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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101299674
>Can't we all just get along edition

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
first for (tr)ani, the boylover, is literal human garbage
it's tran
it isnt tho
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I don't ERP with other men
I don't create or share shota
I also don't attack innocent people at random
I also don't cry and project things I've done in 4k on to others.
Your move yugi
Please.. you are making me bored.
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>mfw Resource news


>Kolors: Effective Training of Diffusion Model for Photorealistic Text-to-Image Synthesis

>AUTOMATIC1111 1.10.0-RC: Performance improvements, SD3 support, new schedulers


>Stability AI Updates Creator License Agreement

>ComfyUI nodes for LivePortrait


>Gaussian in the Wild: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrained Image Collections


>ControlNeXt: Controllable video and image Generation, SVD, Animate Anyone, ControlNet, LoRA

>InternLM-XComposer-2.5: A Versatile Large Vision Language Model Supporting Long-Contextual Input and Output

>Ostris VAE - KL-f8-d16

>Stable Diffusion Helper: Automated processing for selection, cropping, and standardization

>DisCo-Diff: Enhancing Continuous Diffusion Models with Discrete Latents

>LivePortrait: Efficient Portrait Animation with Stitching and Retargeting Control

>Glaze Cracked Again

>Nintendo president rejects the use of generative AI

>Frequency-Controlled Diffusion Model for Versatile Text-Guided Image-to-Image Translation
>trani defeated again
expected but a bit boring
>mfw Research news


>Kolmogorov-Arnold Convolutions: Design Principles and Empirical Studies

>Certainly Uncertain: A Benchmark and Metric for Multimodal Epistemic and Aleatoric Awareness

>Joint-Dataset Learning and Cross-Consistent Regularization for Text-to-Motion Retrieval

>HRSAM: Efficiently Segment Anything in High-Resolution Images


>Enhancing Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Audio-Visual Guidance from Lip Reading Expert

>Image-GS: Content-Adaptive Image Representation via 2D Gaussians

>Pseudo-Labeling by Multi-Policy Viewfinder Network for Image Cropping


>BACON: Supercharge Your VLM with Bag-of-Concept Graph to Mitigate Hallucinations

>Improved Noise Schedule for Diffusion Training

>Motion meets Attention: Video Motion Prompts

>Efficient Shapley Values for Attributing Global Properties of Diffusion Models to Data Group

>KeyVideoLLM: Towards Large-scale Video Keyframe Selection

>Improving Zero-shot Generalization of Learned Prompts via Unsupervised Knowledge Distillation

>Context-Aware Video Instance Segmentation

>Images Speak Louder than Words: Understanding and Mitigating Bias in Vision-Language Model from a Causal Mediation Perspective

>Data Overfitting for On-Device Super-Resolution with Dynamic Algorithm and Compiler Co-Design

>Euler's Elastica Based Cartoon-Smooth-Texture Image Decomposition
how about you stop being such a whiny little bitch?
posting in the shitty thread keke
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He's not really good at this even with help desu.
I just wanted to smear it in his face because he has the nerve to keep talking shit when he claims it's over only to try and honestly fail at the same bullshit. I can leave this thread and he will still seethe
More projection?
Unlike I have a father which is why I'm not as fucked up as him.
You are getting a lot of attention.
>fatjak waddles out of discord and /ldgt/ just to scream into the void about his private convos outside of this place
who the fuck cares
Stephen Gammell (artist) Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Challenge if people want to help:
I am for the first time releasing my LORA and would love to use (steal) your images for the preview/showcase reel.


Please help. (And if you want to msg me on Civit and ask for a mention in the description I will
he is putting a lot of work into the phone posts agreeing with himself
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>Defend a guy that pretends to be a lactating woman and ERPs with other men
>thinks he has any ground
Thank you for validating me now watch Ani seethe
You know I know who you are and it's sad that you're sticking up for a guy must be your previous ERP history
there's not enough cursed sonic images itt
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comparing (some) of my tunas with zoot, at xl image size, so they are a bit stretchy. anyway
imagine being such a pussy that you can't attach an image to your replies
she should eat something
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I'm too busy to upscale these pieces, could someone review these please?
>ran ruins thread repeatedly as anon or with his gens on
>blames ani for everything
wow talk about no self inflection
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Crazy how they have to resort to racial slurs
Guess I'm doing critical damage
>everyone who disagrees with me is debo
>still doesn't attach image
Is there a reason they've dropped pretence / seemingly stopped caring?
Previously they would play coy in these threads and start shit incognito, usually telling them to put down the bottle would given them a clue
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I'm not talking about debo he knows already, I don't need to blow out his spot and I know debo doesn't ERP
Still mad
He's always been a dick rider sad desu
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I didn't upscale these... Feel like people still like these.
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He's big big mad
Come on...post a gen, I know you can do it
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This doesn't work when your guy has a rich history of being a creep. It just makes you look bitter and sad when there are screenshots of it too
Scream it few more times you might feel better
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Dont care about your personal life, or whatever your grievances are, post gens
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I sneezed into my hankerchief...
I agree with you, casually. Oh my I feel so bored by your statement.
nothingburger post thanks for wasting a slot
>Post pic clearly of the villain
>Actually tries to tell me, the MC what to do
No thank you Satan
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pic related typical /sdg/ nogen poster
>always making accusations
>nothing to show
meanwhile you shove your faggotry into everyone's face constantly no evidence needed
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Cry more
>proves my point
nigger iq everyone
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well don't keep us waiting, who is your number 1 suspect?
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I want to know who is my art director tonight.
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>seething so hard still
I mean it's getting boring if you think this is something that bothers me on 4chan of all places I see why you're having a rough night
this is boring, simplistic, unoriginal, uninspired, yet still somehow byfar the best gen in the entire thread
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nice someone saved my yae

Transparent background graphite sketch mirko
You are doing personal art direction. This is a big no no.
of course it bothers you you stupid nigger
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Alright last (you)
It's as retarded/boring as boring as Ani using his dead relatives to gaslight about his tough guy act. They would be ashamed and embarrassed that they made the ultimate sacrifice for such a worthless wretch like him to live and disgrace their family name.
stop replying to me you dense pedo nigger
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I don't bother upscaling these tonight because it is so hard to find communucative energy.
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You are not supposed to direct personally, but in terms of the production. Never touch personal details or the artists will get angry and hate you.
Stay in the window and they will respect you.
what artist?
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Anyways just wanted to put you on blast ani
Also don't use dead relatives to justify your bitch fits, you're a grown ass man and if they were alive they would kick your ass too.
Of course you are a retard.
>Of course you are a retard.
whoah buddy, You are doing personal post direction. This is a big no no.
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You already crossed the line by not wasn't being part of the art review earlier.
it's very strange you project your missing parental figures in your life. they left because it's predisposed in nigger dna
you drew that?
Sorry Ani you shared that not me.
I grew up in a two parent household which is why I don't doxx myself and post loli and shota afterwards
I want to guide you, I want you to draw an image.
And now they will start interacting with gens attached like nothing happened because they are pathetic :]
>say that a mid quokka gen is the best itt
>anon gets offended and has a stroke
Not at all.
post a gen you think is good and I can convince you it's shit in under 30 words
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technology, i hardly knew ye
Is whats going on in this thread traditional artist cope? I see it on tik tok all the time and it's very funny.
if an artist has time to complain on social media, they aren't a good artist
I post the images I want to post and your audacity should be shot with a gun.
You are worse than a dog.
I have the advantage that I am from Finland but you are from the US.
At some point they will come and search you.
why did you get run out from /degen/?
>I have the advantage that I am from Finland but you are from the US.
I am?
>At some point they will come and search you.
Who are "they" and why will they come search me?
idk but they seem to be emotionally attached to their computer generated images for some reason
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oh, i dont know about being ran (ha) out, but after a decent break i returned briefly and didnt see a place for me there, making degen-suitable pics makes me more depressed, and i dont care for seeing homosexual or beastiality type pics constantly. i actually prefer this place despite how horrible it is, this thread and the last good examples of the horribleness. sorry for bothering giving you an honest answer. im sure some1 will give you a better one.
Who keeps taking forge out of the OP and why are you gay?
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people still use forge? I don't bake so can't help you
more cute posting plz im baking a lora rn
its because debo will literally die if he doesn't suck cumfarts asshole every few hours, kinda like how whales need to come up to the surface for air.
huh look at that
Of course they do. You wouldn't feel the need to be passive aggressive like a woman if it wasn't out-competing cucky
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Pathetic behavior going on in here. Lordy.
Did you threaten ran?
looks like shit, you should first off: learn to prompt, second off, learn to gen, thirdly you should probably learn to upscale. None of these will improve the content of your gens however, this merely improves the fidelity of the actual image.
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where is her dick and why is he so pale?
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>ped comes out of hiding
go to bed nigger pedo
damn you're super based anon
nice samefag btw
>>ComfyUI nodes for LivePortrait
Anything for standard stable diffusion webui? ComfyUI isn't very comfy.
>pedo screeching
pleb take
as you can see itt all the based photos are comfyui
go to bed niggerjak the pedo
ntb but forge isn't being maintained anymore
>trani post shota
>calls others pedo
What did he mean by this?
>It's been nearly a hecking week since the last updoot
wow even troony is calling out ran now
Prompt? Model?
We moved from jewish slurs to black slurs?
he burned every bridge because of jealousy
Trani is having a bad day
catjak is a nigger irl, he doxxed that info himself on the discord
What about kikes and niggers?
why do people pretend to be offended by slurs on 4chan of all places
only because anon is too pussy to say it with a gen attached or in the discord
schizo is interior anon (Jewish). ran is a nigger (obvious when it's him as anon)
why do trolls troll
>being terrorized by a nigger online
Trani sisters?
Troon cultist invaders always be performing the work, especially in locations they hate
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can I be barreled as well?
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4chan was never about hate or slurs, that was only on the containment boards nobody liked like /b/.
MOOT wanted intelligent discussion, and thats why we're subdivided into multiple subcultures today.
>MOOT wanted intelligent discussion
moot was also a gigantic faggot
>Hecking we troon wokists ere always in control of everything, stop trusting your lying eyes
kill yourself
>Trani is crying
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>tfw cleared out 100 gigs of gens
>trani is still crying
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nice composition!
go to bed pedo niggerjak
stop it ani
>Julien won't stop crying
Png or jpg?
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good night anons!
png, I disabled the jpg over a certain size setting.
good night ani!
>Lying pedo
kill yourself niggerjak
>pedo ran spammer is desperate
oxipng-f *
to optimize the size of the pngs without reducing quality. Should save you a fee gigs
>Julien is crying
>tran nigger is going to go all night
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New animu seasons out today
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I'm starting to get jealous of the stuff people are able to make with SD3, but the prompting is absolutely insane.
is it anything like the glory that is 1.5
It's time to let go lil bro...
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>It's crazy how I'm one of the few anons posting gens trying to fill the thread while they seethe and cope trying to dogwhistle shit they said previously
Looking back at that thread, yup.
these gens are from last year
WTF I love SD3 now?
I'm still stuck with SDXL
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runner up
ah its you again.
i haven't been able to figure out the inverted noise thing.
it's over for me
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It's SD3 with my schizo prompt with a-detailer and over 50 images queued (i got really lucky to not get deformities/weird objects)
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just.. what the fuck, sd3?
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I just remembered that with SD3 you can just render at higher resolutions natively so you dont have to upscale.
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nite, wasnt much fun but lets pretend sdg was fun and enjoyable today
is it consistent or does it fuck up though? I don't even mind having to do little 1.5x upscales on xl tbqh because it gives me a chance to make little adjustments for detail/style
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Stephen Gammell (artist) Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
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>humanity's final form
Does the new update to a1111 make it as good as forge? Has anyone tried?
what new update? we've been on 1.9.4 for, essentially, forever.
sorry, meant release candidate.
its been out since yesterday
>acktually it's RC. and also shit
wow words mean things. color me shocked
The gens over at LDG are significantly better than SDG

>>its over for you doxcord fags
speaking of which, you should join and tete-a-tete. i'd love to have you
i'm next to god over there, i'll verify you in a second if you come to vc. ez pz
ofc you want me over there monkeboi

youll never have me
oh dear!
we worship rocks and trees and other retarded shit. that means we're totally innocent of, well, everything. the ancestors said i'm right. checkmate, ancestorathtiests
its perfect
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awesome model , lora?
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Model is autismmix dpo
loras were
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Oops, replied to self
You posted this already
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>you will never be the MC
>you will never have the crowd at your back like this while your theme plays in your head
feels bad
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I didn't have anything new and didn't want to be a nogen
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miko SEXO
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What happens if AI takes over Hollywood?
Stop reposting
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That one isn't a repost, I just made it. You definitely can't find it or this one in any other thread.
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>redheaded white girl in a ghetto
I can't decide if I like the shadows on that one or not. The dark colors are pretty impressive, but it does make the image a bit more chaotic and difficult to see too, especially when the subject blends in with the background.
Still it's almost nice.
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This Velma and Shadman style are simply better.
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Hmm. That one does look more accurate to his style though.
Last one from me, good night anons
>No images
>No Posts
>Only page 10
Are you OK, anon?
nogen seethe
Why I can't stop generating pictures of high school yearbook photos from the 90's? Is it because of muh nostalgia? I was born in 1990 so I didn't experience life as a teenager in the 90's. Life was so much better back then, no gadgets, no BLM, no trannies.....
Oh yeah, I forgot about the culture, the music, the fashion, the lifestyle.....
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Maybe you've already done erp with other men without knowing
I'm sure there are plenty of gay barrly legal boy erp chatbots already and certainly some trans and shota ones
Those were the days.....
pure mental illness
>trolling outside of /b/
>I was born in 1990 so I didn't experience life as a teenager in the 90's. Life was so much better back then, no gadgets, no BLM, no trannies.....
true, I'm glad I lived through this period, I miss it dearely, I would fucking hate being a teenager now, they are brainwashed so hard by the woke devils it's just painful to see
>Why I can't stop generating pictures of high school yearbook photos from the 90's? Is it because of muh nostalgia?
Same, I also love that style from the 90's and early 00's, it had so much sovl, I fucking hate this minimalist era
>distinct 2000's style
Holy retarded
the fuck you talk about retard? I said I love both styles, 90's and early 00's, never said they weren't distinct, and the video has a ds style to it, not the ps3, did your mother dropped you in the head when you were little?
8 seconds in is the PS3 menu you absolute mongrel
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>Life was so much better back then, no gadgets, no BLM, no trannies.....
If only I knew how worse the world would be in the future, I would've enjoyed my 90's and 00's way more
the very begining is the ds though you 2 digit IQ nigger
>did your mother dropped you
>did your mother dropped you in the head
>did your mother dropped
>you in the head
Einstein was also dyslexic anon, deal with it
>dyslexia causes me to conjugate incorrectly
>No SDP backend available, likely because you are running in pytorch versions < 2.0. In fact, you are using PyTorch 1.13.1+cu117. You might want to consider upgrading.
How do I upgrade? Does it want me to upgrade Python?
>How do I upgrade?

>Does it want me to upgrade Python?
i miss schizo anon
I don't
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so since sd3 is dead in regards to lewd stuff. what is the next big thing i'm supposed to be looking forward to? or do we not know at the moment?
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Kolors anon, it's a better base model + fully uncensored
chinese models really. there's the new kolors model that came out and it has the best anatomy out of any base model so far, does fingers just fine but it doesn't let you offload the text encoder to cpu so it's a bitch to run. strange license as well. the lumina guys announced that the plan to release a model trained on the sd3 vae soon and a bigger pixart model is also in the works but i have no idea how long that will take.
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>pure mental illness
Really wondering on which side of this discussion in fact
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To honour our USAian friends
So you're like Einstein but retard
>So you're like Einstein
Thank you! :3
more like SDXXL
One strike and he went flying. F=MA can't be defeated.
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Look at those hands, that's insane quality for a base model, Kolor is the future!
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i hate trani
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>jew pedo cope posting at this time
Is pony still the best SDXL model right now? There is zero consistency between each gen even with specific artists or LORAs.

What the fuck man?
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Are you using pony base? the autism mixes and others are better
>makes asian characters and chinese styled images
Does this even work with Comfy or anything?
How do you know he's Jewish?
Its just a collection of random expletives. Tomorrow it'll be pajeet or mudslime or tranny
he cries out as he strikes you

tranny was always in the repertoire you pedophile
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Does it work with ComfyUI?
I dont really care
>trani fully mind broken
you asked for this
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Why is there so much drama what happened now
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with the wrapper nodes yes

Thank you Anon.
Trani destroyed the thread
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I fucking hate this spaghetti Ui shit... but I want to try this model so bad...
I thought you didn't care you hypocritical jew schizo
>Jewish tranny schizo post blaming others
get new material
does anyone have CUDA 12.5 working with comfyui or do I have to downgrade to 12.1?
what does this have to do with stable diffusion?
what does this have to do with stable diffusion?
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you can test it here too
does anyone have CUDA 12.5 working with comfyui? do I have to downgrade to 12.1?
As much as racism :)
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