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What are you working on, g?
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Did "ray tracing in one weekend" in rust. I can highly recommend the "book". Don't know if I would recommend doing it in rust, or rust in general though.
Is this kino for learning Lua?
Looks comfy. Would probably play it if I didn't had to work as a code monkey already.
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raw dogging x11 with xcb
You're not rawdogging shit until you're writing opcodes into the socket yourself.
[insert]apic driver
Linux' is 3000 lines, 600 of code and 2400 of parentheses and comments
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I fucking hate the "AI helps developers" meme. GPT just invented a function that doesn't exist, but told me to use it anyway.

Bonus points: it's an assistant specifically made for this interface.
When will the Russians finally nuke us?
Xlib is better, xcb is misguided and poorly designed
Trying to implement blueducky functionality in micropython for esp32 so I can force pair a fake keyboard to android/ios devices, send a bunch of failed unlock attempts, and mass lock people out of their devices. Lol.
so (You) are the ebil hackerman called 4chan.
>use gippity to get code
>it doesn't work
>google it
>read first stack overflow answer
>gippity grabbed the code from there and swapped libraryName1 for libraryName2 and pretended it was a solution for libraryName2
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this is too programming related to be in /dpt/
You sound like a stick-in-the-mud.
I'd ask you how that makes you feel, but we both know you have no feelings to speak of.
I'm correct and you seem to know it too
this is a playground insult
Suuuuuure, and non-blocking I/O is dead in general.
I used to have sympathy for mentally ill people such as you. Not anymore, though.
>so (You) are the ebil hackerman called 4chan.
I just like messing with people's devices in public.
It's called "we do a little trolling".
I especially enjoy turning off kids bluetooth speakers and car stereos.
why are you bitcasting a pointer?
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It wasn't an insult, but an assessment. Stick-in-the-muds in programming feverishly deny parallelism despite it being the best course of action.
to another pointer i mean
You are trying so hard. You must be really self conscious about this. Reread everything you've posted up until now and see if you don't feel even worse about yourself.
>You are trying so hard.
I'd rather just learn how to do what I want. Using GPT seems like cheating
Considering how useless, incompetent, and lazy most people are GPT can sometimes - *sometimes* - provide interesting clues. I was able to completely rid myself of the usual FCGI BS by including my code directly into the worker.

If you think that's cheating, then I think you're coping.
i'm trying to replace reinterpret_cast with bit_cast
i will agree that xcb's docs are shit, garbage, crap, but its existence is justified (blocking vs non-blocking requests).
A while ago I had a problem with an encryption tool I made that I couldn't figure out for hours. In my desperation, I threw the problem at ChatGPT, I thought the code was fine so I was going insane but ChatGPT told me there were numerous issues with how I'm using the OpenSSL API, after adjusting the code, things broke even worse. As it turned out later, I'm a fucking retard, and accidentally overrode my plaintext input folder with my encrypted output folder, so I was trying to encrypt already encrypted files, which is why my code "didn't" work, but since I asked ChatGPT to find issues with the code, it made up some issues to fulfill the request.
When did single header libraries get out of fashion?
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Anyone know why this doesn't compile? I get a "remove_if: no matching overloaded function found" error.
When the gap between CPU speed and memory speed got so worse that instruction caches became a thing. Thing is, with header libraries there's lots of duplicate code that can easily exhaust the instruction caches.

And I would argue that compilers aren't good enough at compile-time optimizations yet to provide an actual benefit, otherwise LTO would be far more useful than it currently is.
Works on my machine, with gcc -std=c++23. Also check out std::erase.
Maybe your compiler doesn't like the fact that string has chars and isspace takes int, in which case wrap it into a lambda.
you're using namespace std so it's picking the template version because it's a better match
Reading head first design patterns. i dunno java that well tho so i'm also translating the code to go
With package managers.
>Maybe your compiler doesn't like the fact that string has chars and isspace takes int, in which case wrap it into a lambda.
This was it. I just updated from Visual Studio 2019 to 2022, and I guess they have slightly different C++ versions or something.
Why exactly am I learning Rust if Java can do things essentially just as fast?
>just as fast
Nice try, Rajeesh.
Java won't make you beautiful and valid.
C libraries should be distributed as single header file
>just recompile the world every time you want to fix a grammar mistake in "hello wrld"
>and never use .dlls they are bloat
you need to compile it only once you fucking retard
>I have no clue how compiler works
you're completely and utterly retarded
Nicked some code off Graphcore's github because I'm experimenting with a new ML architecture. Found several key parts of their preprocessing which I could make up to 2 orders of magnitude faster, which makes me happy but also sad that I don't have the resources to simply not care about that kind of optimisation.
I love how no one will ever listen to you. Good riddance.
you have no idea how single header file libraries work you dumb fucking retard
just wait for modules to be backported from cepples in C35
Literally no u.
>i'm trying to replace reinterpret_cast with bit_cast
thoughts on copperspice https://github.com/copperspice/copperspice? Is it worth putting in the effort to make it run vs qt5? I am wondering if it will speed up build times or startup times of qt applications its just so unbearable slow compared to gtk.
I agree
Go fuck yourself
And if not?
>inb4 absolutely nothing but silent, impotent seething
>xcb is misguided and poorly designed
Xlib is literally implemented with xcb. xcb is a low level X protocol library, and once you understand that and the X11 protocol weirdness, it makes a lot more sense.

>xcb's docs are shit
Honestly, just use the X11 spec and extension specs as the documentation.
Please recommend me some nice website for learning Java like it is for C++(i.e. learncpp.com). The one I'm using right now uses Java 8.
mostly memory consumption. Also java is still using the old way not the fancy new stuff.
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this. our pajeet management forced everyone to use AI assistants in their work, and now expects regular reports on how great these are, and how much our productivity increased. most of the time this shit just gets in your way. it may be ok for CRUD monkeys, but it never helped me with anything substantial. reading, understanding and fixing its retarded suggestions takes me longer than writing it myself. so now I basically need to waste time on fake positive feedback to the management, because unless you are on board with the """progress""", "you will be left behind". fucking circus world.
that changed nothing in the binary you absolute dumbfuck
Finding all the odd numbers between 0-100.
int a = [10];
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
if( (a[i] < 0) || (a[i] > 100) ){
It says in literally the 0th chapter of k&r that you can compile functions separately.
>The functions of a C program may be compiled separately.
Why do nocoders come into programming threads and then type shit out of their disgusting assholes?
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Ah, a classic.

That's not what single header means, you subhuman.
>I finished k&r so I happen to be an expert
can't make this shit up
If you finished k&r you are better than 99.5% of programmers. Look at the answer book by Tondo and Gimpel and you will see many incorrect solutions, and solutions using not yet shown language features.
>shuffle a deck of cards
Almost assuredly the interviewer doesn't know the correct solution, otherwise he wouldn't asking this. 52! will crush any puny clib prngs? Either way you will be making at least a double digit number calls to rand
>programmer from the top 0.5% doesn't understand why the header and source separation is needed
I don't know what's funnier, your face or possibility that in current year this may be true.
Learn to read, it's not my job to educate you.
>did I say single header? I meant precompiled headers!!1!
There is no difference. Are you regularly modifying libraries? Do it in your own code then. Oh wait. You don't code.
spent 8 hours installing rust on windows10.
spent 10 hours on rust-analyzer errors.
powershell is broken.
claude keeps lying to me about rust.
only rust would take a year to run Hello World.
such dangerous language must be banned asap
>There is no difference
nta, but lmao
>If you finished k&r you are better than 99.5% of programmers.
you just did a cringe
nothing really, having a comfy gov job, playing games at work and sometimes reading retardations on 4chan

should probably do >>101313491 but I only know C and I worked in SDL but I'm too lazy these days
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>There is no difference.
This keeps getting better and better.
What don't you understand. If your single header library takes too long to compile you can precompile it. Obviously you would never do this in reality, as it's not worth the <1ms, but you could if it was.
You've never read k&r and you don't code.
Sorry, but I don't understand insane.
To compensate for that I understand how linking works, and that the linker requires exactly one definition. Not more, not less.
Completely irreverent to compilation. Try again.
Sorry, but I don't try to convince insane people. That would be, y'know, insane.
Do you think a single header c library will depend on functions in YOUR code? I'm sorry I don't understand the mind of a nocoder.
So you don't understand your own mind? Makes sense.
>goes from:
>"C libraries should be distributed as single header file"
>pre-compiled headers and single header libs are the same thing
ok hear me out
C libraries should be distributed as pre-compiled headers
>>pre-compiled headers and single header libs are the same thing
nobody actually believes this right? one is source code the other is a binary file.
What if I want SSE or AVX support?
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How the fuck are people still filtered so hard by C libraries?
pkg-config has existed for well over 20 years.
you are mixing single-header and header-only, arent't you?
The post clearly said:
>C libraries should be distributed as pre-compiled headers
, and I asked what to do if I want to use instructions that aren't in the precompiled output.
pre-compiled headers are recreated when you change compiler settings. or at least should. if they aren't, you are doing something wrong.
>pre-compiled headers are recreated when you change compiler settings
So distributing them in that form doesn't make sense. Good to know.
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>We should do this
>>Noooo, it has this problem!
>Here's the solution if you have that problem
>>Noooo, not like that, muh goonpostes
You are so dumb holy shit. How did you even come up with this? Might want to reread the little documentation that exists for xcb
yes, obviously. distributing as single-header is pointless too.
at least we have the most retarded opinion of this thread behind us
I love how you wrote 25 words, yet none of them had a single point. Reminds me of an ape throwing feces.
holy shit that is not what it says lmao that's fucking hilarious, bit_cast is used to reinterpret the bytes of an object, not the reference to the object.
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xcb is largely machine generated code from an XML definition of the X protocol.
You have <xcb/xcb.h> which is the "core", that's related to the connection itself, and <xcb/xcb_*.h> for some other utility shit, but when you get into the real meat and potatoes, you're using <xcb/xproto.h>, <xcb/xinput.h>, <xcb/present.h> or whatever, and those are generated from the corresponding XML files at /usr/share/xcb/.
Those XML files support adding documentation, but nobody bothered to add it for most of it.

So you make your way over to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/xorgproto/-/tree/master and find the corresponding text-version of whatever the fuck you're trying to do, and that'll match up to some function in xcb you're looking for.
Say I'm interested in this request: XISelectEvents: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/xorgproto/-/blob/master/specs/XI2proto.txt#L1106-1131
And inside <xcb/xinput.h>, there it is: xcb_input_x1_select_events, and I can actually know what the fuck the arguments mean.

TL;DR: You're a dumbass.
>>Noooo, it has this problem!
You forgot to mention it also has no benefit.
>you have to jump through this hoop and that hoop and if you do not you are retarded
Fair, you're certainly less wrong than I thought. This does not sell xcb even slightly however.
how u do stuff in xcb and xlib are pretty different even for simple stuff. Like getting a TrueColor visual
yeah, that's why everyone just uses libpng instead of stb_image
honestly, I don't even understand what you're trying to say
Oh, it's definitely not obvious in the slightest. I do wish that itself was put down somewhere, at least more explicitly. Doing anything non-trivial in xcb without knowing about the xorg/proto repository is next to impossible.

I came at this from a Wayland background, and you realise how actually similar they are, and how most things are designed SPECIFICALLY to fix some issue they had with how X11 did it.

>pretty different even for simple stuff
xcb is literally just speaking X11 protocol messages. Xlib is more high level.
>Like getting a TrueColor visual
I never wrote any xcb code dealing with X11 rendering. I was doing DRI3/present stuff, and then a few extras like xinput.
I still object to the idea that Xlib is implemented in xcb just because xcb is a protocol wrapper.
so this is what the GREAT Luma looks like? looks as fake as other AIs
>Implementing high level library on top of low level library
That's not strange at all. The only weirdness is how it wasn't always that way, and xcb was "backported" into Xlib.

You can technically use both at the same time:
You used to have to do this if you wanted to use OpenGL, because GLX, and more importantly, EGL, were only defined in terms of the Xlib API, so you'd create an Xlib connection, use it to create your OpenGL context, then get the underlying xcb_connection_t, make it the "queue owner" (affects how events are handled), and then just pretend Xlib doesn't exist anymore. Even Mesa doesn't want to fuck around with Xlib and uses the xcb connection too, making it extra pointless.

Only very recently did they add a version that allows you to just use the xcb type directly:
good name for an executable file format?
Is it physically possible to make hardware that webshits can't make slow? Like Chromium traverses the DOM every time it updates, but if we had no cache and main ram was just 1000x faster this wouldn't be a problem.
At what level of OOP brainrot does it become intentionally malicious? Chromium is too far, Xorg is too far. Linux?
Bean counters can already know your internet traffic and they
already have tickets or commits. It's a feature the AI assistant
vendor considered but rejected because it looks bad.
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Taking a break from Erlang to code some bluetooth shit in C on linux,

Discovering that Bluez is undocumented and the Bluetooth foundation requires you to sign up to download a developer guide.

Fucking fuckers.
if it was just about work tracking, they could have just installed monitoring software on my (theirs) laptop. I think they really believe AI will improve performance.
meant for >>101321850
>XSAVEOPT, uses edx:eax and xcr0 as a mask for what of the extended state (think vectors) should get saved
>ring 3
you can 100% get the contents of xcr0 this way BRUH
Guaranteed ghidra or some other nsa software uses this and some other hidden instruction to privilege escalate
anyone here using the mold link for c++ projects? I feel like its much faster than ldd. I got compile times for my qt application down to 300ms from 6s with modl+precompiled headers its fucking nice.
>Is it physically possible to make hardware that webshits can't make slow?
NO >>>/g/sqt/
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>Is it physically possible to make hardware that webshits can't make slow?
There's guns and bullets to the head.
already taken (as a foundation name thoughbeit)
Better EFF.
Don't use any extension
.bin if you must
so based it wrapped around to cringe and then to based again
yeah but there is a specification behind it so there is got to be a name
C++ gods is there a way to do something like this?
Template <typename T>
void something(){
iftype Myclass

????? would be very many help make me grateful.
[project] executable format
still does not need extension.
template specialization
>https ://www.geeksforgeeks.org/template-specialization-c/
>"yeah bro just do function overloading... with a whole new function"
...so the compiler cant just do

Template <typename T>
void myfunc(argone){
if (argone > this.enum.MACRO){
void myfunc(void);

and just ignore code involving the missing argument in expansion? sad honestly.
It's Hobson's choice.
this >>101322571
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
void something()
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Myclass>)
// code
Stop telling people they need to learn *insert declarative language here* no, it won't "expand their mind" It's all equivalent to pipes until you start using higher order functions, and then it's just pipes with command substitutions.

>tries to minimize side effects
>by doing 10x-10000x the number of assembly instructions
>>don't worry bro we so type safe we have cut out 90% of all incorrect programs
>doesn't tell you that he cut out 99.99% of correct programs (as well as 100% of the fast ones)
Douchebag declarativefag.
that means nothing
jesus christ ok as long as i dont have to write a redundant 200 lines

Thank you boyz
Eat shit or die.
There, is that easier to understand for your compromised mind?
Are you female by chance? Because that's a lot of words, and I have no idea what you're talking about.
...maybe you are autistic and dont understand that others cant read your thoughts meaning you must express yourself clearly.
What you said added nothing to what we previously said, hence i said "that means nothing", whatever though, you might be schizofrenic in addition to autistic.
>higher order
not programming, gb2reddit
Using programs is, by definition, programming; chuddy. Go back to /pol/
a semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought
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>Using programs is, by definition, programming
Not an argument, nor a parameter heh
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You didn't rise to a level that would require an argument as response.
I couldn't get Copilot to write
powerset :: [a] -> [[a]]
all the completions copied the upper triangular choose two
function I already wrote. Maybe if I wrote a comment it would
go, but it's only three lines of code for the one that's dumb with
Too bad management can't say what they mean. If they really
were confident about LLM, they wouldn't have to pretend that
they haven't decided yet. Is calling it out as a forgone
conclusion the same as rejecting LLM? Such games don't
actually save face.
>Did "ray tracing in one weekend" in rust.
How is that possible? You used unsafe?
i am using a linux desktop so i am actively programming a kernel, windowing system, drivers and my browser
>t. Turing tarpit
The c++ code for that translates rather well to rust. Not a single unsafe in my code.
>Is calling it out as a forgone conclusion the same as rejecting LLM?
yeah, I think so. management is too blinded by AI shills selling them on a pipe dream of instant bug fixes at $0.03 a pop. they really don't want to let go off that vision. you, trying to convince them it ain't gonna happen, are just a luddite scared for his job, who holds the company back behind the competition. because, of course, in their minds, the competition is already doing all their development with AI at a fraction of our costs. I just keep quiet, and wait for the bubble to pop.
yesterday i asked ai to tell me which number interrupt vectors are divided by to determine priority (dumb question but i had forgor) and it told me they are divided by 8 and that 255/8 was 31.something and it got truncated
I was like "damn ai cant do this..."
and my neighbours heard me and laughed, lol, they probably think i am some jeet pasting chatgpt code kek
Is this a good source to become familiar with Azure, also does anyone else think the guy looks like a mix between an elf and goblin with very large arms and hands

that doesn't make it valid
but hare is better
samefag NIGGER
they made a talk for /dpt/
Cumming. It's been getting difficult. I've lost a lot of sensitivity and keep having to grip harder. I need to be really mentally into it so I can cum.
Have you been eating onions
My bad meant soi
i dont know how i am supposed to reply to that so i will
No, mushrooms and garlic usually
Are you Italian? And a plumber?
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I'm analyzing a dataset with pandas and sklearn and I'm trying to figure out if the coefficients I get for my linear regression model make sense.
Does anyone know?
All the values here seem pretty high, does that imply that all my features somehow have a strong influence on the target variable? It seems weird since I've standardized the values beforehand.
that's one reason, the other is consistency. I'll just use bit_cast everywhere instead of bit_cast in some places and reinterpret in others.
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Hi, I have a python script which renames files in a directory (with a few other options), but I want to turn it into an exe with a GUI where you can input a directory, a toggle(for something specific), and a start button. How do I accomplish this? I want to go all the way from .py to .exe
those are two separate issues. The first one you need a GUI library to make a window. The second one you need pyinstaller to make an exe.
But anon the consistency
All functions should just be bit_cast
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interesting read anon, what i get from that is to use bit_cast wherever you can, but it is ok to reinterpret_cast in some cases. pic related
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(this is a LED matrix 192x128 pixels 96x64cm, running M-O-D-E-R-N sepples on my own risc-v CPU written in vhdl. All self-made except the coompilers)
Sure I guess, if you just read the bit_cast reference page you will see that it's implemented with memcpy plus some compiler magic to let it work in constexpr context. So you just use bit_cast in lieu of using memcpy. If you are going to try to access an object through a pointer to a different type then it makes no sense to memcpy the pointer since it's exactly the same thing as just copying the pointer but you are using a library function for no reason.
how do I become a 10x programmer?
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You show the inventor of that term picrel.
hire a team of .1x programmers from india
Scripting (for CyberSec)
unbelievably based.
sirs, the oop scaled.
>I want to go all the way from .py to .exe
how about you pick up C#?
I know what bit_cast does, though, I guess bit_casting between two pointers makes no sense, I'll try to not just blindly follow linters from now on. Thanks anon
>Progress on profiles is slow going. We did get agreement in SG23 on using an attribute-like syntax for declaring profiles. So something along the lines of
[[ Profiles::enable(...) ]]
, instead of something like
profiles enable(...)
. The attribute-like syntax will make it easier to enable profiles in code that needs to be compiled in new standards and old standards.
bravo, guys. keep rearranging those chairs on the titanic lmao

>Sean Baxter presented on memory safety and borrow checking in C++. This was similar to his Safe C++ talk on YouTube. This approach has a lot of promise, and SG23 heavily encouraged more work in this area. https://youtu.be/5Q1awoAwBgQ
>POLL: We should promise more committee time on borrow checking, knowing that our time is scarce and this will leave less time for other work.
>20 7 1 0 0
just lol

erroneous behavior and this paper passing are a decent sign but too little too late
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>Sean Baxter presented on memory safety and borrow checking in C++
That's the official deathblow to C++. It's an admission that they will never ever be able to pull up to C, so now they try to be a poor man's Rust.

Good fucking riddance.
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>Rusttroons are EEEing C++
This is why I'm sticking to C++98 now.
This is why I'm sticking to C++23 now.
C's next btw
Only a matter of time before they ruin the C standard
So Cniles, don't laugh at Seppleschads for being brutally murdered by the Crab Cult.
Yeah, keep your FUD to yourself, nigger.
>inb4 more FUD
This is the 4th time my 66 line funtion works when it shouldn't and I'm starting to worry
Is there any programming language that ISN'T compromised by "le memory safety" and "le blazingly fast" bullshit anymore though?
t. rustcultist
Nothing to do with Rust. Circle is laundering it in
>t. rustcultist
Wrong, but I'm happy I got you to bark.
A rust cultist in a discord server I left (due to it being overrun with rust cultists) said that Sean Baxter "will fix C/C++". So I have reason to believe it's Rust that's involved.
>Is there any programming language that ISN'T compromised by "le memory safety"
Only retarded ones like Zig and Odin
>reee you called me out I mean hahaha you took my bait
I'm sure no one misses your uneducated ass
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>I'm sure no one misses your uneducated ass
>you called me out
And here I thought Rusties were completely delusional.
Nothing he said indicated anything positive towards Rust. You're blinded by anger over a programming language, a very adult behavior
*Ahem*. Fuck Rust. Fuck C++. Fuck C. Fuck all programming languages.
Code in assembly.
my conspiracy theory is that eventually rust will legally become the required language for any company and you'll have to get licensed in rust in order to be able to work, and you will only get the license if you don't have wrong think or smth
to >>101329910
Why else do you think the government is advocating for Rust?
>nooooooooooo i hate proving that my code does what i think it does!! just let me compile and ship broken, insecure code!
programmers should be licensed/certified. would weed out bad tons of programmers
>You're blinded by anger over a programming language, a very adult behavior
Tell that to Rust cultists, not me, they seethe at C and C++.
Holy projection, Batman!
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Memory safety means less headaches for people writing code. You're retarded if you think memory safety is some boogeyman. From the Safe C++ talk, none of these things are things I want to compile in my language if I can check them at compile time
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And like clockwork, the rust cultists have arrived. My anti-rust rhetoric lured them out, now they'll make this thread unbearable for the next hour.
You're welcome.
i'm not talking about quality, i'm talking about government control. There's absolutely garbage rust code out there that compiles, just like in any other language.
Don't care, my arenas are orders of magnitudes faster than whatever memory-safe bullshit is being churned out these days.
>arena schizo
of course lmao
Shhh, don't tell him that, he thinks Rust is perfect in every way, it'll break his worldview! Who knows what he might do when he realizes that his worldview is based on lies?
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I'm still waiting for that registry dumper, y'know.
The one that beats my seven seconds? Yeah, I haven't forgotten.
lmao registry guy, been a while
i never said anything about rust, stop being obsessed with one language and think about the bigger picture for one second
Since I revealed myself? Certainly.
But quit avoiding the subject.
well I am talking about rust, C++ and any safe languages that show up are trying to be safe but it is a losing battle against rust, the government will defer to rust eventually.
>the government will defer
But that's a Go thing
nah, I trust that your code is performant. I'm just learning C++23.
I can't wait for the government's systems to be taken over because the sad excuses of programmers that were hired only ever focused on memory safety, but not on the fact that the MySQL server was openly hanging on port 3306 with the root password being "mellon".
Memory safety is a weaker type of programming that runs slower than bare metal native code, maybe you haven‘t learned from the last 30 years of prior attempts to dethrone the first programming language, still the best, 1972
bait used to be believable
Everything is believable since November 2016.
i will not get in the pod, i will not eat the bugs, and I will not get licensed in rust
So how many thermonuclear dead-man devices have you hidden across the country to destroy huge swaths of society once they arrest you?
I have a library called "cracklib" on my computer so I checked out what it does and I see this FascistCheckUser in it
I'll keep programming in the last unsafe C++ standard and then move to a third world country when push comes to shove
>destroy huge swaths of society
That would be doing humanity a favor
But humanity doesn't know that. Just ask any random person you know if rape, torture, and mass murder are a good thing. If they say "no", then they're prime target for execution.
Good for you. Unfortunately I'm white and can't deal with yearly temperature averages above 12°C.
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I'm writing a perseus tufts xml parser and translator (it stores ancient greek texts in beta code.)
Mostly because I'm writing a C language preprocessor and I need to test it out by writing something actually useful. Also, I don't have a beta code translator, yet I need one, and don't feel like finding some shitty one someone else made.
Xml is not that hard to roll your own basic parser for. The hardest part is the beta code - as you can see by the fact that I don't have diacritics yet.
Why don't you test it with this black magic? Even the standard MS preprocessor fucked it up and they had to provide a switch for standard behavior.
>Xml is not that hard to roll your own basic parser for.
mount stupid
Is github down
Nevermind I'm having an episode
apparently it didn't for anything but the string "randy"
I don't think you understand what I mean by "C pre-processor." Look on the left side of the pic. That's my source code. It's little more than a find-replace macro system to generate more terse C code and ease both writing and editing.
The "black magic" would probably work perfectly fine in conjunction with this preprocessor because my system is based around detecting UTF-8 chars and so doesn't touch basic ascii, but it doesn't really interest me because I'd need to include a separate header and keep track of it in whatever project I'm working on. I can also trivially translate my source into a version that anyone with basic C99 knowledge will be able to understand, which I can't do with your suggested macro system.
Idk that sounds like you just have a skill issue if you think parsing a subset of xml is the dark souls of programming.
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Do you absolutely need C++ or C# for serious game development?
I'd like to try my hand at making a game, maybe even writing my own engine, but I'd rather use a more enjoyable language
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The higher the language the less ways you have to avoid other peoples laziness and incompetency, simple as.
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Working on designing the API for my dbus client library, going for a more declarative "designated initializer spam" approach compared to other libraries.
I only have the bare basics and need to to complex types like structs/arrays/variants, but I think I like the direction this is taking.

Int32: -50
String: "aaa"
Uint64: 100
String: "qwertyuiop"
wrapping system calls to see if the virtual filesystem abstraction scales and then basic multiprocessing and multithreading support is done
but you are not doing serious game development
the bottleneck is you most likely quitting not the programming language so use whatever you want
>tfw realize you got memed into templating when you could have used an array of pointers
what the fuck. I feel like i am in the "easy times make soft men" kind of deal
weekly programming thread
I figured out I had an index wrong before, here is what seems more reasonable.

#include <search.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static char *data[] = { "alpha", "bravo", "charlie", "delta",
"echo", "foxtrot", "golf", "hotel", "india", "juliet",
"kilo", "lima", "mike", "november", "oscar", "papa",
"quebec", "romeo", "sierra", "tango", "uniform",
"victor", "whisky", "x-ray", "yankee", "zulu"

ENTRY *ep;


for (size_t i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
e.key = data[i];
/* data is just an integer, instead of a
pointer to something */
e.data = (void *) i;
ep = hsearch(e, ENTER);
/* there should be no failures */
if (ep == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "entry failed\n");

for (size_t i = 22; i < 26; i++) {
/* print two entries from the table, and
show that two are not in the table */
e.key = data[i];
ep = hsearch(e, FIND);
printf("%9.9s -> %9.9s:%d\n", e.key,
ep ? ep->key : "NULL", ep ? (int)(ep->data) : 0);

why couldn't POSIX define actually useful API for containers, hsearch just makes them look bad.
Be the change you want to see.
Start yapping more. Say more dumb shit to get (You)s.
Become controverted.
>actually useful API for containers
Writing a "proper" general purpose API doesn't feel very "C standard library"-y.
But hsearch is an API literally from the 80s, cut it some slack, and then pretend it doesn't exist.
Honestly, that one fag actually managed to kill the thread. Nobody wanted to deal with his inane shit.
why despite interacting with living fossils (NS stands for NextStep), layers of boilerplate that are on their 3rd iteration of improved less boilerplaty boilerplate UIKit still feels more /comfy/?
Maybe there was one than one of them, but there was a common theme, mainly schizophrenia.
>then pretend it doesn't exist.
you know, they could have fixed it
Eh, nobody would use it anyway.
How would you even improve it in a backwards compatible way? And once you decide that, then you have to go through the massive pain in the ass process of trying to change a standard, and then you may then discover why nobody bothered.
There were a lot of them and they significantly contributed to reply count and interval.
If mass alone is what you want to optimize for, that's how you achieve it.
Naming is the hardest problem in programming and the man that came up with that is an artist in its solution.
>How would you even improve it in a backwards compatible way
keep the old functions but add <hashtable.h> that manages it's own memory and implements functions that you would expect from a hash search table.
Or make interesting and thought provoking contributions by posting projects or initiating non-polarizing discussion.
Except it doesn't communicate what it is. I thought it was going to be a word policing and censorship function.
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>compare two floats that are apparently 1.00 and 1.00
>they're "not equal"
>using equal on floats
is it american hour already?
float calculations are deterministic so there is nothing wrong with using equals to compare them
Leetcode daily
These "mediums" have been feeling like easies lately
Not gonna complain, I'm happy to get it done in < 15 minutes
Thoughts on Hungarian Notation? From what I understand, it was useful for apps programming back in the day when compilers and IDEs didn't help programmers know what each variable was, but systems programmers took the idea and ran with it and got out of hand.
Basically, apparently Systems Hungarian is bad, while Apps Hungarian is good but no longer necessary?
>finally got the login done
So why the fuck does nginx even call the handler when the body isn't ready yet?
>but muh streaming
The fucking content length was 28 bytes.
i j k index variables are still very common, even in languages where you still have to declare them as int.
That's not necessarily fascist. Fascism is defined by it's stringent and arbitrary exclusion of individuals based on racial or national group characteristics - observable or historical facts to be prejudicially discriminated against. This does not require censorship, and implies a great deal about what type of thing a function named "fascist check" checks against and is purposed for.
That produces a quality thread, not necessarily an active thread. If you really want a thread every day, on the dot, that probably necessitates a lowering of quality.
if the compiler were not shit it would be
1) not using 32bit floats
2) but in case it does, it should be running a conversion on one of the operands and then doing the comparison
compiler developers are retarded, Anon expected quality and got nonsense instead.
I always did i, j, k as my index variables but over the last month I've been doing i, ii, iii instead lol
is this a bot? OK, in this post i am going to explain to you why the perceived "quality" of a thread is irrelevant.

It is simple really, let us make the following consideration:
.low-effort posts are not made by potential high-quality posters, if they are (schizos) the ability of the high-quality posters to dish out is not inhibited by their schizofrenia.
Now, since the number of quality posts is never going to be altered we can come to the conclusion that what (You) care about is the ratio of shitpost/quality, what i care about is entertainment, hence shitposting is good.

>but the shitposters drive away high-quality posters
no they dont, they drive away larpers and midwits (aka haskell trannies)
The most objective measure of thread quality is the ratio of posts about C to posts about literally any other subject. It doesn't matter if the thread slows down to one post every twelve hours. What matters is whether it's thoroughly dominated by real C men who have big dicks and fuck their computers.
this is best post of thread, good job anon
All I ask is for just one thought provoking C++ post per thread, that is about an actual nuance of the language, that has some broader implication than just the question being asked. That isn't some waste of time about how using the language wrong produces a less than optimal result or the standard library is bad because you can implement one particular function yourself and it's better. Waiting in vain.
Low effort posts are all shitposts, and vice versa. "High-effort shitposting" is a misnomer for ironic shitposting, which isn't actually shit and, I agree, often entertaining.
If you want more effort posting, you're still not going to get around it taking longer for the average person to post - and if you want more activity, you have to be intriguing enough consistently enough and most people, no matter how highly they think themselves, will have to reduce quality to "keep up."
you should use i, i1, i2, i21, i111
high effort!
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Why have you been doing fizz buzz wrong for years?

>What are you working on, g?
Well... firstly, it's "/g/"!

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as "Woman," is in fact, Man/Chopped penis, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Man plus Mental Illness. Women are not human unto themselves, but rather another free individual of a fully functioning communal system made useful by the patriarchy, social structure, and motherly obligations, a social system comprising a wholesome community as produced by evolution.

Many of societies individual partake as part of a modified version of the community system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, a version of individual which is widely observed today is often called "Woman", and many of them are not aware that they are basically a small piece of a community system, developed by the evolutionary process.

There really is a Woman, and some people are it, but cutting your dick off doesn't make you one. Woman is the mother: a individual in the societal system that performs vital social functions that you are incapable of. The Woman is an essential part of a community system, but useless by itself; it can only survive in the context of a complete societal system. Woman normally exists in combination with a functioning community operating system: the whole system is basically society with Women added, Man plus Mental Illness doesn't count. All the so-called "Women" distributions are really distributions of Man/Chopped penis.
>Some people are too smart to solve fizzbuzz
That's a new cope
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>There are likely no significant performance improvements to fizzbuzz in realworld scenarios to be had
First off, there are no realworld uses for fizzbuzz. Second, there are significant performance improvements to be had, you just have to know assembly.
What's the difference between an unsigned int and a size_t?
size_t is an alias for some other unsigned integer type. There may not be any difference on your system. It's not an abstract type and it only functions as a message to the compiler (and other programmers) about the way the integer will be used. Every type in C is about describing the width and usage of single (or aggregate patterns) of integers or floats.
size_t is an unsigned integer type used to represent the size of any object (including arrays) in the particular implementation. The operator sizeof yields a value of the type size_t. The maximum size of size_t is provided via SIZE_MAX, a macro constant which is defined in the <stdint.h> header (cstdint header in C++). size_t is guaranteed to be at least 16 bits wide. Additionally, POSIX includes ssize_t, which is a signed integer type of the same width as size_t. 
Spreadsheet/gnuplot retard from the other day here
I was angry to have to abandon gnuplot or C entirely because, while it's shit, it still seems like the easiest way of making cool plots.
I locked on and was able to do what I wanted, I'm happy.
I gave up and my C program now outputs data to a .csv, instead of being completely automated.
Then I use a little bash executable thingy to generate a graph of the .csv data on gnuplot with a double click.
>automating a 10min task in 10hours
it is what it is
this post is unreadable on mobile
That's your own fault for being internet pollution
So? It's perfectly readable on a normal screen that's 15" diagonally with a resolution of 1366 by 768.
size_t is basically a mistake, an unsigned type that should never wrap around even though it's well defined if it does
Huh? Memory safety is a pretty useful thing. of course C++ is going to try to absorb it like everything else
"Weaker"? It's all compiled and optimized by Clang anyway. If you can turn off certain runtime aspects like range checks in certain parts of the code, then you can make those parts just as fast as "unsafe" code.
Rust and safe/unsafe C++ both compile to bare metal native code. What are you talking about?
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>1366 by 768
very blocky
>check manual for something
>eye catches "reserved" in the bits aside from the x-x+9 of pagetree entries
>"no fucking way i messed this up"
>i messed it up
well, the worst parts were generic anyway i guess
nevermind i think i was right all along, please dont buy intel because they are fucking morons, the time of the 486 is long gone
is there a way to feed text messages into a sentiment AI ? I dont want to read any bad texts I receive...
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anons is it worth writing my own engine in C and opengl and glfw? I saw this guy named jdh on youtube and was finally inspired to learn programming instead of playing games
>is it worth
as a learning experience? maybe. if you want to actually make a game? hell no.
>Hungarian Notation
obsolete and generally discouraged since the 90s.
>inb4 some autistic contrarian retard starts defending it
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No. No sane person should ever use C in 2024. Even the congress said to avoid using it. Use Rust, or even C++. Who the fuck wants to learn opengl? What is this the 90s? Use a engine like Unity or Unreal retard.
Some of the best games of the last X years are made in the free version of unity, there's no point.
>>inb4 some autistic contrarian retard starts defending it
Everyone who disagrees with someone is an autistic contrarian retard to that person these days though. It's all a matter of opinion. What you think are "the right opinions" might be retarded and insane to others.
>Noooo use an existing engine made by megacorpos! Or at least use Rust, the language endorsed by the governments!
Crabs, all of you.
Don't listen to those clowns, satanbro. Listen to your heart. Do what you feel is best. If you want to do C/opengl, go for it my bro. Me personally, I'm coding from scratch with C++98 and DX8.1
>inb4 someone goes "ngmi"
Yeah but at least I'm not using poonity and have the balls and spine to try to make my own unique engine you cowards.
>What is this the 90s
>"90s bad"
"old bad, new good" as they wrongly say. Next you'll say C is bad and Rust is the best shit ever. Oh wait, you already did.
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Not everyone is gonna make the next Hollow knight or cruelty squad
>he makes his tech stack decisions based on what congress says
"Any statement I disagree with or is hard for me to swallow is bait!" - (You)
Face it, you're wrong, using Unity is wrong, using Rust is wrong. Sure, OOP has gone too far in a few places, but so has the new conventions.
Retrocoding is better than you think.
Programmers who use unity or unreal end up with brainrot and can't grasp the simple fundamentals. That shit is only good for technical artists.
The keyword is "helps"
I think you're all retards doing stupid shit if you don't find a use for copilot. It's literally just advanced autocompletion and it works well.
>I want to program in outdated ways and this is what I wish, and anyone who disagrees with me is a automatic closeminded faggot
Unity is literally the best game engine in the world. It is so perfect, so divine, so beautiful. Its logo, its CEOs, its UI. It can make games faster and smoother than DOOM. Seriously. It is literally the closest to a perfect software to ever exist. It has C#, endorsed by a mega corporation, Microsoft, and has a benevolent dictator CEO
>I want to program in cucked ways using an engine that strips my game's code of any identity, and anyone who disagrees me is an automatic, closeminded faggot
See, *your* post is bait, not mine.
>It's so perfect
Look, I've literally used Unity in the past for 10 years, and the more I used it, the less I liked it.
>Make games faster and smoother than DOOM.
Wasn't the Unity port of DOOM way worse than native versions?
>C#; good
Fair to be honest, I have no problem with C# in of itself.
>Endorsed by Microsoft; good
Now I know you're trolling
FAANG companies are gods. Sub Archons. Agencies that have surpassed any material limits. Cells that have more energy than they know how to invest. The Billionaires who own them are another species of humans different from the common man. The future is dark, in which we all are normalized to excess corporate consumerism. If you want to keep yourself safe in the future, use Unity, C#, and corporate products. Heck, we are risking our future selves by using 4chan right now
i did it too in rust, unfortunately at the time it was really old c++ style. actually found several bugs in the implementation because of rustc alone.
it was cool to learn from but it's not that practical compared to modern techniques in things like the pbr book or if you want to do realtime things

you don't need any unsafe. the code in the book used to wrap everything in shared_ptr and still had bugs all over
/agdg/ and anyone influenced by them hate people learning to program because they're all retarded money grubbing whores proud of their own stupidity and hyperfixated on earning money through games but there's genuine benefit in it, especially because graphics programming is widely reapplicable
use learnopengl.com
New thread:
I dont know how to find odd numbers off the top of my head and I have been a software dev for like 6 years professionally. The only one of those questions that I knew how to do without looking anything up was at line 60. leetcode questions like this have no relevance to the actual job which makes the whole thing retarded.
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bad bot

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