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>Site doesn't even load properly
It's supposed to look like that.
Can't wait for the Durga browser
Working properly in Firefox on my phone.
I'm tempted to sign up for the java demo.
The madman
>this site works best on netscape navigator

take me back
wtf is a fresher job
site had or has founder
i never knew i needed durgasoft
I bet it served a billion without one restart or fault. Meanwhile modern web shit downloads 1gb of JS just to error out.
Durgasoft HQ on Google Maps:

Turn the camera around 180 degrees and observe the child.
It's for people with little or no experience, like college graduates.
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Is that a plate of shit?
Is delicious meal saar. Delicacy!
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I think it's funny how many people are in these classes, I remember someone posting here a photo where they said it was like a thousand students
This reminds me of a time I was depressed and content with living in filth, and no sheet on the mattress.
Have you read comments and checked photos for durgasoft online training on google maps? It's kinda hilarious
I think some comments are from competitors, like 1 star reviews saying the same stuff one by word
word* by word
It's a joke, right? Some anon make this, right?
Weapon of Java at ₹299/-
The Simpsons predicted this
Lainux by Durga sir
a job for recently graduated people (freshers)
you posted CP
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>Mrs. Madhuri
I always feel like Durgasoft threads are much more affectionate than other India related ones
Its cool that this board has chosen a single "training center" among the thousands that no doubt exist in India
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Never watched his "tutorials" before but holy fuck this is a scam

>20 minute video
>types "j2me=phone, j2se=computer, j2ee=???"
>filler mumbling that the above is correct
>"this is the right classification of java"
>types it out again with different punctuation
>goodbye thankyou

Does Durgasoft even know what Java is? Wikipedia's page on Java has more information than this.
sir, nagoor sir is weapon of java, +100 years experience in microsoft google facebook java sir
His courses are all Wikipedia. They poorly explain what Java is, popular programs that use Java, whether it is Object Oriented or not, if it is a high level language, random statistics on Java, who owns Java, just rambling on for hours about absolutely noting without ever getting to Hello World.
>824k subscribers
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>What people with IQs below 80 look like
Remember, these guys are literally some of the most intelligent "people" in that country. Literally above median IQ, 50+% of their people are stupider than that!
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>archive.today automatic screenshot
>most intelligent "people" in that country. Literally above median IQ
That's not how IQ distribution works
If you're below median you're, by definition, mentally deficient, being above 50% of your countrymen just means you're not retarded nothing else, your rank in the upper 50% determines relative intelligence
Are there 2 babus?
cp on blueboard
I use Firefox Beta because I can put whatever extensions I want in it.
>That's not how IQ distribution works
IQlet detected.
You can do exactly the same with Chromium.
Utterly wretched.
Looks more like a lump of excrement to me.
he knows how to c
And our governments and NGOs took over two million of the light and dark oranges and dumped them in the middle of Europe.
Doesn't have a way to install extensions on the mobile version. I use Chromium on desktop though.
master of child porn? (m.c.p)
Randomly seek to 1:48 at start of video
"No matter what time it is,we say good morning. Java says good morning"

Good morning really is a big meme in India
will i be a shell scripting expert after this course sir?
It's not react
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Is there anything worse than being born an indian male?
opposite of a smelly job, very coveted in india
What a soulful country. Nothing like Western countries and their instatutionalized aesthetics with plain concrete buildings and clean streets.
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Kino symbolism.
U doubt mr nagoor babuu????
this shit is all these people seem to ever "teach"
average indian ""programming"" curriculum seems to be
>is java object oriented?
>what is a design pattern
>names of top 5 design patterns
>java vs c++
>compiled vs interpreted languages
>uses of java
>how many people use java
>common java IDEs
>what font to code java in
>memorize "public static void main(String[] arguments)"
>end of term test, written on paper: write a program to guess a number in java (5 marks); compare java vs c++ in regards to users, object orientation, statistics, speed, syntax, developers, speed of typing, syntax highlighting, IDEs and age (95 marks)
This is just Chad durga scamming your ass
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Russian, probably.
Hand's on the wrong side, idiot.
Get a disposable credit card with $100 and sign up on a cheap course, see how long until you get scammed and document results
She a cute.
>thousand of pajeets
>run down piece of shit room held by ductape
>child shitting on the streets outside
This place must smell like chernobyl
>lesson isn't even ready when he starts recording
>sits there breathing heavily into the mic for an entire minute while he opens everything
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durgasoft is proof that java is for retarded jeets and c# less so
post the hello world "course"
alcoholic vlad still has more brain cells
>>memorize "public static void main(String[] arguments)"
Do they even get this far?
It seems their tests, at least Durgasoft tests. are 100% history of Java.
20% mark to Java on Bluray and the HDDVD war, 20% on Nokia J2ME phones vs Symbian, etc.
I presume a real university covers actually using Java in some capacity, but since we're talking about India, I really question that.
The old school asp in this day and age?
>5% programming
>95% meaningless theory, history and language wars
Geez that's like the average /g/ user
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hello sirs i have found great studying materials for the examinations sirs very easy to read and understand sirs just memorize everything on here and you will get certificate from durga sir
Good morning sir! The website is loading properly and it's powered by Durga Sir vision and Mr Nagoor Babu Sir Real Time Expert wisdom
Seeing this stuff really makes me feel horror. I am infinitely grateful to God almighty for making me a white man born in Europe. I am grateful for being allowed to live this life on His green Earth.
That's not very useful. Where's the median iq score by country?
it displays like this on both brave and firefox. This is how it should look like by design. This is the website of a teacher/uni that could go with a more boring but working design, but instead they went all in. These are the teachers. Imagine the students.
he didn't do it intentionally. he literally posted a somewhat normal photo from India.
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the fucking Google Maps just fucking casually takes pictures of cp in India... I cannot even... I just cannot.... in most places of the world you need to hunt down the cp manually, in India, you just go outside on the street and cp is walking casually. I don't even have a fucking image to display here... trains were absurd, shit everywhere was absurd, but this is something else.
>not just the "normal" version but actually scat
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please stop coming to the West, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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What do we think about this bridge
navigate up the road and watch the streetshitting in time lapse
holy fuck bros, it's the icon of java
Akihabara, India
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>Here's your dark mode sar
Being born an Indian female
Holy shit, there isn't a single line of CSS in this page. The layout is made using tables, and seems to have bits of HTML generated by DreamWeaver. It reallt is quite SOVLful.
Honestly, I have a lot of respect for this guy. Sure, his videos may look like shit to us /g/entoomen, but his students seem to admire him and his teaching style. He is a successful business owner and has a cute wife along with loving colleagues. What else can you ask for? Mr. N. Durga Prasad truly is the weapon of Java.
I wish I had an arranged marriage too at this point
I dunno, man.
>Turn the camera around 180 degrees and observe the child.
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The horror never stops if you are a reincarnationfag, one day i will become a cow shit eating indian and i cant stop that
They need to be wiped off the map to eliminate that possibility
How long until they blur it?
India world superpower 2030
Europe is turning into the same thing, including the climate.
is that satan's phone? somebody call it and see
This. Most Indian parents want a son, to the extent that some abandon baby girls to die.
aim for the stars, DurgaOS written from scratch, 100% proprietary software without any FOSS component
Russia is nowhere as bad as India.

>abandon baby girls to die
That's not the worst fate for a curry female.
Maybe they should try using tech from 2007 if they ate fucking teachers
I want a wife like her. For once I wish I was born in Asia or India

This is my favorite. This is just perfect. Ahh.
Even worse than that, they have to live surrounded by Indian males.
Saaar, this is Satan, how may I help you?
Dante's smelly circle of hell
That would be the eight one: "Dante’s punishment for flattery—immersion in feces—exploits the long-standing association of flattery with excrement. Full of crap while alive, in death flatterers are plunged into it."
Do Indians like to flatter each other? Never hearth one of them going "nice bobs and vagene, sir"
They like to flatter everyone else, that's probably good enough.
based observe the child poster
zombo.com so√l
the fuck is this underage coomer bullshit? fuck off
Do you have actual exams from Durgasoft? I have some of their textbooks that I found on some pajeet's github but I've never found their exams, I'm curious to see what they actually learn there
>Ass Fitted
ABS you illiterate newfag
Indian females go craazy for white cock and have the tightest of pussies, given they survive the infanticide, the rape, and the migration they become the perfect whores. Indian men are hated everywhere they go.
99% of them will never leave India. They also happen to be about as ugly as black women, putting them at the very bottom of the attractiveness scale for most white males.
ass titted
i can smell this thread from the other side of the planet
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looks rather soulfull when squeezed
Looks just like their buildings, lol. I don't hate them, it's just... why can't they be clean?
I need to on another planet, 2 planets away from India.
Durgasoft notes leak
sir plz this is copywrite volition
those were the days...

Can someone reply to this post with a HELL YEAH???
Sir, I shit on you, sir, do not redeem, you bitch!
Why do Indians write Java as JAVA as if it's an acronym or something?
>They also happen to be about as ugly as black women, putting them at the very bottom of the attractiveness scale for most white males.
I'm only a quarter white, but Mrs. Durga ( >>101400834 ) is super cute to me.
I don't see any cp anywhere
Mrs. Durga Shield of JAVA is indeed very cute. It's her face.
saar this is durgasoft today i will show you how to solve jeetcode #808 how to open the most bobs and send the most vagene
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WTF, /g/ told me Durgasoft had a cluttered cacophonous front page?
>business email is a fucking gmail account
Lmao, do pajeets really
wget https://www.durgasoft.com

>4MB filled with 36000+ lines of duplicate CSS
never change, durgasir.

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hello I am under the car
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>Straight up steal IBM's logo.
Fucking KEK.
even the shitty indian tutorials people upload for free on youtube get straight to the point, and will probably get the average pajeet very far than paying for these scam courses
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based, imagine putting any effort just so the page loads a little bit faster to the end user
Living-in-SEA here, you probably do not. There are many about Asian life that Westerners admire, but there are also many aspects of Western life that Asians admire. You might end up missing some lifestyles elements that are very important to you, that you did not realize you needed since you take them for granted.

Now let us wash our hands with soap, then raise our fists for MR. NAGOOR BABU, ICON OF JAVA! Sun Certified and Real Time Expert! Teacher of many lakhs of students!
(new trash, lacks soul, lacks heart, lacks Mr. Nagoor Babu, Icon of Java!)

(original, bearer of truth, bringer of Java jobs, multiplier of intellect, enhancer of Real Time abilities)
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For me, it's resized Durga
I didn't notice there was a plate. lol
why sir durga have 3 separate site and 3 different domain? is there more domains that i dont know of? looking at their whois two of them looks legit although redundant imo, but whats up with the job site?
Why the fuck are all of their billboards in English? Some of them don't have the native language at all. What's that about?
I am observing her! ToT
code diaper is real
Of course someone like the WEAPON OF DURGASOFT would have a cute wife. But this kind of cuteness is far from the norm.
Sirs the thread is dying

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