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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101343417

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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I fixed the issue. Python 3.12 is not compatible with any version of SD.
don't bother upgrading python for at least a year, they basically release beta versions every few months with breaking changes. 3.13 is out in a couple months lol
Its been a while since i generate images. Is sd3 supported by automatic webui? Why is top searches show that it doesnt
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Why are you searching instead of checking the repo itself lol
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i cannot get the fingers fixed. Any good loras?
Maybe also for teeth?
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I once was a kid
All I had was a dream
what changed?
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Love and disease and wisdom
will any of the cloud hosts let me use Loras?
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More like: Damn kids, it's not even a beach anymore.
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>"It looks like Jin"
Not wrong, the vaguely fashion photography look was Jin's bread and butter. Does he ever still post though? I haven't seen him a while.
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I don't get how everyone seem to have their pony working well, but the face's of mine look like this

I have been using StabilityMatrix rather than A1111 (because it randomly stops working).
>mfw Resource news


>ConceptExpress: Harnessing Diffusion Models for Single-image Unsupervised Concept Extraction


>AMD to Acquire Silo AI


>Tailor3D: Customized 3D Assets Editing and Generation with Dual-Side Images

>PaintsUndo: A Base Model of Drawing Behaviors in Digital Paintings

>Video-STaR: Self-Training Enables Video Instruction Tuning with Any Supervision

>Compositional Video Generation as Flow Equalization

>Big Tech needs to generate $600 billion to justify AI hardware expenditure

>Minutes to Seconds: Speeded-up DDPM-based Image Inpainting with Coarse-to-Fine Sampling

>GenArtist: Multimodal LLM as an Agent for Unified Image Generation and Editing

>AID-AppEAL: Automatic Image Dataset and Algorithm for Content Appeal Enhancement and Assessment Labeling

>Align and Merge Deep Learning Models

>UltraEdit: Instruction-based Fine-Grained Image Editing at Scale


>JeDi: Joint-image Diffusion Models for Finetuning-free Personalized T2I Generation

>PartCraft: Crafting Creative Objects by Parts

>AnySR: Realizing Image Super-Resolution as Any-Scale, Any-Resource
>mfw Research news


>V-VIPE: Variational View Invariant Pose Embedding

>Latent Space Imaging

>HumanRefiner: Benchmarking Abnormal Human Generation and Refining with Coarse-to-fine Pose-Reversible Guidance

>Rethinking Image-to-Video Adaptation: An Object-centric Perspective

>Beyond Aesthetics: Cultural Competence in Text-to-Image Models

>Chat Edit 3D: Interactive 3D Scene Editing via Text Prompts

>Powerful and Flexible: Personalized Text-to-Image Generation via Reinforcement Learning

>Mobius: An High Efficient Spatial-Temporal Parallel Training Paradigm for T2V Generation Task

>Iteratively Refined Image Reconstruction with Learned Attentive Regularizers

>Vision language models are blind

>Sketch-Guided Scene Image Generation

>VIMI: Grounding Video Generation through Multi-modal Instruction

>A Survey on Mixture of Experts

>Poetry2Image: An Iterative Correction Framework for Images Generated from Chinese Classical Poetry

>More Distinctively Black and Feminine Faces Lead to Increased Stereotyping in Vision-Language Models

>VideoEval: Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Low-Cost Evaluation of Video Foundation Model

>MiraData: A Large-Scale Video Dataset with Long Durations and Structured Captions

>EMBANet: A Flexible Efffcient Multi-branch Attention Network

>Learning to Adapt Category Consistent Meta-Feature of CLIP for Few-Shot Classification
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news you (i) can, but wont, use
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>MiraData: A Large-Scale Video Dataset with Long Durations and Structured Captions
Surely there's a better way of detecting scene changes than using 2 (two) models with billions of parameters each
>black frame? probably a cut
>next frame is slightly different than the last? panning
Does this even need AI
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its a lot more challenging to detect the boundaries are of events within scenes, which is also most relevant for video captioning. where does a car chase start or stop, where are people talking to each other, when was a coffee cup picked up, etc. these boundaries are important for both t2v and vqa
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Works fine with ComfyUI. I have been using python 3.12 for over 6 months now.
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Does this look hand made?
looks like a.i.
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no because of how wobbly the finer lines are. a human artist would usually try to have a more consistent structure
but will the average normie realize is AI?
they are more likely to tell that it is a.i. than to believe it is 'hand made'
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unlikely. we're double biased, first because you're posting to an AI image thread but also because were already used to looking at and picking out AI images. normies probably wouldn't think twice about it
I want to make a coloring book.
It is literal visual noise with zero aesthetic redemption the average normie wont consider it at all for good reason
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you'd need to iterate on and refine your process a bit more but its perfectly achievable
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What should the base model of loras I use with aDetailer be? The same one as the model for the whole image, or SD 1.5 or something?
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whether that is viable, with that quality of generation, would depend on what is selling currently. seeing how successful shamelessly slop a.i. stuff is on facebook etc, who knows.
nvm, weird but I tried a few celebrity loras for faces in pony realism and only one worked
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>Does this look hand made?
100% AI
>but will the average normie realize is AI?
I am an average normie. If in doubt I say it's AI. My normie friends do the same.
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kek, why is Illya getting spammed by butthurt "artists" lmao
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What are we listening to here? I think ill stay with Dave Brubeck - Take Two .. Bake Two seems to be abit to baked for my taste. Not even the slimes are amused.
this is not a legitimate use for the github issue system

can you not just auto close these things?

it works good for generic low effort stuff like anime 1girls, but fails with complex scenes, vector designs and photographic realism

illy is a master troll. the whole point of his work is to generate this kind of content
Hi ani
Morning anons
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Gmoorning! Looks delish
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Dear DOJ, my robot says you are a joke.
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are you using a new lora? this style is very fun
imposter green hair anon
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I have a request
I'm using stealth png info, it's meant for discord trannies but I think it works for 4chin too
can you guys drop picrel into png info in your sdg instance?
Does it show the metadata? It works for me
debo please stop seething about le pisscord
>stealth png info
4chan only scrubs exif, not alpha channel. So there's no reason why it wouldn't work
sounds sus
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Link to the thing if you too are interested in embedding the metadata in the image pixels
This way you won't be jewish like >>101353537
Le pisscord stopped stripping metadata from images, but I wonder if this still works for 4chin
not debo
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it does not work
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Can you please install this repo as an extension and try again?
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Green hair anon? my my, I ain't that .. just made a space ship captain girl with a crew of slimes
forgot you gen
noob question: is CLIP powerful enough to retrieve prompts used to generate a picture, like this one for example? How to best retrieve the prompt used for this pic?
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you're describing the 'interrogate' mechanism but, no, it can't retrieve a prompt from interrogating the image. it can give some ballpark concepts but it'll be very far off from whatever the initial input was. you'd get closer using an LLM to describe/caption the image than using interrogate
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It works! hurray
A shame you need to install the repo, I thought it would've worked without, thank you.
Now we need to make that extension mandatory in these threads.
Before AI would assume you did a really shitty Photoshop filter.
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What planet should the slime crew visit? Gimme ideas!
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Thank you anon
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see if you can get them visiting an alien marketplace/promenade, checking out all the alien wares
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I like your work
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it does work, it's hiding the data in the LSB of every pixel, so like if you have a fully red pixel [0b11111111, 0b00000000, 0b00000000] you can hide three bits in it, if you wanted to hide [0b010] you'd end up with [0b11111110, 0b00000001, 0b00000000] which still *looks* like a pure red pixel to a human

useful but i like the social aspect of asking people for catboxes
It's a dumb premise because you're not entitled to people's generation information.
oh great so soon we'll have executeables from opening other people's catboxes, what could go wrong
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Yea! Old theme I did once I really love.. its abit challenging.. reminds me of a certain music video to.
Hey trani
Leave those kids alone!
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Its a jewish* premise, You're a jew (and you should kys)
checked, also are you retarded? baka at least own the fact that you're using a model trained on all of the internet
"noooo my sacred prompt you can't have it" so fucking cringe

are you also retarded? that's not how any of this works, this doesn't open up any additional vulnerability, read the extension code
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hardest part is getting the 'alien' quality of the alien marketplace since 'marketplace' is such a biased token for terrestrial bazaars and the like
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she got way more alien, but I kinda like it
yea "alien" bled onto the character.. but I guess thats okay.. maybe she disguised cause aliens are humanophobe
I can think of only one known jew ITT
Only jews stick their hands in other people's pockets

Only low IQ retards need to steal other people's work and you're why I'm never helpful and why I love training custom models I never share.
>love training custom models I never share.
Sure, anon. Sure.
I believe her
deep irony from a cringe nogen
Not everyone is as poor and stupid as you. You act like training a lora or model is particularly difficult lmao. At least admit you're under 18.
>inferior anon
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guys look how good this 1girl is
at least I get why you try to steal prompts because this is what you do on your own
more alien more better
nigga stole my prompt
If you take something that isn't yours without permission that is stealing. It's also really stupid in an era where more and more fragmentation goes on. What, you too stupid to write with your imagination?
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but its against the lore! .. "alien" is a very strong tag in ponx/autismmix I guess, I replaced it with science fiction and it kinda works.. also I forgot "nude" in negatives first .. thanks porn model! https://files.catbox.moe/eb8ryn.png
Somehow that anon is far more of a nuisance than debo.
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Is it me or does this look like mikhaila peterson
Is there a mikhaila peterson lora for pony?
>mikhaila peterson
didn't know her, had to google.. no.. doesnt look like her at all
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>science fiction and it kinda works
extremely vaguely barely not really when you ask me to look really hard
dont use it then retard
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The whole thing relies on you on tricking people into using it :)
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>you have been violated girly man
hey guys i'm trans get it
i don't get it
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Your parents failed you
i suspect we have that in common.
I don't post on /b/
nice. id pat you on the head, or wherever else you'd prefer, if able
Your life sucks
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Does anyone here use marijuana? I just started on it for a medical condition and I'm looking for a dry cape to avoid smoking if anyone has any recs
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weird horns
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Looks like cross between a jester hat and bunny ears
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could be worse. rn im enjoying a diet dr pepper, in my air conditioned apartment, candle burning, sunny day... oh how horrible.
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Sounds mega comfy anon
>I'm looking for a dry cape
Vape sorry.
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i miss schizo anon
I still have no idea who this is
I'd still take the smoking personally, vapes taste like chemicals and fuck up your health. Dab rigs and extracts are the way to go imo, way less harsh than bongs and don't smell.
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Tifa posting is back bros hehe, a staple of sdg
(pic unrelated)
>I'd still take the smoking personally
I didnt ask
>vapes taste like chemicals
He said DRY vape
>and fuck up your health
See above
>Dab rigs and extracts are the way to go imo, way less harsh than bongs and don't smell
Not what I asked
Should I do facedetailer before or after hires fix?
This is debo posting
wrong thread
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I've waffled back and forth on this, so I think ultimately it depends on the model(s) and workflow. its nice to end with the hires pass because that will make the detailer changes more consistent with the rest of the image. but it can also damage the detailing if your hires pass is very high denoise or just not the best with detail. on the flip side, sometimes ending with the detailer causes the touched areas to not jive with the surrounding areas.

I think either setup can work if you tweak the params well. try both and see which performs more reliable to your tastes

I don't like schizo anon
>classic debo non answer
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native Kolors support in comfy when?
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whats your answer?
why would i tell you?
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it is! or it was actually.. 34°C earlier.. than thunderstorm, now its sauna here
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You know there are different places on earth other than right where you are right
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I made a song about how smart and helpful and cool I am
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no shit sherlock!
This is the most cringe thing ever posted here
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heh, mad
I'm not mad I'm just pointing out that its cringe
>debo makes a song about himself
And you thought he couldn't be any more pathetic
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gotta goo... time to move on again /sdg/ was fun for a while! see yas
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>I'm not mad
classic mad response. here, enjoy another song I made about how great I am

bye bye, see you again
Yeah idk the retarded lore everyone here engages in sorry I have a life bro
see >>101356144
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Seems like projection. Weird
why do you even post that man have some pride in what you do
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make something better
oh, you cant, lol
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93f outside, 70f inside, like 33c and 21c ithink.
nb4 "stop bullying me"
You doxxed yourself spamming the same message.
>I don't like schizo anon
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the dream
How the hell do I resize without image quality taking a massive poopoo in cumfy?
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Downscale or upscale? Downscaling is pretty easy. Upscale is a whole can of worms
i've seen some great multiple_views/concept art/sketches posted before, anyone got a catbox prompt they could share so i could compare notes and see what i'm doing wrong? mine always turn out chonk. please and thank you.
Why don't you post an example image and a prompt and we can work it out...
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when lora training a character, if i want the characters apprearance to be consistent should i have emotions and poses be used as tagged (e.g amrs up, hands on hips, smiling, blushing) when training or should i remove most of it, because I get weird results when i tag emotions and try to use them
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tried. wish i could go higher but it makes my 3080 crash. do I need a 5090 for high res upscales anons?
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holy trinity.
i keep getting wierd realistic lips on an anime character trained on an anime model and being run on an anime model, no fucking idea why since theres 27 reference photos
did you make it yourself? did you tag the lips?
talking shit
I didn't keep up with SD since almost a year back.
Is it still mostly tag based or can you write in natural language?
Try to download the 'ultimate sd upscale' and use it. It uses tiling so you can do it with a lot less VRAM consumption. Though it can take some practice to get the hang of its configuration options
what tile size should i use? 512 or 1024
Please bros
Is there a way to reduce the size of thumbnails?
>>Auto1111 forks
>SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
>Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux
Is it worth changing from Forge to one of these?
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lora thumbnails* in sd forge
i think my issue is that i'm on nai v3 so she's fatally allergic to subjects>1
so smooth, i jelly
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The options I use when using ultimate upscale, and I by no means guarantee they are best, are (for SDXL-size base resolutions like 1024x1024 and 2x upscale):

Type: Chess
Tile Width/Height: 1024
Mask Blur: 32
Padding: 256 (128 in comfy as it's the highest it will go I believe)
Upscaler: 4x_NMKD-Superscale-SP_178000_G for realistic or classic fantasy style illustrations, R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B for anime stuff
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Cool yin yang,
>can you write in natural language?
Thanks anon, guess I'll reinstall automatic UI.
Been so long updating mine would break everything lol.
I'm using ComfyUI and scared to update sometimes, if it breaks it's usually fixed quickly though. The T5 encoders I believe do the natural language, in SD3 and kolors I know for sure.
yes but the best models these days are pony descendants and it helps if you tag prompt

people say kolors and pixart etc are good but the best 1girls are like 80% some form of pony
naisisters... not like this
ComfyUI allows more stuff than automatic or it's just an esthetic/UI choice between the two?
I have no idea what "T5" or "kolors" are, one year and I feel like a total newbie again...

I'm mostly interested in nice poses, no limbs looking like shit, etc.
And damn it, prompt still is the best way then...
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Yes, ComfyUI is updated the quickest, kolors is a new model that ComfyUI is able to use.
This image is kolors in comfyUI then sd3 ultimatesd upscaled.
comfy lets you get really into the weeds but unless you're trying to push the envelope and spend a million hours it's not better than auto, it also has a much worse API if that's something you care about

it's worth learning both and you can set them up to share the same models/loras etc so you really don't have to chose between them

if you want specific poses just use a pose controlnet, both auto and comfy have addons that just let you pose a stickfigure and then the gen has the same pose
I see.

Yeah I was there for controlnet, just wish I could write in natural language "x is at the left of y, and z is behind them making a peace sign" instead of tags + controlnet.
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calling me a dumpster fire would be a compliment
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that’s beautiful anon, thank you
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You're welcome, ty, kolors is a good model.
is stealth png info on the automatic1111 extensions list?
yes, but i didnt tag anything to do with lips, ive experimented with lots of tags and not very many tags, seems like my best attempt didnt use too many tags but after cleaning up the reference images i cant seem to get the same quality
Couldn't find it in there no
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Some tits for the thread
prefer robins
you just add the url "install from url"
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ccccombo breaker
habbo hotel meets the urbz
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Either it's me or mermaids that look inhuman but still beautiful are easier said than done
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wrong kind, do a fish head with human legs
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shit I would drink a can of monster right there
I ended up commissioning an artist only to start getting sneaking suspicions that AI is being used. Just random minor things that look off throughout the process. If I wanted AI to do it, I'd have just learned it myself and done it for free to the exact specs I wanted. How do I even accuse the artist I commissioned? I don't want to pay the remainder when I'm getting charged hand-drawn prices.
Larp or post example
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I don't mind as long as they're clear about it.
I'd rather have a well edited AI image by an artist who knows how to do that well, than some ugly stuff.
>I could have done it myself for free to the exact specs I wanted
>um guys, do you think I'm getting a bad deal?
I'm still in the middle, I don't need her running off to twitter and getting me cancelled.

That's the problem she's anti-ai judging from what I saw. She's probably using the hand drawn excuse to get away with charging a lot more. But with all the errors I'm spotting it feels like she fed it into an AI, gave up after a few tries, and just sent it as is with several errors like they were genned separately and then put together. I could've done a better job if I learned this AI stuff. Probably could've saved a lot if I found a good AI artist to do it, at least they'd be upfront about it.
Post it here and we can probably find AI mannerisms. You could also try that 'is it AI' website and use the results as evidence, but it's not always correct. I have no idea what it's accuracy percentage is.
>That's the problem she's anti-ai judging from what I saw.
"The loud antigay advocate was secretly gay all along!"
How not surprising kek.
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need to revive term 'proompting'
Yeah too bad. You might be easy to identify because you would be one of her few active commisions. There won't be a next time, but you could've just asked here if we thought she was a fraud without revealing yourself as a client.
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thats pw's favorite word. well, I guess behind 'purple' and 'witch'
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I've made 3 loras for this kid on civitai and he just asked for another one. Only this time he said 'and send it soon.' I think I'm going to have to just ignore him because he's not going to stop. Maybe people don't realize making the datasets is pretty time consuming.
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>and send it soon
idk that sounds like a threat. he sounds tough. I wouldn't want to be on his bad side
Why are you slacking? I said I wanted it soon.
>and send it soon
What a polite fellow.
Is there new nai3 based models?
I thought they never leaked.
What's your base image size? Isn't kolors 1024x base?
>send it soon

Wow he doesn't have long left to live. Thanks for making his wish come true
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I then shrink it down in photoshop to 4meg to post here.
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You can use jpg 100% compression up to 4k I think.
It took me a couple weeks on the last one. I think he's actually trying to tell me not to take so long this time...
new dwarf fortress mod lookin good

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