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old >>101285392
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How the hell do I stop myself from staying up late? No alarms seem to work, I just turn them off and continue. It's not like I'm doing anything that needs to be done immediately either.
Perhaps I could set an event to hibernate my pc..........
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It is done. Please work. And thank you for reading my blogpost.
Eat dinner sooner, or skip it entirely. Cut back on sugars/caffeine/nicotine past 16:00. Use a blue-light filter on your computer. Take a melanin. Have a cup of tea.
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What should I do with a bunch of old Xbox 360s (early versions, 1?), in unknown states of repair and likely broken? (pic is something similar to what I got)

I mentioned to my friends I missed playing xbox 360 and was thinking of getting one to relive my past. Well they took it a bit too far as I have a reputation of being hard to shop for and as the "tech guy" who can fix stuff so now I have 12 Xbox 360s in various states of dysfunction. I already got a nicer one off ebay they didn't know about, so this stack of "gifts" is boarding on e-waste to me now but I feel bad if I just dispose of them plus proper disposal cost me money and a good drive out.

So far my ideas are
Scavenge the few 120GB hard drives for an experimental NAS
Scavenge the CD drives and build custom computer covered with CD slots. Maybe burn some preset programs to CDs to make it do silly tricks based on what CD is in which slot?
Something, something, all those heat sinks ... ???
Need more ideas, please help.

Also go 2 Kinect cameras, no idea what to do with those. Preferable a use with Ubuntu, as I've barely use Windows anymore.
>Scavenge the few 120GB hard drives
this is what I'd do
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I can rape your anus with a beer bottle every morning if you like ?
I am going to test a PoE injector's ability to output 90W of PoE to a PD for an extended period of time, and under extreme temperatures.
The only PDs I found that would draw anywhere close to 90W are IP cameras running above $1,000. This isn't within my budget.
Are there any relatively cheap PoE "load simulators" available that would fit what I'm trying to accomplish? The only products I find labeled as PoE troubleshooters and testers confirm the IEEE standards the PSE is in accordance with, but I want an actual power draw.
I'm a bit inexperienced with this and probably missing something obvious, but would appreciate any thoughts.
It's a laziness thing rather than tiredness, still, I should cut back on food later in the day.

That would be lovely, thank you.
people like using old console husks for sff pc builds
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asking again

is there anything that can help me track/see the total subs a twitch channel has received so far within that certain month?
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How are you supposed to reliably convert between binary byte and decimal byte storage? I know it's basic division and multiplication, but I keep getting it wrong. If I'm converting decimal to binary, it's (125/128)^x, with x being the magnitude of the unit (1 for kilo/kibi, 2 for mega/mebi, etc.) right? I feel like I keep getting close but missing the mark, and it's driving me up a wall.
How to disable all microphones completely on a Samsung phone? Rooted
What exactly is a DAC? Do I need one? Should I use one? I don't have speakers. I get audio through my monitor which is connected via HDMI so I plan on getting a proper speaker, someday, which would connect via optical cable. I plan on buying headphones too which would connect to the PC and not the speakers using the audio jack.
Was thinking I should get a DAC, which is connected to the PC then the DAC outputs to the speakers and headphones.
I am dumb when it comes to audio hardware.
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what can I use for win10 that is similar to imac furrysoft? It allows me to open/resize images on the desktop and pin then to the back/bottom of the desktop. You can't click them and you can just decorate your desktop with whatever

inb4 furry
the website is called furrysoft.
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Decent solutions for needing to charge a lot of devices regularly? Ie, controllers, earbuds, phones, mouse, smartwatch, power banks, even things like electric shaver and toothbrush that I have USB chargers for. Thinking some kind of USB charging hub. But I also don't want loads of cable mess, so ideally something that can also cradle the devices.
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I know this is stupid questions general but that was literally a google search bro
What in the fuck are you blabbling about? are you calling SI units "decimals"? And powers of two, "binary"? Honestly I can't even.
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I don't understand internet, or computers.
So let me get this straight:
Bits are the smalles unit of information. They are either literally pulses of light or of electricity traveling through cable when transmiting information, or any arrangement of physical matter than can be used to convey information.
Bits transmit information through binary combinations that need to be interpreted by something.
In the case of the OSI model, the bits get through the cable to a NIC, which interprets these pulses by using some encoding system built into the NIC's hardware and firmware. The NIC reconstructs the original data and then organizes it into frames which will either be processed or ignored.
I really, really can't wrap my fucking head around what a frame is. I don't understand how electric or light pulses are transformed into porn videos. It feels like magic that video games are arrangements of matter.
Please please please help me understand. What books must I read to really grasp what the fuck is going on?
and yet there's always someone else willing to do the work for me.

ty anon
The OSI model is basically a parallel universe to describe networking and you can learn how a computer works without ever touching networking. Computer memory works in a completely different arena. Videos are encoded using compression algorithms and video games use mathematical abstractions as clever tricks to make geometrical shapes appear on the screen. You're going to have to start smaller. Try learning the basics of networking and the basics of programming, there is almost no overlap at first but eventually there will be once you get past the basics.
Linux Mint doesn't come back from sleep mode every 3-6 sleeps now. I have to cut and reconnect the power to get it to turn back on. Been going on for a half year or so. Any ideas?

It's on an intel NUC from 2019 or so. Plenty ram and cpu.
Charging hub and a 3d printer to build custom docks.
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can someone write me a regular expression that matches all *.4chan.org/* requests? TY
Any recommendation for a program that graphs CPU/GPU temperature? I got a few thinkpads for free and one of them spikes the fan at full speed for a second every 10 seconds or so, I was wondering if the thermal paste has gone bad because they have been sitting in a unheated storage room for years or is it a different issue.
>mention to your friends you want to play Xbox games again
>immediately dump 12 old garbage Xboxes on you
What about qupei?
How to release test versions of a flutter app for both iOS and Android? I only learned how to code and I was hired as the sole dev at a small company. I have to deliver a beta version of the app for the client but I don't even know where to start. I've read some stuff about Firebase app distribution and Fastlane but I've already messed up setting up the Apple Developer account for the company and would rather know exactly how these things are done in a serious company before digging up a deeper hole.
Does VRR/Freesync have more issues than its worth? I keep hearing about brightness flickering, fizzly pixels, worse input on the desktop because they fail to unhook from background apps (example: game is idling at 15fps when alt+tabbed so the desktop bugs out and sticks to a multiple of 30hz like 30 or 60h)
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Well they think I can fix anything and they know I like building stuff, plus I wanted a Xbox 360. So I think they each thought it was a great gift idea as they figured I would have fun fixing one so I can play it. Like a puzzle you can play Halo on when you're done. However what they don't get is that most of my fixes are actually very simple, as above average tech skill is not that great if the average tech people know is very low. Also I've never done soldering and the software support for Xbox 360 is not great compared to what I usually work with, so it is going to take more effort to fix these than I care to put in which is why I just bought a working one myself and just did a basic touch up.

Part of me is tempered to show them the nice black Elite S version I got and just play up video game crafting logic, 12 broken old Xboxs plus with a worktable gives you a new Xbox Elite S just to see how many of them actually believe it, I fear some of them might fall for it.
Ha, it was late
I'm looking for resources about configuring and adminstering macos
I want to know how macos runs under the hood and how to do system management using the command line and by editing files
Any recommendations?
Does somebody know a good site for telephone numbers for receiving SMS confirmation messages? I want to create a Discord Account without giving away my real number
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All of computing is built upon the principle of abstraction. Your NIC might use light, electricity, or radio waves but it's all just bits as far as your operating system is concerned.

The networking stack in your operating system takes those bits and directs them to the correct destinations. The ethernet frame header contains information about which NIC the data is going to/from, while the IP packet header has information about which networked computer it's going to/from, and the TCP packet header has information about which application it's going to/from.
Crypto is a scam but there might be something to the blockchain and other technologies related to it. What uses in the future can this stuff have other than rugpulling gamblers? What do anons more knowledgeable than me think?
what is the best tutorial/guide/course/whatever to learn powershell?
How can I make my friend (US) MAC user, connect to my JAVA server (Mexico, windows 10) also we are using java 1.6.1 could that be the issue..we don't want to play the newer versions. Any recommendations, I already port forwarded, removed firewall to let him in etc nothing works connection timeouts from the server. I'm going crazy here
look up NAT and make sure your port is visible through the internet and his router/firewall is not blocking it
Not that anon but can you explain what "abstractions" means in this context? I don't quite get it.
Abstraction is when unimportant details of a complex system are filtered out so only the important ones remain.

You might have data on an optical CD, a magnetic hard disk or an electronic SSD. All of them present their data as a sequence of bits, which is an abstraction of how it's physically stored. That abstraction allows a program to interact with data on any medium.
Anyone know of any decent screen video recorders for my PC that can also record my voice, which is obviously free, has no gay watermark and which I can record only a certain part of my screen if I wish to.
Thank you anon that was a very helpful explanation.
Thanks anon I'll check after work
OBS should be enough
>router/firewall is not blocking it

Would you know any good tutorials for Mac users to do that? Thanks anon
Would 1080 upscaled with no interpolation/integer scaling to 4k on a 4k 27in display look the same as a native 1080p 27 inch display?
Depends on how autistic you are. There'd be less of the screen door effect, which is probably a good thing.
Autistic enough that I want you to clarify on what the differences would be.

Do all or most games support that sort of scaling via their in game resolution menu? or would I need to actually change the monitor's display resolution in windows or whatever to get integer scaling?
You know how there are like kits for making your own keyboard?

Is there one for mice? I was thinking how a mouse with Gateron Yellow switches would feel.
>Autistic enough that I want you to clarify on what the differences would be.
You can sit close enough to a 1080p monitor to see physical pixels. This is much harder on a 4k monitor.
It's mostly an issue that comes up in discussions about VR headsets, which are right in front of your eyes. Unlikely to matter for a monitor at normal viewing distance, but it would be a lie to not mention it at all.
>Do all or most games support that sort of scaling via their in game resolution menu? or would I need to actually change the monitor's display resolution in windows or whatever to get integer scaling?
Your GPU control panel controls this setting. You can select whether to let your monitor or GPU upscale sub-native resolutions. If you select GPU, then integer scaling will be available as one of the upscaling methods. Once this is set to integer scaling, you can simply set 1080p or 720p ingame to enjoy razor sharp pixels.
not for Mac specifically, but check your router manual on how to access the admin console and open ports through NAT, and you can use any website like canyouseeme.org to make sure your port is visible through the internet
What are some good readers for PC? I deleted adobe because it was dogshit and have been using MComix for pdf and the rare manga, also calibre for the even rarer .epub. Calibre is complete dogshit but the only choice I'm aware of and MComix has recently refused to appear unless it's on fullscreen, so I can't split-screen documents anymore.
How do I transfer large amounts of files from one computer to another without using the internet?
For example, I have two PC. PC1 has a lot of files I want to send to storage. PC2 has 24 HDD in a RAID setup so it will act as my storage PC. How do I connect the two computers together? There's something called ad hoc network where I connect both of them with an ethernet cable but I don't know how to set that up or how complicated it could get.
I use Sumatra when reading PDF and epubs.. I don't read manga and comics anymore but MComix was what I used years ago.
Whats the non brand version of the razer iskur v2 chair? I want to buy the exact same version but the non brand version of it, anyone know what its called?
I'm interested in Kotlin. Is it infested/primarily used by jeets ?
It's primarily used by android app devs.
Turning off IP6 fixes the issue where my websites randomly load really slowly or not at all. Router is pretty old at this point. Is it fine only using IP4 though?
Is Ruby on Rails really that popular? I thought that shit was dying years ago and I just found out many are using it... Is it worth learning or is it a fad?
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4chan shitting out on me again after it stopped for about a week or so.
I've seen other people complain about similar in the archives.
Restarting browser works for maybe a minute.
Problem occurs across browser and devices.
Maybe changing DNS will work? IDK what the fuck is going on, maybe cloudflare hates me or something.
how about you stop using addons and shit
I have to buy a new laptop.
Is a 3060 a better option than a 4050?
From what I've read 3060 has the better raw performance between the two but the 4050 has dlss 3 and fg but I'm not sure how important those two things are.
From what I've read they help some games run faster but that's it.

Aslo, are AMD CPUs as good as Intel CPUs?
I have a low budget so I think I'll have to get an AMD CPU with an NVIDIA GPU combo.
Can that work?
So you want to transfer files on the LAN?
Laptops are a different story to desktops, they often use different silicon and memory configurations than the desktop versions and the power profiles are completely different anyway.
Mobile 4050 has 4GB VRAM which is seriously limiting. But 4000 series is much more efficient than 3000 series, which can make a big difference in a laptop. The specific laptop model also determines how much cooling and power it gets, which again is important. It's difficult to say, is what I'm getting at.

AMD CPUs are definitely good, especially in laptops because they tend to be more power efficient, but you should triple check the model to make sure you aren't getting jewed with an older CPU.
this isn't really tech-related but has anyone noticed a sharp rise in "anger" on this board? maybe it's all in my head, but it feels like people here are a lot more irritable and on-edge than they used to be. of course it's completely normal (especially on here) for people to call each other retards/fags/niggers/etc, but now it's like you'll have someone make a thread on a niche subject (for example, i saw someone make a thread about modern luggable computers a week or two ago) and a lot of anons in the thread kept saying "this is fucking stupid kill yourself" without seeing any humor in it. also you'll have schizos arguing in random threads now. i saw a desktop thread get raped by two faggots arguing about random crap, and they added 30 replies to the thread just from that.
>summerfags duh
i don't think i've ever felt like this in the (paltry) six years i've been on here. almost feels artificial, because a lot of them aren't debating anything at all.
The mobile 4050s I'm looking at all have 6gb vram.
Does power efficiency even matter if I never take my laptop outside and keep it plugged in whenever I use it?
Is it possible? If there's an easier method with USB then I don't mind. Making an ad hoc network seems like a headache.
>The mobile 4050s I'm looking at all have 6gb vram.
That narrows the difference then. Look up benchmarks, but I expect it'll be a tossup.
>Does power efficiency even matter if I never take my laptop outside and keep it plugged in whenever I use it?
It matters because a laptop has limits on how much power it can supply and how much heat it can dissipate.
Thinking of unistalling Avast because it uses so many resources on my toaster it might be the source of overheating, or am I being a retard
it happens across devices and in other browsers, it can't be any addon
The simplest way would probably be a network share which works between Windows machines. Setting it up takes like 5 minutes using windows explorer - read a short tutorial.
If one or more of the machines is linux-based then you will want to use Samba on the linux machines in order to connect to the windows machines. If they're all linux-based, you may want to use NFS instead of SMB (Samba).
The antivirus? Yeah, you probably should.
>Setting it up takes like 5 minutes using windows explorer
If you say so. Thanks a lot.
in which case another stupid question, am I fine with just malwarebytes?
I do not have any antivirus other than the one that came with windows. If I could disable it permanently, I would.
Just don't be retarded and run every executable you download off the internet. Know file types and what not. Downloaded music but it's an exe file? 100% do not run it and delete the file.
If you're wanting to be extra careful, use quad9 DNS and brave browser. Only install software from trusted sources and you should be fine. Keep everything up to date.
If you're not ok with only running defender, sure.
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>How the hell do I stop myself from staying up late?
You are not in control, your sleep is controlled by an autonomic physiological process called the circadian rhythm.
You can also connect via android/Iphone with file explorer apps that support SMB (I think the built-in Iphone explorer does)
To a certain extent that kind of behavior really discourages making an effort when you post but doesn't discourage other shit posters. Other times people act that way actually hoping someone would tell them to stop because that would offer evidence that maybe everyone isn't a horrible asshole motivated only by spite after all. But this site has always been a place where people can go even if all they've ever known was that everyone hated them, and knowing something like that doesn't make anyone pleasant. I don't however think it's been quite so sharp a rise, more like some days are way worse than others and you don't always know how it is if you go somewhere else for a while. But let's not pretend everything hasn't been getting more confrontational gradually over time as politics becomes religion and people keep trying to outdo themselves and each other in piety, and as most greater purposes lose legitimacy and respect and economic sense (depending on who you are, which causes no small amount of the conflict), all that remains as something that matters is victory and conquest. All this from careful direction and poor biased moderation of decades of online arguments that cause their participants to bear grudges forever as the dangers real and imagined show no signs of passing.
Basically, it's worse because the mainstream media wants everyone and everything to get worse.
Thanks, I do know that windows defender is just the default best option right now and malwarebytes is also good for extra scan, but its just that recently it feels like Avast is being a extra nanny,and I was fine with it during the last year or so, and just eats resources like crazy in my poor 10 year old laptop toaster now,
also stuck on windows 8.1 for now so I don't think I even have or can instal windows defender

Im more worried about clicking the wrong link rather than dowloading the wrong thing nowadays, so I like to have some "hey idiot you just clicked this at 3 am, are you sure" kind of stuff
Use uBlock Origin and uMatrix. Block untrusted sites from running scripts and ads. That will protect you from clicking a random link.
New to linux, installed ubuntu. Plugged my computer into the tv, but no option to turn off the monitor. I just want the tv to be on, is there a way to turn off the computer screen while hdmi is plugged in to tv?
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Also turn on the malware/phishing domain filters in Ublock origin. Of course, it only detects previously known sites but it's still useful.
>Crypto is a scam
I've used crypto to transfer money a bunch of times and it seems to work pretty well. You didn't just buy a bunch and hope it would go up so you can sell it to a bigger retard later, did you? You did know 90% of people lose money doing that, right? Riiiight?
>What uses in the future
Start by understanding what it could be used for now.
I have a program written in Go that uses a single goroutine to find an animal in a video in one frame at a time. Is it a good idea to spawn some goroutines and distribute the frames between them? I tested my program on a Raspberry Pi 400 and performance with one goroutine is garbage.
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My desktop is from 2016 and the hard drive died. The staples tech guy who checked it said it only needs new one. Should just buy new hard drive, replace it myself and install the windows 10 disk as temporary solution before buy new desktop?
Buy a new SSD and replace it yourself. Once you buy a new desktop you can easily transfer the SSD to the desktop.
Apparently my desktop had hard drive/SSD but it was still taking me to bios. The disc have is for windows 8 which used on old pc. Sorry for being retard.
it's a psychological behavior where people who don't feel in control of their lives make choices about the one thing they are in control of even if their only choices are self harming. Exerting autonomy just to prove they can, because they feel they lack it elsewhere.
when you feed an AI model ai slop as training data, what's the term for the way that degrades output? I think I heard 'context cascade' at a lecture but I'm wondering if I misheard 'content cascade'.
Anyone know how to acess and download videos from archived moe? Whenever you click on a video it just redirects you to 404 not found.
No I didn't get dumped on but almost all of it seems to be pyramid scheme shit that has no use. However I do agree very few tokens are good for exactly what you mentioned. But you can't deny how much of it is shilling of pointless project just to sperate a fool from his money. This is known.

>Start by understanding what it could be used for now.
What else can it be used for now? This is a "stupid question" thread after all.
That archive doesn't save images. It redirects to archives that have them, but there are no archives left that save webms from /wsg/ and /gif/ because that takes too much bandwidth and too much storage space.
So the webm are lost ever?
is a flat file or csv database a dumb idea?
will a professor notice if I stretch 5:30 seconds out to 6 minutes in a video editor?
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Is there such a thing as a Vanilla+ version of 4chanX? I like most of the features but I really dislike how 4chanX makes the place look and feel.
I'd basically want the advanced filters, hotkeys, but no fap mode and none of the weird hover tweaks, I swear the colour and text also look slightly different too.
I'm buying the laptop to learn programming, including AI related stuff. The 3060 has 50% more CUDA and Tensor cores than the 4050, which I've read are important for AI. It also has more than double the memory bus width than the latter.
Is a 3060 with just 6GB VRAM too potato for anything AI related? I don't care much about stable diffusion which I know requires a lot of VRAM, I'm more interested in learning the programming aspects of AI and creating software related to it instead of generating images.
If a 3060 even with more CUDA and tensor cores is not enough for anything AI related, I think I'm just better off getting the 4050 because even though it has lower performance, with a 4050 laptop you get a better CPU and it's more power efficient so I think it's worth it in the end.
What do you think?
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Why is this happening? Did some scumbag get my number from a package label or something? Should I just change my number?
Why can't I sort my files by artist? I know the metadata is there because it shows up in windows. I also can't edit metadata like I can on windows.
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I've just got fiber with a new ISP and a new router, the router is the ISP brand. I don't really know anything about setting up custom routers with OpenBSD, maybe in the future. But anyways, what do you suggest I should do (like in the router settings for example) before I use it with my computer? Is it even safe to use routers' stock firmware, or do they have any privacy issues? DHCPCD should automatically configure resolv.conf to use the ISP's DNS, which is fine (I use Tor a lot anyways, so that's mostly irrelevant for me).
Is tik fail down for good?
make it rm -rf / if your PC is open at midnight
Would there be any reason I couldn't play music directly off this flash drive with a Pixel 8 or the upcoming 9?
Turn that shit off in the settings.
Wake up early one day, then when you get sleepy at night, step away from the computer.
It depends on the use case™
Set a script to auto run between the hours you should be asleep that shuts down the computer during those hours.
why did my D drive go from ~4 gb free space to ~91 gb free space after updating and restarting my windows computer. and how can I know what was lost?
use https://windirstat.net/ and see what's gone. Perhaps the drive is dying? You do have backups of important data right?
Indeed, I have done something similar with task scheduler
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Help please. /fwt/ is too dogmatic, so I feel feel /sqt/ will give more reasoned, pragmatic respones.
>need to reinstall Windows
>10 or jump to 11 now?

Reasons to stick with 10 for now
>less shit in terms of UI and general anti-user hostility
>from what I'm reading, half the people say on top of bad design, 11 is extremely buggy. Slow, frequent crashes etc. Explorer is slow, start menu search is slow. The other half say it's ok. Don't know who to believe. (I have capable 2024 hardware, not a toaster)
>11 is more botnet, and full of more shit 'features', like Co-pilot and Recall
Reasons to go with 11
>I'll eventually have to go with 11 sooner or later, regardless of exactly when
>absolutely hate setting it up from scratch each time - OS settings, drivers, programs, program settings, migrate existing profiles over, bring other data over, all the other little things. Takes a whole fucking day. Really don't want to do it more times than I absolutely have to
>I do internet banking. While I'm sure Firefox and Defender will continue to get updates, the OS itself won't. How much of a securty risk is that? I do adhere to the general /g/ concept of Common Sense first, but I am not glued to IT security news websites every day, I probably won't catch wind of the latest 0-days straight away.
>maybe 11 is a surer bet for my new hardware, 10 might not have drivers for some things, might run into problems down the line?

I'm leaning towards 11 just because of general safety, but and worried about bugginess and abhorent UI+UX.

So give it to me straight, how bad is the 11 UI? How buggy is 11? Realistcally how long after the Oct 2025 EOL can I keep using 10 relatively safely for (keeping in mind I do a lot of internet banking)?
Or, just to put it simply...10 or 11? (Pro or Edu or whatever. I'm not gong with LTSC or IoT LTSC because...reasons, prease understand)
i used rufus to make a bootdisc out of a usb drive. how do i flash the drive to use as general storage again? google search seems to only wanna show me the opposite.

i have an mini SD card in my dashcam and it has recorded and rewrote probably hundreds of hours of driving footage at this time (its probably plugged in and running right now)
i understand i need to 'flash' this disc from time to time, how do i do this?
I looked for something better for emulators than my old and tired Intel Core i5-5200U (CPU Mark Single Thread Rating 1499, typical TDP 15 W) and the best single thread performance available is from the Intel Core i9-14900KS (CPU Mark Single Thread Rating 1499, typical TDP 150 W and TDP up 253 W).
Surely three times the speed of my processor is nice, but that's it? I'm aware that maybe 4 cores to get this absurd TDP down and 90% of the top single thread performance, what am I missing? Just three times the speed of my old Intel U processor?
I want to whitelist only 2 websites and block everything else for some workers, any ideas?
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figure out how long extra after switching the alarm off do you go back to sleep for.
then set your aarm for x hours earlier than you actually need to get up the next day.
e.g. if you have a tendency to snooze an extra 3 hours, and you want to get up at 8, set your inital alarm for 5.

put the alarm on the other sde of the rom so you have to get up. use and old school mechanical one. dont use your phone.

also at 8 when you get up to switch that damn racket off, try and sit down in a big comfy armchar nstead of actually laying back down in bed. slouch if you want, drape your duvet over yourself, keep your eyes closed if you want. but dont get back into bed under the duvet, its game over then. even if you slouch on the char with duvet on and eyes closed, your body will still start to wake up just because youre kinda upright. then in 5-10 mins itll actually be quite easy to stand up and start your day.

type it into duckduckgo or wolfram alpha or some shit :^)
sorry bro, i dont now, but it's shit like this that keeps me on wangblows. at least the basics work. linux isnt just still broken, it feels like its getting more and more broken as we go forward. feels like more things are broen now than were in 2012.
speccy shows a graph for that.
just plug them both to your router via ethernet cables, make a network share on one of them, and give the other one access to that network share to copy/move the files? your most likely bottleneck will be the ethernet speed, but other factors could come into play (dogshit cpu, dogshit hdd write speed)
ive noticed it on the whole website recently (2023-2024). every board i visit here.
honestly nothing wrong with built in windows defender
ive never had mbam find something that defender missed
I personally haven't dealt with any of the things that /g/ cries about with W11. After a tweak to the right click menu via regedit, and turning off all the bullshit in the start menu (I rarely even use it to begin with) it just feels like W10 again.
Most benchmark sites are placebo that do not translate to real performance, specially when it comes to emulators.
TLDR buy a 7800X3D and a nvidia GPU that matches your budget.

Just format it clean.

W10 LTSC 2021 unless you need some specific features.

Spamlists die eventually, just block numbers from outside your state.

Avast is a dataminer now, stopped being an AV software long ago, install Malwarebytes.
I'm concerned about emulated CPU speed, not 3D graphics.
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Does SSD life degrade with each power on you do? Does the power on count matter?
No. Basically just writes.
If I plug in my USB-A to USB-C charger for my headphones, the headphones indicator lights up red, indicating that it is charging.

When I plug in a USB-C charger (from an electrical outlet), the headphones' indicator does not light up. Is it possible that the USB-C charger is not charging it? If yes why? Or is it just because... the indicator is not working? Like it's only working if it detects that it's connected to a device that can use the headphones?

Manual's long gone, but I doubt there would be an answer, cheap bluetooth headphones.
Why does Google search always reset my location to my IPs location when I switch from Japanese IPs to non Japanese? Could be some other non EU regions but I noticed it specifically there. Doesn't matter if I just go back to my actual IP or switch to another European IP. It resets my location to that country, instead of the country I had chosen (Israel, if that matters) in the search settings. Doesn't do it with YouTube's country. The language settings also get reset, but only when it's the first time being associated with said country, if I change the language to English, it stays English, but the location keeps switching back to whatever country I switched to from Japan.
>Let the battery die.
>Plug in the USB-C.
>Check later.
You now know if they charge or not.
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Creating firewall rules eh?
>I want to whitelist only 2 websites and block everything else for some workers
>whitelist only 2 websites
Figure out what those websites translate to in the context of firewall rules.
I'll just decide at this point we are going to treat those "sites" as IP-addresses. Either individual addresses, blocks or ranges.
Solution: use those IPs in your whitelist.
>and block everything else for some workers
>for some workers
How do you identify a worker? From the MAC addresses of their computers?
Yes, you can do that.
tl;dr match a MAC, match an IP and drop/allow.
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>Just format it clean.
Super easy on Linux, super hard on Windows.
Google how to use fdisk if you are on Windows, on Linux you can cfdisk for example.
Should I use a DNS?
Should I use a VPN?
Should I use more than one browser to keep accounts separate from regular browsing the web and reading articles?
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>Should I use a DNS?
You are accessing a site using HTTPS, you are definitely using DNS already.
>Should I use a VPN?
VPN as in circulate your traffic thru Timbuktu? No.
I wanted to block some of my workers from browsing websites on the POS computers.

So far i found 2 solutions, use OpenDNS filter or an ASUS rotuer whitelist.
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>tropical storm fucked shit up in my city around 5:00 AM today
>haven’t had power for almost 12 hours
>AC is off and making everything feel increasingly muggy
>all the food in my fridge/freezer is probably going to turn to shit
Do any anons here have experience with generators? My household has needed one for years but we’ve been putting it off and I don’t think I can ignore it for much longer.
>Just format it clean.
i got a "this disc is write protected" message on the usb thumb drive that i turned into a windows boot disc.
>fucking video i watched took 1:45sec to get to 'right click and select format'

gonna try that dashcam disc next
Or maybe make a new thread.
Buy a Westinghouse generator
>Too expensive
>Too expensive
Energizer then.
There is not much about them, you pour gas and they run for a few hours.

Make your own solar backup from 1-2+ 100-200w solar panels, a solar controller, car battery and inverter next time.
Is that a predator generator from Harbor Freight? If so, the vast majority of them are Honda clones. Cheap and good in a pinch. Grab either a couple medium ones if you're looking to run a fridge and AC, or a large one.
The cheapest 3-5 kVA diesel you can find. Going diesel is an automatic filter for removing all the extreme bottom-of-the-barrel trash.
>right click and select format
In Windows that means
>"format the first partition defined in the partition table"
Which obviously fails to do what you want if there's multiple partitions. I'll stick the thing in the Linux/Unix server and
wipefs -a -f /dev/sdX
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>Honda clones
Totally didn't occur to me Honda clones go beyond bikes.
But now when I think of it the fuel taps and all are the same on those generators as their mopeds.
I have the big boy 13,000 watt version of the predator generator. Bought it on craigslist from a guy who no longer wanted it for close to $400 off full price. I do nothing but fill it with gas and keep up with maintenance. Even built a small sound dampening enclosure with some of that metallic hose/venting to vent the exhaust.
you know how copying multiple 1mb files totaling 1gb is slower than copying single 1gb file? does that apply to internet bandwidth?

I installed unify system in a school with 4 thousand wireless devices and their internet is slow even though I got them enough bandwidth and access points.

the speed is throttled per device. even at 10mbps per device the internet starts to slow down when the number of connected device reaches more than 500 devices.
I just reset my W11 PC and it's been stuck on a "Updates are underway, please keep your computer on" screen for the last hour. I'm 99% sure this is bullshit and I can just force power off and restart (I recall a similar issue with W10 a few years ago and doing that worked fine) however what gives me pause is that it occurred on a reset, not a normal update. I would rather not brick it if avoidable. Also the screen keeps going off and I have to win+ctrl+shift+b to reset the graphics driver

anyone seen this before, know if I just need to wait longer or if I should force power off?
Still Vince.
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how do you even do traffic shaping/QoS these days when every app and website use the same ports?
What's the best CD/DVD player on the market? I just bought a shit ton of eroge and realized that my DVD reader was broken.
Why are the comment sections of popular youtubers always filled with corny gay jokes? Why can't they be inputs with insightful facts further discussing the topic that the video was about?
People still sell those? I mean both players and media.
I'd recommend looking into blu-ray players/drives. They're more readily available and likely to have more modern connections. I'd also recommend blu-ray personal back up/pirate forums for good models.
>No alarms seem to work, I just turn them off and continue.
I used to place my deafeningly loud alarm clock in a separate room from where I slept. Having to march across my home to turn it off made sure I was awake.
I went to Japan recently and bought some. They still use cds and stuff.
Thanks. Will look into some pirating forums.
Haven't experienced anything like that. It may depends a lot on your particular combination of monitor, cable, and graphics card.
If you don't mind paying there's mysudo (use the code kitboga for a discount).
Comments are sorted by algorithm. A funny comment that you can get out fast will still be at the top of the comments list, then dumb normies will see it because it's at the top, like it if it's amusing enough, so it stays at the top.
Unless the channel operator asks the comments for information on something in the video, it's not usually worth it to make any effort.
Bump. Anyone please? I really need to buy a new laptop today.
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Where can I find a gf who isn't addicted to social media, isn't fat, isn't dumb and likes to walk?
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I want to set up a NAS/media server but I'm not entirely sure what I actually need. My goal is something I can stuff out of the way with lots of storage space to put movies and animu and shit on, and be able to easily stream to my desktop, living room htpc, and potentially my phone, and act as a torrent box. Since all of the planned user devices are capable of handling the actual rendering of video files, not "just a display", the NAS only needs to handle file transfer/data streaming tasks, and doesn't need anything serious, hardware wise right? I'm looking at getting an embedded itx board or similar low power hardware.
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Are the little plastic holders you get with SD cards anti static? I'm wondering if they're worth keeping or if I should just toss them.
I've been asking myself the same question. To add onto what the other anon said, I feel as if people are making these posts on purpose all for the goal of gaining (You)s. It's easy to act angry and contrarian to someone just so you keep getting those sweet (You)s. I think some people even make outrageous posts just so they can claim a big (You) score like in some screencaps you may have seen.
In that regards it is artificial in a way. Other than that, rising tensions, people who aren't made to be terminally online being terminally online, just using this as some sort of outlet, etc.
Just get an ASUS external BD reader.
A playground
I'd imagine the age range there is not applicable.
What would you use them for?
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i have an universal power supply which lists several voltages but theres no switch or selector to pick one

how is this even usable? does it just magically know what voltage to deliver?
To store them when not in use if they don't already have a place.
HyperCam 2, no need to register it either.
I'll have to open different port in my router for my VPN and webserver.
Should I change the default port for obfuscation (it's recommended for SSH) or it doesn't matters ?
yeah you should
cloudfare strikes again.Check tracker blocking, adblock/ublock, ghostery, duckduckgo. You've probably accidentally blacklisted the one of the 4ch CDN when trying to mass-DL your hentai webms
NewPipe or LibreTube?
anyone else /daily dootin/?
This isn't about internet bandwidth so much as the actual wi-fi bandwidth, as well as the arrangement of your switches. I'm no expert on how to put up a unifi system at that scale, but maybe if you tell me more about how many access points you've got connected to a switch, what switches you used, how switches are connected to each other and to your gateway (or perhaps you're using multiple gateways), what's the max number of devices you've got connected to an access point, how many access points and APs per area you've got if you can explain that without giving away where this is, someone here might be able to figure out what went wrong.
>hover mouse over window and look at preview for a few seconds
>GPU blacks out and restarts
What's going on?
ITX is fine, but you want ECC memory and quite a bit of it to act as cache for your drive array. A lot of people don't use ECC but if you don't want bitrot you need it.
Those with interchangeable tips have a 3rd pin that sets the voltage.
make sure you get one with an inverter
they cost more, but they're quieter and more efficient as the engine speed is varied based on load unlike a basic generator, and they output cleaner and more stable power, which is important if you plan on powering anything sensitive like things with computers in them
also, if you plan on hooking it up to your house circuit, make sure you never ever have the generator hooked up while the main house breaker/switch is on. also keep in mind hooking a generator up to a house without the appropriate safety equipment may be illegal where you live
i use SQM
it's basically magic
Go for a run, stumble upon women, hope they don't pepper spray you
I got a 10G internet directly connected to 10G port of a switch which directly connected to 10G Fiber port of GPON OLT then connected to gigabit ONU via fiber optics then Passive PoE Switch which the access points connect. every 3 access point/classroom have one gigabit internet link

in total:
>1 10G Switch
>1 GPON OLT Network Server
>50 ONU
>50 Possive PoE switch
>150 wifi Acess points

the deployment was a high school. each classroom have 1 access point that all teachers and students connect
You're thinking of MTU but it doesn't apply to this, wifi has only so many channels but you can get more with 5ghz and a lower channel width.
3060 is Samsung 8nm, 4050 is tmsc 5nm, the difference is like night and day, get the 4050.
From what I've gathered, gas generators are noisy and produce a lot of smoke but are more reliable than diesel for cold starts while diesel is better for longer periods of time, there is also propane generators which are expensive but better than gas and diesel in every metric.
Whatever you choose make sure to install an interlocking transfer switch.
Running is smelly.
The propane ones are the same as the ones that run on natural gas, right? I’m thinking one of those would be ideal since we have a gas line at my house (even if they are more expensive). All things considered, they seem like the best bet. A 10kv one is about ~$3.5k. As long as it keeps my fridges on and my AC running, then that’s all I can really ask for.
I think it is the same but pressure wise it depends, at least with stoves you have to change the nozzles to convert from propane tanks to gas line.
What is the most lightweight, fast and overall decent C web renderer? I just finished learning C and making some shit cli programs and i want to build actual software now
Is there such a thing as a system wide diagnostics tool for Windows? I want to check if there are errors on drivers or anything at all at least once every month
i think someone was viewing my computer with mdns through a windows service process, how did they do it?
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>use vpn
>cant post anymore
do i really have to pay hiroshimoot to post with vpn
I was planning to have all the drives mirrored, will that still need ecc RAM? I'm not too fussed about form factor, I'm mainly concerned on if I need something better than a basic, recent Pentium/i3 equivalent. As far as ram volume, I was planning on 32gb since it's cheap enough.
Signal or Simplex?
Good email clients to use?
I remember that a couple of years ago TakeTwo interactive took down the reverse engineering projects for GTA Vice City, GTA III, LCS and others. Since then, does anyone know if there has any development been done on those projects off of the public web? Are there any private groups still working on them?
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Add exception to two IPs. Can give examples on Arch Linux.
What's the point to using a vpn with 4chan pass if your posts already get tracked
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it's your chinese smart toaster scanning for services from where to request toasting data. you know like timings and toast levels
i tried, but it seems 4channel is no more, so no point
exactly, just kinda annoying, maybe atleast i dont get tracked by isp when lurking(gooning)? i unno, ig also captcha bypass
Is cock.li/mail.cock.li down for all of you too, or is my ISP being gay?
nvm seems their DNS is just fucked
> mail.cock.li
in hosts file seems to work
What SAW trap is the most doable? Resource wise and time wise
If you're lurking then why would you want to post? Either way, try to bulk buy proxies and see which one works, when you find 1 that works you can keep renewing the subscription
You can just swap xmr for ltc or gift cards to anonymize payment. 4chan keeps users anonymous from each other to avoid toxic rep building behavior. It's not supposed to be hard anonymity schizo forum.
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How do I use this in order to retrieve protobuf data?
Shouldn't event viewer show errors for drivers? Maybe device manager for devices.
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>have adblock
>been working fine
>see this today
how to defeat the jew once and for all
what's wrong with my autohotkey script? i'm trying to define and access a global variable, and it shows up blank to the function.
Wait a day or two and it'll probably be fixed. Problem solved.
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Anons who have an UPS for their PCs or whatever. I've been really needing to get one. What brand do you guys recommend and also what VA/W? I have a 1300w PSU and my normal usage is probably around 100w. I'm just wanting something that will keep my PC on for like 10min
U using ublock origin.... right?
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Does a powered usb hub have any advantage over non-powered hubs?
It can supply more power to downstream devices if they need it. Self-powered hubs often don't have enough power for everything.
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I've just got fiber with a new ISP and a new router, the router is the ISP brand. I don't really know anything about setting up custom routers with OpenBSD, maybe in the future. But anyways, what do you suggest I should do (like in the router settings for example) before I use it with my computer? Is it even safe to use routers' stock firmware, or do they have any privacy issues? DHCPCD should automatically configure resolv.conf to use the ISP's DNS, which is fine (I use Tor a lot anyways, so that's mostly irrelevant for me).
your ISP can see your traffic regardless of if you're using their router and firmware
Maybe try SEA exchange students? I'm with one right now and it's been really great so far
I know that of course, but maybe there's something else I should know? Otherwise, I suppose using OpenBSD or OpenWrt carries no benefits in privacy?
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Been a Stockholm syndrome wincuck my whole life and been finally thinking about making the switch to babies first distro (mint cinnamon), would the transition be pretty seamless for the most part or is there something I should brace for and try to learn beforehand?
i installed linux dozens of times in multiple devices, but now (re-)installing mint in a laptop the boot doesn't seen to be working.
every time i try to boot it on, it just opens the grub page.
i tried changing the boot options and reinstalling but nothing seen to werk.
any typs on what i might be doing wrong on the installation?
Do I have to pay for Grayjay or is it free?
When someone talk about an hardware firewall (pfSense), it's actually a router right ?
I have an EdgeRouter at work and was wondering if I should add a pfSense on a VM to try it.
Use an immutable distro like Fedora Silverblue/Kinoite or openSUSE Aeon, so you won't be able to break your OS.
Can one reinstall the same BIOS version? I remember some tech people in the past "reinstalled" it to fix my laptop? But is that even possible? How does one do it?
Let's say you train a convolutional neural net to recognize playing cards. Then, when it's time identify a card from a photograph, do you have to crop the actual card from the photograph and skew it so that it has the same proportions as the training set or can you just pass an unedited photograph?
bumo because nothing seen to work
I want to get a whores twitter and onlyfans nuked. Where can I drop 60 bucks to have it done without setting up a farm myself
does anyone remember when they removed the IP counter? when are they putting it back, are there more debates
How do I make photo mosaics?
I'm swapping to a new CPU and motherboard (7700k to 12600k), would I need to reinstall Windows, or can I get by leaving it alone and uninstalling the old drivers once it's in?
Whenever I look upon a pic/gif
İt says 404 file no longer exists
I Do use a dns
I have an Android. My friend has an Iphone. She was able to send me text messages, now she isn't. She can only send me pictures. Any ideas what's happening?
Ask her to communicate through nudes.
Gonna get a Lexar 1TB NM790 as a main boot drive, and maybe a secondary 500GB ssd for some media storage. Does either of them need DRAM? I don't transfer big files often.
Midwit answer: if the thing allows SSH (or at least telnet) and the environment doesn't look too cancerous I'd call it OK. (they WILL contain cancer no matter what)
should I shill xmpp or matrix to my normie friends?
I really want them to switch from shitcord but ease of use is my priority
Research your hardware and software needs. Linux is perfectly noob friendly as long as everything is out of the box supported.
Like for example the RGB controller of some crazy anime keyboard likely won't work on Linux. Or it is super hard like manually writing values to some "device files".
Thank you, anon. That's super helpful, and totally solves my problem. But, what if, hypothetically speaking, it didn't solve anything at all? Do you have another answer?
Tell her to ditch the iPhone for something not completely fucked.
How's that?
Better, and honestly, that's what I would like to do. But, for reasons that I won't go into, I doubt that's an option. At first I thought maybe she had hit her message limit (because she's able to message other itoddlers just fine - but imessage uses wifi for that), but then she was able to send me pictures. It might be a message format thing, which I have read about. I thought I would post in this thread and see if someone else had some insight to save me some time. I am going to try and help her troubleshoot it next time I see her.
Do any of you bother taking high resolution pictures with your phones? My phone's default setting was 12 MP but I can change it up to 50 MP. The former's images are usually 3 to 4 MB bought the ladders can reach up to 12 MB. Is 12 MP enough?
/n/erd here.
>nothing about my device or my posting habits has changed.
>suddenly yesterday evening I start getting minute cooldowns.
>every post
>not spamming, just a post here and there like always
>reboot phone
>seems fixed
>literally my first post today
>cooldown, then no captcha and ANOTHER cooldown after the first one still on same first post.
>second post gives me another
>reboot and come to this thread.

does this mean someone is aggressively spamming in my area with my provider or what is going on?
the reboot seems to be working for now.
nah, silly.
4chuds just changed its captcha and it sucks now
and I got a cooldown on this post
... and another when I checked the cloudflare box.
jesus fucking christ
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anyone know what would cause my mouse to temporarily lose connection periodically?

it's like the mouse becomes disconnected for about half a second, maybe a full second at most. sometimes it happens once a minute other times once every couple of minutes. the intermittentness of it makes it hard to diagnose.

from what i can tell my keyboard doesn't get disconnected, just the mouse.
I want to check if two install shell scripts (15 GB each) are the same, or if one of them was tampered with maliciously

is cksum with its default CRC enough, or would that be crazy?
it's never coming back
If its wired, there's something wrong with the wire. Its like when you have cheap headphones and audio cuts out unless the wire is held a certain way
is it stupid to have not one but two separate window ac's installed? my apartment has been like an oven and my 8000btu one isnt cutting it. my dad has a spare 5000btu that im considering throwing into another window in the apartment
yeah it's wired. i've used this mouse for a couple years without issue. thought maybe it could be going out?

strangely unplugging it and plugging it back in seems to fix it for a few hours, unless that was a coincidence.
>be the government
>need to stop csam
>ask the nsa to invent hashes that can detect modifications to csam
>near impossible, but they invent ai image recognition good enough to detect csam no matter how the video is fudged, csam spammers aren't smart enough to crack it
>somebody uses this to draw pictures
>artists REEEEEEEE about their shitty drawings
>REEEEEEEE so much that some researchers >popularize "data poisoning" tools like nightshade or "derecognition" tools like glaze
>now csam spammers just run these tools on their files and spam them until a human has to manually hash them and then they just do it again
Are artists evil?
Doesn't sound stupid to me, do what you gotta do.
unfortunately, we are unable to answer questions THAT stupid
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>Are artists evil?
Yes, and for the very reasons you specified; they weren't evil before that.
>Are artists evil?
Nah, just twitter retards.
Watch Lain. It will explain everything.
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hi what are 1 or more of the current /g/ approved audio players i can put on my new windows machine? pic somewhat related, i got a ton of various podcast and lecture torrents in mp3 format i want to get through. maybe will use it for a bit of music here and there but it's not that important.
ffplay, rhythmbox, vlc, mpv
thanks :)
never give any program the microphone permission when you lunch it
>but what if something
Physically open the phone and disconnect the microphone
As long as you are not buying a new computer, stay with 10. Only ever upgrade with new hardware.
I store my sdcards randomly in a box with a bunch of laptop screws and they have never ever broken from it so yes you can toss the piece of plastic.
some fullsceren fuckery most likely. Upgrading/downgrading graphics drivers tends to fix this.
Use firefox, works flawlessly there. Or brave i guess
The transition will be extremely unpleasant , as someone who tried it (unless everything you do is done from inside a browser).
Everything is slightly harder to do in general, years of muscle memory gone,you have to use WINE for all the programs unless you want to use utterly dogshit alternatives.
After the latest firefox update the reply box on this site is now smaller, why is that?
ffplay -i "Podcast Name.mp3" -noborder -showmode waves
And just now I notice that clearing cookies now remove my (you)s, and now that one it is annoying as fuck, any way to stop that from happening please.
Damn, everyone shilled it as the "just werks" distro
It is technically paid, but it's also open source. If you fork it and remove the requirements to prove you paid for it, it will still work.
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whats a good place to use for a calendar so me and a group of friends can schedule our stuff accordingly? i wanted ot use google calendar but its a pain i have to invite them all to it specifically to give them access to write events i just want a simple colour coordinated calendar ic an link and have them fill it out with their info
>Are artists evil?
No, but people looking to skirt the law will take advantage of any tools made available to them to do so. Many of these tools weren't intended to help those people, but it just so happens that it does.
But why did artists push so hard for these tools? Artists always bash corporations for trying to make money without thinking of externalities. But they go and do the same the second they have even an inkling that they might lose some potential future revenue.
>PC with 3 sticks of ram
>works fine
>few years later I move the ram sticks for whatever reason
>now the motherboard is stuck in dual channel
>reset bios
>still only dual channel
>move the ram sticks to every possible combination
>still only dual channel
>to make thing better the bios recognizes the 3rd ram is in place but refuses to make use of it
now I have 4gb less and don't know what to do
>But why did artists push so hard for these tools?
To help deter their work from being stolen for training data by people who want to make money from their work.
>[Artists are hypocrites]
No they aren't. They're protecting their work so it's not stolen so someone else makes money from it.
I upgraded them just the other day...
based bootlicker
buy 2 more sticks of ram
So the uncountable amount damage caused by csam spam, made possible by these tools doesn't count as negative externalities from independent artists because "nuh uh"? I'm I reading this right?
A power plant using coal loses value from the work that they did if they don't capture their pollution.
A artist using art loses value from their work if they don't prevent people from spamming csam.
The situation is exactly the same. Artists are directly responsible for the csam spam, hence they should be held liable, as a class.
How would one accomplish the following on Windows:
>have no mouse plugged in on laptop, using touchpad
>sensitivity set to x amount, pointer precision turned on
>plug in usb mouse
>sensitivity automatically sets to y amount, pointer precision turned off
>unplug mouse
>set back to x amount with pointer precision automatically

I'm sure you can make an ahk script but I'm not knowledgable with those. I just dont want to go into mouse settings each time as I switch from mouse to touchpad on a daily basis
Go be retarded somewhere else. It's not these tools creating it, the pedos are. Should we get rid of the internet too because they use that to share it around the world? Do you even think before you type?
>go be retarded somewhere else. It's not the power plants creating the pollution, it's just a natural reaction caused by the coal. Should we get rid of powerlines too because they are powered by goal?
Concession accepted. You don't need to type anymore.
>Gets proven wrong by showing another example of people using a tool to spread illegal content
>I accept your defeat!
>should we not use x
Nope, just make the artists pay for the damages caused by the use of x. Simple.
>Proposes a wildly unenforceable plan as a solution
Anon, I know you're retarded, but this is just sad. I think you might have actual brain damage.
Testing something...
>taxing people is widely unenforceable
They financially benefit from and pushed this evil technology into existence. There is no legitimate use for it aside to generate money for artists. You are either and artists or a csam spammer. And I don't know which is worse.
>and artists
an artist*
Anon, it's time to stop posting. This is just sad to watch you deteriorate into such delusions.
The true evil is that you are brainwashed by the (((media))) to view artists as a protected class and productive companies as leeches. So the very idea of equal treatment of these two classes is laughable to you. Seek help.
It's time to stop posting, you're not fooling anyone with your shitposts.
Make me kike.
Make a discord and add an extra channel just for events?
get a room faggots
what's the go-to way to emulate an Android device on Win10 in (current year)? Bluestacks still it? I haven't looked into android emu in ages...
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>PC freezes twice within a week's worth of time
>wasn't doing anything specific
>second time I noticed the GPU spiked to 100%
Is there any sort of logs to see what might have happened? I'm already going through event viewer but not seeing anything helpful.
Yes. Nvidia GPU.
Replied to myself. >>101345421
Okay, so the perceptual hashing doesn't actually have the ability to generate porn from it, although you can generate non pornographic images from it that still have the same perceptual hash as whatever hash you fed into it.
People making very bad images with Stable Diffusion are using drawings that people were already making and/or photos used to train models and LORAs.
Artists are complaining because they're worried that their work isn't worth as much as it used to be, not because anyone is using software to make very bad images. They just want the technology to stop being available however they can.
"data poisoning" tools also don't really work at keeping an image from being used as training material (certainly not when Adobe says they now own whatever you make in their software because you kept trying to push copyright farther and farther to stop the tech from being available), I really doubt they're going to useful at making very bad images undetectable by perceptual hashing.
Also those spammers are the government who do it to create an excuse to take down anything they don't like as well as provide the threat you need protection from in the protection racket they've set up between themselves and Microsoft.
Artists are useful idiots.
I'm guessing that either it's a bug, or Apple is going into RCS support kicking and screaming and making it so iphones can't send text to android devices without RCS.
If you both install Signal you'll at least not have that issue anymore.
TFW you accidentally hit open and then have to stay up late to figure out what happened or why it did that. QuickTime is buggy that's why. For some reason setting MP3 files to always open with QuickTime sets off Gatekeeper. Maybe the way Bandcamp encodes their MP3 files messes up the headers and then setting to "Always open with QuickTime" trips the red flags. Had to test it on a known safe MP3 file because the first one I tested it on was from a super obscure artist and I thought he had included malware in his song as a part of the art. Not that macOS viruses are even feasible in most cases, let alone through an MP3 file. #JustSchizoThings

We need a /g/ GIOYC thread where anons can spill their autism without judgement. I feel I needed to tell someone this.
Unless you're autistic about registry maintenance and shit, the time to re-install windows was like 4 years ago.
Is anyone running into issues with Invidious, Newpipe, Tubular and Freetube as of this week?
I feel like 3/5 videos crash and on Newpipe/Tubular I can't even open anything anymore.
Anyone else like this? Already updated to the newest version
Its YMusic app
Never heard of it and I don't seem any wiser looking it up.
what is the best way to block myself from accessing 4chan? the hosts file?
There was recently a guy who displayed a swastika using using assembly code. Does anyone by any chance know how to reproduce it
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>it happened again
Didn't see the task manager this time, and I had music playing that started to repeat itself. Anyone know what I need to look for and stress test now?
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Is MPC-HC still a thing? I can't find the installer download on their github.
Best E2E test tooling in 2024 for integration-testing in the pre-production environment for a django webapp with severe and ever increasing load?

Judged on these criteria:
1. ease of integration into existing infrastructure
2. ease of maintainability (add, adjust e2e tests to reflect changing use-cases)
3. monitor performance impact of changes
That doesn't help me at all.
If I was already running windows 10 without issue, why would I need to periodically reinstall it? Likewise, fuck W11. Not that I could install it anyway with the TPM shit, and I can't be assed to circumvent it for a worse OS.

For the record, I've installed the new CPU and Mobo, and it's running fine* for the time being without reinstalling windows.
I doubt I'm going to keep it like this though, since I'm guessing all sorts of bad shit might go down otherwise.

*It's been about 30 mins and nothing catastrophic has happened. Should at least survive the night so I can watch some anime and go to sleep.
MPC-HC 1.7. 13 is the final version of the program that was officially discontinued as of July 16, 2017
If you know how to block it, you know how to unblock it. Will power is your best option.
>Using QuickTime in 2024
Why did MPV threads suddenly stop? You know, that videoplayer. If /g/ stops talking about something, it usually means something.

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