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Previous: https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/101246431/

/Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy. Common topics include:
— dystopian news,
— cyberpunk music and media,
— OpSec,
— hacking the planet (HACKING THE PLA-NET);

Networking questions will receive more helpful answers in the Home Server General. This is not a "how to find a job in sec" thread, but here is some information to help you get started: https://paste.sqt.wtf/1511e8

While our wikis (https://paste.sqt.wtf/227046) are somewhat out-of-date, they are still useful and will be updated with new information generated in this thread. Related generals: ham radio, 3D-printing, microcontrollers, drones; all on >>>/diy/. Homesteading on >>>/out/.
epoxy on my ram and rom
btw not fixing the previous link in op, i like it that way
Ever heard of Meat Glue?
Hey newfag, you can just put in the post ID and it will create a link automatically.
this general has really gone downhill
i said im not fixing it, you should bake yourself if you care
also i dont like this op pasta, the previous one is better
i just copy paste because no one else decided to bake
agreed, this new one sucks monkey balls, all because some tourist karen came in and said blah blah blah it needs to be changed
Twitter leaks (again).
It's old data tho
Poor reporting. So it was noticed recently, but tere is no info on when the data was scraped.
What are the chances this is done by a disgruntled ex-employee?
>not /caйь/ or /киб/
looks like a scrape, considering what information is given and the user amount
lets see your version
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Not sure if this is a good thread to ask but I'm lowkey freaking out someone for the love of god help me out.

So yesterday my father who sucks with technology(he can read emails, and uses google and youtube on his phone for basic stuff) wanted to print some documents from his email so he called me asking me to do it. I asked him for his email and password so I could open it on my PC at home, print what he wanted and he could come pick it up later. And so that happened.

What I didn't fucking notice is that afterwards I left his goddamn account open which means not just his email but all the google shit like youtube changed to his account which I've been using until just now when I finally noticed.

I'm barely a phone user and do everything on my PC so my understanding is pretty limited so please tell me which of my own data exactly got to his phone while I was using google and youtube with his account? In the meantime I've looked up porn and all that, please don't tell me everything I typed on google is now on his suggestions or something?
Please someone break down exactly what got to his phone and is now saved on his account history. If I want to I can still login on his account again so if there's a way to clear shit out please tell me.
Oooh, sorry, It's X now and it's supposed to be the everything-app.
googlefags get what they deserve
come on man throw me a bone what exactly got through and how can try to fix it
>If I want to I can still login on his account again so if there's a way to clear shit out please tell me.
Well duh, do that, and see from his POV. Retrace your steps, clear cash and all that. Anyway, it's not my shift, g'night.
*mee mee mee mee*
*mee mee mee mee*
wake up we need to print
Just delete history and stop using google, kek.
Also YT has a feature to turn off history doesn't it? This is why I use invidious.io and firewall everything on my phone. Use Netguard on your phone, turn everything off except what you ACTUALLY need (exp: browser, phone, txt only), and turn apps back on when you require them. It's a pain at first because one tends to forget what they turned on or off, but it's worth it.
Your phone is fine, it shouldn't have switched accounts.
Other than that he likely has search history on (by default) so anything that you searched on google on your pc(from the moment you logged into his account) is there in the search history(google search, yt search, yt comments). Gmail is obviously unaffected unless you sent personal emails from his account.
If yout father knows nothing about tech then he likely doesn't even know about google search history so you should be fine.
When I accessed his account from my computer he got a warning message about how there was a login into the account on another device which I told him at the time to ignore because it was me. If I login again do you think he would get that message again since it's from a computer that already accessed his account previously?
I shouldnt have panic exited it just now and do what I had to do before logging out

At very least I reckon his youtube(which he does use) video suggestions are all out of whack though he may not realize it's my fault.
I'm more worried that when you start typing shit on google on the phone it shows suggestions of all the shit you previously typed.
Constitutionally enforced government subsidized economic incentives for automated homesteading.
Mandatory four years military service when you turn 18.
He most likely will get another warning.

>I'm more worried that when you start typing shit on google on the phone it shows suggestions of all the shit you previously typed.
I am not sure how that works(I have suggestions off), but if he made any new searches then your search queries already got pushed back into the queue, and the most it shows is maybe 10 search queries
Okay just to be clear, once I login on his account again and delete all history from today and yesterday(just to be safe and it's much faster than deleting things individually) I'm completely in the clear? Or is there anything else I should do, like things specific to youtube or something? I'm assuming deleting the google history will take care of youtube too?

I only want to do this once because if he's getting a warning he's probably gonna call me asking what is it and I will make some excuse about I still had his email page here and had to go in to delete it or something. He doesn't understand that gmail is connected to all other stuff (that is assuming he didn't notice all bizarre suggestions by now and done the math)

Just making sure I don't have to do anything else?
Can imei be changed on a fairly new smartphone? I've heard that xposed can do it? True or not?
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Please allow me to clarify the translation situation. I am the author of the aforementioned image. As you both know, Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International is /cyb/'s favorite ethereal international radio station. Unfortunately, we must rely on DeepL.com, a free online translation service when translating station messages. While the service offers alterative suggestions to a given input, I have no way of knowing which is correct, and would like to appologize to all my international listeners. I suspect the same is true with the Chinese translation as well. If '/киб/' is correct, I will redo ALL images where this text appears with the corrections. We at Deep /cyb/ Media - International take pride (not the gay kind) in making the best IGP shared memeory brute-forced dank memes available in these threads, and want to show our international reader/listeners that we appriciate, respect and value thier feedback.

Additionally, this is second consecutive time that a /cyb/ thread has flatlined, if only for a few minutes. I suspect that OP was in a hurry to defibrillate the thread and grabbed the first image that he found in creating the new one. While I am honored that he would use a DCR bump image as an OP pic, (a first!) it is one of my quick & dirty jobs, and is not representative of the high quality work we produce here at Deep /cyb/ Media. We hope this clarifies any confusion.

Thank you.
Hamamichi Piggumoto
Director of (de)(re)Programming
Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International &
Deep /cyb/ Media - International

Picrel continuing from the previous thread. You are 3 panels away from the dramatic conclusion of the Black Mesa toxic waste series.
A.K.A. Chronicles of The Three Barrels General.
This series is dedicated in part to >https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/101246431/#p101270395 who wanted a girlfriend. Be careful what you wish for.
stop trying to kill me, you wont succeed
anyways interesting thread >>101340437
mainly the part about the terminator cpu
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Death? There are things worse than death, anon...
>he doesnt know my EDC includes home made jetpack for situations like this
yeah, hopefully someone reboots /privacy/ general again
you can post about that here
So yeah I did it, I called him because he had to do a confirmation of identity thing before I could log in, I made up an excuse and did what I had to do triple checking google and youtube to make sure everything was gone from the past days. From his history last time he had gone to youtube was last month and for recent google searches it was just the weather. Crisis averted I think

Thank you everyone for the responses and sorry for shitting up the thread.
next time dont rely on google and next time dont search for porn on your personal account
any /g/entoomen here building their own body armor? what kinda materials u usin?

> ----> /k/

I been putting various carbides in 8k UV-curing resin and using woven basalt fiber, designed for car exhaust.
i only have experience with home made kevlar for door hardening, not sure what you mean by body armor
lesson learned. fuck jewgle
Last panel:
Well, would you look at the time & timestamp...

Kill you? "The world is more interesting with you in it..."


You didn't shit up the thread anon. It was like this when you got here.
not again
>Unfortunately, we must rely on DeepL.com, a free online translation service when translating station messages.
It's too bad there's no way to just learn a language and we have to rely on LLMs to guess what we're actually trying to say
>Hamamichi Piggumoto
>What a pig, that guy
Seem pretty accurate to me, lol. Thanks, DeepL!
>not sure what you mean by body armor

it's a portable type of protective clothing designed to protect the wearer from various types of trauma

>flexible kevlar is really shit-tier compared to laminates for blunt-force trauma
hmm ok
i was asking because body armor could mean kevlar for doors, for cars and other stuff
i have no experience with literal BODY
if you want cheap-ass stationary armor that's too heavy to wear, get some 10mm porcelain tiles

>triple thickness eats most rifle fire
>get some 10mm porcelain tiles
yep and alot of epoxy
there was a thread on /pol/ while ago about armor, some bulgarian denouncing talmud with his tiles
spray-on bedliner is also great for reducing spall. laminate em with fiberglass if u really wanna get fancy for multi-hit resistance.
i heard bad stuff about fiberglass and its banned in military
(due to aftermath particles)
but probably doesnt matter for home made thing
itt we make most optimized minimal bloat free home made armor
they use straight fiberglass panels at a lot of banks and courthouses and shit for ballistic resistance. armorcore is one of the big suppliers: https://www.armorcore.com/bullet-resistant-panels/

these guys (and all their competition from my research) don't even add anything fancy to their resins like >>101342736
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/cyb/ Required Listening
>Kaaviya Ragupathy
bros, I want an Indian tech waifu so bad
Dumb guy gets haxored:
If you can root it. I don't see why would anyone use a new smartphone for things that require IMEI spoofing.
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butt hair general
thanks for stopping by
>Mandatory four years military service when you turn 18.
I think both Israel and South Korea have two years service, and it is very expensive.
Police officer pulls over a self-driving car for driving on the wrong side of the road. Quality software.
A 22 minute read about people living near a bitcoin mine:
>But in January 2024, she walked into a town hall in Granbury and found a room full of people worn thin from strange, debilitating illnesses. A mother said her 8-year-old daughter was losing her hearing and fluids were leaking from her ears. Several women said they experienced fainting spells, including while driving on the highway. Others said they were wracked by debilitating vertigo and nausea, waking up in the middle of the night mid-vomit.
=== /sec/ News:
>Another OpenSSH remote code execution vulnerability
>Alexander "Solar Designer" Peslyak has disclosed another OpenSSH vulnerability that can be exploited for remote code execution, but only on distributions that have applied a patch to add auditing support. Specifically, RHEL 9 and derivatives are affected, as are Fedora 36 and 37 (but not later releases).
They don't call it Open SSH for nothing!
I'm sitting here, cock out. Instead of updating The Armory.
GrapheneOS thread:
>While our wikis (https://paste.sqt.wtf/227046) are somewhat out-of-date
Could you be more specific?
i think its wrong, all information is valuable
the armory is updated daily by some anon
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For days I'd been building up tension in the Black Mesa toxic waste series of panels. /cyb/ citizen >>101342353 had been following the developements nervously, even taking the jetpack out of his EDC bag in anticipation of what he thought was inevitable. He didn't see that ending comming.

For months, we've been monitoring your steady reports on the progress of your tireless efforts to rework and cleanup of the knowledge repository known to us as 'The Armory'. Letter after letter, you diligently reported on your progress, building a sense of anticipation. Like the ending of that panel series, we didn't see this report coming, ether! Well done.

What do they mean by 'well placed' versus 'wrongly placed', butthair anon?
"Cybersecurity exists only until a competent hacker shows you it does not." - DCRanon
It was one of the first responses to Snowden's findings and was mostly written in 2015. I recently removed 5 mbs of dead DeepDotWeb links from The Armory, the site died in 2015. It's update is almost over, I'm currently at the letter S, which is a huge section. The other wiki needs a clean up too, the Truecrypt part for example is outdated, and probably wasn't even necessary in the first place.
Yeah, I haven't decided yet, I am considering getting an older (smart)phone however it is getting increasingly difficult to buy a phone without leaving traces. The only way is to pay with cash but even the indian phone shops around here scan and record imei numbers of all sold phones (new, used, refurnished)
How reputable is SANS? I'm thinking of shilling it to my employer so that they will pay for my training before I jump ship.
plan9 mentioned
no-one asked faggot
People like you is why they import jeets.

People with a misguided loyalty to an employer are why the rich stay rich.
selective editing, you don't show the anon above that one who got the answer correct
He pays for your education.
It's in the contract, of course he does.
It's literally just another form of payment for my work.
He was willing to sign that contract. Whatever.
We need a sub general to counter gangstalking cause the government has gone all in on zersetzung.

I wear bear spray, a small knife, a pepper ball gun, a dog ultra sonic repellent, things like that.
Also I wear surveillance devices on my person when outside, glasses, wrist bands, body cams.

I make sure to record my gangstalkers and do counter OSINT and pim eyes searches on them.
this is now EDC thread >>101342435
No such thing, we just want to help you.
redhat style
How close is it to being self hosted?`The docs are some of the smuggest I have ever come across, and a search is not much help either.
Wait wait wait... Shrek 5? Five?
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I predicted this
Microsoft's July Update Patches 143 Flaws, Including Two Actively Exploited
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Listen up , chuds.

We control everything. We have supercomputers that can decrypt any traffic. We can query any ISP and they will give us all your information.

You lost
when did /sec/ go so wrong that someone who obviously doesn't even know how to post links to previous post makes new threads, and some random namefag (or maybe a bot) talks so much that he alone makes up for half the thread?
Been experimenting with Orbot. If you manually choose routing for every app and service shown in the orbot app menu, is this effectively the same as the "full device VPN" mode it runs if you don't choose anything?
How come Bluetooth is not being discussed more often? Shit is literally an entry point for pozzware
A huge bug thats been around since 2012 just got patched last month for Android and iOS
i dont own a phone nor use wireless anywhere
The three women killed in a crossbow attack in Bushey, near Watford, are the wife and daughters of BBC Racing radio commentator John Hunt

Carol, 61, Hannah, 28, and Louise Hunt, 25, were found seriously injured at a home in Ashlyn Close at about 19:00 on Tuesday and later died at the scene

They believe the attack was targeted and carried out with a crossbow, as well as possibly other weapons
>are the wife and daughters of BBC
Prolly because it's much less used and abused than Wi-fi and NFC. Our armory has some Bluetooth tools: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
I know that if your device is not rooted, apps like Orbot might need to launch in a VPN mode, I know Invizible Pro does. I'm not sure it forces the apps tho.
vpn mode is supposed to not leak
>The VPN mode.
F-Droid security issues:
Boeing... won?
A blast from the past: back in 1989, Cherry Poptart, an underground comic, released their cyberpunk issue.
It is, of course, quite NSFW.
besides an OS, literal graphene (and also graphite, CNNTs, BNNTs) are performance-increasing resin additive you can use in personal armor like >>101342736
wtf is maidsdan?
scroll till you see
holy fuck that blog is pure cringe
hmm interesting thought i had
what if the internet was all files? like unix
like every website would be a directory
easy to download and browse
and then also the ability to wget internet.tar
In short, just like Plan 9?
ah god damnit this is what happens to my mind 1 day after compiling plan9port
but imagine how powerful that would be
>but imagine how powerful that would be
I have been thinking about it, yes. And I would also have added a way to backup what I viewed, perhaps overlay that with browser cache and prefetch functions.
9front seems to be just noodling around, it might perhaps be more productive to posrt that aspect over to SerenityOS.
at /cyb/ we make our own os and own internet
everything will be a file including your physical computer
RedoxOS tried "everything is a URL" but somehow that didn't work out.
>everything is a URL
sounds like absolute hell, no wonder
Ass opposed to manually selecting all apps which might allow some specific service to slip through?
well suppose theres is ipc on android, so some app could reach through clearnet through other app that is not proxied
just have 1 profile for normal fag stuff and second profile for tor
or do tor stuff on desktop
the conspiracy continues
reads ai generated
100% cia
why do right-wingers always play victims? lmao
so it would seem anon, so it would seem.
ok bro
tell me how gay furry hackers using signal and riseup are not cia agents sent by mossad
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/cyb/ fried, /sec/ lied, /pri/ died
The world is fug
6,000,000 VULNS
The rest of this year is going to be amazing
New Hated One | Do NOT trust Apple Intelligence!
>The rest of this year is going to be amazing
gay, and gay mostly
my condolences to you from plan9 user land
>post actual evidnece the cia controls signal and riseup
are you retarded and cannot read?
i said that the "hacker group" using signal and riseup is obviously cia
fun fact signal is cia project to allow their agents to blend in around the world
hence iran proxy
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When the nukes start flying over you house, I'll be in my deep underground bunker 1/2 mile underground with 120 reems of partchment paper and a thousand of the finest pens money can buy writing CYBLOID: Analog Edition. Hope you remember to charge your jetpack, and some extra batteries.
They really do control, or have access to, everything.
Privacy is an illusion.
where can i obtain such clothing?
101357897 (DELETED)
i wonder why his posts are gone
maybe it was the cia

Well, the clothing is exclusive /cyb/ merch and only #TEAM 042 memebers have access to it.

It weird how the posts vanish like that.
Anyone got OSWE study material AWAE pdf for either 2023/2024? I may be retarded, I can only find as far as 2022.
Buy a thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all FAGMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shielding. Type really quietly as defense against audio keylogging. Use ecc ram to minimize rowhammer and rambleed. Encrypt everything multiple times with various different encryption implementations. Compile everything from source. Use hardened compilation flags. Always read through the source before installing something if possible. Only use the internet when absolutely necessary.
When mods nuke a post they can check a box that also deletes all other posts by the same IP
Maybe janitors can do it too, I don't know
If he was serious about the craft he would use rotating proxies for every post
do you really think they added anything? offsec crap has been obsolete for quite a while. they got bought and changed a few things here and there, but their courses and certs are crap, maybe excluding their advanced stuff
page 9 bump
literally no one cares about this thread, even though >we merged 3 fucking threads. it's so over...
>Closeted furries will be presented to the world
This guy should write Hackers 2. Hollywood, call this man!

if we get hackers 2 before gta 6 imma lose it
Uhm, okay?
>The solution to the cryptogram is supposed to be "The trouble with pornography is that most of it is so bad!". However, Larry Welz admitted in the following issue that there was a flaw in the cryptogram making it impossible to cipher properly.
Deepest lore.
A car automatically shuts off AC killing a toddler:
Ah, finally someone posts it again.
Chinese taxi drivers are protesting against the Baidu Apollo robotaxies. Oooor, it might be a PR stunt by the manufacturer and the government.
In Russia, Telegram channels with a daily audience above 1000 will have to disclose their personal information to the government.

Also, sexbots:
Just when you thought dystopia could not get more dystopic:
>China probes claims that cooking oil was hauled in unwashed fuel tankers
>An undercover video by state-backed Beijing News last week showed numerous fuel tanker trucks carried cooking oil, with one driver calling it an “open secret” in the industry that truckers didn’t clean their tanks when switching between hauling toxic and edible liquids.
Oh fuck, oh fuck man.
But let's not forget that Americans eat vomit chocolate.
What?? A quick search just showed denials.
sorry i was sleeping, im here now
you could have saved /tpg/ too btw
Spoiled milk stabiliser.
the iot oven blowing up feds soon will be real

Hell, It's about time!
Here's a proposed Child Seat Safety Protocol from that thread, but I think it's too much and the images are pretty silly:
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Your only option is to make your own. Use PLAN9 instead of PLAN9, PLAN9 instead of PLAN9, PLAN9 instead of PLAN9, PLAN9 instead of PLAN9, PLAN9 instead of PLAN9 to reduce attack surface.
What does this do? Just call the cops if a minor is inside a car?
Cops, your phone app, the President, and launches a nuclear missile.
We are still at least a decade away from EMF being approved as a health hazard.

lfs update:
drm is superior method for redshift, compile with rest enabled because only drm with wlil work tinyx

planning on compiling web browser soon
web browser decisions:
will never update probably
thought of:
vanadium (maybe some patches would be portable to desktop? ala ungoogled-chromium) but its non free botnet and chromium gets hacked weekly
tor browser (updates monthly, i dont want to update)
mullvad browser (same story)
esoteric fsf browser wins
maybe will include lynx or other terminal browser alongside of gui one
maybe will try the plan9 browser and see if that could be usable (probably not)

currently only left click is recognized on thinkpad keyboard buttons, will have to fix somehow
either support in kernel or something about input in tinyx
some hilarious stuff
OK, it wasn't about EMF, sorry. However, how the fuck they all ain't dead from suicide from constant, over 70 decibel noise 24/7?
Ain't dead from suicide... for now! Eh, I guess they're waiting for fans to be removed.
Such stores exist in every country.
>Such stores exist in every country.
scroll down for the hilarious
>they're waiting for fans to be removed.
Just two weeks more and the company will move to oil immersion cooling like they promised?
Thanks bro, got my PERSONAL DEFENCE SUIT and glowie-proof landline phone.
Yep. It's a freaking Time article, so maybe they'll budge.
dont forget The ultimate Stealth Phone Plus - dual SIM - untraceable with GPS spoofing features for the EDC
but the landline is my personal fav
The personal UAV jammer also seemed interesting, guess it either does fucking nothing or fries every man's balls within ten mile radius.
>guess it either does fucking nothing or fries every man's balls within ten mile radius.
implying you dont carry personal UAV jammer everywhere with you, fucking plebs man!
safe and effective
I knew about noise pollution effects on health for a decade. Them humming coolers low-key mess you up.
What, not butter??? No, it's CO2!
any good firefox configuration guides? seems like they added a bunch of spyware now that i am looking through the settings
Just use the arkenfox user.js with uBlock Origin and LocalCDN.
What is the schizo way to escape the botnet and move to innawoods?
didn't work for Uncle Ted.
as long as you're not sending birthday presents to industry leaders and academics you should be fine
Buy a thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all FAGMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shielding. Type really quietly as defense against audio keylogging. Use ecc ram to minimize rowhammer and rambleed. Encrypt everything multiple times with various different encryption implementations. Compile everything from source. Use hardened compilation flags. Always read through the source before installing something if possible. Only use the internet when absolutely necessary.

This one's closer
yeah but they started chopping down his forest.
Nobody here is cyberpunk it should just be privacy general and focus on a real use case threat level
Kadokawa (parent of FromSoftware) hacked for ransom

>isolate yourself for meme
>Kadokawa hacked
Fucking AGAIN?
Nobody anywhere is cyberpunk
Everyone and everything is cyber, and nothing is punk
Contrarianism went mainstream years ago with the ascendancy of right wing reactionaries
Apart from the fucking Sentinelese, everyone is online
Even the fucking Amish have smartphones
There is no "cyberpunk" anymore, just as there is no such thing as a gothic novel
From now on this is an epic poetry general
Why aren't YOU cyberpunk?
>Who, ME?
The entire world is cyberpunk, most people just don't realise it.
When Neuromancer was published, people thought it would be cool to see such a world, but the authors made it clear they would never do so, other than just visit it once. And now, we are here. Dystopia is all around us, the decline is continuing like it was the later days of the Roman Empire, just without all the cool tech.
Stagnation has been with us since about 1970, only the Japanese noticed. Now we are in a decline that looks terminal, and still most people do not notice.
there is, just not in the US where the scene got taken over by suits
>Stagnation has been with us since about 1970, only the Japanese noticed.
There's no more Soviet Union and you're posting this from a computer in your hand. That's not decline.
>There's no more Soviet Union
The Neo-Soviet Empire buldup under Putin is not much better.
>and you're posting this from a computer in your hand.
No, I am typing this on a full sized keyboard connected to a computer on my desk.
>That's not decline.
>The Neo-Soviet Empire buldup under Putin is not much better.
It is. You can leave it any time you want and it no longer supports low-lifes with AK's all over the world.
>Progress takes people, no matter if they pick low hanging fruits or, in rare cases, have fruit falling on their heads. So what happens with this group, the geniuses? Simply put, they are no longer made and consequently they are gone.
Ooooh, the geniuses are gone!
Fetch, install and search exploit archives from exploit sites like exploit-db and packetstorm.
Russia starts throttling Youtube traffic, a source says it will be blocked completely in September. I even know what song will be used to pay respects:
Wrong thread buddy boy:
Oh, and the Raspberry Pi thread:
>and it no longer supports low-lifes with AK's all over the world.
You may think so. However:
>Russia believed to be behind plot to assassinate Europe’s top defence boss
>Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s secretary-general, declined to comment on the specific assassination report when asked on Thursday, but added: “What I can say is there is a pattern, a Russian campaign organised by the [Kremlin] security services to conduct hostile actions against Nato allies...with different types of hostile actions.”
>CNN reported the plot was one of a series of Russian plans to assassinate defence industry executives across Europe who were supporting Ukraine’s war effort.
>Stoltenberg added: “These are not standalone incidents but part of a campaign. And the purpose of the campaign is to intimidate Nato allies from supporting Ukraine.”
thanks, but i thought privacy people would be interested in self hosting?
Seen those news, they wanted to kill Rheinmetall CEO. But assassination and espionage are typical political things that always existed, they are not ideological. You know what's really evil? Calling yourself a beacon of democracy and then overthrowing governments all over the world in color revolutions and allowing new governments under your control to kill whoever they want, ethnic cleansing including.
Of course, but there are already ways to communicate and share anything you want anonymously. Networking and running your own servers is a complex topic, that's why the general exists.
are you all schizophrenic?
>>isolate yourself for meme
self-isolation is based, what you mean?
no, just schizoid
Why are you asking? Who sent you? Is that an SDR in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
>Is that an SDR in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
Oh, well, I'm happy to see you too! What a nice guy, heh.
>Seen those news, they wanted to kill Rheinmetall CEO.
Defectors have also been targeted, remember novochok?
>But assassination and espionage are typical political things that always existed,
Where do you live that this is a typical political thing??
>they are not ideological.
I never claimed that, rather the issue is teh sheer evil of Russian leadership.
>You know what's really evil? Calling yourself a beacon of democracy
I don't. Things are rather rotten where I live but we have not yet stooped to the level of routine assassinations.
>and then overthrowing governments all over the world in color revolutions and allowing new governments under your control to kill whoever they want,
I cannot say I am much into overthrowing governments all over the world.
>ethnic cleansing including.
Definitely not my cuppa tea.
>Where do you live that this is a typical political thing??
>teh sheer evil of Russian leadership
Oh not the sheer evil of a democratically elected government of a capitalist state who bought its political technologies from American advisors!
For those who don't know:
>Oh not the sheer evil of a democratically elected government
A bit breathless now, yes?
>of a capitalist state
Strictly speaking a socialist state where ownership is private but the state frequently interferes in things the officials do not understand, with predictable results.
>who bought its political technologies from American advisors!
So? Most politicians here are so stupid they probably haven't figured out how to turn on the equipment.
>A bit breathless now, yes?
Putin improved financial and social security of government workers, pensioners, law enforcement and the military. He also plays a tough guy which 40+ men love. The general quality of life in Russia has improved. People vote for him, he wins. That's democracy. BuT i DoNT LeIk SUch deMocRACY!
>but the state frequently interferes
That's every state. You think there are no regulations in America?
Is that a question?
Are you having doubts?
The voice in my head told me to tell you that I am not schizophrenic because you are a machine agent of the hyper reality cooperate consortium of alien genetic exchange in mine-craft.
i am thinkpad
more like stinkpad lmao
i do smell alot yeah
>Ever heard of Meat Glue?
Sure, it has been around for decades. Cheap scraps of reclaimed meat are processed to be more tender, then glued together to appear like a prime cut and sold to unsuspecting cutomers. The problem is, some people are allergic to the glue, and one fellow student got seriously ill because of this. So avoid mystery meat and prepackaged meat. Cutting teh steak yourself is a lot safer.
Them alots do have a B.O. problem.
That thread also mentions Project Oberon, which also has its own open source processor. Anyone here tried it? My guess is that it is so niche that it is not yet backdoored.
BT is much discussed, mostly because of the atrociously vague and ambiguous original specs. Two parties could implement the standard according to the letter but still be incompatible. Now imagine these people trying to bring security into the standard.
What was a bad implementation of a good idea has now turned into a sprawling monster with ever more complex protocols, and the attack surface to go with it. And the complexity has reached the point where security holes will most likely be classified as NOBUS, and 12 years to fix one lapse dovetails nicely with this hypothesis.
My ThinkPad has no odor. If yours does, then maybe that reflects your own poor personal hygiene choices.
Sooooo, Russia's blocking YouTube.
That leaves Russians with 3 major national platforms:
VK, owned and controlled by Jews, once a pedo haven, also responsible for popularisation of self-harm, Columbine, anorexia and The Blue Whale suicide challenge (a Ukrainian psy-op).
Rutube, a Jewish-Caucasian company bought by the state Gazprom-media.
And as of very recently, Platforma, a Youtube plagiarisation by a Russian politician, who is the most bloated, larva-looking Jew you will ever see:

And with this I end my shift, have a good day you poopie-kaka-head Americans.
My hygiene is great, I don't own a ThinkPad ahahahahahaha!
>Sooooo, Russia's blocking YouTube.
b-b-but I heard muh putin is le heckin' basederino, y he do that??
Has anyone by chance done this free course on coursera?


Is coursera even good?
Capitalism at it's most vitriolic. Literally dissolving organic life around it. Cunts can't even bother to care.
>and own internet
Impressive if true. How do you plan to do that? I can see only a few ways but bandwidth is bad.
i was going to drop some current ideas but i guess the overall idea is this
formally proven stack incoming??
That is a well known concept, but since it was/is physically separated from the open Internet, there is an enormous infrastructure job to be undertaken. Just how do you plan to do that? Also, with fibres in the ground there is no plausible deniability left.
>Putin improved financial and social security of government workers, pensioners, law enforcement and the military.
So, mostly people he need to stay on in power. So how is the rest doing then?
>He also plays a tough guy which 40+ men love. The general quality of life in Russia has improved.
That is hardly reflected in the poor and still worsening life expectancy
>People vote for him, he wins. That's democracy. BuT i DoNT LeIk SUch deMocRACY!
And how about massive voting fraud, or systematic elimination of the opposition?
>That's every state. You think there are no regulations in America?
Of course there is, I never said there was none. There is however a difference between regulation and interference.
>Just how do you plan to do that?
no idea yet but there are alot of ways
>with fibres in the ground there is no plausible deniability left.
data transmission by sound or light
anything is possible
>or light
There is RONJA, which is license free and might be good for backbones but hardly stealthy.

>anything is possible
Practical is also good.
based czechism
i will try to think of more ways to transmit data
i bet the best one will come from a dream
>So how is the rest doing then?
You think policemen are the ones bringing in 1,8 trillion in GDP? (before the war)
>That is hardly reflected in the poor and still worsening life expectancy
Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe have been bleeding young people for 3 decades, because they are leaving for the West.
>And how about massive voting fraud
As told by the CIA?
>or systematic elimination of the opposition?
Like 36 dead candidates in Mexico? The novichok guys weren't opposition, Nemtsov was a nobody at that point and his killers are in jail, Khodorkovskiy was released from prison and now works against Putin, Navalny was in bad shape and clots can happen to anyone. Whomstve else?
>There is however a difference between regulation and interference.
When America does it it's regulation, when Russia it's interference. There were protests in Georgia not long ago against the "foreign agent" laws, when The US has had such laws for a long time.
But then again, these free courses are all the same. Just don't flaunt the cert, that's laughable.
Would getting a degree in intelligence be of any help if I already have one in cs? i wont be bullied by fedniggers would i
You will be bullied by /cyb/.
>how can you realistically fight back against a modern government as individual citizens?
>You think policemen are the ones bringing in 1,8 trillion in GDP?
no but natural resource exports would
>bleeding young people for 3 decades, because they are leaving for the West
i don't think emigrations are counted as death in the statistic
>As told by the CIA?
you got to be kidding
>Whomstve else?
all and every extraparliamentary opposition
going to the ballot box is only half the story, people must be free to form an opinion in the meantime but in russia holding an opinion means trouble with the police
>When America does it it's regulation, when Russia it's interference.
no, when the legislature does it, it's regulation and is something everyone must adhere to, when the executive does it, it's interference because they're interfering in the system laid out by the legislature
>when The US has had such laws for a long time
FARA is much weaker than the georgia thing
Shit's hot
Natural resources are extracted and processed by people. Food is grown, processed and sold by people. Nuclear reactors and icebreakers are made by people. So are weapons, trucks, cars. And there must be sufficiently solid legislation to allow and protect the economy.
>i don't think emigrations are counted as death in the statistic
We were discussing demographics. Young people leave, old people die.
One vid? Maybe it's fake, maybe everyone involved was arrested.
>but in russia holding an opinion means trouble with the police
This is so dumb...
>when the executive does it
Oh, like Khodorkovskiy using his security forces to kill people? There are rules now in Russia, no Russian politician would want the 90s to come back.
Nigguh, you try any of that shit America has done in countries like Ukraine or Armenia in The US itself and see how fast the alphabet boys come.

You're such a normie, holly chungus, man. You're not skibidi at all. Not gonna make it, not gonna make it...
In that case you might enjoy Eudeamon. A comic book version (glossy of course) could be interesting. I think it has too much internal dialogue to translate to movie format.
A privacy thread (with twitter screenshots):
i dont trust a man who wants to watch me with his 24 cameras on wheels
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edward snowden as mad max character
So, Iran nukes Israel, Israel nukes its neighbours, US gets involved, China now invades Taiwan, US gets involved on a second front, Russia invades Eastern Europe, US is too overstretched to enter the European theater:
how Mad Max would this be?
Is blockchain /sec/ is a meme?
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ask assange how fun that would be
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and the final boss
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and finally his goons
Not really.
How do I become a hacker for educational purposes only?
Guys im ciso now. Wut do?!
Don't learn to hack, hack to learn.
Oh, I never expected that to be fun.
Interesting things happen when integrity meets radioactive slime. The sprawling and ever growing bureaucracy of the EU accelerates the iron law of the oligarchy and it cannot end well.
No visible bulge!?
OK, what do I hack to learn to hack to learn?
How much hack would a hacker hack? Accounts, sites, networks, devices. Honeypots, evil twins, remotely executed code. Call a White House, have a chat! Operator get me Beijing-jing-jing-jing! (and tell em you're from their bank)

It might be useful for you to browse our armory and see what kind of tools and for what purpose people have made (the Arms/Armor section):

Check out our links and wikis in general:
hacking begins!
my thinkpad doesnt smell but i do
Ports ports ports:
And, from a different thread:
>I once set a BIOS password and wrote down a hint that would tell me and only me what it is in a notebook. But 6 years later I didn't remember jack shit, but something in my brain told me to flip through my notebooks and within 5 minutes I saw a line in the middle of my schizo babble that lit up a lightbulb in my head and I remembered it.
Good /sec/ practice starts with rangebanning, CN, RU, IN and the entire South America and Africa.
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Slow thread. Time to return to LunarPunk!
reminder to not be like this retard

tor is cia thing
signal is cia thing
its for spies across the world to have plausible deniability
whonix is non free
qubes is non free

aim for software minimalism, reduce attack surface

this message will self destruct in 10 seconds
>Wrong again I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.
>Wrong again I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.
>Wrong again I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.
>Wrong again I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.
>Wrong again I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.

same vibes as salut getlmen i use qubes os i unhackable
if someone remembers or recognizes
more like not opening any ports
>horror movies are not popular anymore
>nine out of the top 20 horror movies are from the last seven years
>"It" is nostalgia
>Prometheus is part of the Alien franchise, established in the late 70s
>Resident evil is coombait and action
>Supernatural stuff
I ment zombie movies and post-apocalyptic movies. Because both is those things don't look so fun anymore.
Any thoughts on sing-box?
Lockpick bro here with a little advice.

>tried to pick a lock with paperclip that had plastic coating
>this jammed the lock
>the lock remains jammed even after I added silicone 3-in-1 oil in it
>I was unable to pick the jammed lock
Moral of the story: if you're gonna pick a lock with a paperclip, then ensure you strip the paperclip. A bigger beefier paperclip is better, but beggars can't be choosers so practice with all types.
Thank you, good luck honing your skill.
I started with a practice kit i ordered online, then went on to padlocks, then went on to door locks.Door locks are usually harder than padlocks because they have mushroom pins. You may think you have the shear line, but it only turns halfway. An anti-pick measure.

>how am I gonna unjam the plastic in the padlock
This is an interesting challenge. I'm gonna use my favorite thing: fire. Gonna heat it until the plastic inside is molten and then fucking pick it. Call me the Dragon.
also, lockpicking allows you to """"hack"""" older cars and motorcycles easily
>you get an antique vehicle thinking you're cool shit
>you forget to upgrade the security system
>you leave it outside in a parking lot
Ah, here's a good site with tool categories:
>how did i hack
>just use tools lel
skid general
>reinvent the wheel every time
You are going against the 48 laws of power
All links starting with S updated in The Armory.
>tor is cia thing
>signal is cia thing
No they're not.
Updated Firefox Zero user.js
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Your message's self-destruct fuse seems to be faulty. I would recommend using an LM555 in one-shot mode to drive a small MOSFET. Be sure to cover the 'sauder' the circuit properly then test before attaching to post message, then seal the circuit in epoxy to prevent tampering.
Regradless, storing your """""encryption"""""" key in plain-text, then fixing it *only* after you've been badgered on 'social media' doesn't exactly inspire confidence. 1st story related.
We drive old motorcycles and shoot crossbows.
hey /cyb/ anyone here not use a phone? if so how do you keep in touch with your family and stuff i think thats the only comprimise that i still don´t have a solution to
I barely use my phone (like once every 6 months), my family primarily contacts me through e-mail. My friends usually contact me through DMs on social media, I don't have the social media apps on my phone
>anyone here not use a phone?
yep dont want that gay shit near me
>if so how do you keep in touch with your family and stuff
just live with them


>No they're not.
yes they are, i said they are plausible deniability for spies
the more people use signal and tor the harder the spies are to catch
(signal initial cia funding)
(signal iran proxy against censorship)

do you want help or should i keep doing nothing?

>Regradless, storing your """""encryption"""""" key in plain-text
this is tough problem to solve, as is browsers storing history and local storage on disk encrypted, infostealers will still be able to log it
if you copy the signal directory and link an account, owner will see new linked account and linking accounts doesnt recover past messages (impossible)
even if you ask for passphrase at signal start, malware will be able to read process memory to get the decryption key from passphrase

if you want to use signal securely use it inside vmm or on grapheneos dedicated profile (with molly.im in lockdown mode coming soon too)
2fa password (grapheneos coming soon) fingerprint + passphrase and passcode for dedicated profile
only install signal, nothing else, install from apk no app store, check their rsa1024 (yes, really thats what they use LOL) sig

but android is malware, so is qubes os
only your solution will be safe, but then signal wont be safe because its developed by someone else
if you dont want to be gimped by someone elses poor design choices, develop your own solution

or stick to irc / ssh chat for most secure and simplest way, anything else IS and WILL be meme forever
less lines of code = better
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Signal has always been mobile first. Their desktop client is begrudgingly offered and I assume they would rather not have to maintain it.
also added nix, docker... what is their problem?

What is in the code of conduct, that you don't like?
i dont like bloat
there is obviously something going on
they added docker and nix for their build system
i dont run those, i refuse to run those
sh or mk is all i care about, stop complicating things
the COC is just extra offender, if only the original creator still cared about it
>the COC is just extra offender
and I am trying to figure out how, what is it about the concepts of codes of conduct that you don't like? specifically
when i git clone it wastes bytes on my storage for no reason
I see
this is the start
there are over 50 commits adding nix and docker stuff, more lines of useless code
packages.dockerImage = pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let

i dont speak this language
i dont want it so im gonna remove it all
I think, you should tell /dpt/ about this, not blog to us
do you not know what heads is...?
this has nothing to do with /dpt/ COC schizo
where the fuck my fellow pentesters at
I'm like, here and I'm on drugs
>do you want help or should i keep doing nothing?
With checking the links? No, I'm almost done.
>Have they established any motive?
>No, they're still writing his manifesto.
How does connecting to a wireguard node help me when I connect to an unsafe network? Isn't the fact I am connecting to an unsafe network still a problem even if the traffic is being routed to my wireguard node?
>still a problem
In what way?
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>just live with them
yeah but what if i don't?
T-U links updated in The Armory.
WG encrypts all your traffic so even if someone is monitoring the network you're on all they can see is that you're sending some kind of encrypted traffic to the server that's hosting wireguard. they can't see what actual website or whatever you're trying to hit or the data that you're sending
they can only see your LAN IP and the IP of the wireguard server
smoke signals
I accidentally clicked a link in a spam tweet. I closed it immediately, and it seems to have only led to a blogspot page.
What are the odds I've been compromised?
wait wasn´t there signal for desktop can I use that without a phone number?
probably not very high
if you didn't download and run any binaries I wouldn't worry too much
there are many desktop chat software you can use to communicate
session if you are lazy
though its suspicious and alot of pedophiles use it
i would just run mumble server on a router
Open it again to see what it wanted, don't be a pussy.
Dead blog lmao
You're a filthy, filthy coomer.
I have an inquisitive mind
You can do it via VoIP. I'm also thinking about going internet-only.
It got your ip and fingerprinted your browser so what
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I use a phone, but very rarely for calling people. As alternative, there is pic. related.
Fucking heat, man.
Dude i know, my bike tires and pavement are so hot it kept sliding when i hit the brakes today. It was slide city out there.
targeted heat rays
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315 posts in 6 days, pretty good.
I'm baking a new thread, gimme just a sec

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