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Living the meme edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

>Open source Android applications

>Android App compatibility list for de-googled phones

>Custom ROMs suggestions, privacy guides

>Recommended phones

>Try out Android on your iToy

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>101298122
more like FARTPHONE general
Are there any budget phones with good screens these days?

Even the previous model of flagships are pushing 800+ these days
Anyone use KVM in the Pixels to run Linux? How does it behave? Got good experience?
That isn't an iPhone. Get a brain, moran.
bought a 2a on the weekend and now this launches lol. is the $130aud price difference worth it?
Good maarning saar!
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>still no battery access
Well that was a huge waste of time.
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>removable back
>battery still sealed
Lmao even
Define budget. Picrel can be had for below 300 dollars.
>No nfc
Not if that is a deal breaker to you. That's a budget model.
its so over
47 hours, Samsungsisters
oh didnt realise. i havent set up my card to work on my phone, but idk if i want to because i cant set my bus pass or student card up digitally, so i end up bringing my card holder with me everywhere
or is there another use for nfc im unaware ofb?
Anything to look forward to?
>battery is literally right there behind the scary sticker that says no!
When did /g/ turn into such pussies like wtf? It's literally the same as every other phone except the back isn't glued. I swear if some YouTuber makes a video telling everyone to put their phone in the oven y'all would do it. Fucking brainwashed sheeps everywhere these days baka
I'm not in the market for a phone so I'm just interested in the Galaxy Buds 3. However I like seeing the Z Flip and Z Fold mature with every iteration.
if I install Lineage on the CMF phone will it have decent performance? or a waste of time
Should I get the Moto G Stylus or Pixel 8a, coming from a Pixel 4a? I'm leaning towards the 8a because I don't know if I'll like the size of the Moto
cmf1 biggest scam ever lmao
you will pay for the overpriced planned obsolescent accessories chud
doesn't even come with a charger lmao
3 years security 2 years os kek
crash grab
don't fall for it
wonder how much they payed certain youtuber for the ad lmao
No + Lineage is trash + you'd have to wait forever to get official support
>Lineage is trash
lineage is fine, what dont you like about it?
People who buy things based on what some youtube faggot shills deserve what they get.
Everyone over the age of 18 should know better.
i dont know anything about divest but yes graphene is better, that doesnt make lineage trasth
You fools realized those accessories are just optional, right? For me, I'm just glad consoomers are funding my hobby lmao.
A Nothing phone without the gay lights? What is this?
>Are there any budget phones with good screens these days?
Oneplus 12r
>Anything to look forward to?
Pixel 10 pro not XL
android really is the jeet phone. all the phones dont even have the NA bands except for samshit LMFAO
>3 years security 2 years os kek
crash grab
>cash grab
This isn't for the NA market. And the target market, which doesn't care about NFC, will find this a good deal. Meanwhile, the Samshit retard that paid $400 for an A55 and swore that they will keep for 5 years is gonna change phones in 2 years due to FOMO.
>look at us, we only have Iphones, Samsungs and Pixels here
Kek. You have no moral high ground, mutt bro.
Are galaxy s cameras really that bag?

Also, do you think smart flip (or fold) phones will kill off the traditional slab phone?
Am i a dumbass for buying a iPhone 7 Plus 128gb with a new battery for 90 USD recently? I sooner realize how hard it is to repair newer iPhones, more so that parts are serialized on newer models. Not to mention the models i wished on having are now cheap as a 21 y/o zoomer.

Are there any used phones worth having under the 100 dollar range that offer decent/great value? Been looking at getting an LG G8 recently.
I mean I have the 2020 iPhone SE that was $200 refurbished and it works great. No real point to getting something bigger and bulkier
Pixel 8a if you care about camera, longevity, security updates, custom OS support, repairability, available accessories, reasonable size, and a great screen. If you don't care about any of those then get a Moto G Stylus.
I can barely charge my Huawei phone. It's summer, 30 degrees Celsius where I am, power brick has QC, phone immediately gets hot, stops charging and won't resume until I reconnect it.
Is there a way to disable this blocker of sorts? I don't care if it will catch on fire.
china quality.

Charge it in the fridge perhaps?
No NFC and no 3.5mm jack
wtf is the point of this phone.
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Isn’t MagSafe an Apple trademark ™? Are they going to get sued? Is that why it’s an attachment, because that way if they get sued they can just continue selling the phone without the attachment. Everything looks very jail orange.

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It comes with a noose inside the box.
How do you guys deal with the fact that so many phones that are mid-range in price only have like 256gb of storage and no expandable memory? I've got 1tb of music, and while I can pick and choose what I want on my phone instead of just carrying around my entire library it still feels tedious as hell. My current phone has a card slot, but I just noticed I haven't had a security update in almost 2 years and this morning I woke up to my phone on some sort of crash screen asking if I wanted to try booting the OS (android 11) again.

>inb4 I use spotify/streaming
I listen to weird music and I'm not paying to stream it when I already buy it from sites like bandcamp. Plus I find myself without cell service while out in the wood a lot. Having to rely on streaming alone would be beyond annoying.
Is metro still the best FOSS android music player?
>1tb of music,
How many songs is that?
>tiny handed manlet
I have no idea. My Super Eurobeat playlist is over 3300 songs. The rest probably adds up to over 100,000 if I had to guess.
I've been using my iPhone XR since 2019 how fucked am I?
Be honest, how many songs do you end up skipping?
Asian market that uses QR codes instead of NFC.
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I rarely skip tracks. There's some stinkers in that eurobeat play list and will skip some of the more rock-ballad or early 2000's trance style songs.
The rest of the music I keep on my phone are albums I've listened to before all the way though and enjoy. If there's a track on an album I really can't stand I delete it (like with Saint Pepsi's World Tour album and the track "LOOK AT THE DOG"), but other wise I like to listen to albums, not tracks.
you have a shitty xr
why do pajeets always use this cope. S23, iPhone 14 and 15 are all perfect sized.

t. 6ft2 white man.
Try and use it with one hand- don’t shift the phone or anything, only use your thumb. If you aren’t a completely disingenuous faggot you will understand the problem. Also basically every woman can’t use a phone comfortably anymore
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Must suck being a handlet
t.6'4 white man
nta, but I have kinda short fingers and I have no problem operating my phone one handed aside from not quite being able to reach the top left corner. While I'm sure it's a problem for some that they can't quite reach the opposite corner from where they hold it the convenience of having a larger screen far outweighs the convenience of being able to thumb the whole screen one-handed.
yes, anon, yes you are

I will let you in on a little secret: the iPhone 7 is 8 years old, even if it has a new battery in it, it doesn't change that compared to modern phones in equivalent price range it has a dogshit screen, dogshit camera and dogshit battery AND on top of that, zero software support
>That design
>That Camera
>That old Oxygen OS

Bros, I miss the old OnePlus so bad
5'8 handlet here. Absolute no issues using a S24 Ultra with a case.
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Can anyone here with an S24 tell me where theirs was made, apparently they make them in india now and i'd hate to buy a pajeet product
I want my phone to be made by Chinese slaves like God intended!
Made in Vietnam. I live in the UK.
That's quite literally not the point. Are you baiting or just severely mentally ill?
I always wanted the 7 plus though. Not to mention I tend to like the touch ID feature more than face ID
I am aware. But keep in mind I don't plan on using it as a main phone. Not to mention its still somewhat supported (I still see plenty of people use the 6/6s).

And given your criticism, something tells me that you're very biased (and possibly ignorant)
Sure but the most I personally do with my phone is browse 4chan or listen to music. I really don’t need more than 5 inches, and o think many other small phone buyers feel the same way- if you want so much power and battery life you should obviously buy the bigger phones. Also small (and thick) phones were much easier on the wrist
Dogshit=good enough
I think it has to do with how much you use your phone. The more you use it, the bigger of a screen you want. I'm also a small phone bro (S10e) but I don't use it that much.
your thumb doesn't look like it's going to reach the top left corner of that Galaxy Note whatever. Also why so anti small phone? It's not like there is a lack of big phones, it'd sure be nice to have an option of something smaller.
>and a great screen
>Galaxy Note
Not him, but that's a S24 ultra
sorry, not up to date on phones :<
if the iphone 15 had a huawei camera it would be the undisputed best phone of all time. fuck droidjeet poo curry trash
>Also why so anti small phone?
>If you aren’t a completely disingenuous faggot you will understand the problem.

Nothing against smaller phones existing, but you come across like an asshole with dick envy.
That's the base model S24 right?
Yep that was the point I wanted to make
Because it’s annoying as fuck when all these people cry about us crying. They say “nobody wants a small phone shut up”, okay then buy literally any other phone on the market. All we ask for is one model.
Remember, iPhone mini sold 10m- that would be pretty good for some other companies like Motorola.
So far all the companies that are attempting to make phones in inida dump all that garbage on the Indian market. So unless you are a jeet i wouldn't worry about it, if you are then lol
Based nigga

>inb4 nigga is black

Wrong, nigga is also a state of being
Anyone has an experience with Kyocera phones? I like an idea of heavy duty japanese made phone, should be tough as nails, and I know their printers are top notch quality,
>you're very biased (and possibly ignorant)

Anon, you don't have to be iq200 to know these things. ANY phone that's 8 years old will not be good compared to the offerings today.
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No, Ultra.
Aren't all the Flagship Samsungs made in Vietnam?

My S21U was made in Vietnam and so is my S23U
Vietnam and Korea.
I am being realistic. You have free access to the battery just not under warranty. Stop crying. When you normally change a battery in a phone the warranty is long gone anyway.
kek you still post here? fag.
S24U chads, I kneel
What is a phone nowdays equivalent to a Oneplus nord 2?
the display has a purple spot in a corner and it's spreading
Where do i buy original display replacement for it? And if not, what's a fine screen that's not original but will work just fine?
>What is a phone nowdays equivalent to a Oneplus nord 2?
None. Budget phones still hasn't surpassed. Look the dimensity 7200 ultra Vs the 1200 in the Nord 2. 1200 is still better. Give up on budget phones and save up for a S24 Ultra. No other phone is worth getting.
Need to replace my Pixel 7 Pro
>Country: USA
>Carrier: TMobile
Nice display ,good battery life, close to stock android experience
>What do you use the phone for?
Work (teams, office suite, etc), 4chan, watching videos, shitty phone games (master duel)
>What do you not care about?
Camera. If it has a halfway decent camera that is fine by me.
I don't really care, I'd like to say $1000 or less but I could be convinced to get the s24 Ultra
>When do you need to upgrade?
Sooner rather than later. This Pixel screen probably won't last until end of September
>This Pixel screen probably won't last until end of September
What's wrong with it? If it's not cracked then maybe you can trade it in before it goes and get a Pixel 9 Pro in August.
You weren't born when I started posting on 4chon, sperg.
It's got a nice spiderweb crack running from the top right corner that covers about 75% of the screen. Still works but I can feel little chips of glass coming off on my fingers as I use it.
tiny hands are better, it means when you grab a dick it seems larger
it's only for facebook/messenger/whatsapp, i cannot affort more than 300 eurobucks
any options?
Threadly reminder to never buy chinkaomi. Piece of shit starts ghost touching without fail in a couple years and can't be fixed even by replacing the screen.
PHONE                  PRICE (CAD)
Google Pixel 8 $786.94
Google Pixel 8a $679.99
Google Pixel 7 (5G) $408.65
Google Pixel 7a $584.98
Google Pixel 6 Pro 5G $399.99
Google Pixel 6 5G $371.38
Google Pixel 6a (5G) $348.99
Google Pixel 5 (5G) $278.00
Google Pixel 4a (5G) $239.62
Google Pixel 4 $313.69
Google Pixel 4 XL $304.27

>Pixel 4
>First released: October 24, 2019
>Discontinued: August 6, 2020

It's insane to me how expensive expensive 3-5 year old pixels are.
My bro upgraded phones and gave me his ancient iPhone 8+. Anything cool I can even do with it? Wanted to make an apple ID to download stuff but you need to put in a phone number..oof
been using the Poco F6 for around month now
fucking great buy for the money, got it for 400 freedom units
I know I'm probably just going to get "give it back Tyrone," but is there any real way to wipe an iPhone 11 that's activation locked? The phone was obtained legitimately, friend works at a movie theater and the phone was left in their lost and found for months, and policy is that employees are allowed to take things if they're not claimed for a certain period. I'm trying to help out another friend whose own iPhone was stolen, her whole life is in iCloud and she has no way to access it without her phone, and she can't afford a new one.
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PHONE                 PRICE (CAD)
Google Pixel 8 Pro 1,349
Google Pixel 8 780
Google Pixel 8a 680
Google Pixel 7 (5G) 410
Google Pixel 7a 580
Google Pixel 6 Pro 5G 400
Google Pixel 6 5G 370
Google Pixel 6a (5G) 350
Google Pixel 5 (5G) 280
Google Pixel 4a (5G) 240
Google Pixel 4 XL 300
Google Pixel 4 320
Google Pixel 3 XL 250
Google Pixel 3a XL 190
Google Pixel 3a 180


I don't want to pay more than $200 CAD for a phone.
Nigga you live in Canada, that’s the problem.
>I don't want to pay more than $200 CAD for a phone.
>Pixel 3a XL 190CAD
Looks like you're getting a pixel 3a :)
>$200 USD
>120hz OLED
>8/128GB w/ microSD
>Dimensity 7300
>5000 mAh
Honestly not too bad. I wouldn't daily drive it myself since i have a flagship but if you're a poorfag burger its seems decent enough, doesn't immediately look like those shitty teardrop notch phones with gigantic bezels
nah, I think the problem is the old phones are too expensive

not until my Samsung A8 sharts itself like a grizzly fighting for its life against the alpha grizzly
Pray it lasts for the pixel 9.
Going from a pixel 7 the cameras in everything will suck in comparison except maybe the iPhone pro or the meme Chinese phones that are made entirely to do well on camera benchmarks
Replace the screen. It is stupid easy.
it offers nothing of value, it's stock AOSP with some pre-installed apps and laughable attempts of "de-googling"
Not in the US. You do get better healthcare though, so I guess that’s the trade off
>Not in the US
prove it
I was quoted $500 for it, due mostly because the OLED screen with fingerprint sensor is so expensive
I figure for that much I can get something new

>Camera regression
Isn't that the thing they shill ever year? I don't really care about the camera, I don't take photos much and all mine come out shitty anyway. Shit I thought 30% of the cost came from these gay ass cameras
Change .ca to .com
A new Screen is around $100
it is a 30 min job
Nta but Pixels are super cheap in the US. There was a sale on Amazon for Pixel 7 Pro for about $400 just a few weeks ago.
It's not even meant to be sold to burgerland if you read the press releases.
removing the modem module from the mobo gets rid of it last time I checked

nowadays there's probably a Chinese artifact that can disable that lock
>prove it for me
Note 13 Pro 4G since you worry about the camera lmao.
Best browser that isn't chrome and firefox? Firefox has had an unloading bug for years and i can't take it anymore
Gimmick: the phone
Isn't brave just as much spyware as Chrome but Chinese?
>Every carrier will give you a free phone (Usually a Galaxy S) for joining them
>But it's on a two year "Totally not a contract you guys we swear!" gimmick
>By sheer coincidence, the trade in value for a two year old phone is about 10% the value of a 1 year old phone
These jews really want to wallet rape the masses.
Mull and Kiwi
>unloading bug
Never heard of it or experienced it myself. Only issues with Firefox are the usual that affect the desktop version as well, like some websites not playing nice with it.
Not siding with the lizard scambags but it's also the fault of the goyim because they can't math.
There's still good deals to be had, just have to look for them. Usually its on the smaller MNVO's, the big carriers will usually only do their 36 month installment discount.
Nta but I've never seen good deals here. It's just a payment plan and you get the phone for essentially the same but split over a few years. I don't get it.
I should go back to MetroPCS. Every time I seemingly went into that shop I was eligible for $500 off my next phone (provided it was bought in that store). I don't think T-Mobile has ever done that for me.
>I don't get it.
It's guarantied income over 24-26 months and they encourage normalfags to take the deals by saying it's a cheep monthly payment instead of $600-$1100 up front.
Gotta be real gullible. You're only paying more.
>It's just a payment plan and you get the phone for essentially the same but split over a few years.
>I don't get it.
So do they (US consoomers), byt in a bad way. Thank goodness China broke this curse for the rest of the world. I was so sick of muttland telcos dictating what phone succeeds for the rest of the world.
Even Xiaomi is avoiding burger telco subsidy model and rightfully so.
Normalfags see a smaller montly payment and don't care. They can afford a montly payment of $35 for 36 months, but they might not have $900 to drop on a phone today. They get the new shiny thing for a small monthly fee they can show off to their friends and then upgrade in 2 years to the next shiny thing.
That's not the same thing. Virtually every carrier and Apple, Amazon etc offer payment installments; if you're too broke to buy outright you can pay monthly. Same full price. But carriers offer discounted installment plans if you commit a certain time period, usually 24 or 36 months. You do actually get the discount here, the catch is that you're actually getting a credit/discount on your final bill. So you can't, for example, pay off the remaining balance at some point in the future if you wanted to, you have to commit to the 24/36 months. Last year my moms carrier offered her a $500 discount on the 14 Pro Max via 36 monthly payments, the 14 PM MSRP was $1100, instead of her paying $30 for 36 months, she paid something like $16 for 36 months, which is around $600 total. I double checked all of this to make sure she wasn't getting scammed and it indeed does appear like this on her monthly bill. She has already been with her carrier for years so committing to 3 years isn't really a big deal, but if you're a brand new customer then its definitely something to consider. I wouldn't do it personally since I like the freedom of being able to switch carriers if I want to, but the deal is there for those that want it.
Got curious and pulled out my ancient S9 to test this with and couldn't replicate it. Neither on my current phone. Using regular Firefox mobile with ublock
Can't find any cheaper deals in sweden
should I get poco m6 pro 12/512 or note 13 pro 4g 8/256 but a better camera?
are any of Motorola phones good?
I wish xiaomi put more US bands into their phones.. only a few of their devices work with certain US carriers..
If you're in the US i'd go for the note 13 pro Global version it has more bands that work in the US
Poco m6 pro hardly has any
Galaxy Buds 3 looking pretty cool.
It looks like cheap chinkshit
Baffling that only the original Buds looked good out of the entire product line
>Also, do you think smart flip (or fold) phones will kill off the traditional slab phone?
Kill off? No. Compete with? Probably.
>laughs in Sony WF-1000XM5
Nah, they look cool. Especially the lights on the side.
Scamsung: Apple is so gay lol amirite fellas?
Also Scamsung:
That case looks so ass
>but I just noticed I haven't had a security update in almost 2 years and this morning I woke up to my phone on some sort of crash screen asking if I wanted to try booting the OS
Two unrelated incidents.

But yes, vote with your wallet. Buy midrangers with headphone jacks and sd card slots (Moto G Stylus 5G 2024, HTC U23, Etc), midrangers with sd card slots (Samsung A series), flagships with headphone jacks (Zenfone 9 and 10) and flagships with headphone jacks and sd card slots (Xperia series).
so the whole pixel 9 line is a wash?
They're fine.
I've seen an S24+ that was made in india sold in the UK market so idk anymore, maybe because it was a contract phone from a provider so they sourced it cheap but i want to check
I see, as it stands now I might have to drop the extra shackles to buy an Ultra, too bad I didn't think they would fit in my tiny ass pockets
Sorry to be the one to tell you this but XM5s are the nigger Beats of the tws world
Why do you guys buy these ultras and pros for $1234? What's the use case over a regular 700 dollar phone?
The primary reason people want removable batteries is not that they don't know how to replace them, they just want to quickly swap them on the go in case they run out of juice
They sound great to me.
i am not in us. but that seems like a huge pain yeah. i donkt know why america needs to be snowflake in all things

11 pro 4g has same insides other than camera, and costs 50$ more, but m6 pro pictures look dogshit, even though its the same sensor as x6 and those look good. wish these things weren't so dumb.
How futureproof is 8G3 or 8G4? I bought a 870 phone about one year late, but I didn't expect it to be chased out and barely viable after just 2 years.
Ignore him, anon is confusing the tws xm earphones with the actual niggerbass XM headphones line. Those are hot ass, the Sony tws' are all right
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Android sirs....
how do you use a phone for work?..
better yet, how the fuck so you use an iPhone for work?
Kiwi, you can use desktop extensions
My Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 suddenly turned off and now when I turn it on plugged in the screen is at 0.05% brightness. I can obviously click on things and the phone actually works but the screen is almost black. Would this be a motherboard issue or just a battery issue?
Because its a device I use daily, I want the best.
Years. Even the 8G2 should be good for 4+ years.
>chased out and barely viable
It's not even that.

8 Gen 3 and 4 are more than enough. I'm on 8 Gen 2 playing Zenless Zone Zero at a flawless 60fps.
Mihoyo prolly learned their craft ffrom maintaining genshit for 4 years. It was comfy to play without a fan even on Medium. Kurotards still have a lot to learn from Genshit ripoff WuWa. Not even low settings on that will save most phones that have no proper cooling systems.
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Probably. I just feel good that I can do something that rationalizes me having a flagship.

Didn't think I'd be the type to get into mobile games, but playing games on my Z Flip 5 and then shutting it closed is... oddly satisfying? It gives me Gameboy SP vibes, except sideways.
I know they look like an Airpods ripoff but after trying so many different models and brands of wireless earbuds, the stem design/airpods-like design is so much better than the earbud design , way more comfortable and they always have better call quality since the stem mimics a headset microphone
>Zenless Zone Zero
holy shit lmao this cant be considered gameplay
>all right
Galaxy Buds 2 Pro
>$229 usually on sale for $150
has DeX ever sent you to another dimension?
But a tablet/iPad/PC all are better devices for actual work and entertainment. Granted they aren't portable but how often are you really outside the house?
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The Z Fold 5 is a phone/tablet/PC in one.
I have a PC and tablet. I want the best phone performance, best phone screen, best phone cameras, best support, etc. Understand?
Genshin will get a massive performance boost in 5.0 as well, but only on SD888 and newer.
For real though, 30GB for a gachashit is absurd. Yes it's an open RPG, but western games aren't anywhere close to that.
I don't play genshit but 30gb is chump change. Your phone should be minimum 512gb
Storagelets do not deserve basic human rights. Cope.
how do i copy note files to my pc from a samsung galaxy s5 without using whatever bullshit samsung account cloud garbage service everyone online is shilling
Use a USB cable, retard.
i'm not retarded where are the files
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is AOVPN a microsoft thing? Or can I force my phone to always route through my custom network setup?
How do I copy my files
Where are the files located

Just fucking look around in the file system anon. Does the program let you choose where you save your notes? If so look at the file path.
in the future use orgzly since its like the only notes app that lets you export your notes and is actually good. i know right, how is samsung notes still as bad as the galaxy s2 days
From samdung notes? There should be an export or 'save as file' option in there
not Samsung Notes, the default note app, sorry
it doesn't appear to let me batch save/move/export them to anywhere
That blows. Is it not in android/data anywhere? Probably not though.
How can I record every single phone call I make, preferably including stupid online chat platforms like Telegram and Discord?

It's legal where I live to record all conversations, so it seems convenient.

I'd like to do it with FOSS apps if possible, but I'd that's not possible, I'll live it the botnet.

Scamscum S24 Ultra
>my knees hurt
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Soon, /spg/ will have one less toddler to deal with. Will look forward to the day of liberation from the Hans and the Cooks of this world.
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Am I retarded for wanting a pinephone? I'm not very familiar with mobile hardware or software, but surely 200-400$ is good for what you get. Specifically: how bad is 2gb RAM? Surely there are many programs that deal with such a small amount OK, mainly worried about web browsing.
I've read online that the official S22U/S23U film screen protector feels good, as if there isn't actually a protector installed. Any anons here have one in their S22U/S23U (S24U?) and can confirm? I'm bored and tired of the cheap chinese glass ones that break at the slightest bump
i followed pinephones for a while. ive got a pinbook pro but not a pinephone. theyre slow and not very good. just beware that its going to be really limiting
just bought a samsung a55, shall arrive thursday
how fucked am i /spg/?
also what should i do with this xiaomi redmi note 9, it still werks despite the lack of updates and horrible ui
Please share some of your fav eurobeat songs, ive been wanting to get into that genre :)
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I like a lot of the popular big name artists. Check out the Initial D sound track for a lot of the most popular eurobeat songs. Use those names to find more tracks. If you're liking what you're hearing see if you can find the collection of like 200 eurobeat mix albums that has vast swaths of different artists and mixes. Again look up the artists on those albums that you like, learn what type of eurobeat they play, and look for more stuff like that.
I'm really not a great resource for this sorta stuff because I like eurobeat mostly as driving music during the summer. I hit shuffle on my playlist of 3000+ tracks and just let it go.
The advice above is basically how I got into black metal and death metal not knowing anyone else into the genres in the late 90's. I picked up a CD from a flea market that had a bunch of tracks on it showing off different bands on a label. From that I got a bunch of band names and the label name that was putting out the music. Looking into artists and the label eventually got me more access to different bands and different sub-genres, which eventually lead to me meeting other people into that music and going to shows and all that nonsense.
The 7 plus still takes very decent photos ans the interface is just as good as the latest iOS. It's still a decent phone, even in today's terms. Why do you think I mentioned the 6/6s?
all android phones suck cause the battery life is h half that of an iphone and at the same time the iphone keeps all your apps open forever.
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are there any ROMs that have an easy language switcher for the keyboard like samsungs have?
mom really likes the swipe left/right on the spacebar to switch languages fast
i've only used lineage and about a dozen 3rd party keyboards and they're all shit
How come every google app is better on iOS? Maps specifically
The technology for magsafe is being leased by Apple to whoever pays for it, Android phones use something called qi2 so no they aren't doing anything illegal there
Here if you don't wanna watch initial d. Dunno if link is still alive.

Individual ones here. A pain to download.

Curse that anime. Just got into it in 2021 and I didn't even have a car. Now this is my main music genre.
What is your aim? Not to shit on Linux or custom roms (been there) but I wouldn't even spend 100 usd on it. I feel like you're better off with a mod-friendly android phone desu.
>bought s24+
>want to draw
>no s pen support
>basically need s24u now
wat do?
Buy a tablet instead if you want to draw.
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If I was doing 100 to 0 battery I'd have about half left after 4.5h of SoT and still be good for the rest of the day, but because I do 80 to 20 I'm almost empty and need to get my shit done asap and return home to charge.
which tablet should I get
surface pro 9 or tab s9
What's a good replacement app for the default Call app? I'm having issues lately where when I'm on a call my face is opening apps and settings.
I'm using a Nokia G42 5G.
> what should I buy under 200€ then?
> so far kimovil says its either xiaomi or nothing
> It's just like prepaid but it lasts 365 days, gives you a lump of data for you to use and since you are paying upfront they usually give you a much better deal.
Really don't understand this "prepaid" things.
Why jews have so many fancy words for simple things.
It's just when you paying upfront w month or a year. The only thing how it works in my country.
are there cheap alternatives
I have none of these issues with my S24 Ultra sorry
return it and get the ultra
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I got a feeling most people only play Gacha because they jerk it to the characters while playing this. (Not me THOUGH)
Gameplay still leagues better than their other games I've played, THOUGH.
>>101332034 >>101331928
Try Super Eurobeat albums.
Mostly for developers.
You wasted 40% of your battery to find the last cp pic?
Where did /HSG/ Home Screen General go to?
I can get a Pixel in the US close to free. Google gave me a deal for a new unlocked Pixel for $175.
theres also a bst
Better at what? Telling you where to go? Jesus Christ you iShills are retarded.
Get a Z Fold 5.
Galaxy Tab S7 FE.
is galaxy tab s9 fe any good?
Everyone in that thread is either a pedo or a troon, no exceptions.
im a troon please be nice :(
I remember when 64GB+SD used to be the standard and 256GB was flagships only.
>Day 1 version
>50GB on PC, 20GB on mobile
Fuck off chinks
oh and for what its worth i dont actually go to that thread, i just knew it existed. my phone is very much unriced and my pape isnt anime
i bought a new pixel 7 pro 256 gb for around 500 bucks, i guess since the pixel 9 is coming in august they dropped the price like that, but considering i got the storage-upgraded 2022 flagship for what they are charging for the current pixel 8a i thought it was a pretty good deal
Oh based. You're an honorable well-adjusted person in my eyes.
How do people even run out of storage on phones? Unless you play multiple gachas I find it unlikely you can occupy every bit of a 256gb storage.
WhatsApp and Telegram groups can get bloated af, but yeah mostly games and photos
I have to take a lot of videos with my phone as part of my job.
Related, I've convinced my boss of the need to buy a micro SD card for my company phone. Any recommendations? I was thinking of having him buy a 256 GB KINGSTON CANVAS GO! PLUS 170 MB/S.
SanDisk Ultra and Samsung EVO never let me down. It's hard to go wrong with any reputable brand. Prime Days are in a week so 512GB could be cheaper.
>How do people even run out of storage on phones? Unless you play multiple gachas

Use your imagination, bro. It's 2024.

t. not a cloudfag
Severe phone addiction and/or mental deficiencies.
High rez photos and 4 or 8k videos, audio autists like itt and people who play multiple gachas
I wanted expandable storage but realized 256 gb is just enough for all the normal phone stuff.
>I wanted expandable storage but realized 256 gb is just enough for all the normal phone stuff.
Not for me.
Are you friends with iToddlers who kept saying 16gb is more then enough on their iphones back in the days? Hope you didn't buy the jeetphone 4/4s 8gb edition as well.
Why the fuck is my new Pixel 7 taking 40 minutes to charge 10%? Now I'm finding out this is a common issue with these things Fucking fuck all I wanted was a graphene phone.
But idc about weeb shit anon
>I find it unlikely you can occupy every bit of a 256gb storage.

Try using high-res photos and videos on your phone and you will find out for yourself just how quickly that storage can fill up

On my S23U a 50MP Raw image taken in expertRAW is 70-100MB. That's just for ONE photo. When you take 4K 60FPS HDR10 Videos, a single minute of that kind of footage is over 1GB

I use my phone as my main camera for my photography hobby and I definitely can understand why people want more storage
idk, my wallpaper is my gf and i dont really rice. you can take away the other ricing stuff from the thread and just use your own pape
Thank you for proving my point. Hope you find the help you need.
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pixel 8a vs s24, or should I wait for the upcoming google event

Coming from poco f3, battery life is degrading fast and I want a small phone, sick of this phablet crap. I want build quality, stability, updates, battery life and camera. The other one would be zenfone 10, but I think I like both the pixel and the samsung better. don't care about headphone jack, been using BT headphones for quite some time now. Which would be sturdier btw? I have cases and the most I put is screen protector on the front and a ''carbon'' sticker on the back if it's too slippery
How is that design conceivable. Years ago Motorola made swapping covers that looked way better than some plastic cover with screw holes.
My Xperia 5ii has several green lines on its screen. Fix or replace?
please tell me that isn't the same person
how many pictures and how much video are you taking before you get back to a computer to drop it off?
>6.67" diagonal
Absolutely dropped. Why can't there be normal sized phones anymore? For how long will I have to keep my garbage iPhone 13 Mini?
this looks like the most generic off-brand airpods clone I have ever seen.
Yea Samsung loves to laugh at Apple, but when it comes to money they know to imitate their superiors
sadly it is, google erin moriarty
>why again crap-o-led technology?
>where is my excellent ips LCD display ?
Why are jeets like this?
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Megyn Kelly can't get getting away with this!!
Wait until the Google event.
will wait, unless I decide to go with the s24 and amazon prime it
tab a9+
How come iphone batteries dont degrade like android phones do
>how come false thing true?
everyone is fucking hating on xiaomi but so far I havent found a decent smartphone for 200 euros that isnt xiaomi
decent xiaomi is an oxymoron. how much of a goycattle do you have to be to tolerate ads in your ui
is that your way of telling me that you have no answer either
Is there any reason not to go for a Pixel 8 for £450 (256GB used)? Is it definitely worth it over a 7 for that price? I definitely don't need an 8 Pro
Obviously I'm flashing Graphene onto it
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Fixed OP's image
Any recommendations? From what I've seen recommended for rooting (pixels and certain models from more locked down companies), almost everything doesn't have a headphone jack. Stupid nitpick but I can't be fucked to buy and then use a flimsy 13$ adapter.
How come stupid niggers like you come into these threads and spout lies
Same reason why iPhones last forever on standby while Android constantly rapes the battery and drains it when you're not even using it. You charge it more times so the battery dies faster. Android OS is just complete trash.
>pay $800 minimum for an iphone 15
>get 60hz
>get USB 2.0
>get last years SoC
>How do people even run out of storage on phones?
I have a Galaxy S7 with 32GB of storage
Why do iTards not know shit about anything? Just roaming the earth acting all stupid.
How do you guys store your spare phones?
Just let the battery discharge and hope it'll work once you need it again?
Just power it off until you need it
Charge to around 50% then power off to minimize strain on the battery staying on very high or low charge for a long period of time
Let it drain to 50% then power Off. Recharge it once every 3-4 months.
>decent xiaomi is an oxymoron. how much of a goycattle do you have to be to tolerate ads in your ui
>tolerate ads
He is on a technology board and he doesn't know
Dump. Xperias mark 2 and mark 3 used scamsung panels that were also used on the S20. Green lines galore. Xperia 5 ii is the topmost sufferer of this issue. You're lucky you lasted this long.
Shooting 4k video will quickly fill up space on your phone
>just don't shoot in 4k
why phone? why not camera?
>why carry only 1 device? why not 2 devices?
I get the appeal of the Foldable phones, but phones like the Razr and Flip? I can't actually figure out what the usecase for those are
>Try and use it with one hand
When you're fingering your puss while watching porn on phone?
Zoomer detected. Flip dumb phones were the standard until smartphone slabs replaced them. Flip smartphones, in an alternate reality, would've been the standard.

Also fun things are fun. Using your outer screen to do small shit is fun. Watching videos with your phone at a 90 degree angle is fun. Shutting your phone closed and plopping it on a wireless charger is fun.
Dude my first phone was a Kyocera Oyster, and I remember being mad at my mom for being on Verizon when I wanted the then T-Mobile Exclusive Razr and the Sidekick. I'm just asking about what the actual benefits to a modern flip phone are. I get that it can be fun, but it's harder to see the tangible upsides when compared to a soulless slab or a foldable
>Save battery by doing things on the cover screen
>Having a 3.6" square in your pocket rather than a 6.8" rectangle
>Change music, check weather, watch a quick video, read recipes, set timers, answer texts, answer calls, shitpost on 4chan etc all on the cover screen
>Take videos and pics while using the outer screen as a viewfinder
As laughable as it may seem, majority of flips and foldables users spend more time on the outer screen than in the inner screen.
I even encountered one who justified that way of life since it prolongs the inner screen and lessens chances of creasing. Absolute state of foldfags.
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I just replaced the screen on my Nord 2. I bought one on eBay for $100AUD that I thought was genuine but turned out to be a knockoff. It has terrible colours, especially at low brightness, doesn't look as sharp and is 60hz only.
The only reason I didn't return it is I'm planning on retiring it as a work phone. I'm looking at getting a Nord 4. I think the silver is very nice looking.
If I get an android phone, is there a way to physically remove the wi-fi card?
>most likely no apt-x codecs
i'd rather buy something else
If you're that paranoid then don't get a phone at all. Or just leave it at home. Or get one with an easily removable battery and only put the battery in when you need it. In fact, if you had more than a handful of brain cells you could rig up a switch to isolate the battery without needing to open the phone.
I'm not paranoid. I want to disconnect from the cybernetic hellscape that is the internet, but I need a phone to keep in touch with family.
Wifi isn't the only way a phone accesses the internet. Just stop using it, put the phone down cunt.
I can't stop. It calls to me at all hours of the day. Without wifi and without a data plan there is no access.
>literally unusable latency
I use them every day and don't have a single issue. Sounds like a you problem.
They literally have 300ms patency.
Cucked by the rice new again
Sucks to be ypu. The latency of smasnug buds pro 2 is half of that.
And it doesn't change anything about how I use or enjoy them at all.
Get a dumb phone or learn to control yourself.


If I go buy a Walmart dumb phone, can I just take my old active Sim card and put it into that and have it work? Using an s20fe but sick of the smartphone bullshit

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