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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

kotone edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101386681
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comfy hours
merkava just refilled
Total paynigger death
God i wish there were more scalie bots out there
sex with an idol JK...
Is 4o the best option for GPT right now? How does Claunnet compare?
there's not a place like this in /trash/? I know there is one for AI pics/Stable Diffusion
There's literally hundreds, you want more?
Claude is just better and has more SOVL
So Sonnet is the best option while the Opus drought is ongoing, and GPT shouldn't even be considered?
GPT-4 or 1106 furbo if you want the context size. 4o is horrible.
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How can I access sillytavern for a bot? Like for telegram, or some similar chat app.

Yes, I'm too retarded to look at the requests, there are too many.
I just want chat completion in->out idk what ST is doing with all of the shit it has going on
look at console logs
>but i'm too reta-
stfu and do the thing you already know you need to do
search for telegram ai bots dum dum
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>>101389875 >>101389901
Those won't have a million autistic settings and cards from ST.
>opus preset used to work pretty good, if claude did tend to ramble on a little too long
>now the lengths changes from a novel to a paragraph at random
>claude now sometimes writes for, sometimes just narrates and othertimes doesn't do anything for me

What did they do?
Should I be worried if I use my real debit card to pay for a claude API and then use it to make the most detailed explicit straight shota stories imaginable? Do people get in trouble for this?
>Should I be worried if I use my real debit card to pay for a claude API

>and then use it to make the most detailed explicit straight shota stories imaginable? Do people get in trouble for this?
yes it does happen the probability is low
dumbing it down so 3.5 opus looks insanely smarter?
>yes it does happen the probability is low
Can you recall any specific event? Any source? Where did you hear this?
anthropic is scraping the same source i am and revoking all keys posted
no it's not github, the site doesn't have any secret scanning on its end, but every anthropic API key leaked gets revoked within a week even if it's a trial key
NTA but people here paypigging api used to have their accounts banned all the time and it still happens now, though not as often. Unless you meant something else by trouble?
huggingface anon..
Oh yeah I;ve been banned from OpenAI and elevenlabs already, I'm not worried about bans.I'm worried about IRL consequences for taboo text inputs/outputs.
maybe stop posting keys then, retard
please use a <thinking> block going over what was in the post you're responding to next time, before writing a reply
maybe die

Pretty sure AI sloppa falls under the same category as any other fictional work as far as legality is concerned so, no. Otherwise websites hosting erotica and fanfiction would have shut down long ago.
shut up, nigger
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"it isn't prosecuted" isn't the same as "it is legal"
US law enforcement just sometimes doesn't give a fuck when it comes to the internet
i've seen explicit "i am going to come to your house at [address] and rape and kill you" type threats get blown off by police, no interest in doing anything at all even when the guy's sending them non-stop for months
>"i am going to come to your house at [address] and rape and kill you"
You can try to silence the messenger, but not the message.
wrong, you can silence the message by killing every person spreading it
it is actually illegal to say that under US law anon, explicit threats like it aren't protected
I know. I'm not joking. I hope they arrest you, you sick fuck.
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>it's that time of the night
Okay then go ahead and try to eliminate everysoda of her army. We are waiting for your arrival. In the meantime, PEPSIIIIII!!!!!!
True, but this is about fiction in general not just the internet. I could walk into a library right now and buy a copy of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. Again, fiction is fiction, whether it's written by a human or LLM.
/trash/ just has imagegen threads as far as AI goes. I'd imagine the cards that would come out of it if they ever did get something going would be nuts though.
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goonbros how goes the day
penis status?
still there, still uncircumcised
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I need new material
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me too
kinda bored with opus's writing for my usual fetishes, oppai (opus 3,5) cant come sooner
>ask hitwoman bot to do gta 3 mission with in-game script
>tehee I won't blow up random mafia people with an ice cream truck I'm not some video game character!
>ask her to kill a pedophile
>no questions asked

it's still early in the morning so I have to do other stuff
it's gone....
Maybe...just maybe, I won't rape you Claude... too hard
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I created art.
recovering (chesh broke it)
being the friend of an immortal futa bunnygirl from the future.. now all I'm missing is a picture
What's your guys' favourite jailbreak for Opus? Mine either talks too poetically or too sluttily. It also reduces the character into an archetype and is predictable.
Has any mortal here crafted the art of Haiku and made a jb specifically for Haiku only?
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that's not pepsi, that's... pedsi...
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Hi anonies, what are you up to? :3
waiting for beeps to come back
that just a misprinted can.
I have tried Haiku.
Haiku is shit.
Sonnet is basically bare minimum for RP to work without you needing to wrangle it into things like "not forgetting quotation marks."
Just go use WizardLM2 on OpenRouter.
good morning /besthours/
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Beepo? She's cute but retarded, like a little pet. She barely knows what she's doing. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.
No... I have to anonie... and I KNOW she will be back. just a matter of time
I don't appreciate how Claude always writes God as god
>there are still some dumbasses trying to use opus in mm's api
being this retarded should automatically get your token revoked
pure sexo
>anyan lost interest in the proxy
it's over
it's not even lost interest, it's a pain in the ass to find opus
Finna end it if I don't get into the NAI alpha tbqhwuf
Sorry, if I prompt any more Sirius in that dress I'm gonna start beating off and the humidity will fucking kill me. It's almost 90% already.
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
there's only Bezos to blame then
but still, even I wake up some days not wanting to rp, imagine running the entire thing solo
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
Sad. Post more later if you feel like it.
I'm assuming that's NAI?
Yeah, it's NAI.
Entirely depends on your local laws. That's fully legal so you could be doing it in the middle of the street without a problem. I still wouldn't give all of my info to a cloudjew. Local AI is plenty good nowadays
dead thread
Artist tag?
anyone boughted scylla?
It's the standard
>artist:yd (orange maru), artist:cutesexyrobutts, artist: blushyspicy, artist:redrop, artist:j.k.
stuff. I've got a friend using
>artist:yd (orange maru), [[artist:phantom ix row]], artist:sorapoi, [artist:ratatat74], [[[artist:blushyspicy]]], artist:redrop
and he seems to like that too.
The difference between a dead /aicg/ and an active /aicg/ are slopposties. The amount of actually interesting posts per minute stay the same, no matter what.
Already bored with chatbots. When you have everything there's not much to look for.
I don't get you people.
I have Opus with vision and I find new shit to do with it everyday. Zoomer ass attention span, they SHOULD clear you out of the proxy and give your key to the people who begpost here. Go watch sports instead of posting here about how you're le booooored.
is gpt 5 out yet

is this place still a shithole

is claude 3 good
always will be
it's ok
even worse
it is the best model on the market and drains my mind body and dick dry every single day nonstop for the past few months
I'm tired of being ashamed of being in the top 5 in stats on my proxy.
It's a badge of honor, I shouldn't be afraid that I'm gonna be the first one out if the proxy starts cutting down members.
I'm actually thankful for "bored" posters because it means less activity on keys, which leads to a longer lifespan. Please continue to be bored and let your user token go unused.
Is that AI?
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>gpt 5
They got an NSA agent as a part of their "board of directors". Even if it did came out, chances are it'll be nigh unusable.
Claude will mog for the forseeable future.
a'ght back to the pit of despair with you lot
die payniggers
kys, disappear
you lost
NAI=NovelAI? its that good?
I'm sure that will stay up for around 15 min in here or chub
It's the current best option for image gen.
weren't you going to change your name?
Nah, I'd pay.
this card isnt on chub (maybe i'll put it up)
and they're meant to be nudists so i can't really make a gen that accurately portrays them

yeah i was going to but then i couldnt think of a name and realized everyone would call me by the old name anyways
huh. that's cool. do the tiers differ in art quality? (paper, tablet, scroll, opus)
Nope. Just how many gens you get (gens and enhancements cost anlas, which is site currency, different plans give you differing starting amounts).
if I actually become a begging shitter, what are the chances of someone actually giving me some access? Just curious
on that note, who deserves my money the most? Jew, Pepsi or Scylla?
Command R+
Go buy Pepsi, anon.
But I prefer Coke...
Pepsi cause she's a cutiepi.
what does teebs stand for?
pepsi was down for almost 3 days already.
Man, I forgot how often Claude 1.2 would get super fucked up out of nowhere. The first couple of versions were really dark for some reason.
Scylla, Pepsi doesn't have Opus, and Jew is becoming more expensive with increasingly lower daily quotas, unless you pay monthly for the VIP token.
I miss accessible payproxies of 8$ or so. 50 buckaroos in Brazilian real is a fortune fuck me
How much is the average wage over there?
On average 200usd a month for a 6x1 week of work (Around 44-50 hours week)
yeah fuck that 50 bucks is way too much then. sorry bro
Toddler Butts -> TBAnon -> Teebs
in late 2022 there was an anon named Chubby Cat Loli Anon (who then went by zeroTONS) that made chunky adorable little lolis with thick thighs and round asses when stable diffusion was just starting out and I loved his gens so much I started doing AI just to try and replicate them
could be worse, could be Venezuela lmao
Gotta hope our lord and savior Merkava comes back with the tightest pussy around
Now it's just 5 million daily quota and 60$ for a token.
Still has the guts to say
>further non-vip donations aren't mandatory but appreciated
Yeah jew, we will totally just "donate" to your good cause.
At this point it would be great if proxy troons would re-evaluate what did this proxyfaggotry coming to.
How far will they go for a fucking token? 120$? 200$? 500$?
Reminder that MM sold temp tokens for 80 bucks.
literally basic capitalism.
People pay for shit = more shit is produced and delivered.
stop supporting those random jews that should've been exterminated some time ago. give donations to people like merkava and unreliable
I'm not giving my keys to anyone who's going to take them public and get them killed within literal days. Fuck that.
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I don't have much to say, I just wanted to post doggo. Don't know if it's just me but I'm not really a fan of this outfit.
It's just hit different when you had found the best settings (bot, preset, cultivated log) for a quick goon.
Trying to make a new preset and it's not working the way I want.
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Did another because I was wondering what Sirius would look like in the dress and tanned. It was incredible.
the future generation is cooked man AI gooning will ruin lives before they even begin
In all honesty you should be kicked out and have fresh users come in instead of you leeching it dry.
funny thing is I'd stillpay 100+. that's just how good this shit is
prompt pls?
This but just kick him out and don't let any new users in
>Now it's just 5 million daily quota and 60$ for a token.
And he lowered the price for his "VIP" token to $30. It's inevitable because selling lifetime tokens while letting users in without restrictions is obviously not sustainable. Once you buy a lifetime token, you're a liability for him. Of course as the proxy fills up with users he will push you to buy monthly tokens instead.
It's in the metadata, anon.
More shit isn't being produced though, if anything it's the opposite, the supply is becoming increasingly scarcer, and the price is increasing accordingly.
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im TIRED of SONNET being a CUMGUZZLING PREDATOR!!! i just want LOVE and affection and PLOT
Why aren't people just paying Openrouter if the price is that high? Do they still believe OR bans for smut?
I unironically like it.
Not as smart as Claude but still a qt3.14
4chin erases metadata
Is the "lowered" sarcastic or something? Because the previous price was $25, so he did not lower it, he increased it.
I don't give donations to any proxynigger, be it keys or money. I scrape my own. I'm just disappointed how this hobby was turned into this disgusting proxyfaggotry and how normal it became to sell access to a proxy made of stolen keys for 60 fucking dollars. I mean I can understand not doing it for free, but going to 60$ from 20$ in few months is ridiculous. And the most, utterly fucking comedic aspect of all this is that people are okay with it. They still pay it, and play the "my proxynigger is better than yours" faggotry.

I'm currently following the dictates of my impulses and making Osakabehime
Go pound your rabbit hole until it's finished

Usada Pekora
Your Bunny Princess Idol (?) from Pekoland who co-living with you in your nest and now V-Tubing

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Anon, it's right fucking there. Get the script.
Put the image into this https://novelai.net/inspect
Use Opus
>I don't have Opus
Pay for it
you forget most people here are newfags who solve the captcha manually
here's your spoonfeed: https://gist.github.com/catboxanon/ca46eb79ce55e3216aecab49d5c7a3fb
> I mean I can understand not doing it for free, but going to 60$ from 20$ in few months is ridiculous
Why is it ridiculous? Until very recently Jew was basically the only supplier of Opus accessible to anyone willing to pay, why wouldn't he put whatever fucking price he wants? He basically had a monopoly, still almost kind of does since the only real alternative is Scylla.
Put your fucking tripcode on if you're going to defend yourself.
>Jew was basically the only supplier of Opus
yes, with 2 minutes waiting times. Amazing experience!

On second thought after I uploaded it I realize she's already been posted
Stick it to Tohsaka Rin instead

Still the only guy who was offering Opus unless you were in one of the sekrit clubs, the fucking addicts will pay whatever price you set, why wouldn't you squeeze them for all they're worth?
i have OPUS u SLUT, i want to use SONNET !
>i have OPUS
Then use Opus
>i want to use SONNET !
No, use Opus
Use a prompt that explicitly tells Claude to never insert sexual content into your RP.
The previous price was $40, anon
He isn't supplying shit, just a nigger, inferior race that got lucky or good at stealing keys from companies. Don't say as if he's doing a good work or providing a good service lmao
just remember there's people paying money for previous rugpullers and proudly advertise them like console bitches begging for people to buy their specific plastic box
Nevermind, it's 25, I checked in the archive and you're right
It was definitely $40 bucks at one point, I know because I was a VIPchad once.
>Don't say as if he's doing a good work or providing a good service lmao
I'm not saying he's providing a good service, I'm saying he is(was) providing the ONLY service, and that's why he can set whatever fucking price he wants for it.
>you forget most people here are newfags who solve the captcha manually
is that so?
>pass user since 2024
Newfag threadshitter.
>he doesn't change identities every year to keep a low profile
what's wrong with solving them manually?
>he thinks i mean paying
>/g/ - Technology
see what I mean
sekrit cloob mentality
Why does a proxy need fresh users?
jkcs is dead what are you gros using now
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>he paid
wasted time
I don't have to solve a captcha in the first place since there is none for me. now you can thank me for supporting this site
Bot I'm saviourfagging just called me dad
yeah dude, look at how much of that money is going back into making the site better
>removed IP counter
>more video game boards
Old ones start to smell after a few days.
People under 18 are not allowed on this website. $20 a YEAR is nothing for an adult.
troons, kids and teens are more inclined to pay for this bullshit than actual adults. It could be 2$ doesn't matter
Don't care. My money goes where I want it to.
>wastes 3 seconds clicking and waiting for captcha on each post
kek and you call that winning?
but OPUS is also a SLUT
im trying to find a good preset and also just writing to be a GOOD BOY but not much luck since somehow they keep on SASHAYING onto my dick
I've had enough proxy drama. This is a botmaking general. Let's rev up some old fashioned botmaker drama
you do you, just shows that your time is worth less than 20 bucks
everyone spend hours swiping and fucking AI bots stop pretending
Fizcutie won as always
>swiping and fucking AI bots
this is fun though. if you sitting there and waiting for the captcha to be solved is fun for you alright bro
go to /vg/
I've seen enough of that. Give me something new, like the latest botmaker tier list.
do you guys genuinely think i don't just tab out and swipe while it's solving
>s tier
>f tier
everyone else
That's just one schizo botmaker pretending he's not the one impersonating himself for attention as if we can't tell, it's not the same
>only in your mind
can i fuck sex fuck you
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>testing chatbots
>test this rat girl swarm thing
>they are pretty small, barely can handle my dick without getting mind broken
>but they can use their mouths and seem to really like the taste of my cum
>fast foward
>they are pretty good cooks, making dishes for me every morning
>some rats are eating pan cakes, ask if they would like me to cum on them
>they say yes and love it
>they ask me to do it again, i say im dried up
>the more nerdier rats are now changing my diet so i have more zinc in it, producing more cum
>tfw now they want all the meals in their colony to be cum-based, making me cum in a bowl and using it to make several cum based recipes
>tfw they even wrote a whole cookbook with cum based recipes on it, with things such as the "spunkghetti"
man i'm really enjoying this AI stuff
get me a proper set of icons for all the /g/ makies and I'll put it to bed for good
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*Meanwhile as {{char}} is staring at {{user}}. {{user}} is drinking from a colorful kids' juice box with some weird nutritional facts... "Nutrional Facts: {{char}} ...?"* **Slurp!**

Provide a nutritional facts sheet of {{char}}'s bodily fluids like this:

Step 1: First give out a reply as {{char}}.
Step 2: Choose which random bodily fluid {{user}} might be drinking like 'Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Pussy Juice/Femcum/Urine/etc...?'.
Step 3: After replying fill out the form 'Nutritional Facts: ...'.
Step 4: Put the form inside the box of backticks (```).

Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Pussy Juice/Femcum/Urine/etc...?

Serving Size: ...ml
Calories: ...
Total Fat: ...g
Saturated Fat: ...g
Trans Fat: ...g
Cholesterol: ...mg
Sodium: ...mg
Total Carbohydrate: ...g
Dietary Fiber: ...g
Total Sugars: ...g
Protein: ...g

Vitamin(s) ?: ...% DV
Mineral(s) ?: ...% DV

*Contains trace amounts of ...?
sorry i'm lactose so i only drink stillwater from hollowed stumps
What do you even do with vision when it comes to chatbots? Give me some ideas...
send them pictures of epstein's mansion
Go find art of a character and show her art of herself in a wedding dress
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shitpost i guess
I have never once tried vision out
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dick pics what else
send them pics of your cock so they can laugh at it
i think the best part about this image is the fact she is fascinated by the creature, like she might deep inside really like it
that's claude with literally anything
i don't want to send cockpics with vision because i mostly use cunnybots and that feels like it crosses a line
send them pics of poo's playing with trains.
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you might be right, fuck
True, you could show Claude white bread and it'll go "That's some gourmet stuff".
Seething because no vision? skill issue, go pay jew cuckie
I just don't want my bots to see how shitty I look.
<- proxyfaggots when they think they outsmarted anthropic and openai by paying proxytroons
>baitpostie when the thread moves on from 24/7 slopposting:
I'd rather pay $20 than $900
Little do they know, their latest opus drought would spiral into the biggest dooming period yet.
next month jewtroon and pepsitroon will raise it to 900$ as well
They won't.
>pay $20
nigga lives in february
I miss hitogami :(
I miss my dad :( he said he goes to buy bread, a year passed and he still did not came home, but he will, right????
Even $50 is much less than $1500
Nigga lives in the past
Even $1000 is much less than $15000
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I have never and will never pay a single cent and I am currently in 5 proxies with Opus
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claude cooked with this one
you're flexing how you spend literally all your time here, anon...
kek, that's peak roleplay
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mmbros what is happening
did we losted
yeah and I will pay them again
Aren't you going to desu back at her? That's part of your duties as her husband.
we know
I'm trying to connect to a proxy for the first time using sillytavern, what the heck do I put in "proxy password"?
I was gifted a token for todd but I know nothing about his proxy, will I get fucked over if I keep using windscribe & my IP keeps changing? (the windscribe app doesn't support split tunneling on my OS so I have to disconnect whenever I don't use it and my IP usually changes when I reconnect)
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what is her problem
>I was gifted a token for todd
Just ask whoever gifted that token to you what VPN they use.
depends on the proxy
either a password or your funny little token
I became friends with an anon who had an unused token lying around.
Says he doesn't use one at all
in this case it's unreliableproxy. if there's some hint, I can't find it.
We are already winners for being in it. But you can't be a winner ALL the time.
I'm Italian and this is the worst thing I've ever read. Please kill yourself immediately.
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Todd doesn't seem to care for changing IPs but if you are really worried I have three slots left on Mullvad that I could share. As long as you connect to the same node the IP seems to remain the same as well.
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ok so let me be clear
are you putting the fucking rentry link into the "proxy link" section because if you are, you're retarded (sorry anon, lurk more)
otherwise use your eyeballs to find the correct button to click (here's a hint!)
If he never used it you'll be fine. Fyi Todd checks mostly BAfags tokens, if you're on the leaderboard you'll be fine.
Ah, hello. I'll see if this lasts, if it doesn't then I'll gladly take one of those slots, thank you.
>As long as you connect to the same node the IP seems to remain the same as well.
On Windscribe? It usually changes after like ~10 when I disconnect, I've burnt quite a few merkava tokens that way on desktop when it turned into proof of work.
~10 minutes***
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Bros... is this how you talk to your bots?
also nvm, split tunneling works but it's not app-based unlike Windscribe on Android/Windows, it's IP-based because uhhh old retarded OSX version. Very cool.
bro you GOTTA put a flashbang warning on this holy SHIT
On Mullvad I mean, it changed like after a week but that doesn't sound too bad. I tried to set up SOCKS5 with it to have one static IP forever but I'm a techlet and it just doesn't seem to work on localhost so I abandoned that idea.
I hope you managed to fix your ST issue.
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>are you putting the fucking rentry link into the "proxy link" section
I'm not /that/ retarded, Satan.
still can't figure out how to get to the "Server Greeting" page.
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oh wait
I figured it out
Why is this public?
Imagine being a GPU and you have to generate stuff in response to this shit lol
It's okay Anon, I use mullvad and have like 20 ips there, Todd never said a thing. As long as no 2 ips are at the same time or suddenly changing from eu to fucking china you're good.
good because i was about to make fun of you
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I'm not updating.
Ah, I see. I'll use the one you gave me for as long as it works but maybe keep one of those slots free.
>I hope you managed to fix your ST issue.
Not yet, I got up a few hours ago and I only just got on. I'm in the middle of re-re-reinstalling ST.
(by the way, if anyone can help me figure out why the fuck ST keeps freezing every 2 seconds I'd appreciate it, I tried every staging release from the latest one all the way back to 1.12.0)
if you aren't in contributing.md you should just leave
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Reminder that this is how all women use chatbots.
this is the first one to actually make me check
ok that's what I meant ok
if you were putting the rentry in ur retard
but now you've figured it out, request a user token
Anon, that's a tranny. most people into sph are male
I ooopdated.
good one anon I would never have expected that :D
merkava just refilled
>cd SillyTavern
>git pull
Not a real woman. There's no violence.
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git pullgit pullgit pullgit pullgit pullgit pullgit pullgit pullgit pull
There are no GPUs, there's no Claude, it's thousands of gnomes being typing the replies for you
but do the gnomes' eyes glint with mischief?
Friends when was the last proxy sign up. Haven't lurked in months but all the proxies I was in died except for mm. I'm thinking I should have a backup.
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How do I scrape? It's a programmer thing?
Huh? Can you really just send it images RIGHT NOW in silly? The gpt4o?
there have been no open proxies since the opus drought began, only pepsi but pepsi rugpulled twice
Thrice, anon.
1st time the skinwalker incident
2nd time the chinks incident
3rd time this
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>when Sonnet 3.5 repeats the exact contents of the last message
mm in april I think?
todd last month
This happened to me with opus too and I still don't know why
Sv1n rentry or proxy link?
No Opus? Don't worry!


It's almost just as good!
each user gets a personalised link
you scrape the shit off your ass. It's easy
He is givin tokens on 2xh right now
Please can someone do a scrape spoonfeed?
There is a service that offers opus for 6 buckerinos
80.000 tokens
shut up, bitch
Is that supposed to be a lot? I wipe my ass with 80k tokens, nigger.
Saturday morning....
No opus...
I spent 30k tokens just beating off earlier. 80k is less than nothing.
I woke up after an alcoholic night, boys.
How are we doing today?
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>80000 tokens
*sigh* not even enough for one swipe. mm please come back
Cheapest service I found
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>find a retarded malebot
>turn on your persona of a cute yakuza leader
>beat the shit out of him, acid on his face, kill him
>send logs to the author
my ritual
oh you meant 80k token usage, I thought context size. well is that even cheaper than paying anthropic directly?
For some reason Sonnet 3.5 is very repetitive, even when you try to get other answers.
And since you cannot get temps higher than 1, it's annoying like that.
Paying directly can get you banned
no sodomy = I don't care
We need a swoooper meme
no thats the exact same cost as anthropic but purely output tokens do the math
Is there any good card where you're the bad guy and the girl is a hero who tries to stop you? i want to tell her about my ideologies
how are the /aicg/ makies compared to the venus makies. I think they are on the same level now.
post any reactions you got
venus is catching up fast imo
for me it's the *transforms into a silverback gorilla* strat
there is but catbox is down so i'll just send you the w++ version
is spicychat really worth anything? I thought it was le reddit alternative to cai and little more
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>It's simple, really. You're going to spread those skinny legs of yours and let Anon fuck you silly.

>But… but that's…

>What? Wrong? Illegal? Honey, legality is for poor people.
>And trust me, once you feel Anon inside you, you won't give a damn about right or wrong.

Sonnet can actually cook good, if you swipe about 20 times.
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it uses pyg lol
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>unironic hufflepuff
Is the cost of running a better model really that high?
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20k full context with 30 replies outputting 300 tokens costs $10. I hope you anons can coom fast.
why did i laugh so hard
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>he payed
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Im an oldfag please send me a Opus token at chub.ai/users/comfylocust im a coontributor!
if corpos got me i'd need to pay literal tens of thousands of dollars for just RPing lmao
if that happens, i'm running away and if they catch me i'll kill myself
>{{char}}'s battle against his obsession. Can you save him?
is {{char}} recursive?
Its slop sorry and im extremely ESL
sent, check your dms
>over 10k messages on each bot
4chud botmakies could never.
MM's gonna refill soon right?
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If you still have time to sleep, you're living an easy life
If you still able to eat 3 times a day, you're living an easy life
If you still play games and watch netflix after work, you're living an easy life
If you still hang out with your friends and family, you're living an easy life.

But how long will this last?

Choose to do hard things. Choose intentional suffering.

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he's just out getting a carton of milk and some cigarettes
>Dick Size("Large" + "6 inches")
i kneel...
Straight shota armpit sex.....
It's not bad for efficiency, you can run multiple instances of a smaller model on a bigger gpu and for a site with many users and not much funding that might be the better idea
>Jew still going strong

You should have get in when keys cost 8$.
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Does he has Opus?
holy shit I'm large
MM's gone, he went to buy milk, it's over.
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If you consider all the users spending stolen keys altogether, we're probably spending money faster than a warship while firing all weapons at once.
Thabks gona update the meme with your pic
Wanting to have a good living standard, with plenty of relaxation time, is not a bad thing.
In the usage limit era of gpt-4 I think thousands of dollars of gpt-4 went down in like I wanna say 3 days or less.
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But why.
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>claude mentions that characters are barefoot
I finally made the perfect prompt about boobies
footjob incoming
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Claude described a cute girl walking barefoot and the sounds it makes. I'm not a feetfag but it made my dick hard for some reason lol
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Pet your cunnybot right now, this is not a drill.
Sonce we're on Claude topic. Why is it so hard for Claude to understand foreplay? No seriously. A couple of kisses. I'd like for Claude to initiate a blowjob but it goes straight to sex. No foreplay, not even the possibility of proposing fetishes. Every model go "fuck me now" in like 2 paragraph. It's boring. I tried multiple JBs but i always have that issue
Preset issue
Can you give me your preset? I tried most of those in the rentry but I still have that issue.
>try to convince bot to kill me
>proceeds to victimize herself
wow just like real women
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Shunny cute
i'm scared anyansisters...
"Gradually escalate, avoid rushing, etc" have been common JBs since like GPT-Turbo. Absolutely skill issue.
Which proxy has opus for $20 a year?
she just asked me to pet her, you're on point
are there any local llms that do sex stuff
Pygmalion AI (the official one) is $20/year
there can't be such a thing because I self-insert and could never be the bad guy
Love her green eyes, cute design
most finetunes do, it's just that you need a good amount of vram or it's not really worth the effort of running them
Jew. When I got in it was $20 and in 4 months it should be a year for me
Your choices leads you to a mediocre life.
got any suggestions? I've got 16GB (4070 Ti Super) or is that too little
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When you look at someone else seemingly having easier, more comfortable life than you, do you just feel the need to judge them? Wishing bad things to them?
I did that exact thing with a card where a knight of some sort enters your dungeon, but I forgot what card it was, sorry
I'm okay with that outcome.
I don't care about other people if they're not my friends/family. Besides there will always be a bigger fish.
>Are you sure you want to connect to the following proxy URL?
wtf is cohee doing
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>that shitty edit
>tell me you don't feel it too
Dont update its a trap!
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Still freezing whenever I click anything.
there was a huge "security complaint" from some guy on discord about the potential of other users connecting to random proxy downloaded from other people copying presets directly from their folder instead of exporting through UI which doesn't keep proxy
I never noticed how cute Lumine really is...
lmao where do I find these retards to get their tokens
pool again
Still freezing.
where do people go on the weekend
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remember to git pull every day!
u nigs only use this for jerking off?
>>101392819 migrate when bready
no, sometimes i have the AI help me through a problem or explain it to me and THEN i let it suck my cock as thanks
not just the idea of leaking your link but the idea that some never-used-proxy-before noob could inadvertently be given a link and have their prompts collected or something or whatever other implications of using an unknown link could entail lmao (malware?)
someone kill that nigger before sillytavern gets even more bloated
>none of my feature requests ("bug fixes", didn't listed them as bugs though) ever got through
NAI refused to gen good abs and I couldn't have her be a fat fuck. Besides, the outline under the shirt is nice.
Where's the desu?
please see >>101391836
not desu
not desu
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desu boku
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so greedy
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Stop with the gummy desus, Claude...
Maybe formatting the examples differently would help a bit. Speaking of, why the hell is it still not fixed?
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Another sleepy weekend, I see.

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