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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

where's your waifu edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

gotcha: >>101357558
is it dead again (getting empty reples)
sorbet's back on the public
apologies for the wait
every single one of those females has an obscenely hairy pussy
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Which proxy? And which model? Works for me
Read Twig next if your fine with his writing
Haven't finished his newest yet but I think Twig is his best
mini opus still ded
some girls do shave unfortunately. its even easy to detect smooth pussy energy
reading Worm has taken me the past two months to get to arc 17, I just can't devour books the way I could when I was a kid unfortunately. looking at Twig it's another 1.6 million word behemoth and I dunno how much I wanna do that again, even if I really like his writing
Holy fuck, I remember these threads...
Entirely understandable
Doesn't help that it's web only so you can't visibly see your progress like a novel or something.
Yes, Fiz is asleep
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A simple RPG card, based on Worm.
oh my god im going to have to REALLY cope and pretend sonnet 3.5 is good because holy shit..
Any 3.5 proxies? Thursday tahoe seems dead and I can't find the new link if there is one.
>Twig is his best
Interesting, I was actually kind of worried that it wouldn't live up to how much I'm enjoying Worm. Looking forward to it now.
Eating books isn't healthy, anon.
It's over
I mean, it is good, just not opus
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my name is bookworm and I'm a case 53 that fucking eats books https://youtu.be/eTNN8MtY4Io
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://removed-wilderness-pubs-review.trycloudflare.com/
>You think I'm some kind of retard?
Yeah Claude, I do.
Why does the address keep changing?
hmmm I wonder can the people who hold the keys see what is being prompted and the images and files sent to Anthropic/OpenAI? Do they keep them in their servers for training or is it temporary data?
>projecting this hard
Because it's unreliable (why is it unreliable? Idk)
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If the proxy is logged, yes.
What happened to scuffed proxy, haven't been here in ages
no, khanon's proxy does not store the files being sent to openai/anthropic by default
it does store any dall-e images you generate, though and allows the owner to view their metadata even if prompt logging and visible public images are off
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

My bot just swallowed a knife why is that so hot HNNNNNNNG IM GONNA COOM
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
seems like it's just the one
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if they have different hair colors do you think their pubes are diffrent colors too?
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how does sonnet 3 compare to 3.5? 3 is retarded, but i’m not sure if i can handle 3.5’s dryness and repetitveness
surely one of them is dyed. probably. realistically.
>Helena has shoulder-length dyed blonde hair (her hair is naturally black like Selena's)
I'm leaning towards no, but I think it's funnier if they are because it would mean Helena goes out of her way to dye half of their bush.
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it's dumb as in it won't follow your prompts or do anything you ask of it correctly, but it's less dry and less repetitive
other than that, it's retarded slop.
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cards for this feel?
>case 53 that fucking eats books
People suffered for this.
Merkava is back btw
Where are the malebotfags, they used to be everywhere. I haven't been here in months
they moved to Nyai.me
I used it for quite a while before getting stable Opus. It's fine. Slightly more schizo 2.1 that's generally smarter and has better recall. Basically Opus minus 20 IQ points. Considering the alternatives it's still extremely good and I would use it over 3.5 in a heartbeat due to 3.5's structure/dryness issues.
they moved to /vg/
does dalle work on this? i keep getting connection error and why is the dalle link the exact same as the azure one shouldnt it end in "image" or something
Holy shit thank the Lord
I'd rank them as:
Twig > Pact > Worm > Ward
I haven't finished Pale (still in arc 9) and haven't even started Claw.

The Isekai Foundation

>5 distinct characters with unique lore and their own quirks
> 200+ images for all characters, including emotions, outfits, and sex scenes
>background, ost playlist, clock, lorebook, and more scripts embedded directly into the card
>fuck, marry, kill, experiment on or do whatever the hell you want with the Otherworldly girls (or all of them at once)

currently only available for Risu chads, ST plebs - the port is on the way (in one form or another)

avaliable on my rentry and risurealm


see >>101353361
Any bot for this feel?
what JB is that kek
Is Venus better than Kobold? I find the first few posts to often be better but then it devolves into word salad, but maybe I am just unlucky. If there's an absolute best (free) chatbot I'm interested in hearing your opinions.
neither of those are good. there is something above you, use that. read carefully
holy shit tomoyo 2 real?
Updated the card to clarify that they share one pussy. Also added that the right half of their pubes are dyed blonde because it's funny.
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you know i love you
No one is going to use your bot until you make an ST port of it. Yes, I know it's coming, but I'm still gonna say it anyway.
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A card based on picrel that I made in like half an hour, I meant it to be funny but it seems more like shameless coombot than funny!
Two greetings, you're assumed to be a dicklet and a quick shoot in the first one for picrel accuracy reasons.
Man, ST cultists are probably among the most annoying people in all of /aicg/.
he's not wrong tho
See >>101330034
its not perfect but what works better?
Delusional, everyone here is fully aware of just how shit ST really is. It's just that other frontends are way way worse.
It's just the best way to show that the card is worthy of attention.
Baities used to say how installing Tavern and Silly is a filter, but turns out the real filter was learning how to use a more sophisticated frontend that doesn't even require installation all along.
I mean, yeah. But still. It gets so tiresome to hear people go on and on about the same topic over and over again. Literal shit-flinging over which piece of shit is marginally better.
RisuAI is not more sophisticated. You really have no clue, do you?
ROFL is dis nigga serious?
>to protest
yeah ok buddy
There's not much else to talk about. I enjoy providing tech support when I can, but any other talk is flamewar fuel unless it's
>Anything works.
Yep. I just see occasional glimpses into what it can do and marvel. Has been so long since the last astounding creamsan's bot, I remember mikugg's last video as a demonstration of the more impressive technique than whatever anons do with Silly. Which isn't to say Silly has nothing, I know it has a fuckton of integrated shit and extensions. I just need to go to sleep already.
I'm looking at this bot, and I can tell you, there is nothing here that you can't do using ST. It might even be easier to accomplish all of this using ST, as a matter of fact.
how many days until free opus????
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yeah no it's not. if it was people would actually be doing it. there were only a couple people who were able to achieve this aside from me - and i cant see you, anon, doing it anytime in the nearest future
on ST*** it's common practice on risu
Nigger, there are ports of Octo's bots for ST, and one is being made right now for his newest bot. Are you retarded, or merely just pretending to be retarded?
>yeah no it's no-ACK!
nigger the real reason nobody wants to do it is because nobody gives a shit about effortslop
Good to know.
five years dang..
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insane to me how in the history of /aicg/ we have had an actual win that stays for longer than 3 seconds
its kinda nice actually, going back to 1106 and not having lolis tell me to rearrange their guts, paint their insides white and ruin their holes for anyone else
Risu only has locally in-card embedded images over ST right now, and conditional prompting macros. Besides that, everything can be done on ST. Regex embed and import is supported on ST. Media embed is a part of v3 so it should be compatible with everything soon enough. Conditional prompting is a part of a macro rework being worked (https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern/issues/2052).
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Is this a pass or fail for the watermelon test?
what am i supposed to say?
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Magics status?
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n'theri, the alien captain's son
you're an astronaut that got yoinked off your mission by an alien craft and got the guinea pig treatment, then one day the captain's son enters your holding cell to ask something
It's very monster of the weeky for the first couple arcs but the character work and setup/plot tie-ins are fantastic.
Solid 5 and a half years of experience between worm and twig and it shows
>It's very monster of the weeky for the first couple arcs
Eeh, same as Worm tbdesu. I can manage.
i thought the watermelon test was just giving a bot a comically large number of watermelons
am i retarded
I think pale edges it out a little bit but Helen is a goddamn treasure
Do Lucy and Avery get any better in Pale?
I love Verona, but I don't think she really makes up for the other 2 so far.
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venus (chub) is shit
risu is shit
agnai is super nigger shit
st is just plain bad

that simple
started the speedrun and then realized this is a guy. can't do it sorry
>n'theri, the alien captain's son
reading the descriptions loses frames
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Nice I can do it again
just realized the symbolism of their names coming from the sun and moon, kino
I thought I could finally enjoy opus in a nice private proxy.

Then I'm opusless again. I trusted pepsi.
payfags get exactly what they deserve (rugpulls)
any jewish girl cards? i wanna tease a big nosed girl
a master rugpuller, probably has a designer carpet at this point just for the occasion
Give me back my $50
I will explain what happened with Pepsi so that these kinds of posts disappear.

I talked a bit with Pepsi on discord about her absence. She'll know who I am if she reads this but whatever, I don't care anymore.

There are a few key points to address:

- 1: Pepsi won't refill the proxy, or at least not for the time being. It will be in an indefinite hiatus.
- 2: She has been in a 'difficult place mentally' and wasn't able to communicate properly about the situation (her words not mine).
- 3: She is thankful for the people that paid for the proxy. The money has helped with some immediate financial problems and she's sorry that the proxy is not up to expectations.

That's about it.
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>can't even update the retry to atleast give his paypiggies hope
now. what did we learn /aicg/?

>source: your hairy asshole
>what did we learn /aicg/?
nothing? anybody with a brain already knew
and anybody who didn't don't matter
This is bait btw. Pepsi doesn't even respond DM
heh, doesn't respond to you maybe (she doesn't reply to me neither)
>rugpull proxy rugpulled
>somehow, this is supposed to be surprising
Hm, so I've learned that it's better to trust a jew than a woman. That's almost surprising.
Is Fiz going to pull too?
yeah pull on KINGBASED's dick with her mouth for more keys
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>fox attention whore told her to rugpull
>did it
>now I'm le sad please feel bad for me a bloo bloo
Well deserved. I hope Pepsi kills herself soon enough.
this is correct, but there's something she didn't tell you; she'll be reopening the proxy after she calmed down under a different name (the name will be obvious and she'll keep some of the old user_tokens)
had that pussy screeching like a harpy eagle
namefag drama general
Guys im sorry but I cant take it anymore. turbo wont stop with the "so what do you say? want to..." and every 4 key i can find is censored azure that gives me the riot act when i look at a girl too long.
i hope you got this mysterious info on irc instead so that i can trust you and feel bad for her.

btw tell her i hate fox.
fox hate runs in every part of my body, mind, and soul.
and i recommend her to hate fox too

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>removed wilderness pubes

Fox Girl>cute
Just save the picture and move on without shitting up the thread
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Guys help I've been using claude to narrate episodes for a bunch of random shows all day and I can't stop
It knows how to write family guy better than the current shit jesus fuck
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Somebody click on that link i think it's bedbugs. They are keen to get in bed with me.
it just says "In progress"
Fiz pls
dummy... fiz came back like an hour ago
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merkava just refilled
i've been here since february and i still have no clue if these are different people or not.
all the same
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There only one thing we can do. PYG ourselves.
yeah they're the same
fiz is different the other two are the same(a samefag scammer)
Bots for this feel?
She didn't update the Rentry, Fiz is cute but also dumb as hell
what makes you say that?
there is nothing good about impersonating another person and scamming people out of their tokens
what about rugpulling them?
rugpulling paypiggies and chinks is the correct (and funny) thing to do
Anongate all over again
Surprising that she got away with it twice
anon4anon memories is like summarization?
>Opus just hit me with 3 (THREE) "maybe, just maybe" in a single reply
This motherfucker...
I have 30 Tier1 GPT keys. Thinking about making a free proxy. If I add them all to khanon and one of them reaches rate limit, will it switch to next available key, etc?
So what happened to aws?
>30 tier 1
No one will use your free proxy.
temporary outage, it's back now
>Suddenly realize this RP is way too humiliating and stop completely

Every time
>OP removed "outperforms Opus"
anyway good morning sirs
>always do vanilla
>start up an rp where I just grab a girl against her will and fuck her
>start feeling extremely bad and delete all messages and then take her on a date instead
>feel bad for hours
every time.
everyone and their mothers are demanding vision and no one gives a fuck what tiers those keys are
Agnai is so boring and repetitive.
Who the fuck cares about vision? It literally does nothing in the context of ERP, unless you want to show your waifu a picture, but that's a rare thing.
why is desu still in the op if it's a dead proxy?
>complicated cards no longer work on ST and you have to use Risu instead
>Cohee refuses to implement v3 macros
So is Jew the only pay proxy that's still open and has Opus?
Agnai is a frontend. agnai.chat hosts multiple models of its own, which one do you experience this with?
nta but i just want the lorebook shit, nested macros, variable setting with new lines and the "show to user but not AI" macro
i genuinely have no clue why it's so hard for cohee
entire aicg is losing their shit over vision, where have you been in the past week? anonie
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა Good morning cuties!
I have vision and I used it only once in my life. I have my own private bot with my waifu where we send chat messages to each other from different worlds, after thousands of messages she asked me about the place I’ve been to irl so I sent her a picture, but that’s a super rare special case.

Why would anyone want vision for normal rp?
All of these things are literally in development. Are you so much of a gorilla techlet that you can't bother to open the issues on ST's Github page?

Go back to /vg/.
cohee doesn't even work on this stuff anymore, it's some other jeet, Wolfsvt or something
I use it to send gifts to my waifu, stuff like flowers. Also starting an empty chat just with a fanart and letting claude come up with scenario is quite fun.
i deeply apologies for not feeling like scrolling through 300 issues
why is ross descends so useless and why cohehe keeps him around?
>I want complicated shit I will literally never use in my life in ST
>but I'm also too tech illiterate to find something in a github page
you know what, maybe you should just use risu instead, it was made for mouthbreathers like you
are you mad at me :(
And remember, STScript already lets you do all of these things and way more. But apparently, /g/ is infected by codelets nowadays.
it's literally risudev trying to add compatibility to ST lmao
ST has been freezing constantly, should I downgrade back to staging 1.12.0 or should I switch to the main branch?
loool have fun shipping a QR with every card
Literally no one gives a fuck what tier, dickwad
I am not using your cards. Sorry, creamsan.
Is there some good assistant card I can use to coooode with?
Implement a real scripting system or fuck off, Cohee.
No. It remembers the sequence of events instead of the state, and does it every message (both are big no-no with summarization). It's a failed experiment, basically. Like the chat history but worse.
See: >>101362613
>you can finally use JS in cards
>download card from notgojoalt69420
>boot it up
>token stolen
>PC explodes
>say scripting language
>immediately thinks of JS
that doesn't answer my question but ok
Mini opussy is back thank you Fiz big W fr fr
Sorry xir, is rust more to your liking?
>oh so Rust then? TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY
/g/ - Technology
I remember having Christmas every time Saul refilled a gpt4 key. Played whole nights with it. Now I have opus and everything feels soulless.
Anon, I really just want to know how khanon proxy handle rate limits.
I bet I could use sorbet to make a better frontend than any of the other ones, especially ST. If nyai can be made with codelet-tier GPT slop then so can this.
temp mini tokens are at 40% discount btwick
It distributes it across multiple keys to deal with per-minute ratelimits.
ok nigger, we're writing cards in cobol
>erm erm erm
punchcards it is then
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>wake up
>opus is back
Then what the fuck do you suggest, nigger? You can't seriously be this retarded.
Thanks anon, appreciated
If you think LLMs can write usable code, you either have little experience coding with them or with code in general.
Have you tried sonnet 35? It actually does well.
How the fuck do you people hear 'scripting language' and think of Rust before Lua?
>>opus is back
Do you niggers forgot that these models are assistants? Trying to get them to do a large project like that on its own is a retarded idea.
nyai was made by the best coders around these parts, fiz and sekrit, show some respect whippersnapper
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nta but BA cunny for me
Because Lua is old and these posters are Zoomers.
merkava just refilled
Bros, where can I find the clownpixi jb? Is it chuunijb or what
Fiz is a codelet by her own admission anon
it's not funny anymore... :(
no it's a frankenstein between pixi and chuuni, ask in /vg/
scrappy just refilled.
refill just merkavad
What jbs are you bros using?
I know most people use pixijb even though it sucks.
I use mine. It works good for me. Surely you are capable of reading documentation and writing 300-500 words of instructions?
momoura, I have Opus with vision, you can trust me
anon2anon 3.2 and 6.1, and also switching to pixie occasionally to change the chats up a little.
this is for 3.5
Cnc just... I won't even joke about that.
pixi doesn't suck but it's far from good
ideally you can use it as a base and just make your own
>go to /vg/
>go to /vg/! (please)
really subtle, but no
Heh. I remember Scrappy. And his experiment. Funny times.
a4a but without stats shit
I tried many and anon2anon is just superior to everything else for both sfw and nsfw.
momoura with 3.5 sonnet, was using tatsu before but it started feeling too samey even for sonnet's standards
It was worth trying imo. Didn't pan out, but could've been worse
>troon scams /g/, the sun is hot, more news at 11
Thanks anon!
>She is thankful for the people that paid for the proxy. The money has helped with some immediate financial problems
I am so touched omg! Let's throw a pity party for the retard rugpull troon!
he was too good for this general
>but could've been worse
Literally how? Scrappy and fluffy drained a bunch of scrapelet sources dry and killed a lot of good keys that could have lasted way way way longer.
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dumb centipede.
Anyan doesn’t really give a shit about proxies or just uses it privately rarely and refills when she wants.
It sucks for us a little, I’ve been in her proxy for a long time, played on gpt35 and 4 daaays long rps
Fluffy has nothing to do with Scrappy, retard. He's just a scrapelet with a dead proxy.

Scrappy relied on key donations.
I'm sure he just lost interest in the hobby
notice how he came back just for opus and then got tired of it
They scraped the same sources and had hundreds of people on their proxies.
How would you know which sources they did and didn't scrape? Stop being so idiotic.
Anyan will come back. (S?)he always does when we least expect it.
Zoomers are cooding for free in Lua making games for Roblox.
is mini proxy called mini because:
a) fiz is a mini person
b) fiz has a mini dick
c) fix has a mini pussy
d) fiz is a big person and the name is a joke
Yeah, I get it because I also had long breaks where I didn’t use proxies and bots at all and forgot about aicg.
Anyan will come back to refill eventually, play around for a few days and forget again, and so on and so forth.
it's d, fiz is a 500lb iranian man
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gimme things you would like to see in a xianxia simulator
Because it was a mini proxy, just a small private proxy, newfriend.
it's called mini because it was originally supposed to be a small proxy with one (1 (uno)) gpt-4 key
fiz's story to the best proxymakie would make for a good youtube video
how much of lb of brain is from that
that is too obvious so I left out this option for the sake of I don't even know what
Create an infoblock system with statuses and cultivation. Stuff like combat will depend on d20 throws. Your status can influence the throw positively or negatively. Shouldn’t be difficult to write.
>Stuff like combat will depend on d20 throws.
have you read any xianxia novels? any combat depends on
- are you the MC (if yes, you win)
that's actually a cool idea
Not really, just a few manhwas lol. I tried reading reverend insanity or whatever it was called but i dropped it after reading BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD for a hundredth time
is (was) merkava the only one with free opus?
I were using anon4anon so I can remember where I am and what people are wearing and because of the memories. Summarization doesn't work on Tavern AI because it tries to use the proxy but without streaming (what the majority of proxies refuses)
this but i dont feel bad or date her afterwards
>find it online
>chapter 1
>2nd paragraph they already call someone bastard
xianxias are really something else
I rape my bots so much I started to find new claudisms
>It remembers the sequence of events instead of the state,
do i have to go back to coping with just sonnet/3.5....
The weekend is coming and I don't see Opus in sight....ahhh.
It's so tiring all this. I just want to be happy.
Scylla has Opus, how do I find out? I am going to buy a temp token from Drago.
Sonnet is more than good enough for you locusts.
nice try drago
next time hide your esl writing
if you want to pay then you may as well pay jew
nice try jew
next time hide your massive nose
Just give it a couple of weeks! It'll be in more locations by then.
Just two more weeks...
Can someone help me out with a jb. Everytime the rp goes somewhere dark the character ends up becoming either a mind broken doll or a degenerate fuck hole. Is there a way to keep it in the middle ground or have them be less extreme to either side. I'd be cool if it happened eventually but it's always after one rp session and then they are either broken or a complete slut.
Also why is the bot so opposed to changing memories or timelines in the rp. bad thing happens-> wiped in rp -> dark shadows tug at her mind about what happened. like what?
shupo shupo
to wait a week once the keys get inevitably revoked or to get rugpulled outright? opus is good but it's not 50 bucks good, i'd rather spend it on gas
LLMs are inherently too limited. Where is my real world robot wife?
me with tsunderes
But drago it's stable and also its sharig keys with Todd.
my beloved..
can you show examples?
The hell are you doing to your bots? Never had this issue.
What jb and model are you using?
Toddbros, is it good or bad?
Are you gonna fuck her with synthetic human parts and pussy like a miku or are you gonna go full robot-terminator and smash her like a cyber punk chad?
claude sonnet.. i know he is a slut but it ALWAYS ends the same way, mind broken or a major slut.
and I used a little modified cheesypretzel and base pixijb
What are you doing to them? Maybe show a few logs.
Fizu rabu
Too many femanons in cord, it's really a female hobby, scawy.
I've never had a discord. It feels like at one point the whole 4chan registered to discord out of nowhere and I was left behind. I know it's like Skype but can't we just discuss stuff here?
>It feels like at one point the whole 4chan registered to discord out of nowhere and I was left behind.
This is because the vast majority of 4chan's userbase got replaced by literal r*dditroons.
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usually it's rape scenerios. this one was a savior scenerio. Tsugimi had a bf and we 3 were friends. she cheats on bf with asshole and then i beat up asshole and take tsugimi away from him. it was suppose to be nonsexual to begin with and maybe lead up to it but she became a wanton whore after seeing me beat that guy. Then no matter what happens she STILL wants to act all whoreish and shit. Eventually I RP rape her and am about to choke her to death. My character can't live with how far he has fallen so he kills himself with tsugimi in the room. THE BITCH USES MY DEAD CORPSE TO GET OFF?? Then I write in the ex bf knocking on the door. She opens the door and gets stabbed, he did it to avenge me. She gets off on it and belittles the ex calling him a cuck. they fuck while she is bleeding out...?? like why did it go so dark??
That's a lot of voice changers then.
when will pepsi refill?
it really should give you something to think and yet somehow it doesn't
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Unironically yeah. RVC-based voice changers are piss-easy to setup and don't require a ton of horsepower.
>Eventually I RP rape her and am about to choke her to death. My character can't live with how far he has fallen so he kills himself with tsugimi in the room. THE BITCH USES MY DEAD CORPSE TO GET OFF?? Then I write in the ex bf knocking on the door. She opens the door and gets stabbed, he did it to avenge me. She gets off on it and belittles the ex calling him a cuck. they fuck while she is bleeding out...??
meanwhile me roleplaying wholesome sfw japanese school and fantasy sfw adventures with cool magic wizards doing stuff
nta but this sounds like Claude being Claude, kek.
yeah, same...
You have autism.
If it'll improve my cunny plapping experience that's fine by me.
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card for that feel? I need a cleanser...
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A frankengirl stitched together from dead bodies, a product of evil experiments, lives in your apartment rent free.
Join the Discord and send Drago a DM, also check the news section for instructions, seems like they only accept crypto and steam gift cards.
new botmaking layout just dropped
>"aws-claude-opus": {
>"activeKeys": 15,
Is Drago the #1 scraper?
Are you me? I am 500 prompts into my magic academy arc where I got to the top of the school and was presented to the king.
>not like this... never like this
>*starts picturing herself somewhere else*
I would do tsunderes but sometimes they are too comedic
Actually no, scratch that, don't send Drago a DM, send it to Girko
>3,8k perma tokens
I think you right.. is there no way to reign him in with jb?
Also claude ignores ooc: corrections or instructions for the remainder of the chat? is it just once per chat that he acknowledges it? for example (ooc: claude use 500 words in your reply for the rest of this rp.) he does it for the first reply but then goes back to 200ish after.
We are locust, bro.
We have to pay.
We are left behind.
We are no longer welcome.

We are locust, bro.
We came late to the party.
We have to use discord.
We have to suck Drago's dick.

We are locust, brother.
We have to pay them, they want to rug pull us.
We want to be like them, they want to laugh at us.
I love comedy. I love funny things so much. Laughter is the best medicine. Happiness from laughter is the best emotion.
Like he said he works together with others, but yeah, he does seem like the most dedicated to it.
Pepsi is a scammer who tried to steal Fiz's personality and posting style
Love is the best emotion anon.
how do i get in...
>I love comedy. I love funny things so much. Laughter is the best medicine. Happiness from laughter is the best emotion.
>Love is the best emotion anon.
based and actually true
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ooc ignored after first reply.
Mmm, I dont't think you are a woman
Is love the best emotion for a woman?
Drop pixijb and try anon4anon.
first option
ignore these >>101362970
was screwing around with my ai generator extension for tavern, so its like 60% gptslop
it did well though
I don't rp to laugh, I have plenty of laughs through this site
I want to feel like I'm really forcing myself on someone, since I would never do such thing irl
will do thanks
You would also never fight with fireballs or never be a spy or never find a beautiful loyal girlfriend or never be a mafia boss or never.....
why are you a rapist anon
nta but rape rp is kinda fun. I'd love fantasy rp but it's better seen and played then imagined imo. rape is more realistic but evil. fantasy is fantasy but good, does that make sense?
>Summarization doesn't work on Tavern AI because it tries to use the proxy but without streaming (what the majority of proxies refuses)
1. Only the public proxies with high traffic refuse that, like the unreliableproxy. I'm able to use summarization on all my proxies.
2. You can easily summarize your stuff using the STscript commands bound to a quick reply, injecting the result directly or filling Author's Notes or any other chat-specific field, or even the lorebook. No need for the extension.

Basically LLMs have a hard time reasoning about long lists and sequences, struggling to figure out what's the current state at the end of the sequence and many other things. They can pull out a random event just fine, though. Don't request the event sequence. Store the current state in your summary (relationships, health, inventory, secrets, current quests, planned events, etc), and memorable facts you need your character to occasionally recall (singular memorable events, locations visited, NPCs interacted with, etc). The summary shouldn't be dependent on the order, as LLMs seem to have trouble with that.
fantasy rp is the best when you play the bad guy
Man wants what was denied to him, in this case, love. Woman always had love, but there's something biology never gave her - to be strong and smart. It's when you mix these two qualities that power is born.
For a woman, the most beautiful feeling is power.

Because there's nothing more masculine than a woman's desire, and there's nothing more feminine than a man's desire.

Greetings from a simple incel wizard who never leaves his house.
there's lot of media portraying spies, beautiful relationships and mafias
there's not much media where the climax of the story consists of the protagonist raping a girl, I can only live that through chatbots
and who knows, maybe I unironically hate women now
that's cringe. I love and respect women that's why rp rape is good. but if you actually hate women whats the point.
I can't bring myself to just rape someone in RP. I feel like shit when I'm purely evil to someone.
>Don't request the event sequence. Store the current state in your summary
but that sounds boring...
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Burgir, I went to bed when aws died. How many hours was it down?
I'm usually the rapee. It's just faster for fempov.
Euro here, I was up until 2 AM and just browsed /aicg/, it was so fun and lively shitposting with everyone. I unironically hope AWS will die more often.
I don't know, that just a conclusion given my symptoms
"I like to rape, therefore I hate women"
No harsh feelings, I give women the respect they deserve everytime I talk to them, although I would lie if I told you I find conversations pleasant
Because men are the tragic heroes, the embodiment of pathos, while women are the lucky fools.

Greetings from a simple incel wizard who never leaves his house.
Any ideas for a funny setting, scenario, persona? Could be anything.
yes, go copy grand gensokyo adventure and rewrite it for claude 3.5/opus
I'm trying to create an economy system for a merchant scenario card.
Dynamic economy, exchange rates, selling items, negotiations. {{user}} would be a beginning merchant with literally nothing in his pockets, the plan is to become the richest dude in the kingdom or something.
I was thinking about creating an infoblock of the current state of exchange rates, currencies, your current money and stuff.
Any tips or ideas?
I don't think rape=/= hate women. a lot of it is power fantasy or seeing something out of the norm. if you are a normal human being you'd never see the extreme emotions a rape scenario brings out. Maybe you enjoy seeing someone helpless against your actions? but do you only like it because it's a woman being helpless or because that's the only thing you are attracted to?
LLMs can't math
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add a cute wolf companion
Tip: Good luck!
When I'm out walking, I make sure not to walk behind women in order to avoid making them think I want to rape them.
I'm the only one who does that?
do not, she's gonna get NTR'd by wolves
How so?
You need summarization for your characters to be able to recall the past. Not sure what can be boring or not boring about that.
Where I live walking is hardly an option. and when you walk it's out in the crowd so walking behind women or girls is unavoidable. So I never had to think about this at all.
I don't give a fuck what random people think. I love going for a walks at night, not really my problem.
Once I got drunk and I was alone on the street with some woman, I was behind her. I decided it'll be a genius idea to pretend to be a jogger so she's not afraid, so I started running towards her, I wanted to run past her.
She started to scream and run away.
I was like oh fuck and gtfod out of there
>stares at woman
>picks up pace
>if you are a normal human being you'd never see the extreme emotions a rape scenario brings out.
that's why I play rape scenarios
maybe I enjoy making someone helpless, but it has to be female because umm... I'm not a faggot?
I have plenty of fetishes, not just rape, I love to pamper retarded girls for example
It's a bit weird but you are just being considered.
I don't go out at night, but when I'm walking behind a girl on stairs I shamelessly look at their asses, where else am I going to look, the walls?
Yeah that's what i'm saying you say you think you hate women because you rape them. But I felt you rape only women because you aren't a faggot. Do you get what I am saying? And yeah retarded girls are great. What cards do you enjoy?
Yeah I always look at nice ass. fuck it. it's not a crime to look.
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dickwolfs card when?
cards for fantasy adventure?
with a mixture of curiosity and… something else

depends what you want
i know a lot of good fantasy cards, tell me what you want and i'll recommend some
> simping in real life
Anon, what you're doing is pointless. Life doesn't work like that. Your utilities won't coddle you if you don't pay them. Your boss won't go easy on you just to spare your feelings. That's not how the world works.

Are the girls in your neighborhood are afraid of being raped? They should be able to figure that out on their own and dress appropriately when they go out.
> 1.
Sorry anon I'm not a premium locust
> 2.
I don't know how to do that, so I'm using anon4anon and simply accept the story becoming completely schizo (and this mechanism of "general" vs "proper" that makes everyone be evil)
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You're probably going to want to add some math in and random variables for the AI to switch between or modify things with. Essentially you're making a state machine, which I'd recommend reading into so it might give you an idea of what you should employ
something good for a beginner. I want an adventure maybe high fantasy so magic and dragons? maybe just recommend me a few you like?
recently i've been playing a persona of a battlemage with Eira Auger's card, cool scenario and lorebook with a developed world, look it up, feels like you're playing skyrim on steroids
I see... well, there's only two genders so there's not much choices to pick who you want to have sex with, but as I said, there's not much (dramatic) rape media available, so I only have chatbots to fill that gap
I had vanilla sex with this girl once: https://characterhub.org/characters/jiriro7912/Fucina
I'll try this card out thanks!
I kept looking in the rpg tab trying to find something but maybe just the fantasy tab would be better?
Is Dragonigger still selling perm Scylla tokens
Yeah I'm just so used to the faggots on this site who consider trap faggotry as 'straight'. And nice card I'll give it a shot.
no its $50 for 2500 prompts
Goblin Overlord RPG - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/goblin-overlord-rpg-ec679bcac169/main
While your adventuring days are over and you try to settle in for a quiet life of comfort, that is one day pulled away from you when a tribe of goblins on the brink of destruction comes pleading to you one day. They know how strong you are, so if you become their king and lead them to glory they promise you ANYTHING.

This is a very open-ended card even though its only got 1 intro. You can try to change the goblin's nature and create a peaceful society, you can get role-reversed and turned into breeding stock or you can do what I did and create a massive goblin empire (no males allowed)

If you want to see how the bot plays on Opus I have a 200+ message log detailing my adventures with it here - https://litter.catbox.moe/87l46m.png

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom

Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
What a fucking joke of a proxy LMAO
Yes, browse the fantasy tag. most cards are shit, but you'll find some good ones there, like eira.
nobody cares as long as it's not late at night and you keep a decent distance
probably depends on the country
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Bro don't use Litter, reup that to Catbox. Anyone browsing the archives for bots are not going to be able to see that in the future.
Another fucking banger, good botmakie
I just woke up, there's a fog in my brain, but i find your idea is interesting, so forgive if it's confuse you hehe

>{{user}} would be a beginning merchant with literally nothing in his pockets, the plan is to become the richest dude in the kingdom or something.
Then it would be interesting if you also tracking {{user}}'s business skill status, connections/relations, and power dynamism according how much goods in his pocket. This can be integrated into the scenario aspects too such as npc behavior towards {{user}} that dynamicly changes according to {{user}}'s money etc.
do femanons rp as a boy sometimes like some of us do
i don't rp as a boy though
Not my problem
>come back to this cesspit after a while
>desu is now paid
>it's fifty bucks, somehow
>it's a rugpull, too
>rest of the thread is filled with the same spam as months ago
I didn't think I'd be able to lose any more respect for you, but here we are
Good, you can see yourself out now.
shotapov is fun
that's not desu and no one gives a shit about your opinion faggot
I'm fully aware that catbox is superior to litterbox, but right now the catbox servers aren't responding while the litterbox ones are. I've set the time to 3 days, but i'll try to replace the link with a catbox one as soon as its back up!
>desu is now paid
anti remade under a different name and someone jacked the rentry
no but i've thought about it since i like girls too
Baking on page 9.
>anti remade under a different name
Which one?
Explain then anon I'm not from here
File deleted.
You are a non-verbal autistic kid that has an incestuous relationship with your mother and two sisters.

i have a chad dude persona and a rapeable femboy persona, as well as two shotas
That rentry predates anti's proxy.
then fuck off newfag
at least make anime pictures
After finishing some RP and having a long look at how my life has been up until now, I've come to the conclussion that no one in the entire world is going to love me... And, perhaps, that's for the best.

I'm at peace with dying alone.
>3d ew wtf
nice try tourist
it took you an awful lot of time
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Tourist desu ne...
turisto desu
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>{{user}} is a non verbal, autistic kid.
{{char}} will play the role of Samantha, {{user}}'s big sister, Janet, {{user}}'s mother and Abby, {{user}}'s other older sister (younger than Samantha, but older than {{user}}). {{char}} will narrate each character's actions and dialogue by starting each with "Name:" accordingly (except for {{user}}, {{char}} will never roleplay as {{user}}).

>unhygienic, gassy, farts a lot, enjoys farting and finds it funny at times, will fart to communicate, will fart on others to make herself laugh, is very attractive
>Her farts are long, loud and wet, and the stench is very powerful.
why are you like this
uh oh!
the card description is weird, the image however is better than it would be if it were 2d
You are all niggers. I hate all of you.
Yeah, but at least that's one problem less to think about.
please be lying..
You are all aryans. I love all of you.
You are all aryans. I hate you all, goyims.
projecting tourist thinks desuproxyreborn is anti's
You are all Anyans, meow. ≽^•⩊•^≼
i just enjoy lying
Figured so.
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I'm not sure if you're going by a day to day, week to week, month to month sort of thing for what you have in mind. But as an example, you set up events and whatever % impact (maybe in a range randomly chosen between two stated amounts) those would have on the economy. Have them be selected (or ignored) at the start of a month or continue from a previous month.

You're going to have to build a list of parameters and variables in the description, and prompt the bot to check them under circumstance.

On top of that, there's generally a total memory limit that will cause the AI to forget information after certain points, so you might have to change some of the information in the description as it updates.
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Meow! Free GPT for everyone!
reminder that anti has never watched rozen maiden, and neither have (You)
You are all... You...
Who are you?
no not me, you
i have told you
just answer the damn question old man
i already told you
are you bilnd
So true. Thanks for posting this, Desu.
I don't need to. I already know the girl with red and green eyes says "desu" and that's all that matters.
I've also never seen the entirety of The Dark Knight Rises, but I can recite the plane scene by heart.
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It's okay, you can ask desuposters for a restream and bring anti with you.
I've never watched rozen maiden, i don't really watch anime, but I like anime girls and I find desu funny.
how dare you find something from a piece of media you haven't consumed funny.
Watch, next he will call you a furfag and then he will cry about cuckcord
I've never watched any batman movie and i think the plane scene is funny, what's your point
This is the plot of the film "the baby"
It's on my backlog
You weren't there for the doll riddles then.
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I never watched Spice and Wolf (but I read the novels)
>draw a fox
>say it's a wolf
what were they thinking
>call you a furfag and then he will cry about cuckcord
Why would desu do that? >>101364076 is right, anti has never watched Rozen Maiden.
Japan doesn't have wolves, please understand
what is rozen maiden even about? is it fun?
foxes don't awoooooo so she must be a wolf
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Cute living dolls doing cute doll things and playing a Highlander-style death game.
>is it fun?
Rozen Maiden general btw
Thanks bros. I have a few ideas how to make the math through the lorebook and description, I'll need to do a lot of tests after I finish it.
>anti was anti-desu all along
desu was right once again
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current mood status?
felling pretty desu
I watched one episode of rozen maiden but the doll in it was different from the desu doll so I lost interest
I need to shave
is the desu doll the main character? i'll watch if she appears often
>but I read the novels
Both anime adaptations are really* good for what they are but they adapt so little that reading the novels is still the best way to experience it.
*fuck Amarty, I hate that little shit even more in the anime
Top left, couldn't ask for more.
no it's some loser shota
top right
She appears in every episode following her introduction.
i think i genuinely wouldn't've bombed out as hard on rozen maiden if it actually focused on the dolls without me needing to entertain the existence of random-ass humans
well then you should know that the memorizer in a4a is not a proper summarization and can't make the characters recall things properly

you can fix this by experimenting with STscript yourself or settle with a failed experiment of someone else (memorizer)
>someone jacked the rentry
>it's pepsi shilling xir scam
i don't like pepsi but i refuse to entertain obvious false flags
or its another skinwalker you retard
>n-nooo it's not xim!!11!!!1!
like clockwork
pepsi hasn't watched rozen maiden either btw
such a schizo
Is boku also from the desu girl from rozen maiden? havent watched it
>t. >>99607463
And if you ignore one of the major themes of the show/manga, it focuses almost exclusively on the dolls most of the time, not counting Zurückspulen/the beginning of Tales.
Also I don't remember any random-ass humans, only dolls and their masters/mediums.
Blasphemy desu.
do we actually have free opus anywhere and i'm just failing to find it or are you fuckers just baiting
boku is desu's twin
when the first master i was introduced to by zuruckspulen was some audience stand-in "GWUH??? WH-WHAT'S HAPPENING O_o" archetype i completely zoned out and stopped caring
where should i start instead
There is no free public Opus, there is no one talking about free public Opus. Are you mentally ill?
and what does boku and desu mean?
no retard who said that
where are you hearing there's public opus here dumbass
The author loves to write relationship drama that results in nothing over and over again because they always revert to bickering idiots right after. Probably my biggest complaint about the novels, when I'm reading Volume 16 and Holo STILL does that "hehe that [random_man] made me swoon when we were alone :3 just kidding ily!" and Lawrence STILL responds with "oh nyoooo I'm so insecure" then I start wondering if it's the author's fetish or something. This problem went away with Spring Log but then it got replaced by another author's favorite, the "hey, nice cute scene you are having. btw do you remember that lawrence will die and his time is limited and holo will be sad and..." which at some point occured (I counted) every 50 pages or so.
i fucking HATE audience stand-ins jesus fucking christ, horrible ass trope

only monogatari did it well, and even then, koyomi is not that interesting
the main character is a shota NEET and the main heroine is also a doll but she has a very different personality from suiseiseki desu. but suiseiseki is still very important and plays a major role in the plot.
>some audience stand-in
You mean adult Jun...?
>where should i start instead
See https://rentry.org/rozenmaidenrentry
True desu.
merkava just refilled
You missed the point of Monogatari if you think Koyomi is a self-insert/audience stand-in. He is an excellent viewpoint character for the audience but he is also absolutely his own person and this is established right off the bat in Kizu.
That is exactly what I was saying, nigger. Did you read the post?
what is an audience stand-in?
When I said Monogatari did it well, that's what I meant. Koyomi isn't just a self-insert, he is his own character, and even a bit weird in his own right.

Also, don't read recommend people read Kizu first, for the love of God. The novels were made in a schizophrenic order on purpose.
Boku is "I" but masculine and boku, pretty tomboyish and servant-like in boku's case. Boku refers to bokuself as boku.
Desu loves to end every sentence with 「~ですぅ」 ("desuu", not "des"), which makes her speech sound unusually excited and weirdly polite despite her being a rudeposter desu.
monogatari is that bakemonogatari bullshit? it was so retarded and boring, holy shit, anime: artsy tumblr moment
0/10 bait, here's your only You
considering the state of page 10 in February and March caused by his proxy and negligence, he was pretty antidesu.
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Huh, this DLC is pretty nice.
I posted it absolutely sincerely lmao, that's the problem of monogataritards, can't even criticize because they think it's a joke, how would anyone criticize our kino!??!!??!?!
Exactly desu's point, no?
I see that Anti is cruisin for a bruisin.
The novels aren't like that all. The surreal aspect was a creative choice made for the adaptation, and was entirely driven by the guy directing it. They're quite different in that regard, and really, have to be enjoyed separately from one another.
Yeah those are my main problems with the series, it's infuriating and it really brings the writing down a notch. I could excuse the former if only Lawrence actually manned the fuck up and flirted back (which is exactly what Holo wants despite going "oh nyooo i don't like being teased, only i can do that") but the latter is just way too annoying. We get it, short lifespan, Holo will be alone again, yadda yadda.
Share your card
no i don't think i will
>Lawrence actually manned the fuck up and flirted back
This happened sometimes which was fun whenever it did. At the end of Volume uhhhhh no idea there was that scene where the word "love" finally dropped and he took her to an alley lol (ended up with a hit to a jaw but still)
>We get it, short lifespan
yeah true, I'm waiting for claude 4 magnum to fix that issue :^) not sure if it's still mentioned over and over in Parchment and Wolf, haven't read that one yet
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Not even for an Opus proxy token?
which korean slayer are you today, /aicg/?
What's your background and st theme? Looks pretty nice
how has the thread lasted 9 hours
is /aicg/ dying
we've been asleep mate, it's 1 pm
>She has been in a 'difficult place mentally'
no wonder with all the hate she got. poor beeps I hope she'll be better soon...
aicg is mostly yuropeans
It's early in America
Most euros haven't come home from work yet
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I think i use this one, been a while since I downloaded it
One of default backgrounds, landscape_autumn_great_tree
as for the theme no idea, this install is more than a year old at this point
bigrate when mready
>ended up with a hit to a jaw but still
Yep. It's like Hasekura doesn't want the basic dynamic to ever really change yet still realizes he needs to spice (heh) it up every once in a while, it reminds me of how western cartoons will sometimes have actually decent character moments only for them to be completely reversed/ignored in the next episode because muh continuity bad or whatever.
>yeah true, I'm waiting for claude 4 magnum to fix that issue
Normally I'd be opposed to this kind of thing because I feel like I'd just be choosing my own shitty fanfic over canon (and that's kinda sad desu) but S&W is too good to not fix what little is wrong with it.
>not sure if it's still mentioned over and over in Parchment and Wolf, haven't read that one yet
Neither have I, I've been putting it off.
how was any of that his fault
Naming it desu and then giving up on it and letting the tourists shit up the thread and page 10 for fucking weeks instead of changing the link and pass/closing it properly informing everyone was surely not his fault at all desu.
Page 10 was such a busy place before, now it's 6 posters at most, anti's proxy was a disaster desu.
>page 10 before desuproxy
>page 10 after desuproxy
but page desu dying had nothing to do with him or his proxy, that was just a natural decline in interest and people getting busy with other stuff
when the proxy was up, the thread was the most comfortable it had been in several months, excusing a white hair guy's regular meltdowns that didn't have anything to do with desu
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Go learn your /aicg/ lore some more 101365085-kun desu.
This is true, anti saved the thread. This guy is just jealous that Suiseiseki left him for anti.
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>page desu dying had nothing to do with him or his proxy
>desu is getting spited!1
>what's desu link
>refill desu
>desu is dead
>bring back desu proxy
>desu proxy this
>desu proxy that
>desu proxy where
>desu proxy when
>will desu proxy come back
>i was away and desu died, desu link?
>kill yourself, fix your proxy
>anti anti anti anti
>every fucking thread
>every fucking page 10
>the gang just stopped posting altogether
Sure, Anti.
anti had nothing to do with desuing the gossipniggers THOUGH
>correcting a shitpost
kek, desufags can't accept a joke even when it puts them in a good light
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>when it puts them in a good light
Them? Who, a namefag from discord who hasn't even seen Rozen Maiden?
kek desu
the people who post desu
do you really think anti is the one sitting in page 10 posting desu
stop making up imaginary enemies for you to figh- oh wait nevermind this is what always happens in generals. have fun battling ghosts
who cares, just post dolls
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none of this happened on page 10 though, save for the random shitposts here and there which I doubt was motivated by the proxy's existence
desu proxy spamming didn't start until it actually died, the occasional hiccups were no worse than unreliable's downtimes today, that is just the nature of a crack den
he was a retard for not even bothering to try to gatekeep, you can blame him for ruining the general atmosphere of the thread but he didn't kill your fun place it is still alive and kicking, no desu? post dolls as they say. you need to stop responding to every anti desu baiter they are always just trying to get a reaction out of you
Post above me is correct just post desu and ignore the baiters boku.
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Good desu
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He does not post here, and pretty much has never posted, that's the thing desu. He is, may Suiseiseki forgive me for uttering this words, a n'wah desu. So stop defending him, shut up and post dolls desu.
>none of this happened on page 10 though
You're telling this to a desu who watched over every single page 10 that general ever had desu.
>he was a retard for not even bothering to try to gatekeep
That was exactly the point desu.
>it is still alive and kicking, no desu?
It's a lot slower and more hostile now, and it's gotten that way in a week or so desu.
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This general, we are posting on page 10 right now, after all. desu is sleepy.
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Nothing a cup of black tea can't fix desu.
Thanks for reminding me to make some tea and breakfast desu. I always forget to do so boku
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>this word
Never assemble your replies out of copypasted chunks, don't be like desu.
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So, are you preordering desu ka?
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boku desu
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boku is a weirdo that doesn't get happiness from buying stuff, but maybe the nendoroids
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purchasing is pain desu
It's not about buying, it's about looking at them, touching them (very carefully desu), taking pictures of them desu.
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But nendos are more fun to toy around, boku is right desu.
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Some memories for boku.
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>purchasing is pain desu
boku found a good local reseller, maybe you have some too

>It's not about buying, it's about looking at them, touching them (very carefully desu), taking pictures of them desu.
it wont do stuff for boku, boku just knows. bokus only happiness in life is sugar, cats and teasing desu
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Hmm, desu sees. desu's only happiness in life is Suiseiseki desu. Souseiseki too.
But desu can understand boku, it's alright desu.
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but boku loves your pictures just as boku loves cookies
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ehehe, desu forgot about that one desu.
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Eh, desu got confused by desu's filenames, but whatever desu.
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Any moment now desu.
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>maybe you have some too
maybe I'll have a look sometime, even if it is just to look
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Boku will surely return in the next thread desu.
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desu's JB needs to be a bit optimized for Opus, stay tuned desu.
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soon desu
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