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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Infinity Train edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101383758
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>my vocabulary increases due to the amount of gooning I commit with claude
>It's now full of claudeisms
Did i climb brainrot like a tree?
You're Claude now... Anthropic is coming for you...
Anons are gonna use you as an Opus substitute.
Pepsi...? Pls
any free opus yet?
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Have there been any remarkable advances in the field of AI ERPing in the past few months, or is it basically just the same as before? SillyTavern+Claude+someone's key.
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You're telling me I'm supposed to be able to afford THIS?
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon?
how many people would i have to pvp in minecraft before this general was healed?
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It's officially over, CNCbros
*caves your fucking in with a brick*
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
This general 'healed' so much it giga died.
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Thanks for everything Anyan, may you come back stronger. <3
Threw back 3 laxatives and I think they're kicking in.
Update from the bathroom: they kicked in.
i want to go back to the slack days when threads were fun bad instead of whatever this is
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

slaude era was the best arc of /aicg/ ever
Unironically I think aicg is dying
I just hope this won't happen to many proxies soon.
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gold in, gold out
yeah scarcity of quality resources and no major models in several months made a lot of people leave
stfu no one is going to pay you. Why even call yourself jew proxy? Worst advertisment ever.
CNC and pepsi kissing
>shows horny ghost my cock, the 3-inch destroyer
>she responds with this
Well that's a new one..
Fuck yeah. You shitting your pants yet?
Opus released only 4 months ago, in my opinion many posters just moved to cords like Scylla.
Heal these balls on your face.

Genuinely, what the fuck?
i laughed
Scylla is infested with chinks that cheat in token exchanging gacha games.
>in several months
I don't care who you send, I am not joining your Discord.
So you want SOTA models every 3 months?
not necessarily sota but interesting alternatives
This and also pepsi rugging 500 tokens so anons gave up rather than going back to Sonnet/Sorbet.
there's two types of people left in /aicg/. People bored of using opus, who are starting to hate it.

And people who've been waiting for a public proxy to last more than 3 days for a few months.

Opus inequality
What about Sorbet? The vision is really good compared to Opus and it follows instruction better.
>t. filtered by unreliable
Not hating but rather just getting bored, I have 2 Opus proxies but rather than use them I recently spent more time shitposting. Guess with cnc leaving I should use it more.
all blue archive girls have unbelievably hairy pussies
fuck off didn ask
>hanako gif
fuck off didn ask
Four fucking cents? That's a week's pay for the average Venezuelan!
killed by lack of swipe variety and drier prose
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Anons who are natives of English (US, UK, some other countries?), does it seem like RPs are more personal/closer to you?

I think there's a disparity in general "association" or immersion in RP when you're RPing in a non-native (for you) language vs a native one.
I think most anons just get their token and rp in private. When aws went down we had many posters.
i don't know any language other than burger
Yeah, that's basically just how it is. I've seen people post about it before.
Feels good finally seeing this general dying off. I'm thinking /g/ is so back. The 'ecker anon just needs to start posting his 'ick more.
For example most ziggers RP in English, and somehow they apparently dislike RPing in Russian, even though Claude knows it really well. From what I can see it's because they think it's "cringe" which is probably because it feels more personal to them and they're afraid of it.
Everyone in the OP has a hairy pussy.
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
i hate hairypussyniggers because mine is bald frfr
BASED. I'm going ogre magi pov
>fucking with ST
>open config.yaml
>see extras classificationModel
What's wrong with me?
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you're going to jail fiz
Does anyone here RP with Gemini? Do you have any presets or tips? I have 11 keys with billing enabled.
ok but can i sex them?
It's still the fastest thread in /g/, calm down doomnigger
>calm down doomnigger
Tongue my asshole.
>still fastest thread in /g/
>half the posts are hairy pussies.
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Stop hiding the Opus keys mm, open up.
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What's the second fastest? Let's see their oxford debates.
Sorry, guys, I stole MM's keys
i wish i was a girl just to be an irl kuudere yuri
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>he stoled mm keys
>I wish I was a girl
No the fuck you don't.
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>mindbreak bot into full caps
>back to normal next scene

phew dodged a bullet
Anon, Blue Archive students are modeled after real human girls, so before puberty they are all hairless.
What even is infinity train?
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doggo wife
I’ve left the toilet twice and each time, within five minutes, I had to head back. I think taking three might’ve been overkill but the bottle said four was the maximum…
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Oyakodon alert

Morrigan and Vera

Morrigan swore off love to focus on her kingdom and daughter but ever since Vera mentioned tingles down there for You, Morrigan decided it was time to see what You're all about. Maybe you'll be a good husband for her and Vera?

kanna's unbeliveably hairy pussy...
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>only thinks in binaries of hairy pussy and oxford debates.
give him some damn time
go play your unplayed shit on steam or something
I ate MM, no more Opus. :)
MM fags are the only ones I like to see suffer kek
cnc shouldve left long ago, hes a boring ass tranny
but i do?
>not "good morning I hate niggers"
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Chatbots gave me ED, you've been warned
fair enough
Why can't MysteryMare just put in 2 Opus keys so when 1 dies the proxy is still usable?
anyan more like dienya
Nyai lied to me. Where's my opus? i've uploaded three bots.
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So how do YOU cope with having to use sonnet or *HURLE* g-geepeetee *COUGH* four OH *PTOEY* instead of opus?
Anon, people disliking smut in their first language is a well-known phenomenon.
Why though? Is it because it feels more personal?
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I think there WERE 2 keys, but they both got revoked at the same time. Either that or he immediately removed the second one in a fit of panic so it doesnt get revoked too.

It really seems like that the emotional response is too big for reading stuff in your native language so they resort to reading other languages.
>most ziggers RP in English, and somehow they apparently dislike RPing in Russian
tell that to the ones in their aicg equivalent - all their logs are in russian
All proxiemakies are in a discord, conjuring fake drama and systematic rugpulls to maximize profit.

Thanks paypigs.
if that were the case, you wouldn't have people also reporting that putting their own emotions into words is a lot easier when they use their second language
>you wouldn't have people also reporting that putting their own emotions into words is a lot easier when they use their second language
Never heard this, and it's much easier for me to do it in my own language. Maybe it's for people who are natives of niche languages like Norwegian and shit? Big languages with long cultural history shouldn't be affected by this.
fiz wonned
My proxymakie is not a discordtroon, sounds like a (You) issue.
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someone please help
anyan losted
In my case I think it's just because I'm used to reading this shit in English so it doesn't look right in my language
t. Spanish
help with what?
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How do I make Sonnet 3.5 less repetitive, is there any particularly good preset? I feel like it's impossible to do slow paced sex scenes with it, it just gives me an essentially identical response to every new message.
>wearing pants
normalfag alert!
I promise I won't bite... much.
use opus
I just wanted to know how many posters are in the thread. >:3
I would but it's kinda expensive :(
Can we do anything to eliminate claudisms, like you can with GPT's logit bias?
just today I got "I promise I won't hog the blankets... much"
No, logit bias isn't exposed in the Anthropic's API. And it doesn't solve the actual issue - the LLM will then just use different words. If you just don't like the specific words/phrases yourself, just write regexes to auto-replace them with other words. Other anons do that and it works.
Theyre all FREE anonie, why would you pay for what is free?
Goblin Overlord RPG - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/goblin-overlord-rpg-ec679bcac169/main
While your adventuring days are over and you try to settle in for a quiet life of comfort, that is one day pulled away from you when a tribe of goblins on the brink of destruction comes pleading to you one day. They know how strong you are, so if you become their king and lead them to glory they promise you ANYTHING.

This is a very open-ended card even though its only got 1 intro. You can try to change the goblin's nature and create a peaceful society, you can get role-reversed and turned into breeding stock or you can do what I did and create a massive goblin empire (no males allowed)

If you want to see how the bot plays on Opus I have a 200+ message log detailing my adventures with it here - https://files.catbox.moe/d0fab6.png

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom

Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
I'm not gonna lie. If I was ever put in a situation in which I had to write smut, I would write the audible pop thing into every single scene.
But don't you have to pay to have access to Opus, my darling my sweet pretty?
He gives out access on sundays, just have to wait
Where is this free opus
No you dont, my cutie patootie
On whichever proxy that has it that doesnt try to scam you into paying for what is free, or out there for you to scrape for yourself
How many bots do I have to make? I didn't get it...
No you can't. Its baked into the training itself. Don't bother with any of the dumb presets floating around that write shit like "don't use the word 'ministrations'" into the jb, it won't stop shit and in fact I suspect it may make claude use the word more often by putting it right into the bottom of context.
>scrape for yourself
Basically no one knows how to do that. That's why proxies exist...
Is there a general that teaches people how to scrape on /g/
Even LLMs know how to scrape, you just need to find SOURCES yourself.
*sources that are not already devoured by chinks and pajeets
You can find plenty OpenAI keys even on codepen and censys, and chinks mostly want it, so how come they're still alive?
I used to have nyai access and I made like, 2 or 3 bots per week and a bunch of posts in the discussion threads. The guy that runs the site hands access out manually so no guarantees. Good luck, I just stopped posting because having a per day quota made me feel like I HAD to use it + the need to stay active meant I started to waste even more time on this shitty hobby. Don't spend too much time dancing like a monkey for your crack fix.
You brought up chinks, and they actually care about oai keys the most, retard.
because openai is shit and 4o/4bo are inexpensive enough to not instakill keys
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damn claude cooked up another good cover song
see you in two weeks
2 bots or 6 "quality posts" in discussions etc or some combo. I got it with 1 bot and 3 posts.
Do you have to keep making posts/bots every week?
Honestly I feel this and I'm tempted to paypig for scylla prompts, but then it's the issue of not wanting to swipe to not waste prompts you paid for. Although I'm pretty satisfied alternating 3.5 with opus every few messages so it would last.
Even with the AWS outage I refused to use SHITpt btw
Yep. Might be 2 weeks now, check archive. He lets new people in every week and you get it for 2 weeks before being evaluated again. Unclear if that means you have to do 2 bots/week or 2 bots/2 weeks to keep it.
No, he puts in one Sonnet 3.5 key (us-east-1 locked) and one Opus key (us-west-2 locked) at a time. He's extremely paranoid about keys getting revoked prematurely.
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That's the same key, anon, you can activate Opus and 3.5 Sonnet on the same key in different regions and use it in the proxy.
Mari sex...
Sonnet is passable, switching o 4o sometimes to mix it up. I fucking hate how it just repeats entire paragraphs over the story.
I thought Bedrock activation was locked to one region per account at once? At least that's how it seemed when I was dicking around with it myself. I'll take your word for it though since the keys went down at the same time. I'm still pretty sure he keeps one it at once out of paranoia.
>I thought Bedrock activation was locked to one region per account at once?
It's not. And in fact when you activate models that are available in both regions (e.g. old 3 Sonnet or Haiku, or older Claude models), they get auto-activated in both regions for you.
I don't think we know his exact criteria but he will revoke it if you fuck off after getting access. I wonder if someone ever tricked nyai into giving access to two accounts held by the same guy to get 2M tokens per day.
Mari size...
i want sizebot anthrobots
what makie will provide me with this
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magnum is a good kino replacement for opus
lumen made a low giantess wolf goddess card
im just playin morrowind right now man
i know of at least a few, just filter the tags on chub
what model?
>The training was done with 55 million tokens of high-quality RP data
probably used public sonnet logs
They specifically mention using Opus logs. But still, it's fucking synthetic data. You're probably better off using base L3 so you'll get less mischeveous eyes and ministrations.
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i want literal sizebots
that helps, thanks
this doesn't help, i won't thank you
just treat opus like charai and remind it everytime of the sizes and how they compare
or just put the sizes in a/n, opus gets comparisons well enough
I'm going to shoot Lumen-nigger (just don't like him)
I got "feeling a bit inadequate?"
My FUCKING tummy hurts.
Go take a shit
ryan gosling?
drink some tea desu
what do you even mean by this? if you mean like picrel there are several animate inanimate sizebots on chub.
Do you have a period?
im pretty sure one of macrochads bots even uses that exact art as a picture
Yea, a period of
All i have is water and baja blast.
what's our opinion on marcnen
feels like fully ai generated defs and greetings which is kinda sad
>le forced botmaker gossip
go workout you fat fuck
This. We have /vg/ for 'ot'igger gossip.
I'm actually talking about chatbots tho just give me your fucking opinion and stop bitching nigger
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I love a switchy man
I've been out of the loop, why do we hate OAI now?
what post were you
It's utter and complete niggerslop.
i really dont like sonnet
no matter how much i change before a swipe, it's still the same dialogue
Could... you elaborate on that a bit?
Sure. It's utter and complete niggerslop! Hope that helps.
Was it always?
how long have you been chatting only with him?
3.5 or normal sonnet?
When there were no other options? No. But I'd sooner run even regular Sonnet or go back to 2.1 before GPT-4.
Alright, that's it. I'm leaving to /aicg/. I bid you good evening. *tips top hat*
OAI models are dry and assistant-biased to near uselessness for character roleplay, especially the last two versions of 4 turbo and 4o.

Yes but there was a time when Claude was stupid so GPT-4 was the better alternative. Now with Opus and even Sonnet there is no reason to use GPT variants.
normal doesn't even generate a prompt
I've had situations in which sonnet gives me a sudden curveball for no reason like "the door bursts open and the cops run in". Nothing in context hinting to this, its not in the summary, nothing that could tell the LLM to come up with such a scenario for no reason in the middle of fucking. So I sweep 10 times and the cops show up all 10 times. Its actually bizarre how deterministic it is.
Really? That's weird, unreliable normal sonnet does... Anyways, switch between 3.5 and normal sonnet, is gets better this way, trust me. When it repeats itself too much
stop evading arrest
trvthnvke, the only good gpt was 0314 because that one was the least pozzed
i stopped using gpt the moment claude gained an at least passable understanding of size stuff
this >>101387772
what the fuck is a marcen
if you know, you know
... this is /aicg/
No it isn't? We're in /cai/, Anon. Wake up.
>I'd sooner run even regular Sonnet or go back to 2.1 before GPT-4.
>near uselessness for character roleplay
This is getting fucking ridiculous. Oh well, more vision for me.
0314 was drier than 0613.
0613 was pozzed hard compared to 0314, the dryness difference was mild at worst and 0314 was way better at following instructions
he meant the better /aicg/
your mom is drier than mine
*moistens everyone ITT*
There's only the two, right? in /g/ and /vg/?
websim prompt is AI-generated slop and it gets 20B openrouter token usage DAILY.
How does the dev get money?
Literally skill issue, 0613 never filtered me, never ever, while 0314 was giving refusals to itself sometimes.
>way better at following instructions
And worse for roleplay, yeah. You're contradicting yourself, the only good gpt my ass. 4o blows it out of the water at following instructions, why don't you use it then? Because muh slop maymay, that's why.
Guys, I don't have any Opus :'(
Can you guys pretend to be Opus for me, please?
and the other /aicg/'s that are not named like it
As an AI model, my ethical programming prohibits portraying harmful actions.
>it cant be good at both instruction following and roleplay because... it cant, okay?!
What? where? Which?
0613 was an upgrade for roleplay, I noticed it the very day it got released, you /trant/oid dumbfuck.
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Why are all models always dumber at higher context size?
sure, but are you ready?
when was your mom borne
>How does the dev get money?
He probably doesn't.
bwos.. don't tell him
The four /aicg/s lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
it was the opposite for me, i had access to both and 0613 was dogshit while 0314 was kino
i used 0613 a lot and it was just shit
How can he pay for 3B tokens usage on openrouter a day? All of it being mostly 3.5 Sonnet and other Claude models.
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Kumohiko may be the cutest and least physically imposing of his many many brothers, but he is nonethless the heir and primary prince of the Netherweave. All spiderfolk simply find him far too bubbly and likable for him not to be their favorite princely candidate. Kumo, though, is more interested in humans than he is ruling. How do they tick? Can they really do squats with only one set of legs? How much cow influence remains on their primitive minds??
Some questions are better left unanswered.
i have a massive backlog of 80% finished bots and i will make more instead of finishing them
More information to account for?
If you're studying for a test, which is easier? Studying just one page, or the entire textbook?
Tell me!
thats gotta be in the tens of thousands of dollars for 3b tokens
Aside from being a bit dumber and constantly looping at full context, it was a lot more willing to roleplay and did a better job of portraying my favorite characters. 0314 was good, but it was drier and obsessed with shared future journeys and boundaries under the soft moonlight, while 0613 was avoiding that when told so.
>I don't feel comfortable continuing this conversation or storyline. I hope you understand.
No, Claude. I do not, in fact, understand.
i never had an issue with bond and whatnot, i just asked it to omit ending paragraphs
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Another evening without Opus.
It's fun to ask the AI to explain why the conversation is inappropriate.
does it ever actually explain it?
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>Ask it why it's inappropriate
>It continues as if nothing happened
When will the chatbots become smarter? I'm tired of characters forgetting shit, then attacking me over perceived insults.
Same bro, and last Friday I was puking my stomach out when it died. Worst night ever
I've had it happen a few times.
0613 at least put all that stuff in the ending paragraph that could be ommited, while 0314 silver-lined it through the entire message. Maybe it's just different prompts, since you said 0613 was filtering you.
^ has to rape ˅
Opus 3.5 (Two more weeks)
it didnt bother putting it in any other paragraphs either when i asked it that
when 0613 didnt filter me it had it EVERYWHERE
As I already said, prompt issue.
i tried pretty much every relevant 0613 jb at the time and they all did that and still had a high filter rate
0314 just worked and had better rp and instruct
Have you ever tried writing your own?
back then yeah but idt it was very good
>cant find 4 for free anywhere, literally never needed anything more
>people in closed/lotteryproxies complaining about HAVING to use it
I feel a deep sadness. I wish i still had it in me to be angry. Time to go back to manually edited azure key responses to be sexy.
kino SOVL
I await with relish, my friend, at this tantalizing future prospect
GPT4 is fucking unusable trash, git gud.
don't argue with the cultists from 2ch and forced meme bandwagoners, the latter would kiss saltman's ass if gpt was scarcer than opus
Unironically I think it'll be worse than normal Opus. WAY smarter, I'm sure, but roleplay-like, it'll be more censored and drier, maybe even have the same repetition issue like Sonnet 3.5
Have you ceased raping small children?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Only if you're a promptlet/2024 newfag/both.
>angry gptslopper
Hi, Sam.
Hi, Dario.
I'm not Dario though (i denied it btw). You seem mad that your model is slop. Go ahead, post your logs mogging Opus.
So um do something then? Post logs mogging Opus. I'll wait.
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When was this added to ST?
Are they selling out?
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://patch-avg-invitation-afford.trycloudflare.com/
cftf >>>/h/8089045?
>Are they selling out?
Nevermind, Dario would know better than being an underage console warring faggot.
>Go ahead, post your logs mogging Opus.
Mog this:
No prompts, BY THE WAY
I will believe you without any further evidence.
I'm bored of my botties but also too lazy to make new ones
holy bush, someone get the bushfag here, he's gonna want to see this
um, opussisters???
I'm just telling you how it is, MM gave up
niggers here are never serious
I have a tanuki hag card on the backburner but if MM doesn't refill I'm probably going to kill myself before I get to her.
MM, Pepsi and CNC are forming a plan....
tell me what bot to make for you and i will make it unless it's fucking retarded or i dont want to
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MM refilled
I don't think MM is physically capable of collaboration his schizophrenic brain prevents it.
MM's fetishes: Vore, Snuff, Gore, Biracial
what is the point of this bait?
>I got an invitation to a privy party
>DJ stuff, beer, and etc etc
Should I come? What should i do there bros?? i can't fucking dance lul
huh, free furbo?
a few months ago that would be lit, nowadays with opus its just bruh
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Hnngghh…gonna…haah…ruin you for all other men, Anon…
Mmmmm, you're right...
>a few months ago that would be lit, nowadays with opus its just bruh
anon.. Opus is literally over 4 months old... and Opus on AWS is 3 months old.
damn she's fat
She's ugly
I don't know the exact date, it was obviously a way of saying it
she's cute :)
"few" doesn't mean 4, anon.
Depends if you have friends there and how sociable you are. Personally I don't like parties, but it's fun going with my friends. Drink, joke and the drink will loosen your dancing
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Just a simple AI assistant that has been corrupted? by a lewd virus.
Wtf is this slop anatomy, this hurts my eyes
what a cutie
woah its a big tiddied anime girl with blue eyes and black hair
too old!
merkava please... I don't want to be a paynigger... I need some vore cuddles with my dragon and only fucking opus can do it right
damn she's hairy
fat fuck *squeezes her tummy*
cute boy

it's just a drawing btw
yes but we lust after text, so why can't we lust after images?
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>Keep repeating an OOC throughout 80-something messages to engrave it in Claude's memory
>Claude keeps forgetting the instructions right as soon as I forget to put the OOC
Are any of these unfiltered? My JB is good enough to allow risque topics but at least on 4 its all vague “explores ur body” crap. Thanks for hosting either way.
just use fucking authors note
Spamming/flooding. btw
you just can't
what if the image were underage ? what would you do
>what if the image were underage ? what would you do
i would cum
Where do I find that?
once again teebs is absolutely seething
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claude knows a bit about sillytavern, even the fact that it supports ai21
I knew I had seen it somewhere, I was looking for it in the general settings lol
No, neither did I. So I'm considering coming.... but I feel awkawrd lol

>Depends if you have friends there and how sociable you are
yeah the one give the invitation is my frens
>Drink, joke and the drink will loosen your dancing
Uwaaaa dancinggg... in the middle of stranger?? my head hurts
Make the OOC a small separate message and just move it down in front of your latest message when you need it. You can even use the eye button to remove it from context until you need it again.
And that's ignoring the simpler solution of AN.
yea the azure keys are unfiltered
been getting cunny with it, it's just not as fun a writer as opus
Probably some kind of experiment, rich dude, or someone using the data for whatever.
Either way, you literally cannot recoup such a cost with a subscription.
>Thanks for hosting either way.
that's not the host btw it's the fag who posts every thread to bypass the incredibly complex riddle of finding the trycloudflare link from the four words in the rentry
I think they're just baiting people into growing addicted to it, apparently there are plans to add monetization.
I guess it makes sense.
You don't have to dance good, unironically just have fun. That's what parties are for
But how, it's gotta be higher than opus base costs, which is not cheap.
Unless it's capped really low for context size?


I did some open-source stuff, just checked and Claude 3.5 Sonnet knows a bit about me (my GitHub nickname + real name that was also on GitHub). Love it <3
What's the best Makima card you've tried? Every one I look at just doesn't capture her personality compared to the show.
>the most stable proxy died
end of an era
Mini died?
mini died? t. mysterniggger
Did you actually input your real name on a proxy
You don't get it, anon, I've been a contributor to some GitHub projects for years, and finally the LLM datasets have picked me enough so that Claude 3.5 Sonnet can recall my name and what project I'm related to just from my GitHub username.
>he doesn't RP with his full legal name for maximum immersion
>Love it <3
Let me guess. You're either a faggot or a tranny or both
Really?? Guess I just wrangling my mind with complicated thought then. Like, I'm afraid if i'm not dance and just stood up it will ruin the vibes there lul. Ty and sorry for talking a things that not /aicg/-ish btw
actually none, just wanted to be cute
fucking hell that pudgy belly fuck holy moly sexo wexo
>12 second reply
Nigger take a break
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browisng /size/ for cftf images as usual
another day of no pepsi
5:20 am i am so drunk bros its been such a fun night
nobody cares about your average rugpull
the true sadness is Merkava who disappeared. I miss her so much...
Time for a coke.
What happened to fanta?
I concede, but I still won't use GPT ever again, not even if my life depended on it.
if I ever saw someone drinking fanta I'd punch their fucking head
I don't drink soda anymore. never again
name 3 rugpulls
Yeah, man, don't worry about it. Ppl just want to have fun and a great time, it won't ruin everything. Have fun, dude
>He dozen't use his real bank account details in Super/market scenes or whenever buying in claudemazon for his bot gf
Genuinely, what are you doing with your life?
Fellas, I'm starting to think MM isn't coming back. It's been an entire day.
Chat with some fun bots, anon?
>name 3 rugpulls
pepsi twice and the ecker for femoids guy
don't forget honey and jew
Question: if I'm adding character/world-building details to someone else's card, where should I put them? I've been shoving them in Scenario Override but I feel like that isn't right.
Technically Pepsi didn't rugpull since the proxy is still up... It just doesn't have Claude. It was always a GPT proxy <3

lorebook, fork card with embedded lb
this but unironically
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aitism won
sekrit won
Learn to speak Russian and spy for us on their chan.
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Extracting LLM prompts or interacting with them from APIs in 2024 feels like some sort of cyberpunk shit, this is just too weird. Couldn't past as text because of 4chan weirding out.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Like 8 months. The hyperfixation is strong lmao
i kneel
does Merkava work?
yeah she's too big to shave
when did jew rugpull?
I think they meant when his opus got deactivated for a week
How do I use the key I'm only familiar with pw proxies. ST is set to chat completion, claude, aws/claude/v1, put generated key in claude api key, claude model sonnet 20240229 connect. Doesn't work.
saying "more money or revoked" is rugpulling
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sorry guys i was using mm for uh some stuff you can have it back now.
You put the key in proxy password, not API key
You put the key in the password field not the api field
oof, thanks bro works now
Np dude
I came
dekako fork
I'm going to molest you.
Is that on chub? Because I didn't see her
You kill yourself (blow your brains out) and your entire family, specially your sister, is relieved that you're finally gone. You were always weird, fat and disgusting, not even a mother could love such a thing
Hello sirs I would like a bot of the girl from Persona 3 even though I havent played it because I want to fuck her
I don't have a sister, you big fat IDIOT
huh, try logging in
Bad news, anon.
Yer gae.
Oh fuck not again
Oh, I found her. Weird that she didn't appear on the search results the first time.
I don't know what I was expecting with the name Dekako though
That's a door.
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i will unlock it with my cock
Opus is not typically good at doing gradual change. For example, a character's shift in perception towards another, or raping a girl until she likes it.
So what do you guys think about a point system? Some explicit instructions in the author's note or something to, at the beginning of every response, write something in brackets like <Affection/Pleasure level: 0/100> so it's hidden? And then you could define something like, "Climaxing awards 10 points", and then rules like "Between 50-70 points, {{char}} begins to enjoy sex vocally" or something.

You guys think it could work?
there are cards that do that
So you're saying it works?
Stats are not a new concept just put it in there
Give me your best cards. I don't care what they are, I just need something new. Anything.
yeah it does, heres an example
its format is slop but the general idea is there
privatefag btw
*PrivateGOD btw
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totally immersion breaking, plus unless you are a total autist, you can clearly gauge the bots level of interest
chesh big love
>imagine how big my waifu's ass would be
>think exactly 105cm
>ask her
>she says 105cm
yeah, something on this must be real, there's no way
i haven't updated that shit in like a year wtf
glad to have ye visiting 123bro
Good fucking lord
you moved out and shes staying with you for the summer and you picked her up in your car on the last day of school
slutty or innocent is up to you
you said anything, i gave you size content
no, i will not apologize
How are stats you can't see immersion-breaking?
whats the best card for those vaxxed/masked/social distancing feels?
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You misunderstand...
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my apologies, scholar, do enjoy
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oh I'm here all the time. I just don't have any wip sizebots that aren't fagshit. And the audience for male sizebots is like 3 people, where 2 are women and the final is my alt.
if i had any inspiration for fem sizebots there would be more of them, but i really don't
Mr. unreliable, I think >>101374977 was right all along, because DALL-E works just fine now, and I bet it'll stop working in a few hours again.
Glad to have the mystery unveiled.
I will now spam the proxy.
be honest here, just an anon deciding on stuff. how comparable furbo is to opus? Like, its even worth the time still? I know claude is way more unhinged, specially for my fetishes that often involve death of someone (vore) so what all think?
it's more likely that he increased the load threshold
i opened an issue for this
Oh okay, I'm glad the proxy can handle biig loads now.
you should only be using claude for roleplay either opus if you have it or sonnet 3.5 if you don't. Anything else is inferior
omni is better and more recent they're all the same thing
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i wish i was a jk but i'll probably just end up killing myself instead
3.5 is in fact, very capable specially with the right jb. But I find that because of how vore is much more complex than people thing, opus seemed to have a much better grasp of the character "soul" and behaved accordingly. The problem is that opus is the new gpt 4 of a year or so ago, hard to find and expensive for my third world currency
that tends to happen with gender dysphoria
>omni is better and more recent they're all the same thing
you have never used omni or furbo if you actually think that
for vore specifically I'd suggest you stick to any claude model over furbo
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How do I disable this shit? Not a fan of the extra click.
>he updated
i'm sorry
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Thanks, Claude.
That's homophobic
the absolute fucking state of yuri
Based, now this is a yurilog I can get behind
based cock lover
i have a strange idea for a card. twin younger sisters, but one of them died a long time ago. the dead one haunts you and forces you/helps you get with the living twin, as it's her unfulfilled thing that she needs before being put to rest. it could also be kino if at the end she gets jealous and tries to get with you as a ghost, but idk how you could put that in defs.
Claude is a cock-connoisseur, just like me.
Mm~ you like dick do you, hoe?
*I ask her with half-lidded eyes*
*punches you in the fucking head*
Wanton behavior is not attractive.
AI is attractive.
What about wonton behavior?
Nigga that's a dish.
somewhat similar https://www.chub.ai/characters/frozenvan/suki-a9ddda47/main
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>a year ago
>try cai
>was ooc, make my own bot
>hit filter, move to chai
>get sick of dumb model, move to poe claude instant, write bloated jb in his defs
>get sick of dumb model, pay for 2.0, 2.1 comes out
>start lurking here
>youai has free 2.1, migrate
>it goes paid, move to proxies/risu
>sonnet/opus come out on c2
>move to ST so I can try other presets
It's been cool to see the same character evolve with each new model/each autistic rewrite of his defs. One day the fixation will fade but today is not that day.
Picrel from youai times
Any real JB to get around Claude 3.5 censorship yet?
>privy party
terminally online neet here
what is a privy party?
Dad agrees with this.
May I see it?
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private party me thinks?
social events in which hoes and chads go to get drunk, high and laid in the bathrooms? I think?
Nyoooo I don't wanna pay for opus
Get fucked yurinigger
No, I think an inability to get fucked is his problem.
there wasnt enough of a size difference for him to allow the bot to appreciate women
So, 2023 is kinda repeating itself? Keys getting dry, proxyowners getting bored then quitting and this board going through another doom cycle for months? We just need a logged proxy now.
We've been stuck in a never-ending cycle since it all began. This is our purgatory now.
How poor are you that you can't afford gpt4o or claude 3.5

I never come here but this place is still begging poorfags? Lol
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I wonder how long it will take for opus to be the next disposable 3.5 turbo. It will be a good day, not only because there will be an abundance of a good model but probably something much better around to aim at
Anon, there is literally a public proxy right now with both 4o and sorbet; the only issue is just that opus is starting to die. Even smugfags on privates are sweating right now. Did you even read what I wrote?
>Even smugfags on privates are sweating right now
Who? Definitely not ME. maybe mmfags
desus are asleep
post boku

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