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>be Boeing
>kill 346 people over 2 years
>pay $240M in fine
>make $66B in 2022
>make $78B in 2033, up 18%
>kill 2 whistleblowers, pay nothing
>stocks rose after lawsuit

At the cost of ~$700,000 per human life killed, Boeing will have to kill 111,000 people per year with their aircrafts to wipe out their yearly revenue.

USA won. Boeing won.
thats cope.
usa is rotten to the core and theres shit you can do about it
the dollar will never lose purchasing power until the great satan america collapses
This is true Capitalism. Very American. The way I like it.
Is there a way to know whether or not you'll be riding on a Boeing plane before you buy the ticket?
Statistically very safe form of travel, I'd not be so paranoid, if you still want to know, check what planes the airline operates.
>>kill 2 whistleblowers, pay nothing
they killed ANOTHER one?
the sirs did the sneedful
Most American planes are Boeing but yes
Dave Calhoun and the board of directors need to be convicted of treason by congress and executed on a livestream ISIS style (unironically after a legal and due process)
They had one shot and another one poisoned
Of course, the authorities shrugged and went "shit happens, what can ya do" before leaving holding a big bag with a dollar sign on it
they should also be forced to reshore all the jobs they spun off to a country that literally doesn't have any existing aerospace industry
a prime defense contractor outsourcing work to a country that can't even build any planes, are you fucking kidding me Boeing?
Boeing's CEO fucking apologized. What the fuck more do you faggots want? It's always "me me me me" isn't it?
Statistics are only predictive across a population - it's very useful for life insurance companies. But it has no rigorous meaning when it comes to the individual (fallacy of particularizing the general). It's the same way you can't predict when a specific person will get in a car accident but you can know on average how many get into one every year.
All this is to say that that the risk is always there and none of the 346 people who died would've been satisfied with statistics as the plane started falling.
>convicted of treason by congress and executed
Nigger, congress is possibly the single biggest enabler of this crony capitalist corporate hellscape we live in.
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>company does a great service 99% of the time, earns $78B
>company fucks up, pays $240M
What do you guys wanted to happen? The immense company to die, to be replaced by foreign and micro companies that would have an accident per day

Oh no problem if the PATRIOT AMERICAN LIBERTARIAN micro airlines fucks up because they are poor little things, corpo is bad for being so big and so great

Tell me how the fuck this isn't commie reddit think
You guys don't give a fuck about the people who died, just want to see something great being destroyed because you guys are failures
>What do you guys wanted to happen?

Goal time for execs shill
Kek do you have a source or are you spreading lies? If they have not found solid proof, it would be unjust to try to pin the deaths on Boeing even if the timing of the deaths is suspicious.
Retalitation, as in not giving them pay bonuses or firing them, doesn't mean admitting to murder.
>The courts found that Lee Iacocca, at the time a vice president at Ford, conceived the Pinto "project and was its moving force" and said that "Ford's objective was to build a car at or below 2,000 pounds to sell for no more than $2,000."[9] The courts described the Pinto as a "rush project," and said that while standard automotive industry practice was that "engineering studies precede the styling," in the case of the Pinto project "styling preceded engineering and dictated engineering design to a greater degree than usual."[10]
>The court found that the Pinto's styling required the gas tank to be placed behind the rear axle, instead of over the rear axle as was "the preferred practice in Europe and Japan" and that the Pinto had "only 9 or 10 inches" of "crush space," "far less than in any other American automobile or Ford overseas subcompact."[11] The court found that the Pinto's bumper "was little more than a chrome strip, less substantial than the bumper of any other American car produced then or later."[12] The court found that the Pinto's rear structure lacked reinforcement "found in all automobiles produced by Ford's overseas operations," rendering the Pinto "less crush resistant than other vehicles."[13]
>The courts found that, while "the standard of care for engineers in the industry" after a failed safety test was to "redesign and retest," and although fixes were inexpensive, "Ford produced and sold the Pinto to the public without doing anything to remedy the defects."[19]

Sometimes, it's just cheaper to pay out the "wrongful" deaths than it is to recall and pay for the fixes. Or to make a good product. Or to pay for quality checks. Most of the time, you don't have to pay for the deaths because you're a billion dollar company with the best lawyers, and you can blame the driver.

It's the American way.
it's easier to tell if you pick specific smaller carriers, some of them are all airbuss.
>corruption, third world
>corruption, third world, america
Why did you type "third world" three times?
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the flight should have the aircraft listed. pic related
>great service
lol, lmao, [spoiler]rofl[/spoiler]
I bet riding a Boeing plane is still safer than driving so I find it hard to care
if it's boeing I ain't going
Those tech giant companies with lifetime long contracts with the military are basically untouchable, they're basically the government itself.
Impossible, but you can check the flight history on Flightradar24 to see which plane they used for your flight back then. Historically, it will be the same model.
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>Statistically very safe form of travel
not if it's a boeing, lmao
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>Statistically very safe form of tra—ACK!
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I kill people, >I go in jail
Billionaires kill people, >????, more died, Billionaires go in their private plane for a world tour mental recovery trip
Based USA
Boeing's military side of the house is great. The civil side turned to shit with the merger.
Whoops, should've invested that $60bln into R&D instead of stock buybacks and dividends. Also shouldn't have spun off aerostructures manufacturing to Spirit.

No it's the opposite. Their military side is getting trounced by Lockheed and RTX while their civilian side was doing great until the three high-profile accidents involving the 737 MAX. Boeing's military revenue has been falling since the early 2000s and they haven't had any large contracts recently a la the B-21/F-35/AIM-260/LRHW.
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Based. Billions must crash.
The feds should unironically force a sale of Boeing to a large defense contractor like Lockheeb. At least they aren't run like a fucking finance company with no care for innovation. Calhoun isn't the problem, it was his predecessors form the 2000s that got us in this mess. Everyone who has met former GE CEO Jack Welch (the one who started the trend of turning businesses into IP holders with little hard assets) more than three times in their life should be executed.
>you will die in a boeing, anything else is communism!
cope tranny
There are tens of thousands of flights per day, globally.
>micro companies
basically not possible in airplane manufacturing
the field is used as a case study in natural monopolies
wanna bet?
>There are tens of thousands of flights per day, globally.
True Boeing planes are still technically safe, but this "crisis" should be exploited to force a change in corporate culture. Boeing did nothing but divest manufacturing (Spirit Aerosystems) and outsourced R&D to incompetent shitholes like Russia and India. They grew lazy and hired a fucking GE accountant as their CEO. They should dragged through the mud to make a point that this shit needs to die.
>fallacy of particularizing the general
Hear hear. It's amazing seeing retards mistake themselves again and again for the statistical average reported in a random study with terribly flawed methodology.
If you hate that they make money and you don't, maybe buy their stock.
Why was no one seated there? Did they know it was faulty?
ideally they would not outsource to the cheapest possible labor when lives are at stake
lmao I want those execs to go to PRISON for MURDERING their customers and whistleblowers what else?
Aerospace isn't making the profits investors expect, which is why Boeing happened. It's only going to get worse.
There is a reason why Carrier and Otis got split off of UTC before they shoved them together with Gaytheon. (Has to do with muh profits)
I want them to stop hiring pajeet engineers, mexican labor, black pilots, and female pilots.
Aren't they legally a felon now? How will this impact their ability to get government contracts going forward?
Going to make a guess and say they exited the plane

statistics are deceiving. they count fatalities per travel distance but most accidents occur at take-off and landing. the numbers are more scary when doing fatalities per take-off + landings.
>You have non-zero chance of getting into a car crash
>But it's so low, therefore it will never happen to me!!
Too true. Just like how it would be unjust to pin the deaths of Prigozhin or Navalny on the Russian state. They never found any proof of anything, must have been natural causes.
$240m is like the cost of 2.5 737MAX jets, it's a total fucking drop in the bucket and not a serious incentive to improve.
they should pay extra for access to fresh air
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how is the weather in tel aviv?
they should have just been a bit more patient and left after the emergency landing
Literally just don't fly, it's that easy.
Nobody is forcing you.
>usa is rotten to the core
cool it with the antisemitism
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All part of the plan 2030 WEF here we come
>At the cost of ~$700,000 per human life killed,
Bit expensive considering they weren't white
>Corporations are people!
Yes it's just a conspiracy theory unless you have actual proof.
The difference with Navalny is that it's confirmed the KGB already tried to kill him once before with nerve agents and he managed to get an agent to admit to it. But in the case of Boeing, one guy committing suicide and another dying of illness (neither are "natural causes") doesn't automatically prove that they were killed.
top kek
looks really nice ngl
>most american planes are boeing
maybe it's just the routes and airlines I've been flying but I haven't been on a boeing in I dunno how long, since 2006 maybe
everything seems to be airbus a320s these days
>They should dragged through the mud to make a point that this shit needs to die
No, they should go bankrupt and disappear from the face of earth, this company should be considered unfit for doing business with them, thus everyone cancelling any deals with them.
Fuck, even the brazilian shithole planes have less accidents than this fucking company had in just 2023.
Illness actually is a natural cause. But any whistleblower, or anyone else with goals of peacefully defeating an enemy, who is reported as a suicide, should be regarded as a murder victim. There is no reason for such a person to kill himself.
If airbus ever goes bad, it would literally bankrupt several european nations that rely on these european conglomerates to sustain the spending.
That's why to this day they're probably the safest planes you can fly on.
didn't the tails fall off at one point
It’s kinda hot right now tbה
wow after centuries of apologizing, chuds finally are mad at corporate crimes.
>No, they should go bankrupt and disappear from the face of earth
Problem is that will only leave Airbus as the sole monopoly in the wide body market. Boeing is too big to let fail. Also there's an entire aerospace supply chain in the US from fasteners to engines that the government will want to protect for economic and national security interests.
I find it funny when americans talk about competition, free markets, meritocracy and stuff. then you have shit like this. well, if you read history books you'd know that all american orgs have their hands covered in blood and have done evil for more than a century...
there is no actual merit, there is a lot of manipulation and slavery behind murica

funny stuff. Boing execs could say they are literally the devil incarnated and nothing would happen to them.
>111,000 people per year
meh, that's only twice as much as car fatalities a year in the US, so there's still ways to go until it's actually a problem
>t. r/the_donald
Your undergraduate “look mom they lied to me in high school” pinkpilled version of US history is the epitome of a faggot redditor.
"99% of the time" is a godawful performance for any important service. Imagine if your electricity company only did a great service 99% of the time but on average you'd have 15 minutes of outage every day.
>What do you guys wanted to happen? The immense company to die
Yes, actually.
Air travel is safer than it has ever been and it’s far more than 99%. Some faggot “influencer” you faggots simp for decided to go after Boeing and made it a meme. This isn’t even top 100 of corporate crimes of the last 10 years.
>look, only 346 people died, this isn’t even top 100 of corporate crimes of the last 10 years
That doesn't make it any more excusable.
Keep coping that you’ve been driven like a sheep into this froth over something that will not affect you.
>something that will not affect you.
>until it does
nta but nice logic you got there, retard.
>noo your a sheep!
lmao, have you tried looking at a mirror? you fucking shill
Whoa, there's actual boeing shills on this site?
Wouldn't that money be better spent on making your planes safe?
Are airplanes just unlucky to not have its own board on 4channel? Cars go on /o/, combat aircraft on /k/, but a fucking bus that flies goes on /g/ for some reason. Oh I know why, it's so leftypol troons can seethe about capitalism and corporations.
>it's technology
So is my toothbrush yet I don't make threads on /g/ about it
Planes already share /n/ with trains, ships and other forms of transportation.
>So is my toothbrush yet I don't make threads on /g/ about it
why are you people so fucking retarded? the fact that YOU don't make those threads doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't. and there have been such threads.
have (You) tried learning some basic logic instead of complaining about dumb shit? and what are you complaining about anyway? are you really asking for MORE brand wars, programming language wars, support threads, product review/question threads and so on?
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>what do you slaves want!?
blood. preferably our cruel owners blood. in a wine glass. I'm sure you can relate, even if it's usually a toddler's in yours.
Whatever, I want leftypool troons to leave and stop thinking they're in good company
>noo you are violating my safe space!!! BAWWWWWW
lmao, you faggots are so sensitive. as sensitive as the one you criticize so much kek
But to answer your question, yes, /g/ is implicitly for computers, computer hardware and software. It's obvious your motives for making this thread is political and nothing else so kindly go blow yourself
>yes, /g/ is implicitly for computers
kill yourself, faggot.
Still less worse than GM AKA Obama Motor Company ignition barrel mass fatalities
Not murder if it's accidental. If anyone should it's the manufacturers who built it / the engineers who put their hands on it, not the investors.
>corporation charged with involuntary manslaughter
>doesn't go to prison
/n/ is older than you are
It‘s a deep state company, what did you expect?
>The courts found
The cabal lied
>>kill 2 whistleblowers
wait wtf, rly?
Of course not, don't be silly. They got suicided under completely natural circumstances.
>with their aircrafts
The plural of aircraft is aircraft. There is no "s" on the end. Now you know.
no shit sherlock
aircrafts refers to multiple types of aircraft, like how "people" refers to a collection of individuals while "peoples" refers to a collection of groups e.g. "the peoples of asia" referring to numerous ethnic and cultural groups taken together.
I will not board a plane with vaxxed airline staff, minorities, or made with broken bullshit parts. And you can't make me
>I will not board a plane with vaxxed airline staff, minorities, or made with broken bullshit parts.
Oh you will, you will have 0 choice, AND it will be coded by jeets btw
So this basically means nothing will change within the company's inspection protocols. No way I'm flying Boeings, good thing Airbuses are common enough that you don't have to fly Boeings at all.
imagine unironically talking about the vaxx or even mentioning it in 2024
failure due to neglegance rarely has consequences to big corporations. you think that the survival of a corporation like Boeing has a greater importance than punishment, but imho we have to live with that, if it brings benefits for the greater safety of people. if we never seriously punish failure, there is no incentive for improvement.
don't talk about it. it never h appened. just forget it. god why are you still so stuck on this move on already
Boeing planes are statistically very safe retard, stop consuming reddit memes
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lefty pol are a bunch of capitalists themselves so no need to seethe, just call them what they are and say they are responsible for this. you can tell its true because every corporation in the world wants communism and pushes communist ideology and social policies as well. you can say things like "nuh uh" but do you think soviet union paid any money1 for the mass starvation? no capitalist could DREAM of a better system than getting the government and military to force the citizens to pay for their products even if they don't work. thats what they actually used to do with so called company store and housing which is where marx stole all his ideas.

All capitalists are communists at heart, and all communists are capitalists with red paint.
There is no such thing as a free market. the moment the market is "free" people will compete until they own it, then they will make it increasingly difficult for anyone else to establish themselves, with assassinations if necessary. You want to know why those suits got a 200 million dollar wrist slap? because some jews who own boeing stock will fucking kill the judges if they turn them into bag holders.
commie redditors absolutely LOVE big fat jews even if they say otherwise
Surely this constitute the Cyberpunk and that we are already in it, right?
If it's Boeing, I'm not whistle-blowing.
I heh'd almost silently irl
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Alex Jones had to pay more for saying mean things about Sandyhook. It really makes you think.
You made me realize that New York fined trump more too.
That is insane.
>incompetent thirdie pilots can't handle a single anomalous event in a fucking airplane, and are completely useless at solving any issue out of autopilot.

wow what a surprise. the exact same problem happened with tons of other flights and the pilots managed to easily just turn off the problematic system. the thirdies panicked and crashed their planes. It reminds me of that 2007 air France crash
I am pretty sure it is in the top 100 of the last decade. Outside of pharma, their aren’t that many companies killing off people with fraud.
Yes well hundreds of people dead, some assassinated, isn't really as big of a deal as say....upsetting the danger hairs on twitter.
you have no idea of what you are talking about. these planes had only 1 sensor instead of 2, which made the plane was impossible to recover.
Boing sold the 2 sensors version at a premium LMAO
Two Boeing engineers claimed that outsourcing to stinky jeets was a mistake. They died falling down a flight of stairs in less than a month.
impossible to recover? dude maybe you should actually read up about the problem? it was literally a matter of realizing that the sensors were off and turning off the angle of attack adjustment. again, multiple US pilots did exactly that.

it's exactly like that 2007 flight when the retarded pilot saw the sensor with an erroneous output (yes, even airbus makes planes with a single pitot tube) and then slammed his perfectly fine plane into the ground. the difference is that here, they could've just turned off the system, but they panicked. whereas the 2007 flight was a bit more retarded.

sure though, Boeing are pieces of shit if they sold the option without putting it in the planes. but at the end of the day, the pilots were still completely incompetent and too reliant on automated systems. it happens a lot these days and it's a well documented problem. same goes for when an Airbus plane drops into a different flight control law (basically a more manual input mode that delegates some stuff to pilots) only for said pilots to completely panic since they don't know how to fly the plane anymore.
why don’t Koreans make more planes? You would think that their massive naval industry would give them a leg up in commercial aerospace
1. making jet engines is extremely difficult
2. worst korea has the same problem as united states where manufacturing is extremely unpopular for job seekers (for a good reason) except we already had an established dominance in aerospace engineering before the stigma set in recently
If a plane crashes the CEO is forced to perform seppuku live streamed.
The day's not over. Whistleblower #3 still has a few hours to accidentally shoot himself.
you have cause and effect backwards
We can increase revenue to make even more dead amerifats possible

111k dead amerifats doesn't cut it, i'm afraid
extremely rude of all those people with grim reaper appointments to fly on the same airplane that day
346 consecutive life sentences for the CEO. Start throwing execs in prison until they stop using retarded diversity hires and poojeets to make and program their aircraft.
Boeing is funded by the US government along with Lockheed Martin
If you're flying United, you're flying with Boeing
is there an equivalent to open source plane?
if corporations can't be trusted to service their planes, I guess we as civilians have a right to build our own planes
They literally replaced the competency test they used for air traffic controllers with a personal essay where they give bonus points to blacks. Why does nobody talk about this?
>~$700,000 per human life killed
That's way more than most of the ni**ers on that plane are worth. Boeing lost.
>You guys don't give a fuck about the people who died, just want to see something great being destroyed because you guys are failures
This. Behead internet trannies.
>you just want to destroy something great
Nope, just want to see the execs quartered as an example for Boeing's and others future execs.
this is the corporatism / fascism that a lot on this board want though right?
Checked & Corporatepilled.
Thank you, Boeing & the USDoJ for calculating the exact value of one human life @ precisely $693,641.61 (rounding *down* to the nearest cent).
1 in 60 americans will die in their lifetime in a car accident
in a family of 4, the chance of one of them dying in a car accident is 1 in 5
just because americans have to drive cars to not be terrorized, raped and murdered by naggers on public transportation

so 1 in like 100,000 people die in a airplane crash and no one cares. those are rookie numbers. if 1 in 60 americans werent dying in car accidents because our reliance on individual car usage, even more would be getting murdered by the naggers theyd have to ride alongside on the train/bus/subway etc
americans are a totally dehumanized and demoralized people, they do not value each others lives at all because they are forced to live among animals or take great risks in order to not live among animals
>The court found that the Pinto's styling required the gas tank to be placed behind the rear axle, instead of over the rear axle as was "the preferred practice in Europe and Japan"
Claps will defend this and call us poor
Claps defending anything that claims is from usa. Only thing separating communism is that usa companies can not stop documentaries from happening in the same scale as china can do with their fuckups.
I hate niggers that use wheel and tyre interchangeabley
>manufacturing is extremely unpopular for job seekers (for a good reason)
What is the reason? Low pay, long hours, bad conditions, all of them?
Just wondering how that is any different from McDonalds, which does manage to hire lots of people anyway.
Yes. /pol/ I mean /lgbt/ I mean /v/ thinks this is incredibly based.
>usa is rotten to the core and theres shit you can do about it
Very true, this is supposed to be a free market capitalist nation. These regulations and fines are signs of nanny state big government creeping its way in, as it always seems to. The proper free market solution is for the government to leave Boeing alone and let the reduced demand for their products punish them for their actions.
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>This is true Capitalism. Very American. The way I like it.
MCAS only controls the trim, pitch trim runaway is something all pilots should be trained for, and should know how to handle since flight control anomalies like that could happen even on planes without MCAS
Esl here, what's the difference?
an entire generation or two of children were beaten non-stop, told the only way they would succeed is to go to college and get a "real" white collar job instead of going into the trades where Jose dominates anyways.
Except this turned out to be detrimental, as most government edicts tend to be.
Do you not remember this happening to you?
Pretty inspiring.
Reminds me of the time that guy killed himself after witnessing a tragedy. They probably also committed suicide.
Yes, however the schedule will frequently change for maintenance, which incredibly isn't factored in or planned for ahead of time
the whole unit including the metal bits that attach to the axles etc. also a more general word that refers to non-tire-bearing wheels like wooden wagon wheels etc
>tire (or tyre if you're br*tish)
the rubber part on the outside that makes contact with the road
Boeing’s management would have been executed for what they did to GE. You may be onto something.
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>as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go... go with a smile
Now google "car deaths per year". 346 is essentially nothing.
Most of those accidents are due to niggers driving poorly in the first place, and many more are avoided by vigilant drivers who steer clear of niggers. There's only one person piloting an airplane, the people riding in it have no control over the situation. Your retard tranny analogy is fucking stupid and you should kill yourself. Maybe make a food analogy next time.
see >>101352639
Again: as a driver, you have a degree of control over events and can avoid car accidents by driving more vigilantly and defensively. You can do nothing about your fate once you are strapped into an airplane seat. Apples and oranges, fuck off retard.
Pure cope, placebo, and the illusion of control. You think you have control so you feel better emotionally, the reality is you can get fucked on the highway completely randomly and the odds of this happening are still higher than anything going wrong with an airplane even assuming completely perfect driving on your part.
Nta but the problem here is that boeing problems are engineering problems. Vast majority of car accidents are human error or environmental.

If a ford's steering wheel decided to do the macarena and this resulted in 300+ deaths a year you would probably be concerned too
>anime picture
>horrid dogshit diarrhea post
every time
>challenger explodes
>the entire NASA structure gets shuffled, checks and balances are put in place, heads fall
>pajeetING murders hundreds
>"What can you do, it's not like you can fire everyone amirite?"
America has fallen.
I was asking about the "good reason" part. I honestly don't see any good reason to avoid manufacturing other than bad conditions, which most jobs have anyway.
blue collar work destroys your body no matter what you do
there's always something repetitive or straining just enough to damage you, slowly or otherwise
t. been to a worker's comp hospital and saw all sorts of tradies you normally wouldn't expect to get injured seriously on the job
i want the state of texas to execute boeing
Makes sense, thanks anon.
... but someone has to do the hard work anyway.
> The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) blames the problem on the six-month closure of its academy in 2020 and a two-year pause in on-the-job trainings. But the crisis appears to have emerged about a decade into an Obama-era push to diversify the industry. Under the Obama administration, the FAA scrapped its hiring process based on aptitude test scores and training in 2013 and replaced it with one that considered applicants’ biographies, resulting in an ongoing class action lawsuit on behalf of about 1,000 applicants who were passed over under the new regime. The biographical component gave an advantage to applicants who had been unemployed for the past three years, among other traits the FAA believed would result in more opportunities for racial diversity.

Imagine being surprised. We're talking people who still repost smiling wef tweet man 9 years later, and still act like it's a fresh new thing that came out yesterday.
>it has no rigorous meaning when it comes to the individual
This itself is a generalization and that fallacy you used is not applicable to all statistics. Any dataset can be relevant to you as an individual.
Brainlet reddit-tier fallacy argument and leftist talking point that is also fallacious, to no one's surprise
>he didn't buy when the planes dipped into the ground
Remember when US oil refineries keep blowing up, killing people, and they only got tens of thousands of dollars in fines each time? Something the refinery makes back in revenue in a minute.

They even negotiated OSHA's fine on them for $60,000 down to $30,000 immediately after one of the explosions killed some workers.
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>work for Boeing.
>get paid $43 an hour
>work maybe 4hrs per 8hr shift
>watch movies on my phone
>healthcare is god tier
>basically can't be fired.
>feels good.
>gonna strike and get wages up to $50+ this Sept.
gonna feel even better when I make even more money.

I do a good job when I do work though.
I don't push out bad planes or parts ever.
my shit is 100% good every time.
I find it funny that the US still doesn't have strong workers protections. the fact that you can get fired at any moment without pay would be so stressful to me...
God bless capitalism
how to solve capitalism?
You can't, capitalism will die by itself, but it will take us with it
>Hire unqualified retards cause muh diversity
>Outsource as much as possible to thirdies
>Kill a ton of people
>Lose millions
>Lose reputation
>Will double down
What is the point of hiring cheap jeets if they cost you $240 million later?
oy oy vey
>a $1500 charge for all the goyim for using our emergency oxygen
Aren't there still things surrounding this company like the soundness of their inspections, supposedly using spare parts as new, bad practices, etc.

Their name is being smeared slowly by their own hand and neglect meanwhile the guy in charge is giving himself a raise
Did you ride in a car today?
Time to murder kikes, globalists, politicians, leftists and anyone in the stock market.
It costs more to hire a 3rd party to do safety inspections, so it's just cheaper to pay for hundreds of deaths per year.
No aircraft manufacturer survives without government. U.S., Europe, Russia, Brazil. They all do the same because, at the end of the day, it's better to prop up an aircraft manufacturer than to have none.
As for corporations being ~le bad, that's bullshit. Without them to organize the means of production, what would people do? Mill around and complain?
Good regulations are excellent and companies welcome them. The reduce negative externalities - like pollution - and level the playing field. Without them you'd be complaining how everything you buy is complete trash (because information asymetry only gets worse with technological development), that everything is polluted and that monopolies own the entire country.
>hurr but all of that is ~le true already
You have no idea how bad things can be.
As for letting Boeing fail, it's just not possible. There is public interest in the welfare of the company and it's cheaper to fix it than to let it fail. We can't just throw money down the drain because of pedestrian concerns about an abstract concept like free market.
>Without them to organize the means of production, what would people do?
you give the workers the means of production.
>some crazy fucking judge sentences Boeing to death and the decision somehow gets upheld
>every "<(business leader)>" in the country starts shilling hardcore for corporate de-personhood
>WW3 starts and Monsanto gets drafted to the frontlines
>it's decided that since c-suite and the board of directors are in charge of a company's "cognitive" functions, they're the ones personally sent to the trenches when a company gets drafted
i will make a Skyrim mod for this fanfiction
also kek'd, nice one.

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