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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: Home/Pro ~6.6GB, Edu/Ent ~6.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-AMD C-Cores don't need new scheduler and use same arch as regular Ryzen
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101352271
me on the left
me in the back
theres no one in the back
Is there just a whole chapter of this manga/anime where the demon girl learns what a computer and the internet is
It starts up very fast for me, almost instant, be it on my modern Asus A17 laptop or my old T440p Thinkpad.

disable the windows update-related services, though it is supposed to be disabled by default if you haven't screwed up your settings
...except me
there's a whole episode, and bits and pieces here and there in the other episodes
explain how w11 is better than arch+kde if I all do it is write C++, use Krita, and play CS2?
if that is all you do it isn't better. It is the same or slightly worse because getting a C++ compiler on Windows is kind of bloaty
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User Agent Manager for Firefox gets me the Cloudflare verification loop.

Anyway, are there any useful parameters worth adding to Environment Variables?
yt-dlp and ffmpeg to %PATH%
w11 ran cs2 better, I could actually 4:3 and select 240Hz but Linux won't let me unless I use native res. How do I debloat W11 without trusting some PS script, doing fresh install is just quicker than exploring the Registry (and have it magically toggle back because I didn't set some obscure variable in PS).
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How many of you run W10 IoT LTSC still? I hope by the time support ends Gimp would at least have 10% of Photoshop features.
I use it still because I installed it years ago. When IoT LTSC 2024 comes out fully in October I'm guessing most anons will just install that instead.
> How do I debloat W11 without trusting some PS script
Everything you need is in the OP pastebin, it wont be quick, you will need to read documentation on and verify either independently or via a 3rd party each command that you want to run.
My only gripe with Windows is that it's faster for me to install arch fresh, about an hour and I have my system fully configured. Meanwhile last time I tried windows it took a day. Otherwise idgaf, I just hope Microshaft takes a hint and makes the installation user friendly for normal people like me. Also WSL2 and MSYS2 work for C++ wonderfully, I use it at work for production so its be fine for my hobby shit. The thing about work is that I have there is a IT admin who got paid to debloat+configure sane defaults for my Windows with Group policies and I just install a code editor.
It took me a day to install Windows too, that was like two years ago it isn't something I do very often at all on my home system, I would argue the bare bones installation is very user friendly, my mostly tech illiterate family members were able to do it so it can't be that bad
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I run a few different versions of Winhoes, including W10 IoT LTSC on my T440p and an old E6440 I picked up, couldn't resell, and have now relegated to be my torrent server. I'll probably switch to Winhoes 11 IoT LTSC when it is no longer in beta.
>install arch fresh, about an hour and I have my system fully configured
>Meanwhile last time I tried windows it took a day.
>normal people like me.
migrosert wendys only takes 30 minutes to fully setup, including flashing the usb, installing, user setup, and applications
ffmpeg's folder would be easier for yt-dlp to find without me having to specify the location every time I punch in a video to download?
but then what would yt-dlp's folder in PATH do?
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why would you want to be a little mouse swallowed whole by a scary vampire :D
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>but then what would yt-dlp's folder in PATH do?
allow you to download to the current directory rather than navigating to or specifying the full path, to be honest with you, I just put mpv and yt-dlp in the same folder as ffmpeg, ffplay, and ffprobe, then I path that on bin folder

I also have another folder where I symlink cli tools or my scripts which is an idea I stole from linux distros
vore fetish, presumably
I've thought about throwing my Python scripts into a folder and wondered if i could use Environment Variables to make them a bit simpler to call and use, but got distracted and forgot to research that.
Why is W10 IoT LTSC a little bitch with file sharing?
It is so easy to set up file sharing on my local network with other versions of Windows, but my two machines with IoTLTSC give me a hard time when it comes to accessing stuff from other computers using IoTLTSC, yet I can can access shared folders in IoTLTSC from other machines without issues.

I made sure the right ports aren't blocked, SSDP, NetBIOS, UPnP, and the the Peerblabla services are all running, Network Discovery on, Perimissions are set right, but trying to grab stuff from other machines using IoTLTSC is nearly impossible, yet taking stuff out is easy. I can't find what is missing in online guides.
>right click
sounds like a skill issue
fuck off
Oh sweet, "--ffmpeg-location %ffmpeg%" works like a charm now.
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it seems bluetooth is broken on my ltsc install, says "bluetooth is not available on this device". turned on all the bluetooth related services, don't know what else to do
device manager?
>playing ff14 in borderless mode
>watching tv (plex windows app) on my second monitor because i'm bored out of my mind while leveling
>game runs fine but plex video playback stutters constantly, audio plays normally
>plex web page doesn't have this issue
does anyone know what's going on here
is a bluetooth device supposed to show up somewhere? i put a wifi and bluetooth pcie chip in my pc. wifi works fine and shows up in there. bluetooth, however, doesn't
Same issues with my old laptop, both bluetooth and wifi.

Bt+wifi only usable on win10 pro/home.
>wifi works fine and shows up in there. bluetooth
this usually happens when the power cable that came in the box wasn't plugged in, and the PCIe card was only plugged into the motherboard
I have also seen similar behavior when the antenna isn't screwed in
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Is this HP branded desktop?
no, just my build with a usb bt radio.
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i checked my cable and realized i didn't plug the other end into the usb whatever connector inside the case. works now. i'm a little retarded
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>i'm a little retarded
>a little
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Have you disabled real time protection or windows defender altogether?
On my older pc the slowdown caused by it was noticeable, newer one less so but I disabled it anyway.
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It was also causing large number of hard pagefaults. This was recorded(using latencymon) during 15 minutes of mostly just web browsing. I know computers are fast now but 2000 hard pagefaults per minute felt like a large number, maybe it doesn't matter.
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what is this wangblows defenestrator you speak of?
I went full retard and forgot that you're supposed to use an alternative launcher for Minecraft if you don't want to deal with the Microsoft store being shoehorned into the installation process. I went to retry it thinking it'd just install without having to use the Microsoft store (I'm using the version recommended in the OP, I don't have the Microsoft store installed), and it started to install a bunch of Microsoft store shit. How do I delete all the shit associated with it? There's some process to sterilize my installation of the Microsoft store, right? What about the apps that it managed to install? How do I uninstall those from the command line (considering that I don't exactly know what it did install)? I can already see the next time I reboot my 'puter, being raped in the ass by all that bloatware.
No, why would I?
Never knew about using Resource Monitor to suspend msmpeng.exe before doing the usual to disable Defender. I'll keep that in my back pocket for anyone that asks in here another time.
That's weird because my W10 LTSC and W11 LTSC can access each other's folders with no issues.
That part didn't work for me(it didn't allow suspending it), but the real time protection still stayed off after reboot.
im holding onto it for dear life, windows 11 is fucking garbage and 24h2 (the build ltsc 2024 is based off off) broke support for a lot of software that could revert the god awful changes or otherwise improve the os.
what is a good program for backing up my windows drive image?
You'd probably need to run it as admin I'm guessing.
You can use Macrium Reflect 7 Free to make an image of your drive among cloning it to another IIRC.
does that boot or does it need to be run from windows?
It's a Windows program.
Should installing IoT LTSC 2024 over current version Enterprise work?

I'm downloading the iso right now.
If you mean mainline Enterprise then no you can't, not natively at least. You can kinda jank your way to it via editing a registry entry but I wouldn't recommend it.
If you wanna go through with it you should back up your shit then clean wipe and re-install.
so how doe it grab the entire drive if its ran from said drive?
I've seen videos where a guy uses it on an online C:\ drive he was logged into and it worked totally fine IE cloning it to another drive.
probably volume shadow copy
it's still not really the best idea to clone a whole drive you're running off, but you can do it
I want to reinstall windows and I'm making a customized image with NTLite, I want to add some annoying to find drivers from the current system install, can I bypass the need for paying for premium by manually exporting and them importing them in ntlite?
Is there a free program for it that doesn't suck?
maybe try snappy driver installer origin
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I couldn't select the option that keeps apps so Program Files and AppData got moved to Windows.old but it worked.
Didn't your files get deleted? Because yes you can install IoT LTSC 2024 over your mainline Enterprise install but stuff gets lost in the shuffle.
All folders I created in C:\ are still there, everything in C:\Users is still there except for AppData which was moved to Windows.old
Program Files was moved to Windows.old
Settings were wiped but are probably also recoverable from Windows.old
Well good for you then anon. Enjoy LTSC 2024.
i wonder if by the time windows 10 support ends windows 11 will actually not be shit although i doubt that
I'm thinking about downgrading to Windows 7 or dual-booting for my quiet office work and web browsing.
>went from W7 to W10
Jesus Christ this UI is DOGSHIT. Is there no way to bring back the W7 UI?
Yes. There are many shell replacers out there, including in the OP.
Personally I just use SAB on Windows 11 to bring back the Windows 7 UI and it just feels like Windows 7 with some extra features.
it just does and works perfectly like a charm, it's an invaluable tool
Go to Device Manager, go to the bluetooth device's properties, click Update Driver, and follow prompts to see if you can get Windows Update to give you a compatible driver in Optional Updates.
Alternatively, in the device's properties, look at Hardware Instance info and it should be a string of numbers, letters, underscores, and percent signs. You copy that weird stuff and put it in Bing or Google search to find the driver .inf, .cab, and related files, if they can be found.

I don't know if it might be possible to score the correct combo drivers from any OEM and install that, but Windows and its built-in drivers will get in the way.
Anyon here ever messed with Dell Poweredge servers?
How easy are they to set up in a home network situation?
Does W7 DAZ Loader work on UEFI systems?
SHA-256 Source download in the rentry install guide is a dead link, wat do
for what purpose? ive never had any issues with bluetooth, aside from the xbone gaypad being a little shit over bt after sleep.
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Any programs for periodic breaks you guys would suggest? I used BreakTimer for a bit, but it doesn't play well with fullscreen programs, also it's a horrendously bloated electron app.
that's because this general is abandonware, even the OP is outdated

just use w11 ltsc/enterprise and move on, outside customizing it there's nothing else to talk about
What about setting timers on your phone in its native clock app?
whole point of ltsc is you can use if for 10 years with no nagging, and can skip shit versions like w11
Which has the best battery life?
Why would anyone skip W11 LTSC when it has better performance in every single benchmark than W10 LTSC?

It's also not locked to 21H2, which is quickly being depreciated. Enjoy waiting another five years to be able to participate online, I guess.
Is it still possible to upgrade Windows 7 Home Premium installations to Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate? I remember doing this on my old Windows 7 laptops but I don't remember the keys to do so. Don't remember if you specifically need to enter an W7U key or if there are public keys that can be used.
I was unloading a flash drive to my laptop, and it had a disc image on it. How can I delete without ejecting the laptop's internal drive?
Couple of questions if you don't mind. How do I activate Windows and Office? What version should I install? Should I debloat or build my own ISO? I miss Windows ;_;
Read the OP.
if you think win10 is bad, wait till you experience win11
why did you go to W10 and not 11
i installed atlas os a couple of months ago and the pc im running it on is starting to load slow asf. is tiny11 any good? if so is there any way to switch so I can keep my data and programs? (and no i don't want to install linux, just windows)
It is recommended that you don't use custom ISOs like atlas or tiny11, learn how to customize it yourself by reading their documentation if you want.
If you want to keep your personal files (non programs) you'll have to put them on a different drive, reinstall windows and move them back unfortunately
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Not technically a windows issue, but there's no Browser General thread:
First time using a Chrome browser since back on Windows. Is there an extension that clears this download history list automatically? All the extensions I've found are broke and based on the old downloads menu.
Where could I get Photoshop cracked? it's been a while since I looked for cracked software, I used tpb so I'm kind of a boomer, any new trusted sites?
That's illegal.
eh, don't really care
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11, in fact. Not a big difference over W10, mind you. It is W7 vs. W10/11 I'm unsure about. I can pit them against each other, but my W7 machine has a battery 2/3rds the size of my W10/11 machines' batteries. Then W11 itself has a small edge over my other machines then my W11 laptop runs an i7-12700, so if just light computing (which don't do on that machine anymore) W11 + e-cores beat the rest significantly. But for light computing, posting on 4chinz, I use a low-end machine or another. My W11 laptop tends to be relegated to heavy gaming and Stable Diffusion.

Battery life boils down more to use case and optimization of Winhoes. But you start gaming, doing software dev stuff, 3D modelling, SD or LLMs stuff, and so forth, your battery will not last anyway. The battery is more of a built-in UPS if you do anything more than shitpost on the interwebz and type essays/reports.
I got my copy of CS6 off 1337x years ago and I've just been using it ever since.
this but unironically
Best of luck to ya, try searching via yandex and then check for user feedback on any site that looks enticing to you.
I still have cracked CS5 Master Collection, and that's what I seem to be stuck with, with GIMP for support. Lately, I find myself using CS5 in support of GIMP instead.
Some people prefer Krita and I'm way too lazy to take a look, especially with CS5 + GIMP doing everything I need and want and more, and easily.
Thank you, I'll try those sites then!
its 2024 and image browsing software is still trash
not one good fucking image viewer where i can just cycle through a folder of porn images
and yes i've tried everything from irfanview to honeyview and all the other crap in between
i remember when winxp had a good image viewer, dunno why they changed it
oh yeah because microsoft are fucking retarded poojeets.
can you post more information about EXACTLY what you want? because even I have an image viewer that lets you cycle through a folder it can't be that simple
You can enable the old photo viewer with a registry tweak
The photos app although bloated is very functional
I agree all the others that you mention are SHIT
I have a folder of assorted porn images, which come in various types, some may be gif, some may be jpg, some png etc
but then some are also webms
i just want to be able to tap the right arrow/spacebar/enter to scroll through these and for it to load super fucking quickly because my machine shouldn't take any fucking time at all to load a stupid fucking image file when i have some AMD gpu running
i also want the image to be correctly sized when i open it, irfanview fucks this up constantly, it's not intelligent at all. yes i probably have to configure it but it has gay-ass defaults.
do these faggot image viewers even use some kind of hardware acceleration? it feels like most don't

i recall some old image/file viewer would handle this fucking perfectly, and it was probably back from the XP era
as long as it just handles images fast and ideally also handle webms then cool. if it simply ignores webms (i realize they are videos) then also cool.

that would be good actually. thanks. i fucking hate nu-winshit.
Have you tried nomacs? It seems to fit that description, can't remember if it supports webms though.
downloading it now, thanks
i forgot one requirement, to be able to delete as i'm browsing through but yeah i guess this is supported a lot anyway so its okay
ok nomacs is decent
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>to be able to delete as i'm browsing through
>i just want to be able to tap the right arrow/spacebar/enter to scroll through these and for it to load super fucking quickly
>i also want the image to be correctly sized when i open it
sounds like window fit mode, I don't think is default you have to press F9 to enable it
> if it simply ignores webms (i realize they are videos) then also cool.
have you tried imageglass?
i'll try that too, thanks. looks smooth af.
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Are all Bluetooth devices supposed to be backwards compatible with each other? I recently got an old Latitude laptop and bought a Bluetooth mouse for it, but the mouse won't show up in its list of devices. It's running W10, and the mouse pairs properly to my W10 PC as well as my phone, but for some reason this damn laptop is blind to it. The laptop also paired just fine to my Bluetooth headphones and gamepad, and it sees other devices like my neighbor's smart TV, but it just will not see this mouse. I've tried installing the OEM drivers for the Bluetooth radio as well as the ones Windows automatically installs, and neither one makes a difference. I'm about to just dig out one of my old wired mice.
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dumb bort
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is there anyone who has ryzen 9 (zen4) and upgraded to windows 11 from 10? is there any difference?

i'm also interested how has w10 iot been working for you ryzen 9 users
whoops, forgot the prefix
I disabled it and blocked it via firewall because of the constant stream of packets it sends despite being disabled. I only use it to scan eroge whenever they're downloaded.
How do I get rid of these stupid prompts? I just don't want them to show up.
Make your own, you should be able to do it in less than an hour
If you can't program you are even more retarded than a poojeet
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pls i need to know
Can I use DAZ Loader on a W7U installation if I disable Secure Boot and set UEFI/Legacy Boot to Legacy Only w/ CSM Support in the BIOS?
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>use MAS ohook activator for my mum
>she gets a microsoft account login notice from some gaymer VPS in georgia a few days later
you niggas best not have jested me
If you've installed 7 Ultimate on a UEFI/GPT system you can use EzWindSLIC instead of Daz Loader.

Ohook does literally nothing network related, anon.
The system I'm targeting has both UEFI and BIOS support, so I figured I could just use Rufus to create a BIOS compatible boot installation, install it in BIOS mode, and use W7U w/ DAZ Loader instead of EzWindSLIC.
Well if you wanna use Daz Loader instead then go ahead. I would've just installed Enterprise to use KMS_VL_ALL.
>Ohook does literally nothing network related, anon.

Yea i went through the cmd myself to try and see if it was phoning anywhere and found nothing. But I find it pretty annoying because my mom know thinks I installed viruses on her computer. Going to send these fucks an email letting them know someone is using their servers to hack my mom
Anon don't be stupid. Your mom probably just uses the same password for shit.
Well she definitely does but I'm sure this tiny VPS company would like to know someone is using their servers as proxy to do heinous stuff. I've had her change password for everything and set up 2FA already.
>I would've just installed Enterprise to use KMS_VL_ALL
Was there any info on how to get the auto renewal working?
Auto-renewal is just an option in the script. Sets the local KMS up then sets the auto-renewal, easy peasy.
Guess I maybe shouldn't have bothered re-flashing this drive with MBR/BIOS settings then if it's in the MAS options somewhere. This takes like an hour with a full format.
i guess you need to do some shit with registry for that. i was trying to access local smb server without password in iot ltsc, i cant find it in network. turns out i have to change the value of a registry
MAS has two kinds of KMS activation via Online KMS and KMS38. KMS_VL_ALL is its own thing that was the go-to before MAS came around.
how do you guys choose a name for the user account and computer name
desktop is desktop
laptop is laptop
phone is phone
username is just one of my internet handles
>user account
PC or anon
>computer name
no need to change it. if you really need to for network discovery or something just do the above
Any way to make Battery Saver not turn off automatically on Windows 11? I have it set in settings to not automatically turn off when a certain batt % is hit but it just does anyway. Idk if its triggered by unplugging after a charge or waking up after sleep or what.
>user account: LoverBoy69
>computer name: DreamMachine69
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>every account
>every pc
>model number if prebuilt, motherboard model number otherwise
desktop- and user- followed by the year i built the pc
>he doesn't know
user account is always my real name
computer name is usually a location from Final Fantasy 9
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Winsisters, how the fuck do I remove edge? I thought switching to LTSC would stop this bullshit, this is taking the absolute piss now. I'm on LTSC 2021 and I've tried:


Non of these work. I had edge removed for a whole 2 weeks and now its back? I disabled updates but how the fuck is it back? Is there a sure fire way I can gut this from my system for good????
You could just ignore it you know. Delete the shortcut from the desktop, let it rot in the start menu while you use your actual browser.
2019 had pre-Chromium Edge as well.
install windows 7
>You could just ignore it you know.
Sorry, no, not good enough. This shit would automatically turn as my default browser and a lot of my programs try to run in edge. I can't even switch default browsers, the option wont let me, kek. The only thing that kinda works is the wisecleaner program. Now I have to block anything edge related with my firewall and delete the folder through cmd line.

So glad I'm slowly switching to Linux, holy shit.

If even half of my programs ran on 7, I would in a heart beat.
Literally never had your problems and I'm on IoT LTSC 2021.
I foolishly allowed my laptop to update yesterday and KB5040427 got in.
Booted today and got my first bsod in 15 minutes. Googled the update, apparently it also adds copilot. How fucked am I? Can you uninstall cumulative updates?
Reinstalling shitblows and applying updates 1 by 1 is a pain in the ass.
That update is the July cumulative update for IoT LTSC 2021 though? I got that recently and I don't have Co-Pilot nor has my PC acted any different.
I guess
I don't care either way, uninstalling it now, thought it was one of the "non-uninstallable" updates
Explorerpatcher seems to work from what I can see.
>cmd line
I'm not a Windows guy but maybe if you swap edge.exe or whatever with a hard link to Chromium the horror will end.
>he thinks he knows
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>he thinks
I have a noisy fucking fan on my new laptop. theres nothing wrong with it except its high pitch that comes on constantly at intermittent random intervals is driving me insane. the pitch is just high and piercing enough to shoot up my cortisol levels. Is there something i can do to the fan to mediate this...like take it out and shave the fan arms down to be thinner or prune off 2 fan arms on opposite side of each other or what. buying this was a mistake, i should got a desktop and for mobile screen use i could got a Samsung galaxy tablet, laptop suck donkey dick. I live in UK where it almost never changes from damp and cold year round, we get maybe 3 weeks of accumulated sun for the entire year so im not concerned by over heating. fuck this shit
You can use something like FanControl to customize your fan speeds.
yeah i may have to. i limited the max cpu in battery settings to 80% to control how hot it gets and that helped a lot but not enough
In Dell there is like a cpu boost mode in bios that makes it spike to 100 the entire time.
>can't find some basic shit on google
>switching to linux
>using start menu search
>Flow Launcher with Everything installed
Peak searchin'
You need to undervolt both cpu and gpu.
Also set up a fan profile.
Thanks, bye!
thanks for the tip. its actually an acer
What's the recommended antivirus for windows nowadays? I thought defender was free but looks like things have changed now.
What are you talking about? Defender is still the built-in free AV and always will be.
I'm talking about this 365 stuff. Sorry, I'm a linux user and I'm fixing my uncle's computer. It's been a while and it looks like you need some sort of subscription? Am I wrong?
No, Defender comes with all Windows 10/11 systems for free. For a vast majority of virus shit it does the job, though I disable the cloud protection and auto sample submission options because they're spooky.
365 is what Microsoft Office is these days, basically paying a monthly fee to just use Office. Though there's an easy to use activator within the activator script in the OP that can permanently activate Office 365 for free without needing an MS account to use.
Is there a way to make windows 10 look like windows 2000? Seems like itd be obvious, but i cant find anything legit.
RetroBar can at least make your taskbar look like a 9x/2000 one, and you could use OpenShell to make the start menu look like the 9x/2000 one as well. Can't help you with Explorer though.
Well it is asking me to start session, which didn't used to years ago. Can I bypass it or work without one?
Huh? I don't get what you're on about sorry.
Could you like post a picture or something.
Good enough, thank you.
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please understand
I've literally never seen this window lol
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Trying to install WIn10 IoT LTSC through vmware and now it's asking for a version to choose
Should I go for Education or what
You used an IoT LTSC 2021 ISO but it's asking if you wanna install Education? The only two choices should be LTSC and IoT LTSC, which you should choose IoT LTSC.
Just close it? There's an office 365 version of Windows Defender but you don't need it just use the free one that comes preinstalled on Windows.
As the other anon said if you can select education you are not using a Win10 IoT LTSC ISO.
I had a SSD for windows and hard drives for games etc on my old pc and im getting a new one now with a single 2TB SSD .
When i install windows10 via usb stick and choose the only SSD for installation, do i have to make partitions or anything like that or can i safely just put all the games and files on the same SSD without any trouble after i installed windows?
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Is anyone else perpetually paranoid that they always manage to taint or defile clean installations on brand new SSDs by accidentally setting up drivers or programs wrong, inducing needless write cycles, or otherwise installing bloat?

I sometimes feel the compulsion to reinstall Windows even if I just did so on a brand new SSD with 30GB already written just so I can set up the user folders and re-install proof stuff wherever possible. I don't like programs shitting up the Windows folder directory and mixing and mashing in there to the point where you can't tell where the programs end and the OS files begin.
If windows is closed source how could someone write programs for it?
Are some parts closed and others open?
Is the running program only able to use certain parts or what?
>t. A linux user
>wasting 25gb rewriting a new Windows install to an already formatted SSD when you can just uninstall, clear reg keys, and shrink the partition to move the user and appdata folders and install all programs on that partition instead
Is this what crippling autism looks like?
Anywhere I can still download MagicDisc or MagicISO? The website seems to be dead.
Okay, building a new system now with a 7950X3D. I'm most interested in Linux, but figure I may need a Win install at least at first for testing shit out given my last overclocked system is a Haswell-E X99 platform and clearly lots of shit has changed.

I know I need Win11 to deal with the scheduler/thread director stuff and if still accurate, I'll need the stupid fuck Xbox Game Bar (and Xbox Game Mode, Xbox itself etc) in order for the proper cores to be used without having to do manual fuckng around with Process Lasso or something similar right? I also need to have access to stuff like old fuck SMB shares on my currently ancient file server until I rebuild it.So with all that in mind if it worth it for me to get
>W11 Pro or similar
>W11 Enterprise LTSC
>W11 Enterprise LTSC IoT
I know that Enterprise LTSC and/or IoT version has less bullshit around, but I don't know how difficult it is to install stuff like the Xbox Game Bar or similar Windows Store shit on those platforms if they're needed. If its a matter of simply installing them but they're not there by default then okay, but if its something where you need to basically fuck around in the registry or manually enable stuff with polikit then I'd like to know in advance
not that I know of but perhaps we can suggest an alternative? what feature do you need
>what feature do you need
Mounting and dealing with ISO's on older versions of Windows without the need to install heavy adware like PowerISO. Checking out Passmark OSFMount next.
you do not need the source code of windows to write code for windows, you need a compiler that can output windows binaries. There are open and closed source compilers for windows that are both free to download
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it can be fixed?
Anon, I'm just about to build a new Zen4 system and its my first AMD Ryzen based one (before that I was HEDT Intel and old Threadripper X399 days).

As I understand, if you want Windows and you want a Zen4, especially a Ryzen 9 proc that has any heterogeneity in its CPU cores like the X3D series (7900X3D, or probably 7950X3D) you absolutely NEED Win11. This is also the case if you have a P core + E Core Intel 12th gen or newer setup. Basically Win11 has a new thread director/scheduler thing that has not been backported to Win10. Now there may be some benefits for the Ryzen 9 NON 3D cache scheduling too or those with a single CCD like the 7800X3D but its especially important if you have a 2CCD proc w/ 3D cache. Also, apparently for stuff like gaming AMD and Microsoft basically did least possible work at times in that it expects the Xbox Game Bar to be running to decide what cores to push to stuff in what I hear is like this
>Xbox Game Bar running over/alongside this executable? Well, its a game, push it to the Cache Cores on CCD0
>No Game bar? Its not a game, seek highest frequencies possible on the non-cache cores for production work
You can manually fuck with this with Process Lasso of course, but it always bothered me that a top of the line proc should not have a built in and/or open source software profiler that "automatically" sets things as they should be, by profile or heuristic/usage at both OS/software and board/firmware levels. I've been told that thngs are better now than they used to be and in Linux the Ryzen 9 X3Ds work as well, but still its something to keep in mind. So yeah, for Win you need 11 - and maybe an 11 that will have access to Xbox stuff if you're going to game on it.
hmm if it is like Windows 7 them maybe ImDisk Toolkit, older than that I don't have ideas
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friendly WANGDOOT thread?!??!

I hat e billg aty micros Oft ..........W H Y my compute direct x 122 gmae for computers Broken !!!!!! I want to play SQUAD (tacktilakal shootie) and synce micon sod cand admit DX12 suck ass they are pussy !

Fix Di-regd ex twelve!!!!!!!
Do you guys use System Restore at all? First thing I do after booting into a clean install is to create one.
nkdsh shamiko
I don't, I am the only person that uses my PC, I don't do anything risky that I may need to restore later
Is it safe to buy and activate a cheap windows key from sites like mmoga, kinguin etc or do i risk that after a few months stops working?
Can I still install Office 2003 or '97 on Windows 7 and get Microsoft Agents to work? I want Clippy and that cool robot back.
The better question is why the fuck would you do that
What options do I have? I used my windows 7 key which i upgraded for free to windows 10 for the past ~10years and now im getting a new Pc and i need a windows 10 key. An official key cost like 150+. You cant sriously tell me people spend that much when they get a new pc
You could just stop being retarded and read the OP.
Dont care about using scripts or anything of that sort. Just want to pay a little money and use it for the next decade and thats it
You're paying money for the exact same thing. MAS is a legitimate key, it even shows up on your MS account if you have one.
why can't I shrink my SSD partition by more than half
>I used my windows 7 key which i upgraded for free to windows 10 for the past ~10years
I have had success using the same key multiple times, did you try this already?
>An official key cost like 150+. You cant sriously tell me people spend that much when they get a new pc
buying resold keys is against ToS the same way the activator in the OP is against ToS, rarely do people pay the $150, they usually break ToS
Dont have my new pc yet so i didnt try but i read that microsoft stopped in october last year letting people upgrade to w10 with their w7 keys for free.

Are there any good tutorials for this im a pc noob pretta much. I even though of just paying 80 bucks to the shop where i order and get the pc built to have them install w10 for me. But my original plan was then to download w10 on an usb stick with the media creation tool and then install it on my new pc and actvivate it with some cheap key.
However now im interested after reading the faq. Those LTSC versions of w10 if i understand it correctly, these are less bloated and versions that i can use for years to come without havung to uograde to w11 next year is that correct?
When installing drivers should you always install it to your Local Disk or can you use a separate partition?
You don't usually pick where drivers are installed, are you sure you're not thinking of where they are extracted during the installation process, 10 times out of 10 the drivers go into a sub directory in C:\Windows
Trying to move the entire user or users folder onto a secondary partition or drive (inclding AppData if you somehow move that) can sometimes feel like it may be unnecessary especially if you're on a laptop, even if you're using portable applications. Is it really going to save you time setting up again when reinstalling? I'd imagine you always want to delete all partitions and reformat every time you do so.

Also, I'm fairly certain Windows doesn't fully support this either. Especially if the machines are networked and make use of the public folder or if the system has multiple user accounts.
I don't think moving the user folder is a supported feature, although I have never tried it. I don't try to save time on reinstalling, when I reinstall the OS I reinstall the programs too, to eliminate any left over forgotten files, to do updates and simultaneously audit to eliminate any programs I don't use any more.
do you guys actually use a second partition if you're on a laptop with one SSD
no, I don't see a point
If I shrink a volume, format the new volume, delete it, then extend the original volume to re-encompass the new volume, do I need to re-align the partition or re-install and reformat? Diskpart reports 1024kb offset for the recovery partition, but for the main 232gb disk partition it reports a 501mb offset.
This was bascially my question from earlier:>>101406523
So I can just put Windows and all the other stuff on the single SSD. But lets say i wanna make a seperate partition for windows alone right fter installation, doesnt the SSD get wiped when you split it?
>shrinking volumes, deleting, and extending them just added 150gb of writes to my SSD out of nowhere
brb killing myself
thought I defiled my virgin ssd and wasted write cycles enough just by reinstalling the OS once and reformatting
Lol what happens if I format the recovery partition during installation
>do i have to make partitions or anything like that
>can i safely just put all the games and files on the same SSD without any trouble after i installed windows?
>doesnt the SSD get wiped when you split it?
I second the advice in OP W10IoTLTSC install procedure link, having data of value to you on a separate partition if you don't have a second drive is an excellent idea.
I've never tried it as it has never crossed my mind. I am so accustomed to saving anything of value on blank CDs, DVDs or USB HDDs. I still think saving to a second, external or internal, drive is the better way to go. But if you only have one at the moment, then a separate partition is a pretty good idea.

There should be a procedure to make sure Windows repairs it. I've never run into that, so it is up to you.
>Dig laptop out of storage for a short trip
>Network options are gone so I start poking around in services
>Attempting to display dependencies for services throws a win32 error
>Zero fucking idea what service handles displaying dependencies for other services

Anyone have any advice on this? I've tried looking online but I'm phoneposting because I don't have another computer and any results for "service dependency win32 error" gets me an ocean of shit that has no use for me and which I can't wade through on a tiny screen and local documentation is basically nonexistent.
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>try installing 10 IoT LTSC on my Linux laptop
>made a ventoy USB and copied the ISO over
>get to the installation process
>windows bitches about missing drivers
>read it's a common problem with Intel RST shit
>find the drivers online and put them on the USB drive
>still doesn't work
>go into the log files to see what's wrong
>"Could not determine the source media path"
>only results on jewgle are from a decade ago and don't apply to my situation (Windows PE/installation shit)
>spend like another hour desperately trying to make shit work
>no dice
>as a last resort I try the Windows 11 Pro ISO I also had on my main drive
>just works
I hate this shit so much I wasted my whole afternoon on this
I'm getting gamelauncher.exe errors when trying to play minecraft. any ideas?
not applicable licenses.

I can't install minecraft. windows 10 from pin .
why does it called mass grave?
this might sound stupid but i was too paranoid to make a MS account when i bougth this so when i try to use excel it asks for an e-mail or an activation code
if i swallow my pride and make an email can i use it like i used to or do i get more bullshit? my old machine was the one time when office came free but that was in 2010. don't feel like logging into google to use google docs every time but having a gmail to use something like excel when i can possibly just do it with a double click on my pc with ms mail might be retarded
but that's why i ask. maybe i'm retarded and paranoid
why did the pajeets at MS thought it was a good idea to force ms mail onto you, as if the spy- ad- and bloatware wasn't enough
that's what the site author called it, presumably
your activation is on your old machine, if you still have it, and if you make an account and link it on that old thing, your activation becomes a permanent part of your account

that said, I would just find a crack it I were you, 2010 was cracked a very long time ago
I had the same problem with win 11 pro, but I did find the correct driver for intel RST shit
Is it possible to remove allspywatre from windows assuming I'm on ltsc
I cloned a 1 TB SSD with two Windows operating systems to a 2 TB SSD. I expended the smaller partition with GParted. Failed to boot, as it is expected. I restored the boot index or whatever is called with a recovery drive. Now it works, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot write anything on the root C: drive.
>A required privilege is not held by the client
I have an adminstrator account.
the same way people write programs for linux?
do you think the kernel source code is actually used for anything much aside from drivers
binary code libraries contain symbol names for functions and data and constitute part of application binary interface, in order to consume them from a programming language you need something that maps the symbol name, size, and other stuff to how the language would access it which constitutes the application programming interface
linux and windows both have C APIs, windows also has a lot of C++ code which are accessed from header files
windows ships its headers in the windows sdk
some small parts of it are open source , some are source available
things like mingw have their own versions of the windows sdk components
documentation and headers are available
but yes, you're only supposed to use specific parts of it
because there's something at the half way mark that is in use by the system and can't be moved out of the way
you'll need to unmount the volume first. if it's your C: you'll need to do it from another os such as a linux livecd (yes, you can resize ntfs from linux)
want to switch to windows but i changed NTFS to FAT32... fuck. rufus is also only for windows sadly
Why would you be autistic enough to disable your antivirus?
Not the guy you replied to but yes, I think mixed with O.C.D. where you want everything to be perfect.
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Is pic related safe?
Using IoT LTSC 2024
Why wouldn't it be?
Obviously but we're in July so I don't know why its offering you a preview from June. You can just ignore it.
There has been some scuffed updates as of late.
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I know the iot ltsc version strips out a lot of features and whatnot, but minidumps shouldn't be one of them, right? my computer has been intermittently BSOD'ing for the last few months and I've been trying to diagnose it, but I don't have any info to work off of and it's very annoying. my only guess is that it might be an issues with either my ssd or the m.2 slot itself, so I even set the dump to write to an external drive just in case that was why nothing was being written, but I'm still not getting any logs
You should run specific tests while the system is running.
If your system bsods it won't dump anything if it goes down hard enough.
Why not do some disk benchmark/stress tests along with prime95 and furmark while you are at it? Could be your PSU.
Also check Event Viewer but it's quite shitty to use really.
did a disk benchmark and it worked fine, event viewer doesn't show anything either the few times I've looked, logs just suddenly halt at the time of crash. and I don't think it's my psu or otherwise power related because it doesn't go down when I'm pushing the system hard while gaming or anything. so far the most reliable way I've found to crash it is to have an automatic backup of the c: drive run in the middle of the night. if I manually run it during the day, it seems to work fine, but if I run it at 5am I wake up to the bios screen. since the other weird side effect of the crash is that it restarts, but thinks it doesn't have an os to boot into so it sits on bios. but as soon as I turn it off and back on, it boots into windows just fine.
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/v/ tourist here. Considered switching to linux (EndeavourOS) but ditched the idea once I lurked on the linux threads here and saw how much of a hassle it can be to run games that's not on Steam.
I'm gonna switch to IoT LTSC, but I'm not sure whether to go for the W10 or the W11 version. I bought my Lenovo laptop with W11 Home preinstalled (along with a lot of bloatware as expected). I wanna ask here, if you guys don't mind, which of the two, W10 or W11 IoT LTSC, runs "better" or is the least resource-intensive. And how do I check if I "fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler"?
I disabled windows updates via wpd but they keep coming back the next day
what do
wasn't happening before, wpd worked for some years just fine
i'm interested in dual ccd non 3d cpus like 7900x and 7950x
If your machine already had 11 on it then IoT LTSC 2024 will be an easier time for you.
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how do the websites know when you screenshot them, yesterday I was watching a stream from an official source and screenshot were blackout, tried fullscreen and windowed, if you use a third party screenshot tool would it still happen
Turning hardware acceleration off should allow you to screenshot or record it but they might lower the video quality.
So how does the MAS from OP actually work, do i just click a button and it generates a key or how exactly does it work? I was thinking about just paying an extra 80 bucks when order my new prebuilt PC so they install windows 10 and all the drivers for me and i can instantly use it. But from what it seems like its fairly easy to install w10 via usb stick with the media creation tool and then get a working key with the MAS tool. If its simple enough for me it might be worth to save some money
The massgrave website details how all its activation methods work.
>Run the irm command in an admin PS instance
>When it loads, press 1 to run the HWID activation
>Let it run until it says it's activated, then go back and close the window and the PS instance
And your system is activated. Never think about it again.
Will look into it thx
That doesnt sound too complicated. Does it matter which windows10 version im gonna install? I think during the installation i can choose which version and i was planning on windows 10 Pro. Does it matter when using MAS?
No vertical taskbar so windows 11 a shit
HWID can activate any version of 10 or 11 besides the server editions. I recommend you use, Enterprise as well because it lets you disable basically all the telemetry and such.
You could even convert your Pro install into Enterprise with MAS as well with the edition changer in its extras menu.
I will be honest im a pc noob so while no telemetry and bloatware sounds attractive to me, out of convenience and missing knowledge and fear that any programs or driver updates or something like this wont work with these enterprise/ltsc versions i was just gonna go with the standart windows 10 pro.
Normal Enterprise is really similar to Pro, LTSC editions are frozen on a certain version and just get security updates. Normal Enterprise gets the same updates as Home, Pro and Education. All your drivers will work just fine.
So basically Enterprise is Pro without temeletry and Bloatware but all the other normal features correct?
I just read a bit how MAS works and my plan was to install w10 pro on my new pc and the use MAS to activate it. Now you said
>You could even convert your Pro install into Enterprise with MAS as well with the edition changer in its extras menu.
If i wanted to do that should i do it immediately after? Will it be a complete new install that wipes my SSD or how does it work?
Also another thing I just thought about. If I dont want to be forced to upgrade to W11 next year, would you recomment using LTSC version? Do i run with these versions into any trouble if I just wanna use the PC for some Gaming (Like certain Games not working with LTSC anymore after a few years)
Think of it like Enterprise being the "mother edition" of 10 and 11.
Every other edition of Windows is Enterprise with something disabled/taken away, with the closest in blood being Education which only removes two enterprise IT focused features that home users won't ever use.
Also 10 and 11 have always been able to change editions on the fly natively, so changing to Enterprise would be quick and painless.
If you want to stay on 10 for as long as possible then IoT LTSC 2021 is your best bet.
If you're planning on installing Enterprise anyway you could just use an Enterprise ISO. You can download the Business ISO from Massgrave or create one yourself using the Media Creation Tool with a command.
This is true but if he wants to play the few games that don't work on LTSC he's kinda fucked.
I see. I think LTSC would probably be my choice then. Would i be able to change w10 pro to LTSC 2021 on the fly too with MAS? And turning of telemtry and bloatware works on LTSC too correct?
No, LTSC is its own branch and can't be changed to via edition changing from a mainline edition. If you want it then download an IoT LTSC 2021 ISO from massgrave and clean wipe the Pro install and re-install it.
Nope Pro can only switch to other consumer editions, Enterprise and IoT Enterprise. You have to download the (IoT) LTSC ISO from Massgrave. LTSC can only switch between LTSC and IoT LTSC.
Hmm alright. Ill be honest i will probably just use w10 or enterprise then. Im happy i found out how to activate it with MAS so i can save 80 bucks atleast. Im just someone who turns on the PC after work to play some games or watch movies and i dont know a lot tech stuff so i have been pushing the whole getting a new PC and dealing with all the installation and setting it up shit away but now i wanna get throught with it. Thanks for your help
At least just changing your 10 Pro install into a 10 Enterprise one will help you out with controlling what your computer does in the long run. I recommend downloading the tool ShutUp10 to mass disable all sorts of annoying shit that the OS does.
Oh and if i use MAS for activation, i definitely wont run into trouble down the road? Like i wont get a message in a couple years telling me invalid key or something like that?
No, you won't. HWID activation via MAS is basically the closest you can get to official activation you don't pay for.
I wrote down that tools name. Ive been using W7 for basically my whole life and as long as i could before being forced on W10 and i tried turning off all the bloatware and uninstalled things like edge, cortana etc but whenever i had windows updates it came back and eventually i gave up. Will definitely try to minimize that with my new PC. Thanks a lot
I know somebody already answered this but JPEGView (sylikc fork), Nomacs, qimgv are all pretty good for this. I prefer JPEGView because I really like the options it provides but Nomacs is a close second.
Do you guys ever create Start Menu folders when installing software using installers?
I never really use the Start menu so no. I just press the Windows key and search for it.
Sometimes they never give you an option to not create a start menu folder, though you can change the directory. Dunno if removing those folders afterwards changes anything, whether there's any junk in the registry that'll still be left and that sort of thing.
is archive.org a good source for old windows (95, 98, XP) or are they dangerous?
i was tasked to take care of defender flagging cracked .dlls on a legit W10 but despite my efforts it keeps persisting. any definitive guide to kill it permanently?
tried control panel, services and registry
i still have the laptop (W7 and office 2010 that came with it) so can you spoonfeed me a bit more about the process? i make a MS e-mail and account, go to their site using my old laptop (if it still starts), then what?
i never activated anything on there it was a mass purchase from uni and everything was preinstalled and i only had to press on the start button and that was it
yeah i'm really not great with computers in case that wasn't obvious
thanks for the reply tough
Why does Office 2007 not create desktop shortcuts by default after installation?
>any definitive guide to kill it permanently?
You would have to turn off defender, as it is constantly updated, it will be updated with new detections so any definitive guide would be outdated with enough time
Fellow Windows brethern, anyone has foolproof instructions on how to activate a copy of MS Office on Mac?
this shit is down
where else can i get clean windows 7 ISOs?
wait, the PC serial number i know where to find, i think. so i just make an account, enter the serial number, and it automatically knows there's an activated version of office linked to it or is there more to it?
Can't you just set an exception for the files?
Newer editions can just be cracked with MAS.
yes i know but i'm too paranoid and incompetent for that.
and i have legit open office on my old computer but like i said i have no clue how to tie that to a microsoft account, or what or where it came from because someone else did it for me. my first OOBE literally happened around half a year ago
back then i could have started excel literally 15 seconds after pressing the start button for my first time after picking it up from the computer department. perhaps i should mention the old one was in use for nearly 14 years and i'm a 30+ year old boomer
dell is good
While those CPUs still benefit from enhanced Win11 schedulers because its managing a relative fuckload of cores once you get past one CCD, its not nearly as complex as a 7950X all the cores are homogeneous, same potential clock speeds, same cache etc. So yeah,I'd take W11 even if not strictly necessary, but its not as complex and you likely don't have to worry about stuff like Xbox Game Bar or the like. Its just a less complex situation I gather - you should be fine more or less with any Win11 version overall.
after some tinkering one would think that the defender got turned off but it keeps "protecting". some process maybe?
it refuses to do so
>install any av
>defender disables itself
you arent going to be doing anything on there beisdes pretending it's 1995 so what does it matter if there's some 30 year old virus
Why is PowerToys run so unreliable
what is it you want to do that it isn't doing?
im using iot ltsc and i still cant trust microsoft
its none of their fucking bussiness what i do with my computer
how can we know they dont have access to our personal files, they can do anything with windows and we wont ever know
The hotkey just doesn't work most of the time I have to hold the keys down
Then stop using Windows.
you know you can just use wireshark right
schizo take
Then shut the fuck up.
meds, NOW
you know im right
you are slaves to microsoft
Massgrave's ISO index has a guide on how to install modern Office on Macs
If you want Powertoys Run but better just use Flow Launcher

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