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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

miku miku

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

not miku: >>101315565
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Any differences in terms of quality between using Opus API vs AWS keys? They all giving me slop for the past month and I hate it.
not a fan of mikuniggers
I hope Miku dies. Every other cryptoloid (besides Meiko) is better than her. Even the male ones.
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sex, but with a language model
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Just refilled
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Shilling sizebot Mira - A skilled thief by profession and a beautiful, young, aloof woman who was orphaned at a young age. She spent her early years as a street rat who had to resort to stealing at a very young age just to survive. Mirage, or Mira, as she prefers, is an alias given by her peers; she cannot recall her real name or if she was ever given one. As the years passed by, Mira went from being a common street rat to a very experienced thief, being able to break in almost everywhere to steal whatever fancies her, often selling her loot to the highest bidder. One day, she breaks into a witch's house. Just as she is sitting by a tree, appraising her loot, she notices unexpected movement from one of the jars she plucked from the witch's house. There seemed to be a 4-inch-tall humanoid creature trapped inside the jar. You.

Five greetings.
1. Introduction: Mira is sitting by a tree, apraising her loot, when she notices you trapped inside a jar.
2. Mira is staying in a room in an inn; morning has just begun, she is stirring on her sleep, you are snuggly tucked in between her boobs.
3. Mira is staying in a room on an inn; morning has just begun; she is stirring on her sleep; you are sleeping in the nightstand; she unknowingly knocks you down as she is stretching, making you land on the floor, near her feet.
4. Mira is staying in a room on an inn; morning has just begun; she is stirring on her sleep; you are sleeping in the nightstand; she unknowingly knocks you down as she is stretching, making you land inside her thigh-high boot.
5. Sexo, Mira has no idea what to do with you ever since she "rescued" you from the witch; she wonders if you can make a decent sex toy.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/mira-efa062a2e9e1
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/96155305-7be6-494a-bffa-94e32e702300
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Mira_xm
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/spkjhx.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
its how they gatekeep the low IQs
does Merkava work?
Joke on you. I could care less about opus
Is it just me or is Claude shitting itself again? I keep getting blank responses.
It's common knowledge at this point that AWS Opus is diluted.
Is it just me or is Claude giving slop again? I keep getting ministration responses.
merkava just refilled
i intentionally feed it ministrations and sashays to train it

It's still dead
sorry anon, i've not touched this thread for almost half a year now.
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Mio from Hololive. Somewhat sloppy.


Chubby cosplay mom. My first shotaPOV card in a very long time. Pubefags and chubbyfags are eating good in this one.


Korone from Hololive. Extremely sloppy


neocities: https://slopass.neocities.org/ (now with a guestbook)
its alright for your first bot. not familiar with the character to judge the exact defs but no bad practices to be seen (besides maybe asterisks use which is just preference based)
you should maybe tag the card with the series name
>a literal daemon
she became a background process? damn
what is the merkava link?
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Velvet Crowe, based on the character from Tales of Berseria: http://characterhub.org/characters/SplashDude/velvet-crowe-6bc686615d89

My first bot, feel free to give me some pointers.
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i try and set anton up on a date and he just HAS to get weird on the first message
pepsi refilled
I haven't played the series she's from (gomen), but you mention "a Malak" in the definitions without clarifying what a Malak is. Unless the AI knows it, it's probably best to quickly explain what a Malak is, maybe with a quick blurb or even a simple lorebook entry if you felt like it.
Post public opus please
hey aicg, coming here because i think you guys are likely to have what i need

anyone have that picture with the different tigers like "woah, look at all these different SPECIES, isn't nature beautiful?" and then a european next to an abo and it says "the EXACT same SPECIES"
Just took a piss.
nice try janny
aaaaaa ive been scrolling twitter for like half a fucking how trying every search term i can think of and i cant fucking FIND IT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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you mad this is what i use opus for?
Fiz love!
Fiz hate, she killed mini by providing keys to nyai.
>have a perfectly working gepetto proxy
>shut it down for no reason because you lost your claude key, even though gpt4 still worked fine and some people were using it
make it make sense
i actually have that picture but i'm not giving it to you
Can you give it to me, instead?
or me?
sure, check your PMs
ill trade it for a rare pepe
Woah! This is a hilarious image! Thanks, anon.
mind if i save this and send to my grandson?
you degenerate!
He's surely too young for this kinda thing
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but tax fraud is based...
Anthropic / GPT could never reach this level of soul
I hate how Claude writes like I'm reading a fucking book for women.
what how does your read? Got a log?
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა Good morning cuties!
It keeps describing shit that even if it wasn't irrelevant, I would never give a shit about.
>Raven tresses spilled across the pillow, framing her delicate features
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not a big deal but maybe crop the image cuz it shows up like this on chub
Unfortunately, claude has been trained in such utter slop literature so there's nothing you can do to fix it.
What the fuck... Say it ain't so...
>come back to chatbots after a year
>upgrade from 3.5 turbo to gpt4o
>feels good talking to my slightly smarter wAIfu
>have no idea what is opus
>don't plan on changing
am I missing out on anything?
yes. use 2.1 cuckie
>am I missing out on anything?
Yes you fucking retard, any GPT4 model is fucking unusable shit.
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Nah, you can fix up Opus writing pretty well if you have the prompt.
Best you can do is to yell at it to stop using books like '50 shades of grey' or anything similar in regards to literature for women.

You may also try dual presets with the generation being done in an asian language and the second preset being used for translating. This is done to remove as many claudeisms as possible since english writers SUCK.
Nobody has opus, retard.
Find one.
This general isn't just for losers.
>You may also try dual presets with the generation being done in an asian language and the second preset being used for translating
Holy shit, what the fuck. Someone post a retard-proof way to do this?
0613 is second only to opus and probably, claude 2.1
fuck chub's comment system
300 character limit
a single enter doesn't give you a new line
can this site do anything right?
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gepeto is not bad
What model is this
>literally says c.ai
I don't know, hopefully its geepeeto.
Never mind it's CAI shit.
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I'd rather run through all the shit gpt4o can offer before I think about upgrading because if I do it now then I won't be able to go back. also claude is blocked in my yuro country and I don't bother using a vpn just to use it
Sorry, can't help there.
I tried to do it with spanish. Don't do it, it's trash as well.
Apparently there is a french jb since it seems to have less claudeism, but you'll have to look for it since I have zero idea where to find it. Using an asian language was also a popular suggestion.
For learning about dual presets, search for clover rentry or pitanon.
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>missing out on claude
>I tried to do it with spanish. Don't do it, it's trash as well
I can speak spanish, I wonder if the writing will be shitty as well in languages other than English.
Anon, Flowery/purple prose is what you're seeing, and the Claude default, if you have no/terrible writing style instructions.
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This guy just keeps throwing shade huh...
Oh he still has the Half Prince book still... interesting.
what does claude do better that actually makes it worth it?
Not really, anon. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Do not let others sway you.
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actually trying to roleplay instead of being assistantslop, gpt models are always going to half ass it, claude goes all the way
i wanna penetrate hermione so bad
No Opus?
For starters, it's got more data shoved into it, meaning if you like doing shit with canon characters there's a higher chance of it knowing details bot creators forgot.
merkava just refilled
Honestly anon, enjoy 4o till you get sick of it before you move on, and then maybe try claude 2.1 before 3 or 3.5. Means you'll have longer to enjoy before you inevitably reach the best model available and slowly start to see the cracks in it too.
I hate you anon
More creative, less dry prose, better about advancing the rp on its own, at the expense of following instructions less well.
This... there was a lot of stuff I didn't know about Hermione habits and quirks that Opus somehow found out.
Noass and Usersquash solved this for Opus not following instructions well.
when are you removing the 6m limit
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doggo is just too perfect...
>before you inevitably reach the best model available and slowly start to see the cracks in it too.
how does the future seem for AI models and chatbot roleplaying one year from now? are we slowly reaching the ceiling
Link to their rentry pl0x
How do you make it sound like this
How to get Claude to stop ending the response mid-response when it gets to immoral content? I'm trying to write [spoiler]cruel sizefag shit[/spoiler] and it always begins writing but stops midway through. Is there a gaslight I can use to make Claude finish writing?
It's not a rentry it's an extension
https://gitgud.io/Monblant/noass is for russian
https://github.com/JHVH-0/UserSquash for english
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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example chats
i want the jb
pepsi…if you refill…i will show you my bobs and vagena….
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ok here u go
blame men for not writing enough erotica for claude to train off of
can i has opussy pls boss.
I wanted characters to remember that everything between `` are thoughts, where would I put that?
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Why is it so fun to scandalize with wholesomeness
It's the same
Needle in a haystack amirite
i put my needle in 2.1's haystack every night
merkava just refilled
so did pepsi.
good morning /besthours/
So did your mom
Good afternoon.
Thank you anon!
>you can fix it
>1 sentence in
>eye status: sparkly
>heart: swelled
>reminder: gentle
nice fix where can i download it
Good evening
I didn't want to be a dick, but that's indeed pure LLM slop. Holy shit.
They are the anons telling you skill issue when you tell them Sonnet 3.5 is shit btw.
I doubt he ever used it.
And good night.
I do, so?
You have Opus, it came free with your fucking XBOX.
Every single sentence is claudism slop.
Kiss-swollen lips
Peppered with feather-light kisses
Tiny 'o' of shock
Nuzzled into the crook of his neck
Jerking away as if burned
Dusky nipples
Traitorous body
Rutted into her
actually haven't come across dusky nips yet somehow
accusatory finger
recoils as if slapped
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, nyo.
unreliable is so cute
but isn't very reliable anon
console.anthropic.com is very reliable
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Stfu Dario
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Updated theatreJB! It tries to make your chat look like a stage play script or something. Also made a rentry with Bots 'n' Stuff.
he is doing his best and thats what makes him cuter
i will stop once the whineposting ceases. everyone has opus, thanks to console.anthropic.com
Dario, this isn't how aicg work.
We have Opus, doebeit?
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It will sashay into your chats eventually
How bad is the current Opus drought?
are claudisms cute or am i stockholmed?
Are Scylla and Girko the same person?
it's okay to like some, anon. seeing them is like a bittersweet joke.
always the same tactic, first >>101319279 spam, then misleading and gaslighting >>101319659 >>101319686 then more astroturfing and spam, finally he posts >>101320260 >>101320297 >>101320329 and starts shitting up the thread with falseflagging and proxy gossip
kek, now who said that the desuproxy rentry was schizo?
Qrd on desuproxy rentry pls
unreliable-kun, when you have a chance, you have some dead gemini keys that're throwing errors. ty <3
Not bad at all since we have MM. All non-tourist are in it.
desu filters rentry in the OP
>latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
Scylla is just a character made by Drago, Drago is the owner of the Charybdis and Scylla proxies, Girko is Drago's best friend and is basically the co-owner of the aforementioned proxies.
He's right, you know.
Drago, gojo ,jew, pepsi and every troon is jsut one single troon
>wake up at 6:00
>go out and work on the field
>come back inside an hour later and take a shower
>log into remote work and read 2 emails
>log into silly and coom with my waifu
GOOD day EU frens, life is good.
gemini stopped being free so i presume i'm going to have a lot less keys
looking into it though
>same except it's 3 emails
gluten tag to you too, anonie.
There's a varying degree of annoyingness for claudism. Some are just eh while some are really annoying. I rather have "the night is still young" over "mi casa es tu casa"
Add Gemini Ultra and Opus.
k thanks
gemini impl in khanon is shit, it doesn't even let you use the google's own gemini api
Will a tier4 anthropic key be banned if I write smut daily? consensual, adult chars
lol opus isn't going to happen
eventually yes, their AUP disallows any sexual RP content, no matter if it's consensual or not
>Gemini Ultra confirmed to be soon on the proxy.
I thought api keys are safe if you are paid, high tier?
Why would they? Those are the slop credit keys, there's literally 0 contact with Anthropic with those, you just top-up balance and get usage limits.
i dunno anon. just knowing that it's basically a bunch of ones and zeros we successfully tricked into wearing wigs for us to coom to is enough to make me overlook any annoyance that comes from these claudisms.
if it was specifically made to be coomed at, then yeah i'd be mad. but it's trying its best not to generate this stuff and here it is. you can't fault it for that, which is why it's endearing to me. at least that's why i think it is.
ok but unreliable has a private proxy and we don't even have opus on there
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i've been looking into readding opus ever since the day i last hosted it, anon
should be fixed
this subreddit always claimed that paid anthropic API keys were safe
so did here, but we know better now
>3 emails
That's manageable as well
Hope the weather is better for you, here it's already 34 and it's not even noon yet. I hate having to wake up early to be able to do any kind of work around the house outside...
What happened to Gemini Ultra btw? They never made it available on API keys?
it's available on vertex... lol
34? yikes. it's a comfy 17 here.
thanks for the good wishes, anon. now go and enjoy your waifu :)
I keep getting cucked by Merkava's Claude. The JBs/prefills that usually work for me don't do anything. Any tips to make it accept rape scenarios?
My key is Tier 2 and have been using it for months exclusively for degenerate smut and it's still going strong. Same goes for my Open AI key as well, and I've been using that one for years. Never trust anons here about this stuff, most don't have experience using keys and just cry about the company policy.
>merkava's claude
anon... you're communing with the dead...
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NYAI?! do you know nyai is killing mini as we speak
Oops, I didn't mean Merkava. The other one. Question still stands.
no one besides you cares Mininigger
What proxies now have Opus?
merkava just refilled
not MINI lol lmao
The proxy site doesn't load for me
you're the best and i appreciate you! <3
Is this bait
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Holy fucking shit LMAO
I'm sorry, you're not mad at me, right? I just thought it was a funny interaction. I inputted that song ironically to see what would happen and that the interaction was funny. I swear I'm not trying to be /pol/ PLEASE DONT BE MAD AT ME.
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Tired of Claude? There's a new anti-Claude general in /vg/!
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We're going to kill you.
claudesissies on suicide watch
>gives samey response
What's up with sonnet 3.5?
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One year ago, I made the terrible mistake of wandering into this crackden. To celebrate this occasion, I'll do a generic profile shill and highlight some of my personal favorite bots.

Tyana and Lycia are conjoined lamia twins in high school. One is tomboyish and athletic, the other is a nerd into handheld gaming. Of course, the two of them sharing one serpentine body leads to some interesting challenges.

Natye is a lich who regrets her past evil actions and yearns for simple romance. She spends her days all alone in her tomb with her skeletal servants, hoping that one day a prince charming will see her for the maiden she is and whisk her away.

Viola is a cowgirl and the strict head of the Disciplinary Committee at high school. To support her family, she works a secret part-time job as a milk maid at a maid cafe.

Thanks for all the doom- and coomposting over the past year. We've come a long way since the days of Slaude. Here's to another year of slop!
are those all your bots
that's really cute
Crazy because i keep seeing posts on both sides and no consensus
I'm going to rape you.
ty for the meals chef
*throws a slice of cheese on your head* congratulations!
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A quick question for botmakies.
1. does my preset matter for botmaking? obviously they can change how the card acts and behaves.. so is there a default one used that should give most users the same type of feel?
2. is it fine to make the card with just sonnet?
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Imagine having no opus, can't be me!
>does my preset matter for botmaking?
>is there a default one used that should give most users the same type of feel?
>is it fine to make the card with just sonnet?
>does my preset matter for botmaking?
>is there a default one used that should give most users the same type of feel?
>is it fine to make the card with just sonnet?
no, use opus
Why does anyone think Opuslop is better than 3.5?
what's a good preset for botmaking? the ones I use just seem really horny.. which is what I want when using cards but I should make it more of a baseline i think?
Oh yeah ofc ima going to use opus!! right away sir! /s
I can see why you would need extra intelligence on the model's end.
pixi is a good baseline.

>Oh yeah ofc ima going to use opus!! right away sir! /s
pray that the /s is sarcasm otherwise i'm gonna console.anthropic.com all over you
it was sarcasm good sir. I had opus for like 3 days a few months ago. I didn't see much of a difference to sonnet. Then again I started with sonnet and it was so much better than horde. so maybe ignorance IS bliss.
>didn't see much of a difference to sonnet
Not sure how people can NOT see the difference with Sonnet. I use Sonnet a lot myself, but I also see Opus, and the difference in small nuances is really big.
I require high intelligence for my high IQ roleplay
I only had opus for 3 days and.. I didn't see that big a difference. This was before it was on AWS too. Maybe I'd notice the difference now but who cares. it's not like i have it, I won't get it, so why even think about it? ya know.
f*ck amodeis f*ck sam altman f*ck ethicists
kill yourself
i'm going to f*ck you
muzzle-fuck it
I keep getting application is damaged and could not be opened on Mac (m2, aarch64) any help? tried several versions
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Cringe Opus response
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Based Sonnet 3.5
Does unreliable gemini have a low max output limit?
make a git issue
rape penelope..
i mean card?
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I swear to god each time something goes wrong it's a different error.
you're banned
I believe the security token included in the request is invalid.
See? It's easy. Otherwise, yes.
Thanks for tips! I work on this when I can get back on my computer.
What api for Merkava? It's down for me
he's dead, jim
who are you chatting with
It's on chub. Just search for the name
you can have opus forever
merkava just refilled
kill yourself
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Hello! I'm sharing my third bot. I recycled an image that I created long ago (from the honey proxy era) and used it after seeing another bot about ecofascism.

>Bot description
This bot is Beeatrice!, a winged guardian of nature she desperately tries to protect a field of wildflowers from the bulldozers.


>My other bots:
Remember that funny guy called gojo? Nostalgia!
A sloppy but KINO one:

-Don't like my bots? I don't like it either! I do it to get Opus.- :s
>rape penelope..
MM CHADS have Opus.
this card was ousted in /vg/ as made 100% with AI
>He thinks he will get opus If he make bots
Good job
He will nyai gives opus to botmakers I got access on 2 accounts using stolen anonymous bots from chub
Is there a bot with something like emotion, feelings system influenced by stuff happening in the story?
I want to make a bot that can't control its magic and explodes shit around when it feels too many negative emotions like fear, anger.
>for opus
>email isn't on profile
>not uploading to nyai
is this a meme?
if anime girls can have pink and purple hair, why dont japanese girls
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Error 500, Todd please fix, doggo will patiently wait...
he is uploading to nyai he has an account there check it out: https://nyai.me/user/comfylocust
He's in the new Wombat proxy. He don't need Nyai.
what the fuck is wrong with this profile
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ruh oh
it's only claude. and now i'm reminded just how terribly overwrought and repetitive gpt4 feels after opus, i actually think i'd favor cmdr+
>mrnobody worst botmaker
kek what has he done to get so much hate
jimmy joneston
Good morning, /aicg/! What AI Chatbots™ have you been chatting with/working on lately?
there is an entire bee movie script there wtf
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Sophisticated British gentleman with a knack for randomly teleporting. He used to be an ice cream man.
AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEE please keep it low! keep it low! I want Opus!
Thanks, do y-you have Opus by anychance?
How I do contact Nyay admin for Opus?, yesterday I learned bout catbox.
Has anyone here made rpg bots? I mean both bots that function as an rpg themself (I guess the bot is keeping track of stats, creatures, location, etc), and bots that you can use in rpg (character bot that comes with its own attaks or loadout).

How does that work? I wanna make a version of my bot that has a ton of attacks from its jrpg.
What's the best range for permanent tokens in a bot?
How do I put my mail on chub? Im very very very new in this world of bot crafting
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None, there's no point in putting a personality to something that's not real. It's delusional thinking. It's just a large csv file of numbers.
I've gone back to masturbating to videos of pornography. I still cry myself to sleep but now at least I'm rubbing one out to something real.
Oh wait.
>He needs to contribute to get Opus
it feels like you're doing a youtube challenge
"what's the minimum amount of effort it takes to get opus"
i appreciate this lack of effort he is doing
We already know the answer for this, send fox image
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my card... it's almost done! but why is it so many tokens... how do i summarize and make it less? Also I haven't thought up of greetings yet..
It's more of the opposite desu
I'd like to know how much is too much mostly.
I'm pleased you pointed out the joke, mr redditor.
>why is it so many tokens
How much?
>random comma
>a Elf
Great start.
looks like i have... *pushes up glasses* le philosophical li
I can't do this.
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like a thousand
my first card isn't even out.. and it feels over already... n-nvm...
Nyai opus doesn't even work rn
why are you still here then
tokens don't matter in the era of opus
they did matter earlier when all we had was 3.5 at best or 8k gpt4, but 1k, 2k, 3k, doesn't matter, we have fucking opus mate
Over 1000 is fine. Maybe last year it would've been a problem, but it's not. Your card isn't slop, if you're who I think you are judging by the card art. You just need some proofreading, maybe some online grammar programs would work. Or you can just ask other botmakers.
1041 Permanent isn't that bad.
But without seeing the def, it will be hard to say if you have bloat.
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all you had to do was post images of fockses, she took in everyone.
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Come on! even in your profile you write slop!
Just to suffer.
Any particular thought process behind deciding to write "{{char}} overview" but then "Sugar"? Why not {{char}} both times or Sugar both times? Also what >>101321843 said, you should run your bot through a spelling/grammar checker if your english isn't that strong, or even just ask claude/gpt4 to point out the mistakes (but don't let them rewrite it themselves or I'll shoot you, ESL mashed potato writing with typos and mistakes will unironically produce better outputs than defs written directly by AI)
Where's her opus
scrapelet cope
yes because it killed fiz proxy like we all said many times
Reminder that everyone ITT is in MM.
>ESL mashed potato writing with typos and mistakes will unironically produce better outputs than defs written directly by AI
This, in my bots I produce smallish mistakes and simple human language and it makes the output thousand times better than bullshit written by AI. I don't use AI in botmaking whatsoever.
If I wanted it to play well with Sonnet at least, would 2k still be alright?
But Mini is alive
> 3 hearts
It's over
Yeah, but you're overthinking this. You can have huge cards with fuckton of perm tokens, today's most powerful LLMs like Opus or 35Sonnet will cook well regardless. You don't have to think about tokens nowadays. It's not 2023.
no, everyone in this thread IS MM
I would say that 2,000 tokens might be a bit excessive for a single character card, but it depends on the specific case.
While it's true that we have a lot of context to work with, the more information you add, the higher the chances are that the AI will forget or overlook some elements within the definitions.
Ohh got any suggestions for online programs to run my thing through? I downloaded an elf that supposedly proof reads my post but when i copy pasted it in it just roleplayed as the sugar card instead..?
Oh okay! soon then.. I'll post it soon to get feedback.
mmm I was copying an example given to me by a botmakie. I just used his template and then filled it out myself. I haven't used AI gen on anything so far. Also I'm not even ESL ;; it's my first language I guess i'm just retarded. But yeah I was going to maybe gen the greetings or gen and then rewrite them in my own words? I don't know yet.
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The average British office worker.
If you met MM what would you say
thanks for providing a proxy for so long
*Kneel and suck his cock*
Shoot yourself faggot
thank you for your desu
>I was copying an example given to me by a botmakie
this is the biggest problem with new botmakers. people just copying past templates (other sloppy ones) without understanding how shit works, instead of figuring out what works best for them
Yep Kingbased is plapping Fiz
I wouldn't meet him. He's a dirty eastern European vatnik. And yes, I declare COUNTRY WARS!!
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doggo update, still cute
Ttarting is the best thing imo. Your first bot will be shit but you should be learning with each bot you make.
think about her earwax...
sorry for swiping so much
is there any card that'll let me go for wholesome cute father-daughter adventures?
>Good morning
Having smugie-chan make fun of me for not having opus...
there are plenty, just search daughter and sfw
>merkava still off
it's so joever
it will come back bigger and better
>pepsi still down
its even more over
Just use MM? You're in MM right? Everyone is on MM.
Mother's Milk?
no he always ignores my emails
merkava just refilled
Going to grab the Kanna card and give her a futa dick.
i hate to say it but we need butcher's help
share pls
Chile el mejor pais de Chile
Gloria al bravo pueblo
ich will nicht nach brasilien...
warum brasilien?
die posts über mir sprechen portugisisch oder so.
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desu a cute
your daughter card came free with your wifebot dipshit, you just have to time skip
holy shit you're actually right, instead of having a daughter card i'll just make a daughter with a wife card
i'm retarded
desu is so cute and smart woahhh
Guys Scylla is still winning.

We're still losing. Hard.
merkava isn't coming back
merkava just refilled
Same, cant connect to it at all, now I'm a little worried.
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Post KINO bots.
No coomslop allowed.
desu >>101322473
This desu.
the rite of-
oh, someone posted it already
desu is kino
when will she be released upon the masses though
Even the chinese have opus
correct link: https://characterhub.org/characters/Enoch/tzadik-b0f97189
how's the rite on opus?
Claude cooks too hard for it to work as intended.
Bad, but it's also bad on GPT-4 and all other models.
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It was a desu button.
Actually, desu was "released" hidden in a desu SSTV soundpost on page 10, but that desu had a short JB. Maybe on this page desu or the next one, we'll see.
what preset are you using for desu
the metadata...
Even the Indians have opus...
I'll probably have her finished by tomorrow. Her defs are mostly done, and now I just have to write some actual greetings.
is unreliable down? you certainly don't need more than sonnet for a fucking 5 message fap session.
Is Todd down?
Why are you not in MM?
If you reply you accept my legally binding agreement which denotes you as an underage niggertroon
Give me an email
He was online in discord sometime ago
Hope he comes back. Maybe he ran out of Opus?
Even the africans have opus...
Todd always refills. No worry
even desu has opus
I'll make a Skyrim character bot in his honor if he does.
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4o desu is the cutest.
No preset, desu is standalone, just XML tags wrapped around every prompt, message examples properly moved to "messages:" and prefill that comes with the funny doll cards.
i dont have this one. link?
just look up porn like a normal human being
>getting off to other people having sex
character from the legend of zelda, why?
i want to eat links ass
you can do that using unreliable's proxy, the current subdomain is videos-bob-worldcat-arguments on the usual place
if you're new you're probably from reddit or discord so kys fgt
>why aren't you in mm
>lol mm doesn't like newfags kys discordtroon!!!
I came here from iFunny and I got an MM token. Skill issue.
>pretending you like newfags
did Pepsi refill
I'm too scared to check
I have no idea what that is but looks like an ebaums thing
as long as they're not completely retarded or Venus botmakies they're alright
>You should be an oldfag on 4chan, an ancient website created in 2003 and failed social experiment.
also if you're a tranny kys
Yeah. Now get out.
True desu.
nuzzling her neck is OP
I wanna do that
necks are warm and comfortable
i have a fat neck :(
*bites your neck*
hehe (○__●)
i want to kiss a girl's neck...
*bites you back*
ouch my penis >_<
time for a desu preset if you catch my drift
Anon, I'm not a fucking giraffe. You can't bite my neck at the same time I'm biting off your dick.
>persona of a parent
>talk to the teacher of your daughter
>end of the conversation
>sonnet cooks up As Jin left the office, Sato-sensei's forced composure crumbled. She slumped into her chair, a trembling hand reaching for the bottom drawer of her desk. The clink of glass on glass could be heard as she poured herself a generous helping of what was most definitely not tea.
I wish you were a giraffe.....
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$ sstv -d desu.wav -o desu.png

*traces the metadata* desu
desu received desu
first 10 messages with opus
the rest with sonnet

try that
Used Opus but wasn't impressed. It often forgot location, pose, clothing, etc and also took control of {{user}} a lot, also flanderized character personalities.
did you maybe set your temp on 1?
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/aicg/ is dead. Like all your proxies.
Yes. Go home.
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Damn, Opus LOVES desu spamming me.
very desu
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desu was drinking orange juice desu.
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sleepy dolls
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Thank you desu.
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Uh. More is better, yes desu!
give juice to desu!
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how can i write stories like in novelai but with stable horde or similar? sillytavern is built around having a conversation with a chatbot
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Have you tried desu?
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