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DirectX (7) edition

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Previous: 101276523
>Previous: 101276523
Do people here use dynamic lighting, static, or mixture?
I misread mixture as "moisture" and was confused
I flip flop between them because dynamic lighting is so much easier to work with but static lighting is so much better for performance
as in lighting is baked in my vertices and I can change them dynamically.
So to do a day and night cycle is just iterating through all the objects outside and change those color values and voila.
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20 years later i finally get the joke
imagine not having something as fundamental as a dx pipeline in your house?

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Taking a look at the jurassic park trespasser source code
they used hungarian notation... for function names
it was a different era back when hungarian notation was needed or used
why was it needed?
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This whole thing is cancer
there were no language servers you couldn't know the signature of the function by hovering over it
lol what, I've never used a language server OR hungarian notation
>Wanted to give making an eve online inspired rts
>Already exists as a mod for a game and is likely to be infinitely better than anything I could do.
I guess I could still make something
back when editiors didnt provide you the type of things when hovered
>not doing a thing because it's already been done
you'll ngmi with this mentality
Because you've never made a product?
i think ill end up just doing a remake of some 30 year old game
I think I could still work towards developing something that is more pilot focused and has more 'rpg' elements. I need to learn a lot more though
I have
Save current ghost and companion to a variable before using them.
Do you mean map all the objects currently on-screen once instead of checking every frame? I'm planning on doing that but it would really just be to spare the player's CPU as the game is paused anyway.
no i meant just literally creating temporary variables for them to make the code cleaner, instead of doing ghost[i] everywhere in these functions, do like ghost = ghost[i] then use ghost, then for companions do companion = ghost.companions[i] and use companion
I need to get myself to focus on programming. How do you keep your drive for learning and working on stuff?
Find something you want to do and you'll never run out of motivation
i dont have drive i make no progress
Man, I have that but for some reason I can't just begin. I think about beginning but never start.
Sounds like you don't, because I never run out of motivation, except when things get too hard
VC6/DX7 retard/autist from last thread.
Hmm, Dev-Cpp, which can run fine natively on Windows 10, has the directx 7-12 sdks pre-installed.
Having a clear list of things to do/implement is what helps me stay focused
As soon as I loose that clarity everything falls apart
Even if you do not know how to make something just do the bare minimum and find what needs to be improved so you can set your goals
Have you guys looked into networking?
Atm building my own protocol.
It seems the optimal payload size is only 508 bytes per packet.

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Oh, I see. I haven't really ever used references because I don't know how they work. For example, this crashes my game.
This is terrible advice for people without motivation, it just encourages them to keep looking for a sufficiently motivating idea (which does not exist) instead of putting any work into their existing ones.
It's just the learning programming part. I've done a shit ton of art and music and other things and had 80 hour work weeks of making progress. It's just for some reason getting myself in a doing programming mindspace seems really hard.
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I just looked it up and apparently you can't reassign a reference. Probably why it crashes.
>it just encourages them to keep looking for a sufficiently motivating idea (which does not exist)
It does exist, and you need to find it
Finding it involves introspection rather than going and looking for it, you need to understand what you personally want to do
Lack of motivation is you not understanding yourself

If you've never programmed before then starting is probably going to be hard and frustrating and you just need to force yourself to do it
If you still don't feel motivated to do it then programming probably isn't for you
if ghost is an array of pointers, just assign it to a pointer, also since you're using C++ you should use std::array instead of C-arrays so you can iterate over them more easily, a proper pseudo code assuming some internal restructuring would make theese loops look like this
for (const auto &ghost: ghosts) {
if (ghost->deallocated) {

for (const auto &companion: ghost->companions) {
if (companion->deallocated) {

for (const auto &projectile: companion->projectiles) {
if (projectile->deallocated) {


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idk, I guess always remember to take appropriate breaks? Also the "dopamine rush" you get when you fix, figure out something, or just getting it working always helps to push me forward.

Probably also helps that my dad who works in tech is always happy to see me fucking around with programing. So might be an uphill battle with even apathetic parents.

I also keep thinking of the PRAISE I'll get when I make MY foss, low poly indie game, made in C, and it outperforms everyone's similar unity/unreal/godot games!
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Finally I have a functional even system for my rpg maker, based on pages, local variables and global variables so that the state of the event persists between the scenes. now I just need to save and load these and it should work
Progress report after 20 years of introspection: there was never any such idea.
I'm very happy that you don't know what it's like, but it also makes your advice useless, or worse.
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here is how the editor looks
I wanted to make a game in C also, but I don't have the discipline or ability to concentrate. I just waste my time browsing 4chins instead.
I've been through periods of low motivation and I've been through periods of high motivation
You failed at introspection
looks cute, is that a custom programming language?
No, lua
so what is it
if switch case for for if for if
oh no
load it up with shit then flush it
is this the thread you guys show me anything you did or some game did with 32 bits lights? pls
why do you keep posting this autistic shit?
cause I wanna see some 32 bits lights in videogames and what they can do, some anon posted a 32 bits sky that was bugging but he fixed it and didn't post fixed result, I'm not a game dev so I can't do it myself, I just used in in video editing and it was hella cool in vide for vfx
why is this thread so dead
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i completed it for you
it's just slow
i puked a little
very impressive
i liek it
thats the old model
there hasnt been good language/api/bloat baits yet, give it time
>vertex, fragment and geometry shitter
>I still don't understand how it's achievable, you can multithread logic but drawing still needs to happen in main thread.
What's the issue with that? You use opengl for that, doesn't look complex for a 2D game.
>Factorio also has scripting through lua, on paper it should destroy performance but it doesn't. Am I missing something? is there any technical blogpost about this?
Factorio only uses Lua for stuff line initialization and UI, it doesnt have Lua code running in hot loops
Reassessing my direct3d shenanigans
Which of these options sounds coolest and which sounds the most masochistic?
>Win32 -- Visual C++ 6 -- Direct3D7
>Win32 -- Visual C++ 2002/2003 -- Direct3D9
>Win32 - Visual C++ 6 - OpenGL 1.x
>MSDOS - Watcom ANSI C - software renderer
>Win32 - VC++4.1 ANSI C - software renderer
>Amiga (???) - C (???) - software renderer
>Win95 - VC++4.1 - Early early Direct3D (2.0/3.0)
>MSDOS - Watcom ANSI C - Glide
made me chuckle
>>101309539 (me)
I did do a double/triple roll just after posting this to see if I could do a mix and this is what I got:
MSDOS - Watcom 10.x - software renderer
Win32 - Visual C++ 4.1 - software renderer/early D3D
do you honestly think this is what they programmed pacman like back in the day? time to refactor fagnon
trying to find and program using any version of dx older than 7. i cant even find the sdks anymore
archive.org is your friend
I have no previous experience with computer graphics. Would starting out with a 3D graphics rendering engine be too herculean a task?
I have no real interest in doing anything in 2D at the moment, so starting out with that would only feel like busywork to me and I fear I might get discouraged then.
The math side should be manageable for me.
oddly i hadnt thought going there yet thats where i got old vms from. thanks for making me less retarded anon
depends on your scope and what tech you want to use
It's the same for me for art.
I am forcing myself to learn art.
I have to tell myself two hours a day you will draw.
I just have to. No fucking around allowed. It's like torture.
Conversely when I have to program, it's like a breeze, like I am taking a break from life, I can just go on for hours.
People are different and like to stay in their comfort zones.
That's really stupid, you will never be good at art like that
Do what you're good at instead of what you're bad at
I admire you, you're like a man of arts and sciences of the old, keep at it
>putting all this shit in one conditional
There is no way that this is the only solution. Refactor time bool
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Thinking about the dynamic model data->transport layer serialisation pipeline
binary is the solution
Learning to draw is probably harder than learning to program.
me on the left
A 3d renderer is, especially if you use libraries like glm and assimp, extremely easy to implement, at least compared to the actual herculean part of the task which is making the actual game engine which will be difficult regardless of if you are doing 2D or 3D
why not ruby for scripting tho? there's much more features than lua (unless you can also add third party modules)
tried out godot and it feels super easy to use
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>progress day
>1 submission

Guys ...
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yeah sorry im probably gonna have to submit mine last minute and there likely wont be anything to do in it
looks amazing
Vulkan would never.
Several reasons. I am not well versed in ruby, the C api is very undocumented, it has some speed issues, doesn't have a performant JIT, isn't known to work with emscripten and afaik pretty much all rpg makers 15 years ago used it so that would make it look like I am copying their code.
But the editor I am writing will accept packages as tarballs with particular file structures so in theory if anyone has the time to build a compiler, backend (running program) and initial code for the engine, then any language could be used.
There's no point in making a game if you don't have an idea
Its cool bro. Will be submitting tonight and I don't have much to submit. Looks great!
and how does the chest script look?
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glad or glew? making an engine editor
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The only people who care about deadlines to share with randoms on the internet are NGMI nodevs and trannies. No real dev worries about this shit.
please refrain from posting images like these. I want to code, not masturbate (why don't all women look like this??)
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you are sending mixed messages anon. answer my question
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I do that too! In fact I fucked around not working on this for the entire month of June! But I try to bring myself to get back to game/engine deving anyway for some reason. I can't be motivate you, but I won't be demeaning towards you.
my understanding is that glew lets you detect which opengl extensions the users hardware supports and have your program act accordingly, glad is header only and if your users hardware doesnt support the extensions you load I believe it will just crash
ty m8
it's pretty easy if you follow something like learnopengl but architecturing it is very hard
lol lmao you have no idea what you're talking about
I just load the functions directly based off the code from the SDL2 examples (you will need to manually change this and use macro tricks to deal with optional extensions).
You need to do it this way if you want to handle multiple opengl windows, but I don't actually use multiple windows.
If i needed multiple windows I would just use QT's opengl which loads the functions itself (but it looks like absolute ass and puts a C++ wrapper on everything).
glew and glad are basically the same thing, it's like 2 lines of code. if you are missing something from one you can just switch.
It's not ready yet!
Port you art.
It's not steady yet.
My rpg engine is still pretty basic with tile maps and events but I get around 1.5% CPU usage already. how bad is that? keep in mind my computer has 4 cores and my game runs on a single thread
That's nothing, but also means nothing. How are you measuring that? Are you applying compile time optimizations? What sort of gaming are you making?
no optimizations that I am aware of. using normal lua, not the jit version and C++ part is compiled with -O2 and -g3
You'll be ok, specially if you are making a dragon quest clone.
Is it really?
I was talking with my tattoo artist and he says programming seems like magic to him
I said I felt the same way for drawing and he said no it's easy
I think it's how you grew up, you learned to do some things and then just kept training that part of your brain, so they seem easy when you grow up
Drawing is a right sided activity, programming a left sided
It might seem easier to program because our society is wired to focus on the left side of the brain, so the people who do right side activities seem like wizards
But at the end of the day it's the same thing, training
I've coded for thousands of hours, that's why I'm decent at it
If I had drawn for thousands of hours I would be decent at it too
I never drew because I sucked but after reading the book "Drawing with the right side of the brain" I still suck, but I have realized that if I put thousands of hours into it, I will be decent
2 hours a day * 4 years = 3k hours = junior pro level
I think this is enough for some basic concept art
Also I feel like drawing is the base art skill, if you become better at drawing you also become better at other stuff like blender

Obviously the pic you posted takes more than a couple thousand hours to reach that level, but you don't necessarily need that level for basic video game art, unless you really wanna do an art-focused video game like Disco Elysium, Cupcake, Hollow Knight, Ori etc.
But these games are on a whole different level, they literally have hand-drawn textures
On the other hand they lack in the coding department and use ready made engines
The fact that they were so art focused enabled them to be hugely successful with ready made engines
I feel a custom engine with custom art, even if they are not at the top level, it will be unique enough to stand out and be successful
Went fucking around through the dxsdk (circa d3d9-11)'s old samples
This is literally Super Mario 128
really nice.

When I was younger, all I could do was work on pointless shit until I was bored and was never able to get something done.
Now I just turn my brain off, tell my self I will work on ONE thing, decide what, and do it.
Also, I stopped carrying about my code quality. As long as it runs and have no bugs, I just keep going on. If there are ugly stuff on my code, I ignore it and write a //TODO :
Once I got something good enough, I come back on the code, clean it a little bit, and check the todo and keep going on.
Maybe it's easier with 10+ years experience of programming, I probably do less mistakes than when I was younger and my code is better structured.
Anyone wanna talk lighting? What do you do in your engine? IBL? RT? Cascade Shadow Maps? Some kind of non-RT Global Illumination?
>Also, I stopped carrying about my code quality. As long as it runs and have no bugs, I just keep going on. If there are ugly stuff on my code, I ignore it and write a //TODO :
>Once I got something good enough, I come back on the code, clean it a little bit, and check the todo and keep going on.
this is the way, i also switched to writing a messy code and refactoring it later, i think it's easier to refactor when you have a working piece of code rather than refactoring without knowing if the abstraction actually fits or not
Anyone know if the DX9 sdk works with VC6?
Should I try to avoid making a texture with non power of 2 dimensions, or does it not matter anymore? I want a 3D texture that is exactly 192x192x192. Works on my GPU
doesnt matter anymore
I'm guessing it should?
VC6 support ended in 2005,
and DX9 came out in 2002

you might have to find some old releases from archive.org
Yup, already found it. The initial 2002 version of the sdk has native support for VC6.
hey I am doing a 2D pixel game and I am trying to wrap my head around controlling the resolution so that the pixels don't get stretched across different resolutions. I've been trying to target the resolutions 640x480, 1280x960 and 2560x1440 as a test for now since these all can fit my 32x32 sprites and work for my monitor. Basically what I've tried to do so far is determine which target resolution is closest by checking my window's inner width and height for the smaller resolutions they are closer to and selecting the resolution that is smallest between the two of them (e.g. if the inner window size is 1000x970 it should make the target resolution 640x480 since a width of 1000 is closer to 640x480 which is smaller than the resolution the height of 970 is closer to, 1280x960)
Everything works out for the most part for how I expect once I convert the pixels required to draw things for the screen and all that. The main issue is I basically want to have the surface/canvas be the thing that is matching those target resolutions where I'd have it centered in the window with the rest of the space outside of the draw surface being filled to black, which I've been doing by setting the viewport to the closest resolution via the function I described above right before i make my draw call, but when I draw to particular smaller resolutions to bigger resolutions for some reason it's almost as if the the draw target doesn't catch up to the viewport resizing, and my programming crashes complaining how the the viewport isn't covered by the render target. Why the fuck can I resize my screen (and therefore my viewport) up and down most resolutions, but particular values (e.g. if I increase my screen from 2560x1400~ to 2560x1438) it crashes? Should I even be fucking with the viewport at all like this and there is instead some better way to do it by changing my ortho matrix in some way that alludes me or something?
Draw your game to a texture at the desired resolution -> redraw the texture at the scale of the users monitor using nearest neighbor texture filtering for the pixellated look
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i keep getting read access violations when generating the map at certain sizes and the fucking crabs keep spawning outside the map, i dont know if i can make it
Just figure out what map size doesn't cause read access violations.
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i managed to fix it
That was an issue like 30 years ago
Currently you can safely assume 1500 bytes packet fragmentation, which gives you 1232 bytes for payload.
maybe next time
they teach you how to use the tech, not how to make good looking games
Nice game
>>rest of the thread
Nice """game"""
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No worries
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>I was talking with my tattoo artist and he says programming seems like magic to him
My point is not that drawing is easy whereas programming is hard, but that learning, the process of acquiring drawing skills, is harder than programming. Obviously, if you already know how, practicing your skill would seem easier than learning a different skill, even if that skill were just juggling.
I have tried both. In one month you can make silly programs terminal programs, which include games. It doesn't matter if is inefficient or programmed like ass, you can make a game. But not even in 10 months could I draw something that I'd feel satisfied. In drawing there is even the running joke that it is impossible unless you are talented. Most people barely struggle with learning how to program beyond the first month. We have a board dedicated completely to learning how to draw, whereas people in this board use one thread for programming questions.
Neither of them are harder than the other, they just use the brain differently, people are going to be naturally inclined towards one or the other
>My point is not that drawing is easy whereas programming is hard
Bullshit, ask any competent artist and they will tell you they started when they were very young. Same shit with programming. Anyone can be an amateur but when top tier skills take a lifetime of dedication to, neither is easy and comparing them is an exercise in futility. I didn't even read the rest of your nonsense.
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>but when top tier skills
You are moving the goal post now, learning is hard. It doesn't matter what it takes for the "top tier skills", acquiring bottom tier skills in drawing is harder than in programming, and you don't need top tier skills neither for drawing nor for programming to be functional.

When you start programming, you type on your editor, invoke the command initiate the compiler, and get an error indicating where and what went wrong. Then you copy the error on google and get dozens on answers from blogs to stackoverflow indicating how to fix your issue. You can even post your exact issue and will get a personalized fix, which you could copy paste and will work. And let's not get started with AI. You memorize the solution and won't likely fall into it again in the future. "Accessing a null pointer results in a crash", "I cannot modify variables if they are declared as const", "I cannot declare two variables with the same name".

Now compare that to drawing. When you start, you drawings are out of proportions, badly shaded, the postures are unaesthetic, drawing living things and landscapes are two different skills.
So, how do you fix your shadings? You spend months grinding hard to get it right, consulting drawings made by masters and pros, inspect closely the criticism your drawings receive (which boils down to "it sucks, it should suck"). Maybe after a year of hard work you have something you are proud of, but now you need to repeat the same process for every other skill, then your drawings will go from trash to amateurish. And some people will always draw in the same pose because altering the pose would throw away the skills you have obtained. But how hard is it learning python once you know java?

This is why learning how to draw is so infamous compared to learning how to program.
Your comparison is unfair, you're treating programming as a utility and drawing as a skill
The equivalent of simply typing commands to make something work for drawing would be just drawing technical diagrams that only need to get the point across
As a skill, programming and drawing both have high skill caps
Your logical fallacy is: Hypothesis Contrary to Fact
>And let's not get started with AI.
Take a guess which one is easier for AI.

Programming is easy because there's a lot of work put in by other people, by creators of hardware, systems, tools and libraries.
Imagine having tools that do entire parts of your painting process for you, tell you where you made mistakes and can help you fix issues with minimal effort. It's called rendering. Drawing compared to that is kind of like punching fortran cards but even more primitive.
>Programming is easy
>When you start programming, you type on your editor, invoke the command initiate the compiler, and get an error indicating where and what went wrong. Then you copy the error on google and get dozens on answers from blogs to stackoverflow indicating how to fix your issue. You can even post your exact issue and will get a personalized fix, which you could copy paste and will work. And let's not get started with AI. You memorize the solution and won't likely fall into it again in the future. "Accessing a null pointer results in a crash", "I cannot modify variables if they are declared as const", "I cannot declare two variables with the same name".
lmfao you still have no clue
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>Your comparison is unfair, you're treating programming as a utility and drawing as a skill
I'm not, I compare learning both on the basis of confidence. How long does it take to feel confident about your drawing skills vs your coding skills? For example, for an artist: how long does it take to feel confident about taking commissions, starting your own comics, drawing concept art? For a programmer: how long does it take to make your own libraries? to make your own games? to code your own scripts?

If you are an artist, it will take your far more time. I guess I could ask my grandpa to make a doodle and call it a drawing, which wouldn't be possible in the case of programming. But if you are the artist who is learning how to draw, would you feel confident doing that?

Sure, thanks to AI drawing is a solved problem. Learning how to draw is not. Feedback is very important in the case of programming, grinding is more important in the case of drawing.
Programming has a lower skill floor to utility but being able to write some shitty scripts doesn't make you a good programmer
uhhh progress? i made a function that generate a garbage string of letters from the same unicode block so theres a nice consistency to the garbage. tasteful trash if you will
>Sure, thanks to AI drawing is a solved problem.
I look at it differently. At its highest, worth of pieces of art come from the context, not from technicalities.
And please don't tell me game programming isn't grinding.

>If you are an artist, it will take your far more time.
If you are an artist refusing to use Blender to help with your work, imagine making a non-trivial game without most of the tools.
I agree.
All you need for programming is 100+ IQ and common sense in choosing languages and libraries, and a bit of patience/relience to frustration when troubleshooting things.
Drawing is so much more difficult, it takes so much dedication, practice, patience, good taste, and having sovl (actually the hardest part).
This guy also has a point. Maybe a fairer comparison would be art vs all the programming you need to make a game, not just the technical ability to use or make the engine but also the dedication, patience, good taste etc to go through the whole project and program every single gameplay element, animation effect, particle effect, audio, etc, and doing it well.
What is the correct way to implement server side rewind?
>it takes so much dedication, practice, patience
so does programming if you want to actually be good at it
supply and demand just means the standards for drawing are much higher than the standards for programming
there's other fields of art where you can get by with a much lower level of skill
Cut your idea down to nub, then execute that within the month.
Keep working as you learn or you get useless intellectualization.
i have many artfag frens i tried to get into programming and they just can't. also no. webshitters and people who make simple games using off the shelf engines are not programmers
now compare that to programming when you start, your programs are inefficient, slow, the structure is a mess, progamming game engines and operating systems are two different skills.
Can someone explain FABRIK to me?
I'm trying to get into actual graphics programming, and I've been wondering if I'll have problems using profilers and renderdoc and shit if I use Angle instead of native OpenGL.
Or maybe you can use a common subset of OpenGL and OpenGL ES and target that, and use Angle to ship cross platform?
Or should I just use DX and a bunch of wrappers?

I just want to target one API/platform and get wide cross platform coverage for free with no extra work because I'm lazy + stupid
Any good resources/tutorials on Direct3D 7-9?
If only I wasn't a autistic recluse I would get an arthoe.
The solodev lifestyle chose me.
>I just want to target one API/platform and get wide cross platform coverage for free with no extra work
Not happening
Learn with OpenGL on the PC, don't pretend you're going to ship to every platform under the sun and use some shitty underdeveloped web framework
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why is shader stutter a problem in 2024?
I see. Guess there's no cheatcode then.
Thanks, I just needed my copes dashed so I can buckle up and just do the thing instead of wallowing in analysis paralysis.
just don't recompile your shaders
Use the shitty underdeveloped web framework: https://wgpu.rs/
It's better than OpenGL.
Yes, you can use it in C/C++.
>wgpu is a safe and portable graphics library for Rust
get out
>Yes, you can use it in C/C++.
and its still shit
>It's better than OpenGL.
This is correct, that's why there are gorillions of mediocre pajeet programmers but NO artists, not even 1, not even shitty ones despite the sheer number of indians.
>but muh poverty
I have seen amazing artists from a bunch of SEA shitholes and even fucking peru, so not an argument.
the biggest problem with this (AND bgfx) is that it uses yet another special snowflake shading lang rather than the incumbents

but at least, unlike bgfx, at least there's more than one person working on it, it has an actual standard, and the devs don't have constant ebussy syndrome
The WebGL 2 subset of GLES 3 (separate array/element buffers, no clipcontrol, no compute, no SSBO, no ILS, no atomics, etc.) is going to get you the best portability. The exact constraints are mentioned somewhere in the Emscripten docs.
GLES 3.0+ is basically the same as GL 3.3, just some functions and defines are named differently and/or are available as extensions. You can pretty much just #define the differences away.
Keeping track of them might be a pain if you're new, I suppose, but it's probably less painful than learning Vulkan?
This covers Windows (all vendors have decent GL drivers), Linux (Mesa is pretty good), Android ("we're deprecating GLES in two more weeks" since 2015) and web (I'm not gonna download your game exe).
Apple platforms might be a pain in the dick. They support GL/ES, but Apple wants you to use Metal so some things are broken. ANGLE supports macOS and iOS in theory. Probably not worth worrying about if you're just starting out.
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Saving and loading works. Now I just need to display some information about the file in the overview. probably play duration or something like that
Why the fuck would anyone just starting to learn graphics programming worry about porting something to 6 platforms
are you using rpgm or is it your own engine?
I keep seeing this word thrown around on /g/ lately, wtf does it mean?
I agree.
You can technically still use glsl and have it translated to wgsl. Since it needs to do a lot of shader translations under the hood anyway to work cross-platform, I think there's a decent chance that it might work, but I haven't tried it, and I don't really suggest it. For someone who's new to graphics programming anyway, it's probably better to bite the bullet and use wgsl.
emannuel bassi, the gnome developer that shuts down feature requests militantly
he's the source of the "use-case" memes, and some /g/ poster (I assume) was trolling him on github with the handle "ebussy foot"
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emmanuele bassi goes by @ebassi wich sounds like ebussy
Some people just want to ship games?
Those people wouldn't be learning graphics programming
my rpg maker engine. the editor and compiler are written in Go, the base game engine is in C++ and the actual game is lua
as a dx user, i recommend dx
What if the core feature / selling point of their game requires them to know graphics programming to implement?
No such feature / selling point exists
What if it's a puzzle game where you have to solve visual perspective puzzles, except that the only view you have is the wall opposite of the puzzle pieces, upon which real time dynamic shadows and bounce lights are being cast from behind the player character.

The quality and specifics of the shadow and GI implementation would determine the complexity and game design space available for puzzle concepts.
Most of those sorts of games are made in Unity
good call, we only have one text editor after all for eg.
you can write your own render passes for unity or godot if thats what you want
if you could sketch what you mean I could try to give you an idea of whether you really need to fuck with rendering code for this as far as gameplay logic goes
this is the kind of code that goes on to make millions of dollars
>vertex colors
what is the use case, exactly? we already have texture mapping.
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i would like to comission a game where the protagonist has to teach his foxwife how to cook pancakes.

ive already procured the concept artwork (see attached image.)

could someone kindly provide further assistance?
I love renderdoc and nsight
Dude's english is terrible but its reasonably understandable
they've already scaled 4o back to retarded
they always do this, release cool model for a few weeks and then quietly switch over to its retarded brother later to save costs

infact turbo to 4o was also that in a way

as of today, July 8th, claude 3.5 sonnet is the best until anthropic gets enough customers and nerfs it
ill program for you
>game is fully deferred rendering
transparency is a meme
>>game is fully deferred rendering
most games are
what's weird is that I was almost certain it wasn't
playing the new expansion DLC, I was invading a group that just spammed the perfume weapon which lights up the scene with many particles
all 3 of them (host + phantoms)
when this was happening my frame-rate would drop and I could see the tiling on my screen
I thought this was evidence of tiled forward-cluster, which is why I started looking for renderdoc/nsight analyses
Dang, really? I remember watching a jonathan blow stream and he sperged out at a question about deferred rendering in chat, saying how nobody uses deferred rendering since the last decade

Found the clip:
what is deferred rendering?
jon blow has really myopic access, he largely works alone and doesn't collaborate much with AAA devs

deferred and forward+ are the main ways, deferred is still really popular because having a gbuffer is useful for all sorts of postfx
but there are plenty of forward+ engines, like idtech, but then id also does stuff like ubershaders and bindless

and then unreal 5 uses some kind of visibility buffer which is deferred on roids
Jonathan Blow also said nobody uses scripting languages
According to that breakdown Elden Ring doesn't even support rendering alpha-blended objects, aside from the Erdtree lightshaft effect. That's really unusual if true, most games have a forward pass with some form of lighting for transparent objects.
jblow either doesn't know or care how Unreal and Unity work, or doesn't think clustered/tiled deferred counts as deferred (and is unwilling to elaborate). Very on brand either way.
Elden Ring has alpha blended objects, watch 5 seconds of gameplay footage and you can see them
kind of a longshot:
does anyone itt use houdini and opencl
I meant to say with lighting. I'm watching gameplay right now, all I see is fog (which doesn't look dynamically lit) and effects (emissive).
it has dithered objects, there is no alpha blending in elden ring. notice the lack of panes in the windows.
What do you people think of Love2D? It's a simple 2D engine written in Lua. I think it was used to make Balatro
Lua is popular for making games, but I find it too limiting and slow for my tastes.
CapGODS are compute queue chads
suggested we target opengl 2.1 in my dev team's discord server so I can test and play the game on my sandy bridge thinkpad

team lead put a :rolleyes: emoji on my post and called me a retard :/
What do you mean? It's a complete package, totally suitable for a platformer
I often look at a game's files to figure out what engine it was made in. Unity, Unreal, Godot, RPGMaker, Gamemaker, Love, etc - all of these are easily to identify. But it makes me smile when I see just a single executable, maybe a packed assets file, and some .dll's or .so's.
And then I extract the strings from the exe just in case it is using something that isn't custom that I'm not aware of.

Anyways I get a boner when its clear its completely custom
Tell them they are leaving a lot of money in the table.
what's the scope of the game? 2.1 is pretty old
and vulkan offers a lot of cool features (and I think opengl 4.x has some support for these) that go beyond just graphics
i don't remember him saying that. it was more of that it's a waste of time and made for non technical people
based team lead
lmao retard
Top down ps2 throwback hack n slash adventure

I'd be so embarassed if my 6th generation console throwback game didn't run on late 2000 early 2010 hardware
what's the market of people with 2000 to 2010 hardware that would play your game vs people with modern hardware?
Let's talk libraries, what should I use if I'm a newbie dev that wants to go learning from the ground up. I don't want to use raw opengl/vulkan because that's torture.
From some digging I did, my options are raylib, sdl2, sfml and sokol.
Which one of these is low level enough that I actually learn something(and not want to pull my hair out) because I don't want to be in neck deep layers of abstraction where I just call draw() and the library does everything for me. Any help.
In what world does this look like a professional product (rpgm)
its so pathetic when people with no understanding of computers waste $500k on a team to make a game for them and get mogged by some teenager playing with unity like it's roblox
500k is 1 year for 5 devs. that's not much.
>centered title
>main menu options inside a box
>crappy background image
>2d rpg
>save slots that look like rpgm
>dialogs that look like rpgm
glfw glad
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So last thread I found out The Sims 1 doesn't render shadows for sims at all. So that made me think. What did TS2 do? Shadow mapping? Nope. Straight from a dev's mouth via a 20-year old powerpoint: projective shadows.
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Another slide from this PPT btw. Totally unrelated but made me chuckle
You can run code that is similar to opengl 3.1 on old sysetms if you switch to the opengl ES target and copy the ANGLE opengl ES DLL from angle (which converts opengl es 2.0 to direct X 9 calls). Note you will need to use extensions to use VAO's, but that's a problem your loader should avoid.
Note however I had some issues with rendering glitches, I think they stopped working on directX 9 because nobody has old hardware like that, opengl ES 2 is missing a lot of features, but it's close enough to GL 3.0~, ES 3 is more closer to 3.1+.
Also sandy bridge supports opengl 3.1 (ANGLE ES 3.0 with DX11). I assume you mistaken your Core 2 Quad for an intel 5th gen.
You might prefer Angle over native opengl because some opengl drivers use a weird approach to vsync, for example vsync would buffer very heavily to get more FPS (better benchmarks), but this causes your CPU thread to run 100% which is fine for modern CPU's but I had a 2 core cpu and it was very annoying, and directX would sleep until the next frame is ready (opengl does not have a way of controlling this behavior, vulkan does, not sure about directX 9/11). For whatever reason DirectX did not have as much latency as opengl's vsync (turning off vsync improved latency on DX, but I think freesync / gsync + more FPS generally solves this).
Also opengl ES support is cool if you want to support emscripten (run on the web).
If you are using vulkan, you can use software rendering using SwiftShader (runs like 10fps at best case scenario).

meant for:
You are so fucking based and personally I'm considering using directx9 just so my future game will work on windows 98
I use cpu computed pixel art and you can't stop me.
I'd be inclined to agree with you that opengl 2.1 is all you need. I'm using vulkan but my modeling and texturing capabilities (artistically) don't merit it. But I'd rather learn vulkan as an API and I like the compute shader offering for other game logic.

Can you lead justify using something newer than 2.1? By the numbers, other anon is right that the number of people that can't support vulkan and opengl 4.x in steam hardware surveys is probably less than 1%
>directx 9
>on windows 98
Most Windows 98 machines don't usually have DX9 gpus.
Go for DX7.
did dx9 retroactively get the update to avoid context loss?
I think older PC's required you to listen to an event that is triggered when your PC goes to hibernation or when your GPU restarted due to a bug or a shader running an infinite loop, You had to reload all your texture's, 3D data, etc? but now I think drivers figured out how to avoid that (including newer directX versions).
This was also a problem with SDL2 I think, you had SDL_RENDER_TARGETS_RESET, nobody handles it of course, and if it was an issue people could just use an enviroment variable to set the backend to opengl using SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER (if it's using the SDL 2D renderer).
>it was 200X
>pick up some book named Building Xna 3.0 Games: A Practical Guide for Independent Game Development
>install XNA for visual studio
>learn how to make a hack'n'slash game with a character editor and map editor
>learn some cool shader effects
>everything just works(tm)
>it was the most fun and enjoyable time with programming and gamedev
when did it all go wrong? old visual studio shenanigans aside, XNA was too fucking good, it had the most compatibility with graphic cards due DirectX, you get to target both windows and xbox for free, the indie scene was blooming, everything was almost perfect. Everything with XNA had soul, Terraria, Dishwasher, Bastion... When did it all go wrong?
Mine does. I want to use shaders
If it did it was probably after they stopped updating the 98 version. OpenGL only goes to 1.5 on 98 afaik so it won't work for me
I think my T410 has Intel HD Graphics (no number afterwards), which I think supports DX10.1, but latest OpenGL is only 2.1, according to the hardware survey.
And it seems like Angle doesn't have a DX10 backend, goes straight from DX9 to DX11 (if I'm reading correctly).

It's pretty old but it can run l4d2 at playable framerates, and because of API fuckery, you'll have to give up, target GL 3, and have the simplest fucking primitive graphics fail to run on hardware that's more than capable, for literally no good reason.
Isn't that annoying?
>System requirements
>Hardware accelerated OpenGL 2.1

Damn, OpenGL 2.1 looks like THAT?
Let me guess, you need more?
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If anyone is interested, here's beta footage of The Sims 1 circa 1996, back when it was in the SimCity 2000 engine
Oh my god, you're using a very old version of OpenGL??
You're so unique, quirky, and interesting.
I basically looked at vulkan hardware info surveys and desu every card in the last decade can upgrade to 1.3 now, so I'm targeting that. If someone gets fucked over by that whatever, maybe I'll release a gimped version later.
Unless you give a shit about android, which is plagued by devices stuck on old versions.
I think MolkenVK is currently stuck on 1.2, but hopefully won't be that way for too much longer.
Thank you, my mom also agrees.
not too concerned about android, sucks the apple is still stuck on 1.2 though
guess I'll have to wait to test Mac builds on my macbook
Plebs. All of you. Use 1.1 or bust.
I was doing some vulkan stuff which I'd like to work on MoltenVK (although completely untested there so far), but was I did was target 1.2 and then you can pull in the extensions that made it as part of core in 1.3 that you actually care about, which makes it "almost 1.3".
what I'm mainly after is dynamic rendering desu, I'll see if that's doable
Yeah dynamic rendering is widely supported even on 1.2 implementations.
heh get on my level i use ncurses
2.x is modern enough as long as you don't use the fixed function stuff
That's actually fucking insane though.
>this is almost more of what I would consider a hobby
>I can take a city that I made in SimCity and now I can come live in it
How does one achieve this level of based?
>Cut your idea down to nub, then execute that within the month.
That's what I'm thinking. I might just focus solely on mining.
Link to slides?
Yeah, Will was on a whole 'nother level pretty much.
Beats me how to get there.
>Beats me how to get there.
He found a niche he liked that wasn't over saturated then spent 20 years making those kinds of games
>>101327462 was 12 years after he released his first game
doesn't seem that complicated to me
IK but its affects the whole body instead of one joint
I want to be a producer - how hard is it to break in to the industry as a complete outsider?
You need to bite the bullet and learn legitimately. That means using OpenGL and C++. It’s not as bad as you think.
You’re not going to break in as an idea guy sorry bud. You need to legitimately impress people which means doing advanced techniques in Vulkan/DX12 and proving that you know shit. Of course this varies depending on the role you’re aiming for: particles, physics, tooling, etc. If you can do ReSTIR that’s a good way to guarantee a graphics job. Even then the industry still pays like shit.
>there is no alpha blending in elden ring
There are plenty of alpha blended particle effects
A producer isn't a game designer or a programmer, it's someone who manages other developers
>I want to be a producer
Convince me that your roi is better than your rival.
30 seconds.
do like the hunt down the freeman guy

trick a bunch of people into making a shitty game for you, crowdfund it
then apply to activision. they don't care about how good the product is, all they care about is that you're slimy enough to do the job of extracting labor from programmers for free (overtime, crunch, etc)
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managed to submit in time
Progress Day Submissions have closed
make sure to check out everyone's hard work!

I just checked
Glad you could make it.
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Finished vulkan-tutorial.com but before moving on I’m going to take a quick detour through pic rel
You just compared hello world with decent drawing that will make you satisfied
That's not fair
Hello world is comparable to a child drawing stick figures
If you want to compare decent drawing skills than compare it to decent programming skills, creating a full stack app that is useful and manage everything about it, frontend, backend, deployment etc. Use 3 different languages and frameworks to make it, frontend, backend, sql
This is what mediocre programming is like
Now a good image would be comparable to good programming skills
Good programming skills is making your own game engine from scratch, that is not only performant but also unique
Every single vulkan example has me want to blow my head off. It's way too low level for me, I'm immediately demoralised.If I want to draw a triangle I shouldn't have to create the universe, from scratch.
Use OpenGL like a sane person
If your lockstep is deterministic, you can just repeatedly call it with negative delta, otherwise snapshots of the game state I guess?
>If your lockstep is deterministic, you can just repeatedly call it with negative delta
Please think about this for 5 seconds
Second this. Tried a Vulkan tutorial but gave up after trying to debug a segfault for multiple hours after writing less than a hundred lines. Now I am working on OpenGl, and got up to the lighting & materials portion, and it's going smooth.
Granted I am doing it in C, and also learning C at the same time, while also trying to do it in 3D, but I find that jumping into the deep end is the best way to learn. It's great fun.
it's so retarded that it took so long for [[maximally_reconverges]] and the other
>make subgroups work like they actually do in hardware and OpenCL/SYCL/CUDA/HIP
to come out
iirc you don't actually need [[convergent]] when writing them
glad they're finally out and i didn't try to do anything too too crazy with vulkan compute beforehand
I would like to make you a video game to play. Howm do I begin?
What do you guys use for audio? I think I will go with fmod since it's easy to use and pretty cheap
considering fmod but looks extremely bloated
openAL looks abandoned
openal, it's good enough for most usecases
why would you use some proprietary library

at some point i want to switch to steamaudio for my VR project now that it's open source since it's the only true phonon (raytracing for audio) tracing library but update it to a modern versions of radeonrays

the "official" version is because it was by a sound card company that apparently later made it not open and then went and started copyright trolling (and that's why spatialized audio died until VR became a thing)
i forgot to add that everyone means this when they say openal
>openal, it's good enough for most usecases
>why would you use some proprietary library
I was under the impression that fmod is way easier to use
does anyone actually use this?
a lot of open source projects do, and i think i remember seeing it in the unreal source tree
and i see the dlls occasionally, and as the non-openalsoft version isn't really a thing anymore, it's almost certainly OpenAL-Soft
i can't rememeber if godot actually uses it, i think it does

there's not too many spatialized audio software alternatives out there, apparently because of the aformentioned copyright trolling by the company that made openal originally
there's wxwise, fmod, XAudio (FAudio as an open source impl) and OpenAL-Soft
then there's a huge gap where there was absolutely nothing populated occasionally by stuff like TrueAudio (AMD, actually used by steamaudio for GPU accelerated audio convolution) and then you get the VR-age 3D audio APIs most of which are very very new and potentially questionable
aside from steamaudio (which is valve's) i think google has one that i can not for the life of me remember the name of which also has unreal integration iirc and facebook does too i think
>a lot of open source projects do
I mean games
>and i see the dlls occasionally,
>i think i remember seeing it in the unreal source tree
what do you think this part meant
search your system for openal32.dll or openal64.dll
I've seen the dll, but that could be the abandoned version
i'm not sure how exactly you'd check, not on windows atm but it might say in the resource file of the DLL
there is this, which i assume is the list of games prior to the abandonment of the official openal reference implementation https://www.openal.org/games/
so anything not on that list it's probably and semi-modern it's almost certainly the open source variant

also iirc you can't even properly install the abandoned version anymore
and the company that made the abandoned version dealt in sound cards
do you have a sound card? do you know anyone who has a sound card?

not that any of this actually matters, the idea that software has to be used to be good is extremely stupid and childish, if i remember rightly the open source variant is even based on the LGPL version of the abandoned version so the quality is baseline the same if not better because proprietary enterprise middleware is actually shit 99% of the time
>the idea that software has to be used to be good is extremely stupid and childish
Software being used in successful products is literally the only way to judge if something is good or not short of actually using it yourself
It doesn't mean it's bad if it's not used, you just won't know until you try
>proprietary enterprise middleware is actually shit 99% of the time
this is a childish opinion based on ideology and not empirical evidence
>not short of actually using it yourself
which i've done
and it's been fine for me
>this is a childish opinion based on ideology and not empirical evidence
it's really not
look at the software landscape
everywhere outside of games where you see cultural holdouts like bink video and a few notable exceptions caused by monopolies and vendor lock in (Adobe, Autodesk) everything has been completely eaten by open source and when proprietary software is in the news it's for something bad most of the time (MOVEit is probably the single best example of the code quality of enterprise middleware, or just look at any time any news at all comes out around Windows)
if you look into the unreal source tree it mostly depends on open source projects
the only major existing proprietary software vendors still around are legacy giants like MS which have at least partially gone into open source and/or ones that specifically prey on the users being actually retarded (Apple)
no offense to you but I trust completed games more
>everywhere outside of games
kind of irrelevant considering games are what we're talking about
deciding to use software based on it being open source or not is retarded, unless you specifically need the source
anon i did already tell you how to check for yourself (right click hit properties on the DLL check vendor name and release date) i'm not booting into windows or learning how to easily read info contained in the resource segment of PEs on linux just to do it for you
I don't even have it on my system
This dude really thinks his selection bias from reading Hacker News represents the real-world software landscape
bink mentioned
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I'm trying to write a function that loads all the images in a given directory and its subdirectories and returns the result as a dictionary. Here's what I have so far:
def load_all_images(path):
# TODO: Consider using os.walk() or setdefault() instead?
images = {}
contents = os.listdir(path)
dirnames = [x for x in contents if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, x))]
filenames = [x for x in contents if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, x))]
if filenames:
# This folder contains image files
basename = os.path.basename(path)
if all([re.match(r"\d+", os.path.splitext(f)[0]) for f in filenames]):
# This folder contains sequential animation frames
# (0.png, 1.png, 2.png, etc.)
images[basename] = load_images_list(path)
# This folder contains named image files
images[basename] = load_images_dict(path)
# Recurse
for dirname in dirnames:
images[dirname] = load_all_images(os.path.join(path, dirname))
return images

def load_image(path):
return pygame.image.load(path).convert_alpha()

def load_images_dict(path):
images = {}
for filename in os.listdir(path):
filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
images[name] = load_image(filepath)
return images

def load_images_list(path):
return list(load_images_dict(path).values())

Pic related shows my directory structure (above) and the actual dictionary that the function returns (below). As you can see, it's adding an extra level for some reason, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I saw a tutorial on this somewhere, on how to raycast against corners so you can cast shadows
It's because the function retuns a dictionary with basename so what happens is, that you arrive at the "recurse" branch and get something like
images['idle'] = load_all_images(...)

But load_all_images itself gives you back:
{'idle': [...]}
So I just read about godot and it looks like everyone uses GDscript for it which is basically python. Wtf wont that make godot shit super slow? Like use c# at the very least jesus christ
What? The implementation of a language has nothing to do with its syntax similarity to another language.
Godot is pretty slow yeah
They do have support for C# scripting. It's, uh, broken and slow, so nobody uses it. They had a wave of Unity refugees who just tried it, saw how dogshit it was and went back.
I did go for more of a simple raytrace approach in the fs shader. (more like this one: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Wtj3Wd)And now, I don't know how to smooth the lights as they get occluded
>You just compared hello world with decent drawing that will make you satisfied
No I didn't, and you keep moving the goalpost from "learning from zero to functional is hard" to "becoming the top of the crop". We have a board dedicated completely to learning how to draw. Stop feeling inferior and accept that learning how to draw is much harder.
miniaudio and https://solhsa.com/soloud/
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Any recommendations for a noise algorithm lib in C?
>We have a board dedicated completely to learning how to draw.
I can draw and program, you're full of shit
if you can't figure it out on your own you're ngmi
>I can draw and program
Congratulations, can you fart and shart too?
just use a single image for the player sprites
I have been employed as an artist and a programmer
One is not harder than the other
If 4chan made a programming board tomorrow, it would be faster than /ic/
You are a whiny beginner who lacks perspective
>if 4chan made a programming board tomorrow
it was a text board, doesnt count
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So how do I actually fix it? I know the answer is something simple, but I've been staring at this for way too long.
lainchan has a programming board
It's the kinda thing that breaks my brain logically, I know the issue is that it simply does:
images['idle'] = {'idle': [...]}

The issue with current code is that it does not know the depth, and if there are any subdirectories further deep down, so you cannot simply modify it to return a list when recursing. Probably easier to do with os.walk where you can just loop over dirs/files and keep appending to basename.
No. It's not shipping with the python interpreter or VM. It doesn't even use garbage collection. You kids need to spend a bit more time thinking about stuff or researching it before coming to silly conclusions lel.
>It doesn't even use garbage collection
it does
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you dont nlerp your normals, right, ishygddt
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Real gaming is 2D.
Oh my god, is that, nostalgia???
Please upboat.
At least post some good 2D games instead of NES slop
my lack of 2D animation skills is literally what drives me to 3D
well, in addition to 3D being more technologically interesting
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Here is your cynic (you), fellow anonymous poster!
Pretty much one of the reasons why I think the absurdly high difficulty of the Sims 1 is because it's a game, not because it's a "socio-policial commentary on modern life"
death of the author
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How hard would it be to do a 3d engine for a game like signalis? Not complex, but 3D and being able to import models from blender
I don't mean from scratch scratch, I'm fine with using physics library, SDL, and others to make my life easier
Also, if I choose to use SDL, can I use opengl directly or I need to talk through SDL? (I dont know if this question makes sense, I am really really a novice)
Signalis uses a lot of shader and lighting effects so it wouldn't be easy
iirc you can create an OpenGL context with SDL and then use a loader library like GLEW or GLAD to let you use OpenGL functions and whatnot

fair warning though, OpenGL 3+ is kind of a pain in the ass to use and you're probably gonna end up writing a wrapper to never have to look at it again
new bread now!

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