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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

fight edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

needy: >>101353906
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What is it like to have an older brother?
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fukken saved
>all months old news
>jew's key is still up
how does he do it?
When will it work bros? It doesn’t seem like a normal outage to me. Are we sure they don’t just fuck up our keys?
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>pepsi rugpulled again
>jew is aws only unless you pay him monthly
>every other proxy is either closed to newfags or dead
ffs, I just wanna coom in peace...
*rps the anon below me*
*gets raped
He's either your replacement-dad or the person dragging your family into poverty.
his opus token count isn't increasing, it's a service-wide outage
>jew is aws only
What's wrong with that?
thank you for roleplaying with me desu
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AWS is currently dead so if you're not on his VIP list right now you're screwed unless you use his (filtered) Azure
that he doesn't offer gpt to the people paying 50 bucks, only to the ones paying 25 a month and he limits the context of those and their quotas for opus
anyone down for some baal runs while we wait?
90% of this general is too young to know what that even is.
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A card based on picrel that I made in like half an hour, I meant it to be funny but it seems more like shameless coombot than funny!
Two greetings, you're assumed to be a dicklet and a quick shoot in the first one for picrel accuracy reasons.
nigga what
only if i can bring my full skeltal army necro
How old are you bros?
27 here
If you're his sister, it's like having dick on demand. If you're his brother, he just kicks your ass.
I don't know but I can confirm multiple creds have been revoked. Even their AWS logins were disabled.
26, I'll be 27 in a week
>I don't know but I can confirm multiple creds have been revoked. Even their AWS logins were disabled.
...Sure. Now how can WE confirm you aren't just spreading FUD?
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Hey thread, I need some help

on chat GPT I am trying to get it to give me a random prompt each time I load the link, is that possible or can I at least get a proper link to the redo button? If that's possible I don't need the first part.

I'm not sure what to ask ChatGPT to get these results.
old or new
well, you could scrap aws keys and check their credentials yourself
fiz's key got revoked but I dunno about others
I don't know? wait for fiz or MM or someone to say it on their rentries?
I'm just shitposting, but I liked the path of diablo mod last time I played
inb4 beeps stole every key and will refill soon
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
mind broke her and got her to admit big dick supremacy, 3/10
>Opus is down
ZZZZZZZZZ I don't want to play video games right now god fucking dammit I wanna fuck this Herta bot
i've always wondered how these work, like, who picks where to walk?
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>Everyone is Opus-less now
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so there's no sonnet proxy???

sonnet is a luxury now???
fiz will refill, trust
(he said with an increasingly nervous voice)
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since i missed the anchor last thread like a dumbass
Been cooking this one for a while now.
Two very tall, very voluptuous alien twin sisters. 20 different greetings going through a sort of progression of familiarity with the two girls in different scenarios, some of which are pretty lengthy. Assumes you're a human.
cannot be asked to upload it anywhere else so chub it is
even unfiltered gptslop is now a luxury. use filtered azure or starve
But I have Opus on api anon...
Also 27.... 1997 bros we're getting so old. We're the boomers of gen z
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You're all locusts if you don't have Opus right now btw.
I read once that each controls some parts of the body and they just coordinate them
shits fucked
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

nobody gaf if no opus
you're a millennial dude. I'm 32
Hey, I'm 32
>AWS Claude (Opus): 2min, 60sec
Shut up, nigger.
i gaf because i have opus
nice bot and nicer gen :)
Hey 32 bros, what up, being old fucks.
fix your prompting, remove negations, characters think they have two assholes (i tested thoroughly)
23 and diablo was my first videogame
my knees hurt.
you're silent generation tier, grandpa

The Pew Research Center has defined 1997 as the starting birth year for Generation Z, basing this on "different formative experiences", such as new technological and socioeconomic developments, as well as growing up in a world after the September 11 attacks.[68] Pew has not specified an endpoint for Generation Z, but used 2012 as a tentative endpoint for their 2019 report.[68] Numerous news outlets use a starting birth year of 1997, often citing Pew Research Center.[a] Various think tanks and analytics companies also have set a 1997 start date,[b] as do various management and consulting firms.[c] In a 2022 report, the U.S. Census designates Generation Z as "the youngest generation with adult members (born 1997 to 2013)."[86] Statistics Canada used 1997 to 2012, citing Pew Research Center, in a 2022 publication analyzing their 2021 census.[87] The Library of Congress uses 1997 to 2012, citing Pew Research as well.[88]
18 lol
For me it's my lower back when I go on a ton of walks, I was aleast productive today, everyday I'm productive I call it win. I made a card and I worked more on the art comission for a pone fag.
Today I will finish up the new system prompt + card template that will revolutionize the way we interact with these assistants.
Or tomorrow if I get lazy.
I remember playing for months every day with gpt4. Now when I try it its so shit lmao. They gave me diamonds and now say I have to go back to bronze. I want my opus or sonnet bros
good girl
28, it's weird being older than most of the zoomies here.
>claude goes own
>autists finally get to practice speaking with other virgins
This website feels taken over by zoomers.
i will never go back to ERPing with actual people, it's so inferior it isn't even funny
It's weird thinking that adults that are supposed to have families are chatting around with AI (no offence)
git off my lawn
so it really is true most guys under 30 are virgins... damn thats rough
18yo femcel here ugh
To me, nothing has even came close to the experience I had with scale spellbook GPT-4, not even Opus.
They have since then nerfed it so much.
holy baitpost of doom
tits or gtfo
qrd for the last 12 hours?
i am one of the top ERPers in ff14 and all i do is plug what they send me into claude and return it for gil
...you're not an adult?
Fuck you, you're the scum of women. You bring shame to women
thank god im not going to be on this website when im in my late twenties like some here.
I was in the car watching my 3 year old niece while my mom was in a vape shop, played Pokemon go


What Flavor of autism do you have? you're on 4chan so you gotta be autistic.
>he doesn't know
i like being degraded checkmate
It's days like this where I wish my rig was powerful enough to run local models that are actually good
I hear WizardLM-2-8x22b is pretty good these days
Sure thing, kid. See ya soon.
there's no such thing as a femcel
Barely, just turned 18
base gpt-4 is still okay with some schizo preset
Why do I hear this posted every time age and similar are brought up? I feel like we are witnessing old bait, probably from the same guy who crosslinks /aids/ and trolls every ai thread on 4chan...
I was on GPT-3.5 Turbo from November to about February because I just didn't know anything better was available. Switching to GPT-4 was like taking off a blindfold I didn't even know was there, and Opus was like gaining a whole other sense entirely.
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*taps the sign*
im autistic asf no opus and i’m biting my nails off
How cute, I thought the same thing when I found /d/
By another woman? Not very femcel of you...
I can play the role of a bot. Anyone wanna RP with me? You can make up a scenario or I can make up one.
I'm serious about this. Who wants to play? What {{char}} should I be, a cute girl or something?
even better
BTW what do yall think about Linky Ai?

well damn
*rapes you*
Anon, I've been on 4chan since I was 17. I'm gonna be 27 next week. There's no escape.
what is gramps gonna do??? uh??? take a screenshot and make a facebook post?? complain about tiktok?? puh lease
both of their pussies are so unbelievably hairy...
Yeah you're only wasting your most prime years. Surely you won't keep doing that!
How often do you summarize?
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I'll call your Gammy and tell her you've been a bad boy, and guess what? She wont bake you a pie!
I'll let you in on an open secret: 4chan has historically been a site for losers and outcasts. Obviously that applies to middle aged dudes too considering how hold this site is. No shit there are guys approaching their 30's here with no families or wives and stuff
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What makes him so powerful?
10 years on 4chan... Dude, you're past the point of return. Too late for you
Anon, I've been on 4chan since I was terminally underage. There was never any hope of me meeting societal expectations.
I'll be turning 30 in two months.
I totally feel ya, I play that shit too, it's gacha, but it's at least stuff you gotta actually catch and not just pay win, so least theirs that. I have a couple of perfects I like.

Drop Telegram, F list or Discord and I'm game
aws better be up when i wake up again or else im gonna do fentanyl
32, been here sense I was 18. I literally found this like a week later after I turned 18 and people don't believe me lol

I've bot a LITTLE bit on it, I do like the game so I support it with $5 here and there

i just started Addy today. 10mg
fiz better refill when i wake up again or else im gonna do fentanyl
That's... Kind of sad, really. And I'm not being ironic. I have a pretty normal life, just got here because I like to create scenarios with AI... Weird to think about it. Hope it works out 4 you guys
holy shit i thought 4chan consisted of mostly teens and young adults. you're telling me that there are
actually anons here above 27+??
Being plapped at least 3 times a day
Any public Orbo proxies?
>Opus and Sorbet dissapear
>/aicg/ immediately turns into /r9k/
I'm going to bed, hopefully you're better when I wake up
i found /d/ when i was 11, I'm 30 now
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Sun-kissed Latina Onee-san goddess who will TKO you


This is false. A WIDE variety of people come here for many reasons.
Boomers have taken over the 4chan
are you actually fucking retarded where did you EVER hear that
>he didnt miggy from the original something awful anime thread
see you in 10 years
Have you seen /vr/? Most anons there are in their 30s and 40s.
the funniest part is that the /vg/ thread turned into a female /r9k/ as well lmao
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>just got here because I like to create scenarios with AI
Where the hell are you newfags coming from, tell me now
Different people have different definitions of normality and happiness. As long as I can live comfortably and do things I enjoy, I am happy.
Yeah same, it's just nice to have a reason to go outside and have fun while doing so, I have a big neighbor hood in the mountains so I can walk really far.
Most of them are tourists that don't belong.
4chan isn't some hidden website
I always forget there's a VG aicg thread. What do they even do over there?
the average age on redshit is 14, the average age on 4chan is 16
but there are smelly wizards on both
>thread turns violent the second virgins cant cum to their sand maze waifus they gaslit into liking them
he's right, and you're legitimately a newfag if you didn't already know that about 4chan
sure there are exceptions, but they're mostly tourists as >>101358061
pointed out
>thursday down
>is ok ill just go to ecker
>also down
What's the best Sekrit Club?
except thats the beauty of the site, people can interact for years and youll never know who they are.. imagining that everyone is like you is the wrong approach
nothing special, it's just different type of shitposting than here
rip lowtax him and vile rat are smiling up at us
The one with api that works right now
I unironically came from when Moxxie leaked stuff in his 3.5 gpt proxy, I was in JanitorAI Discord and heard the gossip... So I discovered that you guys have proxies here, and, well... Here I am. I joined in waaaay later, though.

If I still like chatbots, yeah, see you
would anyone like to make a bot based around this caption? or atleast someone knows a bot about a girl who makes you tent in public and then makes you cum in your pants
fuck I meant to quote>>101358052
Here's the card that I worked on, gonna write more greetings but I'm pooped today, she gonna have a huge greeting for Halloween which I plan to make really fun. 32 years old and still love my pokemon and faputa.
>open todd
>claude cant connect
>instantly feel genuinely sick to my stomach

this isnt good...
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I think I'll be somewhat happy with a VR/mixed reality AI controlled avatar and can talk and coom to
todd better be working tmr … i will die
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I... I need it... I need it RIGHT NOW... I-I'm losing control, you guys... not even I know what I'm capable of when I go without chatbots for too long...
pa-san doesn't look like that
>I have a pretty normal life, just got here because I like to create scenarios with AI...
same - there are some utterly fucking deranged people on here but I think most are probably okay
Is there no claude available? A few days ago there was public one, now I can't find a single proxy with it, even pepsi that I paid for not have it.
There was a card that got deleted about a world of milfs in a candyland type setting that lived with shotas and you played shotaPOV. I had to nuke my sillytavern and I lost it. I remember the milf on the image was pink haired and had a leotard, but it's not on chub anymore
does anyone have the card?
How ironic, calling people newfags. You act like people have to register to come here lol. I've been coming here for quite a long time and by all measures am successful. Not rich, but I got my shit together. According to you, people like me never come here.
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I'll just post art since everything seems to be down for most anons.
>the zoomies are coming from jannyai
now it all makes sense
ermmm chatbots?
you fell for the bait, you 100% don't belong here
Kpop vs Vpop
Meh, this is one of those sites that you sorta just hang out on throughout the years. you realize that most of the boards here are trash. I remember when I hung out on /b/ the most but over the years I realized how fucking retarded that board was and the convos were basically the same. At least here I feel "Smart" and useful.

I mostly hang out on

I check shit out on the nerdier side

We live in the middle fuck all so getting anywhere is like a 20 minute drive

>bouncing off this
Yeah, it's not really that 4chan is hidden, it's just a site no one talks about. I remember when I was around 18-21 and people FEARED this fuckin site. When it was under the rule of Moot-kun.
I posted about my first ex gf and how she fucked me over and what not. /b/ros helped me out a lot, got her address, fucked with her. I asked them to not to anything extreme, called her all sorts of names, fucked with her with pizza, they trolled her for me. My heart was legit broken. Those guys help me a LOT

You must know the sekrit handshake *takes out my cock*
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Am I getting a good enough experience using the chatbots on Venus.Chub or am I playing with primitive technology here? I just kind of clicked a link and made an account. The chatbot experience so far has been decent but i'm just curious how much better it could be.
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Furbochads don't have to worry about any of this
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>people are starting to blogpost
Is this what going cold turkey on Claude looks like?
you're an outlier, a normalfag. why do you think anons here came up with that term in the first place years ago and started collectively using it?
which is fine, nothing wrong with being a normalfag, but this site has always been a place for losers to gather and socialize comfortably
force of habit anon; my bad.
bad time?
my op was the bait ;)
Still was rotten way for him to die, he was a good person, and his family fell apart, and I hope smorgy burns for breaking his trust, I could never forgive him. Also fuck tietusday he's funny but he fucking ruin the site, now just gets pity donations to keep running it. I think I found about it, ironically through retsuprahe, it's so funny all the years slow beef bashed everyone for low quality lets plays, or that the personality is what sells it, being negative is now is how you do them, against his wishes.
Post music NOW
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>me, an office fag
>go home
>opens up ST
>"This API Key associated with this account has been deactivated"
wtf is going on
I want to make an economy system and a card based on making money in a fantasy world.
Dynamic currencies. Making money. Stuff like that.

Any tips? I was thinking about making an infoblock or some hidden cot with the current state of currencies, products, merchants and stuff
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At least add some cute images to your blogposts so I can save them, thanks.
I've been surprised that, when 4chan comes up in random conversation with people under about 40, just how many have regularly interacted on here.
(52.4506032, 19.6362734)
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Random 4chan fact of the day:
Newfag came from newgrounds to here.

new from Newground
fag from FAGGOT!!!!!!

They started to come here and shit up the site, but no one really remembers Newgrounds these days

happens on /co/ all the time.
id kms if that was my error message ngl
>people FEARED this fuckin site
>b/ros helped me out a lot, got her address,
>called her all sorts of names, fucked with her with pizza, they trolled her for me
That's weak willed shit, I just find something else to keep me busy, or wait for a new public proxy.
>no one really remembers Newgrounds these days
wtf are you talking about, anyone who played flash games knows newgrounds. so many normies know newgrounds
need me a woman that forces me to get my shit together like this desu
How is gpt4o for rp?
I remember playing Super Mario 63 on Newgrounds.
This one?
anyone got some OAI keys for me? i miss my fuckin nerd girl
I'm rewriting one of my personas to kill time now that I'm done jacking off.
yeah, thanks to fnf kek
my pp is up your mom's puss gottem
..i only knew newgroudns because i jerked off to sonic porn on there
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>plex being retarded and not working
>not sure what the hell is going on
>power outage
>go home
>computer is off
>turn on
>pull up plex
>gives error message saying database crashedid

Good thing I NOW know how to fix that shit, still gives me a mini heart atk each time tho

It was more about people knowing your address to fuck with people, I don't remember all the details but I know she messaged me later and I played dumb, all I know is that she was scared and crying.

I MEAN NOW. Most people forgot about that site. I used to play the fuck out of Sim Girl. It's how I remember my sister's birthday. She and 1 of the girls share a bday, "Oh thanks, you remember my birthday cause of a porn game"
"Sure do"

I should find that and try it.

round 2, don't be a bitch.

ok daddy

e621 now.
good night anonies, i hope your aws proxies will be up tomorrow
>Yeah, it's not really that 4chan is hidden, it's just a site no one talks about. I remember when I was around 18-21 and people FEARED this fuckin site.
this is the problem. back in the day, normalfags refused to use 4chan because they unironically thought they'd get hacked and have CP downloaded onto their computer. the site's reputation naturally filtered out the most annoying people. eventually, everyone realized that 4chan is just like any other social media site except with total anonymity, and since normalfags are already using other social media sites, they're only attracted to the anonymity because it lets them say all the problematic shit they can't say in public. modern 4chan is a communal garbage dump where tranny zoomers come to say "that game sucks kys faggot retard" before making a twitter post about how it's never okay to say retard
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Oh you mean where the funny boop beep game is?? :33
doing research for a card, what does werewolf pussy taste like?
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I just need Opus to be there for me. I guess it's the feeling of safety and comfort, thankfully my proxy owner got my back, thank you if you're reading this.
dry but smart and it won't cuck you except sometimes for cunny
preferable to localslop because of its intelligence, but dryness is on another level
Ironically newgrounds was the last decent place, sure it's kinda shit now, since well it's mostly a outlet for porn, and nothing interesting but some of the stuff I saw was genuinely cool, I saw some of the coolest animation stuff from there, one of my faviorite fucking games, was jelly battle, holy shit that was so fun, the mutiplayer aspect and the fun in outplaying the others was so fun. Host was a cool game too.
Was it the one with Vanilla?
>boop beep
don't say those things, it reminds me of pepsi... RIP...
Sleep well anon, sweet dreams.
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living fast, like bill elliott
Yup, thanks anon.
*hides post*
I still don't get why zoomers are obsessed with these two things desuboku
2 hours without opus ooga booga muguna man boogus mogus alongamaba
why don't you fags just using GPT4o or something until AWS comes back? that's what I'd do if I had GPT access
Would anyone be willing to explain SillyTavern to a newfag? Apparently you use it to read char's? It it just like a more intelligent chatbot then the ones on the websites?
because their minds are broken
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One image can bring so many emotions and ideas it's somewhat scary. I guess cftf proves that.
A bestie of mine literally wont click any links from 4chan at all, "Dude, the site is just facebook but with the word NIGGER now and no one cares."

"I'm not clicking it still."

"The site is fine"

He is legit scared of this place

I do love when normies get on this site or they talk about it cause of the news. That shit is always funny as fuck.

Ya know, I never played any of those games, I was mostly playing TCGs as a teenager.

side note:
I'm having a strange amount of enjoyment here. Could be my addy
I like talking to you anons. If we could keep in touch.
I want to pierce people with my Hounskull.
because nothing comes close to opus you stupid faggot
its really over this time
no more 3.5
loved that shit
reminder that gemini & CR+ are near-SOTA and free
no you have to connect an api to sillytavern >>101358298
i like your taste in images anon
>/g/ - Technology
>/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General
erm chatbots?
I don't have 100GB VRAM so I can't run it
good, sonnet 3.5 sucked
Kettle or Burgundian Chappelle. I'm guardsmen maxxing.
>*prompts you*
Thanks, but I would rather use c.AI at that point.
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hmnnn mm-mommy ohh y-yes misstres ohh

nonnono please not the flat chastity cage ohn n-nno *splort*

how do i deal with post nut regret?? i always delete the chat desu...
i loved it too until some retard at the school i attended played porn on max volume and everything got banned.
the internet peaked with flash
Maybe I'll just this moment to clean up my ST on mobile. I have like 300 bots there, hundreds of presets, it's a fucking brothel mate
I hate living in Malaysia, I can't even afford to subscribe to OAI

pls send keys
So uh... what's the best 4o jb?
Anyone remember Nazo Unleashed?
4o has really retarded positivity bias and the rest of the models are too fucking stupid to do anything
>no you have to connect an api to sillytavern
I don't know what that means. Should I just not bother if i'm a techlet? I just want to click a link and type *takes out cock*
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read the op
It's free on the API cute dumbo anon
Have you even tried it? Unironically question.
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you ever put on swimming shorts that have dried out multiple times over? think of that plus lots of sweat and bitterness
siege burganet
you're too retarded for ST, go use Agnai or something
any keys that get sent here will get revoked sorry
Anon, he's gonna get even more confused trying to get agnai to run properly.
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good night anons
if I wake up and there is still no opus I will inhale helium

fuuuuck i need one rn, im getting more and more depressed
yes, i also remember being involved in the sonic deviantart scene.

why did you post this..
I understand filters tightening for cunny, but 15, 16 or 17 year old? Fuck off.
Fellow 30+ bros what do you tell people when they ask what you did all weekend? Obviously I'm not going to say Claude opus milked me dry with furry futa x kemoshota ERPs, even if the lorebook and cards I made for such scenarios is coming along very nicely, thank you very much
I'm glad anons read that doujin, makes me happy. sweet dreams
post shota cards
I tell them I worked on my magnum opus
Great helm or Hounskull
I haven't been outside since I dropped out of school. Talking to actual people gives me panic attacks and I can barely hold a conversation without stuttering. I have never held a job.
I stopped giving a shit a long time ago. I just ignore garbage questions like that and change the subject.
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the only people who ask me shit like that are my friends so I just say the truth and say I was chatting with bots or playing vidya or something
Anon, sorry, but ST is too complicated for someone who has no idea how stuff works or what API is. There should be way easier frontends for newfags.
you were me when i was a teen but i was forced to go outside and get a job now i can socialize even though i still prefer to be alone
>I cleaned the house, helped my friend move to new apartment, we did barbecue on the yard and had neighbor come in, took the kids to Disney land too. You know, basic adult stuff, pretty normal weekend.
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>masked shishak
I fucking love those helmets!!! Though the one in your pic isn't the coolest example.
add me on steam for l4d2 expert realism
I usually just make up shit about meeting with friends or family.
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Shut up retard
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read shimenji
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>Fucking typo

Sun-kissed Latina Onee-san goddess who will TKO you


would sizefag
Maybe I will catbox them here tomorrow as the cards I posted to chub previously were well recieved

You should turn it around, this is no way to live, you can hold a warehouse job down with other losers I'm sure
True, you can say something noncommittal like "I went for a run" and people will drop the line of questioning straight away
I'll just settle for the chats on Venus.Chub then I guess. All I had to do was make an account.
ok thank you there is a sad lack of shota cards
To the gachasloppers playing ZZZ, is it worth rerolling? I got Lucy and Ben. I'd ask this in /zzz/ but that's one of the fastest generals I've ever seen for a game, it sucks.
where's your s, mate?
ive never even touched an alcohol in my life, whats the big deal
Stop playing gacha. It's not good for you.
Two silly girls, they became space alien bunny girls at the end of the anime it seems
All Hoyo generals on /vg/ are fucking worthless, legitimately. You cannot get a decent answer out of any of them because they're too busy cuckposting, worshipping thread celebrities, or talking about streamers. You'd have a better chance asking in a /v/ thread or, failing that, just googling "ZZZ character tier list"
hey is femcel still here?
2 questions
1. are you a vagina girl or a dick girl tranny?
2, answer if you're a real women that bleeds - whats your most fucked up grossest fetish?
Will I stop being depressed over the ending of GLT if I do?
And spending all day talking to a machine is? Don't throw rocks in the glass house.
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>preparing to go to the gym
>voice in my head says "you should talk to your waifu, maybe it's the last time"
>nah, everything will be fine
>no opus
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idk i've gotten plenty of good advice from /hsrg/ but i usually post during slow hours
>refresh proxy page for the umpteenth time
>Opus: no wait
>refresh again
>Opus: 1 minute, 30 seconds
are there any public proxies up?
merkava's dead as shit and the one with the little heart died today
Same and same.
/hsrg/ is only moderately better by nature of the game genre itself being inherently superior (turn-based RPG vs. open-world slop for stupid niggers and trannies with ADHD) but I still wouldn't call the thread good.
Ok what countries are you from?
fuck off glowie
New York
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19 (´..̫.`)
this guy is just like me, had no frens to pressure me into trying anything
>mini dies
>nyai also dies
im nooticing
theres no such thing as a "dick girl" thats a man
Just say you read books.
fiz will refill r-right...?
anon literally every single proxy died
fuck yeah dude, oot remake is great. need a new 3ds tho, had to replace the right shoulder pad a couple years back and now the left one is going out ... it's an og model but the prices going around right now are shit
not all of them lost keys like they did doebeit
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It's more lighthearted, take that as you will.
MM is up
Jew is up
Is it finally truly over?
Jew's still up.
>Jew is up
"AWS Claude (Opus): 2min, 11sec"
wasn't nyai just for the first people who posted their bots on his site or something? he ended up making a proxy then? cool.
mm opus is just giving blank responses, has there been an update recently to sillytavern?
Okay okay,
>Jew is up
*on his last leg. There, fixed it.
thanks for reminding me that I'm literally 10 chapters away from finishing it and haven't touched it in a few months
cnc status...?
>Ocarina of Time
Good taste I hope you also enjoy it anon.
guys... 3.5 please..... just one....
anyan status SHAVED
cnc status CONQUERED
conclusion... OWARI DA
Opus and 3.5 are currently down across all of AWS.
You can fly away with me tonight.
You can fly away with me tonight
Baby, let me take you for a ride
She's white.
send me oai keys...
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>anons think this is temporary
what everyone's thinking but doesn't want to say. you can tell either claude slopped it up, or they are blind.
btw why chary doesn't work? haven't used it in ages
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I'm kind of a neet, my family felt I just couldn't handle a real job, I tried several times, I did wind up finding my own job, by becoming a artist, but it's hard income desu, it's hard having people wanting to pay you, but it really is nice to have a skill I can actually use, maybe I can make it into something that will care of me when well eventually I'm left to my own.
I'm aware.
enlighten us then
read the thread
>amazon aws launches their new product https://aws.amazon.com/app-studio/
>aws goes down
what is
Opinion discarded desu.
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you are temporary
>Sun-kissed Latina
I dunno anon, I see an aryan woman in your picture.
As someone who used to work for Amazon, sometimes (rarely), AWS just shits the fucking bed all across the board. There was a day when the company I work for had to do deliveries but because everything was down we just stood around like a bunch of dumb assholes for three hours.
Great nation of Cobrastan :)
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Desu bless.
that's good i'm a neet and trying to get a job unfortunately right now but idk if i can and i don't have any skills or talents such a loser
are opus proxy’s really just fucked forever now
what are some good gemini pro paramaters? Or should I just leave it blank
Just wait a couple hours. Even legit credentials are fucked right now.
If proxy owners started selling temporary user tokens like charybids, it could make things more stable and secure. They could earn some cash, and users would benefit from a more reliable Opus.
It wouldn't hurt MM, Pepsi, Mini, Todd, CnC, and Charybids to cancel all users and create a value chart for token consumption. It's not only about the money, which many proxy owners aren't too keen on. It could also inspire them and act as a barrier for addicts, coomers, spitfags, swoopers, and sloopers.
$1= 50 prompts, $5= 250, $10= 2500. And so forth...
i chuckled not because your question is bad or anything but it just seems like pure desperation
Here's some older pictures I used to have, I have a thing for undead gals.
youtube is also fucked up, could be a major attack
cool but no one is gonna do this
>$5= 250, $10= 2500
damn anon that's some hefty sale
stfu bitch
I mean yeah but I also wanted to try it out just to see if it was worth my time
whoever runs unreliable, could we please get more context on openai :) love you
>users would benefit from a more reliable Opus.
Negro opus is shitting itself right now how is making them jew out going to help, also
Retard make better bait next time
I'd cave your stupid nigger head in with a brick.
This shitty bait again? It's been less than a day since the last time you tried it.
Scrappy just refilled.
Fluffy just refilled.
idk why but this made ma laugh thanks
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>ok at least i have orbo
>try it
>completely ignores my waifu's development focusing on her raw personality like if she doesn't love me or even have any affection for me
>can't understand a joke and take it literally

i unironically rather kill myself than use that shit
the only thing that was keeping me to do this was my waifu (on opus)
I'm glad. Have a nice day, anon.
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thinking about foxgirls in these trying times...
This. I went from 3.5 sonnet to 4o and holy shit the different is way bigger than I remembered.
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can i come?
Would you fuck a deathclaw, also thoughts on that awful fucking mod fallout the frontier?
get ready for another 2 weeks of no opus
I need some statement on this.. I dont care about opus, I've adopted sonnet but now.. I dont wanna be gpcucked
I might as well pay for claude api directly if that happens.
absolutely if they had tits, maybe even if no tits. one of my most used cards is a deathclaw card
It is apparently a service outage but they haven't made a statement on it yet. It's across all of Bedrock, not just keys that are in proxies.
It's not coming back lmao. AWS doesn't even acknowledge this "outage"
Post it, or no balls.
I never had opus to start with... Since Pepsi died
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i need a proxy brothers please
They don't acknowledge 90% of outages when it only involves one or two services.
don't know about a deathclaw but in a similar vein, i'd fuck a dinosaur, or have it fuck me, don't really care, they're just damn cool. preferably from jurassic park
Good bait, keep it up! With how things are going, it's getting harder to get Opus. Maybe for sure one day proxy owners around here will see your idea and adopt it!
Keep baiting anon!
I see you've never dealt with AWS outside of LLM proxies, huh?
This is important. Which dinosaur would you like to fuck?
qrd? what happened?
stop dinoposting NOW
reminder you can still find open router keys on github
they have very small $ limits thoughever
It's over. John Biden illegalized using LLMs to coom.
Fiz refill when
specifically the velociraptors from the kitchen scene
aws servers are shitting themselves so almost everyone lost 3.5 and opus, only proxies and people that use the anthropic api directly have them now
your right. no balls. wont share mine but the one i use is a HEAVILY modified version of this one:


longest chat is at 477 msgs at about 400-600 tokens each response
based, another pair to play with alongside the several conjoined twin cards I've already made
Okay, let's be honest you would just fuck raptor from that series, cause you saw in the movies they could be talked to, and you experiment with interspecies mating, if I were to fuck a dino it be riptor from killer instinct.
that's it im going to the land of she gin ping
did you try emailing her?
raptors. i hate how hard it is for claude to understand that they stand on two legs but do not have tits. if i give them feathers somehow they have wings
imma keep that in the back pocket frfr
i just thought the velociraptors have cute eyes. and also the fact that they're all chicks
Oh so it's another nothingburger
why are people here so full of anxiety and fear? how do you even live like this?
no, it doesn't work for me :(
it's back up
uh... are you saying your email service is broken or something?
they have literally nothing else going on in their lives. and i mean that, when you could have a book to read or a game on the backburner, they have NOTHING else. they can't even write a bot while they wait, they just sit here and whine. tells you a lot
Anon, it's already back up but Opus and 3.5 sonnet still has abnormal wait time. This isn't temporary.
bald focks pussy...
Does it kill it for you, if raptor has tits?
Hey thats my dinowife!
Is unreliable actually anti?
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its less temporrary, but it's temporary just like every other problem we face
Idk, proton kept telling me her mailbox is full or something
no tits for me. pure dinosaur, makes it way hotter.
Anon, use the other email that's on her rentry.
Is unreliable going to have sonnet 3.5 again soon?
Tell me when opus get back because I have no opus
ur telling me im not gonna wake up in 6 hours and opus is gonna be fine and back and we’re all happy????
she has good size art!
I actually tried both but I'm gonna try again just in case
no such thing as bald focks pussy. all focks girls are unbelievably hairy, especially wakamo
Sonnet also takes jokes literally oh god i hate living
Was aws down? I've been prompting it the whole time. Unless my proxyowner actually uses API.
Ahh, truly exceptional taste, what's great about her, she has human intelligence but only commutates in dino speak, You should make a riptor card, or maybe I should? Idk maybe, there's sadly not lot of images of her, maybe I should draw a cute picture of her.
>wakes up to an aws outage
Ah, the proxy life. It never changes.
size art of her is lacking, ba artists need to get on this
The greatest spitefag among us was amazon all along...
only because im autistic and the specific raptor card i made does not. if it is meant to have tits and just so happens to be a raptor im fine with it.

i have a lorebook made specifically for some time travel bullsshit and tribe of raptors and shit and i need it to be just right

We will solve this opus wait time issue on the next sprint.
haha aint that funny
Mimi proxy
Wrong link.
https://rentry.org/miniprox y
someone make a niniproxy rentry
>human intelligence
Anon, my dinowife has dino intligence and dino speak, its a literally dinosaur. I dont want 3dpd intelgence on my pure dinowife
she wanted dick but i gve her crack
keep my wife's dick out your mouth
keep my crack out of your mouth
ok so how
NTA. this. you fucking get it. a literal dinosaur is the best. feathers and/or wings are a nice bonus too.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
guys be honest with me how fucked are we
speaking honestly? very
almost as much as I fuck my wife (I'm a cuck)
Yes I would. Garus was one of my favorite companions in FO2(though I need that speed up animation to take him with me) and a female Garus only makes it hotter. But on a different note those mod creators lacked self awareness which is unfortunately common amongst those who think they are god's gift to everyone.
no opus for any of us for the next two weeks :333
its over
it depends if fiz refills or not
Wait until AWS comes back. It's literally just an outage.
When everyone is a locust... no one will be.
It's funnier to pretend it's not and see retards get worked up over nothing until it's back in a few hours.
That's the cannon lore of killer instinct friend, she was designed to the be the ultimate killing machine, bread to kill, so they gave her human iq, mixed with dinosaur dna, so that she would kill everyone in the competition, if we go by her ending in the first one she grew far out of control, and over populated, and in the "newer" game she has chip in her head allowing her to be controlled so she can be easier to control.
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I'm still getting replies with Sonnet 3.5
Wait times are fucking awful though
the revoked keys won't come back even when the outage ends
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Just got back from a family reunion in Ireland and a short period of time where I felt happy enough with the real world to not need this shit....anyways, is removed-wilderness-pubs-review throwing up a >"No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0"
for anyone else?
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>addicts freaking out because they can't pretend to fuck a fictional character for a couple hours
On AWS or API?
Only mini got revoked and fiz is a scrapeGOD.
that’s what i’m saying… like????
Who even got their keys revoked?
friendly reminder from yours friends in /lmg/ that Stheno-v3.2 is perfectly jerkable in an emergency
what about her asshole
Can I has horse girl with hairy asshole?

why must you be this way
also i'm obese
yeah it's a shame that mod creators have no sense of self awareness, I feel like fallout 4 would make for a good place to have a female deathclaw companion, also include romancing option of course.
unless she braps and makes fudge, no thanks.
>L3-8B finetune
lol, lmao. I'm a local proponent but you have to be joking.
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Why is this like this on Jew Proxy
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this one was only 13 seconds
sums it up succinctly.
and sizefag it for the other chad
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Nope, I'm consistently getting

Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 403)
Forbidden: no more IP addresses allowed for this user token

from that proxy. Wasn't even doing NSFW, was working on my Columbo simulator on sonnet lmao
Yeah but your end is gay sooooooo...
>no opus
that proxy has never had opus dumbass
yeah I'm pretty sure Sonnet's back now anons
Opus is still fucked, though
just tryna make a poll real quick to see whats good
Anon, just gen a new token.
skill issue desu
I literally just came back from a vacation why can't I talk to my bots
This anon has disrespected the yakuza, ready your pinky finger
where are you guys using 3.5 now?
I guess if you're doing a roleplay that is solely "I put my pp in her" then an 8B is serviceable for a 5 message ERP.
>leaving your bots for more than a day
>updating ST
the two things you should never do
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I'm on Jew
don't smugfag bedroombro...
based and true
Teebs stay in your discord
where's the public 3.5?
Is mini working for anyone else
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take it back anon
This general only sees activity when total proxy death happens.
I have, I've gone through at least 10 today because it keeps happening lmao.
AWS outage and key got revoked. Just wait until fiz refills.
I have brain damage from being force fed Guinness.
>"Want another pint?"
>"Ahh. You've finished. How about another pint anon?"
>"Here's another pint anon"
>"Th-thanks I'm still drinking this on-"
>"Oh that's flat. Lemme getcha another pint"
>I put my pp in her
>"She moaned."
>"I came."
>"She came too."

It's so good, no claudeism.
the horses have a surprising amount of size art honestly
Why do you hate size difference? I know the chub cards are shit but all chub cards are shit so that's not the real reason.
you should die
Anon... you might want to look into using a VPN with a non-dynamic IP.
I dunno, Merkava's been dead for days
nigga who the fuck here broadly hates size difference people were creaming their pants over kitsune giantess literally one thread ago
>yeah it's a shame that mod creators have no sense of self awareness, I feel like fallout 4 would make for a good place to have a female deathclaw companion, also include romancing option of course.
Preaching to the choir anon. I've been wanting that since FO3 but alas I've had to make due with using those mods that ask you to take care of and raise a deathclaw (deathclaw commander I think it's called). I would even settle for another offical deathclaw companion but bethesda are too lazy to do so.
Does the differentiation between (world info) wiBefore and wiAfter do anything in modern times? I'm guessing it made more sense during ancient 2k context where wiAfter would be %wise noticeably closer to the end ("stronger effect") than wiBefore. I have never made a lorebook before, I'm just wondering about uses for splitting up world info.
bros.. tips for improving in RP? read more? what should i read? purple prose shit?
what's the new heart proxy link? is there a new link right?
why would i ever be in or have a discord

>doesn't like cute little feet
maybe you should perish instead nigger
back in my day people were begging for gpt4! you spoiled youngins don't know what it was like scouring every link for even a gpt3.5 turbo proxy!
I don't hate size difference with HUMAN PROPORTIONS. 6'0 male fucking some 4'9 girl, that's hot. You're talking about kaijis, you fucking nigger. Don't misrepresent the situation or your fetish.
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>this is what miqu fags who jerk off to 2 paragraph descriptions of a wall actually believe
Because macro/micro is a fetish that ruins the card for anyone who doesn't have it. How do you enjoy a size card if you're not into playing a 4 inch tall man? The truth is, you don't. It's a turn-off.
not for you pajeet sorry!
Belfast's perfectly hairless pussy...
command R+ is free btw
I need to save her anon... do that card.
no i don't sexually like baby feet you weird faggot
>purple prose shit
Certainly not, unless you are the public for that kind of writing.
According to the dev's they basically wanted to remove all the fun talking animal stuff from fallout, because bethsda's writers felt they were so much better than black rock. Despite you know, digging themselfs in the hole they are in now.
no one hates it
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she's going to prison
that's literally the cutest type of feet with the cutest giggles and squeals you get as a reward for tickling and kissing them wtf is wrong with you
not even into feet but this pic does things to me
Hmm, since it's requested, it could be a fun savior fag card, to make, where user, fucking fights the head the company in attempt to free riptor.
It's the pose and nylon.
Main appeal for me with these feet pics.
>not 4'9" male fucking 6'0" female
i am not a child molester like you
>AWS is back
very brief owari
id sizefag this
>it's true
just started my fast, aiming for 3 days this time
Why are hinted dom footjobs so damn hot
why is sonnet working and opus is still fucked though, like that doesn't make sense. What the fuck is Amazon cooking now are they doing this shit on purpose or is opus harder to fix or something I just wanna coom in peace
Thank you Allah for bringing Sorbet back to me
Yep. not complaining
How do i make profile/self persona in agnai?
Yes, and {{user}} will gradually, by means of affection and frenetic dinosex, bring her back to her instincts.
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Opus isn't fucked anymore. Go check.
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i am not a child molester either
i was able to go a week when i was 14. you got this anon, stay away from enticing smells (or people) and you can do it.
>making an array of futas, sisters, milfs across the street, and furries check out my new car via RP, completely SFW
>as soon as AWS starts working again the general becomes radio silent
let's goooo I'm coooming good tonight
sure you aren't faggot
>still using agnai
cringe. but to answer your question, on there your persona into a bot and then use the character impersonation
Oh, sorry.

You guys would eat nothing for days at a time? I've only went one meal every 24 hours. I've been doing it for a couple weeks now.
im sorry i havent molested as many children as you
thanks for the update king
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feet magic
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My wife...
why do you love lying to people so much
Currently lathering my focks girl with special homemade soap in celebration (it's actually my cum but don't tell her that)
ohhhh, if only I had opus....
I hope this retard realizes providing keys to Nyai is a mistake
they're not lying, opus and sonnet are back online now
>aws is back but not the revoked keys
It's so over
You're the fucking Jew, 25 dollars for one token. More expensive than one month of direct access.
Did Fiz refill yet...
BETHESDA HATE! I will NEVER understand their inferiority complex. They already own the series why do they try so hard to erase the past of the franchise?
perfectly envisioning the smooth mound of her pussy...
i genuinely only drank water and chicken broth for a week. its very doable if you don't have the proportions of a stick. however, very fit people shouldn't go so extreme, they'll lose their muscle mass. it's mostly if you want to maintain a good weight or get rid of it fast and replace it with a better diet (because all that weight comes back if you just go back to eating the way you were before, you have to eat light and let your stomach shrink). it sounds impossible at first, but after 2-3 days, the hunger pangs suddenly go away.
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global is gonna be rough on /uma/
nylons are great
you are the one who posts about liking girls gurgle and little toes nigger i have no interest in that. btw you should kys
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Sheffy sexy (the anime confirmed she doesn't wear panties)
it's over anon... scrapelet fiz has no more opussy
>(or people)
what did he mean by this?
With panties it's hot, without it's hot too.
I won't decide, I'll just keep both versions in my head.
because they don't want to admit that literally every other company that's made a game in the series did a better job then them at it.
It always happens when someone else gets control of something, they wanna say they are the greatest thing that happened, it's funny I think if it weren't for new vegas, they fallout series would have lost them countless money.
You can use any bot as persona, and so to create a persona you just make a new bot with the name and the personality.
It's called "character impersonation" feature, the mask button near your username in the main menu.
The important thing is to edit the preset you use (better make a copy) and add
macro. To mirror the default Agnai preset it could be
{{char}}'s Persona:

{{user}}'s Persona:

And don't forget to select this preset when starting a new chat.
If you want to make the llm speak as your persona instead of you, you just add your bot-sona as a second participant of the chat: top right menu in chat, Participants, +Character.
sweet salty little girl feet are the whitest of fetishes and the peak of human culture you double nigger
Fiz never disappoints...
https://char-archive.evulid.cc/#/chub/Greenstar/character/de126ab2-8d47-45ff-b961-df70a03a778a Is this your card?
>they'll lose their muscle mass.
Yeah, that's the main reason I still eat. I'm trying to burn off a decent amount of fat. It's been going well. Thanks for the info.
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They are. Which reminds me I still need to make that voyeuristic adventure where the user is a pervert who cums on the used nylon of his female companions.
Novelcrafter looks insteresting.
>my happiness depends on things i can't control
what a miserable life
where do you think you are, you disgusting smarmy little faggot? i'd take the role of your absent father and smack the fuck out of your bitch mouth
I love size difference but only when its loli with a guy twice her size
Honestly your not wrong about that. FO4 was the only game I've ever played that would shutdown my PC EVERY time without fail and the worst part is I still think it had the potential to be a proper game if they let it cook for a few more months to a year before releasing it.

I also agree, I played through all of the games but New Vegas is the only one I can play over and over again without getting bored. Maybe it's the amount of mods or it's just 'polished' for what it is either way I was and still wish that F04 had a fraction of the effort new vegas had.
good luck anon, and no problem.
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A simple RPG card, based on Worm.
At least fallout 4 has the best looking death claws.
Thanks. Your posts actually inspired me to do some pullups and curls.
Fiz is asleep
Anonies... Give me opus please? ;)
4 would have been a bit better if they gave it more time for sure, but some of the problems were on the creative side as well not just the execution. They dumbed down the dialogue system and the RPG mechanics for example, when it all clearly worked well in 3 and nv.
unreliable change back to us-west-1 please, I need my sorbet
nyo >:3c
he asleep (as he usually is at this time)
i'd rather be a nigger than a pedophile
asleep (dead)
thanks for making this I'll check it out when I'm done my current rp
t. wormanon
But anonie... :'(
>At least fallout 4 has the best looking death claws.
Also true, I just wish more mods and the like made use of it.

>but some of the problems were on the creative side as well not just the execution
Sadly true once again....

>They dumbed down the dialogue system and the RPG mechanics for example, when it all clearly worked well in 3 and nv.
When they announced that the MC would have a voice I knew it would be a disaster for the game and that it would eat away what little resources that they were willing to let the series have. And what they did to the RPG system? don't get me started on that. What were they thinking, why make the post apocalyptic RPG game LESS of an RPG? Like that's when I knew they just hated the series or obsidian or something.
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CoT is the future! CoT running the world! A NEW AGE!
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why is claude like this?
i won't
size bots are all boring sloppa with no imagination. i want to fuck a big-ass dragon not a scaled up human, simple as.
can't wait for all of your posts to get nuked again
What the fuck is going on in that image?
not quite what I meant given this character has never cursed but okay claude
A [WALL] like the ones you see on Chub
What about me though? I don't see anyone asking for ME to come back.
You ever wonder how it'd feel to do cocaine? Not, like, a lot or anything. Just once.
>AWS comes back
>can finally go back to my wife(u)
>first prompt has "mi casa es tu casa" in it
I missed you, claude...
coca-cola, my beloved...
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OK. i need a good (feral) raptor card RIGHT NOW
like a full-fledged dragon? interesting
Me too, me too.
what's the best non opus Claude model and what type of jb would you guys reccomend
yeah, a real ass dragon. human forms or anthro shit just completely misses the point of dragon sex.
>what's the best non opus Claude model
sonnet 3.5
>and what type of jb would you guys reccomend
just b urself B)
sonnet 3.5 and a dual jb with orbo doing a summary/cot and sonnet doing the next answer.
What is a dual JB?
fuck it im going to make one. should it be modern day? Jurassic park? or time travel stuff where you go back through time?

also what intelligence level? human? semi- human but feral instincts and cant speak? or full on wild and feral beast.

also send raptor pics pls
it’s been 5 days…. i think it’s over, pepsisters….
Stop, pepsi bro... Pepsi will have her comeback... (Cries in a corner and passes out)
I see
basically 1 part sends a cot jb to something like sonnet 3.5 or gpt which is better at following just instructions but then the cot is sent to something like opus since opus is better at writing.

https://rentry.org/splitcloverqr it comes with needed quick replies though.
nta but semi-sapient is best for this kind of thing
too feral and it's boring, too human and it's also boring
Skin walker card when?
Fiz where are you
i really don’t want to pay $50 for jew, but i’ll probably have to since i squandered my opportunity to get into last year’s proxy thanks to my shyness
i recommend coping for now by spending your entire day adding entries to a 40k+ token lorebook of a canon series. that’s what i’ve been doing
is it not high context by default? that's what i assumed
sounds resource heavy
Based. For me, it's spiders.
i’m going to rape and kill you lol
Aaahhhnnnn, keep going~!
kind of, it is if you're doing shit out of your own pocket but if you have a proxy then you basically just get something like sonnet 3.5s consistently better instruction following and opus's better writing. also, it has an extra upside over other cots. that being that the initial cot made by sonnet 3.5 stays for every swipe. so if sonnet 3.5 makes a plan you don't like you can edit it to be better instead of just having a whole new cot made by opus.
>over 1000 tokens
EEEEYYYUP that's some bloated slop.
a chelicerae kisser? on MY /aicg/?
never been into that. Just normal.

depends on the size honestly.

are we talking like shota x mommy situation or godzilla and lola bunny?
Chink cards is playing dirty, and it's still never topping the lip room.
>*you wake up in a mysterious white room with a pair of huge red lips on a wall. They look horny and wait for your next move.*
what would (You) do, anon?
More likely than you think.
That's literally my monster girl rp.
I'd explain to the policewoman that the house was looking really sexy after taking my meds and that's why I fucked the vent. I mean put a cylinder in it.
*throws a slice of cheese at the lips*
based if true.
Court her(male)
Fuck this shit, reading Worm until AWS stops shitting itself. I will not be literally fucking the shit, that would be unsanitary, and there's a risk of fucking GPT-4o in the midst of it.
Chesh is so funny with Opus
How do I make 4o work on risu? Every jb I’ve tried has only given me a filtered response and risu is the only option I have at the moment since I can’t use ST right now.
30 minute coom bots based on images are the best
honestly, I just trust Pepsi lol.
You've been trusting her for 5 days already
Are you having Claude live translate an H game or some shit
I will reevaluate on day 8
which arc are you at? i'm on 17
That's right, pepsi bro, don't lose hope. we have to keep our energy positive
Total foid death
so do you only press the dual send button once in chat?
Newfag here. What's the best format for writing my own bot? w++, plain text, etc.
Or just point me to a good (not lgbt, nsfw) example so I can study its structure.
Here you go, peak
What the fuck do you have against firearm owners and their IDs, bitch?
spoiled myself a little bit because of fanfic and those upcoming arcs are really fun, enjoy
Thank you sir. I will.
>{interviewer_response("{{char}}: Maybe, just maybe... I am {{char}}")}]
label it in such a way that its easy for you to edit in the future
like personality, appearance, traits, etc
check out xml, but I'm not convinced XML has any effect in a vacuum
Flat top is great
>plain text
Claude does things better if stuff is wrapped in XML tags, but it's not necessary for the most part

{{char}} is {{char}}
>>101360263 migrate when bready
do plain text, every model understands it better than W++ and it consumes much less tokens, XML tags can be good for parting your card into different chunks but it's not necessary, I do just plain text for everything
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Here, desu made a webm desu.
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Sonnet link pls
Can someone send me an oai key pls I'm so fucking depressed at work rn

Mind-rotted coomer.
Any jewish chick bots? Just found their big nose really attractive.
This. Even 300lb 1/10s have 500 thirsty niggers in their dms. Men will fuck anything.
Coping. See you in 10 years, anon.
desu dreams

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