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Hangover edition

previous: >>101312508

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
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It is updated.
Post ur racks
They are dirty and it looks like the reply below OP.
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Any cheapo 8 port 2.5gb managed switch to look for these days? Someone mentioned few threads ago some chink switches on AliExpress but there's so many to choose on that crap!
>there's so many to choose!
what else do you want?
>>101338944 (Me)
Almost noone uses 2.5g because most (if not all) network/server equipment is either 1g or 10g
Add to the mix Intel's fuckup with I225-V/I226-V and you got almost no reliable 2.5g nic for a home server
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Too lazy to clean.
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It is what it is.
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Thanks fren, I have downsized after being a data hoarder, once I realized most friends have no interest in niche TV or anime series and old kino. As long as I can play on headless *nix servers I am happy.
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On the left is a FIDO2 compliant 2FA/MFA hardware key:
The dev kit goes for 15 bucks or less.

Never trusted companies enough to ship these flawlessly, after what RSA did with their TOTP seeds.
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No redundancy and one backup plugged in on the other port every 2 days if I even care to look at the thing.
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>No redundancy
Anyone in here an expert on RAID-6 and jerasure or Ceph and jerasure?
I've been meaning to drop RAID-1 in favour of more efficient modes of operation.

Resilver is slow and a fault tolerance of 2 out of n drives is great. Though Efficiency scales only with man drives. Storage Efficiency of 71% surely beats RAID-1
7* 89.90 bucks (per 4TB IronWolf NAS) == 629.30 bucks
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Too lazy to clean, while I'm missing two cables and I'm going to redo cable management anyway.
what are those white velcro thingies called?

no idea, type velcro ziptie on ali express and order a 50pcs pack
Velcro cable ties.
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Hook and loop cable ties, or "velcro" cable ties. I haven't cut off the excess, so it's wrapped around in a bulky manner (for reusability).
I have a few servers that require Java for their onboard KVM. I ran a docker container with the Java version and noVNC and it works well. Should I take this a step further and use a Pi or mini PC as a management bastion? My only concern is that it introduces a SPOF. Generally, how are management networks structured?
Stop it. You're hurting the Jews by saying that, you antisemites.
I'm >>101339674, I said it correctly.
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>Stop it.
You forgot the (TM), goy
Bending radius exceeded is a thing with cables anon. Please look it up.
>he uses noip
there are better reverse DNS services you do know that?
Which cables are you referring to? If power cables, that's exactly what Dell's reference video shows to do.
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You didn't check my repo I see, that was years ago. I have an IONOS domain and full DNS CAA. For most people having a contract / plan running in your real world name is not favourable, even though there is a whois protection in place putting some middle man in between my real identity.

Next thing is people will explain me my code and say "it is just a wrapper for openssl with extra tweaks like threading". That is the whole point, this code runs even fast on the most outdated Raspberry Pis or the mover overpowered SBCs like the ODROID-H3+ with 2.5Gbit/s eth0 and you don't need to configure endless confs that are longer than my code.

There is little chance for misconfiguration.
oh nice, good job my man
looking over the repo now, love the documentation
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Everything (minus storage drives) has come in for my epyc build. Will put it together tonight. Hip hip hooray for more wattage pumping into my room.
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Thank you, I hope it helps people who want quick low wattage solutions. It's not meant to compete with nginx, just for people having fun. Getting as many into /hsg/ as possible before they go big.
I don't understand why people have home servers. Wtf do you use them for?
Store my data and access it from anywhere
I'm interested in getting a modular switch with 40Gb capability. Was looking at the 5406R zl2, but the QSFP+ capable modules are prohibitively expensive. Any suggestions?
SSO (single sign-on) for multiple computers. Central management of devices. Botnet at home.
Password manager, with a FIDO2 security key.
You will probably all think Im stupid but I just noticed if I move shit from one drive to another on my server through smb it uses my client devices' connection to do it. Not efficient.
Is there a way to do this without using the command line? I just want to bulk dragndrop stuff
You can use cheap NAS for that. I mean why do people have server racks running 24/7 at home
>access network from anywhere
>stream stuff from anywhere
>sync data
>hoard porn
>hoard music
>run bots
>build personal projects
>build custom ISOs
>run PXE environment
What do you think a NAS is if not a barebones server?
Most NAS also cant run my media streaming services
I use a refitted sff pc btw
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>run bots
This is unironically fun!

Very easy to write dbus scripts with python and learn the bot easy tasks on the most secure messenger via axolotl double ratchet.
>This is unironically fun!
It is, I love interacting with my bots
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Mental illness. You should try it, it's fun.
Do you have cool ahem """skills"""? Mine just check server stats, return gas station prices or the weather.
skills as in that alexa meme where they pretend a skill is not something an IRC bot had already in 1999 on some kids nixbox
let's see
>automatic record camwhore streams
>automatic backups
>remote pfsense management
>remote filebrowser
>remote webcam image capture
Nothing cool at all
Some seem good enough, though I'd add one with some esp32 that detects noise. Webcam image if there is an intruder or the door bell is activated.
Sensor based skills are maybe worth looking into.
>Sensor based skills are maybe worth looking into.
Certainly, I'll get into this
despite storing my data and being able to access them anywhere on any device without carrying about muuh botnet, I use it to host a few shit I wrote.
I have a bot that manage a library so users can share books, I have a second one but not as cool. I also develop a few stuff for local associations of my town. Nowadays I'm working on 3 projects, 2 of them I would like to try selling and that requires a server. It's cheaper to host your own shit than paying for it.
hdc1080 is a good replacement for the bme280 if you want to monitor room humidity
good temps and air quality are important for server rooms
bumpin the home servers
>return gas station prices
api/feed or some scraper?
>Add to the mix Intel's fuckup with I225-V/I226-V and you got almost no reliable 2.5g nic for a home server
AFAIK 99% of the issues are with energy efficient ethernet which can be disabled.
German thing only, unless you can machine vision your own station:
>api/feed or some scraper?
API only, stations hate the MTK-S, which is a government anti-trust law to make their secret price fiddling against rivals and customers harder.
Scraping is interesting for weather sites with premium stuff.

Let me drop some hardcore bypasses here:
Can fake the mouse movements to fool cuckflare checkboxes.

Scraping on headless servers past cuckflare is a very /hsg/ topic.
if it needs workarounds then it is not reliable
I'm interested in this as I run scraper bots and they're currently down because cuckflare
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Consider yourself winning then. These two repos have solid theory how they generate random human looking cursor movements.
Most people outside /g/ don't realize your entire mouse path is sent back to cuckflare.
In the past it was so easy when it was just proof of work by making you solve some 1000 sha hashes or useless stuff to thwart of DDoS bots.
Right now it is mostly harassing harmless scrapers.

The story on the news explains why:

Anti AI scraping as a service. /g/ents, I just want free weather info. The anti-AI captchas also are from hell.
Once these become standard it will be over for all of us.
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what's /hsg/ on swap ? x1 your RAM ? x2 ? half of it ? none ? What about swappiness ?
duly noted, thanks anon, I will test that out in a while
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You don't swap at all gaylord
not him and I agree, if swapping happens probably some program has a memleak. it shouldn't even come that far.
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>rent a cheap 1GB ram vps with 30GB storage
>set swap to 15GB
>16GB of swappy ram, able to run a bunch of stuff
Pic related, it's me.
Subscribe for more tips.
Why should I not buy a ton of small consumer MLC SSDs and RAID them?
because you could get enterprise ssd's instead
Will you pay for them? Because I can't afford to right now
i like them...
no, i meant used enterprise ssd's for the same price

I have a small amount on NVME with swappiness maxed out
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the gameplan:
>phase 2
>>replace unmanaged switch with managed switch
>>get rid of dac and connect directly to switch
>phase 2.5
>>set up vlans on switch in preparation for phase 3
>phase 3
>>set up one of my old servers as a router with opnsense/pfsense
>>connect work laptop directly to switch for LAN connection
>>set up my previous secondary router to just be an AP for my work devices
the thing that kinda fucks me is the APs I bought don't support vlans in AP mode. if they did, I could have the iot devices truly on a different network (they're isolated, but still on 10.x) and just have my work laptop connect to them as well.

for the switch, I'm looking at the Mikrotik CRS326-24G-2S+RM, which is a little under $200. I don't feel like dealing with ebay shitters, so I'll just buy it new.
Would a 40gig direct connection be enough to fully leverage an all-NVMe storage server?
>brocade 6610 uses 120W when idle
why so power hungry?
how many nvme drives, what connector, what speed of each drive, what raid/zraid setup, and what file system, you fucking retard?
better question is probably just: what's the max concurrent speed you can attain when testing locally?
why wouldnt you get an actual enterprise switch with more features for less money off ebay instead?
the ones I've seen on ebay use 100W-200W when idle compared to that mikrotik which only uses 24W idle.

I don't want to increase my electricity bill by hundreds of dollars per year before I plug anything in.
doesn't account for how many PCIe lanes he's consuming which need to be consumed for his theoretical 40g NIC in the future.
are 4th gen intel CPUs usable for a simple home server (I was thinking on using proxmox with truenas and ubuntu server to host some docker containers)? I have an old i7 3770 + 16 gb of ram but I still need to buy a PSU and a proper case to fit the disks.
3770 is 3rd gen but is usable. I got away with a dual core low power 4th gen so yours is even better
Link some that are the same price as used consumer drives
>bid on ebay auction
>only bidder
>win with minimum bid
>seller messages me that he cant find the item
>refunds me
is there a sas expander backplane with chassis that can be easily attached to micro minis with pcie slot
How secure is zerotier for remote access? The only other option I would consider is headscale because tailscale is a botnet, but thats a little above my ability it seems.
I just dont want to portforwrd
phase 4: throw the rokus into the street
leave that cunt bad feedback, it should encourage him to clean his room and get his shit together.
>throw the micro mini into the street and drive over it with your car
Are you high? He knows exactly where it is. This is an old loophole / scam, when an item sells too cheap.
Careful, don't want to be confused with Xeon SP 4th generation (Sapphire Rapids-SP).
Also yours are e-waste and without VMware support. Desktop Intel Core processors for desktops, Intel Xeon for servers.
Whats a better media client?
Theyre all proprietary garbage afaik?
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>VMware support
Generification is a valuable way to combat advertising and diminish the value of "intellectual property".
there are plenty of enterprise switches that dont use that much power, what were you looking at?
What's the best way to add nvme storage via a pcie slot? I was thinking of getting one of those 16x - 4 by 4x m.2 riser cards. I've also conidered a riser card for u.2, but I just have no experience with the enterprise ssd space.
>brocade 6610
if you can stand the noise a juniper EX4200 would be better. my EX4300 uses about 80w idle.
the less distance and the less connectors and no flex cables is best.
I intend to fill pretty much every mount in my case with hdd's so I wanted a solution like picrel. Preferable single slot so I can fit two of them in my top two slots. I'm partial to the m.2 option as it gives me more individual drives to play with. The usecase is vm storage, better latency storage than hdd's for main pc as I don't want local storage for my next build, and zfs metadata disk. Also I think it would look cool.
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Well this is okay but you are crazy for thinking it will work as you think.

You don't understand how PCIe works. 90% in this thread DON'T comprehend PCIe.

Mandatory reading for all in here, after that you tell me I am wrong:

this PDF needs to be in OP. are you here OP?
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I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure it'll work.
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If you bought an expensive mainboard that supports it, it supports it.
If you bought a sub 200 bucks board, natrually why would it come with a 200 bucks multiplexer chip that allows for bifurcation?

But it is clear to me you did NOT read the PDF or did NOT understand it.
Just because one slot supports it, doesn't mean you can run arbitrary combinations.
Do you have a graphics card in another slot?
Any other PCIe devices installed already?
Those will fuck up your bifurcation.

page 98 and page 100 are clear about this.
So you posted me slot examples. Where is the TABLE of allowed combinations?
It's an epyc 7402 system on a supermicro h12ssl-i motherboard. I haven't seen anything in the manual that would indicate that it doesn't work.
well that is a long-winded way of telling me that the slots are empty
of course it will work if there are no other devices consuming bandwidth
After needlessly shitting on you and feeling bad I can still berate you not to get riser cables but angled adapters as they are shorter and connect better whilst avoiding crosstalk.
I've got 128 gen 4 lanes. The motherboard says it supports bifurcation on all the slots. Pretty sure it'll work and you're acting a lot like pci-e schizo rn.
I have no idea why this would be useful to me unless I wanted to block all my pcie slots.
I am on a motherfucking "gayming" mainboard. Of course I am "limited". Obviously the server board would support it, unless it is trash.
>riser cards. I've also conidered a riser card
am I talking to the same people here?
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Hey look at that, I bifurcated them!
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I told you I was on a server platform and you just replied

>well that is a long-winded way of telling me that the slots are empty
of course it will work if there are no other devices consuming bandwidth

>I can still berate you not to get riser cables but angled adapters

I never mentioned cables. In fact I specifically mentioned I wanted the drives mounted on the slot as the rest of my mounts were going to be full of hdd's.

Also god damn they make 4 slot u.2 cards
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Red pill me on buying a bunch of mini pcs to use as a server cluster. I keep noticing local listings to buy them in bulk for cheap but what's the catch? Do these things overheat easy? Why isn't everyone doing this?
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No. Server hardware in an e-atx case looks better.
No. These are intended to be used as thin-clients or desktop PCs with Windows 10 or 11.
No VMware support for vSAN or vSphere (ESXi).
They are not efficient to be used in datacenters.
Some are e-waste. Bought in bulk and dumped by businesses at next hardware refresh 3-4 years after use.
Minimal expansion capability. Typically no ECC memory support.
Go for it
yes I will add it
most minimal functionality possible will impose a skill ceiling
Shut up nobody cares

Let's see
>what's the catch?
No upgreadability in the long run, specially storage-wise
>Do these things overheat easy?
They are more prone to reach thermal throttling when dealing with high loads like compiling or running a MC server
>Why isn't everyone doing this?
See above, also, serviceability can be a pain in the ass.
Ex: One of my node's motherboard died on a thunderstorm. Solution? Get a second hand one. Easy and cheap
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what would the temps be like
should i get a level 2 or a level 3 switch?
Level 4
it's layer not level.
cool but didnt ask
btw im trans
unlike you i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, cunt
Wow a BIOS with actual features. Haven't seen that in 20 years.
>ECC memory support
Autism and not needed, never had my fulldisk hashes corrupt, never observed any bit flips, never needed parity in 15 years. Modern tech is just that reliable.


1 error in 1,000,000 million events and then it is corrected by FEC
I have three with mellanox cards as a kubernetes cluster, but only for fun, there's no real reason to do this over a single box that would be cheaper, faster, more expandible, support ECC and have a BMC, etc.
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in the trillions of kelvin
that probably means he sells to people in the US, retard
>I have three
>there's no real reason to do this over a single box
He claims to have searched his "warehouse". I'm watching his listings every day, will only leave bad feedback if he relists it.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make. There isn't anything unexpected in there.
don't need it at home AND single boxes are extremely reliable AND the only failure I really care about is loss of power and internet, which I can't really do anything about in my apartment AND I don't care
>don't need it at home
Speak for yourself. I need redundancy as I actually rely on some of the services I host.
>single boxes are extremely reliable
Not as reliable as 3/5 boxes.
>the only failure I really care about is loss of power and internet, which I can't really do anything about in my apartment AND I don't care
Didn't ask. I just mentioned that you're wrong in saying "there's no real reason to do this over a single box."
around 60C permanently
Requesting /hsg/'s thoughts/opinions on HP ProLiant ML310e Gen8 v2
Around 300$

Third worlder unfortunately, almost impossible to get anything better at the price range.
For that price, no.
For less, it's still e-waste.
Ack, thanks. Gonna keep my desktop e-waste then
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>told myself a year ago I was never gonna buy more DDR3
>buy a cheap LGA 1150 supermicro board on a whim just to get a taste of ipmi
>it really doesn't like non-ecc with a xeon from what I read
>buy more DDR3 (but ECC UDIMMs this time)
I'm gonna have running haswell systems till the heat death of the universe at this rate and I'm not alone I feel.
I actually have a haswell era Xeon as well lol. It's hard to justify moving on.
>Xeon E3-1231v3
>Supermicro board
>4x4GB DDR3 1600MHz ECC
Such a stable system. running Windows Server 2022 Datacenter on it.
Can I use oracle's free cloud service as a gateway to connect to my home server stuff without using a vpn? (I know I can use a domain name to connect to an oracle cloud server)

And, I've got an old pc which I can repurpose into a full-fledged server, do I need a dedicated GPU for it for media? What about minecraft/etc? And should I run everything on a single ubuntu server (for instance) and dockerize whatever I wanna run, or do I go the proxmox route?
seems expensive for a single socket Haswell, i've swapped my PC for ML110 Gen9 recently for ~100 euros (central europe, non-reduntant PSU option was even cheaper).
I've upgraded it to E5-2697A, 64GB ECC RAM and still costed me less than 300$ total.
Don't know the pricing in your region, but here's some broadwell workstations i found in my country at ~100$: Fujitsu Celsius M740n, HP Z440, Dell T5810, HP ML110 Gen9. Maybe you can find some of them at reasonable price?
As for thoughs/opinions, i don't like HP's iLO 4 compared to Dell's iDRAC. For example, to get manual fan control you have to patch and flash your iLO firmware. It's easy, but still a chore. There was no HTML5 KVM out of the box, had to update the firmware to get it (javashit just refused to work). Power monitor doesn't work for some reason on my machine.
sounds nice for a starter homeserver see >>101353917
>Can I use oracle's free cloud service as a gateway to connect to my home server stuff without using a vpn?
As a reverse proxy? Sure, if you can handle losing the gateway at any point in time. Because that's the a major drawback with those "free" tier offerings from Oracle. It's not exactly what you'd call reliable.
>do I need a dedicated GPU for it for media?
If you want it to serve media (encoding and stuff like that), yes. If it's just for storing the media files, it's not necessary. For example, you'll need one for Jellyfin, but if you're attaching the media location as a networked drive, it's not needed.
>What about minecraft/etc?
Depends on the service in question. And you'd have to look at their documentation to find it out. For example, the Minecraft Fandom wiki has a list of hardware requirements. For any other service, similar things are likely to exist.
>And should I run everything on a single ubuntu server (for instance) and dockerize whatever I wanna run, or do I go the proxmox route?
Pros and cons exist for everything. If you have no particular requirements, just go with whatever seems easiest at start. You can always rebuild everything and start from scratch.
>Maybe you can find some of them at reasonable price?
Impossible, this is the absolute lowest third world
> i don't like HP's iLO 4 compared to Dell's iDRAC
Duly noted, that's helpful

>sounds nice for a starter homeserver
I'm no novice when it comes to homeservers, it's just that my hardware is consumer e-waste without proper remote network management.

Appreciate your input kind anons
my oracle free tier is absolutely fucked with cpu steal and the free tier is totally fucked anyhow, I can't even run yum update on a fresh install without that piece of shit OOMing. why the fuck I didn't take one of the ARM hosts when they were still available, I will never know.
Thanks, anon.
funnily enough i only get arm offers.
I've got 2 of these fuckers in a HA cluster, serves me well
Good butthead.
jesus christ then fucking say “im a retard using a gaming motherboard, giving advice assuming youre doing a similarly retairded thing” in your post signature

> never observed any bit flips
this one makes me lol every time
bc no one has ever done this
they just really think they have
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Any of y'all have experience or anything to say about using MinIO's Single-Node Multi-Drive deployment mode?
Unironically haswell is all anyone needs even in 2024 . This is the reason pushes E cores that have equivalent performance and features as Haswell
Looking for a deep 42U enclosed rack. Any recommendations?
Does anyone has experience with Asus enterprise boards? I saw a 2011-3 socket one in ebay cheap but from what I've seen it has no pcie bifurcation and no IPMI/BMC but some proprietary ASWM thing.
Waste of energy
You're wasting energy by being on this site. You're a waste of oxygen and water. Just kill yourself.
2016 year old waster of power
I guess it helps that most things just haven't changed their processing requirements if you want a specific level of performance.
If your happy with the performance of your NAS for example, then it doesn't matter if it's 5 or 10 years later as even with software updates and speed hole patches your still gonna get the very vast majority of the performance, if not exactly the same if it's networking or HDD speeds that are the limiting factors.
you first, semen stain
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>waster of power
>less idle watts than anything today
show us, especially with fans drawing a fuckton
Nah, I'll keep wasting energy while you seethe
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>Bildschirmfoto vom 2024


Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers!
Das computermachine ist nicht fuer gefingerpoken und mittengrabben.
Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken
mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen.
Das rubbernecken sichtseeren keepen das cotten-pickenen hans in das
pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das blinkenlichten.
I didn't know I could read german
mein freund, das ist das schlechteste deutsch dass ich jeh im leben gelesen habe
Square mounting holes, at least 27" deep.
... what?
Whats the best raid config for a home seedbox with 24/7 uptime? I have 4x 12tb drives. Im getting out of ratiocuckery
>all those ridiculously cheap Xeons 6138
>LGA3647 systems and motherboards still cost a lot
dear enterprises, please dump those e-waste systems and get yourselves some Epycs already
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Anyone know if this read/write speed reported in synology DSM is accurate? windows explorer reports a write speed ~100mb slower, not sure which one is right.
even these?
DSM's should be the accurate one, what you see in Windows is with the added overhead of the protocols and other shit.
i also got two of those (but with a weak minipc for quorum stuff)
vms vs containers in proxmox. what's the verdict?
those X99 frankenboards come with LGA2011-3, not LGA3647, a gen earlier i believe.
For the price of those boards you can get yourself a genuine LGA2011-3 workstation though (at least where i live), so i see no point in getting these (well, aside from them being standard ATX, that's their only upside)
>containers should not be run on baremetal
>containers should be run inside vm's
but proxmox has lxc containers, not docker containers
It's the same
The era of cheap mobos is going to come to an end.
Hyperscalers use very proprietary system form factors nowadays that go straight to recyclers once they are done with it. They aren't reselling them.
interesting, any examples of such systems? Are those proprietary form factors manufactured by vendors like Supermicro, or do the hyperscalers develop them in-house?
What UPS do you fellas use? Any brands or models to avoid?
I use a RPi for quorum
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In house.
Here is a google dc
Everything is custom, racks are not standard, everything runs on either 48v or 52v
Here is an image from a few threads ago of their TPU setups. Leftmost rack is compute trays with TPU accelerators next rack over. Batteries at the very bottom which share the DC bus, switches on top.
Companies work directly with suppliers' to get things manufactured like quanta or Foxconn

Other places like amazon or microsoft is not going to look similar but follow the same premise, everything built for a very specific purpose.

Really sucks unfortunately for the future, but this is why you can have such insanely cheap CPUs cause their hosts are shredded. Old Haswell stuff was sorta the start of this being an issue so maybe a demand for boards means china will pick up the slack
have you tried/considered changing the vote? that seems to be doable to run a 2-node cluster
are you happy with that layout? 2node and lxc containers?
no, I have 3 votes, 1+2 are ThinCentres and one RPi
I am very happy with it, but Jellyfin is a bit too much for it. Thinking of buying a Dell Optiplex SFF for it
thanks, fascinating
>this is why you can have such insanely cheap CPUs cause their hosts are shredded
why would they go through the chore of taking the CPUs out? It's not like they're making much money from reselling them.
I always assumed those gold 6138 are cheap because enterprises upgraded to 2nd gen Xeon Platinums or something while keeping their LGA3647 systems.
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How true is it that heat cycles are worse for your hardware than a constant temperature 24/7? Should I power down my NAS when im not using it or just leave it on?
>why would they go through the chore of taking the CPUs out?
Most recyclers will choose resale when allowed and it makes sense.
Even if you sold CPUs for $20 that's exceedingly way more than their value as scrap. CPUs aren't proprietary so no company is giving away their secrets selling them or allowing others to sell, they are also piss easy to store.
oh ok, i also got a third one doing nothing, but its just a weakass minipc. i've thought about changing votes to have a "dominant and recessive" (2+1), but all clustering stuff seems to require 3 regular nodes. (i also got 2 m900 tinies)

got a bunch of misc services i want to run (gitea, jenkins, etc), but havent decided on lxc containers or a vm to run docker containers on
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same here
You lose out on getting the connections/cabling arranged if you don't have bifurication on your motherboard.

QNAP jbods maybe? There's also rack jbods that should take external sas/sff cables.

AM4 or AM5 with unregistered/unbuffered ECC - they're even coming out with epyc 4004 am5 if you want to care about that. But you lose access to intel quicksync for cheap transcoding of streams.
I would suggest separating your slow storage from your fast activity stuff.

You only need a gpu to help with rendering if you don't have a quicksync intel. Game servers don't need a gpu. Unless you're trying to 'cloud' game on your server.

Technically the SFF isn't going to be much different, assuming Jellyfin is set up correctly with access to quicksync. Aside from being able to cram the dinky arc card in one.
depends what kind of nas is it
I'd use LXCs, they are more leightweight, you can mount dirs on host and set CPUs to 0 so the kernel decides how to use the CPU
cool firecracker psu
not my goldrated seasonic?
>Technically the SFF isn't going to be much different, assuming Jellyfin is set up correctly with access to quicksync. Aside from being able to cram the dinky arc card in one.
Well the difference would be I can hook the HDD into SATA instead of USB, so the IO Delay would not be so huge
yeah, i've tried them a bit
i just made a python script to make templates and vms, so it made it a lot easier to spin up fresh vms
but the single purpose lxc containers are in a sweet spot between docker containers and vm images, that's for sure
I see the point of containers. I still feel like I don't need to use them. Their point is if you need to set up a fuck ton of machines. For me it is an extra layer I don't need on my baremetal. I'm just that good to set it up all directly.
Having 10 services only makes life easy as well.
i use ansible so it's more of a detail of where i run it, but both cts and vms have their pros and cons
ansible was a mistake
Are Kubernetes, Puppet and Jenkins not cool enough for anon anymore? Every year a new fad.
Running Jenkins here
>Kubernetes too overkill
>Haven't heard of Puppet
>Haven't heard of Puppet
It's around since 2005 and the 2hu rack server dude loved it.
Okay looks like someting Ansible-y but with agents and at a first glance with a paywall.
Heavily inclined to drop it right away
oh cool okay can you point me then to a book on writing idempotent design patterns in procedural languages
buying a NAS for media storage, mainly movies and tv. if I had some stuff I wanted to store on there that I wanted hidden from everyone except for me, whats the best way to do that?

basically I want to be able to hide/password protect a specific folder on a network drive (probably going to be 32tb raid 5) while ensuring the rest of the drive is accessible to any of the devices on my network.
Sorry I am a C dev, I have no need for that.
folder permissions and different SMB logins. Though I think users would still be able to at least see these folder exist.
Different smb shares that require logins. They wont be able to mount it without logging in.
Skylake is e-waste.
Boards are expensive because Cascade Lake is still supported in the same socket.
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Dumb question: If I add a router (edgerouter 4) as a router on a stick configuration with a 10gig switch, am I losing any inter-switch traffic bandwidth? ie., the router only has 1gb connections whereas I have multiple 10gb clients only on the switch. Internet WAN is connected to the switch at 1gb. Not sure if explaining myself clear enough, but I am a retard.
Kubernetes and Jenkins are in.
Puppet is out.
funny, every c coder id ever known seemed to believe that very exact same thing
put the app in the container in the vm on the server
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Would you trust pic related PSU
Thoughts on NixOS for server usage? Being able to keep all your configurations in one file and one language seems very convenient and it seems like being able to spin up the same services again quickly if the server breaks is convenient.
There's additional software that provides that particular feature of NixOS, without having to spend the amount of time NixOS requires. Further, the fact that it is not widely deployed in server environments in comparison to Debian or Ubuntu makes it a no-go
I have performed maintenance on these devices on your gif. They are used for Amazon igloo tape storage
Definitely, best $17 psu by far
Nvidia superpod clusters have their own dedicated compute infiniband switches for east west traffic. 800Gbps

Have you considered this for your porn streaming needs?
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She's empty right now, but I have plans to fill it up. Plans for multiple gpu's (ai and transcoding). Nvme storage for vms and optane for zfs special device storage. One or two optical drives for media ingest. So far just installing proxmox and configuring some things I can agree with enterprise schizo that ipmi is very nice.
Super micro
Might be able to do it on the software application level. Aka jellyfin could have different visibility for different folders.

Research your preferred front end and create test accounts. See if they can see your test folders. Can do it without buying the nas.
ofc you retard, thats a delta

supermicro x9 board
some e3 v2 “low power” xeon
32gb pc3 ecc udimms
rosewill drive cage
1 optane gumstick
supersonic gold psu
some case thatd once had a pentium 2 in it lmao
Delta is a brand used by Amazon Data centers

No knowledge of their different lines of quality
my server's UPS just tripped and i won't be home for another 6 hours
i hate this feeling
>he doesnt have redundant UPS
I guess you dont hate it badly enough
>be me
>using my enterprise home lab rack
>go pee
>theseus gnomes sprint into the room at lightspeed and replace every component of my rack with identical non-enterprise components
>come back
>it's not enterprise anymore
As for me my modem/router started crapping out adn dropping connections after a few days very consistently so instead of buying a new one I got a script to reboot it every morning at 5am and sometimes I crashes at 7am so when I'm at work I have to wait until the next day until i can use it again which is VERY annoying but I can't afford the netgate I want rn or a new AP.
>QNAP jbods maybe? There's also rack jbods that should take external sas/sff cables.
thanks i hate qnap i think its overpriced and soulless shit, but i'll look into the rack jbods
i don't mind qnap and synology but it would be better if you could just buy the hardware and run stock debian on it, their web gui is kinda gay
don't need it for mdadm and samba, just want low power hardware and nice cases
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>gay porn removed
What sort of jannie is this?
>optane for zfs special device storage
what is it about those that people always use them for cache / special vdevs? really high write endurance or something?
that's literally what the specs tell you to use them for, d'uhhhhhhhhhhh
Write endurance is a part of it but Optane is also extremely low latency.
A very old Intel 905P Optane drive still has over double the 4k Q1T1 reads of the newest and highest end NAND based SSD
High wright endurance (basically unlimited compare to nand) and very low latency. eyeops. I think I'm going to raid0 some 400GB p5800x's for my new desktop build I'm going to dp in the fall/winter. They're ~$550 new on ebay.
You can do that with QNAP, pretty easily as well. That's kinda the point. You'd be mad to use QNAP's software either way. Synology are a bit more locked down though, their software is actually good and you pay for that more than the hardware, which is pretty mid for what it costs.
It's so fast that it's more accurate to call it persistent RAM, rather than normal storage. it's an honest tragedy it was canned. I still don't understand why and will probably go down a rabbithole finding out tonight.
It was... too popular??
yeah, i don't get it either. I couldn't lay my hands on datacenter ones, but even those dirt cheap consumer laptop Optane M10 have very low latency, i use one as metadata-only L2ARC in my zpool.
From my brief reading it seems like the technology was incredible, but still niche. RAM was/is cheap enough and still faster than optane so it made more sense to use that in the enterprise. There was a market for optane obviously but apparently not enough of one to warrant expanding production, so despite being at capacity and selling it well there was not a predictable future. I kinda get it, but it still sucks because it was so good in the niche it filled.
>some case thatd once had a pentium 2 in it
What had and did /hsg/'s first own home server?
I start.
The first home server I built was for my family because we couldn't find off the shelf routers and I decided to build one using the old family PC.
>Celeron 500Mhz Mendocino
>128MB PC100
>PCChips M748LMRT (Absolute abomination of a motherboard)
>Onboard SiS ethernet
>First SmoothWall then Debian Etch
>Besides from routing it had rtorrent, screen and samba

Then, we got an off the shelf router and I built my own
>Pentium II 400Mhz Descuhtes (fanless)
>Same 128MB PC100
>Same 20GB + 80GB
>3COM 3C905-TX PCI
>Debian Lenny
>No routing, rtorrent, tmux, samba, NFS, pyload
This was my first porn hoarding machine
I got fed up with anime streaming sites, particularly funimation. I started torrenting everything, but didn't want to leave my pc on so I decided to make a server. This was my first foray into linux. I bought a partial system off marketplace with a "quad core intel cpu". It ended up being
>i7 7700es
>gigabyte z170x gaming 3
>2x4GB of ddr4 3400 ripjaws
>some shitty old thermaltake case
I threw in a psu and 2x4tb wd red drives. I decided to install proxmox as I decided I wanted to do more once I set up the seedbox.
I had a intel i7-5820k / 780ti housefire in southern california in 2010-ish and I got tired of leaving it on to stream plex / movies for my wife and kids. Our AC broke down one heatwave and the thing was overheating. Googled around and found this wretched site which led me to Truenas.

Bought a TS140 for $190 shipped back then:
(Xeon e3-1200) 16gb ecc ddr3
added a feww hard drives and I was up and running.

I was a total noob and had no experience with unix/linus so there was teething pain with all the jail / permissions / bugs bullshit plex media server and truenas threw your way.

That said the TS140 was a tank. Run flawlessly for like 10+ years withouth a single hardware issue / instability. Cant think of anything I spent my money on in my life that I got more ROI on.
First time server was something I built
>Pentium g3258
>2x4GB of the cheapest DDR3 I could find
>Gigabyte B85 board
>Seasonic 300w PSU
>a singular 1TB WD red for boot and storage
Ran Ubuntu and used it mostly for torrents and smaba. OCed the CPU to 4ghz and ran it like that for years. Board was oddly special in that it could OC despite being a $50 board with 3 phases.
HDD ran perfectly for 45000 hours
>Board was oddly special in that it could OC
Also your cpu was a
>Overclockable Pentium Anniversary Edition
Still a b85 board, Gigabyte thought it was ridiculous you needed a $100 z-series board to OC a $60 chip so they enabled it on some b85 boards. Of course Intel got annoyed and pushed microcode updates to reverse OCs on OS boot but it wasn't permanent.
pentium 60 running windows nt 4.0
I'm retarded and thought I was updating my containers simply by doing
>docker compose down
>docker compose up -d

Now I realize I need to actually pull the new ones. This gets into "patch management" though. So I wonder, how often do you update your containers? Are there some that are notoriously volatile so you keep them pinned?

If I want to "rehydrate" my containers, say weekly, do I just setup a cron job to run a bash script to execute
> docker compose pull
> docker compose up --force-recreate --build -d

Or do I need something more sophisticated? Is that what watchtower is for?
I have SWAG setup on unraid (https://docs.linuxserver.io/general/swag/) and when I go to domain.com it redirects to SSL and works fine but if I go to domain.com:port it no longer does, how do I fix this? I'd prefer not to use subdomains
Do you want subfolders instead?
I just setup swag and am a noob but I'm not understanding how you'd map your services to different URLs if not using subdomains or subfolders. Are you trying to do a unique domain per service?
Kind of but I don't know how, I have my domain but all my services in unraid are accessible through ip:port so I don't know how I make my sub.domain.com go to an ip:port
Yeah, the component you're missing in an internal DNS server. When hosting things on the internet, usually your hosting probider can arrange that for you. But if you are just trying to set it up on your home network, you need something to tell your traffic how to route to where it needs to go.

I have an OPNsense router setup for this and use Unbound to manage my list. But I think you can achieve something similar with an adguard container and some minor settings on your ISP supplied router if that's your case?

You basically need to make dns rules that sent plex.anon.com to your reverse proxy IP so it can hndle it for you. Maybe another anon can help depending on your setup because I only know OPNsense.
Whats the simplest way to move stuff between drives on your server that doesnt involve the cli?
...why? is it a windows server or something?
Because I am a brainlet and want to move data from the server nvme to the hdd and want something thats as easyas drag and drop
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They are called directories.
Nigger, everything's more complicated than the CLI given this context
>install file manager / desktop environments
>locally: hookup display/kb
>remote: setup x11 forwarding / remote desktop
Ok that sucks
Is there some type of cli program/script that makes moving multiple files at once easier
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i am currently debugging and flipping around a bunch of containers and vm's and one vm has the latest truenas scale on it.
why the fuck there is such a huge delay between truenas boot VS its web interface becoming available? why does it take some arbitrary whole minutes (sometimes 1 sometimes 5) until i can access the login page?
rsync, just do
rsync -a /path/to/folder /path/to/destination/

Midnight commander is also a file manager for the cli that seems easy enough, haven't used it though
Doesnt rsync mirror directories meaning that all my data already in the target directories gets deleted?
It doesn't delete anything unless you pass --delete
You should ask >>>/g/fglt buddy, or even >>>/g/sqt
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They still are called directories, shitter.
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I love folders!
folder? i barely know her
Any anons here using bcachefs (and btrfs)?
If so, what are your experiences with it, why did you pick it, and what is your setup like?

Thinking of using 2 2 TB SeaGate external HDD's as backing drives, and a Samsung T9 500GB SSD as cache and then run a simple booru for my giant shitpost collection.
ever measured it with a wattmeter?
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Question for peeps who have muti-gig WAN
What Ethernet standards are used in the ONTs you have?
Are they using 10G or the in between standards like 2.5g/5g?
Nah. I read online it should be ~30-40 watts + 5-10 watts per drive at idle though
Dumb catposter
Your mom wants to send you a video file. How does she get it to you?

Do you self-host a file transfer server? Does she have credentials? Is it behind a VPN or is it open to the internet?
Do you just open a google drive?
Does she email it to you?

My goals are privacy but also some convenience for non technical people. What would you setup for this?
I'm this retard: >>101327569

Played around with trunking and VLANs, but I was too stupid to realize how crucial the OPNSense box was for making this work, so I made little progress other than having VLANs ready and knowing how to use trunking (I hope).

Anyway, biggest issue now is how to properly pass two NICs directly to the OPNSense VM on the box (host is Guix). Thought I could do this through Virtual Manager's Networking settings, but it doesn't seem like it. Tried adding two macvtap devices on the guest and booting OPNSense. I get Internet to the WAN port, so it seems to work, but I didn't expect to still have Internet on the host...

I have 4G fiber WAN, the ISP provides some (definitely not) Chinese integrated media converter that also terminates the XGs-PON. But if you remove it you can get access to the single mode fiber underneath, I have it connected to an SFP+ module which I had to make a support ticket for to get the serial number activated. You lie and say it's a Nokia model, which is in the whitelist. It's a Chinese model, but uses the same chip.
If you want privacy, host whatever instant messaging platform you want and tell your mother to use it (she won't), it will be easier than ftp, email or whatever.
I originally helped you, which hypervisor are you using? KVM?
>>101371488 (Me)
As a side note, this is way easier with a virtualization tool like Proxmox.
Double check that:
>You have created a single network bridge for your NIC
>That bridge is VLAN aware
>The port you're connecting your host is a trunk one
>VLAN 1 is active
>Configure static IP for your host, set gateway & DNS to point to your opnsense
>opnsense has 2 network interfaces, one default without VLAN (it's VLAN1), and another with your WAN's
I've used and use btrfs on external drives before, it's pretty neat
btrfs on my NAS' dump folder
>what are your experiences with it
I mean, it just werks and started working since the beginning
>why did you pick it
FS that supports JBOD
>what is your setup like?
4xShitgate drives in JBOD config for dumping my porn
How do I start self-hosting. I got Jellyfin up on a old laptop. How do I put shit on it?
You tried sftp into datadir?
As a kid I used to smb share everything I wanted the family to see and have unpublished nfs shares for only my specific nix users for my stuff.
it's always 10g policed down or hardware limited. there are no 2.5g or 5g sfp/sfp+ based interfaces, only transceivers.
So really an ONT is unnecessary, it's strictly a media converter for the purposes of internet. You can otherwise interface directly with the fiber with the right transciver

Makes things a little easier, debated on a NIC for a router and I guess any 10g SFP+ NIC would be the most flexible. Can use 1g modules in the meantime with no issues I hope.

An SFP+ NIC was always the most obvious choice but I do not trust 10Gbase-t modules to be reliable on NICs if I had to use copper even if they do allow the new 2.5g/5g on otherwise 1g/10g only NICs
Unless anyone knows of a NIC that wouldn't falter delivering the necessary power to those modules
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Forgot a pic of the ont outside
When I worked for an isp the ont was mandatory unless you were an enterprise account then we would handoff fiber directly to you.
should i be redirecting www to my root domain or my root domain to www?
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Picked up a raspberry pi 5 the other day and got a set that comes with a case and a fan without looking anything up because why not, and turns out the case already has a fan so now I've got two fans that can't be used together. No clue why the site was selling both items together as a set when you only need one of them, but whatever. Which one of these is better? The caseless fan has a slightly bigger heatsink, but no case.
whichever is less noisy
you compared temps?
both have pwm?
I'm lazy so I was hoping maybe someone on /g/ already had an opinion I could steal. Also the caseless fan's description suggests that it shouldn't be removed after being attached because the plastic pins will snap, idk. I guess I could plug in both of them and compare...
10gbase-t transceivers are only supported in ports that can dish out ~5w of power. only few pieces of equipment are capable of that.
Nice, wish I could do that, just swap it out
Unfortunately my ISP only supports a certain brand and model provisioned with their specific settings
>Do you just open a google drive?
They delete random shit these days without warning. They also throttle the download without reason.
If it's small I'd just have her send it via whatever messaging app. If it's big I guess I'd walk her through setting up an ftp client as I have vsftpd open to the internet.
How the fuck do you guys remember the specs of old PCs you built with such crazy precision? Did you write all that shit down? I have no idea what specific parts my first server PC had, I mean I remember it had an intel processor and like 4gb ram but not much else...
I'm the OP of that. I don't know, guess it's just autism
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Talk me out of getting the most recent (free, cheap) laptop I can get, shoving a NVME -> SATA adapter in it's bay, and using it as a NAS
>Laptops don't have Power on AC
>Battery will be almost dead after more than 2 years
>Poor cooling even compared to chink mini pcs
>Less upgradability
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Because I'm 23 Anon. A zoomer. I built my first server 3 years ago. You're old. Don't let life pass you by.
>>101365986 (me)
At least you are trying.
new thread you guys:



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Hey /g/ents,

I'm looking for an SSD as a torrenting scratch disk in my server, I'm eyeing a Crucial MX500 for that purpose, would it be a good choice for that?

If not, pls recommend me smth along these lines:

- 500GB
- <100 USD
- good random IOPS

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