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Gay furries have hacked into one of the large conservative political organizations in US

This could be the beginning of a shit show and they apparently have some very juicy stuff on them
you'd have to be extra stupid to have any critical information stored and accessible over the internet.
Knowing american conservatives it's probably a lot of faggot and pedo shit
Well a prominent Catholic Church cardinal was exposed when his phone number was leaked and an organization paid Grindr for any info on it
oh i'm not saying they didn't do it
just reiterating that you'd have to be extra stupid to allow this to happen
now that you mention it, the current zeitgeist feels alot like two retards fighting with each other.
I mean just knowing their numbers , emails and usernames or passwords where they can then search through leaked databases could get a lot of info about them

You can literally dox someone with just their number btw
the only retard will be the one who loses as the winner'll just pretend they weren't retarded
this is both juicy and sexy.
I can't wait...
Umm sweaty they were hacked by the world's number one supporters of that sort of filth
yes but most the planet doesn't use text messages for 2FA and don't hand their phone numbers to random apps
even as a leaffag people up here are hesitant to do so and we're just diet america.
Unable to engage in debate or rhetoric the only tools that the retarded left use are doxing and violence.
If you ever need proof that the left is all kids, this is it
Oh so they're going to goon to the content then release it.
>yes, i expect you to debate me while i try and make it legal for you to remain undeleted
gee, wonder why they're willing to punch below the belt.
Maybe you need to do some bad things for greater good ;)
the only reason conservatives are upset by this is because they don't have anyone who knows how to use a computer well enough to retaliate.
Well, we are talking about boomers.
4chan ? U remember anonymous? Remember when we geo located an Isis training camp and sent coordinates to Russia (good guys )

We literally Did social media wide psyop war for trump
Doesnt Trump have a jewish daughter?
He didn't marry a Jew so no , you can only be a Jew through your mom side
Doesn't help that the various government angencies and army are desperate for anyone with experience in security that doesn't smoke weed because it disqualifies them.
They can't find any. Wish I was joking.
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Nothing ever happens.
Geez, cloudfaggots seem to span across generations. ayy lmao.
Weed or fitness standards, don't forget entire country is a nation of fatfucks.
They are just conservative adults. Christ, you faggots are all for freedom etc but as soon as someone has opinions that are not yours, you just shut them down.
Pathetic Children. And because your side of politics is all kids, you will fail.
I don't smoke weed and know how to use weed

Will I be hired
the winner will just beat you up if you call him retarded.
Fitness standards don't matter for some of them, like NSA.
That said even if you don't smoke it means allowing a bunch of suits to rifle through your entire life and never being allowed to travel outside the country without it being a literal federal fucking issue.
If someone is trying to take away my freedoms shouldn't I fight back ?

Imagine if jihadis came and said they'd ban alcohol

How about try looking into project 2025
this is why im hoping for fedral legaization.
or atleast some big profile debate about the use of piss tests for employment.
Doxxing and violence for self-righteous justice you say
You're not leftist, faggot.
Yes it's good when I do it cause it's for a righteous cause
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-would streamroll your entire family and replace you with H1Bs and mexicans for a slight profit increase
-will ban porn because they're angry men don't simp hard enough anymore
-allergic to sidewalks

Just because they don't openly hate white people doesn't mean they don't hate us commoners like anyone else. Furries are sort of based anyway.
you replied to the wrong comment you silly-billy
ok but for real what is it with the hate about sidewalks
i get not wanting to have your car be made useless but i'd like to be able to mail a fucking letter without getting hit by a grandma strung out on benzos and opioids driving an suv twice the size of the titanic.
both parties are gay get over it
I still dont understand why no one republican or democrat has run on that position. Itd get massive fucking support, its like the 2A guys who always vote for whoever will hardstop any gun laws.
It works, fuck you
But your cause is actually sick, evil, and actively detrimental to society and the human race as a whole.
Want to have the Aaron Swartz experience?
Can't people just fucking live in equilibrium

Being a faggot shouldn't be forbidden but shouldn't be done in public as well, not because of religion or children but because it's unhealthy to have intimacy with strangers

I won't nofap not even if porn is forbid by law, but I won't also be shouting my tastes like retard to people I don't even know

Why is that so hard to these people? Or they become monks who don't look at woman, or they become manwhores craving attention from anything alive

Can't just the left stop teaching gayness and the right stop teaching anti-gayness and fucking teach math or something
kek, this
if conservatives were smart they wouldn't be conservatives
i mean biden's repeatedly made strides to work on that but your system's kinda set up to prevent a single party from pushing through without any checks
its just there was a glaring hole in the security and now everyone wants to rig the supreme court.
You can't defeat your opponents fairly because you're wrong about nearly everything.
*conservative children
not the kind they fuck which i'm sure which is what this doxx is full of lol
Conservatives have higher average IQ
this but unironically
no one has ever succeeded by playing by the rules. the rules are there to keep you failing. that's why conservacucks always lose: they keep thinking the rules will protect them while everyone just bashes them from outside the rules and laughs at the retards in charge who won't do shit to protect them.
that's why a gay furry now has their doxx and will probably be releasing a ton of personal information, ensuring they'll never feel safe or be safe again.
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Duuuude like left and right, just so dumb man, like they got along in the 90s, I just don't get dude
Don't forget are the first ones who turned completely on the illegal immigration scam the microsecond it started to boost the housing market by forcing us plebs to fight each other tooth and nail for homes.

Also don't forget that they approved the bank bailouts, too.

Red Democrats except racist.
>biden's repeatedly made strides to work on that
I mean if he wasnt senile Id be behind it but I think the dudes a half dead at this point.
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you mean that thing that was only relevant in sitcoms in the late 80s to early 90s whenever there was a canadian character?
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>/g/ hacking news thread
>it's actually a thinly veiled /pol/ thread
if you root for either of these you're a fucking moron.

>one has objectively been proven to have tried to overthrow the greatest democracy on the planet by impeding the democratic process while talking about wanting a third term if he wins the second
>one is literally on life support, possibly brain dead

i, an intellectual would like to see both of them have a stroke on stage.
Conservatives follow the rules and are sticklers for hiearchy they'll never attempt to break the rules or think outside of box

Leftist and fascists are willing to break the rules and use non conventional means in order to gain power .
>Heritage Foundation
lol I'm far right and couldn't care less, I think this is funny if it's real
heritage is boomercon retards, they're useless
you're not the one who was being spoken to faggot leftie.
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>Can't people just fucking live in equilibrium
LOL because you aren't equal. Don't you get it? You don't get equal treatment because you are not equals to anyone. And "Wanting to be left alone", that's the #1 way to have someone fuck with you, that's like telling someone you'll roll over and surrender if you pressure them enough.

That's why Christianity is getting dogpiled right now and why no one feels any remorse when a Christian Conservative group has their doxx released. What are you going to do? Ask to be left alone harder?
>if you sit on 4chen doing nothing, nothing happens
wow das crazy
>not falling for centrist bullshit means your a radical

If so then yes
Its a imageboard you stupid nigger, if you dont want replies dont post.
Also this, these aren't mustache-twirling nazis, these are out of touch boomers who likely fuck prostitutes on the weekend. Asking them for Opsec was the wrong move to begin with.
You hypocrite. But then again hypocrisy is all your side of politics do.
Go outside and play. Leave the adults alone
learn your place.
Yes I'm playing dirty if my life and freedom are at stake

You got a problem?
My place is above you newfaggot retard.
oh my god who the hell cares
>I sure lost but at least I wasn't a hypocrite :(
Why are cons the only people on Earth who think this way? Conservatives and JRPG protagonists are the only people in existence who have ever thought once in their head.


Like this matters to some pseudo-intellectual battle taking place where the most moral person wins.
Cause conservatives are autistic goody two shoes
'Autistic' is the wrong word. Autists are passionate about something.
this is a lie you tell yourself
no one has taken any of your freedoms away, you are a just whiny nigger
nothing can make evil okay, ever.
burn in hell.
Your attempting to though , abortion ruling in roe v wade was over ruled

LGBTQ and trans rights are being attacked by conservatives

DEI and minority rights like affirmative action have been repealed .

Now your trying to finish it off in one big slash in the following election and create a jihadi Christian state where we yell jeeebus
>nothing can make evil okay, ever.
would fighting against evil be righteous, therefore okay?
AKA the ultimate conservative cope for why nothing ever happens to their enemies and why they're never rewarded for losing.

>Your attempting to though , abortion ruling in roe v wade was over ruled
to be fair this shit was always retarded. why are courts able to make new law by just interpreting English differently? it just means conservative groups bribe the judges to rule in their favor to get more laws passed without it ever touching the senate or the house. Which is what happened here.
Usually that equilibrium on a societal level is called "democracy". The problem is democracy is unstable. If you let it take it's natural course it becomes an intermediate stage to the dictatorship of a party that reflects the national character, with another party occasionally stepping in when people want "change". Trying to enforce it leads to it becoming anything but democracy. With the increasing polarization in America it seems the latter is happening and it cannot be sustained for much longer.
TLDR; no, we're long past the stage of compromises and solutions that work for everyone.
>"Wanting to be left alone", that's the #1 way to have someone fuck with you
>That's why Christianity is getting dogpiled right now and why no one feels any remorse when a Christian Conservative group has their doxx released.
Based, Christians are so weak. It's about time people realize leftists are psychopaths and we need to match their energy for even a chance of surviving, if not worse. Embrace chuddery.
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
>to be fair this shit was always retarded. why are courts able to make new law by just interpreting English differently? it just means conservative groups bribe the judges to rule in their favor to get more laws passed without it ever touching the senate or the house. Which is what happened here.
you can't unironically be serious though.
abortion hasn't been a hot contested topic in us politics in a very long time. it was a fringe subject hardline christians and conservatives talked about but never mainstream politics.

the need was never there for a law to be passed for it.

pre-trump era this would've been a bi-partisan bill that would've sailed through congress, senate and the president.
Send anus pics.
>Based, Christians are so weak.
I think it's always funny when they go on and on about "jihadi Christian state" coming to ban being a faggot when an actual Jihadi would make them shit themselves and pray to allah 3 times a day and they wouldn't do shit. barbarism has to fight barbarism
The American right is a pathetic joke, atm. That's why they attract this sort of behavior.
Courts recently ruled that presidents have absolute immunity from any criminal proceedings for official acts but if what Trump did in Jan 6 isn't an un official act why put it into the court ruling cause idea of an official act is vague and you can twist anything to be an official official act

So in conclusion president is a dictator who's above the law and can act with impunity
if that ruling was passed during the obama era, they would've called him a dictator.
conservatives and libertarians would've lost their minds at the thought of a president that's above the law.

but, since it protects their god emperor who can't string 3 sentences together without telling 5 lies they shrug.
>you can't unironically be serious though.
>abortion hasn't been a hot contested topic in us politics in a very long time. it was a fringe subject hardline christians and conservatives talked about but never mainstream politics.
That's why it should have been law. They should have passed it into law when it was an uncontested issue.

>the need was never there for a law to be passed for it.
Yes there is, Courts do not write laws. Courts do not have the authority to say, with the power of the federal government, that a new law needs to exist.

Look at this chart, it explains everything. They are, at no point, involved with the making of new laws. Their only job is to ensure that if a law is made, if it's constitutional. That's it. So when 'tards decided to let a federal ruling decide on the existence of a right that should have been written into law, they act shocked when the same federal ruling can take it away.

>pre-trump era this would've been a bi-partisan bill that would've sailed through congress, senate and the president.

Then why didn't they do it? This is like saying "If I had fire insurance, my house wouldn't have burned down!" but your house already burned down. So buying insurance now doesn't do shit. Our politicians, all conservatives really, are all idiots more than happy to let dolts celebrate early victories and never follow through on their promises.
Now imagine what a senile ego maniac with political immunity will do to our democracy

He will trample over every institution to get back at those who wronged him and will destroy the US As an act of vengeance as fuck you before his death
Dropped my pic. I hope it's educational.

>Courts recently ruled that presidents have absolute immunity from any criminal proceedings for official acts but if what Trump did in Jan 6 isn't an un official act why put it into the court ruling cause idea of an official act is vague and you can twist anything to be an official official act
Because our court system is stupid and again, it's just being used as a tool to bypass the actual representative part of government.

This is waaay off topic to some hacker group doxxing boomers other than the fact that those boomers are probably just bribing the supreme court at this point to make things happen.
there are so many I have no clue which one you're referring to.
>Then why didn't they do it?
Because Roe v Wade existed and it wasn't a contested topic.
Nobody even thought that would be repealed.

Your metaphor makes no sense, it's like asking why we didn't have volcano insurance when there isn't an active volcano within 5000 miles.

It became an issue as soon as the court was stacked with 3 VERY CONSERVATIVE(partisan btw) judges who decided to take away women's rights to please the hardline christians.

Furthermore, they courts never "wrote the law" they simply attributed a constitutionally given right to abortion.
Hacktivism is a real movement and as us govt becomes more oppressive watch and see how tranny cyber gangs that develop systems that govt computer systems are built on be exploited and used for nefarious purposes

Most liberals are amongst educated class I mean Silicon Valley lies in Bay Area the most liberal district so what will these smart tech guys do as a govt run by stupid boomers try to roll back every social progress we've seen so far
>Because Roe v Wade existed and it wasn't a contested topic.
Which was a terrible idea. The constitution doesn't make mention of abortion. They never had the authority to do that in the first place. So when one of these judges who routinely gets sent 10 million from red party got into power, this is what happened.

I don't think you get that I agree it should exist, it's just our leaders are imbeciles and preferred kicking a can down the road rather than doing their jobs and passing it into law. They could have done that now, after it was stricken, and the courts couldn't have done shit. They didn't. It shows who's really on your side, huh?

>Furthermore, they courts never "wrote the law" they simply attributed a constitutionally given right to abortion.
Then it was never a right you had in the first place. courts don't write laws and they can't attribute an existing right to another action. The link they used in roe-wade was tenuous and extremely situational. They should have got to work passing the law and continued every year since, but they didn't. Because they knew you were placated by having a ruling.
you are not fighting against evil.
you are the evil.
Ironically I think Trump being elected will split the conservative party or kill it all together. It would be followed by radical pendulum swing that would end put more and more progressive leaders in power for the next 12+ years.
yeah but i'm asking a hypothetical question.
if you are fighting against evil, does it make it righteous/good?

also unrelated, how would you feel if you hadn't had lunch today?
Most of them won't do shit. It's nice to dream but the vast majority of people are good sheeple when the time calls for it. Some of them may quit, but the rest will gleefully program the firmware for mass-surveillance botnets or crowd-controlling drones and not think twice about it if they get to go home at hte end of the night and have a hot meal.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged, after all.
>dox and violence
Honestly, there isn't anything wrong with doing this towards furries, communists and anarchists
truly chilling how evil you people are.
mutilating teenager's genitals is not a right.
getting first pick for jobs and university is not a right.
killing unborn babies is not a right.
>LGBTQ and trans rights are being attacked by conservatives
Caring about retarded leftard garbage like this is why Trump polling into a landslide.
You really think the average American cares about your pederasty more than inflation and their taxes?
You're a moron.
>abortion hasn't been a hot contested topic in us politics in a very long time.
the reason they never passed it into law in the first place is because of resistance from the bible belt. being known as the politician who legalized killing unborn babies doesn't have a good ring on your political record. the courts ruling on it was a way to sidestep it, because supreme court judges can't be ousted in elections.
>lol I'm far right
I notice that a lot of people who brag about being far right or far left have nothing to show for it.
I don't understand why you think your internet clout chasing is a form of politics.
presidents have always had de facto immunity for official acts you retarded nigger, this just makes it de juro.
any number of things bush or obama did could have been considered criminal by their successor's admins.
obama literally promised to go after the bush admin, but then dropped it after becoming prez.
you know fucking nothing about anything, go to bed retard.
you are completely out of your mind. profound derangement.
He should have gone after his cabinet anyway. Saying he was going to do it was just a ploy to get elected.
Who cares about conservacucks.
center right is cucked as a position anyway.
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>You really think the average American cares about your pederasty more than inflation and their taxes?

Then why the fuck is this the only policies the conservatives care to talk about?
>books about lgbt people in schools
>hormone treatment
>trans women in sports

Honestly, I am tired of watching conservatives talk about politics because those are the only subjects they ever talk about
You spend too much time on twitter instead of reading court documents.
The Supreme Court ruling found the president can punished for acts that are not official.
Trump paying off a porn star, or faking business records, are not official acts. He will still be charged for that. Of course, he won't be charged with drone striking children, but that was always a form of immunity for any president.
Seriously, stop watching MSNBC and Vaush you brain-dead moron.
Its fucking retards like you that are ensuring he wins because you keep lying and being melodramatic.
>Then why the fuck is this the only policies the conservatives care to talk about?
They aren't unless you're a terminally online retard who doesn't log off.
Republicans in my state are building electrical car plans, giving people tax refunds, and solar panels.
Democrats are too busy talking about trannies and ukraine and all white people are racist and need to be replaced.
>The Supreme Court ruling found the president can punished for acts that are not official.
Smarter people than us are struggling to understand what the fuck they meant by official act since the Supreme Court did not explicitly define what an official act is.
>Of course, he won't be charged with drone striking children
Ok but is it an official act to tell 6 electoral college members to commit perjury and wrongly write him in as the winner despite knowing full well he didn't win those elections?
what state is that? here it's just 'we have to vote blumpf to own the trannies' or 'vote blue no matter who', actual issues are being minimized because the country is a shitshow.
>what state is that? here it's just 'we have to vote blumpf to own the trannies' or 'vote blue no matter who', a
Fucking Georgia, retard. Kemp was one of the most critical republicans of Trump and cruised to re-election.
Biden trailing in the polls here, in every swing state, and Democrats are on track to lose senate.
You can keep being retarded while Trump gets another two judges on the Supreme Court.
I don't really care anymore.
>Fucking Georgia, retard.
I'm one state south of you and it's just DeSantis shitting himself and setting the state up for the first time it's been blue since obama.
if you try to go to desantis's website to see what his positions are. the website is dead. it just doesn't load
that's probably better for him and I mean that unironically.
Desantis has done a lot of dumb shit, but he gets away with it because of Cubans, and Democrats really bad at distancing themselves from it. Instead, they treat all Hispanics like they're all from South Bronx.
Florida Democrats run candidates that work in NY but not Florida.
Opportunistic skids that use shodan
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Ah, lol, these are the people behind Project 2025.
Yeah, fuck them.
Qrd on
some right wingers want the government to stop spending everyone's money on essentially welfare of some form or another.
also want government to be less gay and have actual americans in possession of their own country
even conservatives need to be kept in check to prevent corruption.
when the time comes they will be judged alongside everyone else by god; neither excluded nor before or after.
Where does abolishing the NOAA fit into that?
Unless you are an unelected Federal agency head then Project 2025 will do nothing to harm your rights.
You ought to go back to the dunes with your jewish fairy tales, and the faggots need to be whipped back into the closet like cornered animals.
Im trans and im
Dependent on govt for my meds , what about people like me ?
what does crossing the airport have anything to do with being well fed
My favourite dessert is ice cream.
How does abolishing department of education not harm us ? I hope you know millions of kids get free lunch food due to them and with them out of way red districts are able to teach what ever nonsense as they please
Kill yourself eunuch.
Do you think I'm going down alone u fascist
Both the NSDAP and the USSR were socialists.
Nazis weren’t “right-wing” they were nationalist socialist democrats.
Just like how Democrats ruled Mississippi all through the Jim Crow era until the early 2000s and the state has literally never recovered
There won't be any schools in any red district
They are all already struggling without any teachers because they all left for blue states
The schoolboard here was begging for my 70 year old grandmother to come out of retirement and work for only 35k a year after they fired her for refusing to remove books from the library in 2017.
>deploys army to quell protests
You're a self-castrated freak, I don't even consider you human. Get a job you worthless bum.
Would u say that to my face
Caring about anything is gay
Shouldn't you be making doomposter threads with sad wojacks
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Are you gonna stream your final moments as a subhuman eunuch? Your parents will be useful for once in their parenthood when they bury the failure that they called a "son".
furfags... I kneel
>debate or rhetoric
yes we should just be good boys and play by the rules while you moralfag cavemen lie cheat and steal every chance you get. You're extremely lucky that so many ""moderates"" are retarded enough to take this bait every time and bend over for you.
gerrymandering isn't enough to keep the minority of rightards winning since their base is mostly old and dying. So their new plan is to just kill democracy. And the spineless worthless dems are just letting them. Their only move is to keep propping up Biden whose only redeeming quality is "he's not Trump". The US is fucked unless younger people do something beyond jerking off their egos on tik tok.
doubt it. more likely kikes at the FBI or CIA did teh work using their in house GUI scriptkiddynigger tools and handed it off to these faggots
Based glowies i hope they dox all u chuds that said n word as well
>So their new plan is to just kill democracy
oh no :(((((
where have I heard this one before?
For once try to empathize with someone who doesn't look like you

Imagine your a women who's a single mom think of what could happen. Maybe her husband died as well
>Imagine your a women
You will never be a woman, bro. There's nothing to imagine here.
What do gibsmedats have to do with democracy?
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>where have I heard this one before?
right here on your hypocritical degenerate cabal's website: https://www.project2025.org/policy/
Without being intellectually lazy just try putting yourself into their shoes

Just for once
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imagine youre a male 20 year old nigger from africa who came here for free shit you were promised. maybe even want to do some crime on the side as well. we need to pay taxes so we can give welfare to the millions of 3rd world invaders
>people vote for things I like
>people vote for things I don't like >:((
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this is 100% feds btw. they're terrified they'll lose their bureaucratic makework email jobs in Dr President Trump's 2nd and 3rd terms.

we can replace them
Literally gay /pol/shit thread. Clean it up jannies
you could say that of either side you disingenuous faggot. They want to kill democracy, they're not hiding it or sugarcoating it, it's right there on their own website. You're better off just changing your tune to "yes we do seethe :^)"
shut up faggot
All Trump does is give gibs for niggers and fellatio to jews. Fake astroturfing campaign, the platinum plan faggot will never be based.
>They want to kill democracy,
If you're that concerned about this then you should be able to tell me exactly how. Also give me an answer for >>101306679
Jannie's are posting among us ;)
can furries stop being so fucking based for like five minutes
its making it hard to hate them
you're not cute.
what is this, r/wtf in 2009?
you gonna send me to lemonparty next? lmfao. maybe bonzaikitten? tubgirl?
>file is named
>space before ?
you are french, that doesn't affect you at all
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U still not getting your threads deleted bro
.t spreads furry threads on campus
how come when chinese and russians watch their citizens 24/7 and jail them for random stuff they found on them, people are like "oh no, that's terrible!", but when anglos and western euros prepare to do the same, people say this instead
When we come into power
Sodomites will be hanging next to journalists and politicians
The problem with sidewalks is that they are used by pedestrians
The problem with pedestrians is the possibility that they will go faster than a car
Rumors suggest one of them has already discovered how
Outlawing sidewalks is not enough, they also need to outlaw crocs
>get geoloc data from an image and cc it to the FSB
And yet chuggie chuddies just keep getting themselves doxxed. Curious!
You're among friends here man, no need to sell conservatism. Try posting on reddit.
>faggot on faggot crime
Stop! No more brother wars!
The roots of Jewery run deeper than just through race. You cam be a Jew without being an ethnic or practicing Jew; being a Jew is a vibe.
>you faggots are all for freedom etc but as soon as someone has opinions that are not yours, you just shut them down.
So? As long as no one is being executed for their opinions, it doesn't matter if someone calls someone else with a differing opinion a faggot. Freedom of speech, nigger. Doesn't matter anyway, politics and anyone who gets up in arms about shit is a faggot homo. Just pass the right policies baka.
You're making it harder to hate them
I wish Trump was half as based as the sodomites make him out to be
which means whores and boomers are doing it
but since whores are never blamed for anything...
>you faggots are all for freedom etc but as soon as someone has opinions that are not yours, you just shut them down.

Every accusation from conservatives is projection.
>can't get a job
>can't lose his virginity
>spends his days playing games in his childhood bedroom
>fantasizes about ruling the world and purging his online enemies
Priorities, my boy
>genuinely defending the fucking Heritage Foundation
>erm they're just conservative adults
Holy shit what a bunch of cocksucking worms you all are.
>can't get a job
>lost his 'virginity' after being groomed by some old fuck
>spends his days playing games in his childhood bedroom
>fantasizes about being a woman
this desu. hes a bitch faggot coward we unironically need the hitler the leftists claim he is.
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Democrats and “Democracy”

What are you democrats doing to make America great again?

That's the problem with the right. There's no dialogue with the enemy, we should censor and arrest leftists, they are literally all pedophiles zoophiles and mentally ill
How many empty bedrooms someone has in their house is no one else's business.

How big is your house for the size of your family or a retired couple's is no one else's business.

Increasing taxes or adding new taxes on principal residence because some people think an arbitrary value hurts their feelings when people alread pay taxes for decades with after tax dollars on their house is pure derangement.

There are too many people that are coming up with a whole bunch of tyrannical radical left wing ideas rather than face the reality that the governments and leftie ideologies they support have awful policies and canceling/reversing them is the ultimate logical solution
Who decided that it was "far-right" to want control over your own borders?

That isn't "far-right".

It's just normal common sense.
Everything against the global agenda is deemed far right.

It used to be that you’re a “racist”, but they beat that drum for way too long, so now it’s “far right”, and will change to something else when people become immune to it.
You haven't even mentioned the people being shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with capsicum spray here in Victoria, for the crime of wanting to protest. Not to mention arrests because of Facebook posts. "Our government is inherently tyrannical". Yes , indeed it is
>compromises the data of their opponents through mastermind hacking
>calls straight men trannies on a dying tech forum
Keep your chin up bucko, I'm sure your chuddie diaries fantasy will come true one day!
Didnt Victoria lose their right to protest a few years ago?

A remember reading an article on it and wondering how we got so cucked.
>knows that he is such a disgusting creature reviled by everyone that he has to shitpost to seek attention, any attention at that.
Remember, suicide is always an option.
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What a complete liar
How can anyone believe a word out of his mouth
Is this what zoomers think trolling is? lol
when you were 10 did you think this is what your life would be like? trying and failing to insult strangers on the interwebz because they make fun of your power fantasy?
bleeding out of your crotch doesn't make you a woman all of a sudden, just like an imageboard will never be a forum
Explain how this is related to tech and not just stupid gossip. /g/ mods are beyond useless.
Isn't that a bit redundant? Are there straight furries?
Funny how before diversity made us stronger there was less crime, better wages, affordable homes, better healthcare, rigorous education, less social angst, no issues of integration, no fixation on "racism" more national confidence, and grooming just meant personal hygiene.
Not only are we likely to grant amnesty to illegal migrants, it sounds like we're also about to release a load of lower level criminals from jail early. Utterly hellish ride we're in for.
>still calling a straight man a tranny
But, I can understand your obsession with trannies. As a zoomer, you are always a minute away from trooning out yourself...
This is because you have a "built-in" mental illness.
This is because you grew up with mom's ipad, minecraft and peeeeewdahpaaah instead of actually going outside and reading fables.
Because of this, you have always been mentally ill... and thus all it takes is a "shove" for you to troon out and become a crazy tranny.

I sympathize... though your suffering is quite funny lol. As a based millenial I am quite immune to all this.
>an imageboard will never be a forum
holy newfag...
I'll believe you if you announce your identity louder, forumtranny
Today, France decides if it will go further down the path of the Islamic Scourge - where foreign rapists will roam the streets and make women their property at a moment’s notice.

Or, will they take their nation back and return France to the French? Expelling migrants and taking matters into their own hands.

Which path will they choose
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>Heritage hacked in 2015 before elections
>donation information doxx
>Hacked again, right before elections
>donation information doxx

This still isnt going to stop people in the ballet box, but im sure there laughing from the bitcoin "donation".
k good reading skills faggot
If anything, double down, the fed loves giving out money only to fuck you in the ass later.

Never work with feds, ever.
>I'll-*loses attention and goes back to playing minecraft while watching sexy anime bonnie videos on his phone*
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>conserving niggers and jews
California's Rainbow Color DEI Revolution Just Felled Tennessee, And It's Not Sto pping There
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They will always show you their true colors.
The hug of Michaelah Montgomery went viral and she is a great spokswoman. Hopefully Team Trump will find this other young woman and bring her into the Trump fold. Maybe become a Trump spokeswoman as well. Plenty of room!!
It's always the same shit, just like the 60s. I hate them so much.
>welfare of some form or another
try and keep up dumbass
I care not
>put up a sign outside your business that says "only people like me allowed"
>sued into oblivion over nonsense laws that stripped the right of disassociation from citizens
gee, wonder why everythings getting crazy
>objectively been proven to have tried to overthrow the greatest democracy on the planet
you were perfectly fine with the constitution saying it
article 1 section 6 states that congress has absolute immunity from being questioned about things they said on the floor
how have you never complained about this but now all of a sudden you are a constitutional expert?
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>>one has objectively been proven to have tried to overthrow the greatest democracy on the planet by impeding the democratic process while talking about wanting a third term if he wins the second
You are smoking something if you think the US is still a "democratic country" or more truly a republic with any democratic values. Trump sucks and is a massive fucking faggot but Jan 6th and everything surrounding it has nothing to do with that, you fell for the meme nothing burger that was almost entirely just another operation of PATCON that retard Q boomers fell for hard and ultimately paid the price for and Trump, like always, monitored the situation and couldn't care less.
lol you couldnt even make an actual list and just repeated the same points
yeah man it always takes 2 weeks to count the last few thousand votes
is there are more disrespectful and cringe term in all of terrys memory
If they're furries, do you really need to also say "gay"? It's pretty much implied.
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Issued by the United States War Department on November 30, 1928, The Soldiers Training Manual offered instruction on the topic of Citizenship. Its intent was to prepare soldiers that they "may be returned to civilian life better equipped as the defenders of the institutions of our Government in time of peace as well as in time of war."

The following definitions were published by the authority of the United States Government to differentiate between our Republic and a democracy.


Authority is derived through election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles, and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.


A government of the masses. Authority is derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic, negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the people shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation, or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagoguery, license, agitation, discontent, and anarchy.

For reasons unknown, at the onset of the Great Depression Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued orders that all copies of Training Manual 2000-25 be withdrawn from the Government Printing Office and the Army posts, and that they be suppressed and destroyed without explanation. While this indeed occurred, several copies survived in private ownership and still change hands today.
And wait, there's more.
>dissolve the Department of Education
>Dissolve NOAA
>Schedule F
>Schedule F
>Schedule F
>Schedule F
Read up on what this is, then ask yourself if you really believe Trump isn't involved with Project 2025 if he did this right before his term ended.
they banned the president from twitter over made up reasons, that other anon is 100 percent right
Don't be rude, according to a survey only 55% of furries are gay
thats fine, they just stop reporting crime and claim it went down
i like to hit em with "homicide clearance rate"
did you know that in 1964 americans across the country had a homicide clearance rate of 94%?
that means for every 100 bodies they could tie 94 of them to perpetrators
you dont even wanna know what the homicide clearance rate is today
I hate far left commiepedofurtroons so much
For some reason, Americans hate centrists.
>ask yourself if you really believe Trump isn't involved with Project 2025
well couldnt we just look up who declared themselves a "nevertrumper"?
oh surprise surprise, its a bunch of heritage foundation people!
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>Surveys say
I am unfortunately, a homosexual furfag.
So count me in nigger.
centrists are ok with "holocaust denial" laws
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I'm building an army...an army of based centrists.
>his phone number was leaked
I thought phone numbers are all public?
>Can't people just fucking live in equilibrium
Because they have egos.
>human matter living in the north american economic zone competing for who can prove the other to be more sexually degenerate
>jan 6th and everything surrounding it has nothing to do with that, you fell for the meme nothing burger that was almost entirely just another operation of PATCON that retard Q boomers fell for hard
How does it have nothing to do with overthrowing democracy?
We agree it was nothing more than boomers and low value millenials having a temper tantrum, but in their minds they genuinely thought that it was going to prevent Biden from becoming president and that it would magically give Trump a 2nd term.

Just because it never had a chance of succeeding doesn't really matter, because in the mindset of Qtards, they genuinely thought it would work.
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>try to confirm the existence of such a document
>its real
holy shit pro democracy sisters what do we do about this?!
It was just a bunch of irritated people breaking stuff
No coup was ever attempted
No steps we're taken to overthrow anything
They just went in, protested, came back out
>Being a faggot shouldn't be forbidden but shouldn't be done in public as well, not because of religion or children but because it's unhealthy to have intimacy with strangers

Homosexuality is a mental disorder and the anus is made for expelling waste
It is a false equivalence amd intellectually dishonest to put normal people and subhuman fetishists on the same level
in 1928 the army manual explicitly made it clear that democracy was a bad thing that needed to be overthrown
kinda puts a damper on your whole crusade
>How does it have nothing to do with overthrowing democracy?
It did nothing that changed our "democracy" in anyway. Democracy in the US, however you want to spin it, has not been a thing for decades, if not longer. Your elected officials, no matter who you're putting in, have any power. Here's a milquetoast example, how many times have they been lied to under oath within the walls of Congress by unelected heads of federal agencies and seemingly nothing has been done about it at all and even if they have tried, other agencies have refused to go after them like with the current case of Merrick Garland.
>We agree it was nothing more than boomers and low value millenials having a temper tantrum, but in their minds they genuinely thought that it was going to prevent Biden from becoming president and that it would magically give Trump a 2nd term.
Yeah because they're fucking retarded like I said and trust the plan and to a certain extent, they also still believe and trust in the power of certain parts of the government within the White House to "drain the swamp" and "get rid of those satanic pedos and shiet". The only reason they did that was because they were tricked by that boomer mentality they were fed but also those federal agencies lying to them.
>Dependent on govt for my meds , what about people like me ?
Drain on the system. You are getting free shit you don't need. It's more welfare than healthcare and welfare should be abolished.
I'll add on to that, when it comes to trannies. The doctors who treat them with hormones and all this other crap are ones who refuse to find the root cause of the problem and only seek to reinforce the symptoms by digging them dipper into their delusion with both medical and psychological reinforcement, basically like telling a schizophrenic that they're right about everything and that you should listen to the voices and plus, here's some drugs that can make you become all powerful just like you were always meant to be
>turn the entire world into a turd world shithole
>good cause
>This could be the beginning of a shit show and they apparently have some very juicy stuff on them
Just leak everything already faggots. It's been a long time since the chudbuds kino.
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>muh politics
so they hacked a lgbt club?

ye, from the Hunter Biden laptop archive
never would have guessed that gay animal rapists are ridin' for biden.
chuddy is upset
Standard intelligence laundering, nothing new
>nazi weren't right wing
aka I saw the word socialist and my brain shut down
>Democrats ruled Mississippi all through the Jim Crow era until the early 2000s and the state has literally never recovered
aka I have zero understanding of the history of US political parties
Nothing could possibly be more embarrassing than the shit trannies do in public every day of their life.
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and I will, fuck you small japanese child
and this one's for changi
Good, what have US conservatives actually conserved besides Israel and corporate profits?
every accusation from reds are confessions. there are no exceptions to this rule
Were proud u got a problem
Conservatives are already gay furries. I doubt there was any infiltration involved.
yeah, man. How come you can do it but if i do i get labeled as a pdf file?
Is trannism the key?
I have this condition where every threat towards anyone even a character I'll find a way to be sad and distressed about. Fortunately I'm unremarkable and no one who I'm forced onto knows anything about me or what I did when I was a kid, makes me less anxious.
Isn't hacking a crime anymore in the US? "Unauthorized use of a computer system" or howere the fuck you used to call it?
lynch and physically remove all muh more government faggots
the law only applies to bad people
thats just because ethnic minorities all vote blue due to gibs, if we take only white liberals and only white conservatives the IQ score favors the left
you can access anything through network by design because of remote working
hakkin is about breaking passwords
It's not about the law or who makes it. It's about who decides the exceptions - who gets to break it.
Fucking dogs is subhuman.
There are only two genders.
to be fair you're gonna find faggot pedo shit on basically any politician regardless of what party they defend
>Oldtroon trying to groom the young into xhis death cult
Why do they love this past time so much?
>This could be the beginning of a shit show and they apparently have some very juicy stuff on them
If they really had anything they would have just leaked it already. They don't have shit, nothing ever happens.
I only found out this thing and the 2025 thing from faggot liberals crying about it nonstop. Crazy how insane the American liberal is.
>murder is illegal so why does it happen
Since when were boomers tech literate?
>Unable to engage in debate or rhetoric
>the rhetoric >>101307546
>conservative political organizations
so basically traitors who support gay shit and Israel?
>number of congressmen is based on population
This is a lie. The number was called at 465. A cibgressman from a big city has far more constituents than one in a rural county.
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That's a gen z tranny, just look at the interests in his blogpost.
And if the eleutheromaniac Founders hadn't built the foundation for a cowardly political class, there wouldn't be a "gay furry hacker group" to speak of.
wtf i love centrism now?
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conservatives live rent free in faggots' heads
Why don't they hack Microsoft or other evil megacorpos instead of engaging in political pissing matches
Bernie Sanders did.
I don't think he could have ever delivered on anything he actually promised nor do I agree with anything he says (weed can be legalized but you MUST set up the game surrounding it to help keep people from smoking themselves into retardation), but clearly your memory is shit or you're highly inattentive if you don't remember that.
>(weed can be legalized but you MUST set up the game surrounding it to help keep people from smoking themselves into retardation)
boomer moralfag cope
no such formal structure exists for alcohol or tobacco either you complete dipshit
The only thing this will likely prove, is that so called conservaties aren't as conservative as they like to larp. I'm betting on a lot of catty infights and 16-year-old-girl drama.
All politicians are degens and none of them are your friends.
That being said if I want to be catty myself you think the left leaning side would be into that with them having all these weirdo fetishes. Wait a minute, this is actually 4d chess grift to pull leftwingers right, omg I just cracked the code.
I expect hitsquads to be enroute to me for this revelation. God speed.
>they're just kids and immature and lame and gay and and andndandnadnansdfn *crying intensely*
Meanwhile the other side doesn't do anything at all and constantly loses. How's that working out for you?
>heritage foundation
Assuming the furfags aren't larping the likelihood of this being anything really juicy is pretty low. Probably memos calling Trump a retard, maybe outing some folks like Graham. Donations from Russia. Basically shit nobody cares about because everyone has already made up their minds ballot wise. Hope I'm wrong though because nothing interesting happens anymore.
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If they actually had anything worth releasing, they would do it right away
>literally two wars going on that are proxy wars
>economy is number goes up
>debate where a political party let their president hang out to dry
>nothing ever happens
Whatever stoner. You fucking reek btw
No real person cares about christcucks anyway.
>willfully joining a 2024 year old slave cult that destroyed the millenia-old beliefs and traditions of all european peoples and promotes being a subservient doormat

>weed can be legalized but we MUST add unnecessary restrictions to sate my desire for control!!!
You faggots already got smoking, vaping, dips restricted to hell and back and pushed back to 21+ so now all 18 year olds can do is get into forced debt slavery, die in the middle east, and sometimes fuck. You're already pushing to make more and more things age restricted to later and later ages. What more do you need just to feel in control? No other country feels the need to stop timmy, age 18, FNG private in the army, from having a beer because some absolute cunt decades ago felt like exerting undo control over the populace.
>>economy is number goes up
nvidia goes up, nvideo ceo constantly selling. Does he know something the glorious market doesn't? Of course not..
The debate was about as interesting as walking into an old folks home and sitting a pathological liar and a deminta patient in front of a tv playing 700 club reruns just to listen to them ramble about whose donated more of their children's inheritance to Israel.
... Not at all? landline home phone numbers are public by default. But even then you can get an unlisted number.
I hate SMS 2FA too, fellow leaf. Email 2FA, multiple emails, secure passwords, use a PW mgr, and increasingly, minimizing my internet footprint, deleting old posts, posting most things on private even then, etc.
>2024 year old
*~2030. the monk who calculated the dates was off by a few years and this has been know for a few centuries, but making everyone update their calendars around the world is hard.
>one of the large conservative political organizations in US
>not AIPAC
useless furfags
>retarded Xeet thread is retarded
can't wait for tomorrow to come and go without incident
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Not sure where the left gets their ideas from. They had four years of Trump and yet none of their fear mongering came true. Literally the opposite of everything they said happened.
You love the idea of making it illegal for someone to oppose how (((history))) is written in the books?

Centrists are the the most pussy-footed of all. Too scared to commit to one side or another, they choose to not decide believing it's a safer option so they can avoid personal accountability for the future.

People on the left are ignorant, poorly-- if not falsely-- informed, stubborn and harbor a fanciful political ideology backed by a lizard-brain rationale of tolerance for anyone unopposed and punishment or death for anyone that is... but if there's one thing that could be said about them it's that they at least had some sort of conviction, however deluded it may be.
preddit is exactly made for cuckervative zionist russophobes
That's how society works right now - it's not a partisan issue. How the lizard-brain works in animals, co-exist, until deliberately threatened.

Tolerance can't be a viable strategy? You can exist, bud, just stay the fuck away from me and mine. Not like I have to deliberately (idiotically) intercede in every facet of life I find offensive.
>the anus is for expelling waste
i doubt you have any qualms about getting your dick sucked though, despite the mouth not being intended for that purpose, either
They wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds them.
My point about tolerance is the left tolerates every lifestyle unless it disagrees with them ideologically.

And tolerance has proven to be a shit strategy. The left continues to push the boundaries of tolerance, at one point is was much more libertarian:
>what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom
And has devolved into "parades" of degenerate sexual behavior in front of children

>until threatened
Yeah, the problem is they feel threatened when you tell them completely rational things like voter ID and border security. Only an idiot would want to prevent a more secure election process or to want to know who is coming into their country.

By all means I want to be left alone, I want everyone to be left alone. But the powers that be don't want to leave us alone.
>the left tolerates
and why isn't the right out in the street protesting this? seems like the right tolerates it just as well.
>the children
it's easy to access a swarth of unsavory human activity through the smart phone in all of our pockets, or the television set, or the movie theatre, or just out with people in general. look at the site we're on ffs. I can go to /b/ and immediately get lambasted with the worst of the worst.
>voter ID and border security
This was never a partisan issue.
>Imagine if jihadis came and said they'd ban alcohol

I literally could not give less of a shit.
>Hangovers or hanging fags over roof tops you can only pick one!
Oh my God so difficult to decide!
>Gay furries
so it was an inside job, got it
>all this bullshit
>just to admit being incredibly low IQ and believing there are only two sides
>literally two wars going on that are proxy wars
Nothingburger until Palestine and Russia win.
>economy is number goes up
Always has been.
>debate where a political party let their president hang out to dry
Which everybody knew would happen and nothing came of it.

Nothing ever happens.
I think anyone that writes posts at this level has never even read the words "Sovereign Immunity".
Congress Impeaching and Convicting the President has always been the check on immunity.
>heritage foundation
why would anyone attack them? they're so milquetoast. lol. troons are out of control.
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back when trump meme was funy
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>He didn't marry a Jew so no
Liar. He and his jewish daughter are Chabad.
>this thread won't even survive for anyone to care
damn guess it really WILL come and go without incident lmao!
>gay faggot furries are out of control
as is the normal with child fucking degenerates, troon or not.
cute robot
>Furries are sort of based anyway.
yiff in hell furfag

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