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old >>101350099
My laptop got wet on the surface after I carried it in a >waterproof backpack in the rain. I plugged it, tried to turn it on and nothing happened. Is it over?
Pull it apart and make sure everything is dry. Consider a cleaning with rubbing alcohol as well.
>I plugged it in and tried to turn it on
Hopefully you didn't short it out in the process. Let it dry for a couple days. Do you have a dehumidifier? That may help reduce the time you have to wait.
best course of action before doing anything is to wring 'em dry first, if possible inside-out, immediately disconnect any power source, if possible including the battery. do you remember how wet is it before you plugged it in, any clue water got inside the laptop? i'd say if theres no damage on any part inside the laptop (short, blown, corroded etc.) it could be the screen or battery, basically everything of it could go wrong. if you got no indicator light at all the last time you plug it in and you can't tear it down, just bring it to your local service centre or shop you know
Is it possible to save an image with the original filename by default on 4chan?
Used to be available on site settings, but I'm not seeing it anymore.
Bro's, I want to cut an address from the terminal
using the command:
flutter run -d MacOS | grep --line-buffered -o "\w*uri=?http:\w*" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev
it only returns the correct value after the process is finished. I tried stdbuf cut but since it's macOS it's a no go. Any ideas?
Could you recommend a de-googled OS for an old ass Samsung running Android 6?
don't use rev
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Cringe or based?
>On windows 10
Windows 10 had Copilot unless your on LTSC.
i added a new sata drive to my PC, all worked fine yesterday and now suddenly it's not being detected. i'm using all sata ports on my motherboard and if i disconnect another then it gets detected, what the fuck is wrong?
WIndows 10 now had copilot embedded into their OS, meaning there is an AI that is now potentially taking screenshots and logging what you're doing on your computer now.
I'm aware. What's the relation to Supermium though?
Nothing, just saw you said windows 10 and there was some confusion about it last thread. I've never used Supremium before.
I have a router which is supported by OpenWRT FOSS firmware but which has some non-free firmware for the wifi

How do i include non-free firmware on the OpenWRT before i put it in the router? Idk how to build a OpenWRT image
Usb-C LTO drives, why not?
I'm also on w10 iot ltsc as per the friendly windows thread, by the way. Did they really push recall on all regular W10 and W11 versions?
Is it a real Samsung with unlocked bootloader or some carrier locked / chinkshit Scamsung? Because the latter can't meaningfully change its OS. The former probably has a Lineage port.
Are laptop covers good?
good sure but not necessary, you generally don't drop your laptop like you would with a phone
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I mean I read things like it making your laptop overheat, scratches and stuff. But I recently bought this cover for my new macbook.
it's no different than phones overheating with a case, the heat disspates eventually tho you have to keep in mind obvious to not cover like a fan vent.
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I think the 4chan X addon has an option for that, picrel (ive never used it, ive just enabled it now)
I don't see a air vent on my macbook yet the fan noise is loud. I use to have a plastic shell on it but I read that it's not for an macbook intel.
Looking to buy a new hard drive for a fairly old computer to replace one that died. 4 TB or so. 7200 RPM, why not. Just need it to not fail within a year or two.

1. What brands/models are good?
2. Why are 7200 RPM drives considered 'NAS' drives? Marketing? Overkill for a home desktop?

Almost a decade out of the loop on this one.
They pushed recall on w11, on w10 its going to be a progressive pushout, but a lot of the foundational copilot architecture is there for when they do actually roll it out. They are pushing copilot on w10 because of the abysmal usage numgers they were getting on w11. Probably a mixture of proving to the Board that Copilot was worth making, as well as them being impatient and trying to get the most data as possible to then feed/train the AI as well as repack and sell to governments and other commerical vendors.
i disabled fast boot in bios and turned on some shit called hot plug, now i got them all detected but i'm scared to reset my pc and see if it persists. the new drive is a NAS drive that was cheaper than a regular, could that be related?
Does someone have the insane flowchart for what C++ reference type to use? I think it was from C++ con a couple years back and it's been posted widely to shit on the language
It's a feature, check out your motherboard manufacturer page.
Should just toss a cheap SSD in there and get HDD external storage.
why are older routers limited to 100 Mbps off their ethernet ports when they literally have a "300 Mbps" 2,4 GHz wifi speed ? is there any workaround to get them to give more speed through ethernet cord?
would I get a more gooderer connection if I connected my PC directly to my modem instead of my router
Should have clarified: 128 GB SSD for OS + HDD for storage (as was the style at the time).

I have an external drive, I just want actual space on my PC again ;_;
Because wire speed is actual data speed, duplex, and wireless speed is signalling rate, simplex. Where data speed is <1/2 signalling rate.
Is there such a thing as a software developer who primarily uses Microsoft Excel to make programs with? Seeing as how it can be used to make apps and people actually do use it. What is this called, if it exists?

Or does it not exist and its just something expected of a business person to be able to program their own excel apps?
i dont understand
please explain as if you were talking to a 5 year old
cant i somehow bridge ports so that i get 200 Mbps by combining two ports or something?
I have two routers at home
>Main router (gets the optic fiber)
>secondary router (connected through ethernet to the main one to extend its signal)
>main DHCP is set up to go from to
Right now the main one is set up to be and the secondary one is, i want to set the secondary one to be in the same ip range as the main one, so i assume id have to set up the secondary one to something like relative to the main one

Would there be any conflict if i set the secondary one to a DHCP range like, so that it doesnt collide with the 128-254 range on the primary router?
excel "programming" using xlookup and pivot table?
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these are my options in the secondary router btw
Duplex means you can upload and download 100Mbps at the same time. Simplex means downloading prevents you from uploading and vice versa.
I might move to another country in a year or so
But I also want a new GPU(currently using an 1660)
Should I bite and buy a GPU or should I get a steamdeck instead?
stop telling lies. the feature you're freaking out about 1) isn't even out in general release yet, 2) requires new hardware only sold with specifically marketed new PCs, 3) is not called "copilot."
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I have a .cap file which should contain a wpa2 handshake. Does anyone know of a good website which could help me crack it?
I have done it before but I cant seem to find the page again. You could pay with BTC.
>1) Its out
>2) Not true
>3) Recall is an integral part of copilot
It's weird that your reaction to a "freak out" is to freak out yourself about it.
try growing up and taking care of your responsabilities rather than playing time-wasting games
If you're taking a flight, taking a PC with you would probably cost extra so consider buying it at the new country you're gonna live in
use hashcat and resolve it yourself on a computer with a graphics card, or try searching for that site on yandex
What if he has his life put together?
i cant imagine such a prospect myself, sorry
You can build full-fledged apps in excel. I can program in other languages but being autistic and making apps using excel is just fun for me, I love it. So that's why I wonder is there a job out there like this?
based beyond belief
I want to know the actual battery capacity of a tablet with a worn out battery so I left it discharging to 0% until it doesn't turn on anymore then plugged a USB meter to the charger and charged it until the meter indicated that 0 Amps were being drawn.
Meter shows that the entire charging process was 2420 mAh at 5.1v and the battery label inside the tablet says 3.88V, how can I determine the actual battery capacity of the tablet in mAh? Doubt it'll be as simple as using the rule of 3.
theres applications on linux that let you see how much battery degradation your battery has, i assume theres something similar for tablets, look it up. Something about battery life or something
There's a couple people I know who are incredibly well put together and play video games, they just don't play them 24/7. At most they play a game or two a year.
cool, why do you feel you have to convince me though? do you feel insecure about your own gaming habits? i was quite addicted myself until i eventually just got bored
I'm not I asked your opinion on it, you came back with a platitude, and instead of pressing you to just answer the question directly I just gave an ancetodal.
can mint use WINE?
of course
Software solutions always do stupid things when they're paired with old/busted batteries, like showing 50% then the device immediately turns off at 49%.
Especially if it's in a cucked environment without root and permissions like Anon's tablet.
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When there's rapid flickering on my screen for a while (typically happens with games) the area that was flickering keeps flickering for a while even after the flickering animation is over. How long it lasts depends on how long it was flickering initially, and can take minutes to go away. Is this a problem with my monitor, gpu or something else? Can it be prevented? Is there a danger of my hardware getting damaged?
what printer should I get, fa/g/s?

>color would be nice but I don't print color enough if I can get a better monochrome printer for the same/less cost
>needs to have a scanner
Is firefox a good browser to use anymore or are there better browsers now? I was using Brave, but the continual blot and memecoin shit they added made me kinda hate it, I did like the tor node connection feature though.
Need a program that'll let me stream my PC to my phone (android). Just want to watch videos or check progress on stuff/set things to render while I'm at work/out of the house. Any recommendations?
Try them for yourself, everyone browses different sites and will shill the browsers that work for their use case.
That being said I use Librewolf, just werks out of the box.
Firefox and its forks were always the only browser worth using. Brave was always a grift. It's not open source and the Tor feature only works as a risk amplifier.
Whats the codec I need to download to prevent the weird screen tearing I'm getting in celluloid?
just nvidia things
Anons... i bought a portable monitor to use on my pc, but both the monitor i already have and this one can only use hdmi.
The thing is that my gpu only has one hdmi port and 3 DP.... is there anything i can do other than buying a new monitor? (i have no igpu too)
DP to hdmi adapter
Jesus christ i thought that meant the DP would come out as hdmi, not the opposite. At least this is /sqt/
>uBlock origin
>Dark reader

Just works.
On a Raspberry Pi, how would I
>Record audio until file reaches length/size threshold
>Do this until you have 10 recordings
>Start overwriting recordings starting with recording 1.
>Do this 24/7
this is not really a stupid question, but: can i x-post a tech post from /mu/ : >>>/mu/122748642 in /g/ if noone on /mu/ answers?
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People with 120 HZ phones: do you bother setting the screen refresh rate to 120 hz even if you know it kills the battery faster?
i used to in the past but now i kinda do or do not - sometimes when i travel i set it to 60 hz if i remember. the difference is not that great and i do have an external powerbank but idk... a few % can make a difference on a 12 hours road.
I'm tech retarded. Do I have any other options to increase my internet speed if I can't connect to ethernet because my PC and the modem+router are on different floors of the house and neither can be moved? Or do I just have to cope with the slow wifi?
Looking for $40 or under PoE powered wifi AP. Currently have a TP-Link, it randomly freezes so I'd prefer a different brand.
Could try changing the wireless channel, or get a stronger wireless adapter.
if you can't use ethernet and can't move the router/pc you pretty much have two options
wifi extenders but they cut the speed in half
powerline ethernet adapters but they depend on your house wiring
>they depend on your house wiring
If my house is 30 years old would it probably not work?
>23 commends
i guess people did answer
I asked this months ago and /g/ said to install the right .net framework. I did and still shows me this error when I boot up. I don't know if Aacambietnlighting ihas something to do with this?
30 years is nothing. Maybe 100 when insulation wasn't figured out, or at least 50 to get back to aluminum wiring
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Do 4k Printable blurays exist? where can I get some?
pic not related
I don't see how playing games can affect one's ability to take care of responsibilities but okay
I paid for a high quality phone for a reason: that's what I want to use. If I wanted discount slop, I'd have bought discount slop.
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When I make a html word document to view locally stored images in a collage with <img src=>, the pictures are displayed like on the left picrel
I want the images to fill themselves so that there are no gaps and one screen can display more images than just 3-4 images at a time

Is such thing even possible? I'm pretty sure it is, but I am not apt at coding
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I have this random calculator app popping up either on restart, or after a certain amount of time. I'm not opening this, it's happening on it's own, and it doesn't have any of the buttons or functionality of the regular calculator. Is this a sign of possible malware or something?
Why don't they make 3.5" Sata ssds? Imagine the storage you could get in one of em
>Is such thing even possible?

>I am not apt at coding
In this case, no. The best you can do with html / css is flexbox, meaning your images will stretch and zoom.
That doesn't actually answer my question...
>it randomly freezes
Have you tried another device on its place? Long and unshielded cables can act as antennas.

>I can't connect to ethernet
By ethernet you mean the wired ethernet? Dear /sqt/, please don't make this a habit, Wi-Fi's an Ethernet too, just wireless.
5.1v from the USB and 3.88V to the battery? So? There's a charging controller in between, it's not a car battery.
And what's a rule of 3?
Oh christ. See picrel and immediately conf it as an access point instead of a router.
What's bottlenecking my old thinkpad for basic web browsing? The 4gb ram or the i5-4200u? Starts to shit itself with more than a few tabs open + video, or even one bloated website like Apple's. Using Ubuntu, wonder if switching to different distro with a lighter DE will help. It's only 1.5gb ram at idle which doesn't seem like a lot to me.
>Seeing as how it can be used to make apps and people actually do use it. What is this called, if it exists?
"Blue collar programming", it's when a non-programmer suddenly needs programming.
>why are older routers limited to 100 Mbps off their ethernet ports when they literally have a "300 Mbps" 2,4 GHz wifi speed ?
Don't understand the "why". Why not?
>"300 Mbps"
It's really not, you'd likely get 50Mbit/s out of N300.
If you only got your PC in there and no other clients, sure. Picture relates.
Or if you want to route with your PC and have multiple network interfaces (I'm currently doing that)
To this day I don't know if celluloid is good or if its shit because some webms I have stutter but other webms don't and I have no idea if its the player or the webm.
I just downloaded VLC to test it out and its definatly a weird Celluloid problem with webms, just use VLC.
Does Linux support .gif or video wallpaper?
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Linux is a kernel.
But yeah, totally doable but idk about out-of-the-box solutions. Gnome for example seems to have a plugin for it.
My SSD started spinning
No one needs 120hz on a phone
It's another useless consoomer trick
If it's tech related yeah
How long does it take for you to get your unlock matrix config good enough for all the sites you vista? Everytime I installed it I ended up giving up because I'm too lazy to whitelist each script for each site individually but I guess if you only vista 3 or 4 sites it's not that annoying
Firefox and libre wolf are fine
Brave and chrome are trannyware
Consider a very long ethernet cable strung along the walls, held up with things like 3m command strip hooks. I've had to do this in two places now and it's worked adequately.
>wifi extenders but they cut the speed in half
To be clear here, what anon means is that the potential bandwidth of the wireless signal coming out of the extender is halved, because it has to grab your packet and then sling it at the source unit using the same radio, effectively halving the potential bandwidth available to you. This may or may not actually matter for you.
>Starts to shit itself with more than a few tabs open
watch top or another system monitor. if you're swapping, which I bet you are, then it's that measly 4gb of memory. if you can't add more memory, and haven't done so already, consider using an ssd which will at least be faster to swap
two reasons,
one, wired ethernet is duplex, like mentioned, meaning it's 100Mbit/s upload and 100Mbit/s download /at the same time/
while wifi is a shared radio medium and can download or upload, but not both at the same time, plus, the 300Mbps is peak (ideal conditions, short range) symbol rate (before overheads), technically the ethernet one is symbol rate as well i think, but wifi has more overhead
all in all, they're reasonably well matched in terms of practical usage
Mint with cinnamon?

probably has hidden microdrive partition
So I'm a retard and instead of exporting my bookmarks, I just stole them from my old browser in plain text. Is there any way to convert this to html so I can upload it or no? I'd take a screen cap but I don't know how to on mint yet.
Is the reason for all the MacOS vs. Linux stupid threads right now because of a new macbook? It was only this bad with the M1 and I notice jannies delete the same threads over and over >>101389000
>all the MacOS vs. Linux stupid threads
it's all bored trolls with reflexive contrarianism so deeply baked into their psyche that they have to seek the attention of conflict to get their rocks off
Upload to where? What makes you think you can't upload a text file?
What is the best entry level materials to learn about networks and security?
I want to enable port forwarding for my wireguard vpn but, having never set up port forwarding before, I don't know the difference between the terms "Local start port", "Local end port", "External start port" and "External end port". I know that wireguard uses port 51820 but I wasn't expecting four different fields. Could someone enlighten me on what these are?
>"Local start port" etc
Is that something you are reading from the VPN provider's page or what?
>that wireguard uses port 51820
completely irrelevant here

I can't watch boogie getting grilled on video for faking cancer, because he probably got mad and flagged it for something. I don't have a verified email. There used to be hooktube etc, but that doesn't work anymore. Where can I find a mirror or w/e?
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Longtime Linux user here
I'm joining a company to work on AI stuff (huggingface transformers stack but they have their own tools for some stuff) and they're giving me the option to use a PC or Macbook
I'm familiar with Windows (dislike it but have used it for work before) but have never used a Mac. Most of the team uses a Macbook. How similar to Linux is the shell and package management on Mac?
try yt-dlp
I'm scared to make a stand-alone thread so I figured I'll just ask here, but I'm considering buying a budget TV and my local store has two that I'm eyeing.

One is a TCL and the other is a Vizio, both are 50-inch 4k HDR TV's, but I know almost nothing about televisions, at least by today's standards. I'd be using it mostly for gaming and streaming anime, sadly they both have native 60hz refresh rate, though it says both have VRR and gaming modes with HDMI 2.1 ports.

I feel like Vizio is more recognizable than TCL in the market, but I had one anon tell me TCL is better than Vizio, so I'm not sure. The Vizio does have Wi-Fi 6 though and the TCL only has Wi-Fi 5, and I know Wi-Fi 6 is vastly superior, supposedly like 30% more bandwidth and 4x faster, but from what I've read about Vizio they seem to be slowly dropping out of the TV industry. I didn't know this, but they stopped selling Vizio TV's in Canada in 2020, and they're also the slowest brand to release new models of TV's as well compared to other brands, like they might release new models every 2-3 years. I know the Vizio I'm looking at appears to have just come onto the market like 1-2 months ago, so it's a 2024 Vizio model TV, and it's a V-series but it's supposed to be stronger than their 2022 V series, but in what ways I don't know...

Does anyone have any opinions or experiences with TCL TV's? Would you recommend it over a Vizio?
well the shell i know about, macos uses zsh last i checked, which is bash-compatible (more or less) and is a popular shell to use on linux, too
macos doesn't do system-wide packages like linux, i haven't used macos in forever and even then never as a personal machine, but i've heard of homebrew (never used it)
Start looking at actual specs instead. Like brightness and color gamut
The two TV's don't specifically mention their color gamut and brightness level. The model for the TLC I'm looking at claims to be 25% brighter than their last TV in that same class. I don't know how bright the Vizio gets, but the Vizio only says it uses Ultra Color Spectrum and I know the TCL also says it has 1.07 billion colors, but that's it.
Which browser instead of safari for macOS (modulo "apple sux", "botnet OS", etc) would you suggest, if I wanted:
1) uBlock origin;
2) GUI;
3) telemetry: no, thank you! good enough if can be reliably deactivated via settings of the browser itself;
4) low-ish on resources (5-30 tabs, some of them videos, a lot of them text or article based), firefox is HUGGING memory
open source / FOSS would be very nice

I am looking at Orion and Brave, but the former is not open source and has a reputation for not really working with uBlock origin?
The latter... I dunno?
Is it possible to block all images from a specific board?
Should I use a VPN whilst downloading Linux isos?
i use brave on android, arch and windows 10 and its a pretty good browser. actively supported, the only thing i dislike is you have to turn off all the crypto shit, but it only takes a few seconds. brave news and all that i turn off too
best method
it looks so much nicer. i will never buy a sub 120 screen or monitor under any circumstances anymore
firefox with arkenfox user.js
never settle for chromium based browsers
I don't want to mine bitcoin for an indian 14 yo
he already thanked me :^)
I didn't go there, just being well mannered

used notube to dl it
how do i organise my files and folders in c?
you got like include lib include bin debug release and then you got your external libraries and object files and headers and ASdaegqewat aewr where do i put all this shit and what gcc commands do i need to know to include libraries or whatever and do other stuff
can anyone recommend me an adblocker which works on youtube? ever since youtube started fucking around a few months ago i just disabled my adblocker on youtube only and i'm too lazy to re enable it so i'm asking you guys instead
Brave browser
I don't, but do whatever you want.
I ended up getting a TCL because of the price. Has 4k and HDR, so it's fine for what I'm doing. (PlayStation gamer)
If you can find your model on portforward.com, they'll explain it better. Don't let them trick you into downloading their shitware though.
i just got a second monitor, should i set this one to half the refresh rate of the other one (so 72 hz) or is that all a bunch of baloney?
Really depends on the limitations of your GPU, I would just turn it off when you're gaming
When i connect my phone to the 2,4 GHz wifi it works fine but when i connect it to the 5 GHz from the same device it says "no internet connection", what the frick is happening here?
To the browser? Its in html, I think.
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How is tomato actually calculating network speed?

I was under the impression that the theoretical max would be 125MB/s on a gigabit connection...
I just installed the addon via tampermonkey and it does nothing
Nevermind the crx works
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>failed to deploy a stack: Network test_default Creating Network test_default Created Container wireguard_test Creating Container wireguard_test Created Container deluge_test Creating Container flexget_test Creating Error response from daemon: conflicting options: port publishing and the container type network mode
What's wrong with my docker-compose file? I changed ports but portainer fails to deploy my stack anyway https://pastebin.com/YVBi9S8Y
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>Amazon delivery guy calls me, says he can't get into my apartment building
>"uhh aight, I'll come down there"
>Walk downstairs
>Don't see him, wait a minute
>Walk around a bit, find him
>Tells me he can't give it to me because he just marked it as non-deliverable
>"...I can't tell if you're joking or not"
>He says he's serious
>He says "I said I was over here and you weren't so I had to mark it as non-deliverable... sorry"
Should I try to get this fucking idiot fired, or is this like an honest mistake that happens sometimes?
amazon workers are under enough stress already, probably some policy if you weren't there in like 1 minute he had to move on
give the guy a break
Yeah, call and complain, fuck him. Could have just given you a package and made a call or stayed a little later after work to make sure it got corrected/input into the system correctly. Call and complain but be reasonable about it.
Is it possible to set up a custom download path for 4chan media by using 4chanx?
Besides sandboxing or emulating another OS on the fly I cannot fathom the use for virtualization.
Hidden botnet
An OS for you. Another for the NSA.
uBlock origin
I recently got some new 2.1 speakers for my pc, but unlike my old ones they dont have a way to lower the bass as a result everything sounds way too noisy.
So basically is there some software method to lower the subwoofer volume/bass or do I have to get new speakers?
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>How long does it take for you to get your unlock matrix config good enough for all the sites you vista? Everytime I installed it I ended up giving up because I'm too lazy to whitelist each script for each site individually but I guess if you only vista 3 or 4 sites it's not that annoying
I have 1st party CSS and images allowed as a global rule and most sites are readable like that. It's been fun getting a deeper insight into everything that attempts to load when you connect to a website. Check out the new york times website, it's crazy.

Other than that I haven't had to do much tinkering, just the occasional JS here and there.
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I need recomendations for cheap keyboards and mice. mechanical switches would be cool. I want to buy 4 sets (for me, mum, brother and frien) my butget is 150€ tho
also german layout
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I found my problem. I had to move the "ports" entries from the other services to the wireguard service since I'm routing the traffic through that container
Where can I actually document about tech related stuff that isn't just retards who copied an article?
REGEX question:

What is the difference between using capturing groups or not?
Like in what situation would you use

instead of

they both match

What situation would you be in where you want to AVOID capture groups?
I deleted the bootloader partition in my linux machine, how do i fix it?
If you need the match from a capturing group you use a normal (keyword) instruction. If you don't want a capturing group to pollute the matching groups in output, you use the (?:keyword) instruction. Sometimes you need to wrap patterns in group for groups out of necessity and the non-capturing option lets you decide if you want the matched result to appear in the match result list
So it's purely to clean up the output?
Yeah. If you don't care about the matching results from a pattern, you can also use normal capturing groups everywhere https://regex101.com/r/uqX46F/1
Phone started beeping all of the sudden yesterday for about 15 seconds while I was listening to youtube
I don't have any alarms and all notifications are muted
Did I get hit with some sort of virus? Should I factory reset and start from scratch?
Either the 5ghz has a whitelist or you're too far from the router.
How much coding does a security analyst/tech do?
My initial reaction is not much but I'm not exactly sure why I think that.
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I'm dumb and have no programming language experience at 28. I want to either get into bug bounties or data scrapping but have no clue where to start with either. Is it over? Should I just give up and stick to insurance?
I am going into electrical engineering and part of my program is coding in C. I have no previous programming experience so the first language I want to teach myself is C. What is the best online source where I can learn and practice C for free?
Packery looks kinda similar to what you're after: https://packery.metafizzy.co/
The You can initialize it without any (manual) javascript using data-packery. Looks quite cool, but it does require a commercial license. It seems like the same author also made Isotope, which does the same thing but it's possible to filter & sort the results
In my limited experience, no coding was necessary, but occasional simple scripting was helpful.
No the fuck it's not man it's squares
Recommend me some cheap devices without pozzed trackers or cloud support that I can use to play music through earbuds while I'm out. Thanks
no it's just some junk chat gpt generated for me and i needed an image to get attention to my question
Gets link but no internets huh? My first guess is 2.4 and 5GHz access points have different settings applied. Either on the client or the access point side.
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with the rise of gopros and insta360 cameras for hobbyists, why don't they have cameras with the lenses on leads like inspection cameras? i'm thinking camera on my dog's head and the recording/hardware "stuff" connected to a pack on her back. it seems like all these cameras are all-in-one. is there something obvious that i'm missing, why they don't do this?
The maximum on the graph? There's all sorts of buffering going on everywhere so you can expect seeing spikes like that.
And if you have a super tight poll rate you can see things like 9001 billion gigabits per second on a 1Mbit/s line and then everything looking like flat zero for some time.
You don't "upload to Tor browser". Now I'm even more confused.
post boot entries first
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Because then the lens and sensor would flop about a lot and that would be hard to get any kind of image stabilization out of.
And besides, there are cameras pretty much small enough by themselves.
Also, while what you suggested might work decently for mounting on an animal, most people want to mount their action cameras on sticks, vehicles, stationary objects, machine parts, or integrate them into drones. Dogs aren't very reliable at looking at whatever you tell them to look at.
SSD goes to 100 when I'm doing tasks, some more intensive than others, and freezes or has extreme slowdown. Anything I can do to prevent/minimize this? Are there any other components that may be exacerbating this?
So, passphrases on your ssh keys. Good idea or security theater? If you get into a situation where you keys are in danger isn't the whole system also completely fucked?
How full is it? Usually the performance drops the fuller it is.
>TCP is a sniper
>UDP is spray and pray
Is this comparison accurate?
>TCP is a handshake
>UDP is a head nod
I don't have many projects to do, so I started making something like a search engine. It works by scraping other search engines (Google, DuckDuckGo, etc.). It's developed using PHP, and I was wondering if it's something retard to do or not. It also like get the wikipedia page and I'm trying to make an embed just like google.
Incredibly full. About 150gb left on 2tb
>The rule of thumb for keeping SSDs at top speeds is never to completely fill them up. To avoid performance issues, you should never use more than 70% of the total capacity.
Should consider backing up some files to external storage, and using the disk cleaner to remove the installer files that windows update leaves behind. Clean up system restores that you're not using. Ect. WinDirStat to see what else you can delete and or transfer to external storage.
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Alright guys, real dumbass question here:

Is there any browser on mobile where you can fullscreen completely? Default android browser still has these headers (above the red line) displayed, I need one where you can mimic the F11 fullscreen experience
Can anyone recommend a temporary euro phone plan that I can use with my pixel and wife's iphone? We have ATT prepaid and THEY want to charge $35 for 7 days. Spending about 7 weeks there on vacation soon.
Don't know if its a stupid question but don't know where else to ask.
I have a Computer Science Degree and would like to get a Masters Degree. What are some good CS Masters Degree I could look into and what they do?
>You don't "upload to Tor browser". Now I'm even more confused.
haha, very funny.
I tired to redownload brave and stick the bookmarks in the files to then export but for w/e reason linux brave won't acknowledge that the bookmarks are there and when I create a new bookmark, the browser just replaces the old bookmark.txt with a new one.
why do you want a masters degree? I have 2 and find it doesnt help a bit -- its all about YOE which a degree will just set you back that much more.
Damn. I have some stuff I know I can get rid of right now and I'll look into more long term solutions later, thanks.
Did you get it from their website or flatpak?
You don't need udp for anything unless you want to get pozzed
Just TCP, basic ports, nothing else
I'm retarded and new, I sudo get'd using their website instructions so I think flatpak?
UDP is pretty common for online gaming
What do you mean by YOE?
I'd like to get back in university and learn/research how to improve my skillsets, social skills and broaden my perspectives and hopefully get further on the tech world than what I currently am. [spoiler] it also helps my family keeps pestering me about wanting a son with an M.D. [/spoiler]
years of experience
I'm also retarded, but it doesn't sound like the flatpak version, which is probably a good thing.
Well I appreciate the help, but I don't see how this really helps with my bookmark problem?
>>101397169 (Me)
I also tried too convert the .txt to .html but that didn't work either. I have a .bak saved so I'll try to see if that works.
>>101397210 (ME)
kek, nvm the .bak apparently needs to be a .json. I didn't realize bookmarks where this hard, I though it was a drag and drop. I guess I'll just have to manually sift through the text file.
Is there a good Linux AutoHotkey equivalent?
Games are just pozz entry holes
You don't need gaming
>Had to use urban dictionary
>being zapped with AIDs by a homosexual male on purpose.
>literally every windows user
I'm on firefox, should I use violentmonkey or tampermonkey or does it not matter which one I use
Dude what the fuck, my internet "went down" for like 10 minutes where I lost connection on my browser that I was using VPN with. Split tunnel for browser to use 4chan on. On this browser I couldn't do anything beside RECEIVE new 4chan posts. Can't google/duckduckgo anything. Can't get captcha to post anything.
It was so fucking weird, like a one way portal from the internet. Reminds me of that one time 10+ years ago I mysteriously kept connection to IRC but couldn't do anything else.
is there a setting on youtube to make the thumbnails in search results smaller? they're so big i can only see 3 results at a time in full screen
This has to be the least helpful explanation I've ever seen.
Any way to force all websites to show me nothing but the "skeleton" of the page?
No backgrounds, no animations, no icons, no discord window, no auto-playing videos?
>Reading Mode
No, that's not what I'm looking for
ctrl+scroll down.
with firefox focus, just scroll down a bit and it hides all that. but, still has android status bar (time,wifi icons etc).
What can I use to download youtube videos and audio, and does youtube audio only come in 128kbps?
I figured it out after looking for a while, just used the backup and all the bookmarks missing were the more recent bookmarks, so I just scrapped them manually where the bookmark ends and I'll be slowly going through them next week.
So is UEFI just a type of BIOS or something entirely different?
yt-dlp, and no, it varies, depending on what the uploader posted.
>Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is a specification for a software program that connects a computer's firmware to its operating system (OS). UEFI is expected to eventually replace basic input/output system (BIOS) but is compatible with it.
I had low disc space on my Windows 11 laptop and now I get a black screen when I sign in. What do I do? I'm ok with doing a reset if necessary because I already have all my important stuff backed up. I just want to get the computer working again. Thanks.
Do you at least see the bios?
Why the fuck would you say "throughput" instead of just transfer speed? How is it any different?
No it's just a black screen and the cursor. I can turn the computer off and then open the UEFI if necessary but I don't know what I'm supposed to do after that.
can you ctrl+alt+del and run explorer.exe?
>the amount of material or items passing through a system or process

Throughput is the data, and transfer rate is the how fast the data can be transferred.
You will probably have to boot to an installer via usb and use the repair function. Is it a hard drive disk or ssd?
So throughput is a quantity of data. Isn't it redundant to use that and also talk about rate of transfer? If my SSD is moving 50 MB/s, then in 2 seconds its throughput is 100 MB, no?
I restarted and held ctrl+alt+del until the sign in page showed up then I logged in and I'm able to see my desktop now. I don't know if it was a coincidence but thanks. Now I just have to clear some storage space.
The initial speeds are usually faster, then you'll see a noticeable drop, because the disk is trying to confirm/verify that the data that has been transferred/received, so it's actively reading/writing at the same time. Go ahead and try a disk benchmark, with larger files/throughput. You'll see what I mean. I'm sure it varies slightly from filesystem to filesystem
In short, transfer speed is a variable, and throughput is an absolute.
When i try to upload code to my ESP32-CAM i get the error
"Start up failure. Crash loop detected"

This is the code

and this is the tutorial i followed

the esp32-cam is one off aliexpress

I feel like ive wasted so much time tryign to get this to work
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this is the output from the program
>Now I just have to clear some storage space.
Run the Disk Cleanup application as admin before you go deleting anything yourself.
Is this the right thread to ask questions about learning to code and employment?

The last thread I was in just got pruned due to people arguing about communism.
What do you want to know?
i wouldn't try to get him fired, he can't really wait around
if you want to complain about something, complain about them not being able to change the delivery status, since it's dumb that he can't give it to you just because computer says no
I'll just repost:
Is it even possible to get into programming now with jeets and AI as an old man?

I've been learning a bit of coding but it seems like there's a lot to learn with new stuff appearing all the time.

I did a STEM degree more than 10 years so I'd like to think I have some sort of ability to learn.

I have been slowly creating an app using chatgpt but having it create means I don't learn much besides putting the pieces together.

I'm currently in a dead end wageslave job that eats between 4-8 hours a day.
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Today, on my Windows 10 computer, DIRECTLY in the C:\ directory, I saw a file: "AVScanner.ini" . I cannot remember if it has always been there or not, but I suspect not. The created date and last modified date are both in 2017. My computer did not fucking exist until 2021. Here are the contents of the file when opened in notepad:


That's it. Those two lines of text, and nothing else. I tried searching google about this file, and there are numerous other people who have found this exact same file in C:\ over the years, but not a single person has ever come up with an explanation of what it is or how it got there.

Additionally, I searched my entire hard drive for "AVScanner" and it returned picrelated result. In addition to the file itself, somewhere on my hard drive exists this """"""""""Internet Shortcut"""""""""" file. I would love to tell you where this "shortcut" is, but the File Explorer search does not even give a fucking location, or offer the "Open file location" option when I right-click. When I view the properties of the shortcut, it similarly shows no information at all. Selecting "Open" in the right-click menu simply opens the .ini file in notepad.

Can anyone offer any thoughts on what the fuck this is, where it came from, or what the hell kind of file this "Internet Shortcut" is or where it might be stored? I don't do anything sketchy on my computer and am baffled as to where this came from.
Realistically, you are going to face an enormous uphill battle. I'd suggest you shift away from coding and instead get an AWS or Salesforce certification or something. Go for more of an admin role. Coding is not the only high-paying IT job in this world.
Just want a reccomendation of what video player to use. MPC-BE is okay I just don't have a seek option.
Got a recommended pathway?
violent is lighter and foss
the shortcut is probably from the most-recently-used documents list, given the timestamp. make sure Defender is up to date and that it's been getting the weekly/daily malware updates. consider doing a whole drive scan.
Why does my perineum feel sore after masturbating (and ejaculating)?
Just using AWS as an example, search for "AWS admin certification course." Find a reputable online certification prep course. It will probably cost some money but that's life. Take the course, then try to get an entry level admin certification, which will be directly from AWS and will require passing an exam. Once you're certified, put the cert on your linkedin profile and recruiters will take notice. Aim for a junior admin role, and work your way up the ladder.

There are actually a couple other "quick access" shortcuts in the search results, not included in the screenshot, but still you may be right. I did a full scan and an offline scan, and nothing came up. No weird processes in task manager and nothing weird in installed programs. Still disconcerting though
>Just using AWS as an example, search for "AWS admin certification course." Find a reputable online certification prep course. It will probably cost some money but that's life. Take the course, then try to get an entry level admin certification, which will be directly from AWS and will require passing an exam. Once you're certified, put the cert on your linkedin profile and recruiters will take notice. Aim for a junior admin role, and work your way up the ladd
Sounds actionable I guess.
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every time i suspend my computer, turning it back on makes my 4chan userscripts stop working until i restart firefox. why is this happening?
That'll probably depend on what user script extension, which scripts, and which operating system you're using, not that I would know. Works fine on kde neon/violentmonkey/4chanx only.
What does changing your DNS do?
Does it prevent your ISP from knowing what sites you visit, kind of like a VPN?
What do I do?
i'm just using the captcha solver on linux mint
RAID setups seem pretty wildly inefficient, especially 0. Why wouldn't you just use two drives separately especially if when you combine them in R-0 you risk losing everything if one of the drives loses data?
>Could have just given you a package and made a call or stayed a little later after work to make sure it got corrected/input into the system correctly.
Are you fucking retarded?
Not exactly, no, it just translates domain names into IP addresses so you can access websites/servers.
Depends, do you care about your job? The guy obviously doesn't give a shit and anybody that gets that fucking bureaucratically about a fucking package is a dirty commie and should be fired.
You're trolling right? Raids can automatically backup data so if a drive fails you don't lose your files/system configuration.
RAID 0 is for getting the bandwidth of two storage devices when accessing a single file. It offers no other benefit.
You can combine raid 0 with other raids, so you have your backup as well as more disk speed.
At the cost of literally doubling the space required.
I just understood the concept of RAIDs and this is just my initial reaction as far as I understand them.
I have a Samsung Tab S8, is there any way for me to install Always On Display on that and use it as a table clock whenever I'm not actively using it?
Is there a custom glossary plugin for Zotero?
Useful for people who value their time and aren't broke. I don't have one.
If you enable developer options and turn on stay awake, and keep it on a charger, yes.
Is there a decently easy way to see which device is using up the most bandwidth on my home network? I've tried looking at most things either say router level, which doesn't work for me, or are about finding out what's being done on the network which idc about.
the more full it is, the higher the chance of fragmentation, and by extension, write amplification. this can result in more writes and lower speeds
You could probably setup a custom server for DHCP and use it for bandwidth monitoring, would probably be easier to just get a better router though.
2010s called
>keep it on a charger
Ah shit. I think I'll just download one of those shitty AOD apps then. Thanks, bro.
Could also just set your screen time out option to always on and download a clock app.
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I want to reset my computer. There's 5 years worth of crap accumulated I want to get rid of em except for stuff I want to keep. I have 2 drives, an SSD and a HDD, can I just throw everything I want to save onto the latter, plug it out, do the reset and plug it back in?
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How come I can't adjust these steam settings?
Can I remove the name of tabs on Firefox so that they all only just have the icon? As if they were all pinned tabs, but without having to do that. Failing that, I'd perhaps be interested in being able to modify the width of them, but then again that's dynamic isn't it so maybe not.
You could save time if you just use the reset this pc option and select keep files.
Is there no way to report a post with OneeChan enabled?
I did some reading and everyone said to not use that and use the Media Creation Tool instead
Nvm I got it but I had to edit the script itself
.post .menu-button{float:left;margin-left:-25px;margin-right:10px;position:relative;left:5px}
I don't see why, unless your computer is full of viruses or something. In which case they would probably infect the thumb drive anyways. Keep the USB install option as a backup and just use the reset this pc option. I've done it several times and it hasn't let me down. Just be patient with it. If you're using a laptop keep it plugged in.
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Im installing Arch linux on my laptop, and im in the partitioning part, could anyone tell me if im doing something wrong or maybe missing something?, i wanted to try Arch on my HP Pavilion g series (pavilion g4), i have a hdd of 500G, i3, im using the fdisk tool and i chose the option “create a empty GPT partition table ”

So far i have doing it correctly? Am i missing something? I dont want to fuck this up :/
You got further than I did. How much physical ram do you have?
4G if im not mistaken
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Is it possible to get a co2 and humidity detector with an e-ink display that doesnt need chinese government apps to calibrate the humidity detector?
If they dont have an e-ink display, they need to be left in charge (otherwise running out of battery in less than a day) making the device hot and the humidity detector inaccurate.
Feel like im shit out of luck but thought id ask just in case someone ran into the same issue and found a solution
You may consider using a swap file instead of a swap partition, so it can grow or shrink automatically based on your computing needs.
Could probably find a pi-hat for that
Thats going to be a learning experience and a half. Do you mean building my own device by attaching sensors to it or is it more like creating a local server for the chinese products to connect to? Seems like the former but im just double checking
>euro phone plan
Phone plan for the *entire* Europe? Never heard of.
Here's one example from this country:
>works in entire EU/ETA
>20Mbit/s 4G internets
>25€ per month
Save 10€ if you can live with 5Mbit/s.
>unlimited calls and texts
>unlimited data in Nordics and Baltics
>17GB per month of data in other EU/ETA countries
No idea about other euro countries deals.
I assoom there's other regional deals depending on which euro area we are talking about.
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Well you aren't completely wrong, but there are significant benefits to the non-0 modes. With RAID, you trade money (resources, power) for reliability. Nobody that cares about device failure uses RAID-0 alone. RAID-1 protects against single drive failure. You can take two RAID-1s and RAID-0 them to get the benefits of both, nicknamed RAID-10, though you can still only safely survive one failure. You can actually survive two if you lose one from either mirror, instead of losing the mirror pair. RAID-6 uses parity math to allow you to create very large arrays that can safely allow up to two failures. Linux software RAID, mdadm, lets you layer together different levels. I've used it to create a RAID-61 before -- a RAID-1 built out of RAID-6s -- AND I'LL FUCKIN DO IT AGAIN.
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>automatically backup data
NO! BAD ANON, BAD! Don't miseducate the newbies! RAID is not backup, it is device failure mitigation.
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Looks ok
>random few gigs of swap
but idk what's up with this meme, you aren't the only one doing it. I'd skip the swap partition altogether or made it BIG. But not like that.
>fdisk instead of cfdisk
My smooth brain likes cfdisk more.
you could probably make something with a ESP32 or Pi Pico W running ESPhome software, looks like that supports a couple of epaper displays and most co2 sensors.

At least you won't have to code it from scratch, just figure out the esphome config file.
>I have 2 drives, an SSD and a HDD, can I just throw everything I want to save onto the latter, plug it out, do the reset and plug it back in?
>"pick the snake oil option instead of an actual installation"
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Is there any way to disable middle-click paste on every program except terminal?
>At the cost of literally doubling the space required
There's always some cost. Are you making a pick between 0, 5 and 6 here?
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Okayy, haha, yeah i put 5G bc i wasn't 100% sure what was the use of the swap partition (i just watched a video) and I wanted not to“ risk”
Yeah, i use fdisk bc that was what the Arch wiki said
Okay, thank you lots, im used to changing config files so that doesnt sound bad at all. I feel like learning about this is probably going to have more use to me than just as a co2 sensor in the future. Pretty excited desu
Any decent webm conversion scripts for 4chan?
Yes I can do it manually but it's a pain in the ass.
for linux*
There's less computational corners with a swap partition when resuming from hibernation. Difference may not be huge but
>mount a filesystem
>find a swap file
>don't do shit, the partition just exists
The difference grows in magnitudes if the swap file is located on an encrypted or otherwise "hard to get to" partition. The bootloader has to cope with all this, if it fails it'll ruin your day.
(of course the swap partition itself could be encrypted too)
use find to grab the filenames and either process them and pipe them where needed or use the -exec option to invoke your normal webm conversion process
selecting files is the easy part.
the issue is getting the optimal bitrate conversion for 4chans filesize limitations.
some people are able to encode top notch webms under 6 MB and this is an annoying process if you're doing things manually.
Is it possible to get fontawesome working with pdflatex? Everything I've tried just does not work. Like, this CTAN one (https://ctan.org/pkg/fontawesome5) is apparently supposed to work with pdflatex, but I honestly am not sure what it is that I'm supposed to do with the zip/its contents. If there's no way to get it working with pdflatex, is there an alternative that works? I use Linux Mint 21.3 btw
>6 MB
Has the max file size been increased to 6MB from the 4MB it used to be?
What data do you want to scrape?
on /gif/ and /wsg/ it's 6mb i believe.
maybe /wsr/ also
scraping data from a website is mostly trivial once you understand html, js, css.
bug bounties are extremely difficult and unrealistic.
only wsg has 6mb webms, the rest has either 4 or 2mb webms
there are other boards with bigger file sizes, like /f/(10mb), /gd/, /hc/, /po/, etc (8mb) tho
Is it possible to overload the yt-dlp config file so somehow we cna get all audio-only clips in one folder and all videos in another?
ah. well.
i'll keep doing it manually if needed, but I'm surprised there isn't a decent bash script for this by now.
the best solution i've found was https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter (aka webm for retards) but it's wangblows only
where new
when it finishes you can just do
ffmpeg -i [NAME] -c:a copy audio/[NAME].ogg && ffmpeg -i [NAME] -c:v copy -an video/[NAME]

it takes a fraction of a second since you're just copying stuff, not reencoding anything, should be faster than downloading 2 diferent files too
Well what I mean is if I'm downloading an mp4, put it in one folder, and if I'm downloading an mp3, put it in another. Not just downloading two files, but conditional download locations depending on file type.
No, going through A+ coursework right now and just hit RAIDS.
There's this solana gambling website:
Is there a way to make a script that makes you automatically cash out right before it the chart crashes?
Why don't you just use a function to sort it afterwards?
function ytsort {
m=$(mimetype -b "$1");
if [[ $m == video* ]];
then mv "$1" VIDEOS/;
elif [[ $m == audio* ]];
then mv "$1" AUDIOS/;
fi ;
what I do is have separate configs for audio / video / subtitle downloads with the specific options inside them. audio config might look like this:
-o "%(title)s.%(ext)s"
-P "~/audio"

then when you want an audio only download you just call that config like so:
yt-dlp --config-location /path/to/audio-config <url>
The hostname for my IP is in the form of dsl-1234.blah.dhcp.glowie.isp and I also have a dynamic DNS name of blah.no-ip. Currently the dynamic name is updated by software to a correct A value as the IPv4 address changes.
Would it make any sense at all to make the dynamic name a CNAME for dsl-1234.blah.dhcp.glowie.isp instead?
How many watts is the non-fast charging of smartphones? And how do I figure this out for my specific phone?

I have a Samsung A53 5G, and I can't for the life of me find info on charging when fast charging is turned off. Every website only lists "up to 25W fast charging" on their specs/review.

Is it 10W? 15W? 20W? How do I figure this out?
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Creating a Windows 7 installer stick on Linux. Do I just flash the image or what? Does Windows 7 even UEFI-boot? If the ISO doesn't work as-is and doesn't UEFI-boot, then what?
I would've booted a god damn DVD if it wasn't for my new RAID taking all the SATA cables lmao.
The device could in theory hog anything but 2 amps is the maximum you can safely assume. 5x2=10 watts.
One amp (5W) is the safest option though.
I'm finally migrating to Linux from Windows 7 this autumn.

Where is Paging File in Linux/how it's called there, can it be configured, and should I leave it alone or it's better to turn it off (like I did with Windows)?

I'm Migrating to Mint and Zorin, btw.
What's a good software to compress a video without really noticeable quality loss?
I gotta cram some movies in a 128GB drive for a trip and I can only find a BDremux of a certain one.
>Got this old CD player
>Have same cd in flac files on PC
>both hooked up to amp out to same speakers
How come the old cd player sounds way better than playing it from my PC?
Is built in audio jack on motherboards really that shit? Do I buy a PCIe sound card or something? A DAC?
is there a way to tell if I have a displayport 1.2 or 1.4 cable? Supposedly the connections are identical, so that doesn't help. Are there any tests I can run?
>hello, is this pizzeria?
>yes, this is pizzeria
>i would like a pizza
>thank you

>i would like a pizza
In C, when should I use wchar_t instead of char?

I have two PCs, one with a high-end motherboard that has a supposedly good integrated sound card, and another PC with an old Audigy 2 ZS sound card from 2003. In my opinion the Audigy 2 ZS sounds far superior to the integrated audio on the much newer motherboard.
because they are designed for that only purpose
it probably didn't affect existing TCP connections, but you couldn't make new ones, so existing persistent connections like getting json updates on 4chan kept working
Maybe you didn't fully split-tunnel 4chan.
>Can't get captcha to post anything
That's not 4chan any more, that's Google.
But yea, I have no answer to the actual internets blackout.
what is a good vpn vendor that is not well known. I want to buy airplane tickets but want to say I am from a 3rd world country like nigeria, so it is cheaper
>Do I just flash the image or what?
try ventoy
where new
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How do I scrape all the images on 4chan archived threads that are on archive.moe, archiveofsins.com, or thebarchive etc?
I'll check both, thanks.
Answer my question >>101403523
, /g/oys.
it's called swap
Regardless, where is it in Linux/how it's called there, and should I increase it's size (my system will be on PCI-e 5.0 SSD of 2 or 4TB and 64GB DDR5 RAM, so I can spare some space), completely turn it off, or just ignore it altogether?
you can choose swap size during install but at 64gb ram you won't need a swap
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>at 64gb ram you won't need a swap
You sure? I did turn it off completely before in my Windows 7 setup, because people recommended doing that despite the fact I had 32 GB of RAM there and my OS was running on 2TB SATA III SSD. I've also heard that sometimes it's not good to completely turn it off, because some software might rely on it even IF you have a lot of storage space and RAM. Sooo...which is it?
i'm not entirely sure of the reason, but i've seen many times that windows wants /some/ swap, even if it's something small like 512M or something
i don't use windows anymore myself, but i do recall having some strange issues when disabling it entirely in windows xp
side note, you don't need swap for hibernate in windows because windows uses a separate file for hibernation
didn't read back much to see the conversation was about linux (as well)
on linux there's no issue with not having swap
I don't turn my computers off (all 7 of them, my next Linux system will be an 8-th build I'll make from scratch), ever. It's 24/7/365 operation (usually it idles at the desktop with internet connection cut off, for half of a day, anyway), I just put monitor/monitors on a timer for automatic shutdown, usually 20~40 minutes of afk. I rarely reboot it, if ever, usually only when some particular app fucks up and hangs the entire system (usually it's friggin' FireFox that does that).

>on Linux there's no issue with not having swap
With the 4chanX menu dropdown arrow on each post's header
well i can't speak for windows, since i've never looked into the technical reasons for it, i think some components do or at least used to expect there to be some swap, since that is the default, and straying from the defaults in windows is a recipe for problems, no matter how benign they seem

on linux though, it's designed to work with or without it, so the only downside to not having swap is that you don't have swap (or hibernate), that is, if you run low on memory, it can't push unused pages out in favour of page cache, and if you run out of memory it can't push unused pages in favour of killing something (oom). normal swap stuff
Swap partition is the equivalent and it's can be setup manually or automatically during installation.

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