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Old thread: >>101341573

What are you working on, /g/?
A program that translates basic C structures to Nasm structures for easier assembly integration.
First for C++
I wonder how many of those who advocate C++ actually know and understand the code that the compiler is generating for them. I cannot imagine there to be a lot of them.
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do not take the bait this easily
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Sometimes I want to be really lazy in C and use fmemopen and/or open_memstream for some fairly basic string stuff, but that would add needless allocations to my program.
Why don't you just answer the question? Or would that break your illusion?

Good call: https://codebrowser.dev/glibc/glibc/libio/fmemopen.c.html
c = (fmemopen_cookie_t *) calloc (sizeof (fmemopen_cookie_t), 
c->buffer = (char *) malloc (len);

And then there's the stuff in _IO_fopencookie ... honestly, if I was king of the world the people responsible for this atrocity would be servicing life without the possibility of parole.
the user will totally care about 0.1 milliseconds added wait time AT STARTUP
nevermind i thought you were talking about file mapping
>he doesn't understand how abstractions work
Nah, it would be throughout the life of the program, and you can't reuse the FILE handles really.
are you talking about windows?
No, C stdio FILE handles.
I can't "retarget" the FILE handle to a different section of memory to reuse it.
how is this possible?
Why would you need to do that in the first place? No, seriously. What function do you need?

the C standard strikes once again
>he is doing fizzbuzz regex in a different architecture again
so that anon was not schizofrenic.
It's a very lazy way to do string manipulation.
fmemopen, you can just shit out a bunch of fprintf calls and not worry about accidentally overflowing.
open_memstream is even more powerful, with its own automatically resizing buffer.

It's actually fine for some more complex use cases or cramming some stuff into an API that only works on FILEs.
It's just it would be fairly inefficient to keep setting up and tearing these down for small things, which is what I'd be doing.
I wonder if with the new C23 unreachable() macro,
switch (op) {
case OP_ADD:
case OP_MUL:

or I guess __builtin_unreachable can provide the same codegen as that.

Has to be a single call. I'm building a string recursively.
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added a startpos element to my music player ui format which is a general mechanism to specify the start area of an ui element which is transitioned to the end position with playback progress, so i can draw a circle over the progress bar which moves with playback
the progress bar fill also uses the same mechanism, which is an area of initial width of 0
also added a way to configure corner radius

>It's just it would be fairly inefficient to keep setting up and tearing these down for small things, which is what I'd be doing.
at least for glibc all *printf functions call vfprintf internally, even for the plain snprintf, so they're probably already doing this behind the scene
Makes me wonder why this wasn't implemented as an [[unreachable]] attribute. Wait no, the better question is why did they even add attributes instead of providing the same concepts as implementation defined macros instead. That feels better integrated into C than attributes.
>[[unreachable]] attribute
An attribute applies to a statement. I guess you could make it apply to the null statement immediately following it like
, but then, it's like fuck it, just let the compilers do
#define unreachable() __builtin_unreachable()

>why did they even add attributes instead of providing the same concepts as implementation defined macros instead. That feels better integrated into C than attributes.
Because sepples already did it, and they seem to care somewhat about header compatibility.
Integration tests for a small MMO engine I’m building. It’s an interesting question: how can you build regular tests over a complex, stateful, and time-sensitive system? Right now my solution is to inject a testing game loop “clock” that I can advance at will, which removes timing issues from the tests. When I introduce RNG I’ll have to use a static seed there too. There’ll still be race conditions that I need to handle somehow, like server updates coming in an arbitrary order, but that’s for the assertions to deal with.
>how can you build regular tests over a complex, stateful, and time-sensitive system
You can't, which is why you take testability into account in your design so that you don't get an untestable mess.
Is there a way to verify your ansi c/c++ code compiles on compilers new and old?
gcc -ansi
What does it take to make an OS? I'm morbidly curious about osdev.
>GCC Timeline
>GCC 12.4 June 20, 2024
>GCC 13.3 May 21, 2024
>GCC 14.1 May 6, 2024

??? Why do they update older versions? What's the point
For C++
What is the point of making an interface/abstract class then inheriting that class to make your "base class" which is technically a derived class but it's actually concrete.
You don't drop support for an old version the second a new one comes out
I guess mainly for gtest and gmock purposes?
>You don't drop support for an old version the second a new one comes out
what's the reasoning behind this? I unironically do not understand it. You have a newer version for a reason, right?
What OS do you use? If you're on Arch or similar then, yeah, you probably can, but Debianfags are often stuck on software 5 years old.
Also, major versions can imply a breaking change even with somehting like GCC as an omptimization/whatever may have changed that breaks on undefined behaviour. If some company doesn't want to rewrite and fix it they wont want to upgrade.
Think of some big program that you wouldn't want to upgrade to the next version for whatever reason, but you'd still want bugfixes.
the process of finding information is extremely silly with retard redditors from ten years ago lying to you every step of the way but aside from that shit is chill
Have you ever opened a book?
Why, do you need help?
>yes yes goy go and scroll through 400 pages of information you have already read to find this little piece of information that some retard nigger for 12 years ago forgot to put in the index
no, i would rather go half insane by asking AI and browsing forums, thank you.
pdfgrep -in -A5 -B5 yourPdf
Random question.
Are there any modern toolchains (for any language mind you) that compile applications for Win16 (aka Windows 3.x)?
-Wl,-no-pie fixed this
>try to study programming
>get really tired and unable to concentrate after 10 minutes
how to fix this?
Stop using t*kt*k and learn some self discipline
I don't use chinese spyware "apps" or social media.
Take stims then
Or find something you actually enjoy and don't need to force yourself to do
I only enjoy playing video games, but I feel like I'm wasting my time when I do that.
ChatGPT 4 is so garbage. Legit was given examples of Dependency Injection, Facade, and Respository with horrible examples where they were wrong or were basically 1:1 to each other when I was asking about recommended designs for a use case.
Artificial Indian
do you take things like alignment into account?
Wow, that sounds like me
nta but obviously he is taking that into account
4chan is a technologically-literate website, newfag
im new to neovim and i'm using lazyvim. When i open a file using neo-tree it looks like it's opening a new tab, but i'm wondering - is it really a tab?
When i press `gt` it doesnt cycle through the files ive opened. `gt` only cycles through tabs i've opened myself (not through neotree)

What are these called and how do i open files as tabs in neotree?
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I've been working on a script for a few years now (I come back to it every now and then)

I'm reading in this old 90s binary file and trying to extract the graphics from it. They're stored as bitmaps but the format of this file is a fucking mess. Essentially, the very start of the file has the bitmap names and the byte size, but the actual bitmap data is all over the place. I have no idea how to map the BM headers to the file names. Some of the lines have a single bitmap name followed by the header, and those are easy enough to match and they come out fine. But some lines have multiple names and BM headers which I can't seem to figure out how to get them to match up.

This bitmap format is so old that it doesn't have the file size in the header which is a shame. That would have saved me so much work. If anybody wants to take a crack at it, I can upload this binary file somewhere for you to look at.
those are buffers and the line on top just shows you what files you have open in that buffer. tabs in vim are basically a container for a new open window, kind of like popping out a tab in vscode into a new window.
>how do i open files as tabs in neotree
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Hello complete retard here. Is it good idea to make something that reads data from csv file using c++ and then hands it over to sql for transformations and shits out the result csv file
>post vrtroon shit
>ask dumb question
Extremely unexpected, maybe an once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.
Mean. You don't get to be a cunt unless you contribute.
I will be a faggot whenever I please.
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for me it was
>pause emulation
>note addresses in ps2 gpu registers
>load file in crappy opengl program with those addresses as file offsets (with some controls for further scanning/narrowing the texture window on the file)
iirc each channel of the image was stored contiguously rather than rgba channels being interleaved, so initially the texture just looked gray

i used this to extract the credit images from suikoden 3 (what a waste of time)
All languages with a standard lib have an easy way to open a file, parse all lines into an array of strings, and split a string into an array of strings based on a delimiting character.
The real question is if you can stomach whatever driver you got to bridge your program to your database.
is this AI?
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what's the best way to measure the memory consumption of a program on linux? I'm using time -v and saving the "maximum resident size".
good taste
no, no he's right
babymaking sex with marisa
Custom Minecraft factions plugin. Plugin development is much more fun than I expected
What game/program and what is it written in? I would imagine it's either off-the-shelf or a modification of something that was
I'm working on parsing right now but mostly it's for quickly generating new pointer packages to trivially pass stuff by reference, and then unpack it in assembly. It's for easing the replacement of whole subsystems with asm, not for cache efficiency while processing an AoS. It's not that hard to implement basic alignment padding to match C's, though, and I'll probably do so.
I get that anon but if sql is used for databases purposes for within certain software wouldn't it make sense to also use it for data transformation.
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rate my main function /dpt/
looks like shit
no idea what it does
When writing side-effect-heavy code with lots of global state (caches, databases, GPUs, sensors), how do you avoid writing 1000s of lines long functions? When there is basically no code duplication, every time i try to pull it apart, i end up with many small functions each with very specific purpose, that absolutely have to be called in a very specific order.
This problem is exacerbated in languages without the block scope, where you absolutely have to write millions of small functions to avoid name shadowing bugs.
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I want to create a python binding of C++ code using pybind11 that takes in only pickleable iterators. That is to say, in python, calling func(it) should only work if it is an iterator that is pickleable. How do I do this? Something like .def("func", [](__?__ it) { ... }, py::arg("it")) in C++ I assume, but what goes in the ___?___ ?
you can't unless you just immediately pickle it
post the binary I'll give it a try
Hmm, really? Can't I at least check for __getstate__ and __setstate__?
Just assume the user who's going to end up using your code wants to use more than one such (cache/database/GPU/sensor). How would you allow that?
i guess? but you wouldn't know if it was defined to just immediately throw not implemented?
I would parameterize the 10k line long function to allow for multiple external devices, i guess. Then add loops over multiple devices wherever necessary.
That's fine for me, that's the user's responsibility. The same is true for taking a vanilla py::iterator where the __next__ method throws a not implemented error, right?
I was just wondering what the idiomatic pybind11 way to achieve what I'm trying to do is (just taking a py::object and checking for the methods, or is there something special)
it wouldn't work with pybind overloading btw, unless pybind has a special exception it can catch to try another
So I guess the "proper" way is to write a type caster by specialising PYBIND11_NAMESPACE :: type_caster for a new type with a py::object or py::iterator in it
why does everyone use C or C++ why does C+ not get any love?
How? And what if there are blocking calls within that function for which you don't want to issue kernel threads for?
I love how people are too afraid to answer. That's cognitive dissonance for ya.
Can you give an example?
I wonder how many of them use C++ at all
The pybind11 custom type caster documentation's warning that only experts should use it scares me. I suppose I can just check for the relevant get/set state methods then? What's the overloading issue you were referring to?
>too afraid to answer.
You mean they don't care about your stupid question
i mean in pybind you can do stuff like
.def("x", ...)
.def("x", ...)
and have it pick the right implementation based on the arguments
type_caster is what it actually uses to convert fields/arguments/results
This. It's obvious bait and C++ programmers are generally too busy tearing their hair out over pointless template magic to care if someone's talking shit in the daily fizzbuzz thread.
I see, but overloading isn't relevant to my use case is it?
You mean, they don't care justifying poor life choices? Yeah, that makes sense - I wouldn't want to be reminded what an utter retard I was twenty years ago, too.
I for one am happy that I recognized early in my life that complexity is the enemy, and thus went for the simplest languages. Not easiest, but simplest.
full marisa and reimu image pleas?
So you went for C, not C++, then?
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A mixture of assembly and C.
>200+ primitives
>yeah bro i went for the simple language
kek, you are a retard trying to be edgy, your lust for internet autism was stronger than your intellect
And the most niggerlisious line of code I had honor producing this summer award goes to this cutie
using allocator_type = std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::template rebind_alloc<node_type>;
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>he does not understand the difference between "easy" and "simple"
>despite highlighting
>he doesnt understand the words coming out of his mouth
anyway fuck off already

just realized i have been using "hashmaps" extensively, thought they were some kind of cryptic hashing thing idk
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>he doesn't even understand the words "easy" and "simple"

>fuck off already
Make me. We all know you can't.
>replied that fast
it sure is summer.
fixed the absolute MESS that was the kernel
>disks abstraction was so volatile that i hadnt even written the driver interface
>dont get me started on paging
>wrote pci driver and device enumeration (although i have to clarify the driver attaching method which is driver/device_type specific)
>rewrote the memory, process and thread syscalls, they scaled fine
shit is taking shape, i can wrap all syscalls aside from io control already
>which is driver/device_type specific
this is more about the fact that the method is within the driver code and it is based on the standard for the device_type
Is it a motorcylce, or a 1970s mainframe?
it will be a 1970s mainframe but the user environment is not well defined (i acted on it in the structures and code already though) hardening has yet to be done, similar to above i have given the room in the structures and code but i havent written like if newlen < previous_len return NULL in mem_realloc type of thing because it makes things harder to work on
Ah the patrician choice - very based.
As long as compilers are unable to generate optimal code for in-order architectures there will be a need for assembly programmers. It just is what it is.
frens pls explain the difference between this python
list[tuple[int, int]]
and this
list[tuple[int, int],]
the C compiler would scream at you if you included the last comma but now it doesnt anymore
>in python
i have never used python
one of them has an ugly redundant comma
The second explicitly has a one element tuple. I would guess there's no practical difference with linters just treating it the same as the first, but I can't test it on my phone
sex with flandre-poster
Make games then
Underrated post
I'm trying to get location data from CCLocationManager, I have all three privacy location messages set in the plist and am calling
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()         locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization()

why am I not getting a prompt to allow location data on either the iOS simulator or my phone?
this is something you should be asking AI
ai suggests the same shit that stack overflow does, ive done it, still no prompt
Mulling over Dependency Injection... one of my peers loves this kind of abstraction. He'll do it in his personal project just for fun, spending countless hours just abstracting and abstracting until finally he can write actual program behaviour at the 7th level.

I don't dispute that he's clearly quite intelligent to be able to come up with these and for them to work, but is there any value in it beyond practice if you spend more time architecting than delivering features?

Every example I see online of Dependency Injection is highly contrived, and often require foresight about the product's direction
>"the business(es) want to do the same thing 5 different ways"
>"We made a class to do task A, but now we want it to do task Av1 Av2 and Av3 and we've used it in a bunch of places"

Sounds neat, but you've still already done the work to spread class A everywhere. Unfucking it will still need to be done DI or not without divine foresight.

What's the point? Does DI only really apply to huge codebases?
bros i have just struck fucking gold i am the biggest high
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just spent two hours to save two miliseconds
yeah because you are retarded, now you are going to waste more hours when you have to read that simd nonsense again in the future
Funny thing is you are 100% going to spiral into the sunk cost fallacy and keep things that way
your mom
how to learn Solidity? I need guide for absolute newbie
I am applying for a promotion to programmer. Wish me luck friends
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yay or nay?
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please no bully i am a webdev
aiming to get a job at vercel
None, Python is dynamically typed.
is a tuple containing a type which just so happens to be a type of tuple
looks great. i can tell at glance what it does
You can get more theorems for free. f :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
is allowed to do all kinds of things with the ints, but if instead
part of f is supplied as an argument to the smaller new f, the
most general type will have some Ints as "a" others "b" and then
it's clear from the type whether or not the count is being added
to an x coordinate. Many languages have big rituals for passing
functions as arguments, and the verbosity spills over into their
Is this the visitor pattern?
what is a std::initializer_list exactly (i know what it is conceptually & how to use it) and how does it make it possible to call a constructor with {} instead of () ?

i know you can use {} for aggregate initialization, however apparently if you have a constuctor that takes a std::initializer_list, then you too can create it with {}. How? how exactly is that interpreted?

even if std::initializer_list is an aggregate type itself it doesn't make semantical sense because then it should be like this
Foo foo( {} );
and not like this
Foo foo{}
Take webdev questions to the webdev thread, this one is for C programmers.
like is std::initializer_list just given special treatment? i thought the c++ spec didn't do that

what if im not linking with the standard library but still want this behavior?
>i thought the c++ spec didn't do that
it does sometimes
thats stupid and gay
no u
how do I save my work to gitlab when I'm working on a repository but don't want my changes to appear on that repository yet?
C++11 generalized the concept of a converting constructor to be any non-explicit constructor, and in order to make that work with constructors that take more than one argument they added initializer_list to hold those arguments. They were not intended to have any other purpose than that.
was wondering this myself a while ago
seems the answer is you either have a personal dev branch, or you simply dont work in a way where you end up with unfinished changes.

Basically change your workflow so you are making incremental small atomic changes at a time, so you never end up with a bunch of unfinished work.
just push and then rewrite history later (squash the temp commit) with a force push

force pushing isn't as bad as people say. Its perfectly fine if you're the only one working on a feature branch or repo. Its only bad practice once youre working with other people
is that really how you're supposed to do it? even for mega projects that could have thousands of in progress features? wouldn't something like chromium have millions of branches (people WIP and then stop and never delete the branch over many yaers)
well you have to remember in most git flows typically people fork the project and work on their changes there. So yes its perfectly fine to commit temporary things, then clean them up later with a force push before submitting a PR to the real repo. Its never going to show up in the real repo.
if you're just working on your own project (not an organization project) then you can just create a separate feature branch that you push temporary changes to, and eventually clean up before merging into master.
and if you really want to hide even your temporary feature branches then you can try something like creating a fork of your own repo, mark it as private then commit temporary changes to that, and when they're complete you clean up the history and commit it back to the real public project.
In C++, is a float + an int treated as an int or a float?
If you're using a GitHub/gitlab style workflow, all of those features are going to be on the respective developer's forks of the repository, not cluttering up the main one.
Plus branches are very cheap anyway.
so 3 copies of the repo need to exist?
>forked remote
>forked local
yes. The original and local make sense, you need the forked remote so you can push personal things and work on them at a different machine
Sir, that clearly says C Language.
>inb4 they're the same
If it's just something you're doing on your own, the original and forked remote are the same thing.
But yes, you can easily end up with many, many "versions" of a repository. Even working on multiple computers is technically another version.
For actual DI, you're usually going "give me my data store, my logger, and a way to send an email, and I'll provide a FOOBAR web service implementation that you can expose". It's not too complicated, provided you pretend that none of the complexity of actually doing those things exists; sometimes they're actually simple, but sometimes they aren't, and your service code doesn't need to care either way.
(The really bad alternative that used to be common was to have your FOOBAR service implementation go off and make all those things it needed itself. That really sucked and made apps awful to work with.)
Every other design pattern is a higher order function.
>git newbie
>link repo in a job application
>"holy shit i have written slurs all over the code"
>blame is unrecoverable, delete repo
>paste all files, cleaned, again
now they are going to say "hurr durr you plagiarized" or whatever the fuck

i just want to say nigger man D-:

God i wish i had seen the thread earlier
How is hr allowed to 'grep "*gger"'?
someone would be reading the code supposedly, I am applying to some small-time company that works within the country, not FAGMAN shit
no one will look at your github. in an interview they might ask what sort of projects you work on, but that's it
The reader, if they exist, will be based.
So they need a github IQ and personality test.
Just say you plastered nigger all over the code to stop AI from copying it.
Guaranteed cybersec role.
And make the license GPL+NIGGER.
GPL is already a nigger license so you don't need the modifier
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yet again used object oriented where it was not needed and it didnt scale, fuck oop, the only good thing about c++ is being able to use the name of a class as a type with no "struct" before it
#include <stdio.h>

struct Meme {
int x;
int y;

typedef struct Meme Meme;

int main() {
Meme m;
m.x = 1;
m.y = 2;
printf("%i %i", m.x, m.y);
return 0;

behold, C++
thats c
>prints "1 2" as expected
i dont know what ur implying with this post
Need to fill up my github and get my shit together.
Wasn't there a website version of that one "roll for a project" image that basically gave you random programming projects?
I am working on a BTC ticker so I can watch myself go broke in real time.

I'll throw my portfolio in there today so it can be real suicide fuel.
I forgot that arrays exist again.
I'm lost on my journey to become a programmer. I studied a bit before I went to college and during my first year of cs we did lots of coding. Now I'm halfway done with my junior year of college and I feel like I've regressed. The entire last year I"ve just been doing paper and pen questions like describe a bubble search or something about djiskra's paths I already forgot. I feel like I'm not moving forward. My college sends us these openings for entry positions and here is what I need to know for a starter job

-Basic knowledge and understanding of Microservice Architecture, Containerization and Orchestration
-Understanding of Agile, Helm, Jenkins, Bitbucket, Gradle, Maven, MQ, and Kafka
-Experience with and knowledge in Linux and Bash and basic scripting like Unix.

I don't know any of that and hours on google and I can't even find a good way to learn it. How is it actually done how do you actually go about acquiring skills to get your first job.
>still haven't fucked off
You sure must be feeling mightily powerless by now.
That's some "junior position expecting 5+ years of senior experience" HR garbage. Don't worry about it.
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gonna attempt to write a bencoding decoder today
tomorrow i will make a torrent file decoder
and who knows after that
>-Experience with and knowledge in Linux and Bash and basic scripting like Unix.
omg based colleges

glad i dropped out, this isnt even about programming or mathematics

>how about you help me faggot?
kek no
If you know Java you can apply.
wtf does the s do at the end of C strings?
its a user defined string literal
just converts const char* to std::string so i can use the + operator like its python or something
wtf we don't do that in python anymore. Doesn't sepples have std::format now? F-strings when?
I only know Java, but I don’t know how to do anything useful in it. Probably the most advanced thing I coded in Java was rearranging linked lists, stacks, queue, or recursion
yeah we do

i didn't mean anything specifically python related i just said python as in any high level language where you can just add strings together easily like that. Usually in c/c++ you cant just + or == c strings because they're pointers
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>Experience with Kafkaesque software
>GitHub Support won't remove non-sensitive data, and will only assist in the removal of sensitive data in cases where we determine that the risk can't be mitigated by rotating affected credentials.
Boy, I'm glad I never uploaded any code into github, what with all the many times I called Torvalds and Gates a bunch of raving faggot niggers. Terry was right yet again.
>spam nigger
>account banned
>repo nuked
total victory
There's essentially entire criminal enterprise in the chat bot thread where scrapers find corporate AWS credentials off github and then sign them up for the AI services and then take crypto payments in exchange for proxy server tokens to prompt on those accounts, mods don't care, the people who do it are basically e-celebs and 50% of the threads posts are gossip about them
I haven’t coded in 2 weeks now. I feel like such a sack of shit. I did a 20 minute review of all the notes I’ve been taking at least and did some small practice with string manipulation in C++. I really need to keep myself more accountable.
Your notes mean nothing and if they did, your 20 minutes means nothing. You need to suck it up and and accept you do not like programming or you need to start working on a project. Take it from someone with many text files of thousands of lines of notes that you will absolutely not get anywhere without applying any knowledge you've mustered into something that isn't purely theoretical. If you want to get good you absolutely can and WILL, but only if you abandon everything giving you an artificial, false sense of progres. If you don't genuinely want to dedicate your work life (or free time, depending on what your goals are) to this shit then there's no harm in accepting that your corporate assigned interest wasn't a match and trying something else instead.
(friday night drunkposting)
just turn the notes into annotations bro
(saturday morning of the day after posting)
NTA, but:
There is a time and place for notes and documentation, like
>this is how you set up privileges for SQL accounts
>this is how you set up your firewall
>this is how you limit the amount of TTYs the kernel spawns at startup
Note how none of this has to do with programming though.
I agree, but none if that is relevant if you aren't competent to begin with. I don't regret documenting my work, I only regret documenting my textbooks instead of applying the knowledge sooner.
What do you use as a general record type in Python? There are nameduples (immutable), dataclasses (requires type annotations and generates a bunch of useless class methods by default), SimpleNamespaces (dict with \__getattribute__), plain classes (init boilerplate), plain dictionaries (no way to tell what attributes are there without debugging or analyzing the program), and probably a bunch more crap. I don't know what i should use, except that i probably prefer a mutable type for the general use case.
dict is builtin, and is printable and serializable by default. No need for meta programming bullshit that are dataclass and namedtuple. You miss out on slotted attributes that classes may have, but if you care about optimization, python is always the wrong choice.
lol you’re probably right. I need to stop coping and just code. The notes were helpful for me at least since I was starting from absolutely 0 knowledge and writing shit down helped me with learning the very basics/fundamental concepts of programming.

But since I can code the basic shit now it’s time I take the next step and pick up a project and get to the next level.

target_precompile_headers( waveformgen PRIVATE ${header})

is this the wrong way of using precompiled headers with cmake? I have been doing it like this instead of the suggest write everything to a pch_common.h and include that. Cmake seems to take care of creating the cpp file as well
I can't fucking stand the delay in starting up the python interpreter.

There's a fucking noticeable lag spike that sends me insane. Other than that it's a pretty good language to use.
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>tfw dense manual shit
I highly doubt that’s your face.
>pretty good language to use.
>no record type that everyone can agree on
No thanks bro.
>newfag doesn't know the dofference between tfw and mfw
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It's finally coming along...
Hi, Matt.
Hello anon
extremely based Matt.
intel machine check scouter + bookkeeper + helper functions + interface functions that read the book and call the helper functions
(i had forgotten this was a thing until i read about it again in the uefi spec lol), then doing RTC read/write
julia is really nice
the language or your coworker
>model specific error codes (there are global ones too though)
>on these processors all exceptions are unrecoverable...
>*lists all processor families ever*
officially never the fucking mind, i will make it a bitdump with the msr names when i have a logging subsystem, rtfm, you can do better than my software can do
I think I'm going to start using Swift as a thin wrapper around C
Please do. We all need something to laugh at.
post body
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Sure, here's a POST body.
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decided to make a wee language, I only need to write the evaluator to make basic arithmetic work, but I paused that and had some fun with working on the repl first. the main thing I want to try out with the language is going to be function calling syntax that makes piping easy, it's going to work more or less like this:
fn repeat(@str to_repeat, int times) str {
return str * times;

fn to_third_person(@str base) str {
return "He said: " + base;

var new_str = "Hello, world"
@ repeat(2)
@ to_third_person();
// He said: Hello, worldHello, world
Why didn't /g/ tell me to code with what you like? I'm doing it right the fuck now. I'm thinking of making a local booru browser at the end of this all.
If you use an upstream/proxy server you're doing it wrong.
Are you mad about the "fn"?
Yes if you're planning to become a MTF tranny. No otherwise.
i look too manly to transition, so that's a no
what about zig? do you guys use zig, it's being used on bunjavascript
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>i look too manly to transition, so that's a no
Since when has that stopped anyone?
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i wouldn't look as cute as i would like to
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Again, since when has that stopped anyone?
Cease and desist groomer
this is the maid guy by the way
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I haven't even started posting the hideous stuff.
I wrote a random number generator
 double v1=0.0;
double v2=0.0;
double FNf(double n){
return n-(int)n;
double FNr(){
v2 = FNf( v2 + 0.0135298797218497987891 );
v1 = FNf( v2 + v1 * 41968.471825827185821 );
return v1;
I want to compute the distance between 2 points A and B (e.g. Driving from California to New York)

I could compute the distance in a straight line given their coordinates but that's not accurate.

How would one compute a realistic approximation (e.g. driving by car)?

By doing your homework by yourself.
Using the google maps API or something.
>struct Meme {...};
>typedef struct Meme Meme;
Why is this allowed? Is C++ retarded or something?
You heard me.
i thought about that. what if there are multiple routes one could take?
>I could compute the distance in a straight line given their coordinates but that's not accurate.
the absolute state of summer

this is some 8th grade level question by the way
Refrain from posting if you don't have nothing to contribute, you retarded cunt

last reply you get from me
>>>/rules/#2 *
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What feature should I add next?
make the UI less bland
more pink and white (aryan) and less blank (nigger)
You're the retard asking for help on a school project
>someone's about to be kicked out of school
You could

>take a plane from A to B
>drive by car (multiple routes available)
>drive by train

what's the distance then? it depends on the transport used
It'll probably give you the distance for the shortest route...
>#include <stdio.h>
should be
>#include <cstdio>

>typedef struct Meme Meme;
you can omit this line. this is only neccesary in C, C++ makes `struct` qualifiers redundant when declaring a variable of that type.
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Please, don't leave a comment if you have nothing to say.
Angela Yus Web Dev bootcamp wont save you anon..............................
Why not 'Matthew'?
what a gorgeous english damsel, i envy the prince who swoons such a rose
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i have carefully evaluated every post in this thread and have been left wanting. there appears to be very little daily programming going on.

have the moderators of this subreddit considered creating a "nightly programming thread"? perhaps this will receive more active participation. perhaps all the 'real' programming is happening at night?

thankyou for your consideration.
>t. a vampire
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Dude I am literally a vampire
Extreme, potentially incoherent tl;dr: is there a name for a pattern where each function which might be modified by an observer returns a struct that describes whether and how it was mutated, and that struct is then used to decide whether to continue with the regular control flow or call new custom logic now embedded in the struct by observers? The key aim is to avoid turning everything into an object but to still be able to modify the steps of an already running function via the interference of observers.

Mother function calls modifiable subfunction.
Subfunction executes observer-independent logic, makes a struct, asks observers to modify it, and returns it to the mother function
Mother function checks the struct and either continues executing the default logic that is treated as the "child" of the subfunction or calls the custom logic the struct points to instead
Nest as needed
yup it's inchorent, schizo slop alright
structs are not objects :)
you are doing a bad job of explaining it
Unfortunate. Oh well.
Previous experience has taught me that if I write a three post epic nobody will read it, so I tried being brief.
draw a picture
the subject is an object and it returns objects called observers
>muh function pointers but i am giving it funny names
this is like abstraction 101
I don't see the issue?
design patterns are pOOP slop
I dont like the whole thing about algorithms, not once have i looked something up on the internet about LOGIC, are you not ashamed of yourself? Are you not ashamed of what someone would think of you if they saw you researching pre-packaged algorithms and thought you are some indian faggot who cant figure things out on his own?
Nah. No use reinventing the wheel. Someone probably already thought of this and figured out the right way to do it, so I can just steal it and spend more time on novel problems.

That said, I think you believe this is about how to do something rather than about what's the cleanest and most maintainable way of doing it. As I work on more long-term projects I realize that the latter is the biggest hurdle more often than not. Habits that make sense at tens of thousands of lines of code will make you want to die once you hit hundreds of thousands.

Be kind to your future self: become an Indian faggot today!
>Make issue
>Make pattern to solve made up issue
OOP is mental illness
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>Small (700 LOC) repo I haven't touched for 5 years
>Someone opens an issue on it
>make non-permissive license
>amazed when someone opens an issue instead of forking
as expected of a tranimeposter
It's MIT.
It's also an incredibly niche program that is designed to test something very specific that only a very small handful of people might find useful. It sounds like they were just running it for fun.
New bread when
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today i've learned that most of the time the ideal way to write a file parser is not to try to unpack it into some in memory struct at all.
Its almost always faster and more efficient to just mmap the entire thing, as is on disk, and provide standalone accessor / sub-parsing functions that'll read the buffer directly and return pointers into the buffer for various things.

size_t headers = ELF::GetNSectionHeaders(elfBuffer);
char* startOfSectionHeader = ELF::GetSectionHeader(elfBuffer, headers-1); //get last section header
uint32_t size = ELF::GetSectionHeaderSize(startOfSectionHeader); //handles endian converison here

instead of what i used to do, which was to define a whole "ELF" struct and "Section" struct and whatnot that i'd copy every value into during initial "parsing".
ELF elf = ParseElf(...);

This is only more efficient if you are doing alot of specific processing, then you can optimize the memory layout for that, however most of the time you are not doing anything more than extracting some data, modifying some data, or writing some data, so unpacking the whole file into a custom in-memory-struct is actually a waste.

The advantage of this is also that memory will generally be more compacted and obviously it'll be continuous so its very cache-hit prone.
Thank you for listening.
FIX IT, benchod
>so unpacking the whole file into a custom in-memory-struct is actually a waste.
it is not a waste because until you access the memory it is not actually there
is that some sort of mmap quirk or what? it doesn't load until you try to read the buffer? Then i'll just malloc the file.
Seriously, just the change the font in gtk without getting a depreciation warning I have to create an entire css context and apply it.

Changing the font should be a single function call.
Are you white?
If you post the back of you hand I will spoonfeed
>be a useful toolkit? NO, write your own LOL
gtk is gnome software, just saying
not a problem in my own gui toolkit which is just a function call
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>Are you white?

what the fuck else do you mean? Yes the memory is there if mmap or malloc it?
i cant masturbate to that D:

Anyway, you sound niggerish so i will just say that in kerneldev we can do magic things
I can't create an entire toolkit by myself. I lack the skill and ambition.
not it. and you wont bait into an explanation.
it is just drawing circles and lines bruh
>.t gave up because wayland
but the functions for the pixelmap were there :shrug:
yes it is, with mlock, you're just retarded.
I recently made a script for org-roam that auto-downloads just the subtitle files from youtube for any video that I have captured, then calls org-recoll on it, then feeds it into helm-recoll to suggest videos about content that I am currently writing on but might have forgotten already
>it is not a waste because until you access the memory it is not actually there
and how do you think the unpacking process works anon?
nope, still not wasting memory on a call to mmap.
You dont know what vas even is.
>unpacking process
the what?
thanks for showing you dont even know what we're talking about. I accept your defeat.
i know what virtual address space is, you seem to not know that you can prefetch & lock pages
peak internet moment
people like you deserve everything bad that happens to you
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You will not heckin wait more than 10 days chud
>is that some sort of mmap quirk or what?
I concur, you sound brown.
Mother steps her Mealy machines.
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Read SICP. I am no longer asking.
I don't read utter garbage made by complete subhumans who should've been executed Cheka-style before they were even born.
Such as your own posts?
>no u
No, more like yours.
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Made a color picker in a few lines of pyside6
(I only added 2 buttons at the bottom of the qt color dialog)
Disregarding what that other retard said.
Honestly Lisp is outdated and has no use in the real world. Besides, SICP is too math heavy and too hard. Let's be real.
>hurr you're too retarded for it
Yeah maybe but we retards have a right for stuff to be accessible
Why is Go so fucking idiomatic?
Doing, for example:
value, ok := my_map["test"]

Or whatever it is to check if a map contains a value, feels and reads so damn weird, or am I just a stupid junior?
>am I just a stupid junior
That. Inband signalling is dumb.
I much prefer to get back an option<value> in theses cases. I wish go had options, hell I'd even take explicitly nullable values though I already like them less
I use Python a lot for my job (data science) but sometimes I read Python code and I don't really get what's going on. I guess data science ony requires basic shit like control flow, functions and some OOP, but I have no idea how to use more advanced concepts like decorators, currying, yields or whatever. I feel like my grasp on the language remains basic.
Should I just read the docs to learn more syntax?
New thread:
>I have no idea how to use more advanced concepts like decorators, currying, yields
Ask chatgpt to explain those. One by one
>struct that describes whether and how it was mutated

>that struct is then used to decide whether to continue with the regular control flow or call new custom logic now embedded in the struct

unironically going all out with OOP for this would make this shorter and easier to manage than trying purely procedural

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