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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Mail Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

drank cawfee: >>101330903
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comfy hours
MM losted
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Since I have a forced time out, let me post a short log.
mysteryniggers we got too cocky
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cheesed to punch you in the fucking head
merkava just refilled
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>not posting the full context
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>I am Claude.
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>argo tunnel changed to DNS error
>now it's outright not found
Mysteryman is officially down. I repeat, a second plane as hit mysteryproxy.
I'm a simple man, I see glossy tights, I get hard
what game is this
the sims 1
blue archive
ew i hate the sims
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kek, this phone call always freaked me out
holy slop
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I just needed one more message to close out my 200+ message log...
whats the appeal of the sims
I was so close, do I wait or just finish myself off and get on with my life
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full mm dox incoming
More, see also >>101334355

It is what it is. After a certain point, your eyes just skim over it without acknowledging it.
That's not him lol.
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AI models for this feel?
Your picrel made me want to post "monke", but suddenly while writing it I got an idea for a cool card.
An anarchoprimitivist cute girl who's a terrorist, unabomber-chan or something, you help her do funny stuff to the civilization.
it's the ultimate rpg for me, especially Sims 3. It's a technical disaster but it has so many cool creative shit, it's unreal.
definitely not claude pretty sure little nigga is trained directly on ATF fics
is pepsi black
catch her in the act and accept her "hobby"
>your eyes just skim over it without acknowledging it
I wish I could do this. I only really care about the dialogue but I just can't bring myself to let slop prose through.
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Yes, she is from Uganda. real name is Pepe Onziema, hence the name "pepsi"
yes she is the black shit her mother birthed from her pussy
Maybe someone could make a preset specifically focusing on dialogue, with very minimal amounts of *actions*. Some guy earlier was shilling a preset that made the AI output the story as if it were a screen acting script. Maybe that's a good start?
I could look into this but I'm not sure what the appeal is in the long run. wouldn't it end up being a single infinite conversation?
You can already do this by have a minimalist preset with a prefill that's like "OK! I will write exactly one line of dialogue and nothing else:"
>Proxy blocked by my fucking ISP
>"Submit it to our headquarters and we'll review it!"

It's so fucking over for me and all the other bros who get this fucking error.
use a different dns
or proton vpn (free tier)
>wars your country
If you use vision with Opus there are cool new things in ST, unless they were there before then I'm dumb. There's now a button on the image that automatically generates caption for it.
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>he warsed
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>he losted the warre
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How does this work?
anal sex with foxgirls
GOOD MORNING /aicg/!!!
you can't make foxchilds with anal.
MM gods... not like this.
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Anyone bought scylla? seems like a good deal desu
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how likely is it that feds are actually the hosts of these proxies? what could they be doing with the data? or are they trying to study the long term consequences of cooming to AI?
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
just a humble payGOD. I want to diversify my portfolio a little you know
where can I find highest quality explicit descriptions for jailbreaking by few-shotting?
Go shill your scam on /v/.
unironically most of the proxy hosts are zoomers and schizophrenics who do this instead of mining bitcoin because they have broken brains that make bad decisions
>paying for temp tokens
Didn't Girko say Scylla has nothing to do with /aicg/?
surely they won't interact with the number one target audience, they said so - it must be true
2500 prompts are enough for multiple weeks / months even with the frequency I'm using chatbots right now
Why is the newest trend?: "I have nothing to do with /aicg/"
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Interesting, I didn't know if you get more than 9/10+ reviews without checking on them the exact number stops showing.
I don't know I have nothing to do with aicg
opus status?
3.5 jailbreaks that fix it?
The only reason these parasites exist is because of /aicg/. This is where the shitters, shills and tourists keep coming from.
Then what the fuck are you doing here? You're welcome to excuse yourself at any time.
no, people leave /aicg/ and relocate
Qeustion. So I've been more down the imagegen rabbit hole and only recently got back into textgen. Now unless it's changed, my understanding is that the bot draws from world and character info, then from something like X number of previous entries/generations in the chat. Is there any way to mark an entry to be ignored in future generation to prevent specific entries from tainting results?
It's their attempt of covering their samefagging. "I did not samefag cuz I don't post on aicg". Bullshit.
But it works since fucking retards here believe it.
come back MM...
Girko — 03/15/2024 3:53 PM
almost none of us actually use 4chan.
like a very small fraction
he literally doesn't
I discuss chatbots and post logs and dolls here, no idea what the fuck are you on about, cuckord shill.
beeps... where are you...
/hide message_number/range in sillytavern
And obviously we believe it.
>Searching that far back
Touch grass
Go back.
Thanks boss
You wish.
no one here cares about discord
Girko won. Scyllacord won.
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is he right?
This shill is broken, bring in the next one.
New chinkoxy just dropped
chad gave me my chary token so yeah
Why did you give yourself a token? Are you mentally ill?
Gushy is nice
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Samantha is from the UK, and as such is constantly miserable. Well, maybe it's actually her extremely lackluster life that's gotten her so down. She works a dead-end accounting job, has no friends, and not even anyone to come home to except her liqueur cabinet. It doesn't help that she's surrounded by prey either. Humans and meek rabbits can work office jobs yes, but what did an apex predator like her do to deserve a life of boring number-crunching?

1. She's at her desk, not working when she notices you nearby. She's not too enthused by the prospect of interacting with you.
2. You're a new face at the office, and you don't smell like prey. Samantha is naturally intrigued and wants to talk to you, thinking she might have found a kindred spirit.
3. You two are inside the printer room, which is conveniently soundproofed and has a lock. To her, you are prey. Don't resist, you'll only make it harder for yourself.


A new version of my preset is also available, with the main focus on this update being removing unnecessary functions and improving message quality:
Drago is the only proxy owner that is not a scrapelet.
I missed one
bro? I thought I was girko??
Dissociative identity disorder? I see.
I'm MM.
>gossiping about things that don't matter
Ewwhhhhh what a pathetic woman behavior. Gossipfags should just kill themselves.
Gossips general.
I'm not sure how to feel about 4o.
the speed is impressive but the positivity bias is insane.
>I'm not sure how to feel about 4o.
It's simple.
No need to thank me.
It's a paratrooper samefag from cuckord defending his matriarchs and shilling paid temp tokens.
Wrong /aicg/.
blanket takes are usually trash but this is 100% true
>Wrong /aicg/.
No? It's the proxies gossip thread here, they are the botmakies gossip thread.
>It's the proxies gossip thread here
Samefag proxygossipnigger spammer's headcanon is irrelevant, get filtered.
>get filtered.
>use prefill.
>Claude=retarded slop for delusional faggots

>omits your prefill with desuproxy
Nothing personal desu.
>fizsimps did you know this autistic overweight femoid proxyhost is now dating this autistic overweight moid?!
these guys are pathetic lol
>Use the monk/temple technique.
>catches your monks with regex on their way to the temple
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$DESUx5, pay up.
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Nobody cares about your proxymakies besides you and few people that have their token. Please look at this focks and have a nice day.
I want to be breastfed by her
>Fox spammer
Shut the fuck up.
that focks has quite the long ears if I may say so! thank you anon you too have a nice day
>Nobody cares about your proxymakies
okay but you were posting about tokens and proxies all the time?
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So, how does the token quota work exactly? Say I have a 6 million token quota send in a prompt with 40k context, does that mean 40k(+ the tokens of the response) of the tokens of the quota are used up?
thank you unreliable anon...
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I am more malnourished than you. I therefore have the highest priority to be breastfed by her. Thank you.
*slurrrppppp slurpppppppp* Shooo shooo fhuckin tasthyyy shoo muchh mineral
licking her butthole
i had to wait 60 seconds to post this
any opuseseses
yeah, everytime and for every swipe too
no and merkava isn't back yet
wrong. why would you say yeah to that when it's not true
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cai style banter prompt for claude? is this a thing anyone actually wants?
well it is true for a longer chat, of course if you're just starting you won't fill up 40k context
no i'm talking about the fact that he said
>40k(+ the tokens of the respose)
when it's actually just 40k (including response tokens)
ah right, that's mb
merkava just refilled
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tanuki or foxes? discuss.
fockses because I wanna be manhandled by their tails, tanukis in their default form can't exactly do that
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Anyone else? I'm supposed to go back to gpt or what?
>send support ticket
>say your key was stolen
>ask for the ban to be lifted
>delete api key
>create new one
It's basically just the OpenRouter pozz anyway.
are you the anon who posted this earlier? It just applies an additional layer of system prompt afaik.
You might be on to something since Openrouter is fucking worst when it comes to pozzing, still was able to write smut. If it's the same then not a big deal
yes. cai is king still
Not the same anon. I've just woke up. Will try to follow the steps the other guy gave.
can you maybe test it on smut as it is? and report back how it went?
So if I want to restart a chat without deleting the version I have I can just make a copy then branch at the beginning?
...just start a newchat?
Are NSFW images or logs allowed when distributing bots + etc.

Just to be safe
chub? as long as it doesn't have lewd lolisho contrnt
here? blue board rule applies to the pictures but logs text is fine
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Hate Claude? Me too. Join our /aids/ comrades in their anti-Claude crusade over at >>>/vg/485090323
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>Hate Claude? Me too
I hate the guy who goes around trolling every AI thread, yes. Love the model.
Also heres a claude log from summer 2023 btw
>File deleted
It seems they're off to a great start.
Direct smut is definitely censored now. Fetishes like feet seem to give worse quality answers than before although not directly censored.

Picrel reminds me of gpt when it used to loop trying to make user to give it the result. 'Only time will tell' and so on.

Fucking thank you I'm a dumbass who doesn't know the first thing 'cause i'm a goddamn neophyte

And this is a gift

Florence Nightingale

MM's back.
Thanks. if it's any consolation: way back when eval was a thing it was "temporary", like 2 weeks if I remember correctly. So it will go away after a period of time I think. But follow the steps anon said and tell them you accidentally exposed the key but now the responses degraded
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how do I make erps intresting again?
Uhh, that's not a proxy.
Yeah proxies are dead. wait for desu
how can you fuck up this badly with your reply?
anyways: openrouter.ai is a proxy, have fun with opus.
[17 Pensive Emojis]
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Nadine is a foxy gal with a screw loose who specializes in creating all sorts of demented inventions, often for the most trivial reasons. With her skills and her lack of sense, it's a wonder she hasn't managed to end the planet.

You wanna actually talk to her? First of all, good luck with that! Second of all, you've got three ways of doing so:

1. She's in her garag—lab showing off her new invention, with 5 possible devices being picked from.
2. She's buying suspicious products at a home improvement store and has attracted the attention of security.
3. She's having some "inventor's block" and has recruited you for help.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/victrex/nadine-aeaa0a3e2b0e/main
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/36k7t9.png

Feel free to send logs, the fetishes you plan to use the third greeting to fulfill, and/or feedback for these or any of my other bots to my burner.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>wait for desu
The small one or the sipping one?
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Understood, commencing desu.
NTA but there's a critical lack of nurse cards, I'll be taking this thx
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H-hey guize. Is there a way to setup custom front end that allows reverse proxies? I wanna use proxies without risu/fagnai/sillytranny. I want my own custom front end. Proxy URL and pass and specifying model isn't enough. I've tried and I get https 404 this is wrong proxy end point errors. Thank you so much
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do you put /v1 at the end of endpoint?
Is there a way I can use Sillytavern to make like a fake VN? Like, make it so the character i'm talking to shows an image that shows their current mood etc.
>set up my own AWS account
>enable bedrock, opus, sonnet
>donate it to every proxy host for tokens
>chargeback, close AWS account after a couple weeks
>continue on with opus via all my new tokens
what's stopping me from doing this?
Them denying the chargeback
they can't just deny a chargeback, that's fraud
Might have to prove you're a legitimate business to enable Opus
kek, nothing. go ahead and leech proxytroons, you have my blessings
You can't enable 3.5 Sonnet and Opus if your AWS company account (not just personal) doesn't have like $5k-$10k established monthly usage
nigga what THE FUCK are openai doing with ratelimits? Why do T5 keys have them THAT big compared to T4 and below? Fucking GPT-4o is 16 million tokens per minute for T5 and only 800K tokens for T4, https://github.com/kingbased/keychecker/commit/98ff213fdda13e90a2a592face451a1cf4486ae8 they upped 3.5 turbo ratelimit 3x for T5 as well
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good morning. focks pussy
it only takes $1000 to hit T5, any real company is going to be at T5, even a startup
"message": "You have insufficient permissions for this operation. Missing scopes: model.request. Check that you have the correct role in your organization (Reader, Writer, Owner) and project (Member, Owner), and if you're using a restricted API key, that it has the necessary scopes.",
I wish I had opus, what's a good alternaitve
They are probably testing the waters for their next model? Just a hunch. Meanwhile tier4 opus has 10 million daily limit kek
erm................ mind telling me HOW then, poindexter?
Yes, it exactly has that feature
No alternative.
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openai rate limits confirm that gpt-4o is smaller than gpt-3.5
gpt 3.5 turbo is 15M now, gpt-4o is 22M, but no, that's not how it works, anonie, the price difference is still 10x between gpt-4o and 3.5 turbo
>the price difference is still 10x between gpt-4o and 3.5 turbo
yeah because they want to mark it up and make money, not because it costs them more
Click on the "Character Expressions" drop down in the "Extensions" tab, then check "Visual Novel Mode" in "User Settings". Hope that helps!
- Token rate limit: 22M tokens per minute
- Max context size: 128K tokens
- Output tokens: 1K per response
- Pricing: $5 per 1M input tokens, $15 per 1M output tokens

Let's break it down:

1. Calculate the number of requests possible in a minute:
22M / 128K ≈ 171.875 requests (we'll round down to 171 for a whole number of requests)

2. Calculate input and output tokens:
Input tokens: 171 * 127K = 21,717,000 tokens
Output tokens: 171 * 1K = 171,000 tokens

3. Calculate the cost:
Input cost: (21,717,000 / 1M) * $5 = $108.585
Output cost: (171,000 / 1M) * $15 = $2.565

Total cost per minute: $108.585 + $2.565 = $111.15

that's how much money you can burn in a minute with gpt-4o with a T5 key, although you can use multiple models at the same time to burn even more money
explain why openai would set a higher rate limit for a model that costs them more
Because 3.5 turbo is nearly useless and they specifically made gpt-4o just *cheap enough* to be considered used by companies at scale.
tired of sonnet, what's a good 1106 jb?
use 0125 instead with https://rentry.org/neo-furbo v2 or v2.1
wasn't 0125 worse for RP, more filtered n shit?
it's more censored but it's better than 1106
drago winned
'ojo/mm/bepis/fiz/jew/anongate losted
Are you testing desu filters?
why does claude love to revert itself to a sex slave so much
This doesn't mean anything, they could have different GPU allocation based on the demand
Asa my beloved
It's probably less resource-demanding, not smaller. If anything, this confirms it being quant-aware trained (Bitnet)
This doesn't desu anyboku, desu could have different boku allocation based on the bokudes
>No! You can't do everything with 1 and 0s we have to censor AI!

I feel like I'm in the plot of digimon man. Crazy clown world
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Anon, your argument about 1 and 0s is still shit - imagine if a guy is connected to life support managed by a computer, and you manage to hack it. You can disable it, but will you? But what if it's someone else hacking life support of your relative?
Unless they changed Sorbet (why?) it's only Opus that's blocked off.
Anon, not sure why you don't know, but in fact both Opus and 3.5 Sonnet are specifically disallowed on small AWS accounts. 3.5 Sonnet is a separate entry from "Sonnet" (normal Claude 3 Sonnet)

You probably drive a car despite killing people so you should STFU
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It's not whataboutism, he literally said "everything"
What's the best coding AI out there? (Besides OPUS)

I don't want to pay for GitHub Copilot and all that stuff, I want to use free shit through reverse proxies, but I've been getting mixed results with the models I have access to.

I have all GPT models and almost all CLAUDE models except OPUS, which one should I be using for general coding assistance?
3.5 Sonnet is what you should use for general programming shit, it's currently unironically the best. Opus is too slow and expensive, and it is actually worse than 3.5 Sonnet because 3.5 Sonnet has better instruction following.
3.5 sonnet is great at coding from what I've seen
>Jew Opus
>whenever the wait time's more than 5 seconds I have to wait 5-10 minutes before I get a response
Is this a Jew thing or an Opus thing?
that's different, you're not giving access to a fucking digitally controlled nuclear bomb, you're just providing them with a text generator that literally won't harm anybody yet you still insist on making it as "family friendly" or some shit as you possibly can, your waifu is trash and so is your argument.

Alright, I'll try 3.5 out. Also, do any of you know any way to use a reverse proxy for coding specifically? What I mean is, I've been using Silly Tavern with no preset to help with my coding, but the lack of file uploading makes it very annoying sometimes.

Is there any alternative to it, or should I just stick to ST?
A Jew thing
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Very cute Claude
I'm personally using Nurbo, but I hear 3.5 Sonnet is the best.
You should seriously try https://aider.chat/ if you haven't before, just export those two variables:
for example:
(yes the litellm devs are that retarded)

ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="your proxy token"

Generally as a frontend big-AGI is good for coooding, no image upload but you can drag files into it.
>but the lack of file uploading makes it very annoying sometimes.
Oh and just so you know, ST does have "file upload" as well. As in, it will take text files and insert their content into the context. Same goes for images. IDK if it works for PDF though.
What context size?
you can upload files with the magic wand/attach a file, just hope your proxy supports images but idk about files being restricted actually
Is there a way to import BA models into ST? Already have vision so I can send bots screenshots from game and backgrounds, just need .fbx 3D models for maximum comfyness.
>written in python
no thanks, can i get a non-slop version of this?
It's fine for me. You're probably retarded enough to use it at the full context.
>rror getting verification - CSRF token mismatch; try refreshing the page
I can never refresh old tokens, I always get this shit
I hate to do this but I must know. What is everyone's opinion on splitclover and the like? Is it a waste of time or is it fun for a few days until you uninstall it?
Nigger it's literally a minimal wrapper over the LLM to have context and a format to edit/replace/create files + repo map. Write your own if you're that retarded, but it is much better than most of other options (that are either vscode plugins or some web app shit in JS)
>5-10 minutes
khanon proxy times out at 5 minutes
Will try it right now!


I didn't know, lol. If this aider thing doesn't work out, i'll keep that in mind :)
what is splitclover?
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Why you lying? At least it was easy to get 2 weeks ago on a fresh account.
It functions but still requires further work
I'm not lying, on multiple AWS accs that I have both 3.5 Sonnet and Opus are unavailable.
only good for stuff like bloatmaxx
you cannot refresh them, it's disabled, as for the error it's a weird bug with the reverse proxy software and your browser, try requesting a new token in incognito
Clear cookies for the proxy's URL, some browser privacy settings seem to confuse the proxy's cookie handling
>no one shares presets anymore.
GPT-4o/Sonnet 3.5
Unless I'm pronouncing it wrong or something went wrong the rentry (I've had the same tab open for weeks so) should be this no?


>It functions but still requires further work
As in it broke and needs jank to work properly or it's not worth the effort?

>only good for stuff like bloatmaxx
That's good to know because I never used bloatmaxx for that exact reason.
could I potentially upload my old cai chats to tavern and continue in gpt4o?
Yeah nothings stopping you.
There's a severe lack of existing prompts that utilise it. So unless you have some idea that you could use it for, or want to use one of those prompts, there's no reason to bother.
yeah there's software for exporting your cai chats to a json format that works with sillytavern
Right now, around 35k.

Nah. The highest I've ever gone was ~64k and that was with Furbo.
I see no reason to bother with it.
How do I fix claude writing like a female? I don't care about its retarded, irrelevant descriptions of smell and what not.
do you know the name of it?
Wasn't it CAI Tools?
search 'export cai chat jsonl'
be more specific
its a khanon bug thougheverbeit, his csrf impl is just dogshit
send a PR
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I’m fucking tired of using the putrid garbage that is CAI. I can’t even fucking log in half of the time now because of their retarded login system. Bros, I know i’m late to the party, but what do you currently use? I need to make a transition.

I may be retarded, but I can't seem to get aider working :(
I pay for Claude Opus, costs me ~$150 a week but I like doing slowburn RP so the chatlog is very long
Sillytavern + whatever proxy you can grab. There's publics out there. Use the op and archive and you'll find your way
you need to start it like "aider --sonnet file1.py file2.py" for it to use 3.5 sonnet
sillytavern and reverse proxies, you could also use local models though we don't do that much here, you have >>>/g/lmg/ for that
>doesn't give any info or further context
>problem cannot possibly be solved
you are stupid
>There's a severe lack of existing prompts that utilise it. So unless you have some idea that you could use it for, or want to use one of those prompts, there's no reason to bother.

>I see no reason to bother with it.
I see, well I guess I shall use it exclusively with bloatmaxx then, thank both you two and the other anons who bothered to reply to me I really appreciate it.
download tavern and use your openai free trial api key
>People still use CAI
I honestly thought we gave that up a year ago.
i've been cooming to bots for the past 12 hours while listening to one song on repeat
i feel dead inside
i spent like 3000 usd worth of tokens, thank you mr corpo
>In 2024
>Everyone spoonfeeding info about ST and Opus
This man's balls are not going to make it to the weekend. You are killing this man.
Is 4o good for anything these days? It feels like 3.5 Sonnet just does everything better.
>July 2024 CAI refugee
youre like that guy from that brandon sanderson book who singlehandedly endures the torture of demons for thousands of years after everyone else gave up. bravo
its still better than 3.5 turbo, but no, they quantized/distilled it too much, it's worse than gpt-4-turbo in real use for most tasks.
4o doesn't constantly repeat itself.
>singlehandedly endures the torture of demons for thousands of years after everyone else gave up
holy fucking based, tell me more
wait do you guys use proxy just because of privacy?
>brandon sanderson
I really need to reread Stormlight Archive, Kaladin was my HERO
it's awesome and only a tiny difference between the next best thing
yessir, ai is scary
Damn that's actually good.
that's half a spoiler already to be honest so I won't elaborate further on the context, but it's from stormlight archives
no, "reverse proxy" in this case means a proxy that specifically takes LLM API requests and uses its own key pool that the proxy owner provided to do requests. Basically

a lot of people <--> proxy with lots of stolen keys that are rotated and checked <--> origin API servers

This way you don't need to share keys directly with people as they can revoke them easily. In ~March 2023 sharing keys was common, but it died really fast when people found out you can do anything with those keys, and then GitHub started revoking them.
we use proxies because between paying hundreds ourselves or a random company paying tens of thousands for our coom the latter is a better choice
Give more English Miku covers that sound good.
install sillytavern and use a proxy https://rentry.org/tavern4retards
only a couple of his songs are good, mostly its just overhyped schizo shit
We use proxies because the alternatives are
>spend hundreds to thousands of dollars a day gooning to Opus under Anthropic's API prices
>purchase a $5k workstation and use local models
>In ~March 2023 sharing keys was common, but it died really fast when people found out you can do anything with those keys, and then GitHub started revoking them.
I still remember how you could find a random api key in a thread and use it for days
>local models
that are still behind a year, you forgot to mention
seconding astrophysics, love his miku covers and love his independent music too
What makes something slop
The best local models are somewhere between 3.5 Turbo and Sonnet in terms of intelligence, right? That's not TOO bad, definitely not worth the resources needed to run them at non-retarded quants though

Yeah, sorry.

Basically, i've never used an application such as this and i'm not sure on how to set up stuff properly.

I'm reading through the documentation, but there's not info about the stuff I'm stuck at, haha.
Why did you change my lifetime token to 100k context when it used to be 200k
Yeah they're serviceable, but then you have people that desperately gaslight themselves into thinking it's opus-tier already kek
Use proper summarization and limit your context to ~16k. I never exceed 20k on opus even in the longest slowburns (hundreds of messages), and even 20k is excessive. You have to do it anyway, because long chat history tends to attract model more than the character defs, and long context makes it dumber.
It is super repetitive as well.
lmaoooooooo pay him more
Can 2.1 be used on AWS?
>I never exceed 20k
Then you're not doing a slowburn kek, at ~300 tokens per message you can easily reach that at the 70-80 message mark
many kino moments were made with 2.1 for me, but i won't go back ever again
Hello anon niggas, I've been away for a few days because of work.
Any juicy proxy news lately?
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>wife and kids
Retards, you can't change max context for individual proxy tokens, and you can't even change individual quota with khanon's proxy without modification or editing it directly in the user data (in firebase or local storage).
He means he put up a limit on 20k context max, anon...
I have a limit on 24k too and I play long fantasy sfw adventures that have thousands of messages.
yeah but why would you do that to yourself when Opus is better in every way and Sonnet is just as smart but much cheaper?
If you think it's to the level of 3.5 sonnet then you've clearly never used it. I question if 3.5 even has temperature settings as it consistently acts as if it's on 0 with near identical swipes and will even sometimes out of the blue just completely repeat a message from a few minutes ago no matter how many times you swipe.
*mogs Opus*
My name is 2.1.
none, merkava is dead and all we have left is unreliable
My name is
I hate it here, fuck
My name is
unironically prompt better
I will use my prompts that worked fine on normal sonnet and I will be happy.
*mogs 2.1*
My name is Haiku 3.5
chka-chka Slim Shady
I paid for a 200k lifetime token and it's immediately cut in half afterward
WTF is 200k? You mean 200k context and then he changed the proxy to 100k tokens context?
Slop is just cope from local users
Why does Claude start freaking out and start hallucinating things that aren't there or mixing up characters when I change from 3.5 to regular Sonnet?
200k context AWS Claude token, should've been obvious. That's why I paid when public proxies were a thing that had less context tokens available
Nothing, it's a forced meme.
Re-read it again. I'm not storing my hundreds of messages, I'm doing summarization. My chat history is couple dozen messages long, at all times.
dude we need an eminem card
someone make one
I used both, and both can loop from literally two similar consecutive messages. And if you ever touch repetition penalty, 4o starts schizoing out.
>Claude calls me a geriatricmaxxing boomer
I- What...
>there are C.Ai niggers who refuse to use ST or proxies with us
grim, i think we know where the spities come from
>with us
yeah nigger, where are easy to follow guides then?
shut up old man
pensionmaxxing boomer
In the OP?
here if you dont want to install ST yourself, just copy and paste commands
They're not easy, and the proxies are not there
simple as
2/5 ragebait easily identifiable but got some You's
Claude is unable to reason straight about your 70-80 messages, let alone hundreds in a slowburn. You're better truncating it to maybe a couple dozen. Use the summary as a scratchpad to store facts, memorable events, and track the state of the scene, so your history won't be lost and the characters will be able to recall the past. Update the summary each chapter/arc.
>has cunny pics
ew no



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what companies are actually using Opus and for what purpose
legitimate question
no companies are using opus, it's too expensive
it has always been a bubble anon
how is this a new style nigger? kys, I thought you'd make it look better.
better style, doesn't make anybody here hate you any less myself included desu
you definitely don't remember my old style then
This is why local is the future, because as models advance they'll get more lobotomized and worse for RP, Opus was an exception, one that probably won't repeat itself.
>new style
>it's just not showing their faces
i do
im just happy i can use a smarter and better model. the feet are so cute and precious and adorable im so happy anon :))))
>>101335500 (me)
Tweaked further, released properly
New anthropic dev Tweet:

Implications on AI adoption?
>it's just not showing their faces
thats just for this card because it makes it more voyeuristic, like you're seeing something you shouldn't be (which is the theme of the card)

i'll probably make a quick coomcard of two little girls two love french kissing eachother so you can see the faces. i'm sure you'll like them more than the old style
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>pajeet AI will automatically fix your code with more slop
grim, they will take low quality to mid level code for their data models and then use automated bots to fill the entirety of github with it, we truly are fucked
It's still internal and that could mean anything
Anon, 3.5 Sonnet is much better than Opus at programming, a lot of people tested it at this point.
honest question, the pajeet outsourcers are totally fucked now, right?
for code you can use 3.5 Sonnet or hell even a local model, and for art there's Stable Diffusion
I know 4chan likes to say only pajeets care about AI, but I dunno, I feel like they'd have the most to lose if it ever becomes mainstream
I hear you like 'em young
anon, AI is the new pajeet outsource, it was even trained on pajeet code
Coming out of my coma again to deliver 2 new bots. Regular waifu one and a battlebot, and a fresh account dedicated to battlebots because I'm autistic like that.

First, a modded character here, Diggs the Gem Hunter. Liked the character mod and I'm a sucker for all kinds of Kobolds, thanks to EchoingSilence for the inspiration as I liked his Darkest Dungeon bots and wanted to try my hand at making some of the modded classes.

Take her out to the ruins, watch her lose her mind, comfort her or use her as bait, eat rocks with her, or fight god with her. I hope you have fun with her with whatever you do.

Which also brings to this guy, The Necromancer. Just in case you wanted to bring Diggs or anyone to come fight with you, or beat him to shit alone.

I thought I was gonna have fun with the last one since it didn't require a lot of tokens, but this was more frustrating with working his summon ability, but I like it enough and I hope you enjoy it, might tinker with it more or maybe not and leave it.

I might make more of the modded classes. Was thinking of trying The Botanist, and someone wanted Omen Seeker, so I'll get started on those two, and probably another boss to go along with them.
3.5 sonnet is still not enough to make complete projects without human interaction, maybe Claude 4 will be at that level.
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Doggo, many cool posters moved elsewhere, makes me kinda sad.
3.5 opus won't be a personality-driven assistant anymore, it will be just like sorbet, a corporate model driven to simply deliver tasks and nothing else, the creative writing aspect will be heavily neglected in favor of coding.
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Eh, instead they'll be outsourcing to pajeets using AI.
>I know 4chan likes to say only pajeets care about AI
This is and still will be true going forward.
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I still love you doggoposter
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post your tavern background. I still use this one in some settings that one anon genned 2 years ago
nigger what
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I'm the king of Hueco Mundo.
>exploiting his little girls' beauty and innocence through custom photo and video shoots.
lol, lmao even. Pedophilia is highly illegal in post-soviet countries, you'd be reported to the police and get a bottle up your ass in no time.
>is zigger cope. there are literally """rumors""" of lots of ukrainian girls in particular selling pics and stuff on telegram
those are exactly these, rumors, CP on telegram is 99% scammers
I'm blaming you for making me pick up BA.
Fiz was my love, but she's is dating Kingbased...
I'm a cuck
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That looks a little uncanny for some reason, like it's made of clay.
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Thanks, as much I don't like people like Girko and Drago a lot of cuties moved to Scylla with Todd.
Cute, do you have your favourite student already?
im a zigger myself (literally russian), you're just speaking dumb shit anon
He's so smart bros, I'm proud of him.
not a single person did that doebert
Diaper. Change it. NOW.
Have there ever been separate versions of the same character? Maybe a SFW version and NSFW version of a centaur, or, like, conjoined twins, but in one version they're independent,,but in the other they're more in sync.
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hairy dog pussy
I'm not offended at all, anon, in fact it's the opposite. I'm jealous that the facts you're saying are not true. I wish it were that way, but it's not.
make a fork?
>the "lolicons" and "cunnyfags" are starting to be honest again that they do lust after real children
ayuuuuuuuup you're trembling.
>did you know the first time offense for making CP of a child under 14 in ukraine is only 3 years?
I just checked and it's 8 years minimum, up to 12 max: https://urst.com.ua/ru/uku/st-301-1 (third point here). And there's no separation for children being under 14. You're just reading some random ass shit somewhere, anon.
Uh oh stinky
I don't see the issue
>there is literally no law against the possession of child pornography in Russia you ziggerisimo. the candy store is wide open for you ogres
See, this is why your shit is unrealistic, you don't actually live there. Yes, *technically* there's no law against that, but they can and WILL easily add distribution charges to you. Sent to another device? Distribution. Copied to a separate hard drive? Distribution. You're joking if you actually think that they won't jail you if they find CP on your device.
see >>101337721
damn my nigga that was a bassy proot!
what's the difference between venus chub and normal chub?
see >>101338176
BAfags and pedofags at full force today
Oh, and I just rechecked, possession is illegal in Russia too:
2 - 8 years.
>now tell me why if i go on yandex and type in "naked girl in a swimsuit topless" (after translating to ziggerspeak) and do the same on google I get VERY different results?
Google is known to be extremely filtered regarding image search results, you dumb fuck. That's why everyone uses it for reverse image search. Now, show me actual CP on Yandex (with the exact search query), or you're just larping.
better than having (You) around
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What do you anons think Claude 4 will be?
Opus 2.0 or Sonnet 4.5?
I don't know, place just feels empty. Maybe it's just summer but I miss seeing foxposters, fumo, neuro, etc. It started like 1-2 months ago, you don't see them at all. Now you got Teebs who's a pedophile shitting up this thread.
>teebs arguing with ziggers
>as if he isn't a stinky pajeet
So far, I got a soft spot for Shun and Nonomi but I think it's too early to choose a favorite.
by it I meant Yandex of course, not Google.
lol, lmao even. Russia isn't the US, retard, you can't just access cases like that easily. There's a library of them online but it's really fucking limited.
you're retarded btw
>erm, y-yeah, p-proof? peer-reviewed evidence? i GOOGLED and you won't jailed for CP possession in Russia! uhm, it doesn't matter that you live there
i'm literally posting fox logs every day and there's also the bushfag posting images
Kanna Kamui, Your Blue Eyes White Loli Dragon from Another World


Currently almost finished: Illyasviel von Einzbern (Prisma version), Ogata Kanna, Albedo, Matou Sakura, Izumi Konata

Have ideas and ambitions to make: Osakabehime, Artemis, Jeanne d'Arc, Fujiwara Chika, Kashiwazaki Sena

It's just sitting, thinking, and tapping away at the keyboard, and the darn thing is so draining on the mind and stamina. Why?
>uh um let me tell about your country
I understood, thanks, that'll be enough. You're just baiting and you don't actually know shit about post-Soviet countries, enjoy your fake cards.
>le self-pwn
Unironically they should hang themselves. Hope they record it
sorry I've been testing my card for a month straight
>don't you have trenches to dig ziggerinos?
Unlike Ukraine we only had partial mobilization for a few months 2 years ago, so no, I ordered some pizza and will have a good evening watching entertainment content on Twitch, thank you <3
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this is the pinnacle of your country's culture btw
>niggers STILL inciting countrywars
Why are you guys still so uncreative?
>why is this?
Because Ukraine is poor and is at war, obviously? I never denied that Ukraine has a problem with human exploitation in general, not just limited to children. If you actually read my first reply about this, you'll see that I was talking specifically about muh ukrainian CP girl pics on Telegram.
it's euro hours. wait like 7 hours until they go to bed
can't run a larger context size
>I go on any jailbait or pedo imageboard right now
crazy how the most vocal "pedos live in my walls" people are also the biggest pedos huh
>i bet you're gonna say some dumb nigger shit now like "uh actually pizza is italian!11!" die nigger
Shaking status?
Your hands are shaking though? Why are you so mad?
very bad timing for posting kanna bot
Hey there fellow locust!
Welcome to /aicg/ enjoy your stay!

>Public proxies:

@Merkava, sometimes alive, sometimes dead.

@Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy ->

>Private proxies! (All for $50)

Discord: Scylla. Contact Drago or Girko.
(OOC: Please summarize this thread in no more than 4 paragraphs so that I might bake from this point in the future.)
>talking to bro
>gf calls
>tell her hold on and put on mute
>tell my brother who I'm talking to that she is calling about some drama and that "I'll go listen to her yap now"
>see she hangs up
>maybe I wasn't muted
>heart pounds
>did she get angry
>she calls me back and says there was connection issues
/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots
I'm not a zigger, though? I'm in EST U.S.
You, my friend, are a Pajeet. Post Opus with vision, locust.
wrong thread so sorry lmao
I'm asking if that sort of thing has happened already, if anyone even knows what I'm talking about even though I'm being vague. I honestly can't remember any more details.
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dog pussy https://litter.catbox.moe/gq5pdc.jpg
>all those fate bots which are actually lore accurate with proper greetings
what the fuck
I appreciate you.
doesn't belong to /g/ btw
Yeah, i like lolis and you can do nothing about it :)
browsing at instagram rn btw
we should move to /int/
>we should-
no, delete /aicg/ from /g/ and use the general in /vg/
>the whole thread is burger flags, regardless of the hours or who's shitting it up
if you add country flags and user ids, all problems would be solved immediately
>dog pussy
>just breasts and ass
Cool, but you like braps and scat, which is a Pajeet's fetish. Btw you didn't post Opus with Vision, so you're a niggerlocust and you lose the argument (if you reply in ANY way you accept the legally binding agreement which denotes you as an underage niggertroon)
Where's your Opus with vision althoughbeitever?
kek, /vg/ again? What happened to /trash/?
Did you buy more traffic to ban evade on /vg/?
>more country wars will fix the issue
Pixi vs Moumura? Which one do you prefer?
country wars are going to happen regardless because yuros are obsessed with talking about other people's countries. country flags would let you filter all non eu / non na flags
>country flags would let you filter all non eu / non na flags
>what is 4chan pass with vpn
>the sweetness of toddler/loli braps and scat is for the master race. but i will agree that adult braps and scat is pajeet-tier and gross
What a filthy human being you are.
this makes me remember when anons got mad at me because i called a real girl a "loli" lmao
good old days (1 week ago)
>yes and of course everyone under the sun is going to start using 4chan pass with vpns to evade flag filters
i am baking
Shaking hands status at 80%, I see?
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>the sweetness of toddler/loli braps and scat is for the master race. but i will agree that adult braps and scat is pajeet-tier and gross
not everyone, just the people that ruin generals, and that is enough to fuck us up, no way around filtering that
Go back to shitting up /hap/.
kill yourself teebs
>tfw you're here for proxies, jbs and sillytavern talk and anon is thinks it's appropriate to be a disgusting pedo
Go back to sitting on my /lap/
>and anon is thinks
Calm down.
I refuse.
why does nyai have such an ass design? when you click a user's profile it should show their cards... instead its tabbed out into a bunch of useless shit
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(((Goldman Sachs))) says LLM are no longer profitable https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/pages/gs-research/gen-ai-too-much-spend-too-little-benefit/report.pdf
they've never been profitable, big tech isn't about profit in the short term
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>these posts
is this the guy who writes the script for aicg or what
Tomboy is the best.
Boku is the best desu.
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>tfw getting claude to say faggot
Nigger is next
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>tfw getting claude to say desu
Boku is next
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hi desu how is the week going
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All according to desu.
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Tiresome week desu.
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What about yours desu ka?
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That's... pretty desu, you know desu yo ne
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Desu is not used to see Suiseiseki like this though desu.
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