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AB still impossible Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO

>- NEWS -
AB recruiter-san doko? ;_; >>101313737 >>101326361
ACM on different domain >>101318945
Complaining about the rules on AB (somewhat deserved) >>101326516

Previous thread: >>101288971
I got my AB invite less than 4 hours after PMing the GGn recruiter
I did stalk his online/offline hours to find the best time but I choose to believe that it's simply because I'm better
Weeaboos are a bunch of homossexual pedos
when was this
>somewhat deserved
entirely deserved and underdiscussed but only because there's not point in discussing here because the staff doesn't read this thread
Do I get AB just to complete the cabal? On BTN, HDB, PTP, BIB, TiK, KG, CG, omg, .in

Not sure where to go from here. Maybe staff at PTP but not sure best method
>staff at PTP but not sure best method
advertise yourself as a tranny and put a cat on your pfp
Yes, there are a bunch of bad rules, but people here complain about AB allowing every kind of release to co-exist as well, and I think that's okay.
Is the MTV admin Ducky an actually tranny
youre missing DB9
>Not sure where to go from here
get a nyaa account
the nyanner cat is playing new vegas
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when was this (圧)
you sound passionate, don't worry
just two more weeks!
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This is a reminder that if you use private torrent websites instead of just using the RuTracker and the Porno Lab, you're dumber than a sack of diapers because you're not living your life correctly!

The RuTracker and the Porno Lab have everything you could ever want!
extremely wrong
mentioning pornolab downgraded my opinion of you
but rutracker is still pretty good
answer the question
Stop projecting anon
i miss THC anywhere else i can go?
uhh... da weed store?
my weedman doesn't have niche horror flicks and B movies :(
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*buys an invite*
nuthin personel
Have fun losing your account and being /marked/ for life
You could start racing uploads/encodes. You would need to climb up the scene tracker ladder
CG probably has most of what youre looking for, lots of trash there
What's your favorite niche/non-cabal tracker y'all in?
sows exclusively for the doll thread
Why isn't there a vtuber tracker yet?
Is there any tracker specialized in interracial cuckold porn?
andy are you around sir? I need help getting usenet. I emailed your jessica12 email. Please sir or madam.
looking for a toilet, sir?
>super sekrit nicht trackers
Like what?
tell me youre not in aaa without saying it out loud
Got on IPT, TL, AB, HD-T and HD-Space
I know of it, but yes you're right I'm not on it.
ask vc on mumble, make sure to mention you came from here
>make sure to mention you came from here
Sounds like a troll, but it is the cockli admin so maybe it's true.
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I got my invite to FL completely legit and still go investigated same day I joined, I can't imagine purchasing an invite to anything.

Holy fuck I waited out the 60s timer 3 fucking times because I'd go do something else while it counted down and come back to it so late that it gave me another 60s.
Open for Applications - We will be reviewing user applications for the next few days. Once the applications are closed, only the individuals who have been referred by existing community members will be taken into account.

To submit an application, send /apply to CZ Support.

CAPZLOK maintains an extensive library of Encodes and Remuxes for Movies, TV Shows, and Anime. This library is regularly updated with HD/4K 0Day releases, including obscure cinema, and is accompanied by an active request filling system overseen by experienced cinephiles.

index.czlk.su - The link redirects to a read-only index, in order to provide a brief overview of our library.
user: kdot
pass: ovhoe

We strictly prioritize the best existing P2P releases for a Movie/Show (in its native language). If you favor bit-starved (mini encodes) or dubbed releases, this community isn't suitable for you.

It will be expected that you have a general awareness of Video Formats, P2P Releases, and a desire to acquire additional knowledge. In addition, you are required to have a basic understanding of Usenet and Torrent terminologies. Preference will be given to applicants who usually upload their personal releases or consume obscure media.

You must address all the questions that are asked once you apply. Furthermore, don't bother applying if you do not intend to use your sources (trackers/indexers, etc.) or be active in the community.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends/groups.

Invite Link: https://t.me/+FhDIrFyRwxs2YTA1
How did you get tik? Joined early?
do you support project 2025?
Is that a good Usenet server or a curry server?
>What's your favorite niche/non-cabal tracker y'all in?
Probably MAM
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SG is pretty sick. how tf do you rank up to power user there though lmao
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upload shit that popcorn likes
Guys, how the fuck is HUNO so good for a new tracker?
HUNO is for Jeets
If youre on RED just for the invite forum you are a faggot ruining the website
Because those are the users that either
-autosnatch latest flacs
-upload utter garbage like "meditation music vol 4", "miami megamix 3456"
-use scripts to rip from streaming sites and auto upload
All just to boost their ratio and status to get into the good movie/tv trackers and then dump RED or stop seeding
Now, some of this obviously is frowned upon and a lot of this kind of upload gets removed, but still.
Though Id mostly blame RED for not screening interviews more thoroughly outside some easily studied material
Sir, RED is an invite forum masquerading as a music tracker.
Ok Randy but still HUNO is a damn fine tracker.
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>-upload utter garbage like "meditation music vol 4", "miami megamix 3456"
yo that's me
if you are going for truly unique content, MS.
>If you're on RED just for the invite forum you ruining the invite forum
do you even hear yourself?
I've been banned from AB for four times when I realized that I don't even like anime.
you used to like anime but the when you did ab was still impossible
>you used to like anime but the when you did ab was still impossible
I watches some anime, the best and the most popular but was like 10% of the stuff I watched.
I was doing it for epeen but the loli-pedo fuckers at AB reported me to the other trackers that I really cared about getting me banned there too so I gave up eventually.
Can you shitters invite me to somewhere already? Email professional@nigge.rs
Sent a KG invite. My name is Giorgio, I have no standards. You are welcome
ruining the music catalog more like
dont apply to RED and stay on your mediaslop websites
poo loo
Woof woof
nothing wrong with what you listed. all that actually helps RED
at least show your raw stats
AB is almost completely freeleech
not him but i would prefer they do manual uploads than automatic
This just in 95% of RED users are ruining the site
If RED wasn't just an invite forum for other trackers they would have implemented things to help with retention such as bonus points. And if they weren't terrible at being an invite forum as well they would have implemented something like HDB anti-seedcuck system where non uploaders can only get a certain amount of upload from a torrent in the first few hours.
RED is intentionally terrible and pay2win because of deliberate choices by those who run it
if no one used scripts to upload from streaming sites, none of the artists I like would be on RED besides 70s/80s japanese shit. Wish there was more incentive than user-provided bounty for requests, actually, because fuckers won't even use damn automated scripts to upload half of mine with decent bounties.
Fucking retard.
If there wasn't such a massive benefit to use scripts to mass upload garbage the people who rip streaming sites would be doing based on requests rather than recent stuff that the autosnatch cucks will grab.
Your requests are far more likely to be filled in a world where dumping current_year garbage isn't the meta to get upload
sounds like the staff is at fault for not rewarding original rips in some way
Begging for invites is against the rules on AB
>but we're not on AB
No but you're using your AB account to leverage invites out of people.
Wonder what the AB staff will think of this
As expected. You autistis are just as whiny as before.
/marked/ is not a meme. You do you.
AB staff most likely doesn't give a shit because why would they. You're just being a schizo.
What's the best usenet/ftp server, that you don't have to pay to use it?
You are literally using their site to do something that is against their rules.
Well report it and see how it goes.
I already did
Good job autist. How much did they pay you again?
>10y old account
You could have got quite literally every cabal tracker by being PU with an account that old.
You either bought that account or you're chronically retarded.
Hope you get banned
Watching dumb people like you suffer and lose things is its own reward
I applied to AB when it was still possible. Also I've had multiple invites from fucking /g/ to private trackers before. You guys are just a pretentious circlejerk.
Applications were already closed 10y ago. I know because my account is older than yours and applications were already closed when I got in.
Sounds like you bought your account. Good thing you also made it very easy to identify by posting your raw stats
not that anon but wrong, I distinctly remember filling out AB's application in 2017
They weren't when I got in.
Yes they were.
At least try to make your lie more believable.
>AB had open sign ups back in 2017
You're completely mistaken in this. AB has had its applications open and close periodically and you just had a bad luck.
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>only 2TB in 10 years
is this the power of private trackers?
How much anime am I supposed to download?
No it hasn't. You're either thinking of a different site or lying.
There is no way in hell cabal would be inviting on a site with open applications at low user rank. And I know they were inviting at low user ranks at that time because I joined 2/3 cabal sites from AB during that time
less than I did
You're giving way too much credit to these sites.
I remember people already crying about not being able to join them here back in 2017
An average /g/ user can't even install Linux. How could they figure out to join IRC or fill a form an a website?
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they're not going to ban a 10 year user for a /ptg/ post
who is gamersriseup
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btw the last time it took 3 months for the ab recruiting on red to respond
Yes thats the point of my post RED needs to alter incentives
Doesnt negate the shitty behaviour of autosnatch jews or scriptrippers
Implying this would ever happen, there are private trackers that let you "buy" an invite to them officially.
All you need to do is rent a seedbox using their referral or whatever.
Yes its almost like the entire private tracker economy is fucked due to paranoia and invite elitism
does AB reactivate old accounts? mine's probably been disabled for inactivity years ago but I kinda want back in, is it worth trying?
meanwhile the only private tracker I could get into doesn't have anything that I cannot get on nyaa.si
how often KG users get invite to use?
>look, public trackers are full of filthy leechers so they are better. haha, owned you
but those stats are from a private tracker that I am on, just not "elite" one like yours, faggot
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yeah, but there are "private" trackers that are definitely just public
picrel, filelist, filled with torrents with 10k snatches yet 10 seeds
>look, i'm in shit private trackers full of leechers so you are a faggot
>good private trackers have no leechers because nobody but me and my 3 circlejerking trannitors have access to them
PTP is too hard... ... ...
my ratio of 1 on AB is a lie, I have 10M yen and never even use it
my ratio of 1 on PTP is a cry for help, I can barely watch 10 movies a month...
true, but it works lol. i only bother to seed low seeded stuff since anything with over 5 seeders is basically guaranteed to live forever (meanwhile a nyaa torrent has 50 seeders and 20.000 downloads and dies in 2 weeks)
>10M yen and never even use it
buy sweets and waifus
>I can barely watch 10 movies a month...
seed 300gb of full disks with less than 3 seeders and you'll be able to snatch 20 remuxes a month
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>RED should implement BP
lol. Suggesting this tells a lot.
You recognize the superior library of RED, but are annoyed that it's not easy to download from it.
Therefore, you want to make suggestions that makes it easier for you to download,
while ignoring the possibility that maybe RED has a library it has because of it's hard economy.
Making downloading easier, makes uploading less worthwhile, which makes downloading worse (because if there is no content you want to download, it doesn't matter how easy it would be to download)
Also, OPS already exists, but I wonder why it has a fraction of the library of RED, and a lot of it is actually cross-uploads from RED.
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neat, I'll give it a try. thanks anon
>OPS already exists, but I wonder why it has a fraction of the library of RED
hmm... yes, i guess 8/10 is considered a fraction
it is indeed a fraction
>maybe RED has a library it has because of it's hard economy.
it's all because of the invite forum
Maybe I should just use the invite offered to me in IRC for AB...
more like half

I would love to see an experiment where RED closes the invite forum for a year
>more like half
no, you can check it yourself and compare the number of releases (i.e. albums)
RED has more torrents because half the site is mp3 transcodes with 0 snatches
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>bee m e
>join ops
>very happy about it
>upload, snatch and seed like a mf
>2 months later I barely use it

every new release or old albums I want are on qobuz, tidal, apple music (which I can download with that telegram bot thing that was spammed here) or soulseek.
ops is also just an invite forum
Honestly they should have more rewards for uploading actually rare music even if it never gets snatched. Most autosnatchers only take currentyears music. What incentive do I have to upload a rare cambodian folk music vinyl if noone is going to dl it?
cannot be argued
>don't apply to my invite forum!
What's the point of living without an AB invite
everyone who has AB account is an incel whose desktop PC is littered with figurines of anime children so I guess not being a loser is the point
True but it's nice knowing I'll never stoop to that level, even when they finally invite me. I'm above them. I'm better. I just need to download my kino and never interact with any of those deviants

I have 1% of respect for Jeets, but total disgust for weeb homosexual pedos
100% my nigga, traanime is disgusting and pedo-coded.
ask myself that every day...
Is this shit really just a Gdrive downloader?
I'm not going to download piracy with my real life account

I thought this was an Usenet/ ftp server
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you'll get there, i'm sure the recruiter will come back any moment now
yeah, but getting it from OPS is cooler
My wife Arona
hello I use uTorrent and I want to join a private tracker. spoonfeed me on what I gotta do, nerds.
We already have faggot

you basically just spelt it
step 1. join a private tracker
step 2. download the torrent files
step 4. use utorrent to get the files
step 4. enjoy!
post email i'll invite you to GGn, its for video games
German movies fucking sucks.
What's the best usenet/ftp server, that you don't have to pay to use it?
>PTP is too hard...

Make pancakes
Why is that HDB has a lottery based system to pick an encode instead of just picking the best one like every other site?
>PTP is too hard
I generate 50GB worth of bonus points every day while seeding less than 3TB of data
I seed 2TB and get less than 20GB in BP
I'm going to assume it's mostly very popular and well seeded stuff. But even then 20GB per day should be more than enough for 5 movies per week at least.
And that's discounting any uploading from the actual thing that you're seeding.
Don't they sell 10TB+ HDDs in India?
the problem is that I don't have buffer, retard-kun
Download freeleech and then seed it to gain BP, or cross seed from other trackers

How did you even got in PTP?
how do I achieve step 1?
Because HDB is curry and only exist to collect
lmfao got myself "banned" from MAM and their shitty website was shitting the bed so bad while reviewing my case I got NO REFUND
>PTP is too hard... ... ...
You're an idiot
now quit spamming

>He does not have acess to a free, Scene Top Site
What a Jeet
doing that seems likely to me, just to be feared.
It gives people learning a chance to get there releases out there without racing. I am p sure they can get trumped by better releases as well
You get huge bonuses for seeding stuff that has 1-5 seeders and those are the ones you should seed long term. There's no point in storing all your 720p downloads since you share the BP with hundreds or even thousands of other people. Meanwhile if you fill your drive with as many full bluray isos as possible you can earn enough BP that you can download anything without having to worry about seeding it long term.
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Haha, I got mine from some Egyptian guy for showing the creds to him. Nice guy
>they can get trumped by better releases
but that almost never happens
yeah because the people who end up uploading do a good job retard. cope harder. you will never get into HDB
Lets here tracker recruitment predictions.

I think BHD -> BTN is going to happen soon. just you wait ptg bros, its gonna happen and we will all be in BTN too.
is TopTBDev.net worth the little effort it will take?
PTP, BTN and HDB are absolutely 100% not worth the effort of slaving away in the RED upload mines to get in.
PTP and BTN are definitely worth it
BHD is for Pajeets that can't get into PTP + BTN
>BHD is for Pajeets that can't get into PTP + BTN
BHD got me into BTN and HDB. now I am just waiting on BTN. I really don't want to to upload shit to get in though. that's why the recruitment on BHD was nice.
PTP and HDB, my b
You can very easily get anything on PTP or BTN by creating requests on much easier to get trackers. IMDB is a better resource than any of the collages or collections available on either of those sites if you are actually trying to discover new content. People don't seem to understand that the only thing these trackers offer is convenience. If you genuinely care about getting a specific piece of content you can get it anyway. Take one look at the top torrents on either site, it's all slop. Grab any random smaple of users and I guarantee the majority login once every 2 weeks to download said slop. Only a tiny fraction of the userbase even gives a shit about the """rare""" content on these sites.
Same here, but I did have a large number of uploads on BHD because it feels like it has potential to be a goat media tracker. It's very actively developed. Has sensible rules. It's HD, but still has good rules surrounding SD content so as to not exclude things. Having HDB and PTP recruit there is a double edged sword. it made it more desirable, but also is going to cause the typical influx of invite hunters.
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>You can very easily get anything on PTP or BTN by creating requests on much easier to get trackers
I'm not going to create a request like a Jeet every time I want something not mainstream, and then wait for days at best, forever at worst, for someone to download it from PTP/BTN and then upload it to the Desitracker that I'm in, because I'm a Jeet and I can't get into a proper tracker like PTP/BTN.

And I'm not even talking about the top tier organization, specially of PTP, those Collections are God sent
BHD is good to throw into *arrs and jackett but that's about it desu. PTP is a treasure trove and its one of the only sites I actually browse instead of just piping it into my arr system. having ptp, but for tv just sounds like heaven
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Anybody on GGN have Dwarven Gems you want to convert into something valuable? I want to upgrade some bronze dwarves to jade dwarves. I'll do +60,000 for each one.
(I can't ask on the site since I'm banned from chat. I need to go through the trouble of asking someone else to ask for me.)
my understanding last time I looked was that all the tracker trackers are pointless and that one invite website beats any of them at their sole purpose.
>that one invite website
Which one?
torrentinvites sorry I was too lazy to look at my bookmarks to remember the name
Why would anyone use this?
You will sooner or later get tree banned
I need a free scene topsite
mail me at wtfptg@cock.li
He's right, AB opened and closed applications from time to time. They were open back in 2018. I know this because I've only ever joined sites that had open applications and I even remember what I shitposted about in my AB application.
FL Admin invited me in FL from TI org
hope RED dies soon. i don't want to seed anymore
nkdsh btw
Will sell you an invite for 50$ worth of crypto
ok send me a screen video to my email
do pts with ip restrictions allow people with dynamic ips? Is so wha tto do about it (getting static ip is expensive)
Im new to this
nice also what is this thread?

what's the wait time for RED interview been lately?
OPS bros we got too cocky...
did the feds get them
where are the games??
Path to Chinese trackers still available?
>do pts with ip restrictions allow people with dynamic ips?
of course. they know it is an issue.
You want U2? Put on a secure trip and post stats.
But I'm already in HDB which is why I found out about this retarded rule.
Also the reason why I mentioned this is in the first place is because I've seen two movies now that already have superior sources and encodes everywhere else but not on HDB. And these are not niche titles either one of them I believe is in the IMDB Top 250.
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Would anyone invite me to KG, CGP, U2, AB, BrokenStones, SocietyGlitch SecretCinema, Tik, CG or anywhere worth going please?
I am on RED, OPS, BBT, MAM, OLDT, HDS, Aither, TL, FL, IPT, BS, iAnon, SportsCult, AZ, Animetorrents and the likes.
Please :(( Please email me if you want proof
My email: nazmul.hasan.bnmpc@gmail.com
"the economist" | "new yorker" | "all about history" | "new scientist"

categories: magazines
size: 1.0 / 100.0
formats: pdf
languages: english

set up this to be rss-autograbbed on BiB and you'll be /setforlife/
you are on RED, what even is the problem?
has there been a replacement for oppaitime yet?
how get bib in first place?
be a good citizen
i am, but no recruiter, recruiter never sent reply when there was thread so...
that sucks
Sir, no Jeets allowed on cabal trackers you need to redeem IPT, TL, HUNO, BHD instead
he is on red
My overview of every major private tracker.

AB - Anime has one of the best public communities. Stuff is surprisingly well seeded on Nyaa and other stuff is available freely through IRC bots. So you won't be missing out too much by not being on AB, since even AB itself sources most of its content from public releases. That being said, it still has excellent content selection and economy. The only criticism I have is that they're too liberal about the quality of releases they allow on their tracker.
BTN - Very good content selection and retention for a tracker that has no incentives for people to upload or seed. It's already an endgame tracker, so there's no point in leveling up to a higher user class. But to be honest, the amount of content available is still a million years behind PTP.
>Stuff is surprisingly well seeded on Nyaa
Nobody who watches old stuff would ever say this seriously.
GGN - I feel iffy about game (or software in general) piracy. You're just asking for malware and crypto miners. Not to mention that video games are for children. Though if you must pirate gaymes, GGN does definitely have great content selection and retention.
>no point in leveling up to a higher user class
>I feel iffy about game (or software in general) piracy. You're just asking for malware and crypto miners

This is just you copying some post from r/trackers isn't?
PTP - Pretty much a perfect tracker. In terms of content, retention and the economy it's unmatched. There's not much to say other than this is an essential tracker if you care about film even a little.
RED - Let's be honest, RED is not a real music tracker. It's just a ladder and a test to see how much you can game the system and how much worthless trash you can get autosnatchers to bite on. I know it's a young tracker, but the selection is horrendous for a tier 1 tracker. Not to mention the awful economy. You're better off just using Rutracker and Soulseek if you actually care about music.
My review of some private trackers.

AB - They should let me in
PTP - They should let me in
GGn - It's alright
Did not get banned though.
KG - Good backup for PTP. The users generally have a better taste than PTP users, so they generally prioritize keeping alive better films. They also do an invaluable service of creating subtitles for obscure films. The quality of encodes is generally worse than PTP and also, what's with the 576p obsession?
HDB - Fantastic tracker if you love capeshit. Joking aside, It's a good backup if BTN or PTP ever go down.
BIB - The quality control is admirable, but let's be honest MAM and public DDL sites have better selection and easier economy. Particularly after all of the BIB's content was leaked and mirrored everywhere.
Give me an example of an anime you can't find on public sources.
It's hard to find full disks on public trackers, I want the behind the scenes, commentary, textless OPs, artwork, storyboards, etc
Sure, but that's a niche desire. Most people just want to watch the anime. And for 99% of the anime watchers public anime sources are sufficient.
ABsisters, we are in the top 1%
Rutracker is full of garbage too, its also often bad transcodes
RED is still good because if you cant find it anywhere else, its probably on RED
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Private Trackers are boring as fuck, after you get into PTP, BTN, RED, GGN, and there is no more ladder to climb or tracker to get into

I miss the good old days of trying to get into top trackers and climbing the ladder, bros
I recently looked up an artist that has an album with 300 ratings on rateyourmusic and redacted had none of the albums of that artist. rutracker and soulseek both did.
No one gives a shit. Getting to private trackers is not some sort of accomplishment.
>Nazmul hassan
how much do random staff cards cost on ggn?
tree fiddy
did you at least upload it to RED, or are you a noncontributing member of society?
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>28 hours later
>still in queue
was their support always this slow?
watch movies and TV shows, listen to music and play games

enjoy life

also, if you wish to continue playing the ptg rpg, you can set up and continually optimize auto-grabbing stuff to farm upload or bonus points
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>you can set up and continually optimize auto-grabbing stuff to farm upload or bonus points
I have enough upload for a lifetime.

There is nothing else to do....
Then post requests
Sell accounts to pajeets till you get banned and you can start over again!

You can still rank up. Custom Class on PTP will take a while.
Start trying to climb the ranks on your trackers, get into top x seeders
Just pick a random fucking show from late 00s early 10s that isn't massively popular
Now go check the state of the torrents on nyaa. Most dead, red or some retarded micro encode.
Now you might say that's good enough for the average faggot like you and yeah it is.
But by that retarded logic PTP is also rather useless since most movies even niche stuff is available on public torrents and/or rutracker.
It's all about what kind of crap you're willing to put up with and basing that on what most people are fine with is retarded when evaluating private trackers

There I gave your r/tracker repost a proper reply, now kill yourself
Useless to rank up when you are already on the cabal
Like I already said, AB sources 90% of its releases from public trackers and fansubs. Meanwhile PTP has a lot of internals and P2P encodes.
Here's a tip for you, if you can't find an anime on Nyaa that has seeds or is a good encode.
>Try animetosho and NIBL
>If you still can't find it, go to anidb, look at the fansub groups, go to their websites and download from there.
>>If you still can't find it, go to anidb, look at the fansub groups, go to their websites and download from there.
>fansub groups still have sites
>their XDCC bot still works
i can tell you havent downloaded anime in like a decade
whos making good fansubs these days i just download whatevers best seeded on AB and havent cared sinec horriblesubs kicked the bucket
That's about the dumbest thing you can do. At the very least check what release was selected by Bakabt, even though a lot of the releases deemed best by them are outdated. You can also check the AB comments, people sometimes mention which release is the best.
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< Why is he allowed to constantly troll in SD?
>You vill seed ze pedo games on GGn and like it
I fill requests just to freeleech them
huno IS surprisingly comfy
just needs a forum
Forum and support irc
best usenet for pron?
Usenet is for Jeets
im not playing the suck cock for half a year to get an invite game
what's that RED script that grabs a FLAC and automatically transcodes it to v0 and 320 and creates the .torrents or uploads them directly?

can't remember the name
Emp it's an easy tracker to get in, and it will have more content than any usenet and you don't have to pay, stop being a Jeet and become white
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>easy tracker to get in
you mean spent a week or two to study audio encodings for some retarded interview on RED only to then have to spent a few hundred dollars on a seedbox to seed for about 6 months to eventually be invited into emp?

i'd rather just pay some usenet site 5$ a month
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steal api keys
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no, EMP invites can be offered publicly
Is BTN a shortcut to PTP? BTN is 1 year account age on RED and apparently you can join PTP after a month on BTN?? Is this info outdated?
Sir, Emp invites are offered on low level trackers, please Sir I beg you, redeem an Emp invite, so you can stroke your little brown cock to white bobs and vegine
>Emp invites are offered on low level trackers
WHICH (inb4 red)

>stroke your little brown cock to white bobs and vegine
thats literally all i want to do
>WHICH (inb4 red)
I don't know, I stopped using low and middle level trackers, after I got on the Cabal, because I'm not a Jeet like you
why are you wasting your time on private trackers? go get a hobby
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My hobbies are cumsuming media and playing video games
FearNoPeer is the biggest pile of shit I ever joined. Losing my account there. The admin is a retard.
>huno IS surprisingly comfy
I actually really like HUNO. I just wish they stopped that discord shit.
poo loo
Fucking you white devil, I'm going to poo poo on the street and you can't stop me you cuck
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Yes, you will need account age and high userclass on BTN for PTP.
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>after 3 weeks account is finally back in good standing
Phew. Learned my lesson, keeping my archive backed up on two separate drives now. I now have more hentai asmr than I could ever possibly listen to in one lifetime.
I will never understand how people get almost banned from disk failuire.
Just re-download everything how hard is that? You don't even have to tell staff unless it's a tracker like BTN where they don't like people redownloading shit to boost traffic stats
>PTP has a lot of internals and P2P encodes.
PTP has no fucking internals other than Handjob you fucking mong. PTP steals all their internals from HD trackers.
The fact that AB sources stuff from nyaa is IRRELEVANT because the good torrents still being seeded on AB are DEAD on nyaa.
If you are downloading old unpopular anime on nyaa you are downloading mostly micro encodes or re-encodes without ANY quality control.

You argument for why PTP is good either also applies to AB or it doesn't apply at all. If your are fine with any form available of something you don't need private trackers in the first place.
Once again kill yourself
>PTP has no fucking internals other than Handjob you fucking mong. PTP steals all their internals from HD trackers.
Wrong, most of the most prolific HDB encoders, upload both at HDB and PTP, same with encoders from other trackers, NTB, for example
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On which tracker do you get your H asmr?
If you're a normalfag who only watches flavor of the season capeshit anime, then yeah, public trackers are enough. AB is for real otakus who like eroge, soundtracks, drama CDs, artbooks, etc
Nta but I feel like youre genuinely splitting hairs at this point. The only reason its hard to tell where ABs content comes from is because the anime community is insanely autistic about sharing things to its public outlets which, quite frequently, results in people halting their uploading activities. Some years ago movies got put on U2 almost instantly after being released. No matter the film. But U2 users asked people to not crossupload their shit to public trackers. Guess what happened? People instantly mirrored the files to Nyaa and the uploaders stopped providing content entirely. Now we have to wait days, sometimes month for a bluray release to finally make it online. Thats also in part why it looks like AB mirrors everything from Nyaa. Because AB uesrs cant just mirror shit from e.g. U2 cause theyd get banned from U2 for doing so, whereas the anonymous Nyaa user can. Albeit I still agree that AB is mostly an archive but that, again, has to do with anime fans being autistic as hell. Ive got access to multiple 10TB+ mega folders filled with content that is neither on Nyaa nor on AB.
>Wrong, most of the most prolific HDB encoders, upload both at HDB and PTP
Does that really make them PTP internals though? The source comparisons happen on HDB, so do the encode comparisons. They just crossupload shit to PTP because someone else would likely do it at some point anyway, since most of HDBs "exclusives" also happen to be on PTP.

holy fuck, this is amazing
Impatience. I originally got everything mostly during freeleech days so I had roughly 1TB up and down on a seed size of 8TB. After the drive failure I was pissed so I just let er rip and wound up with 7TB down and had to make it up. I don't know chinese to talk to site admins but it worked out.

It kind of sucks because getting to 4.6 ratio is going to be 6 times harder now but whatever.

KamePT thanks to a fine /g/entleman from /ptg/.

I'm a filthy pleb so when I stream I use hentaiasmr.moe even though the uploads are shit. Mainly just to spot new releases now and then get them in good quality from KamePT.
Where does Bibliotik recruits?

They don't have any recruitment on the Cabal right now
Probably closed for the foreseable future since the gpt news
How the fuck Chatgpt got an in for Bibliotik?

Altman is probably on the Cabal
no, it's because of the -Archivist fag
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any path to join kamePT?
Chatgpt revealed they trained their model on the bibliotik library
Theyve closed their doors due to unwanted attention
AC-3 is better than AAC LC right?
kinda depends, but yes
Path to LDU?
thanks anon
I can't see the bitrate on the AAC_LC one, but I guess it's the same.
Alright, downloading that 80 gig bluray just to get the audio.
sounds like you're downloading a remux or bdmv
how tf does it only have AC3?
1 free invite code in every 25kg bag of Pedigree.
it's a USA anime bluray. The other one is a funi webrip. I want to get the english audio
I am enjoying HUNO
no wonder, pajeets love bathing in shit
yea, AAC is definitely shittier
but I mean, if you're muxing it just to watch I don't think it's worth the trouble
if you're encoding/remuxing and uploading, go for it
HUNO is actually pretty good for a new tracker
Hey fuckers, what's the point of private trackers except for obscure things you shouldn't even bother with in the first place? When I want to watch something I just watch it on stream and call it a day. Fucking autists
>Hey fuckers, what's the point of private trackers except for obscure things you shouldn't even bother with in the first place?
Some people like me enjoy obscure content, anon. I download and seed it. Enjoy your capeshit, fag.
path to Pedigree
I'm remuxing. Couldn't care less about english audio Tbh, but if all it takes is muxing it in, without any painful retiming, I might as well include it
watching is a passive hobby for women, why do you think PTP is a pride month tracker? lol
real men read and play things
Some random thread on reddit :
>After 12 years of low tier effort and 7 years of medium tier effort, I have gotten into every tracker I ever wanted. Some are overrated. Ask me about a tracker.

The fuck do you mean 7 years ? at most it takes 3 years to get ANYWHERE (Including PTP with the account age change)
This is fucking ridiculous.
Great original point
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Is there a tracker that has Domestika e-courses? I'm on learnflakes and it only has one
Alternatively a website would do too
Oh yeah, I'd let her teach me just about anything
stop posting gore this hour
I got into anything, (cabal, KG, HUNO, sekret trackers) from nothing and I started 1.5 years ago. I've manually filled out no more than 10 upload forms
Why are there so many tracker collectors? I bet you don't use more than half of them, just entering to avoid being disabled.
It's better to have 3-5 trackers that you actively use and enjoy the content, contribute and have a high user class, than grinding for something you don't even care about.
also for women
women are too dumb for that
you cannot throw bait in a baiter thread unless you are ready to get baited
prior to cabal recruiting on RED getting into cabal was either impossible or super high effort. Even nowadays getting the reqs on RED is pretty fucking high effort. I still need BTN but I'd rather staple my nuts to my desk than get the reqs for the invite thread on RED.
I have gotten into every tracker I ever wanted in less than 1 year. I could get into the three cabals besides Red if I wanted to because of my high user class, but I just don't care for movies or watching shit at all lol.
>t. gaming god
freshly baked bread
>while ignoring the possibility that maybe RED has a library it has because of it's hard economy.
Have you considered that, eventually, most of the music that most users want to listen to will have been already uploaded? Like it or not, there's a certain amount of homogeneity in musical taste. People don't upload dumb shit like "Spring Break Beach Remix 2024" because they listen to it, it's that they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to contribute.
There can be and only ever will be a certain percentage of users who care about obscure music enough to go out and find it, but the "market" for it is probably just as small if not smaller than that user base.

Eventually your catalog is worthless if people can't access it easily. Bonus points for things like retention via permaseeding are GOOD. OPS knows this, there's no reason RED can't do the same thing if they want to be used for more than just cabal invites, but they choose to ignore this very simple reality.

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