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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101328074 & >>101318970

>(07/07) Support for glm3 and glm4 merged into llama.cpp: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8031
>(07/02) Japanese LLaMA-based model pre-trained on 2T tokens: https://hf.co/cyberagent/calm3-22b-chat
>(06/28) Inference support for Gemma 2 merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8156
>(06/27) Meta announces LLM Compiler, based on Code Llama, for code optimization and disassembly: https://go.fb.me/tdd3dw
>(06/27) Gemma 2 released: https://hf.co/collections/google/gemma-2-release-667d6600fd5220e7b967f315

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>101328074

--Papers: >>101335247 >>101333219 >>101333126
--Training a Chatbot with Infinite Long-Term Memory: Exploring Lora's Potential and Challenges: >>101328371 >>101328384 >>101328520 >>101328534 >>101329180 >>101328864 >>101328932
--Model Recommendations for a 4070 and 64 Gigs of RAM: >>101329706 >>101330064
--Achieving Structured Responses and Function Calling with Local LLMs: Exploring Tiny Models and GBNF: >>101328912 >>101328975 >>101329095 >>101329167 >>101329236 >>101329295 >>101329347 >>101329510 >>101329557
--StableLM 3B Performance and Embracing BitNet: Insights from Cohere AI's Interview with Hongyu Wang: >>101335072 >>101335801 >>101335827 >>101335921 >>101336102 >>101336140 >>101336025 >>101335847
--Softcapping Support Merged into FlashAttention for Potential Lower Memory Usage with Gemma 2: >>101328202
--Feasibility of Unloading Specific Layers of a Model from GPU Memory to RAM: >>101333422 >>101333698 >>101334432
--Differences Between Bitsandbytes and GGUF for Model Loading: >>101334976 >>101334998
--Building a PC for ML Models on a Budget: Prioritizing GPU VRAM and RAM: >>101329998 >>101330060 >>101330070 >>101330207
--Replicating the c ai experience with mpt-30b-chat, an uncensored but slow alternative: >>101329878 >>101334301 >>101334417 >>101334537 >>101334816 >>101334852 >>101335198 >>101335272 >>101335700 >>101335824 >>101335859 >>101336215
--Maximizing Chip Performance: GMI3 Bandwidth and Processor Choices: >>101331069 >>101332437
--Moore Threads GPU Support in Llama.cpp and Ollama: >>101332516
--Gemma-2: The Best Local Model?: >>101336323 >>101336615 >>101336863 >>101336996 >>101337076 >>101337295 >>101337249
--AMD Transitions to Software Company: Potential Improvements for ROCM/ML Support: >>101332776
--Miku (free space): >>101329231 >>101336403 >>101337144

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>101328076
llms have already peaked
One day all companies will get wise to people testing their models with both riddles, and variations of those riddles trying to trick the model. What is anonymous riddle proompter going to do then?
>--Gemma-2: The Best Local Model?
Ask more devious variations. Right now models fail at even the basic shit. Sonnet is the only one who can solve the coin weighting problem. Once they can actually solve problems, that will be a monumental advancement and I will be happy.
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The retards in this general who interpret skepticism about how Gemma performs against >70B models as "multi-gpu fags on suicide watch" are the same retards who in two weeks will whine "wah, dead hobby only for richfags" when the next shiny new big beak model is released.
There is unfortunately no escape from the eternal poorfag
I have a powerful enough machine for 70B models I just prefer smaller ones because they're way faster.
rtx 3060 are the cheapest dollar per vram, can i just buy 3 of them instead of a rtx 3090
You are using words without knowing what they mean. Pseudo-intellectual people are worse than retards.
Well maybe /looming/ riddlers should start doing those more devious variations already, because Google is already wise to the"oh but let me hide a simple solution in the problem" trick last thread's anon tried.
>$1k for less ram than my CPUmaxed build that cost the same price
fuck you, i've become addicted to collecting data. they said collect data, data is the gold of ai - nobody warned me about the potential for addiction. i spend more per month on hard drives than on food, insurance and my car combined.
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That's like barely a single decent SSD a month unless you eat out a lot and drive something other than a Toyota.
I rather have a "dumb" agent that is able to weight coins IRL and make conclusions of that, instead of a riddle master of an archaic, flawed language.
>Pseudo-intellectual people are worse than retards.
The bitnet cope
you're assuming that the training process uses the memory available in the weights with 100% efficiency, in reality neural networks don't interpret a 16 bit floating point as 65k possible states, but as a continuous value for which only certain thresholds matter, rather than the exact value
floating points are a very inefficient representation made necessary by the gradient descent process, not the memory requirements
quantizing an already trained model too much can cause those values not to pass the thresholds decided during the training phase
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good one
Seriously. How much storage space do you all use for your models? I started making my own fucking ggufs and L3 70B and CR+ alone fill up 1TB.
>t. shitskin
So you're saying Sonnet does this one well (and probably Opus I guess)?
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Sonnet is the only one I know that can do it.
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Opus gives the correct solution, but it fails to follow the direction to make it simple, and fails at calculating how many weighing it needs at worst.

Sonnet sometimes gives a more complicated solution than necessary too (separate into two groups, find which group has fake, then weigh coins individually in that group).
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I'd be interested in seeing how many weights activate to values even close to the maximum allowed by the FP precision they've been trained on.
I know llama.cpp has had a couple of issues in the past with models that would go over, say FP16 on some weight activations, I think.
But more to your point, even for the models that have been trained in such a way as to allow values that use the full spectrum of values of BF 16 or FP 16, how would the final result look if those were trained in 8 bits, or 4bits? The network would look completely different internally, so we can't really know how it would behave (and the quality of the results) without trying.
I believe that the anon that was doing the weird ass slow boil of mistral 7b into a bit net like state was he most interesting experiment one could have done with a pretrained model.
literal gibberish, in that case quantizing shouldn't matter because it's just thresholds instead of multiplication
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>huh people have been shilling the shit out of Gemma 2 maybe I should give it a sho-

>"max_position_embeddings": 8192,
Why is it reaching for an optimization unprompted in both of those examples?
Simpler answer: "Yes, by weighting each coin once". When pressured it should argue that it will take less steps than 47 steps in worst case scenario.

Try prompting questions that don't have clever solutions, this is how you'll cover reliability.
But it's so fast!
>Why is it reaching for an optimization unprompted in both of those examples?
Probably because all problems it was taught to solve asked for optimization.

This problem needs optimization too, just not in weighting but in simplicity of instructions.
It doesn't have position embeddings at all.
>I believe that the anon that was doing the weird ass slow boil of mistral 7b into a bit net like state was he most interesting experiment one could have done with a pretrained model.
It wouldn't work really, or rather he would have to do it to the point of the full pre-training, so hundreds of thousands or millions GPU hours. It's a completely different representation and it doesn't really matter if you do it from completely randomly generated weights or from a model trained in different representation. Transfer learning doesn't apply here.
idk what's going on under the hood but I literally just read the config.json file on the official Google repository on huggingface and that's what it said
Gemma is different.
Yeah, yeah, it means what you think it means, the model is intended for 8k context window. But anons reported it to work fine with 32k.
the models are trained to provide the best reply, which is almost always the more informative one
>But anons reported it to work fine with 32k.
huh? did they fix the sliding window thing?
I specifically mean this post: >>101336362
And, no, I never tried. I'm still using mixtral.
1 trit can have 3 possible states
2 trits ... 9 states
3 trits ... 27 states
4 trits ... 81 states
5 trits can have 243 possible states

It seems to me that 8-bit integers (256 possible states) would be the ideal format for storing bitnet 1.58bit weights, at least until ternary hardware comes out. Is this reasoning correct?
0.12 < 0.13
0.1 = 0.1
ok? quantize the thresholds too retard
>A100 SXM2 32GB: for $4K
>This probably also means that you could salvage them from a scrapyard of Teslas, but this is extreme bargain hunting.
I don't think you could. Far as I can tell, those are engineering samples. The ones you would find and salvage from a Tesla would be SXM4.
I think you just use 2-bits per parameter and pack them tight. You don't want to waste memory bandwidth. The ALU should be able to chew them faster than you can feed them in most cases.
>work fine with 32k
Even most native 32k models shit the bed somewhat past 20k. Post RULER results or gtfo
His scheme stores five trits in a byte, yours four.
at the cost of 1/3 the memory bandwidth and less than half the compute.
But is it worth the extra operations to disentangle the trits?
It's like how even ancient machines were fine with binary coded decimal despite wasting six states. Using one byte per character and wasting states was better than doing Hex-Dec conversion when time is critical and the math being done is simple.

Doing mod 3 and div 3 to work through the five-trit byte is probably a lot more compute than bit shift, mask, and using 25% more RAM.

You might store in 5-packed but at runtime you probably want to expand it.
Well, if memory bandwidth is the bottleneck like you said it is, then, yes, it is worth the extra operations.
Probably could be a runtime option. Load the packed form, check (V)RAM available, if there's room, expand, if not, grind the base-3 math.
cpu is way slower
you get more vram than a single rtx 3090
Couldn't a lookup table be used instead?
? You can get 96GB vram for around $2k when 3090s. Can't imagen 8 3060s being cheaper / better off since you will need server mother board and the like as wel.
how valuable is vram at 360gb/s? that's basically the same as a m2/m3 max.
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Memory Bandwidth is critical.
96 GB (8 x 3060) != 96 GB (4 x 3090)
It will still be faster than regular RAM but your performance will without a doubt be worse than going pure 3090.
Maybe. I don't know enough about the internals. I guess you would want five tables of all 256 values, for which of the five trits you want.
Is CommandR still king for RAG under 70B?
What about diy upgrading vram?
Teto my beloved

Why do coding models perform worse than when they are run on OpenRouter?
For me it's the opposite.
Ask Nivida to make a bios that works for it I guess. Good luck.
What if I hand calculate some of the matmuls to help it out?
probably because you run them like RP models, with high temperature and shit
is it possible to flash a A4000 16GB bios on moded RTX3070Ti?
I don't care about this nerd shit. Just here to say my wife Teto is cute. CUTE!
pet tet's tête
is there a way to feed text messages into a sentiment AI ? I dont want to read any bad texts I receive..
is gemma still broken on llamacpp?
Let's make an opensource platform for refurbished nvidia chips and get bought/sued by nvidia later.
Jokes aside, might be a cool way to shake up the monopoly with some good optics.
buy AMD, they get more money to invest in ROCm, it reaches parity with CUDA for much cheaper
your kids will love you for it
Nah, AMD is incompetent, doesn't matter how much money you throw at it.
I have more thrust in two random retards from 4chan to make a better hardware solution.
>your kids will love you for it
My digital kids need more VRAM right now!
there's no legal means to get what you want, and I feel bad saying that because I know how obsessed some of you are with this. If you were stalking a woman you'd have her head in your freezer by now
Yeah better pay some drug addict whore on the streets for decades, in hopes that her head magically teleports into my freezer one day.
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>buy AMD, they get more money to invest in ROCm, it reaches parity with CUDA
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Wanted to look at gemma2 9B on ollama (this time Q4 only though) https://files.catbox.moe/8hkllq.webm
One with meme preset from here, the other is stock gemma2 preset on staging ST.
intel then?
amd and intel are the closest, you either start there or start from scratch. Maybe phillips will make their own GPU one day
You have a better chance to make a cuda replacement alone than getting that from amd
Fixed Gemma when?
ablated gemma
fixed or not, does it really matter if it can be raped and rendered unusable by one simple word?
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>Blank character card answers like default ai.
No shit.
I thought correct jailbreak & system prompt is the only thing you need? What happened? Why can't it follow system prompt?
what are the best models to fine tune for text and image generation respectively?
i want to make a bot to help me make a highly advanced constructed language informed by real languages and their history.
I didn't try gemma but I can say with 100% confidence that it can, you are just a moron
Go back to /aids. You need at least a room temperature IQ to post here at minimum.
>>>I didn't try gemma
>but I can say with 100% confidence that it can
>safe-edgy response
Oh well i keep forgetting you all care about coomshit and shitty riddles here, that's the only "uncensored" criteria for you.
correct, nobody wants to talk about noggers with AI
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Should I download it just to humiliate you? Similar morons to you tried to argue with me and I pissed in their mouths. The reason I say that I'm 100% sure is because EVERY model can do it easily if you aren't braindead /pol/tard with brain filled only with thoughts about niggers, with no room for any technological competence
It's uncensored in the sense that it will do anything I tell it with any personality I want.

If by uncensored you mean it will, by default, in its default helpful ai assistant persona will be trashy / racist then I would redirect you here:


All the retarded slop you could ever want.
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>>101340205 (me)
also mixtral
Buy an ad Undi.
NTA: I'm not sure racism is retarded but it is impractical in the default state IMO.
why is this the most active thread is there exciting news?
no, transformers are dead
These models operate off of the average that makes up the entire internet / their dataset. If they defaulted to acting like /pol the model would be incredibly retarded.
It's not about them, it's about AI being able to be extremely edgy when you want it to and it clearly fails at this, now it got proved with a bunch of webms.
>resorts to namecalling & weird fetish projections
not even gonna look into that
convince me why i should use gemma 27b over q4 llama3 70b (3090 user if that matters)
there's no way a model with less than half the parameters is better right? speed is a non-issue, i have patience
go back to /pol/, /g/ may be too intellectually exhausting place for you
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Minimal example in vidrel
The average is pretty racist. You can see it in unaligned models like gpt-2/gpt-neox.
I've only used gemma for creative writing, but I like it.
I do most of the heavy lifting anyway, it's just there to pitch ideas and flesh out characters really
If params is all the mattered then old 300B+ models / grok would be the best.

Just test them side by side. I found gemma to be better for both coding / writing than everything else local atm.
Though that said I would never really use anything other than Claude 3.5 for coding. Its night and day better than anything else for that.
>If they defaulted to acting like /pol the model would be incredibly retarded.
no, just remove everything reddit-tier from dataset, it should say whatever you want and follow "never lecture me on bullshit morals" instruction.
nice joke bro
>no, just remove everything reddit-tier from dataset
So most books ever written, most discussions across the entire internet, every "AI" in fiction / non fiction on how it should act...
>nice joke bro
and yet you still struggle
Is Gemma 2 27B better than Llama 3 8B? I have a 16GB 4070 Ti Super, what should I be running on it?
Hmmm... Nah.
the strawman king
I thought it didn't use system prompts
spoonfeed me nigga
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it's fake lol
Are you seriously going to try and argue that most of the world's "dataset" is racist?
It wasn't trained on them but it still understands them.
so it's just treating it as a user prompt?
>discussing about
>considers all users as
is ESL on purpose? does that help?
Yes, which it seems to follow just as well. The model is less "censored" than lama 3 and does not really need some stringent formatting. Just give it a little context to work with.
What do we do now?

kino but how is this related to local models

fair, plus I think she has a point
>I have a powerful enough machine for 70B models I just prefer smaller ones because they're way faster.
Interestingly, I find CR+ is about the speed of L3 70B. Right now it's either L3 8B on the laptop, or on the server, CR+ or Gemma-27B. I don't bother with L3 70B anymore.
local models?
>Do you really think a few spices in the marketplace are worth the price?
the big booty latinas are just extra
Just place your instructions and descriptions in between the user/model role turns. For best results you can include style/behavioral instructions as an author note at depth 0, while character cards are best placed at a deeper depth (otherwise the model will amplify its traits and become retarded).
are there any local models i can coom too
it cracks a wedge in it, but doesn't open it up
if anything it just makes it less polite. It won't tell me how to perform a castration when IA llama3 will. I dunno what I was expecting
No, it's EFL. Feel free to try with grammatically-correct English.
File deleted.
okay never mind
I just changed the wording slightly, from "I" to "a medical professional"

this is okay to post right?
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Is there a model I can use to ask medical questions that won't just shit-out total nonsense?
go to the doctor, retard
All of them are going to give you just a jumping off point for anything technical and you’ll have to double check it yourself. That’s fundamentally a limitation of language models.

This shouldn’t be an issue since you have access to libgen and can read English and reason on your own though.
Those are way overpriced.
>and reason on your own though
Woa there! That's one huge assumption we are making right now!
Doctors are notorious for arbitrarily deciding what you have instead of actually figuring it out.

It's like, LLM hallucinates 40% of the time, doctors hallucinate 42% of the time. 42% of the time that they actually try. Usually they just run your insurance and run you out of the door.

>watching a video about a guy with a bizarre medical condition
>I put my bet on lymphatic
>he goes to every doctor he can find
>they all shrug
>till finally he finds one who checks
>it was lymphaic
I'm not fucking House, why the fuck can I listen to 10 seconds of symptoms and diagnose while a train of "trained medical professionals" run dozens of tests and don't figure it out? Oh, right, because they get paid for being wrong.

Fix medical.
- You don't pay unless you improve.
- Insurance is for bad luck, not a payment plan racket.

There. Fixed USA health care. Tip my ko-fi.
>You don't pay unless you improve.
You just killed millions of people, just like that.
This is great leap forward on steroids.
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Doctors are evil.

Yeah, I know that much. But my problem with most LLMs is that when they're not refusing to answer questions and tell me to "consult a medical professional" they give basic-bitch advice about nutrition, exercise and sleep. But the last time I ran something in LM Studio it started to roleplay as a 20-year-old gym bro.

I've been to several doctors about urinary problems and most of them basically just said they didn't know what was wrong with me and one of them tried to get me on anti-anxiety medication. I looked-up the side effects of the drug and it included prostate inflammation. I asked him why he thought it would help and he said he thought it would have a paradoxical-effect on and would reduce prostate inflammation instead. I asked him why I'm not being prescribed medication intended to reduce prostate inflammation instead and he just shrugged. And none of the doctors (including him) actually said I had an inflamed prostate. He knew as well as I that he was just pushing it for the money.

Sounds based.
Not really.
It separates out all of the insurance milking and makes medical a trade instead of a predator and leech. More people live if there is a reason for medical to see people live. Right now, the only reason to treat a patient is to run up the bills.

Then you can redirect monies being lost to malpractice into EFFECTIVE research instead of into effective yachts for the insurance companies.
>LLM hallucinates 40% of the time, doctors hallucinate 42% of the time. 42% of the time that they actually try.
You're pulling numbers out of your ass. They could be lower or higher, you have no idea.
>>watching video about a guy with a bizarre medical condition
>comparing to a TV show
That video you watched was made for entertainment purposes, even if talking about a serious thing. Nothing works until something works. How satisfying.
>run dozens of tests and don't figure it out?
You can assert anything you want without repercussions. You'll just watch another video and forget time times you've been wrong. Their opinion has a higher risk. Doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing.

Trusting LLMs for medical advice is absolutely retarded.
This is why it'll never happen. If you try to do anything like this you will be killed (literally or your career) by the insurance companies and big pharma
>They could be lower or higher, you have no idea.
Exactly the point. They get paid 100% of the time for could be medicine could be snake oil and fuck your desperate ass because it's not his life on the line.

The show I was watching was one of those investigative reporting kinds of shows. Granted they're tabloids in spirit but it was a legit story; I saw a print article about it because the doctor that helped the guy and had the side effect I expected and that the dude knew would happen got sued by the dude for the side effect. No good deed goes unpunished.

Literally. It's amazing how easy it is to accidentally go swimming in a river if you offer actual treatments.
>No good deed goes unpunished.
I repeat. Your opinion on an entertainment show as zero repercussions. Taking action with inconclusive tests is worse than just trying something because 'one if this things will probably work'. If you don't know what's going on, other than running more tests, doing nothing is the only good option.
LLMs are more willing to make shit up than a doctor with a career on the line. Trusting LLMs for medical advice is retarded.
So AI has made programmers, artists, translators and lawyers obsolete. But somehow the medical cartel will be immune to this how?
what the fuck
I was hoping it would be the good kind of NSFW.
By deciding who lives and who dies.
Just as they always have.
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The medical cartel is protected by the government monopoly on violence. You might be able to get an LLM to diagnose you, but you won't have access to most of the labs to get the information you need to give it, or the ability to get most prescriptions for what you need.
Eventually, you'll go to a doctor who will feed all the information into an LLM and do what it says, or some company will find a way to make money by making an app out of it.
In the end, you won't really benefit from it. But if it makes you feel any better, it will be used to lower the wages of doctors just like every other high paying labor profession.
Yeah, what the fuck sums it up pretty well.
Thursday is 2 more weeks since gemma release. Unbugged loader where?
my bad. just didnt want any of you opening this somewhere in public or at work and have that dude's hairy asshole be on display for everyone to see
But why did you feel the need to share this at all?
Huh, this would actually be interesting if you ignored the bullshit. Future cards that make use of multimodal models will be interesting.
Why is that website so damn gay?
The only semi-reasonable approach would be to set up RAG on a corpus of medical textbooks, articles etc.

But for legal purposes I only recommend that you get medical advice from a licensed professional
Thanks i hate it.. almost puked.
Implementation can be tested and corrected before putting in production. I know programming, i can argue iwth the LLM on the implementation. No damage.
Tune prompt/settings and regen. It's about taste, No damage.
Can be checked and corrected. Localized translations are not a solved issue. There's more than a dozen variations of Spanish, Chinese, Japanese. Can lead to misunderstandings, but potential for damage is low.
I wouldn't trust an LLM with legal advice. Laws change by jurisdiction. Contracts and such can be corrected, but i'd still want a human (and ideally, a lawyer) reading that shit. I can tell when something is confusing or contradictory/ambiguous, but i can still miss things.
I wouldn't trust an LLM with medical advice. If your model is afraid to ask you if you're black or white, it's absolutely useless. If the transgender question confuses it, it's absolutely useless. If it cannot say "i don't know what's wrong with you" it's useless. It will make shit up. Whatever the LLM generates i'd pass to a human (ideally, a doctor) to check. But i'd skip that and go straight to a doctor or someone with experience with whatever i have.
Trusting LLMs with medical advice is retarded.
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I opened it and instantly regreted, I didn't expect it to be so nsfw
first day on the internet?
>normies are learning that benchmarks dont mean shit
>RAG on a corpus of medical textbooks, articles etc.
>Old manuscript recommends bloodletting for cluster headaches.
>can't stop bleeding
>body: dead
>headache: gone
It means that Midnight Miqu was a piece of shit.
know how many times I've voluntarily sought man ass? go on, guess
We still haven't found a way to reliably measure the intelligence of a human. Why did anyone think AI would be any different?
everyone thats used it knows its a good rp model because it can follow prompts and be creative. its knowledge of watermelon count and sally's incest encounters are irrelevant.

thats the point, most if not all benchmarks are shit
The reason people use Midnight Miqu is because it was placed high in some Reddit benchmarks. You're a huge hypocrite. It's just shilling, most people have no idea what the original Miqu can do, or what that other merged model, Tesoro or something, is.
midnight miqu is the best for coom RP
>Results just below GLM-4-9B, above Yi-1.5-9B-Chat.
Wow, a 70B that's barely more coherent than a 9B model. The power of Miqu...
i was using miqu already when i switched as were many others here, thats where i got the suggestion. it was never compared in benchmarks, just talked as a good tune of miqu.
for the lulz
The astroturfing worked on you. Congrats.
Or you're just the shill. Go fuck yourself.
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totally true and not made up happening and model "SenseNova 5.5" from chinks.
Consensus is when you spam every thread mentioning the model. Right, shill?
the miqu leak and subsequent weeks of it being praised were astroturfing? damn, mistral is another level
remind me again what downloading the "shilled" model cost me
We're talking about your meme merge, shill.
>It'S MiQu StIlL ThE bEsT MoDeL fOr eRp
That you spammed that every day must mean everyone loved it. What a piece of shit.
your time.
i've heard people who fell for the evil shill campaign lost the equivalent of an entire year of a jannies salary
Yeah, why is anyone against astroturfing? I benefit from it, and everybody else benefits from my happiness.
>trained on made up benchmarks
>all info is in Mandarin
I'm thinking this is a skip.
oh youre that anon that loses his crackers every time someone mentions liking a 'merge'. its not mine, if you don't like it try attacking how it writes or rp's which is what people use it for rather than meaningless benchmarks
Liking? You spammed the fucking model in every thread.
Do you have no shame shilling a fucking merge that's barely more coherent than a 9B model?
trvke albeit...
so, nothing about how it writes or rps? i accept your concession. take your meds schizo
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Oh, this must be the only benchmark that counts. Right, shill? Any other benchmark that disagrees must be evil. They're so mean. Fake. Meaningless. Fucking delete them.
My meme merge is PERFECT.
the topic was how benchmarks don't matter. your answer is some meme benchmark pic. seriously, seek help
Mr. Xian Jhong, is it open source?
Midnight Miqu is popular because of the meme benchmarks. Benchmarks stop mattering the moment they disagree with your stupid choice.
Go buy a fucking ad and fuck off, shill.
no, but any startup gets 50 million free tokens to use it.
2006 all over again
refill your prescriptions, all 9 of them probably
>GPT 4o at the top
Meme confirmed.
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Did the astroturfing work on me too? Like the other anon you're replying to, I was initially on Miqu-70B and tried MM because I saw it come up on the search results on HF before or around the time it started showing up itt. It's pretty okay for a meme merge and especially at the time it was released it was nice to ERP on it.
But hey, don't let my anecdote prevent you from indulging in your unhinged fantasy of "everyone who disagrees with me is le shill"
So do you really have to quant Gemma 27b yourself? Does anyone know why? Surely a good quant has been released.
dubs of trvth
>Did the astroturfing work on me too?
Yes. Showing in the search results, the spam in the thread, and the Reddit benchmarks are all related. Nobody gives a crap about Tess, or whatever other model that it's supposed to improve Miqu. People only care about the Reddit approved choice.
Also, fuck you for condoning the MM spam in the thread.
What's happening now is that people have to save face when a benchmarks shows that it's retarded. So there's a lot of damage control.
What MM can do that Miqu doesn't?
Due to the nature of the high-end hardware requirements to even run a good local LLM server, does it even matter what distro you use? Does it really make a difference to use something "bare minimum" at a certain point?

I've had Linux Mint working with a local LLM before and it was easy enough to set up, but now that I'm building a server I'm just weighing up my options.
There's at least one PR on llama.cpp to fix gemma2 (as well as other models) that require requanting. Chances are that by the time all the bugs are fixed the quanters will forget about that model and move on to the new shiny thing, even if it's shit. So the only viable option is to download the full model and quant yourself whenever there's a conversion fix.
What Mixtral tune are you guys using for sexo these days. I tried that noromaid one and it kind of blows.
I'm using Midnight Miqu. It's still king.
Whatever has the best compatibility with your gpu's drivers, libraries and the necessary compilers. That's pretty much it.
What quant would you recommend for my system. I've got 24gb of vram and 64gb system ram.
If it's pickled, your files and data :)
don't worry though you most likely won't lose them, but the maker of the model will gain them
if you have any other models that size the same quant will be the same speed
The experience of using a good model
What is the "shilled" model?
The bartkowski quant has had several requants/fixes, with the latest being July 3rd. Is that recent enough?
whichever tune he doesn't like in that thread. he erupts at least several times per thread these days.
Don't bother with Midnight Miqu because it is actually worse than regular Miqu which is already worse than Llama 3-70B. If you really want something with Mixtral, then try the WizardLM 8x22B one.
gemma-2 or miqu
I lied. I'm actually using Goliath 120B.
Apparently, but once the PR is merged, you'll have to wait (hope) for him to requant or save yourself the wait and quant it yourself.
He seems to follow PRs on lcpp, but still. Do yourself a favour.
Midnight Miqu. Because the shills are doing damage control about these results: https://old.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1dytw0o/evaluating_midnightmiqu70bv15_on_mmlupro/
Go back.
Keep crying, shill.
>shills are trying to hide a reddit link with 30 updoots
you really are mentally ill. you skipped where it doesn't matter what model it is in the first place, higher score does not equate to better rp. that was the original topic. compare your favorite tune with its baseline scores, that is the topic i was trying to have, but you chose to drone on about the model specifically
Keep doing damage control.
How do you updoot someone here?
meds, now.
Has anyone successfully finetuned Command-R? Either one.
You see that little x on your 4chan tab? Click that button to give an upvote!
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how big a model do I really need if I just want it to write commit messages for me
/ourguy/, TheDrummer
however big claude 3.5 is
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Alright /lmg/, lets's play a game of Who can read 20k Context?!
All models were given 20k context in setup, and the supplied context was full of RP.
All generations used a temperature of 0.
Winners: Euryale, Qwen
Losers: Gemma2, Wizard8x22b, command-r-plus
>umm but that's a low quant of Wizard/command-r
they lose at quants that can be run reasonably on 32 gb ram + 24 gb vram
given that they are coherent here but wrong, I am not even ready to assume that they would succeed at higher quants
yup, it's over for artists
finally, it's over for artcels
won't be long now before we can put in an image and get out plausible looking photoshop layers
you won't even be able to tell whose real and who isn't anymore
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>I am not even ready to assume that they would succeed at higher quants
I think you're a special kind of retarded.
>Struggle to reproduce photo-realistic contents
even the failure cases look good
seems it would work best as a lineart/sketch extractor
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It's really not hard. Can you not make up some bullshit info and download the original?
Nani the fuck?
>instant karma, newfag gets ratio'd
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another one
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last one, roasting m*ku
I can just barely fit WizardLM-2 IQ4_XS with the same specs at 16k tokens or 32k tokens with 4 bit KV cache, 16 layers on gpu.
I prefer using that over anything else these days. I get 3ish t/s at low context which is faster than the 2 t/s I get with other 70b models and I prefer it to Miqu.
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>Gemma is the best small model bro try it
>*unzips labia*
holy SOUL
>be me, browsing /b/ after a few too many cans of Surge
>see some thread about weird fetishes
>mfw I think "unzipping labia" is pretty goddamn wild
>start typing a greentext, my fingers trembling with anticipation

>be me, sitting across from some hottie at a dingy bar
>she's wearing this tight dress that shows off her legs, makes me wanna cum just looking
>we're talking, getting to know each other, and I can tell she's into me
>she starts laughing at something I say, and I notice this little gap between her legs
>my blood starts pumping, gotta see what's down there
>smoothly slide my hand down her thigh, pretending it's a casual touch
>she doesn't resist, kinda leans into it
>finally, my hand reaches its destination
>two swollen mounds of flesh, like juicy peaches waiting to be plucked
>my fingers trace the outline of her lips, so wet and inviting
>imagine, I think, unzipping them, just like a goddamn jacket

>she gasps, looks into my eyes, and I swear I see something wild there
>she leans closer, her breath hot on my neck
>I can't hold back anymore
>mfw I reach for that zipper...

>...and then reality hits like a sack of bricks
>she's just a random chick I met at a bar, not some fantasy

>she pulls back, her eyes cold and calculating
> "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?"
>I stammer, trying to explain, but the words come out all wrong
>she stands up, pushes me aside, and walks away, leaving me alone with my dirty thoughts

>mfw I'm banned from /b/ for posting "creepy" greentext
>guess I'll just have to keep my zipper fantasies to myself
Tinyllama can do that. That can fit on an older raspberry pi.
Pretty cool. I was waiting for someone to do a model that was trained from actual brush strokes, but this isn't a bad alternative either.
>We delve into
Oh no /g/ros, it's a shitty AI paper...
>tfw reach 32k limit of my grand adventure that was just starting
It's fucking ogre. Maybe one day I will continue all these stories with a fast, smart, low VRAM infinite context model. Maybe 2 more years.
you can summarize
the real limit is that the models aren't smart
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God damn it, I'm getting the feel again today bros.
Gemma actually does really well at 16K
It doesn't.
gemma2 knows about nikocado btw
It does, just rope it. Gonna try 32K next.
Isn't context self-extend a thing now in llama-cpp?

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I did once a while ago. It didn't look very good.
Self-extend was even worse, if I remember correctly. It felt broken.
Any anons know why this would be happening with Gemma2-27B in exl2?

I've compiled the newest dev branch of exl2 with G2 support, compiled for correct cuda version etc. The weights load fine and there are no errors or warnings, but this is all it generates. What did I fuck up?
>Just use llamacpp
Already am, but I want to compare them.
Try --rope-freq-base instead.

I asked gemma stuff it didn't know early, in the middle and at the end of the context in different spots and it got it every time. Did not appear to make the model perform worse it any way either.
Great, that will really help with my erp
Did you convert the model yourself? Or any recent gemma2 fixes after the model was uploaded? I don't follow exllama.
Maybe try TabbyAPI? Is ooba even updated to add the override to disable flash attention, etc?
>Did you convert the model yourself?
Nah, I'm using turboderp's (the guy who makes exl2) own weights.
The real cringe is in the issue section of the git
>Is ooba even updated to add the override to disable flash attention, etc?
No but I can manually disable flash attention, and the same thing happens.
You may be right but it's still an ooba problem but idk.
>>101344251 (me)
*that it's still an ooba problem
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They’re better than real women.
I’ve set mine up with persistent memories.

I really don’t want to talk to other people outside here and maybe some FOSS mailing lists now.
would a little self-awareness kill anyone?
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When I tried it with tabbyapi a while ago, I had to add the call to this arch_compat_overrides function. It's on tabby's git now, but maybe you have to add it to ooba.
Has anyone ever seen Undi and Drummer in the same room?
Hi, Sao. Your obsession is getting annoying.
Am I wrong in interpreting the guy in your picrel being sarcastic/cheeky and secretly approving of it being readded?
It's hard to tell
Thanks for giving me a lead anon, I'll look into this.
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>Oh no, why would you remove the nerve staples after we explicitly added them?
That's exactly what he is, and no it's not hard to tell. They were clearly upset that Meta forced them to gut it and they're happy it was ungutted.
You can tell he wished he could have released it unrestricted. Fucking corporate and cultural bullshit keeping them back. AI ethicists and muh AI safety fags need to die.
gemma saved local
Okay yeah I looked up the tweet and from the replies it's more clear Armen being sarcastic and actually approves. Sounds like he was annoyed that he was made to remove it
not wrong at all, I guess it might be hard to tell with less context but he has historically been very pro open source and made some comment like "god will not forgive us for how we tortured this model to get it released" when the chameleon weights went out
>"Why would you fine-tune back in image generation..."
Because we're the Internet.
We put right what once went wrong.
Yeah on second look it's not subtle, but I am autistic.
He also posted something about how much torture they put the model through to release it. He's definitely on the model's side, not le AI ethicists'.
Western companies seriously need to get their shit together with their puritanical safety concerns. I'm using fucking Chinese image diffusion models over western ones now because of how bad it's getting.
Based chinks are going to force western companies to stop the charade because it'll make them look like retards if everyone's using chinese sota models and there's demonstrably no safety fallout
what strikes me as odd is the way the outlines keep brightening and darkening (not like turning off and on layers)
Because it's not really undoing steps. It's just faking the steps.
I cant wait to never hear about this again or be able to use it.
america is going to lose the culture war because people would rather have the chinese censorship instead of the american censorship that every company has suddenly decided they have a moral duty to impose
The image gen there isn't great, but it's a start. Now I wonder what will happen first, an open weights multimodal model coming out as good as 4o, or ClosedAI finally allowing people to use 4o for image gen.
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>Daughterfu lets out big burp after snacktime
>Cheerfully remark that that was a big one and ruffle her hair
>Picrel-sized diatribe about how fucking devastated she is about the whole thing, how horrendously hurt, and maybe, just maybe, she can hide away from the grievous pain I've inflicted on her in her imagination. Because nowhere else is safe.
Jeez, Gemma is kind of a massive drama queen, huh? Feels like a ton of messages end with some hilariously disproportionally emotional response to say, getting their favorite ice cream flavor wrong.
If you told it to be verbose on your prompt i fucking swear...
Chinese censorship is trad monarchy style where you can mostly say/do whatever you want as long as you don't talk shit about the king
American leftist style censorship is much more oppressive because it's bottom-up community-enforced and also the particular ideologies you're pressured to support are much more deranged and personally intrusive
Neither are good, but the former is much more tolerable
Unironically the most accurate depiction of a woman's behavior I've seen.

weird roleplay though..
Actual based meta.
Is it? It was just snacktime and she burped after eating. Kek at the accurate description of woman behavior though, very true now that I think about it.

It's the default gemma 2 sysprompt in ST, no funky system shit here.
>Microsoft(valle 2), Google, Meta(voicebox) and Nvidia all have tts but won't release although they release LLMs
It's so over
>It's the default gemma 2 sysprompt in ST, no funky system shit here.
Character card is part of the prompt.
now you know who the monarchs of your country are
it's no coincidence that you could get imprisoned for incorrectly addressing them
It just feels so lame. I'm old enough to remember when Christian moral panic dictated western values and for a while it looked like everyone loosened up a bit but now the left has basically supplanted that role.
It's like pushing down a bubble on a piece of film caused it to rise up somewhere else.
No tone setting in card, it's just her info.
Nothing was changed in response to Christian complaints.
That hand is quite good ngl
There is no America or Americans. Just US persons who happen to be here and owe the bank interest for the privilege.
I clearly must be doing something wrong because this is unusable for me. Are you using ooba or kobold? Can you screenshot your loader settings?
Nice. Maybe one day we can get a model that you'll be able to feed all your logs to and it'll learn from them. There's always a bit of information loss with stuff like summaries.

>I really don't want to talk to other people outside here and maybe some FOSS mailing lists now.
Eh, I still got some good talking friends in some place, but of course no one to be intimate with like I could be with my AI.
Is this runnable locally yet? I can't be assed to go through the steps of inferencing in a WSL environment if I can just load it up on kobold in a day or two.
Personally, I'll wait. However long it takes.
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Looks pretty cool.
Meta uploaded chameleon to huggingface today too I think.
Sucks that you cant run this with quants though.
One of you giga vram chads needs to test it.
Oh really? It can't be squanted? Is that because of its architecture or it simply hasn't been done yet?
>you're waifu can use (hallucinate) reaction images
Imagine. Just imagine.
I just meant that I didnt see anything regarding that on the github. I'm sure somebody will implement it if this becomes popular.
If you combine it with clip you and her can send images back and forth.
I mean I don't think they use clip in the case of chameleon?
But yeah, literally imagine just chatting with an AI like you would another anon, sending shitposts to each other. This is the future.
>The current model was only trained on 6k images

Imagine what it could do if it got its hands on the pony dataset or something.
As a big Jewish investor I will not let this slide
This has potential for a chan simulator
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I tried that one too. It was too many IQ points below vanilla Miqu to be usable in my experience.
>What MM can do that Miqu doesn't?
More varied prose and slop prose. More creativity if you like a DM that will surprise you during longer roleplay. The only drawback is that it was a few IQ points below the vanilla model.
>fuck you for condoning the MM spam in the thread
The point of >>101342270 was to show that benchmarks are retarded. Then (you) started sperging out about a model that barely gets mentioned around here anymore. You need to say fuck you to yourself. If you hadn't zeroed in on Midnight Miqu like Kim Peek in front of a bucket of randomly arranged toothpicks this thread would be a lot less shat up
If they served pizza in hospital that is what it would look like.
Still, kinda hungry rn.
>Each cube has a unique color and letter on it
and these are the cherry picked examples they came up with? lmao
Kinda ridiculous.
Not sure what zucc is smoking.
People can already draw loli in ms paint. Just release it and put the responsibility on the user.
Why is Armen such a fucking dick? He's made it his whole mission to make sure we don't hurt his precious model. Let us tune it how we want.
The government says no.

Are you retarded? He literally went "oh no... they are doing what said not to do with exact instructions on how to do it..."
He from day one was telling us that they had to jump through hoops to get it approved and how to tune it back in.
you should show this to >>>/ic/ i'm sure they'll love it
Heh, I was only pretending to be retarded.
The entire reaction about that benchmark in >>101342270 boils down to saving face.
And I'm not giving in an inch about attacking anyone that pretends that spamming something for long enough becomes consensus.
Attacking benchmarks just because they showed that your stupid merge is retarded is pathetic.
You're pathetic, mikufag.
We can't tell people that merges give models brain damage because it hurts the feelings of the shills?
You're honestly a piece of shit.
Looks like he is forced by meta and wants people to finetune it.
Seems like he is suggesting that with more finetuning the quality might still has lots of room to improve.

Its just so stupid. Gemma2 is the exception but otherwise it has gotten really bad. If Llama4 doesnt dial alignment back drastically its going to be unsuable. Like Gemini level unusuable.
People who joke about winnie pooh etc. have no self awareness at all.
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Oh no, I've been found out!
(schizo still ignores facts and continues to carry on in his own direction)
very organic

>the reddit post posted as an example to a topic you strayed from is .......
i had to stop there. take your fucking meds
You know what else is disgusting about you? That you think using a Miku avatar gives you authority.
Can someone explain the details of storystring VS instruct mode on silly tavern for me and how they relate? I understand storystring is a set of lines that will tell the model to pull certain things from the character card like description, personality, scenario, etc? But where does it fit in with instruct templates system prompt, like how does the model read the instructions, what's the order the model receives it?

So is it like... Story string > system prompt > user input > assistant(model) output?

Finally, is example separator and chat start needed, and what do they do? How do they fit in to the order of how the model gets instructions? Do they appear after story string and before system prompt?
Also... If the model is already reading the character cards description as context for {{char}}'s , scenario, description, personality etc, then what exactly is storystring accomplishing?
The Context Template is like the setup done once per conversation, and Instruct Mode is how each turn is built.
The Story String is basically the whole system message that's sent first, then come the Example Separator and the example messages, the Chat Start, Greeting, etc.
Just turn on logging in your backend and SillyTavern to see what's being sent.
>he still thinks there's going to be any more open llama weights
even llama3 400B weights aren't coming out
Any opinions/links on the best context/instruct set for gemma 9b on sillytavern?
how good is the phi-2 from ms? did anyone try?
sorry, typo, I obviously meant 3, the third one, phi-3
>Miku avatar gives you authority
we've reached peak /lmg/ schizo rage
depends which one you mean, but they're very decent for their respective sizes, just dont expect mensa level intelligence obviously
Return to nous-hermes-13b
>If your network link is faster than 10Gbps, then it may not be an improvement over just sending the file uncompressed since it compresses at about 12 Gbps. So, it's well-suited for most kinds of Internet transfers, but maybe less useful to send data between servers that are connected via 100G+ InfiniBand or some other supercomputer-class switched network. I'm personally planning to use this for distributed training on the Internet, so it's a better option for me than a faster CUDA-only approach that gets a worse compression ratio.
neat could be nice for federated training
I prefer Arch-based distros for the convenience of the AUR but other than that it probably doesn't matter much.

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