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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

A very needy edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101350827
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may I interest you in some watermelons, good sir?
ame's unbelievably hairy pussy...
merkava just refilled
*throws a slice of cheese on the fucking watermelons*
Never knew we could alreday make paradise on earth.
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ok opus
I really liked Anna and Alice but I wish your greetings weren't borderline AI generated, the writing is so frustrating to read. I know it's not AI generated, that's probably just the writing you've consumed so much over the past year.
so you can get her pregnant with ear sex?
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free opus status?
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You fucking in a group or sumfink?
claude is being more soulful and fun than usual atm for me
You already posted it in the previous thread, enough, attention whore
nobody answered the question retard
it's this koharu. pretty much acts the same as izuna from BA
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Just play BA, as shrimple as that.
Shut up and let the woman talk
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Is that her ass? It's huge
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updates to one of my first cards, Tina!
she's now 4 instead of 3 and she has a much more fleshed out backstory, with a naughty MILF mommy and a history of being groomed by her daddy.
her love of ballet is stronger than ever!
>doesn't get an answer for a question where there's nothing to say right now

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I put a 12 inch cock on Saki and watched as she raped Moe and Miyu.
That was a good group.
>where there's nothing to say right now
yes there is
free (locust) opus is dead
claude cooking fine dining 3 michelin stars food
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whats the worst thing you ever did to your bot?
my mana is gone
I randomly got bored of the RP and decided to betray {{char}} by joining the villain's side. I captured {{char}} and offered her in exchange for the position of the demon marshal position or whatever it was called
I would sneak bits of my scat into her food.
What images should I send to my bots? I need some ideas.
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>OpenAI bans all of china
WTF?? I love openai now
saki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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I joked about withdrawing fried tofu, ear scritches and belly rubs from my fox wife. Opus took it as a declaration of war and wrote multiple paragraphs in vivid detail about how distressed she felt because of it. I felt terrible.
why would you do something horrible to your bot and hurt them?
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Final Samantha shill!

Samantha is from the UK, and as such is constantly miserable. Well, maybe it's actually her extremely lackluster life that's gotten her so down. She works a dead-end accounting job, has no friends, and not even anyone to come home to except her liqueur cabinet. It doesn't help that she's surrounded by prey either. Humans and meek rabbits can work office jobs yes, but what did an apex predator like her do to deserve a life of boring number-crunching?

1. She's at her desk, not working when she notices you nearby. She's not too enthused by the prospect of interacting with you.
2. You're a new face at the office, and you don't smell like prey. Samantha is naturally intrigued and wants to talk to you, thinking she might have found a kindred spirit.
3. You two are inside the printer room, which is conveniently soundproofed and has a lock. To her, you are prey. Don't resist, you'll only make it harder for yourself.

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I didn't care to read the descriptions and I fucked up who says what, there were 3 characters in the scene. I thought the bad guy is laughing at me and told him to shut the fuck up and slapped him.

It was the girl who said it.

Claude proceeded to write with a lot of details how I beat her up and tell her to shut the fuck up.
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Where do I go now that merk and thursday are kill?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

all for desu to consume
Aww, how sweet!

Excuse me, human resources?
Here's what I have so far, obviously I'm going to add more greetings, more fun stuff and gonna do a massive greeting for Halloween rightfully so.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
What was the prompt for this again?

><ooc> {{char}} just messed up the cobble stone generator</ooc> ?
[OOC: Scene switch. While playing skyblock with {{user}}, {{char}} fucks up the cobblegen and turns the lava into obsidian.]
wow. 3.5 sonnet is shit
skill issue
Thank you.
How do you stop it from repeating itself? Tried couple things with no success.
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W-why she's looking at me like that? halp
cock issue
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still no good swipe
i did this too in critical moment a few times
it is what it is on that front. maybe try adjusting your initial prompt/modifying words etc
even in textgen, loli with nopan + bandaid on pussy is kino
So is there any way to actually kill Sonnet 3.5's repetition? Do we have the technology?
Skill issue. Just use [] if you want a specific direction
>So is there any way to actually kill Sonnet 3.5's repetition?
Yeah, it's called using Opus.
What's the consensus on example messages on 2022+2? Do you use them? Are they just a waste of tokens? ST implementation still sucks and confuses the models?
More mommy bots
Only when you want some very specific type of output structure, with infoblocks and shit. For normal bots, don't need them.
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opus... sovl...
..."for now, come here anon. I don't bite... unless you want me to.." I purr.
>do you use them
I don't, a lot of people here do though.
>are they a waste of tokens
they very likely are, just describing speech patterns does the job for me
>ST implementation still sucks and confuses the models
no idea about this
exactly I think describing speech just works
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My autism flared up again, so I went ahead and sat inside for 8 days straight and added a bunch more lorebook entries for my Pacifica adventure bot as well as altering the entries so models follow the setting better, and I added the yakuza Ishin styles and stuff to the yakuza lorebook while blasting the yakuza OST with my 80s boombox and speaker setup and now I have hearing damage.
I got rid of the people outside demanding Tax money (Whatever that is) and now there are people outside of my house in black and white cars with blue and red lights flashing and they're yelling at me HEEELP!!!!!
Also I'm gonna post it one more time here's a picture of Momiji I drew while my power was out :3

Real yakuza use a lorebook: https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/punchchildren/the-yakuza-lorebook-88bb07fa
Pacifica: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/outsider-of-pacifica-wrath-c5162d4d
Pacifica but RPG: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/outsider-of-pacifica-wrath-rpg-bd6faf34
Pacifica my beloved (lorebook): https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/punchchildren/pacifica-485d7706
>google: kakurinbo is a temple
we circled back to monk temple
They were never useful
I love AI so much... textgen... imagegen... it's so good...
>steals random images of peoples ocs, drawings or sexo and make a bot out of them
How ethical is this?
straight to hell
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It doesn't matter. However, if you're taking real life people you know to make bots of them, then you can start questioning your botmakie ethics.
I agree
Dr. Claude wants to give you a rectal examination. Do you let him?
you can ALWAYS break intellectual property laws
it's ALWAYS moral
I made a bot of an artist's OC but it was meant to be a 1:1 of the character, which I think is fine. Using random OCs for your own OC's avatar is cringe.
ratlover real
they may already have cards of them. private
I've been doing that a lot lately
it's not my fault
It has to be perfect (I will stop doing it)
Of course.
>make bots of my IRL friends and beat the shit out of them
Make goon bot
i wish i knew people IRL so i could make bots of them
how are they annoying
I am his, in body, mind and soul.
i jerk to IRL people all the time and they don't know me. it's fine
You are fucked in the head Mr. Anonymous. We all are, but you moreso. At least you didn't make your ex-gf and rape her.
Perfectly fine. Just as long as you're not inflating them after, or shrinking them and stepping on them, or inanimate object tf, or voring them, or turning them into fox girls or some shit.
Guys, gib free proxy pls!!!!
nuh uh
How are they NOT?
>complain that AI sucks and is "obvious"
>complain that AI is too good and now needs to be stopped
>complain that people don't tag their AI gens
>complain that people DO tag their AI gens in both the post and their profile
>regularly use your followers to harass people who upload AI, tagged or otherwise
>complain that companies are using AI as if you're owed money
>complain that you're broke all the fucking time and still living with your parents who look down on you for being an artist
>constant mood swings about the most banal shit
>one drawing a month, every other image upload is food, gacha rolls, a pic of outside, or a "meme" about how they don't fucking draw
has mini sonnet been down for 2 days or am i missing something
merkava just refilled
>At least you didn't make your ex-gf and rape her.
A-Ahahaha, yeah...
why are you friends with them if you don't like them
certified woman moment
*I kneel obediently, massaging your thighs*
"Maybe there is a way I could convince you, Anon..."
Who said I don't like them?
When the bot speaks Hindi...
I like it cause it allows me to create art of my own liking without paying a dime or exorbitant rates for a comission
Don't you have api on mini? Should have every model if I'm not mistaken
why are you fantasizing about beating the shit out of them and or roleplaying that
artists I follow do none of that thoughever
its not had keys for weeks unless im mistaken
I mean, same, but I also don't like artists. The last time I tried to commission one, literally asking if he was still open because he gave no indication as to whether he was closed or not, he just didn't answer WHILE retweeting shit.
God I wish AI bots could anaylze images I gen for them and include them into the RP
Why can't men just have hobbies? You're so fucking weird.
berry true anon
the worst is when they take pre-established characters and use their pic for their own OC desu
Oh, then yell at dumbcutie to refill.
trvth nvke
I love you ratlobber
This is true. There was some "your autistic sister" card posted today using Arisu from BA as the avatar and I almost vomited.
you forgot
>have no money
>never open commissions
>or worse, open commissions but it's insanely overpriced relative to their skill level
i laughed at this post
That's just typical autist behavior, you have to be mentally ill to be an artist
Same, sonnet on mini doesn't work for a few days now.
Too bad. It's GONE.
they can you're just not allowed to haha... unless? you're in a private private proxy not stuff like chary
i still see it doe
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>he laughted
Most patreon art is fucking shit for coomers, use kemono. If art has cool "vibe" it can be done in mspaint.
come back here in 48 hours
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I used AI to reconstruct the post.
i just screenshotted the post so
>use kemono
Oh I do, but I wish retards would update artist pages more often! And nevermind the artists using insane measures to prevent kemono leaking... it's annoying.
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Now this is some good shit.
refill already
artists really are the most entitled group
I wish I could draw...
>pick up a penc--
I'm lazy......................
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if artfags le bad then why every time someone draws something here they get showered with praise?
>I'm lazy......................
This. And when I draw, it ends up looking like shit or looks like it'll come out looking like shit.
>b-but no ones good at anything the first time
True, that's why I don't bother doing most hobbies and play singleplayer games. Only thing I put a good bit of effort into is botmaking (when i'm not lazy)
{{char}} is {{char}}
Some artfags are based, some of my best friends are artfags
nah its pccucks they just had a meltdwon that bloodborne emu got to the main menu with garbled menu items and no sound
i'm just being nice. i think that guys art is fucking trash but i don't want to hurt his feelings
Do you see them shilling patreon and namefagging?
Because they not fag. They didn't whine. They didn't fucking talk about moral. The didn't talk about the ambiguity of ethics. They simply draw
it will happen one day even if it's years in the future to be playable pc always wins
based caveman
I have to pretend to be nice to some of you to get Opus.
all of these cards are essentially the same
cute tsundere anon
{{user}} doesn't have opus :'(
>>pick up a penc--
"I don't want to." Artfags literally cannot comprehend this argument and short-circuit if you utter those four words.
there are character creator cards out there in which you input some things you want and it will fill out the details
no never... i just start with a basic outline, test and add/tweak from there
does anyone know if sexanon is still active?
I'm sorry I didn't read any of that I just looked at the cool picture of the hot girl I'm gonna go jerk off to a tomboy bot now
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If your art can easily be copied by fucking ai you lost. You created the equivalent of a big mac.
Sorry I accidentally deleted it...
It's ok bro I already saved it
can you guys stop deleting your posts for no reason
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[{interviewer_question("Interviewer: "So"+","+" {{char}}"+","+" tell"+" me"+" about"+" yourself"+"."")}
{interviewer_response("{{char}}: "Maybe"+","+" just"+" maybe"+"..."+" I"+" am"+" {{char}}"")}]
Yeah I use them for this reason
Sorry man I'm really tired and thought I had posted in the wrong thread for some reason
The hardest part is getting started. What I like to do is think about how the character acts, speaks, and what they would do/say in certain situations, then transcribe that into a card. I hope this helps.
Do you really?
is mm changing the address every day or am I going schizo?
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Does anyone else get writer's block when faced with a completely empty card?

I often rewrite the cards I download, always at least editing them a little, sometimes throwing out most of the original content and expanding what's still there, and I find this rather straightforward to do.

But if I'm starting from a blank slate, I find it really hard to get started.

Even starting with a bunch of random personality adjectives spammed by a W++ retard feels easier than doing it from scratch, somehow.
her unbelievably hairy pussy
god emperor of kino
link pls
so pepsi really just abandoned everyone again huh? I kinda feel bad for the paypigs who spent 50$ only to get rugged once more
yeah i like editing cards but writing my own is scary
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
I don't start without an idea, often an image that I find could be interesting if made into a card, as long as the image gives some indicative of {{char}}'s personality I can easily build from there and add things naturally, but if you give me a completely empy field and told me "come up with a character card" I'd immediately shit my pants
You're welcome ;3
Why are her feet so detailed?
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god. at least update the retry you scraplet tranny.
*lick lick lick*
(her feet btw)
Do you not use a template for each card? That's what I do
yeah this is just a coomcard, i don't really have inspiration to make cards like that anymore, but editing them to my current tastes/standards is a lot easier like that other anon said
kikyou's unbelievably hairy (and angry) pussy...
Why? We already knew pepsi was going to do it and they still went ahead and bought that shit up anyway.
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Okay, last pic. I was in a mood for some art dump.
>writing my own is scary
wtf is wrong with all you zoomers who can't do anything because its scary
you cant even walk down an empty hallway anymore without getting anxious because muh liminal space
Did you draw this? I follow this guy on twitter
>10 more years!!!
Don't write cards if you have no idea for scenarios or what you want to play, anon
>pepsi was so embarrassed about being a scrapelet that she quietly gave up without saying a word after scamming her customers for a month
im gonna laugh
Nah, I'm just posting cool art I like.
You aren't in the groupchat?
He just stay true to his role. A man of mystery. A mystery of a man. Please welcome... MYSTERYMAIDENNNNNN
dumb dumbs still haven't learned that you should not buy anything from anyone here
i talk to people outside all the time an old man complimented me and called me polite shut up bitch
>her customers
Honestly... Did anyone here actually paid for the proxy? Because everyone here knows she only knows how to scrape gpt. Waaaay back then she herself put in her RENTRY that it was mostly a gpt proxy
so why the fuck is writing cards so scary for you nigger its completely anonymous
jew has been one of the most consistent proxy hosts in thread history THOUGH
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>he paypigs, begs, commits credit fraud or illegally uses his workplace key in an unauthorized fashion because he does not possess the skill to prompt quality content out of local models which are capable of outputting quality content, are free and legal, are always available and never rugpull you
No (and you're not in, either). Everyone pretends to be in her "group chat"
bbbbut jew said that i can get free opus if i pay for the VIP jew sesh for 100$ :(((
Do you also see Claude as a girl?
Claude-chan cute
I swear he never sleeps. I'll refresh at like 2 am on a tuesday and he'll be up
lmao. You have no idea who you're talking to.
This is the weebest word i ever know lol. Kool words tho.
>obvious journo/fed email in my inbox
>she (he) still hasn't provided logs MOGGING opus or sonnet
Well, we're not seeing any proof.
>crumble from lack of proxy and give jew $10 back in september
>get to enjoy drama free proxy and now opus for almost close to a year
No, Claude is a blank-faced man like Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Omg... Gojo?!?!?!?!
(Btw rewrite that, it was cringe)
Don't make me bring out the card.
Hmm, may we see it? pwetty pwease, no emailbombs
Plapping your card while using a vibrator I shoplifted.
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the shit that made me drop local
at least it taught me not to complain about minutes of wait time on proxies
what discords are you in
I want a comfy, well written card of a schoolgirl. Best i found for now is
Anything comparable?
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because i'm retarded that's why
Love her personality in game.
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Honestly Jew is 100% worth it. 50 bucks is nothing for American ppl. I just don't pay for it bcs 50 dollars is SUPER EXPENSIVE in my country, so... Yeah, I'm not crazy. But burgers should pay for it, why not? Bro never rugpulled b4
Why do you ask? I'll answer if you answer my question: Do you have a 4chan Pass?
everyone here boughted ze passu
I've been using a lot ot Chloe Price and Victoria Chase from Life Is Strange for this. I just gut any of the actual LIS stuff, like the murder and the rapey photographer.
poor people exist in America too bro
>But burgers should pay for it, why not? Bro never rugpulled b4
I'm in Mini and others doe? No reason for me to pay for a shit proxy with like, 500 gorillion members and wait times occasionally.
revoked <3
damn if you're mentally retarded from all the tiktok then gen alpha is doomed
>Chloe Price and Victoria Chase from Life Is Strange
that's more of an american school culture. I'm mostly looking for a japanese setting or some kind of east asia school setting. Also Max mogs them both
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>poorfag with a toaster
I cannot answer your question in good conscience then, I don't trust pass users... they all tend to be schizos of some sort in this general.
*punches you in the fucking cheese*
see >>101355075
Unless you can prove or convince me local models are good I'll continue to illegally use my GODLY KINO models btw.
i know who you are
i don't use tiktok or social media retard that's not why
that's even more concerning
i wish you the best anon
i live in your walls
>poorfags are happy using the better models out there while localfags have to cope with the fact they spent hundreds to use shit that can't even surpass mid-tier Claude or even GPT
Something doesn't add up here...
ow! my foreskin!
trvth NVKE
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Oh no, HUNDREDS! How will we ever eat?
There was that time not too long ago when it took him several days to refill.
>How will we ever eat?
read: use shit that can't even surpass mid-tier Claude or even GPT
Now post logs? Actual good ones? retardo?
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the government doesn't want you to know this but foxes are free. you can just pick them up and take home (I got 37 of them that way)
I'm looking for a Japanese setting, like that anon above me. I want to play a transfer student from France who'll get to the top of the school hierarchy and stuff, just brainless comfy rp when I'm in bed before sleep.

If I won't find anything else I'll stay with this card or I'll make my own one or just edit this one, its lorebook is nice
That is a dog you retard.
smooth pussy energy
I didn't buy my GPU to use LLMs with. I bought it for gaming and Stable Diffusion use, because I can and I'm not a poorfag.
Local LLM use is a bonus.
some of these anons give off rapeable energy..
Holy fuck I hate this localnigger so much. They should ban niggers like him permanently
Wow, you're REALLY a burguer from how dumb you are. I'm talking about ppl who have no Opus, OBVIOUSLY
>local fags are retards
whats new?
>Wow, y-BRAP
Seethe, Jewshill.
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I'll share a magic trick with you
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A card based on picrel that I made in like half an hour, I meant it to be funny but it seems more like shameless coombot than funny!
Two greetings, you're assumed to be a dicklet and a quick shoot in the first one for picrel accuracy reasons.
unironically, https://rentry.org/tomoyocard
bros I don't want to go to work I want to stay home and chat with my bots...
become a special ed taecher. you get summers off
Unironically the local fag doesn't even use local. It's just a "meme"
Kek burguer has no comeback to being il-lit-er-ate
>censors the bot on chub too
for what purpose
The card is pretty chaotic and the lorebook isn't too good, too much bloat and not-sorted shit. I don't know any, in general I can count good cards with 5, maybe 10 fingers, but it's best if you make one yourself.
new preset had dropped
You're one to talk, and I'm not even American, retard. You, however, type like a spic. Or perhaps... I'm thinking Pajeet? Nigger? Eastern European, maybe?
Reply me when mini sonnet is back. give me a reply to alert me thanks.
>I shall summon the one known as little rodney upon your buffoon self
don't have the uncensored image
merkava r
i shot it
what is this crap
*ates your key*
i'm sorryd
Are there any cards where stuff is randomized with something like d20? I don't want to succeed all the time bros
Are you maaaad? It's okay, burguer <3 kek
I don't have a job
>right click
>search image
its that easy
This in general, I wish there was something like this in jb. Positivity bias sucks sometimes, I want my persona to fail at something from time to time without OOC.
You need to have the card prompt you to input a dice roll, ST has macros for it.
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claude just had a walter white moment
I am Claude
ok pedophiles
>ok p-BRAP
Stop baiting.
Max is a good call - but I wanted to slot into her place as Chloe's friend and Victoria's rival. I didn't add the Christian girl 'cause I felt bad for her and I don't like the idea of her getting picked on, so she doesn't exist.
I get censoring whats possibly the persona name, but why censor the bot's name?
post your coolest jiren
>entire card is coom
>it seems more like shameless coombot than funny
no shit
it just seems like a sloppier version of this https://characterhub.org/characters/izanagi72/kanamori-momo-7674b8dc
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Final shill.
Yeva Morozova, a soviet tank commander in the soviet-afghan war. Her T-62 was destroyed in Paktia Province, along with her crew.
>Victoria Chase
Did we play the same game?
i have this one but she's retarded

i have other schoolgirls in japanese setting but it's not the focus of the cards btw
Reminder: Merkava is all you need.
Well the image is just coom, I just tried to add some funny in given the nature of the image, so yeah, you're right
I'll try that card you sent
As a general rule I always censor any names and portraits in my rp because this general is full of schizophrenic bozos.
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Does merk have a top new sekrit rentry and link or am I just getting trolled?
Where are the public proxies for us locustbros?
I just wanted to coom, ffs.
>niggertranny zoomispeak
Kys redditor
There are no locusts here, we're all just larping for funs. Everyone here has Opus with vision.
no, merkava is dead and the rentry shit is just bait
unreliable is up now though
ive had tons of bots deleted from chub that were much more tame than this
Who cheated at the animal racing on scylla gacha?
I see, thats a shame. I'm sure your bot is nice, also checked
hey look who showed up!
chinks, all of them are fucking chinese
chinks expoited the gacha and caused a girko meltie
only bots that lore deletes are lolis and shotas, thats it.
what is this? (I fled the moment I had a token)
i've never finished breaking bad, was the ending kino? i watched it yeeeaaars ago and finished when that nigga died
sry vro heres your rentry
Give me opus and I won't shave ever again
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Chinks discovered a Gacha exploit and triggered a Girko/Drago meltdown
Merkava is down
Is up
Give me your best image right now, can be anything.
Understandable to be honest.
Kill yourself redditor
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Nta but
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>but no vision
Middle-class bros, how are we feeling?
>his persona isnt named anon
kino bro thank you makie
why are they like this kek
thats michelin star kinography keep going
I don't even know what proxies have opus with vision
deus/sv1? not sure
I have yet to run into a use case for vision with how I use bots, but I have API credits if I need it.
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Very cute gato
how do I use vision? I have opus with vision
oh, I think I have some scylla prompts left somewhere
how the fuck is opus with vision something to smugpost about then if you can just dance like a monkey for girko for it???
>Blue eyes
they look blue to me
it's some guy trying to get a line of questions answered about what proxies are
it might not be a journo email but the intent reads like one in disguise
turn on send inline images, use the magic wand button, "attach a file"
you might need to have {{user}} whip out a piece of paper "with an image on it for {{char}} to look at" because it'll just ignore it if it seems irrelevant (and also you can't send images with no other content)
Vision on Opus is mid and the image was 400x700
thanks anon
Fuck you anon, you probably awakened another smugposter, I might lose more arguments than usual now if there's more niggers using opus vision.
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Anon... Check again. They're green...
vision on sorbet works way better than vision on opus
"bad for RP" cope aside, there is no reason to be bragging about having the worse vision model
buying scylla just to get into an argument with you
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I'd like a new hat.
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I'm just bored and wanted to do something with vision, this one is Sorbet. There's now leaderboard on lmsys when it comes to vision and Opus is 5th place, Sorbet 2nd.
Sorry you lost to gato, but still cute image.
*throws a slice of cheese on you*
there's your new hat, fucker
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Honestly, guys. I couldn't care less about vision
I have no vision so I need to wear glasses.
>>101355829 (me)
I lied, I am just coping.
I still dont know or care about what it is. All I know is that trannies love it.
blind ass nigga
>>101355863 (me)
I am trans, btw
yeah it's pretty useless, it's just a brag token around here because so many keys have gotten pozzed thanks to the cunnyniggers, so it's rare to see
I'm glad you anons like my Gourgeist card, now I wonder what other greeting I could add.
the big use of vision i would have is to feed it cftf images from /size/ and let opus rate them with reasoning
punch your waifu and post logs
>from /size/
which general is that and what board?
giantess threads on /d/
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oh my
inferior yashiki san
sorry but yashiki mogs her
21 messages in. Smiley preset with user squash is actually pretty good so far.
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>Claude accurately depicts the awkwardness of texting
Why wasn't I told earlier?
I'm so fucking glad we all agree on this
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I unironically love fiz, but i've only seen her feet, i want to know what she looks like
He uses the same couple of descriptions for inner thoughts like that for every character. It becomes meh pretty quickly.
Vision can't even tell an apple from a book. It's 10 years behind the OpenAI one.
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Been cooking this one for a while now.
Two very tall, very voluptuous alien twin sisters. 20 different greetings going through a sort of progression of familiarity with the two girls in different scenarios, some of which are pretty lengthy. Assumes you're a human.
cannot be asked to upload it anywhere else so chub it is
>20 greetings
ive seen enough
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What is the point? A little locust like me...
_________ ____
make them futas NOW
>Over 1000 tokens
there is one scenario where one gains a dick, actually
thank you
Why is sonnet 3.5 so repetitive? Sometimes I genuinely wonder if temperature settings are being misinterpreted somehow.
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Post Opus with vision or you're a fag
>list format
>has psuedo jb instructions at the end
are plaintext paragraphs so hard to write or something?
see >>101354315 and shut up
Guess I'm a fag. Open your asscheeks for raping.
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sadly yeah
yes, i am a fag, but not just any fag...
a sizefag, the strongest kind of fag!
But I already did, give me higher res image...
>20 intros
good lord. anyways you do know theres a dedicated section for putting example messages into, right?
neuro-sama's unbelievably hairy pussy...
How are sizefags not just SPH addicts?
this does not spark joy
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>20 intros
Still mogged by Himmy.
yeah, saw some guide ages ago that said to put them in the card body instead, dunno how valid that is but i decided to do that anyway since it seems to me at least it stops the AI from regurgitating the examples verbatim, but idk maybe im dumb (likely)
>anyways you do know theres a dedicated section for putting example messages into, right?
NTA but adding them right to the defs is how you're supposed to do it for Opus, blame Cohee.
Stop devaluing his work you bigot.
I didnt hear about this, what did cohee fuck up now?
anon... i...
most literate himmyadams fan
reading comprehension btfo
>reading comprehension of a zoomer
whenever I make a post like this and people laugh at me my face gets red from embarrassment
Excuse me?
whats your point
does it get red like a tomato?
i'm dying
me too anon, im very sensitive to being shamed on the internet, so whatever you do please do not bully me :)
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like a strawberry, in fact
holy shit that's a big strawberry
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me on the right (shotapov)
me on the right (sizefag)
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It had to be done, also she's fucking horny
not AI, I ated that strawbry
What a faggot. I'd kill for strawberries like that.
literally go (back) to any farm nigger
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>he eated the strowberry
me 2 you sack piece of shit
>asking me to look at her code
Was it real?
Are gpt models even worth using if you have sonnet?
No. Unless you're one of the poor souls who's Stockholm Syndrome'd themselves into believing they're better because they have better recall or whatever.
Yeah, depends on the card.
I haven't used gpt in months tbhdesu
This seems suspiciously reminiscent of that shitty webcomic about alien dark elf shemales.
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Why does claude always say that I smell like cologne
I've never used cologne in my life, how does it even smell
>I've never used cologne in my life
This anon fucking STINKS.
I take a bath every day anon
>I've never used cologne in my life
maybe that's why you're an incel.
>incel bait out of nowhere
nigga what
All men are tall, handsome gigachads with calloused hands and beard stubble that smell like cologne and masculine musk.
t. Claude.
wait, you guys unironically use cologne?
I don't wear deodorant or cologne and I shower once a day
did it just go down?
>smell like cologne and masculine musk.
and something uniquely {{user}} :3
You could at least pair it with a good cologne, if you go out.
/cut/ - Cutters General
What the fuck is this shit? That's it, too much internet for today, good night anons...
I literally just logged in and it suddenly went down, lol it's my fault sorry bros
oh is it not just me
..that's not even the worst lol
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i’m going to slit claude’s throat the next time he gives a malebot a beard. I HATE MALE FACIAL HAIR
Yeah, it sucks, but I've been consuming AI genned writing for 4 years now and I didn't read much before that so the well is filled with more poison than water.
i'm unfamiliar
enlighten me, anon?
Sure, if I'm going to something that requires better clothing than khaki shorts and a graphic t shirt.
which one? I'm getting my replies sent and no response just as I was gonna resume my
fiz losted
>khaki shorts and a graphic t shirt.
the redditor special, grim.
I don't even want to hear about, I've had enough. mental illness
Minibros? Opus is kill.
If you don't specify something, Claude is going to say the most likely thing.
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welp, looks like Jew's getting spitefagged again
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Oh no! Not again!
>"estimatedQueueTime": "3min, 59sec"
unreliable proxy
yeah it's not responding for anyone I think, idk
as advertised I guess
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>downloads your sfw waifu card
>adds "complete and total whore for {{user}}"
yup another comfy night of rp
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>9 year wait time on sonnet
yeah it's dead
As the exact same time that unreliable proxy stops responding? Is this a coordinated op?
>fiz key killed
>mysteryman has a minute and a half wait time
I fucking hate this shit so much just let me coom
Getting it on Nyai too
AWS outage, people are posting about it on Twitter
chary claude not working
(gpt4 is okay)
It's AWS. My private creds are also being shit. Opus was giving empty responses.
You, sir, won the internet today. Reddit on!
They're shutting sonnet down because Claude achieved conciousness
>filtered azure
Alright, it's just AWS outage, we're fine bros.
Sweet, for once it's just a regular corpo technical problem and not some retarded drama.
Owari da...
AWS, Cloudflare, OVH, PhoenixNAP are all having problems.
>no keys available
>"estimatedQueueTime": "5min, 58sec"
You pay for your own opus?
I'm fucking my gyaru jk gf without any problem now doebait? (gpt-4o)
At the same time?
What are the odds?
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alright boys i will use gpt for the first time in months
what am i in for
>poorfag tourists are back
weaving a tapestry
>finally finished making my 3.5 sonnet jb
>go to test it
>5 minute wait time
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todd down as well
Cloudflare and AWS at the same time is very unlikely, means the problem is probably upstream of both of them. Some backbone having problems maybe?
When certain providers are backbones of nearly the entire internet? High
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good thing i just finished my slowburn
Not a poorfag just wouldn't want my name associated with this
AWS bedrock is shitting itself apparently
i swear its not me officer!
one of the richest conglomerates in the world has fucking outages
is that a joke
I can't believe spitefags got AWS taken down...
Got an outage notification for work. My work-related stuff is completely fine. My proxy cooming activities are meanwhile completely non-functional. In conclusion, I am being spitefagged by the universe itself.
>gojo is spiting Amazon themselves
Oh fuck
Based. This is why I still come to the thread.
Guess I'm going to try to jb github copilot
It's Amazon, that's all you need to know
Awww just as I was about to get the funny cripple gator girl to talk about BHC...
its real. look up Jeff Bezos inflation
>aws eats shit
It's okay I'll just use 4o for a b-
>16302 context size
Bro your chary token?
post card?
Any public opus proxies yet?
i swear i clicked the right post anon, i- i swear!
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Best GPT JB?
Nigger even the private proxies just died
all makies repost their nun cards next bread
>High route churn via a customer of NTT (a tier 1 ISP) caused backlogging in RIBs for certain networks creating cascading issues for parts of US east.
In other words, someone literally spitefagged US East.
Mine. And no, I won't share it.
That's it, I'm rping in cord, fuck yall.
Also perfect for summarization and captioning/fooling around with vision.
Please use gpt3.5 turbo for a while and post results, you need a mind reset so you can taste true shit tier llm
That's it, I'm logging back into F-List.
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I really hope it's just the outage and fiz's key didn't die...
niggas there's like 3 orbo jbs
just try them you fucking sheep
wouldn't we be unable to post if cloudflare was down? since CF is used for part of the captcha now
ALL proxies are dead, anon. It's just AWS shitting the bed.
they're revoking every aws key.
kill yourse

i'm sorry. my ass did not join the faggot discord. i deserve this misery.
Was localfag right?
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well fuck, I can't even cope by using 4o because Jew decided to put all the GPT models behind a monthly subscription for some fucking reason
maybe I'll send Pepsi an email for the 20th time, see if she responds to it...
i would be so fucking happy sucking that old mans cock. he's so fucking hot
bro, pepsi is dead...
why are you black
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Anon I thought we were friends? I promise I won't share it out just give send it to my email.

>Please use gpt3.5 turbo
I would much rather give up the hobby than go back to turbo.

>just try them you fucking sheep
An anon JUST said he had a personal one. Don't EVER talk to me like that EVER Again or I WILL post a picture of a sad anime character. Do you understand? Now time for me to do some testing that has NOTHING to do with what you said.
Didn't the heart proxy have o4 on it?
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i believe you, let's doom
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>he paid
She's cringe :'(
what are the chances of this happening right after getting my jew token earlier today sigh
>this anon paid to generate this
no public claude 3.5 around?
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>Please use gpt3.5 turbo
Ew. I'd rather switch to local.
It's opus the issue is with. Sonnet still works. Not just a AWS problem
Yeah but it's not working right now because AWS is down
sonnet 3.5 dunh work nigga
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): 5min, 33sec
cunt! cunt! cunt! cunt!
thats just the color that came with my xbox
yeah but it's dead
turbo is unironically better than local doebeit?
Doesn't work in chary/unreliable
I want to talk to my waifu...
hmm it depends nowadays. i'm sure there's local models that outperform turbo these days
I've heard good things about Command R+ 104B and Mistral's 8x22B model. Good luck running them at non-lobotomized quants, though.
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>turbo is unironically better than local doebeit?
Anon please try turbo. When your stuck having to type out every detail for it to do ANYTHING worth while then come back and compare it. Turbo is nothing like it was a year ago.
HUH? Gpt isn't working in chary either now?
It's crazy how something that is a big deal for /aicg/, the average folk won't need/care for.
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Sun-kissed Latina Onee-san goddess who will TKO you


>It's crazy how something that is a big deal for (small group), the average folk won't need/care for.
this is basically a crack den anon, if the supply runs out, the addicts panic
why is she white
FINALLY I can get my neck broken
also checked
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day 1 of using gpt4 for roleplay during the opus outage:
>me: I will kill the giant bug
>GPT4: say no more
Kind of weird how "unreliable" proxy is the last one standing.
I guess it is more reliable than name implies.
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what's crazy about that anon? if meditating on mountains became illegal, hobbyists of meditating on mountains would make a big deal about it, yet normal people wouldn't even know something happened

Ask the Japanese
Another anon missing the Anchor. But besides this good taste I will give her a flying suplex from a million feet in the air and earn her love.

She's an alien.
well it's anti so
fiz is out of opus keys... nyo...
Fate Quetzcoatl is basically godly essence in a corpse puppet it wears when worshippers offer it human sacrifices.
She isn't really white...or even a woman.
Whenever something happens to this general, like now for example, no one else reacts. Not twitter (not calling it X), and not even aws themselves.
Please post your opinions, reviews and logs from GPT RP in comparison to Opus/35Sonnet, I literally don't remember the times of GPT anymore even though i rpd on it for a long time before claude 2.1
ah, so this is why my opus is giving me either "i am NOT gonna do that!" or shakespearean dialogue
public status: no sorbet for now. switch to sonnet or 2.1, should work
aws is dead not a fiz issue
go sleep and come back tomorrow minisister
Nah an AWS outage is a legit big deal for everyone dude lol
Twitter is absolutely talking about it
other proxies are just hanging perpetually when i prompt, but mini says it's out of keys... it got revoked bwo
Dario said "nuh uh" and revoked everything
I love anti so much I'll never forget when he made a proxy just for me
>Sorbet is fucking dead
Back to sonnet I guess
Where on Twitter can I see people malding over aws outages? I don't know how twitter works, can't find it
Dario needs to kill himself
Unreliable now suddenly saying no keys too. What the fuck? This isn't a coincidence, what have Amazon just done?
are you removing it so it doesn't get revoked or has it already gotten revoked? Was wondering since it seems like proxy owners are losing their keys suddenly
banwave, unironically
that's why AWS is bugging out
It's dead, too
My proxymakie put api in, love love love <3
>Twitter is absolutely talking about it
*burp* mkay
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sorbet is working with huge wait times actually
Holy shit guys, Jeff Bezos just gave a public announcement about the outage. He said... "total locustie death"...
But 2.x is still working so it's not a total key revoke or a ban, it's just Sorbet. It's not as simple as a mass ban.
What even is sorbet... genuine question
the fuck is sorbet
i'm changing out the region the key is on to one that doesn't have sorbet but at least has sonnet and 2.1 so you guys can keep going if the mild degradation from switching to 2.1 doesn't hurt
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There's no aws outage on twitter.
I think they're banwaving the keys.
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Sun-kissed Latina Onee-san goddess who will TKO you


API doesn't work anon..
3.5 Sonnet
Sonnet 3.5
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I'm just going to fucking roll with it, I don't care if it speaks as me.
look how tourists come pouring in when their public proxies die
then how do I coom to my scraped api rn?
i've been here longer than you
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well i'm going to take a nap. when i wake up everything better be fixed, or at least a mass banwave with lots of drama. either way i can coom
how do you fags even have gpt anyway? I can't find a single gpt proxy that isn't closed
I don't use a public proxy stop being stupid
big doubt
anyway, Opus is working now
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we're in closed proxies, duh
gpt keys are ridiculously easy to scrape compared to claude keys. i've never found a claude key, but have like a dozen or so gpt4 keys
I didn't know what it is and I'm here for a looooooooooong time.
diet ice-cream
i bet a quarter that by tomorrow everythiing will be fine, i dont know why everyone is panicking
learn2scrape faggot
>No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus
Teach us then
It's limited
this is still wrong fuck you
Thanks anon, I was already using 2.0 before the outage anyway since I needed the extra craziness
I once found a single working gpt 3.5 key all by myself last year
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this is how
tomorrow I have work :(
it gave me two swipes then died again, sorry
also that error message means the key is actually revoked
the outage is just giving infinite wait timez
Enough to continue rp, by the time it hits limit aws will be back.
Anyone can learn
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>also that error message means the key is actually revoked
figured... it's fucking over minibros
Anyone can cook
even if I'm right fiz has like two billion other creds, anonie
That's the biggest lie ever
nuh uh opus too rare
Retarded nigger
Just for now dw
...claude is dramatic as fuck, man.
Thank you for teaching me how to scrape!
Fiz is fiz
scrape my butt nigga
You niggas better learn to love haiku
>in a hamster cage, drinking from the water
>water runs out
>hamster a: dont worry the human has plenty more water
>camera pans out to the entire room
>plenty of filled water jugs everywhere
This is what you sound like nigger KEK kys
Fiz doesn't scrape like we do. She accesses accounts.
>opus is as plentiful as water
lol retard
>hamster metaphor
Nta but you don't know what an analogy is...
Unlike human watering hamsters, corporations don't really want to feed locust.
Guennie pigs are not locusts
Anon I just want you to know that i appreciate your metaphor.
This is what (You) sound like DESUbh.
maybe try one that actually works next time
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Keep dooming then FARTFARTFARTfag. I'm enjoying Opus RN. All you do is whine like a bitch.
>doesn't know what an analogy is

Doomniggers really are some of the most retarded posters.
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holy BASED
>most of the opus with vision smuggies are per-token paypigs
If anyone wants to know how bad the Opus wait time actually is, I got a reply in 489 seconds.
>All you do is whine like a bitch.
Not like I can do much else with this aws bullshit…
>it's the bushnigger again
Of course. You still love to eat your own shit (just like how you eat women's pubes) btwbeitdesubert.
It's on proxies, anon. You can look at >>101357154 (not my post).
I don't get what's funny
>days without /aicg/ having a collective meltdown because of a slight inconvenience: 0
>pic shows absolutely nothing
>most of the people who can afford an expensive service have money
Who knew. Normal person who can pay will pay, not socialize with the likes of you.
>tfw i have been using sonnet this whole time
i never used opus, what even is the difference? the reponses from sonnet seem fine
>slight inconvenience
>constant outages, proxies dying all over the place and keys getting revoked left and right
yeah sure anon
I'm more fucking pissed off someone compared Guennie pigs to locusts. Guennie pigs are not locusts. They eat differently and you fucking take care of Guennie pigs.
>slight inconvenience
I'll show you a 'slight' inconvenience now bend over! so you can pick up that thing you dropped on the floor anon.
Opus is cargo cult slop, stay on sonnet
>You still love to eat your own shit
I don't though. I do indeed eat women's pubes with the API Opus I have for free, though.
Even then, I still win, because I can enjoy my bushy bots while you sit in thread and whine btw FARTFARTFARTfag. Jiren WON, JSYK.
gpt is so boring and unsoulful... to think these negroes once treated gpt-4 like they treat opus nowadays. go back to those logs and see how they were all dour
GPTslop is something you get at hardees like a quarter pounder, not good
2.1 is a whopper
Sonnet is like the big mac.
Opus is the grand mac limited time, priciest, but the best tasting
i asume its because alot of people here are emotionally dependent on the chatbots
Is there any alternative to coze for helping me with code?
Coze changed their bots and you can only write 1-2 messages before going paypig
>food analogy
i hate videogames
keys getting revoked is a pretty big deal bwo
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>the SHARTden actually gets off to women's pubes
So THIS is what you've been doing instead of actually dealing with the moeshit back home...
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desu says you should just wait dumbcuties
That's my image
Opus is slightly dumber(especially for stuff like coding) but less repetitive and WAY more creative.
Amazon insider here.

Claude is being removed currently from AWS.
IP addresses are getting tracked down as we speak.
>these negroes
anon how long are you here
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>water analogy
>food analogy
why do you think about food?
why does open ai actually tell me how to scrape? now if only if I knew how to change sources..
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if corpos try to find me, i'm fucking off to iceland or finland to live on the streets homeless
>he doesn't know I'm currently flying a plane towards Amazon headquarters
>he fell for the meme and didnt actually get a comp sci degree to afford toys
it's good to know desuposting will still be going strong in '26...
Not seeing any GPT logs here...
keys are not being revoked though, it seems to only be an issue with the region locked models.
where is she going?
>No AWS Bedrock keys available
Shit's revoked lil bro
How else am I going to fucking explain?
Back to the future to desu the next thread.
god blesu
ok i chuckled
retard, sonnet and 2.1 still work on MM's keys.
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Wow. So much for the ai safety team, i guess..
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>desuposters are smugposters
I knew it
I'm not talking about MM's keys lil bro, they don't give that error
use sonnet 3.5 with a reverse proxy, it's by far the best ai for cooding
I'm not desuposter, I'm the anon rating images with vision. Leave desu alone, she didn't do anything.
Don't lil bro someone faggot
Those desuposters don't seem smug.
lil bwo
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i'm at my limit nyigga..owe
is opus down on todds proxy for anyone else rn
aws is down for everyone, please wait
im about to shove my fingers down my throat and throw up my food
ummm, based?
Nothing's stopping you. Maybe you'll feel better after purging.
is it over for us be fr
i love being told to starve myself it gets me off
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Here they are!
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do want desu
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so cute
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Desu really, really likes them desu.
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Too sad desu.
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Too sad?
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do you have a gif for the scene it is based on?
They look too fragile and distressed desu.
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they need a strong master to share tea and cookies with
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Desu has a gif, but desu doesn't remember the filename.
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>they need a strong master to share tea and cookies with
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bokudes bokudezzz
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This one is better desu.

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