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>buys a real oven from someone else in your path
>wants to control the oven with your phone
>WTF this is asking for internet connection??? FUCKING IOT JEWS
I don't even want to connect my TV to the internet, who is connecting their ovens and washing machines to the internet?
You still have to personally go up to the device to use it, there is no fucking point doing anything remotely on it
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>ah shit ah fuck
That is utterly retarded and i fucking hate thing like it. Its only job is to heat things and you dont need wifi to do that
I'm vaguely concerned that if I need to replace any of my major appliances I might have trouble finding non-smart ones. I specifically want something that has no internet-connected anything at all.
The way things are supposed to be
meme world
what a milf.
I would digi her mon if you know what i mean
i do not.
That's Megaman
well im not gonna mega her man

Don't buy anything that connects to the Internet, woke companies will shut it down and you get fucked
Capitalism and the delusion of unlimited economic growth. A perpetual motion machine that also generates energy as it goes. Corporations required by law to gain profits and more on top. You can't just have the consumer buy a thing and own it, you must monetise that ownership by claiming your thing requires a continous stream of money to run. Going to vote with your wallet and not buy thing? That's nice, butt when your options are everything mentioned above or naught, how will you choose?
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>he doesn't have a separate VLAN for this garbage with traffic out to internet and other VLANs denied
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>whats that i can use over through my phone splendid, such relief now i can focus on actual work
>buy expensive new basically matching washing machine and dryer
>has this shit called Wash2Dry which automatically programs the dryer based on the settings of the washed clothes
>it requires wifi connection and goes through cloudshit
Fucking ridiculous. In 2004 you could buy pic related, a washing machine with an LCD dot matrix touchscreen and a matching dryer with no controls on it as it got controlled through the touchscreen on the fucking washing machine.
No one had a wifi router back then, no appliance had an internet connection. I guess they did it with a cable linking them, WHY CAN I NOT DO THAT TODAY? I hate cloudshit so much it's unreal.
I will buy a non-Internet connected oven (this is still an option).
>>whats that i can use over through my phone splendid, such relief now i can focus on actual work
Holy fucking shit please get some English practice in.
>el reg
Funnier thing is the person they locked out is black.
are the pan and stove bleeding?
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its a still image of a single frame from an animation
>look honey, I'm burning the house down! :D
What a stupid whore mother
Is this a measure to prevent the next 6 gorillion?
Do you know that ovens can take up to 30 minutes to preheat? You can start your oven from your phone on the way home from work and it will be ready for your when you get home
>fresh new laptop
>install qubes
>"Federal agents, open up!"
>ah, right on time
>"where's your warrant, pig?"
>"BREACH IN 3, 2 1"
>they break down the door, only to be confronted with a massive stack of random, heavy, old audiophile equipment blocking their way
>"heh", I say as I watch them move all the shit blocking their path from my IPcams
>they notice the camera
>slam small big red button
>jerry rigged tazer springs out from ipcam, killing one of the officers dead
>oops, too much power. (first time using it)
>pigs are mad now, they storm into the house and surround my room door
>3, 2, 1 BREAACH
>nothing inside, room is clean
>"nice try, FBI" i say over my custom rigged intercom
>"you won't get me that easily"
>the whole time my gas cooktop has been turned on (thanks IoT)
>house is filled with gas
>slam other massive red button
>house explodes, along with the pigs inside
>cameras go static
>laugh as I grab another monster energy and walk out to my balcony of my massive mansion in <third world country>
>they'll never get me
based(on a fantasy)
Imagine if you are driving to work and you think. "did i leave the oven on?". There you go.
To be fair a society that allows hackers to turn your oven into a literal flamethrower via tamagotchi is probably not exactly a model one.
Wi-Fi doesn't imply internet, it's just a short range wireless connection.
Sounds like our modern day society, just without the tamagotchi and flamethrowers
If you take those two things out then I suppose the only word left — aka "society" — would be used to describe both, yes.
But for real stop being a depression-laden doomposting faggot.
At least the burning oven has nice tunes.
This game series has the shittiest plot and worst translations but goddamn the battle mechanics and music were fuckin rad.
MMBN2's virus busting theme, "enemy" cutscene, boss and final boss all sharing the same leitmotifs while being unique enough that a lot of people don't even notice is good as hell for a handheld that ordinarily emits only the sounds of mice being tortured in hell in an atmosphere consisting entirely of helium.
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>internet connection dies
>you starve to death
Why would you buy appliances with expensive to replace, non-essential parts?
My dryer has two nobs(One for time, one for heat level)
My Washer has two nobs(One for type of wash cycle, one for [hot, warm, or cold] water)
Why do you need more than that?

If the nobs break I can replace them myself for pennies. What do you do when your screen breaks?
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My family and friends tried to shame me for purchasing the "cheapest" oven last year that had coils instead of a glass top, citing how ugly it was.
Guess who's oven still has 4 working elements on account of not having glass that fucking explodes from a heavy pot or pan not being gingerly placed onto it.
Wish the oven was controlled via knob/dial but whatever.
so it's to encourage OCD?
I have an oven just like that and it's 20 years old and still keeps accurate temps. Apparently most ovens aren't accurate, yet this cheap piece of shit has been working perfectly for 20 years.
Meanwhile my family:
>The $2000 samsung oven is 10 degrees colder than it says and it takes too long to get hot
>glass that fucking explodes
Is that a thing?
Here in south america we still use gas stoves even the high end ones are still gas powered
>The greatest cautionary tale on why connecting everything to the internet is a bad idea
unfortunately yes.
the US loves these pieces of shit and the manual states to clean it with a fucking razor because steel wool and cleaning products cause the glass to go cloudy
except nobody listens so everyone has misty white fucking cracked and/or cloudy glasstop stoves
Shit, american stoves are the best.
lel the iphone of stoves homie
True. I thought I was having a stroke while trying to read that.
more like megamom
Home automation is fine as long as the devices have open source firmware and don't need to connect to wifi to do their shit.
>You vill connect our Chinesium lightbulbs to your network
>You vill buy a proprietary bridge running closed source firmvare
>You vill allow our device to access ze cloud
>You vill register an account to use devices in your own home
I hate this shit, just use generic Zigbee or something so that home assistant or whatever can use it.
I only buy dumb appliances.
That's what Zigbee is for but most chinese company rather slap a wifi chip on their boards as wifi is embedded on most SoCs.
>wants to control the oven with your phone
why. just walk to the oven and press the buttons. You have to be there anyway to put in and take out food.
I just keep repairing my appliances. In the last year...
>dryer bearing and belt.
>dryer timer
>dryer heat fuses
>refrigerator drain lines replaced
>dish washer control panel removed and repaired (soldered and cleaned things)
>oven elements replaced

I refuse to buy into smart tech until I'm forced to.
the cheapest ones are non-smart ones.
"Air fryers" made ovens obsolete.
i still don't get it
air fryers are just small convection ("fan" ) ovens, stinky.
americans just didn't adopt the tech until 40 years later much like their banking system.
you can jam hdmi down ethernet too but if i see an ethernet jack i'm going to assume its meant for networking.
>wanted to buy one of these some Samsung shit
>go do research
>All come with some sort of control board that easily breaks and is impossible to fix and replace because Samsung won't let anyone fix or replace them
>Buy a dumb one with knobs and no screens
Nigga I am not going to bake my bread in an air fryer
I have one, used it once or twice. I should have brought it back to Costco. Didn't replace shit.
Ackhully ethernet is not a physical standard, as you can do ethernet over usb. You're talking about rj45.
and it's probably a SaaS too, kek
it's probably gonna be 5g and no way to turn off in the future
something something 6 million oven joke
they're great for vegetables when you don't want to overheat the house by overwhelming it with steam and/or turning on the entire oven and are great when it comes to reheating starchy leftovers like pizza and previously fried things without having to deal with microwaved sadness.
its a new-age toaster oven since they both are crappier versions of... well, ovens.
yes, we know but its nice of you to sacrifice yourself like that.
My Ninja grill air fryer is awesome and I use it for a ton of stuff. Even potatoes cut into wedges salted is awesome. And of course steak, chicken, etc, awesome. One of the easiest ways to eat healthy and delicious.
>cut the traces to the antenna
nothing personnel
>My dryer has two nobs(One for time, one for heat level)
>My Washer has two nobs(One for type of wash cycle, one for [hot, warm, or cold] water)
how old is this shit?
the thing is analog washers and dryers are all from an era of 500rpm cycles and 5kg capacity
by the time shit reached even 7kg capacity, electronics were ubiquitous and so what, more precise controls, pausing and stopping, adding loads and whatnot is great
>What do you do when your screen breaks?
don't know man, don't have such a unit, they had ones with knobs and smaller lcds
I bet you the electronics are still more robust than this shit today
our 2014 bosch control board with nothing but LEDs and 7 segment display (still an around 1000eur machine mind you) shit the bed after 9 years and cost 100 to replace
these things just SHOULD NOT BREAK AT ALL computers go on 15-30 years working flawlessly and this shit that is simpler than a 286 dies so easily
>Guess who's oven still has 4 working elements on account of not having glass
we've had glass cooktops going 20 years back and never has a heating element died
>having glass that fucking explodes from a heavy pot or pan not being gingerly placed onto it
this was never a problem either
I dislike them for other reasons
You do realize that old appliances broke all the time right and you had to get an expensive repairman to fix them right? And you're bitching about modern appliances which are $500?
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Why does Burger stuff always look so different?
Our coil stoves always have enclosed coils, for decades. Open coils must be a fucking bitch to clean
Most people don't spill food on their burners like niggers. But in the case you did, you either burn it off or you unplug them from the stovetop and hand wash.
>No one had a wifi router back then
speak for yourself
>You do realize that old appliances broke all the time
>broke all the time
>all the time
lol no. fuck off.
what kind of oven takes more than 10 minutes to preheat?
Oh the appliance repairman is a myth?
things did break occasionally but not all the fucking time like you say.
Eventually everything will spy on you. The answer is to open them up and desolder any antennas and comm IO pins.
It's the only way to be sure.
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i toured 3 different apartments that isn't completely overrun with undesirables and they all had these smart appliance shit and smart locks too. no alternative options.
i fucking hate this normie world.
>he doesn't use a gas stove
Webshittery and its implications, you know the rest.
In the 5 year lifespan of your appliance you would need at least one repair.
open coils are oldschool here but i'm old enough to know people who had them
you can lift the coils out for cleaning, it's not that bad
no, it'll follow the smart tv trend and non-smart stoves will be the expensive ones to offset the "cost" of not being able to sell your data.
What's the cutoff for old here? My refrigerator is like 20+ years old and works just fine.
my clothes washer is from 2010 and still going strong
my oven is from 2002
>this nigger is acting like 2002 is 1970
2002 was 22 years ago my dude
i don't and i'm fine with just having elements as long as its not glasstop.
i'm no professional chef and i'm not interested in using something like a wok nor do i wish to deal with the gas company in addition to electric as well as the various codes for ventilation and safety required to use gas.
if that means i'm not going to make it then whatever.
>I will connect my oven to the internet
>I will cook the bugs
>and I will be happy
i've never seen a glass cooktop so much as crack and i've been using them most of my life (more than 20 years)
the coils just pop out and the tray below them catches liquid that spills; such as the foam when boiling pasta. it's good to stop anything from getting all over the stovetop.
yours actually functions almost identically except the coil isn't exposed. there are benefits and downsides such as the fact that yours in theory would take a little longer and require a bit more energy to get as hot but the benefit would be that yours would heat more evenly and retain said heat for longer.
ultimately it doesn't matter. anyone good at cooking isn't going to blame the type of element they're using when they fuck up.
i'm not saying i doubt you but i am saying that google, ddg/bing, yandex, etc all seem to disagree with you.
This has to be a shill.
well i'm not saying you're lying either, i can't say what people are doing to them but i've never seen a cracked glass stovetop myself and they're common as fuck
its pretty common; particularly with apartment buildings. that said most apartment buildings have a supply of replacements (for better or for worse... a lot of them aren't an exact match and so you'll get misaligned burners)
i'll take your word for it
it's not like i haven't seen many of them, i've even bought a couple second hand like when helping friends renovate, and the only failure mode i've seen is an element or two not working
perhaps nobody would sell one with cracked glass, all i can say is that what you're saying can happen is news to me
Stoves are something you never run without being in the house/apartment.
>no way will having this thing that operates at 350-500f running while nobody's home potentially lead to fires
bloat. my washing machine can send me a notification that it finished running. why should I care about it if I'm out and if I'm in I can hear that. pointless.
Burgers are retarded and can't design for shit. Just look at their windows lol.
2002 is the same mass cheap shit manufacturing we have now
how hot is it in your commie apartment?
What's wrong with our windows?
Let me guess, you "need" more.
Why would you need speakers on your oven?
How else is it going to call you when the food is done?
The slow response of an electric is just insane to me. How do you niggas cook anything on that shit? I need to be able to rapidly change temperature in a second.
Electric is weak, but induction board is great.
You just know beforehand what setting you're going to use? When it's done lift up the pot?
>Why does Burger stuff always look so different?
Because they are cheap cunts whose only concept of luxury is size and then they act like they are rich.
I mean they have an exposed coil in their dishwasher too for fuck's sake. They don't have condensation dryers LET ALONE heat pump dryers.
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Ice cold, motherfucker. We have something called air conditioning.
What if you still need to cook something but at a lowered temperature? Happens to me all the time with eggs for example. I usually turn it down near the end to get it just right.
anon... you can always check the prices, specs and features of the cheapest models. I bet you are either buying from a supplier that only sells expensive crap or coping that you like buying overpriced pieces of shit for no reason whatsoever while complaining about them having crap technologies attached to them for no reason.
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>no tilt position to just vent
>only opens halfway
>dogshit insulation, correct me if I am wrong but we have triple glazing that's argon filled on most windows made in the last few years and it is a miniscule difference between double and triple
I have a "smart" oven but the way it works is that you need to open the door once so that it thinks you put food inside for it to work.

The only useful wifi feature is that it can set the clock by itself after a power outage.

Coil cook tops are poverty tier though and makes your kitchen look like shit.
I have fancy argon shit and my windows can open all the way completely. They don't tilt though I guess so you got me there.
>internet connection dies
Is US really such a shithole?
>he doesn't use a wood stove
This feature would be useful to me. My sister who I live with often leaves the oven on even overnight. If I check the oven or ask her if she remembered to turn it off she'll get really angry. I'm not afraid of this because obviously I have to make sure I'm not wasting so much natural gas and not burning down my house. But it would be useful for me to be able to turn off the oven remotely.
Of course I would not pay a monthly bill for this. My own oven connecting to my own phone through my own internet connections shouldn't require any extra fees. The reason why these services even require a third-party server is mostly that this is easier for the customers compared to forwarding ports. You can't ask people to do that and they're happy to pay you $12 in one to do it for them. However the option to self host any smart device should be there.
My dad bought a ridiculous Wi-Fi enabled Wood fired grill but at least he can connect to it on land and through a VPN without paying anybody monthly.
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>the botnet wants me to starve wasn't a meme
>My sister who I live with often leaves the oven on even overnight
How are people like this? I feel like a failure if I preheat the oven too early and it's ready to go well before I'm done with my food prep.
>My sister who I live with often leaves the oven on even overnight
She needs a smack not a wifi oven
I don't know man. I think some basic pavlovian training would kick in when you feel the hot air rush out of the oven and you take out the food you should be conditioned to turn the damn thing off.
When she used to live with her abusive boyfriend she actually got beaten up over this. So that doesn't actually seem to fix it.
>fancy argon shit
It makes a noticeable difference
>Flat "touch" buttons on a cooking device
People who design this crap should kts
You think consumers know any better?
How? I use mine all the time. They're basically cheating when it comes to frozen fries.
i'd shame you too, but for buying an electric hob instead of Gas/Induction.
I'd want an IoT electric hob just so I don't have to wait 4 hours after getting home from somewhere to eat something.
What the fuck? What do you prepare besides broth that can be cooked without looking at for 4 hours?

>No one had a wifi router back then

are you like 13 or something? how new do you think wifi is you uneducated retard? goddamn!
>Coil cook tops are poverty tier though and makes your kitchen look like shit.

I would prefer working and dependable over looks good and breaks in 3 months. shut the fuck up
Don't be rude, in 2004 I still had dial-up.
>Don't be rude, in 2004 I still had dial-up.

good for you broke ass nigga who couldnt afford broadband
nice work anon, fuck those guys
>cleaning products cause the glass to go cloudy

Lol, that means it's not even glass. It's some sort of plastic.
It's not even a question of afford, it just wasn't available. We switched to broadband year later when they laid the cables.
that's how long an electric hob takes to heat up (plus you have zero control over the heat once you eventually get it).
>oh but it's easier to clean, you can just wipe it with a rag
Buttons under a membrane like on a microwave can do this too, and require slight pressure to activate so they won't accidentally press all the time.
Even though glass is slightly harder than steel wool, the wool can still cause abrasion over time on things harder than it.
Mr. Mohs would like to have a word with you.
Or maybe you're putting a cleaning product on that steel wool that has fine silicate abrasive in it.
No, simply no.
An oven is just a heat engine. You don't need a fucking internet connection.
>mfw the feature in question is sabbath mode
Some nigger posted some router stats on /g/ a while back that his LG washing machine was using like 100mb of data per day for no reason whatsoever.
>some hacker in china burns your house

no thanks
>major appliances
-Washing machine
-Stove (stoves are DIY tier though, so not a real problem)
Nothing else comes to mind.
Refrigerators. I know I've seen some of them with retarded smart bullshit.

Presumably dishwashers too but I'm okay with just not owning one of those
>washer breaks
>manufacturer no longer makes washers that can control the dryer stacked on them
>now you have to replace the dryer too
A bad idea is still a bad idea even if it's executed differently.
for that matter do they make fridges without those ice-maker gizmos anymore? My fridge had one but I've never used it, so I'd prefer if it didn't
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Out of all the things I think ovens are something jews won't touch
i got wifi devices before i got broadband, because of my psp
with wifi it can heat on the NSA's demand
>dryer bearing and belt.
>dryer timer
>dryer heat fuses
Isn't that at least the MSRP of a new dryer?

I've done raisin bread and small batches of buns. An air fryer can work okay.
Anon stop hating progress. Simple mechanical devices NEED to have useless data harvesting computers bolted on.

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