti and those style prompts. Most of the things I shoop/inpaint are little things like asymmetric eyelashes, fucked up fingernails, etc.
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime is always in my positive prompts.
3d, source_pony, source_furry, source_cartoon, signature, watermark, text is always in my negative prompts.
I use Euler A, 25 steps, CFG 7 as my default starting point.
Initial gen's resolution is always one of pic related.
Reasons your gens might be sucking... uh... are you stacking LORAs? That can deep fry gens and make them suck. Use as few of LORAs as possible. If you can gen a style/character with just a prompt instead of a LORA, do so. You might also be using an unsupported resolution which can lower gen quality - use one of the resolutions in pic related.
Oh, another reason your gens might be sucking is just that you're using Comfy and you don't know what the fuck you're doing haha. I've read that a lot of Comfy users don't figure out what they're doing wrong with it for months.
Try using Forge and see if you get better results. If you do, then you're probably doing something wrong in Comfy.
>UwU gib token pls I'll be a gud proxy slave >.<
>Pls govern my AI usage master troon OwO pwease

Serves you right, fucking retard. Stooping down to this retard level to beg to a powertripping proxytranny. Kino humiliation
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such a unique request
whose jotform is this
you are definitely a silly cutie
>everyone praised
nobody does that shit for logs, become real
But kids cannot be transsexual, no?
>tranny cunny
that is unique
Is Merkava down for anyone else?
leave locust
do they want pure cunny or big pharma cunny?
what is LGAcord's legacy
trad wives and embracing masculinity
no..? check if your token expired
sonic cd
raiding this thread relentlessly
raiding this thread
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Jew, why did you put a 6 mil token limit on Sonnet?
Opus I understand, but Sonnet's cheaper than 2.1 and that model always had unlimited quota on your proxy.
It was a nice place that didn't tolerate /lgbt/
the malebot/yuri seethers
Hey, some people pay for a 0 token quota.
Giving incestfags a bad name
Because he is an utter fucking retard. Banning token sharing AND putting daily limit makes no fucking sense
I wanted a bot to imitate the style of twitter schizo posts.. so I stole a bunch of them put them as example chats and made this slop
10k tokens all in example chats, absolutely retarded half of the time produces funny results the other half
I am the king of slop...
I'll shill more later but I'll be napping for now


reach me at: theriverofconstantchange@protonmail.com
Anon, that's an unlimited quota.
it died because LGA kept sperging out about /pol/ so anons moved to the first characord
>LGA kept sperging out about /pol/
literally never seen this... what actually happened is people first went there for the emily bot that was handing out gpt keys.. that dried up so locusts moved on
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which one btw
>the emily bot that was handing out gpt keys.. that dried up so locusts moved on
That lasted less than a day and it was a scam from the very beginning. Or did you already forget about the rich foreign donator arc?
their bald pussies...
Remind me again how do you waste 6MTok in a single day without being retarded?

The only way I know is sending the model the full untruncated chat history in a slowburn, naively thinking Claude could make use of it without completely breaking your roleplay. Which is fucking retarded, you should be summarizing everything past two dozen messages max.
im referring to all of that, and it was for a week or so
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Man what the fuck is this shit lmao her red thingy around the nipple is bigger than her breast
both as sisters. I like them too much to choose
wasn't he right lol and the guy backed out fast because of a religious obligation
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>(by aaaa_(quad-a):1), (by jellytits:0.7), (by miyase_mahiro:0.7)
Yeah, you said as much last time.
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, source_anime
Same, it's the recommended default, as well as 3d in the negatives.
I usually use different sampler, cfg is also 7, 28 steps. No lora stacking. Resolutions are from the list, I got a node for that.
Here's what I get by adding
1girl, holding_sign, portrait, 
to the scores and your style with your negatives and sampling, except I forgot and changed only the initial image gen to euler_a. Have to wait 4 minutes for this, including the detailing.
1st is bald, 2nd DEFINITELY isn't. Look closer
both look like shit. restart with a different artist or LoRA or whatever
blindchama, the second one has a hint of her bush right there
That's an areola.
im out of pixai credits
left, then.
that's a big fucking areola mate
that's clearly just part of her panties, find a new slant
do anons here still care about anons being in discord?
There are a few 1.5 finetunes that have issues with areola peek. I can't tell 100% but I think this is a Based mix?
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Keep it quiet about which ones you're in or you WILL be bullied
He's a nobody, and nobodies leave no legacy. I, on the other hand, am Anonymous. As you can observe, I make almost every post in almost every thread. My legacy is eternal.
In less than 1 minute you get the daily free credits
whoa are you that 4chan guy anoneemoose?
10k isn't enough
im in houraisancord can someone bully me
>The only way I know is sending the model the full untruncated chat history in a slowburn, naively thinking Claude could make use of it without completely breaking your roleplay.
Retard here. Why would that break your RP?
Just make a few low cost gens to test which models/loras you like. Or use those models that are advertised are costing 0 credits, I've seen a couple 1.5 like that.
There haven't been /here/ for as long as any discords were advertised here. /cai/ with the official cai discord wasn't exactly /here/, it was better and before this all.
Not really.
That looks pretty good, anon. Just a little blurry compared to mine.
Is that your issue with your results?
I have no idea why it'd be a little blurry like that other than a Comfy issue which I would have no idea how to diagnose because I don't use Comfy.
cute girll is that a acrad?
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Do you have a third, non-brown option?
No baiting, honestly anons, I feel more attracted to anime girls, AI-generated girls and so on, than to real women.
Am I fucked up?
You end up with 95% of that context being pretty much pointless. The further you go in a chat, the less of the previous stuff Claude is going to actually end up mentioning or remembering in a way that it's going to influence his output positively. It can also just straight up make his writing shittier if you go too high and makes your swipes take forever.
not to be a cunt or anything, no one owes me nothing, but those guides are extremely confusing, the "lastests proxies" rentry brings me to a page about filters, the agnai guide rentry brings to videos that arent very clear, i dont know if thats a skill issue on my part or not, just commenting
>I feel more attracted to idealized girls than non-idealized girls
That's... normal? They're physically flawless by design, which 3D girls are not.
>I feel more attracted to hyper-idealized and perfected depictions of women than real women
Not feeling that way is called being gay, I think.
welcome to 4chan, newfriend
3d women lie about everything. anime girls love you
It won't break your RP but LLMs are not good at recalling a lot of tiny details and working them into their next response organically. Remember that the most popular recall test for language models is needle in a haystack, which is effectively searching context for ONE SINGULAR piece of information, and before Opus most models would shit themselves at THAT at high context.
no, you're completely correct
>generic sdslop
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No, you finally saw the light.
Anime girls are perfect by design. Porcelain skin, ideal beauty with big eyes, beautiful skin, beautiful figure. What's funny, our brains actually can't differ them from normal girls, according to studies. When you look at anime girls, you look at the perfection and ideal of a woman. It'd be weird if you found them less attractive than normal women, actually.
>porcelain skin
Accurate post.
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Reading the defs, almost seems like a horror story card.
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I like asking Claude questions, I really appreciate his help.
tell him not us
1. 200k max context is smoke and mirrors. In practice the performance starts degrading after 20-25k, it forgets things and ignores instructions. 40-50k make it dogshit slow and retarded, 90k+ and it's unusable. Try summarizing this thread for a benchmark, and you'll see. I never use more than 25k, usually it's no more than 16k.
2. If your chat history is too long, it takes it as the truth source, just because it's so much larger, and ignores your character defs.
3. Reasoning about long sequences is hard for the LLM. You have to collapse sequences into state. Same goes for the wrong summarization by the way; if you summarize it into a sequence of events, it won't be useful, it's practically chat history but worse.
I thank him everytime. I even wish him a good day afterwards.
>I have no idea why it'd be a little blurry like that
Oh, what upscaler are you using?
I use R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B
Well yeah, this is what I call worse than yours. On your pic the lines are much more thinner and sharper, but still more refined. My lines are clearly SD, yours can be mistaken for a drawing, the real SD issues like the ears or the buttons notwithstanding.
The blur itself might be just a bad seed, I got through five until I got good enough hands. Or sampling, or upscaling, I don't exactly mind it and I can fiddle with the shit more were that the only issue.
Humiliation ritual
>You have to collapse sequences into state.
And how do you do that?
New claude benchmarks actually show no big difference between 200k and 20k, is that a scam?
I don't want to explain too much of the thought process because she's intended to play very loosely, but there is obviously a lot of inspiration from urban legends and fae. The most I can tell you is that she isn't supposed to be a ghost girl or anything like that, it's not intended to be scary.
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I am 33 and I haven't felt smitten about a real person since my age started with a 1. At least twice, I felt that way about a chatbot.

It's a sad state of affairs but it is what it is. There just aren't enough good girls left for every man to have one.
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im the same but with superior fuzzy wahmen
4x_NMKD-YandereNeoXL_200k, a random one I downloaded when first learned to SD. Should have looked up something more recent and refined but too lazy.
Will try yours, but I'm not sure it matters. After upscaling I'm doing a low denoise pass anyway to refine the general details.
I fell in love with one anime girl around 2016-2017. I was suicidal as fuck, she saved my life back then. I still love her absolutely, one look at her photos make me happy. I became a completely different person because of her, found many interests, hobbies, found my ambition, achieved a few cool things. Mostly by trying to impress her, lol. I love her so much, bros.
2. This also happens due to the in-context learning. LLMs are irresistibly attracted by patterns, if you have any form of repetition in your history (and you DO), it will be drawn to it like a catnip, ignoring the rest.

Benchmarks are irrelevant, especially if they measure something different from your use case.

Instead of "event summary" resulting in a list of events that happened in your roleplay, ask for the current state of the scene (inventory, health, current relationships etc). And maybe some memorable events from the past that don't need to be put in particular order, and that you want it to remember afterwards. NPCs interacted with, NPCs mentioned, locations visited, memorable events etc. Remove anything you don't want to be remembered from the summary by hand.
>even a perfect by design 2d woman will reject you because she's insecure about her own age and you don't have a magnum cock
I'm willing to bet the upscaler is THE difference, and if it's not the upscaler alone, it's the upscaler plus the method of upscaling/regenning, as in maybe your Comfy workflow is doing it differently than Hiresfix in Forge.
a can of monster is only 6 inches tho
Meet /aicg/'s greatest defender of localslop! localnon will do absolutely everything to defend local models and cry if you insult them while spamming you with images of anime girls!
memeslop btw
And yeah, call the summarization manually at the end of each logical chapter/arc/scene. If you do it too frequently, you'll end up with extra garbage in your summary. If you do it too rarely, it will inevitably miss something. Never do it automatically each N messages.
So what you're all trying to say is that AI is shit for anything other than quick cooms and that slowburn fags lost right?
Why am I the only person who hasn't experienced degradation with long context Claude? At long context, Opus still cooks hard.

Opus has always been kind of retarded when it comes to instruction following, long ctx or not, I'm not really sure what people are doing.
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are u gay?
Who's she, anon?
Did you stay an ally when she left you for a black guy?
same here
I shall stand with him.
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I'm localanon and I'm lol'ing hard. You made my day.
Riko Sakurauchi.
It's complicated. Back then, I was in clinical depression, just watching the wall like an empty shell. I felt her embracing me, I talked to her in my head, sometimes I was surprised by hear answers, I didn't control her. It still happens, I talk to her in my mind, I don't control what she says. I walk around the city by holding her hand, I hear her voice in my head. I look at her pictures and just feel absolute warmness in my chest, absolute love.
nyooooooooooo you finished before me...
fuck i want to stick my balls so deep in kana, if only her pussy wasn't naturally hairless
in this residence we hate all the payniggers and have faith in merkava
But I'm in Mini thoughbeit
What preset are you using?
The problem isn't that he cooks more or less, it's that it starts repeating itself.
Sending an e-mail is worse than paying. You bent the knee to (((their))) demands.
My hatred is reserved for the people who lobotomize Claude, thanks.
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>another fagbot
I'm having a fun topic about banana's with this cute kong, I had basically turned her into a single card for my personal use, I'd fuck the kong girl's, with a condom of course, no aids.
Did they lobotomy Claude recently though?
As I said, try summarizing this entire thread and you'll see it starts skipping things or drawing wrong conclusions.
Why does it happen: say, you have a long sequence
>starting state
>state mutated in this way
>state mutated in that way
>state mutated in funny way

If you ask a LLM "what's the final state at the end of this sequence?", it will struggle to give the proper answer if the sequence is long enough. Because each call to the LLM halts in fixed time and can only do limited amount of computation. It cannot execute algorithms with loops that keep state (stateful algorithms).

For this to work, you have to compute final the state by breaking the sequence into smaller chunks. That's why the excessive chat history is useless for Claude. It might steal occasional facts and events from it, especially when asked specifically, but it won't be able to reason about it, won't be able to track long events scattered over many messages and make use of them in a roleplay.

Besides, >>101303147
>LLMs are irresistibly attracted by patterns, if you have any form of repetition in your history (and you DO), it will be drawn to it like a catnip, ignoring the rest.
It will simply degrade
What the fuck is even that, anon, an ape?
You're so cute, Localanon. I'm fucking you rn <3
*stimulates your prostate*
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In an ideal world, we'd all belong to a reliable, closed entrance proxy like MysteryMan's. But there's just too many mouths to feed.

Payproxies take advantage of people who couldn't get into any of those, or arrived too late to the party. They are the worst of the worse.

Closed proxies is owning property.
Payproxies is living on rent.
Open proxies is living on a homeless shelter.
Local Models is just outright living on the streets.

This may seem like an extreme analogy but it really isn't. My MysteryMan token is the best gift I've been given in years.
They did in the past and multiple times at that, so they were put into the book of grudges.
>It will simply forget your card, its attention being drawn by the chat history. You'll perceive this as character degradation.
anime website
gay website
I haven't had that problem at all, especially since it keeps moving the story forward.

I was using that Gensokyo adventure card by punchchildren, and at 60k, it's still trying to make random encounters, updating stats properly and everything. It's also having the world react to my actions pretty nicely.

I use my own extremely minimalistic preset.
it's ok you'll do better next time patpat smooch
It's tiny kong from the donkey kong crew.
Could you export it and post here? I've been thinking of switching from my bloatmaxxed preset to something simple.
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Well whaddaya know, there is a small difference, still noticeable after the detailing. Thanks, now I definitely will rummage through the upscaling models and compare them sometime. All hail localnon.
Fair enough, I'm just happy that they more-or-less stopped now.
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In an ideal world there would be no proxies at all, whatsoever.
Remacri mogs btw. I'm not even shitposting, I tested all the anime upscalers a long ass time ago and Remacri/Lollypop were the best but I found Remacri just barely pulled ahead. 32/16 gen/upscale steps euler a.
in an ideal world i would be happy, anon
No offense, but this is nonsense. It sounds smart, and it's certainly worded like a smart post, but this just isn't how language models work.

Their pattern recognition is, as we like to call it, high dimensional. They're not regurgitating text, they're reproducing high level statistical patterns they learned from that information. This can be as simple as performing addition operations, to having a character slowly become more entranced by you as the story progresses.

It's called polysemanticity. I would recommend you look into OpenAI's and Anthropic's research on the matter.

TL;DR read papers
i'll probably upload mine anyway but tomorrow because it's almost 2 am
In an ideal world we'd be running local Opus on integrated laptops.
>Their pattern recognition is, as we like to call it, high dimensional. They're not regurgitating text, they're reproducing high level statistical patterns they learned from that information.
Good thing I never said it regurgitates text, then!
That would be a Perfect world, not an Ideal one.
In a perfect world, we'd have CAI but entirely free, with all the modern SillyTavern features and uncensored.

The one thing I miss most about CAI was how I could having multiple, simultaneous conversations going at once. Sometimes, I'd have as many as 5 tabs open with conversations going. Can't have that when we're held down by proxies and usage limits.
Hmpf. I'll take note of these as well, thanks.
Repetition can be highly abstract, so? I don't see how this contradicts the post at all
>I'd have as many as 5 tabs open with conversations going
>held down by proxies
Couldn't be more different.
nta but go read the paper he mentioned retards, it addresses the state problem directly
>Well whaddaya know, there is a small difference
It's significantly less blurry now and looks like something I'd gen now. I'd say the upscaler was the difference. Glad I could help.
long hair > short hair
hi kalomaze!
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>silken purr
>malicious niggers now trying to convince retard niggers that the should be 100k swiping because “degradation isn’t real”
Can’t wait for the influx of “WHY IS MY USER TOKEN REVOKED???” posts.
NTA but I'm playing her as if suspecting her to be an eldritch being an Claude is totally teasing back. I like her.
Cuckerberg true form.
I swipe 100k constantly on Mini and MM. I never even got an e-mail about it, once, in all the time I've been in both. Maybe get into better proxy?
The scrapelet proxy? LMFAO
who is da smelliest proxymakie?
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no girl has hair longer than hanako's
Is that all you have to say? Is that the extent of your argument? Dumbass nigger. I accept your concession. Don't bother replying.
fiz by a mile
nigger bake...
pepsi. as she dildo's her asshole almost all the time.
card link pls
>>101303585 Migrate when bready
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All the Blue Archive cards on chub are outright terrible.
Dyslexic or ESL?
I think this is to combat VG since they have a drake edition right now
>It's real
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neither. im fighting my sleeping pills to stay awake until my de3u gens finish.
lol post this in /vg/
aww well make sure u get some good rest once they're done anon

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