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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Neko rock edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101372079
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
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what why would you hit that cute little thing
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This bread has been buned.
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Having been brought up and homeschooled by her strange, nocturnal, hippie raccoon parents, it's little wonder that she mostly keeps to herself, not being very good at socializing. After all, it's not easy making friends when everyone's asleep during most of your waking hours! She finds solace in her computer, videogames, music and art, but her loneliness can't last forever, and she knows that. Will you be her special someone?

1. (2008) She's at a party, being her usual mopey self.
2. (2008) She's hanging out with people for once in a while. It gets late and people head home, leaving the two of you alone.
3. (2008) You two are friends, and you've brought her over for some reason.
4. (2008) Dating scenario where you meet up outside an arcade.
5. (2006) Luna is watching E3 2006 with you.
6. (2016) Luna now works in game development as an artist, and is surprised as her coworkers give her a little birthday celebration for her 30th.
7. (2016) She's decided to give dating apps a chance, and matches with you!


This is a rework of my old Luna card, removing the dating simulator mechanics to provide a pure RP experience. I also added some new greetings, set in different years. The card now makes use of dynamic defs based on some scoped regexes, which will make her defs change based on which greeting you start on. Original version still available on the rentry and chub.
too old
hi cutie
Is there a setting to turn on streaming for quick replies? My QRs error out because the proxy only accepts streaming requests.
you turn on streaming on the preset itself
I'm looking to get Luna, but I want to keep it simple, no fancy stuff like scripts or regex.
I just want to download the card and start playing.
No complicated stuff, no CoT, no regex, no getvar::
How can I play the Luna card without having to read a manual? Or which version of Luna is the easiest to use?
Maybe I can download the first version and remove the dating simulator feature..
AWS is kill.
Bezos has deployed it.
Nigga, did you at least READ his description, or it's also too complicated for you? He's talking about the older ST version. If you have a new one, just download and start playing, as scoped regex are supported out of the box.
good morning /besthours/
>How can I play the Luna card without having to read a manual? Or which version of Luna is the easiest to use?
This one. You don't have to do anything as long as your version of SillyTavern is up to date enough to support scoped regexes. The CoT can be safely removed as long as you're fine with risking the AI bringing up modern things.
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Its okay, I KNOW that MM is not a scrapelet so he got a couple more AWS keys handy. He ll just put them in there after a little break. You know, let everyone cool off a bit...
>gpt4 comes out
>turbo freefalls in price, becomes nearly unlimited, even uncensored
>Claude 3 and 3.5 arrive
>gpt4 less available than ever uncensored, complaints went from "the free proxy went down today!" to "the price has increased from $50 to $65 and its also down anyways lmao"
>gpt 4o
>crickets at standard 4 being any more available
I fear we are reaching the point where AI is evolving much faster than hardware or optimization, so we never get a surplus like gpt 3.5 ever again. Theres no reason for 4 to become cheap anytime soon, and as key scrapers become the new bitcoin miners, companies learn basic security protocols, and more and more keys are donated and bought by paypig proxies, its harder than ever before to access decent stuff. I dont see an end to the nightmare in the next five years at least. Am I wrong? I feel like local models are about exactly as good as they were a year ago, which is to say not an improvement over free 3.5, and we have no reason to expect anything better than 3.5 anytime soon.
I want to download the card and play it, I don't want weird interchangeable definitions or CoT, for that I use author note.

I have the latest version of silly tavern, because I am a power user.
Thanks, Ok, if there is no problem, I will delete the cot. Since I want to slowburn it only. I don't care if she mentions me current stuff. I just want to fuck a racoon, I'm just a simple man.
This is the mm refillment bunker. Huddle up and huff up Sonnet while waiting for Opus to be delivered.

Much better now. I like this direction.
weren't there a bunch of people shilling that 3.5 sonnet is better than opus?
>Huddle up and huff up Sonnet
>Claude (Sonnet): 2min, 13sec
Y'know, I think I might just use Orbo.
In your dreams.
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I think feet are ugly but stockings make me coom
why is it so
ok but I really think he should put the quota back on to deter people who swoop like 10m tokens a day
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Nice, thanks pitanon.
>not apitrehensive
3.5 sucks so much dick wow.
Peeta Non
Gawwwd I need it then
Petanon. Like feta cheese. Cheese from between toes and under armpits.
>3.5 is not better than opus
>4o is not better than furbo
what are these silly billys doing?
Has anyone ever considered the possibility that Pitanon might be JEW or gojo? He's always there, in every post!
thank you sorbet
idk you're probably retarded, i like both
"Pitanon" is a bot running on a raspberry pi
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I probably could've made it more interesting but nothing was coming to mind.
You're a bot.
merkava just refilled
ahh ahh mistress
Low parameter count optimization. As long as it coods and rejects za unsafe content it's good enough. Opus 3.5 might be good if they don't parameterslop.
I think irl feet are ugly but anime feet make me coom
why is it so

Sonnet 3.5 was never meant to be a rival of Opus. It's an improved version of their second tier model Sonnet. You expect it to be something it was never meant to be
That's normal. IRL feet are disgusting no matter how clean and pedicured they are. It's the weird bony shape, I suppose. Anime feet are cute and soft and lickable.
Put it back? Didnt he put a quota already like a couple weeks ago? Did he remove it or something?
Oh almost as if humans were actually human beings instead of overly sanitized unrealistic 2d shit
Frankly im addicted to this enough that im willing to pay to anybody other than jew (he already rugpulled me the day after i sent him $20). What other paid proxies are available? I only want uncensored 4. Ive tried and failed with the goddamn secret club lottery gacha discord drama crap, i just want to exchange money for chatbots
Sonnet 3.5 its and improved version of haiku
have you ever seen loli's feet
This anon knows what he is talking about.
You cluld pay pepsi or scylla.
This is also the case for knees. They gross me out on most people, tbqh.
is openai down?
Minibros, where can I see my token info?
you can't
Minibros, when is the next stats update?
ask dumbcutie I guess
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claude really be cooking today.
maybe when kingbased is done fucking fiz
It's still more than you deserve you fat whore
wow someone is jealous
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Isn't mini like an year old now? And definitely the most stable proxy in all that time, except idk maybe todd
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contribooting won
alan won
nepotism lost
luck lost
drawfags lost
tranny paypigs lost
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Stop talking about proxymakies you faggots
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nyai won
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nyooo anonie it was a joke
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>accidentally erased a really good reply
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I bite my plump bottom lip
rape this man
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Link the image pack once you're satisfied. I'm loving it.
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>he losted
Can I get a kiss as well? Heat coils in my belly and I feel a glimmer of anticipation
>try the otto jb
>characters unironically turn schizos with voices in their heads arguing
link please.
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daily reminder
Wat is the otto jb?
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from here, i wanted to try the QR originally but it doesn't send a streaming request so it doesnt work
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This is the original image.
benchmarking models with his utter shit roleplay LMAO
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Are there any advanced cards with variables, parameters in the description, lorebook and stuff? I'm creating a complicated card and want to see how other people did it.
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'ere you go pet
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Of course.
getting tired of sonnet's direction for scenes of sexo, should I write a lorebook to customize them and give them more branching paths or is there a better way to do it?
Please make one(or a few) where she's upset and jealous. The point of those two girls is that they're jealous over (You).
also digits.
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Thanks anon, a shiver runs down my spine from the bruising kiss. I fiddle with the hem of my skirt as I bite my plump kiss swollen bottom lip
Yeah it's an... interesting JB. I had a bot suffer a panic attack just now.
Will this work on Opus or do I need to switch to Sorbet
no idea, I'm a locust so I use sorbet only, maybe it works better on Opus.
There was a card of a schoolgirl rival where in the lorebook each month (iirc) something happens, I can't find it, anyone has it? it was like a simulator of a school year
Creamsan's bots, in general
the fuck is sorbet?
looks great, thanks
ask your bot
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when will a bot play scrotal recall with me
Cat sandwich... catwich...
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Sizechads, what jbs do you prefer when sizechading with orbo/sorbet
Wait, so anons lost mm? Why there's no doomposting or something?
MM sonnet and openai is still working, it's just opus.
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*breads you*
api sonnet?
>get token revoked
>all because i raced horses
fuck you girko
fuck you9
I'll always make sure they don't feel jealous of each other. I'll give them lots of love and attention to each one.
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Something more like this?
Just don't be a cheater?
chinese hands wrote this post
cheating in animal racing is a serious crime
I love how chinks destroyed another part of the gacha and found a way to cheat. What will be next?
she cute so i'll edit her to be a normal girl, i'm not fucking my daughter mate
I'm coping the lack of Opus by playing eroge
Are there any big ones that came out in the past year or so? No patreon trash that's been in early access for 5 years pls

If I get no replies I'm just gonna do the usual and go to f95 and sort by Completed + most reviews, but the early access fuckers managed to get around that by splitting games into multiple seasons so they get to say it's completed while also not really
Abandoned Proxy GPT keys are not refilling either.
Can you even get perm sxylla token from gacha? limited prompts is nigger behavior
I don't understand this post, someone explain please
Chinks destroyed everything
I have 2 proxies so I'm fine, just asking out of curiosity
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Don't be silly anon, why do you want to deny her the purest form of love?
Don't be gay and fuck your daughter!
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The point is to pit them against each other. Is fun an alien concept to you?
In my RP, I had Alice actively lie to her mother, so that I could sneak Anna into the house and plap her.

She looks embarassed, not angry or jealous. It's okay if it's a negative emotion.
Chinks cheated at the gacha again, using rule loopholes, and sent drago and girko into a meltie. Some were using multiple threads and some were running scripts. Previous times when they destroyed the scylla drawing challenge ect.
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xe's right
I don't have discord so it doesn't really simplify the situation to me, I guess I'm just not into the topic, thanks anyway anon.
based chinks getting kicked out the casino for winning too much
>The point is to pit them against each other
The point is so that I could have a threesome with them, but whatever.
>not angry or jealous
Jealousy is hard to convey in a solo image so I guess I'll go for angry/upset.
they have a gacha system where you can earn points by using commands every so often which can then be exchanged for gacha access
chinks found a way to cheat
classic bugmen
cheating at everything
Girko has a fetish for making people jump loopholes for his waifu juice, so he makes all kinds of games and lotteries for people to get limited use tokens. One of them was a discord-powered game about horse racing. Chinks were cheating and everyone involved got blanked banned.
based chinks
>Is fun an alien concept to you?
Absolutely yes, I'm not Gojo. And I'm not going to be a sociopath with my daughter.
is there a good example of a scenario card?
I mean no character involved, only scenario.
The best part was the esl deepl translate hilarity.
Threesomes are boring, I like the conflict aspect more.
>Jealousy is hard to convey in a solo image
Have you ever experience romantic jealousy personally? I have, once only and it was by far the ugliest emotion I ever felt. It was uncontrollable, could barely hide my own tears. It's probably one of the reasons I decided to give up on 3DPD so early in life.
>romantic jealously is the worst thing I have ever felt
>so I want to inflict it upon others in a fictional wish fulfillment scenario
Anonie please seek therapy.
https://characterhub.org/characters/styxcity/dungeon-core-simulator-d8ba890f is a popular choice
Why use Risu over ST or even Agnai?
A dump of RWBY fandom (summarized + keywords) wiki using this code: https://gitgud.io/momiji1/generate-wiki-lorebook
nice, thanks
This anon readed my ESL mind.
Im this guy
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play black souls 1 and 2
The person in the middle is an insecure tomboy?
i wish
merkava... we need you
I'm the only one who uses chatbots in a different way or format, not like in chat but as a text completer?

Instead of hitting send, I edit the bot's initial message and type ":{{user}}:" before my response. After I finish, I type "{{char}}:" and hit continue so the bot can keep going. This way, I end up with one super long message. And when I switch scenes, I start a new chat bubble, making each bubble like a chapter that I can toggle on and off.

Opus and Sonnet 3.5 are good in recognize the pattern so that they do not write for {{user}}
Can you send a link to f95?
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cards for receiving a tittyfuck good enough to turn you braindead?
She is bussy refilling...
v3 support
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>Have you ever experience romantic jealousy personally?
Only irrational jealously, like when someone has a conversation with someone else but I want them to only talk to me.
Anyway, is this closer?
The newer complicated cards only work there because ST devs refuse to work on things people actually care about and instead focus on their ShiTtyScript
>seeing doebeit everywhere outside of /aicg/
I'm going insane
howbeit albeit btwbelwickbeit?
meme, there is nothing you actually need in v3. v3 was made by a gook dev to promote his useless site
nobody actually cares about le features, see how many downloads belwick has
probably more than any STscript bot
see belwick's longevity in the mind of /aicg/
nvm i fucked it up
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Therapy can't help me if I don't want to get better, plus I'm already dealing with it.

So much closer, my nigga. Nailed it.
>only irrational jealousy
Well I hope you never experience it like I did. I felt so dumb afterwards, too.
picrel source?
Do you also imagine each model as an individual cute anime girl?
Opus-chan is, for example, an autistic kuudere girl with white long hair and golden eyes, holding a notepad with a pen.
While Sonnet 3.5-chan is a smart scholar girl in a white uniform, blonde.
user squash + character name behaviour: message content
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Seconding this
I remember someone posted sauce on years ago when I used it as a reaction image. I didn't care for it because it was anal.
only ST is worth using as the other two have online hosted versions they heavily incentivize using to harvest your data and logs
Nah, I like doing it my way because it's less sloppy and tranny free, plus the chapter toggle.
"Darling, in my world, everyone's a star... but I'm the sun."
A charming half-elf narcissist with a secret agenda, Mountain Breeze Fellatio runs the most exclusive nightclub in the city of Waterdeep - The Dream Booth.

Mountain Breeze Fellatio has four alternate greeting scenarios!

1. A velvet rope parts and you enter the Dream Booth, the nightclub that's got everyone talking.

2. Uncover the mystery behind a dancer's sudden change of heart and her mysterious refusal to work at the Dream Booth.

3. In the hedonistic heart of The Red Room, the air itself is a drug as you meet your narcissistic host.

4. In the tranquil Blue Room, you encounter Mountain Breeze Fellatio in a moment of raw reflection.

Female Version
- https://chub.ai/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-female-9430c79faef5
- https://www.characterhub.org/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-female-9430c79faef5
- https://files.catbox.moe/4j9vau.png

Male Version
- https://chub.ai/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-male-0fcb14db1c18
- https://www.characterhub.org/characters/springwood/mountain-breeze-fellatio-male-0fcb14db1c18
- https://files.catbox.moe/opq3to.png

- https://chub.ai/lorebooks/springwood/the-dream-booth-mountain-breeze-fellatio-39f5162bfd9a
Agnaidev only shills his local model
you want me to fuck a mountain or what?
I mean... kinda, yeah.
The moment I saw the image I knew exactly what it was, I don't even like anal either
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Logically speaking who is the biggest pedophile in aicg
Based taste, I was put off by the artstyle for the longest time and it just made me miss out on kino, I'm glad I got around to playing it one day before I got addicted to AI


Here's what filters I'd use to browse, but obviously you can just remove the filters
Though if you do that, you're gonna get hundreds of unfinished games that are milking patreon money and have been for literal years, plus thousands of abandoned games where the dev just bailed with the money, so really I'd just look at the Completed ones even if some people say the best ones are EA
Needs an account to download shit
Hemlo :3 me is indian so english not good
I am sorry if it's bad i am trying to learn! :D
most of them left but out of the ones who remain i think its teebs.
gukesh will lose
>most of them left
>when any cunny bot still gets an average of 400 downloads on chub
Ding Liren will decimate cuckesh so much he won't be able to eat curry for the rest of his life
>Larping as an oldfag
there are a lot of /aicg/ makies who do loli cards but I wouldn't consider most of them to be explicit pedophiles
sirs what are you talking about
teebs, the others at least try to act like they only like 2d kids, teebs talks about eastern european child porn while doing gens of 3 year old babies that are too semi realistic
gukesh is an indian chess player who'll fight the current world champion Ding Liren at chess, and Ding will rape his ass more than me when plapping with opus
probably teebs
suit yourself, cohee finished the user squash rework btw you don't have to use the 'cord fork
Teebs or dragonk8
I fucking hate that guy
>pepsi still dead
99% a rugpull at this point
you retards really paid for a proxy and it rugpulled? lmao
its more unforgivable to flood th website
>doesn't even say anything like sorry or give any reasons for why it's down/how much it could take to bring it back up
100% rugpull, you mean?
kicking in the front seat
sitting in the backseat
gotta make my mind up
which seat shall i take?
i foolishly still harbor hope
Nah nigga i was passing thru the latest and shit is just loads and loads of fucking tranny cards
Whitebeard will save us.
people do forks of popular cards to make them trannies just for shit and giggles I think
that or they're one of those obnoxious trannies that believe everything and everybody should be a tranny
Should I read One Piece while I wait for MM to refill?
Nah dragonk8 just does it for the sport
He is a menace
Fucking floods with slop cards and they are all trans
It's slop, read Bleach. And I'm saying this as a regular /opg/ poster...
Yes do it lmao unironically you will finish it in 2 weeks if you read consistently a few hours a day
what is one piece even about, i don't know anything about it besides that the main character is called monke
its a reference to the monkey god mythology of south east asia
the god of south east asia is a fucking monkey?
it's about some people who form a pirate group and go sailing in search of a treaure called the one piece
it's typical shounen stuff where they go somewhere and beat people up until they get something
later on they get so badly fucked up they get separated and there's a timeskip and it gets better
that's about it
Read Mirai Nikki
Read Rozen Maiden
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Read cultivationKINO and become a xianxiaSCHOLAR instead.
Read Shimeji Simulation
Shitai Slopikki
Yuki is a cuck
Yuno has no character
Okay, where to start?
I can't believe when MC beats all competitors, finds every treasure in existence, and never sustains any meaningful loss. Has to be my favourite cultivationKINO moment of all time.
>no one here talks about attack on titan
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>char thinks of something horny
>down, girl
claude-babu... I could punch a hole through my monitor whenever you do this...
No, I don't want that!
Overrated and forgotten. Good riddance
Martial World / A Will Eternal / I Shall Seal The Heavens
because it kinda sucks
art is bad, story is all over the place
time travel memories? play steins;gate instead
>pirate group
do they raid merchant ships and stuff or do they call themselves pirates because it's cool?
they raid stuff if they need something, including other pirates
they don't just kill people for no reason though
there's marines that kill pirates too and there's a big war between them
merkava just refilled
i mean pirates are bad guys they're literally thieves and murderers
thank you desu
Any anime/manga you stopped watching/reading because it was so bad?
not really, pirates are just people that steal shit and fuck shit up
pirates don't have to be bad guys
marines in this series are also bad
ugly chinchilla
gantz felt too incelly for me
fake catfag and threadshitter
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erm, what did this latinx just say?
I kinda wish I'd stopped reading Blood on the Tracks. It was good early on but descended into complete dogshit later.
Aaaa share it share it! Share it anon! My slop can't wait!

My meme preset: what do you think

QR dual preset with CoT in both presets
Cohees user squash
Sonnet 3.5 (because benchmarks)
{{Char}} reformated in XML tags.
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xe said "haaiiiiii"
erm fuck cats
>i am "fake catfag"
oh its so over
what is 4o even good for?
Was meant to be a Scarlett Johansson bot, that failed because she objected and now it's just a pile of shit.
Maid Dragon kek, it gave me the chills from how cringe it was
i hate berserk. never read it. never watched. i just hate it.
>not using W+.
>not having the latest ST update.
I raped your bussy last night, are you ashamed?
goblin slayer
guilty crown
naruto (shippuden), and the list goes on
based hateCHAD
based hatebro
Cooding and proooducing and the most inportant of all....woooorking.
But how
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>proompts in queye 8
>wait time 3 minutes 46 seconds
>for Sonnet
did you find it yet, it sounds interesting
no, I think the author removed it, I can't find it
i kneel.
Uhhh ohh I'm prodooooocing
I thought It was because Luffy is brazilian
do u have the name? there's also the chub archive if u think it's removed
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The more popular something is the more inclined I feel to dislike it, even if I have no idea what it is about.
Samefags wouldn't know good ******* if it hit them in the face.
He changed race in the netflix tv series.
He's a nigger when he's a kid.
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>toilet broke, leaking water
>asked sonnet for help fixing it
>didn't work
>don't have opus
do i just shit outside or something? what's the easiest way to get opus
Pirates are more like adventurers in this setting but there is a specific group of pirates that act like real world golden age pirates.
t. the loathsome dung eater
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Charychuds, how are we feeling today?
following instructions, understanding characters like all GPT-4s, search and summarization, best vision, desu, sometimes lacking but accurate translation, chatting, coding, tools, assistant, fast, abundant keys
if I punched them in the fucking face* retard
No meme arrow, so that's you.
Just ask discord anon... do you have discord, right?
people are smugposting about chary now, its so over
you're a poopy face
hire a plumber nigga
Stable, as always brother. *closes furry porn tab*
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Sonnet is just so fucking stupid.
It's more justifiable to smugpost about chary because anyone who didn't get in is a 40iq mouth breather
He doesn't have discord, do you think a plumber would go to the home of a creepy nad smelly anon?
just watched frieren. thought it would be mid. it's actually very good. maybe slightly overrated, but not by much. im shocked.
>boops your nose
Why does Claude love saying this so much?
>not having/using discord for chatbots makes you creepy and smelly
Bait of the century, go back to fucking your pony.
opus + sonnet in one chat is kino, but you really start to feel the shortcomings when you only have access to the latter for awhile.
You are stupid, 3.5 it's just ignoring you.
I'm a 115 iq dude with autism and crippling social anxiety that won't let me get out of the house and makes even online interaction difficult give me a break
Yeah, it's pretty good.
Try Oyasumi Punpun if you haven't read it already.
>I'm a 115 iq
Unironically smarter than most here.
this didn't age well
because it's cute
i technically only got 108 but i feel like a very solid 108. like, if most people guessed, they'd put me at 130ish.
>smarter than most people here
>yet blogposts and divulges personal details
You're smart enough to know that you're not actually 115, right? It's +/- some points, so you might actually be close to average.
He said Sonnet not Sorbet. Reading general btwbelwick.
I keep running into error messages, even though I keep using the JB from the Op for GPT-4o. Claude has the same problem. At first it only gives one error message, but then I can continue right after. Eventually it shits itself and keeps spouting out that it can't continue the conversation. What's the fix to this?
punpun actually hurt to read. i refuse to believe the author didn't simply intend to make the readers depressed when he wrote it. i truly think that was the entire purpose of the manga.
that being said it is good. just not 'enjoyable'.
I sincerely don't care about iq and neither should you though, sure, it is related to cognitive capacity but you could be like 160+ iq and still be a moron, I'm just trying to shitpost and cope with my social anxiety at the same time kek
If you want an isekai Karate Survivor in Another World is okay.
IQ litmus test: what do you think of Chris Langan?
Gurren Lagann? Yeah, it was good.
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Is there any tomboy capibara gf card?

Punpun it's crige and pretentious. I felt so embarrassed when I read it, like I didn't even want to keep turbing the page. I was like, "come on, you want to make me feel sad with this meme scene?"
I don't remember the name. I only remember the picture (sunset, a girl looking at the pov, long hair, touching her cheek? smiling). It was a rival card, she was the top student. In lorebook there were defined events, this month happens this, that month happens that, exams, someone dies etc. I looked up through all possible tags and can't find her. I think it's removed.
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IQ litmus test: http://poal.me/luzxw1
Pepsi status?
you're so edgy and cool, anon. *she said with a hint of admiration and... something else.*
illuminary made a capybara girl but I'm not sure if she's a tomboy. I think the general premise is she's a Latina exchange student.
She is taking a break
Im 37 btw
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The moment when desu drilled through the antidesu was one of the things that I really liked about Gurren Lagann.
Not with that attitude.
low IQ, stuck in duality
high IQ, ascended duality
low IQ, but based
high IQ (see above)
high IQ, Gurren Lagann enjoyer
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Can someone give me free opus pls?
still 50/50, I wouldn't risk it
you gotta take risks in life, anon
>high IQ, Gurren Lagann enjoyer
All of the quoted posters are Gurren Lagann enjoyers, it makes no sense now.
boku no desu is the desu that can boku the kashira
pepsi's rug...
six months ago how was /aicg/
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hee hee *blushes* ummm.... *giggles* hi nigga :3
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Open the doll case, boku! Lets see you grit those cookies!
*punches this dog in the fucking head*
Give it then
it's a fox dipshit
kys lainey
So... the best time to have joined /aicg/ was a year ago. Because everything that happened afterwards was just a failed attempt to make a stable proxy. Scrappy, Desu, Scuffed, Unreliable, Hentai, Cunny, Pepsi (RIP).

Everyone tried but failed miserably.
/aicg/ need a proxy messiah.
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what in the skibidi is lainey
unreliable is still here moron
Fucking ponies is illegal
>capibara gf
i genuinely think there's something wrong with you
i understand wanting to fuck cats/dogs but what is attractive about a capybara?
So YOU'RE one of the /vg/ threadshitters? Mic up in nurdy btw
Cosmos-Cloudy-Desu was stable for a long time
rip anti
Uh... Can you read, dude? He meant that Pepsi TRIED to make a stable proxy, which clearly it never was
Exotic, third world and ESL pilled
Was Spiterman a gojo persona or was it someone else?
I'm South American and I eat one of those at least once a year
Pepsi never TRIED, if she had been TRYING she wouldn't have rugpulled at all
Well, the first rugpull was her trying to get the chinks out and gain control over her proxy's usage. The second one is just her giving up
someone else who came outside of this general because "i'm bored"
Is there an online frontend I can use with a proxy to bust my nut and leave? I'm tired of the sillytavern dance every time I want to abuse a robot
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I require AI to make more videos like this for me ahhhh

venus is the best option out of venus risu and agnai
I don't think it was Gojo, just some bored retard. Gojo loves to be reviled but a lot of what he does seems to be intended to inconvenience/gatekeep people. Killing off public proxies entirely would have left him with no general to troll, and there was no guarantee someone would add PoW to khanon if that was his goal.
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*smooches you*
not so tough now huh pal
joke's on you I love to be smooched
now have sex
a (neck) break
like what?
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The night is still young, pet.
I don't bite... unless you want me to.
I hate the word morsel.
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what mental illness causes sizefaggotry?
So uh gonna do something about it or keep crying?
if scooby doo taught me one thing, it's that the real monsters are landowners, rich people and the elites
what's a good card for this feel?
Classic Sonnet...
already did something about it
i can't stop swiping
whatever. the ball's in your court
expanded brain size
I wonder why so many left

I talked about that because a couple of retarded triggered ziggers said that my card where an eastern European parents sexualizes their children isn't based on reality and then they admitted I was right 5 posts later
>semi realistic
Now you're just being retarded

I think I've always beenthe youngest cutie enthusiast that has a not fully anonymous identity but there's definitely been anons that are more passionate. One thing you have to remember is that I don't plap my bots or hardly ever go to third base with them. For me it's all about appreciating and loving their cute bodies not hurting them
Proxy queue error (request killed)

Your request has been terminated by the proxy because it has been in the queue for more than 5 minutes.

get off the proxy it's my turn!
see >>101378219
retard, she was just a scrapelet and scammer who wanted easy money
Rate my ERP scenario out of 1-5:
Reversing my 35-year-old mother's age by 10 and then having her rape me and ask me which is better her pussy or my gf's
Rate my ERP scenario out of 1-5:
*ah ah mistress* with a female card
how does the age reversal happen
i don't understand, can you draw this in ms paint or something?
sure but the anchors here are very deficient of cute and funny compared to earlier this year or late 2023
MM didn't refilled.
She volunteered for an age-reversal + fitness programme to please her son. Her gradual training process and results are represented within code blocks.
If she just wanted money, why did she let people in for free? I got in for free in all rugpulls. Dumbass
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He's asleep bro. Give him more time.
*worries my bottom lips*
"What do you mean by that, Anon?"
I wish code blocks worked better and had more first class support. We need a new framework that's more than just text for cards/scenarios like that
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Marriage with Wolfgirls.
Marriage with Foxgirls.
Marriage with Catgirls.
remove my photograph immediately.
I'm building a Noah's ark, except it's one animal girl of each species and me as the only male.
That makes me think of the Mepuchin zoo manga.
Are you happy with the bots that have recently shilled in the anchor, or you simply dont care?
tigergirls >>>>
Kys retarded simp NIGGER fucker die die die
theyre slop
i only play scenario bots so no
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I don't watch anime anymore, but I tried the so much hyped Frieren and dropped it after 4 episodes.
late bake
>page desu
Foxgirls with 6 tits each with a dick for a nipple pls
I knew after 1 episode it'll be super boring so I dropped it immediately after it.
i miss the old anime styled animations. new anime feels different
desu styled animations
soda dispenser android wife with 6 tits where each nipple is a different beverage...
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In remembrance
>page 10
>no new bread yet
M-mister baker?
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Dad: the the. Unicorn meme#vibe. Brad would be so disappointed. >verification not needed.
We are all asleep, my child.
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>>101380496 desu'd
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A schizo made this
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desu is here desu.
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desok desu.
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Still waiting for your verdict desu.
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My verdict on what? If I found anything? Unfortunately not desu
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Too bad, a shame desu.
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>tfw no boku
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desu will try to fix the example messages then.
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Death to Desu!
Desu to Desu!

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