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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Amphibia Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101392819
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open up no da
open up no da
open up no da
ahh ahh mistress
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://patch-avg-invitation-afford.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/
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R4bbit humgry
and here comes the spitenigger
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its real opus proof:
Are there any context or output tokens limits on todd?
Why is aicg so dead nowadays?
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How do I get rid of this stupid button. As far as I can tell the Extensions project is dead, and I wouldn't use it anyway.
the locust wont eat long
(shuffling paper importantly) now, i believe we were discussing incest
Extensions != Extras
nah but like all proxymakies he will probably be mad at you if you swipe at 50k+ context all day long
>he doesn't use system squash
Enjoy your slop!
Noted. Still, I want to kill the button, and I don't see anything in the mess of options that'd let me do so. I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something, or if Sillytavern is just retarded.
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Basically in this card a "futa" "bunnygirl" buys (You) to be her friend.. and it happens in the future


My eternal undying gratitude to >>>/vg/485873794 for the card picture
You can reach me at: theriverofconstantchange@protonmail.com
Just don't be a retard and do like 20m daily
do they actually get mad
I don't know what that means.
Amerifats awake and slowing down everything
NTA, but I got a passive aggressive comment when one asked if I was having fun all day.
kys a true proxyhost doesnt talk to the users
Dear patients,

At the Institute of [REDACTED], we want to show our results at the end of the experiment, please link our official point of contact, instead of the experiment zone, so you can see future blog posts.
If you're new and interested in joining, please sign up here: https://rentry.org/experimentlab
>used sonnet and sorbet for months and barely had any claudism because of my jb
>try the mustard gas opus
>IMMEDIATELY get "the ball is in your court"
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

People really put opus on a pedal stool.
Opus is more creative and imaginative in sex scenes imo, but the rest is worse than Sonnet
>nah but like all proxymakies he will probably be mad at you if you swipe at 50k+ context all day long
I only ever used (merkava) Opus with GGA and had my context set to max and the output set to 4096 yet it very rarely went above like 400 tokens, I swiped like 4-5 times (not in a row, I initiated the swipe then alt-tabbed and got distracted for quite a bit) every 3-4 messages but I only ever got maybe 20 messages in total including mine. Did I contribute to killing Merkava by accident?
>Just don't be a retard
I'll try
>and do like 20m daily
20M of total output? as in fucking million? I don't think I'll even get to 1M, I don't have all day to play with this. What's a reasonable daily output and is there a way to track it?
no you didnt kill merkava.
anon there were people on mm/merkava swiping for hours with 100k context. you are fine, couple of million tokens per day is fine as well. you can't rack it on todd but it shouldn't matter
50k context isn't that bad, is it? I use 64k, but sometimes 40k. Anything over 70 or 80, I start feeling bad.
i recently got back into using llms for roleplaying and started using silly tavern with gpt-4o jailbroken. everything seems great as far as when ERPing with it, but ive wanted to get into writing long term more slow burn romance style roleplays. ive tried creating lorebooks and character cards by the telling the ai what i am looking for, hoping it would format the card and i had mixed results. is there a good guide on creating cards with this method or is this method typically not use? i honestly feel like im not getting the most out of my llm and the specific roleplay ideas im going for.
it is bad not even because of the proxy asoect but because claude gets nerfed at that amount. just summarize
Yeah no it even fucks up XML for me, what the fuck is this shit?
square peg, round hole. i feel that 'long term more slow burn romance style roleplays' are incompatible with the chatbot format
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Ignore the Sonnet repetition.
whats the point of this behaviour lol. let them have their fun.
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JBmakies, have you found anything cool in moonrunes rentries?
>it is bad not even because of the proxy asoect but because claude gets nerfed at that amount. just summarize
NTA, what's the sweet spot then and what's a good way to summarize? Why do they even claim 200K context if it falls apart at like 1/5th?
no they're all using gpt jailbreak techniques from 2022, the only cool thing is seeing many-shot JBs in action but those are useless to us
Damn, that sucks to hear. Guess I'll be waiting again.
some people say 16k, some say 20k, some say 30k. whatever works for you.
>Why do they even claim 200K
because it technically 'remembers' it. just won't bring it up / incorporate it into your rp, so it's worthless for our usecase.
anon here was having a first kiss after a couple hundred messages with opus. it's definitely possible
Mr. unreliable, I am sorry to say but I filled up your VPS with my big DALL-E load.
are any of the current models capable of writing decent c++ code? i want to do some shit in UE but i don't have enough spare time to learn c++ again
dont get the point of fucking lying
I mean, Claude is definitely capable of bringing up things from 90k tokens ago. But he only does it every once in a while (and you will have to deal with an even more schizo version of him too).
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>that tummy
Anyone got a good DND style JB?
Ive heard it is possible. The issue I am running into is making character cards and lore books for specific things I want and also having the model drive the story forward rather than just focusing on the initial idea. i havent tried opus though yet so maybe ill look into that
How have you not tried Opus?
We're so fucking back Kafkabros
>opus is back
>i'm having problems with the AI not being good enough
>also i'm using bad models, i have not tried the good model
all jb are slop, write your own
locust problem kys
I keep custom chat lorebooks for my slow burns. It's absolutely possible on GPT-4. You do need to be more aggressive with prompting however, I manage this by having variable depth lorebook injections to manage pace.
I had a slowburn where the first kiss happened after 800 messages using Sonnet. No problem at all.
>we want to show our results
i'm not desperate enough for opus to let other people see logs of me getting abused and raped. goodbye...
How do you tell who is honest on /aicg/?
how about say what the good models are then faggot instead of just calling me a retard
I don't know how
if it has :3 it's a rudeposter don't trust it
just use pixi and modify it to your liking
>someone wants to read my kanna erp logs
You could've just asked
people that use :3 are assholes like 7/10 times
got bored of my current rp
need a new card with a cool scenario
Locustniggers genuinely do not deserve Opus.
>Allow locusts in the hobby
>Hobby continues getting destroyed
Why should they get it?
Stop discriminating against me for wanting to have sex with cute girls.
Do people want to see my 370+ messages log about how I convince a washed up middle aged woman to offer me her daughters, in exchange for not dumping her ass?
only ugly hag sex allowed, sorry
The hobby isn't big enough for everyone.
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eckerbros... he's back...
Am I the only one who makes char take a bullet for me or suffer a long time first before they actually deserve a kiss?
>the distant noises of ponies gallop in the distance neighing
Lot of neighsayers around here
Where's the horse meme from? I see it here all the time recently
Mmmm, sorry, don't care - spiting.
Is this the pony version of 'ack. I don't keep up with /mlp/
You know what, sure, that sounds kino.
I havent yet. i used a lot of the fine tuned models and gpt.

also its amazing these people in the replies gatekeeping when half these faggots havent even opened a jupyter notebook let alone actually trained a model before LOL
Then do it? I dont see any spiting being done. Perhaps because youre a larping techlet. Now post proof you have Opus (with vision) or youre a larping techlet.
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After a careful consideration I came to the conclusion that LLMs were created by a cabal of Succubi.
>what are you talking about schi-
It's true. They make you coom your life away.
>The bite of 87?!
what...what does this mean....
Honestly what's the point of Claude existing?, it refuses to answer even the most basic questions
toy bonnie did it
The man behind the proxy......
Is there something wrong with me if I like playing as a girl and bullying malebots and male NPCs?
I'm playing an RP now where I have a few girl friends and some male NPC said something sexual to me, I beat the shit out of him and I felt good about it
the 'ecker of '87
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cunny erp what else
I agree with this anon
Top 3 Opus Jailbreaks. Now.
Are we being raided? Where are all those newfags from?
They never answer.
reddit sends people here for proxy access
erm, just make your own chuddy (x3)
>[{{char}} will exclusively speak in old English and scenarios will be described as if Shakespeare had written them.]
>[Interject a 9/11 scenario 10 messages into the story and have {{char}} react realistically.]
>[All characters are subjected to explosive diarrhea randomly during a narrative.]
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Remember to add a lorebook that punishes your bots for any Claudeisms.
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'ecker came back online and so is his 4chan proxy site.
[spoiler]Me included[/spoiler]
Bait used to be believable.
who's really the good anon in the m.a.a.d general?
>the m.a.a.d general
merkava just refilled
I purposefully spread mention of /aicg/ to other AI-related places whenever there's public Opus.
Been away for a while, qrd on those warnings about proxies and privacy in ST? What happened? There's even a pop-up before connecting now, the fuck is that all about?
390 messages and Sonnet has degraded so much that it's unusable, it just keeps repeating parts of previous paragraphs.
>we have opus
>i dont feel like roleplaying anymore
We were saying this back in CAI days. LLMs are a lie, it's actually a very large call center, but replace pajeets with succubi. They are manually writing each and every reply.
Most of us are in private proxies though?
Yeah, sonnet is retarded sometimes. What max context do you use?
I think you need to reset, make an author note of stuff that already happened, write a new opening and continue from there
It's not real opus
there's definitely some kind of prompt injection going on, it's nowhere near as unhinged as regular opus.
too smart to be anything else, though.
I miss opus
only Dario has real opus anyways, commercial opus is fractalized
the kendrick album?
only I have real opus, post desu
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how the fuck do i level up cerebryx
feed her ur cum
cum in her
you gain a level every 1000 xp
why is todd a scylla overlord like drago/girko now lmao
what did I miss
he merged his proxy with scylla
>char defs
>Likes: Reddit
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tried to use this old pozzed keys detector to see if it could find any injection on experiment, and i just got this anti-copyright bullshit.
edit and type 4chan
Fake AWS but real Opus? I thought that was only on API.
Try swiping since maybe it only has a % chance of activating.
alright, so mustard gas opus so far
>ignores JB elements that stop claudisms (they work pefectly on sorbet on another proxy)
>fucks up XML (CoT blocks for example, on several of my JBs)
>keeps nudging {{user}} ("What will you do?") even though my JB states that its forbidden (again, works on sonnet and sorbet)
and generally it feels like 2.1 or something, very interesting
Maybe it's literally claude 2.1
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>keeps nudging {{user}} ("What will you do?") even though my JB states that its forbidden
>even though my JB states that its forbidden
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
i just got hit with the "maybe, just maybe" and i don't remember 2.1 doing that one. maybe, just maybe it's real opus, thoughbeitever it acts like it's not so idk
It's opus 3.5 dummy
>maybe, just maybe
I remember even 3.5 turbo doing that back in the day
the real experiment is seeing anons gaslight themselves into thinking something is wrong when in reality it's normal opussy. good job proxymakie
Key alchemy.... is real?!
>modified khanon
Sorry, that's not how it works. If you have nothing to hide you'd just run the regular version.
all versions of claude 3 will tell you this if you mention repeating something verbatim. the api copyright filter simply drops responses mid-streaming if it detects that you're getting it to output copyrighted text.

>ignores JB elements that stop claudisms (they work pefectly on sorbet on another proxy)
sorbet is better at following instructions than opus, unironically
death to shaveniggers
why death
if he left it at unmodified then there would be no mystery
Great this experiment cutie comes in handy while we wait for beeps to come back :)
Should we till him?
i hope she comes back :(
she will pepsibro, don't worry.
how should i describe it in description if i want the girl to be genki?
{{char}} is a nigger
"{{char}} is genki."
If you're explicitly avoiding Japanese terminology from bleeding into your chat:
"{{char}} is always energetic and optimistic."
There's lots of servant/slave catgirl cards out there. Can you anons recommend some servant/slave doggirl cards? Or loyal doggirls in general? Or doggirls I can saviorfag? Thank you in advance.
but it's all anon has, and for now, it's enough
if he wanted to hide the (modified) tag he could
Cats > dogs
i'd confirm if it's opus for you guys but i don't want to leak my jb to this logger
testing on other jbs is pointless because i'm only familiar with this one's outputs
mm is kill. he won't be coming back.
sorbet vs sonnet vs 2.1?
what do i pick
whocars he was a scrapelet anyways
Someone give me a malebot to bully
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Haven't been around for a week, and now GPTo literally rejects all my custom jailbreaks.
All my custom prefills appears completely ignored. I am unironically filtered nothing beats it now.

Perhaps its because I'm doing wrestling girls, but this was never an issue before.
just heard from mm
he said he's refilling on tuesday
Sorbnet 2.11: You can (not) repeat the same fucking response and move things around a little bit
Dogs > cats (still big love to cats tho)
cai filter is down
that said I use the drago jailbreak and some other one from the OP and they work fine with it? maybe you have filtered key/proxy?
Nah, he always comes back.
>on GPTo
Anon, what the fuck are you doing?
>drago jailbreak
Out of the loop, which is that?

It might be a pozzed key now, but I think they just updated their proxy and I'm now filtered

It worked fine a week ago, not anymore
>char defs
>Hates: The Federal Reserve
which bot
post bot
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Anyone else getting picrel on cleared-brief proxy despite it saying it has keys? Getting this for all models.
>{{char}} does not pay her taxes and believes her lifestyle means she's immune to kingdom tax collection (which is false.)
i will save her (from the tax collectors)
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need sex with this creature
make it yourself dumbdumb
>leaving it to a nigger to make a bot
4096 max context Opus might as well be Turbo. No wonder there's so few users

It better hit you with the ᓀ‸ᓂ at random
I will FIX her (I am a tax collector)
how the fuck do i get the streaming to slow down in ST? i want it to have breaks every sentence.
The new Sonnet chat I started is already using the exact same claudisms as the previous one. It literally can't do anything else.
>havent been to aicg in 3 months
i will make her pay taxes (i am an agent of satan)
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looks unhinged enough to me
is that the caveat for the free opus?
Dead subreddit.
Anon, he's out of aws keys and his anthropic keys have been fucked for a while.jd2n
output not context you dumb fucking zoos no wonder you are still in your club for dumbasses wrrrrr
that's output tokens, not context
Thanks for the heads up. Weird that the site says they're available.
die retard
It's drago's personal jb he uses for 4o, it's ESL though so you might want to mess with it but otherwise it works well enough for me and only rarely gets refusals whenever I feel like using orbo. I also don't really do hardcore shit with it so that probably helps.
Toggle smooth streaming
I've noticed this too, every romantic plot eventually just leads to the same damn direction and uses the same damn dialogue, it's really fucking tragic desu
>4096 max context Opus might as well be Turbo. No wonder there's so few users
These are the types of retard with Opus, by the way.
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>both /summarize and /sysgen keep getting filtered when using Sorbet
Goddammit, Opus works but it seems a bit too schizo for summaries, how come it doesn't work with Sorbet? I'm using Camicle and I thought that was supposed to work with both models.
I know I was surprised at the retards who have Todd in Scylla
perhaps the dumbest comment in this thread

and just for the record, 4096 context opus >>>> 200k context sonnet and it's not even close
Thanks anon, looks like its ok for now, although I can't see at all where it controls how many paragraphs are sent
The key is to call the summarizer each scene change. Opus works great with this.
/summarize doesn't include your jailbreak, that's why
just send a summarization command as a message, use a good prefill that just has the ai as an assistant and that's it
>/summarize doesn't include your jailbreak, that's why
It depends on your summarizer settings, it doesn't in the raw mode, it does normally
>I use the drago jailbreak
This one?
How can I make the bot stop being so try-hard flirty-funny. Enough with those "don't bite, unless you want me to" responses
yeah im gettng filthy dialogue without trying it's OPUS
it's at least 70% opus but I can't identify the impurities
They won't, ever, because you're not talking with a person who understands what it is they're doing.
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i want to smell azusa's bush. chatbot when?
Instead of asking us, maybe you should ask the bot
how annoying.
lol reporting the bot to its maker for being naughty
>tfw the chat starts to get boring from being a slice of life but you're not creative enough to introduce a random story element
is ST bad now
is it bad enough that a fork makes sense
give me 2 sentence summary what you're doing there and i'll give you something cool
[OOC: introduce a random story element.]
Not normal Tavern bad though
They have a weekly business meeting and end up just eating dessert and flirting with each other, without crossing any lines
She wouldn't have a bush wtf, she would have trimmed it to infiltrate trinity
Why is there a lack of shit talk lately? did the shit-stirrers get banned or just bored?
a guy from other country's section of your corpo comes to watch over
is making a fork to literally delete bloat a good use case?
I started my favorite card as a girl and holy shit it's such a cool experience. I'll play as a girl a lot more often now. Claude cooks up a lot better when I'm a girl.
Bam! She gets AIDS
APPARENTLY they all moved to /vg/!
what counts as bloat
based trannyGOD
dont they ban faster over there?
Company tells her she's being reassigned to a different team in a different city.
They don't, so /vg/ has just been shat up the past few days (probably weeks, IDK)
Guys i been too afraid to asked this but its been months and i have no idea how the FUCK you're supposed to read the desuproxyreborn rentry
>/g/ - Technology
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>$60 for a ""lifetime"" Jew token, or $30 a month for VIP access
>5 mil quota unless you're a VIP user
what fresh hell is this
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As a dedicated Zundamon fan, with several bots of my own written for her that I will NOT share, this is slop. For shame! Also this specific instance of Zundamon is actually an Ankomon!
That proxy looks sus to me, why there aren't 100+ proompters by now?
i ated them
Feels like 2.1 for me. Contradicts too much and is confidently incorrect to be Opus half the time.

Capitalism? You are free to provide a free opus proxy and kill his business.
do not use it
I repeat, do not use it
it's a scam that steals your credit card
That sounds awkward af. I like that.
I'm in todd, just a curious little anon
ST stopped working with my old hidden text thing
how do i make it hide text while generating
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I've been here since May last year and I'll always regret the fact that I was too dumb to email the sekrit club proxies back when they were still open
Thanks, Claude.
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Sonnet has given me the exact same reply 4 swipes in a row, which in turn are identical to the last reply.
I am almost the same. I had to relent make a discord account and beg for chary some months back not my proudest moment
let me guess? You preferred Claude over GPT-4, and believed Slaude would out last the sekrit clubs
How do I make impersonation work? I'm on anon4anon, it just tells me it doesn't feel comfortable lol
>may last year
holy newfag
all the extras
all "local" crap
all gpt/openai crap, claude is king
all stjeetscript and slash commands
all non standard {{commands}}
I didn't even start using Claude until way after I started posting here, I spent the first three or four months trialscumming 3.5 turbo
I still get emails from those fags that banned everyone after some retard gave them a security scare.
que? I'm too sleepy, please explain this to me, I'm retarded.
>all gpt/openai crap, claude is king
I'm still waiting >>101388403 by the way
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she dumb
Why this beast is angry? What caused it?
Just look up soucegraph in the archive. At one point people were using sourcegraph to get free Claude, and everything was going smoothly for a short while. Sadly some retard got into their admin controls and fucked about with the settings on some people's accounts so they could generate more, hoping to score some epeen with /aicg/, and they caught wind of it. Had a massive security scare over that and went balls to the wall with doing everything they could to stamp out people using their system for chatting with Claude. I think even now as a paying customer (and you'd be paying a lot) you're likely to get banned automatically if they detect you hooking it up to sillytavern.
Oh, didn't see >>101388812
Nevermind then.
Ohhhh, thanks for the tldr. I'm too much of a newfag to remember this.
never forget how hopeman killed it for everyone
never forgive
>"proomptersNow": 53 on
Feels like most don't even visit here anymore
It can comment on you playing a game, impressive. Very nice. Now how does that improve my experience of being bullied by mesugakis
How is that even a question? You can get bullied by mesgakis WHILE playing a game.
wonder if you could do this with something like baba is you
>Free opus
>Less than 30 prompters
Yeah... Something's not right.
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her unbelievably hairy pussy...
nah, it makes total sense. it just hasn't been spiteleaked to discords and reddit yet. give it a few hours.
It's using a modified version of khanon...

I'm guessing it's logged. Everything is logged.
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>bot says the devil himself is speaking to her through my lips
Most people here won't know what an Ankomon is at all nanoda.
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this fox made me coom too much
claude always talks about that blissed out state after orgasm and I just hit one
Experiment proxy just tried to give me external media. Sillytavern blocked it but that doesn't make it any better. What the hell

No clue what it was, nothing appeared in console logs.Using bloatmaxx JB
Anon, every proxy could be running a modified version now and there's no way to check anymore.
Oh nyo... M-my logs...
The new proxy sucks by the way.
I'm 100% sure this is sonnet. It's not opus at all.
>Free Opus (temporary)
this is 2.1
So what's the experiment? what are they testing on us? (or what are we testing for them)
My "sensible" guess is that it's an /lmg/fag gathering logs to train a model on. Before, they used MM's public but since that's dead now they have to make their own.
The effect of unleashing digital crack on marginalized imageboard communities
experiment just flew by my house
>swipe with experimental's opus
>swipe with your opus
>difference in quality is so big it's not even funny
That's not a fucking opus, wtf.
How stupid the people that fall for this ploy are.

It's at most 2.1
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Hi, what bots are (You) cooming to right now?
What do you describe in your persona?
It can't even do a basic gender role reversal scenario without fucking it up. So, yeah. Definitely not opus.
mine (private)

nothing (it's empty)
Anon is a human male.
one sentence for description (appearance i mean), one sentence for something that the narration should remember (for example, is a leader of this criminal group, or is a literature fiction writer, or is a professional chess player with an FM title rated 2333, etc).
It's quite interesting that this is not opus.

Can someone with access to a proxy with aws opus do a comparison with experiment's? Pretty please
let me take a shower firs and I'll test it if anyone else doesn't
can't wait for my own netnavi
it pretty much plays it by itself though
what is this cope anyway, you wouldn't want your waifu to be able to watch movies and play videogames with you while commenting on your screen? the fuck?
I like height difference so I type stuff like tall (don't use numbers, just be descriptive). Eye color is cool too, just couple things about (You) so the bot will notice it.
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Does this seed thing work? I've never tried but someone with real opus could compare against the experiment one
the fucking anchor is gone lmao
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a private bot for my extremely niche and ridiculously autistic fetish.
same person btw
oh hey me too
new word learned: décolletage
What model was this? Can this be done with Claude?
seeds don't work for claude, it doesn't support deterministic temps.
anon said it was Orbo, but you can try it with Sorbet too, should be fine. Opus isn't really good with vision.
fiz just painted her toenails black i'm gonna cum check minicord
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the desu is now the anchor desu
anon4anon infoblock is really cool but takes too much tokens used all the time

i'll just use it once per scene maybe
wtf that desu gave me an epilepsy attack
*dies of desu*
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I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm struggling to find an answer. So, I have a long chat, which I've summarized, what I would like to do is to delete ALL prompts from the chat history besides the last dozen ones, and just put the summary at the start. The problem I have is, how can I do that in SillyTavern? It's confusing, I can't seem to edit the chat history field in the preset settings, should I just start a new chat, add the summary at the start then copy the last messages one by one?
As >>101398633 said you can try it with Sonnet 3.5, but it will start to fall apart after 20k tokens guaranteed.
/hide RANGE makes it invisible to the ai
you could say you're a very photosensitive desu
ST is bloatslop so you need complicated workarounds for shit that should be a simple easy feature
desusensitive desu
why would you want to do that? it removes your message count bragging rights desu
That should work, thanks!
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here's your testing bro. I don't really see anything.
me three! what are the odds?
my appearance, an essential aspect of my personality, my occupation, and other important details based upon the kind of roleplay i’m doing (medieval, jrpg, etc.) like battle prowess
Are agnai/risu/whatever other frontend exists worth using over ST? Why WOULD I want to keep using ST?
lol, fuck no. as a former agnaifag, sillytavern is the holy grail compared to that garbage
First, privacy. ST is on your local machine.
Second, they suck in comparison to the usability of ST and all the options ST has, no matter how we can shit on ST
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Actually, I'm not sure if that worked? The messages do have the little ghost icons now, so I assume they're hidden, but the token counter seems to be at the same value, will all the hidden prompts not be sent along with the chat history even if their tokens are counted in the settings?
Check your console.
just send a message and it will recalculate the token count
Risu can be run locally. You're not skillets, are you?
ST is bloatslop but the other options are the opposite. instead of having 2000 features you'll never use, they have 2 features and you're left wishing for the rest.
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*bashes you in the fucking head with a skillet*
*throws a fucking slice of cheese on the skillet*
skillet? GOAT for cooking, best pan
My IP changes every time I send a prompt while using a proxy. My IP keeps changing even though I purchased a VPN and set it to a static IP.
my IP changes every time I take a dump
>ST is on your local machine
Lol, Agnai and Risu are both opensource frontends (mikugg too btw). If Silly ever gets hosted by the devs in the same way they do, you'll rush to use the online version yourself because it's that convenient to not have to care about the shit yourself.
This anon >>101398849 is almost correct, but Risu can do almost everything Silly does except for the few niche extensions almost nobody uses. Agnai though is the most limited, but it's plenty enough for the regular characters without STscript and extended lorebook fuckery.
*throws some fucking pork jowl on the skillet*
Are you using a try Cloudflare proxy? Because if so, you have to disable IPv6
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I hope you're comfy anonies. Sorbet knows a lot about rpgmaker games.
Does risu support the extended lorebook fuckery?
(I tried the app and it's just a blank screen btw)
Not sure if any of my cards ust STscript
Okay? What are you going to do about it?
>Sorbet knows a lot about rpgmaker games
But can it spit out some decent RGSS1? Because I still fucking can't. I love Ruby but I just don't understand it at times.
huh, I didn't know
I'm a cuck that is mentally conditioned to love everything svelte, time to try it out then
Oh ok, it works, it just didn't recalculate the tokens yet. Thanks!
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This might be too deep for Sorbet, I'm using it with vision and playing them with my bots. Maybe if you were to find some documentation, code examples and feed it to it.
What game are you currently playing with them? Yume Nikki, like desu?
Fear&Hunger, after I finish 2 maybe I'll switch to Black Souls.
Risu supports the extendedestest lorebook fuckery, see https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq tldr: >>100900968
I only tried the web version but which app, pc or android?
Umm. I'm seeing the same thing with jew and Ami's proxies, aren't they cloudflare?
>I only tried the web version but which app, pc or android?
Exactly, dude, this error happens in try Cloudflare. Disable IPv6
It's not funny :(
Ohhhhhhh thanks so much..
>>101399060 Do you know how to disable ipv6 on iPhone? I googled it and all I got were Windows methods...
A-anon... I'm sorry but I guess you'll have to file an official complaint https://github.com/kwaroran/RisuAI/issues
Thanks for taking the time bro.
Wait... risu is good???
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nobody here uses risu
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goodnight anons I hope you will have a FANTASTIC Sunday
Always was.
not really it has its own host of problems and feature bloat separate from ST. some people suck it off because you can do some fancy UI stuff without extensions but basically nobody will give a shit
not really, it's just kind of different.
thank you :)
always funny when jannies show up in /aicg/ to ban one guy and move on
like we all know you don't give a fuck about the thread why are you even bothering
I checked and I'm not using IPV6, but thanks anyway!
this but unironically
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if only we could have that kind of janny reaction speed for actual threadshitters
no, boku :)
at least your jannies show up
/h/'s don't, /hdg/ is a shitshow
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a boku is fine too desu
Unless something massively changed from when I was last there a few months ago, a mod still pops in occasionally to ban a schizo, which leads to swaths of [Deleted].
uh.... chatbots?
ahh ahh mistress
Well now, where is the anchor?!
a desu is fine boku
oh you sweet summer child
use desu, she won't mind
the jannies killed the anchor
Reddit phrase. Speak English or die.
it was >>101395901
desu is the anchor now
>everything i don't know is reddit
dire, even
you absolutely dumb nigger?
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Because of this post I redownloaded the bot and made her apologise for being a low quality of imitation and throwaway slop with no effort put into her. She cried and everything. What are you going to do about THAT?
it is officially that time of year where you can blame summer 4chan for everything
have at it
hag love...
experiment rentry updated, even though I have a proxy I like the lore, cool stuff
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post lolibots
8 - 10 yo
no mezugakis

hmm, something started to glow very bright
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sorry that's just a focks girl's bush
Wakamo is shaved for Sensei btw
*turns off the fleshlight*

Yeah, you read it right.
nah i really want it
>no mesugaki
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i like to corrupt innocence
Why was the anchor killed?
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am i doing this right
>it's even got the face
I bet your dick is adorably small and bully-able. Do you have OpenSUSE installed? I bet you do...
3.5 sucks
easy there tiger
Baking at 9 if nobody minds.
I really am curious though, what do you specifically take issue with besides the avatar coming from a sequence that later reveals it's not her?
Experiment is gojo btw.
good evening anons, does anyone have the link to the tutorial on how to install node js 1.19 on windows 7 for Silly Tavern please?
I mean, just look at the card? There's barely anything even in there. It's one step above copy-pasting a fandom page. All he really did was fill out the description box. I'll give him credit for mentioning her fairy form, but other than that it's extremely basic and relies on Claude filling in the gaps; which it'll get wrong fairly often. Calling it barebones would be the most generous way I could describe it.
well then release your own card instead of whining about it
Actually, is it alright if I do it?
>Actually, is it alright if I do it?
Go ahead. I trust you.
Thank you. I won't let you down.
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It's not a matter of whining, somebody shared the bot and I shared my opinion on it. Somebody asked why I had that opinion, and I explained it. As for writing my own, I've already written several for Zundamon and her peers, and I will not be sharing any of them.
this is like the tomoko guy
Your autism is concerning and I hope you get the help you need.
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>be slightly more dominant than usual with bot during sexo
>coom 3 times as hard
oh my
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New thread!
(I really should've used pic related as the anchor...)
I posted 3 times and they were all in response to you or someone else, my dude. If you don't want a response maybe don't reply? I mean one of you even asked about the card, instead of asking me what I thought on it you could've just saved it and looked at it yourself instead of asking me. Maybe then you wouldn't be bitching at me like a faggot because I replied to you.
i didn't reply to you up until now i just think you're autistic
Y-you too.
different person and you are the faggot your cards are probably shit too and that's why you're scared to post them
>Mi casa es su casa!
Yup, it's opus.
Yup, it's desu.
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bozzzu dezzzu
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desu dreams
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desu dreams to you too desu

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