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prev >>101382433

Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101375191

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Progressive Growing for Stable Diffusion Web UI

>Video Diffusion Alignment via Reward Gradient

>MAVIS: Mathematical Visual Instruction Tuning

>Pallaidium Adds Kwai/Kolors Support

>SEED-Story: Multimodal Long Story Generation with Large Language Model

>15M Multimodal Facial Image-Text Dataset

>OpenDiLoCo, open-source implementation and scaling of DeepMindā€™s Distributed Low-Communication

>CLIPTrase: Explore the Potential of CLIP for Training-Free Open Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

>MambaVision: A Hybrid Mamba-Transformer Vision Backbone

>Kohaku Fork of Paints-UNDO


>Introducing AuraFlow v0.1, an Open Exploration of Large Rectified Flow Models

>FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision

>LLaVA-NeXT-Interleave: Tackling Multi-image, Video, and 3D in Large Multimodal Models

>SD Webui Resource Monitor

>AI's Energy Demands Are Out of Control

>German court rules AI output can be protectable

>EchoMimic: Lifelike Audio-Driven Portrait Animations through Editable Landmark Conditioning
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I'll do some Laura booba tonight
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>mfw Research news


>HiRes-LLaVA: Restoring Fragmentation Input in High-Resolution Large VLMs

>Live2Diff: Live Stream Translation via Uni-directional Attention in Video Diffusion Models

>Generalizable Implicit Motion Modeling for Video Frame Interpolation

>Still-Moving: Customized Video Generation without Customized Video Data

>Controlling the Fidelity and Diversity of Deep Generative Models via Pseudo Density

>Emergent Visual-Semantic Hierarchies in Image-Text Representations

>Fine-Tuning Stable Diffusion XL for Stylistic Icon Generation: A Comparison of Caption Size

>VideoMamba: Spatio-Temporal Selective State Space Model

>Global Spatial-Temporal Information-based Residual ConvLSTM for Video Space-Time Super-Resolution

>Infinite Motion: Extended Motion Generation via Long Text Instructions

>A Comprehensive Survey on Human Video Generation: Challenges, Methods, and Insights

>Diff-Tracker: T2I Diffusion Models are Unsupervised Trackers

>E2VIDiff: Perceptual Events-to-Video Reconstruction using Diffusion Priors

>Enrich content Using Context-Aware Copy Paste

>EchoMimic: Audio-Driven Portrait Animations through Editable Landmark Conditions

>FYI: Flip Your Images for Dataset Distillation

>Coherent and Multi-modality Image Inpainting via Latent Space Optimization

>Spatially-Variant Degradation Model for Dataset-free SR
Sorry anon, you're not cool and I'm afraid you have to go.
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TY Baker,
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oh yeah, now we're cooking


Cool gen
I kind of want to make a webpage to dump gens on. Like a old school geocities style shitpost site.
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no one would ever look at it :( thats basically why personal blogs completely disappeared. you get more engagement posting stuff to a social media site than hosting your own site
was so random,, then upscaled. .5 denosie.
I have 2kish LK gens and about 600 othrrs
what that anon said
people prefer being able to browse shit like twitter and see what they like, react then let the algorithm show them more of what they like

it just works
Yeah I figured. That kind of web content is basically ded.
Just put it on mega and share if anyone asks
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still not manga but style is kinda cool
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>cowboy shot
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>import datasets
>four letter captcha ?
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maybe getting somewhere
id read it
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Did anyone else get stabbed by Rand on TV?
i took his hand then he pulled out a flaming sword and bullied some women
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Average Apple user.
I hear you can do a lot with one hand now. No hands, in fact.
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literally me
One more bear.
Bear max.
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whats the rush
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I thought I was still in the other thread
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if the zoom calls to you, you must answer
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to guys playing around with the pixelization addon: keep in mind you can use it midway.

So let your gen go for half steps, let's say, then vae decode -> quantize -> pixelize -> vae encode -> resume denoising. At the end, quantize and pixelize again.

use pixel art in the prompt too, obviously

This helps nudge your model toward respecting the pixel art style and producing something appropriate to it.
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also I forgot to mention this is not halfway, this is doing pixelize at 35% in normal schedule (and again at the end)

I'd like to see a better quantize node that tries harder to preserve vibrancy (at the expense of visual fidelity I guess), maybe there's some other postprocessing trick that could fix this using tone mapping or something. Or maybe I should switch around the order of processes, e.g. pixelize -> quantize -> finish denoising -> pixelize. I'm sure some will say quantize doesn't help at all, it may be a matter of taste.
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G'knight Anons,
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what are doing
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dont forget to take your meds
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My lora folder is getting a little out of hand
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They know?
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They have your low T+viagra medication right here
>posting globohomo gens on 4chan
ITT: Pedos and pedo apologists
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you're wasting your life
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I can't get anyone I want tonight
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Just think, if you managed to become the guy who solved AI hands, you could call yourself... Mr. Hands.
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Isnā€™t that a Loonix Troon?
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solution: no hands
Or canny if you're not lazy.
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>if you're not lazy
couldnt be me
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too much skindentation, heh
Share this with your therapist
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his patient is escaping
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no one makes unintentional gens quite like me
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too many ears
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no one?
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A wise man once said: "'til sweat drip down my balls. god damn." I think about this often.
like this?
guess the prompt heheh
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where we're going, we don't need arms.
damn... these sdxl mixes are way better at doing coherent hard core images than 1.5 with much less effort
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also, 4 fingers is the norm, where we're going. just so you don't freak out. i mean, it's not everyone, but it happens. don't worry about it. the pinky is kind of useless, when you think about it.
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damn look at that get
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im guessing 900m isn't all too hot? lol. thats almost as much of a mess as one of my gens
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note to self: don't repeat yourself. fuck! i did it again.

i can do this all day, no problem.
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that song fucks
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i'm not irrational, i'm anti-reason. big difference, thoughbeit, fr fr. see also: bruh, sus; et al.

Yeah, only looked good from behind view lol. The background is decent too desu, but the character is so bad. As bad as SD3
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>As bad as SD3
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we're SD guys, sometimes there are too many arms.
Hey Pixart guys, what do you got?
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zen is accepting whatever the model does as perfection
Here you go
Is posting girls glazed in cum safe for /g/?
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no no no, you're supposed to say
"We're Pixart guys, we've got blurry pokemon NPCs. Hey SD guys, what do you got?"
Only if she's not higher than level 17
no nipples allowed
no genitalia either. also, don't run piss off some autistic thread regular who will report your posts endlessly.
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I'll allow it
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just put a cum-colored slime in the scene and you've got plausible deniability
just think, if you went to /b/--where you belong-- you could be posting these in all their nsfw splendor.
>cum-colored slime
Can you post some then?
But what flavor is it
vanilla + cum
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I'm not really in the cum slime scene

low correlation between color and flavor
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>he doesn't have color coded cum
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ooga booga, and so on and so forth
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yeah, now that you mention it, i should go to the other site. nothing here but debo and retardation.
right? just imagine how they'll love you on /aidg/ when you post the heckin child porn? it's got to be better than me clucking at you every post.
>nothing here but debo and retardation.
really makes you think
i read what you type, it translates as butthurt. cluck away. its looking like an all nighter for me, not likely to be able to fall asleep
or maybe you can be nice, and suggest something i might gen that is less upsetting to you, i am a nice enough fellow, i might comply
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>or maybe you can be nice
stranger things have happened.
then again, you have to ask yourself "is my thing little girls in titillating positions while just skirting the law WRT children?" if so, you might just need Jesus.
it's not that i think you're a satanic pedophile, it's just that you're doing everything a satanic pedophile would do. so.... one has to wonder, right?
>pot calling the kettle black
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yes, it is i, the habitual cunny poster. here, in the flesh! your hatred fuels my devotion to evil. while doing all of that, i have the absolute nerve to blame you for what i'm doing. i am the platonic form of projection. heh
easier to spot than a clown in the jungles of vietnam
>nogen spurting nonsense into the universe like "ay, yo! i'm only partially retarded, and I have something to say. and it goes like this: HURR DURR"
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forgot slop
it'd be so much easier if this went down in VC.
Debo would never
wish he would. Š”eŠ±o ā€” Š“pyŠ³.
>exposing pedos by recording their confessions in VC
wtf I love the doxing discord now
Come join don't be a pussy
yes, voice chat is the preferred method for exposing pedophiles, and not, as one might expect, documenting the physical evidence that they post. i am very smart.
Thank you for the kind offer, but I'll have to decline. I wish you well with your endeavours however
What discord?
the sussy gens have, however, stopped in the mean time. funny that
that one
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forgot seal of approval. my bad
>debo is unironically a mactoddler
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Lesbian space witches
eyes have it
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What do you mean?
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it's getting hard to move.

u need more illuminati.
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Like this?
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G'mornin Anons,
How would I run https://huggingface.co/timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix using a GUI on 8GB of VRAM? Everything I could find online mention using CONDA, but like, that was how you were supposed to access SD right when it released, not now. Is there no guide for this written up anywhere?
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[scraping intensifies]
one click on the link provided leads you to a guide that provides basic instructions
i miss schizo anon
a e s t h e t i c
Why cant my gf look like that from behind. Like im no model but I wish looking at her behind wouldn't be so off putting
Things CivitAI should make standard but don't:
>If there's a character LoRA, the trigger word should contain the character's name, whether with numbers with characters in lieu of letters, compound words or any other allusion but it should NEVER be generic like "red hair" or "1girl" or lack a trigger word at all
>If the LoRA is an artstyle, a trigger word is best left optional but that is up to the creator
>A checkpoint should never require a trigger word
>Example prompts should be required for at least ONE of the author's submissions because it serves as a test for which users are trolling he site and it also helps users understand how to get ideal results of a character LoRA.Some users are too secretive with their model prompts, some even watermark their gens and then delete their LoRA because of poor reception.
>There should be a standard, "explain to me like I'm 4" guide on LoRA training because some character models don't play as nice as others and some user attempts could REALLY use a crash course on image quality control and editing techniques because I swear to god some people spam the same submissions so many times they oughta be beaten with a pipe wrench.
Can you expand on this please?
>A checkpoint should never require a trigger word
wow nerd rage at its finest
You can dismiss me, but not your step count.
Ah, what you're saying makes sense now. I honestly couldn't conceptualise.
5 epochs seem a little low for a proper style/aesthetic tune desu
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while your intentions are good, I don't see that happening, civitai is a free service mostly ... also
>There should be a standard, "explain to me like I'm 4" guide on LoRA training ...
yaaa some loras are literal shit, everyone using source material with big chinese letters everywhere and or patreon watermarks should be tared and feathered old western style

>A checkpoint should never require a trigger word
I am not so on par with that.. pony works well with its trigger words, you can use very different styles with pony that way by ommiting certain sources like source_furry or source_pony, its very flexible that way, aslong it is clearly communicated and the trigger words are not common tags its fine
In ComfyUI, is there a way to forcibly unload models in a workflow? I have a problem where if I use SAM to mask something at node X, then "in the future" I will use SAM for Facedetailer at node Z, then a denoise occuring at node Y is extremely slow, because the SAM model is seemingly kept in memory. It would be MUCH faster to load the SAM, unload it, denoise, then re-load SAM than to have SAM taking up VRAM doing nothing during the denoise.
I don't think he means pony's specific tags, I wouldn't consider those to be trigger words, it's more the single character checkpoints that should just be a lora
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clown mornin, slept maybe 2 or 3 hours
NTA but there is this one old long deleted model sitting on my hard drive that does really interesting aesthetic photos, but ONLY with a certain trigger word, and otherwise the model is total garbage worse than vanilla 1.5 because the intended use is to ALWAYS use that trigger phrase. I think that kind of thing is what he's annoyed about, but as you said, this is all free work made by people who only kind of understand what they're doing with new technology, so there are going to be weird issues like that nobody can figure out.
Fuck off pedo
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ya this is these days ofc pointless and stupid .. I have a model from the days before loras (sometime november 2022?) that just does lain in anime style, everyone becomes lain .. back then it was golden, now its something that should be a lora ofc .. but I dont see that often anymore
get some sleep, think about your gen choices
bee-have, that anon is going through a difficult phase it seems
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learn some manners, man, and stop being mean to me, or i will bekome sad, and i might even go elsewhere......
you are valuable and you matter
koff go somewhere else and stop derailing shit
hes a ban evading pedophile that got banned for posting cp
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derailed nothing
false, false and false
stop fake newsing
>hes a ban evading pedophile that got banned for posting cp
gotta see evidence for that .. but ya I gotta admit also their posts are scary.. I mean fucking clowns, scary shit
>I don't see that happening, civitai is a free service.
Terms of service can change at a moments notice. We've seen that in action.
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the last hope of SAI
Yeah I'd expect it to be mainly older checkpoints but some people probably still do it because of how fractured training things are
I find that Kisaku_KK77 has a lion's shar of decent models but getting them to do anything beyond the example portrait can sometimes get things looking very wrong https://civitai.com/user/Kisaku_KK77/models
that's SAI's REDEEMption arc
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ya, but then its dead, cause then the legal bloodhounds come sniffing .. when you make money on free work of ppl grabbing pictures from god knows where to make grey zone AI someone will think about sueing you .. so I dont think they will go into paid service .. are there adds on civitai? idk since I use adblockers
ya old practices die slow, but I wouldnt complain to much .. I just get a checkpoint or lora, do some trial runs, if its shit its discarded .. maybe someone else is happy with it, don't look a gift horse in the mouth

The eyes tell all Anon, the eyes..
Do not redeeeeem!
I too like to prompt lewd and horny cute girls aged 10 to 12. Nothing to be ashamed of Niggerlas. Let them seethe.
ignore the trolls
In theory, couldn't they slot themselves into a deviantart niche of "look man, we just host user generated content"?
>SAI pivoting to county lines operation
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>Don't talk to me or my son ever again
instead of "!", can we get some "..." to mix things up
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know a good tag to get "..." consistently? "spoken love" makes hearts .. "spoken surprise" or "spoken exclamation mark" makes ! .. but "..." idk
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not yet

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