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Why do people say VPN with tor is bad? It doesn't break stream isolation.

Anyway I'm behind 7 nested VPNs and whonix what about you anon?
Because your traffic is still going through the VPN which defeats the purpose of privacy
i'm not black
Wrong you are.
>Anyway I'm behind 7 nested VPNs and whonix what about you anon?
no you aren't you retarded turdworlder
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Wrong again.
Will you fuck off already, retard?
We all know you're just a pea-brained dumbshit who wants to browse Tor for child porn and hoping /g/ spoonfeeds you advice on whether to use a VPN or not.
It's assumed that vpns are run by the agencies, so all customers are put on the list. They are either tracked down by using their info, email, payment, broken stream isolators etc, or if they have gone lengths to hide those details they are then put on yet another, a more ...exclusive list and tracked down by their ip.
He was pretty clear to you, VPNs sell your data to govts and companies.
Found a retard, Let me guess your one of those. Its for duh children faggots who thinks. Anything that gives you privacy is endangering something. Why don't you remove your front door from your house whilst your at it dip shit. Majority of tor use is for privacy related purposes like Chinese users. What a fucking retard KEK
Thats why I use whonix gateway as the host and mix nested inside. So the VPN doesn't know the origin.
Yeah, sure, go ahead, use a VPN then.
>Found a retard, Let me guess your one of those. Its for duh children faggots who thinks.
Thank you for emphatically proving you're a complete and utter moron. Next time try to make sense before making your next idiotic thread.
Someone is angry. Name and badge number officer.
>he thinks "VPN" always refers to a service provider
Look at this fucking amateur, doesn't even have a redundant network of SBCs running OpenVPN discreetly installed in random places.
Better. I live in a van using public WiFi and a yagi
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context VOID esponja?
>Your ISP -> *
Absolutely retarded. Your ISP can be subpoenaed to submit a list of Tor users. While that alone will not incriminate you, cops could use corroborating details, if they have any, as reasonable suspicion to authorize a raid.
>* -> Domestic VPN Provider -> *
Same problem as above.
>* -> Foreign VPN Provider -> *
Same problem as above, with the tiny advantage of bureaucratic and diplomatic slowdown. 5/9/14 Eyes nations cut through the red tape a bit faster, nonparticipants of those agreements can still be bribed or threatened.
>Public WiFi -> Captive Portal -> Unique Login -> *
Same problem as the first two examples.
>Public WiFi -> Tor -> Secret VPN -> WAN
Some WiFi hosts block Tor traffic. Worse, they may even already be cooperating with the police, and will alert them if any Tor connections are made.
>Public WiFi -> Secret VPN -> Tor -> WAN
Now we're making sense. Do not be physically present at the WiFi host's establishment. At best, cameras could confirm your whereabouts, at worst they could shoulder surf you. Instead, use a Yagi antenna and point it at where you want to connect.
>Asshole Neighbour's Hacked WiFi -> Tor -> WAN
>not using trusted guard node
>routing all your traffic through poovpn, giving them bandwidth size and other metadata
highest iq poster
whonix is non free malware btw KEK
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You are retarded. I'm using 7 layers of free VPNs on some public WiFi using liveCDs, whonix is also liveCDed.
Wrong, Linux is non free. Who cares. Linux kernel has CVE every single day.
Kek this shit funny.
How do you make these anon.
>Linux is non free.
>Linux kernel has CVE every single day.
ok and? go hack me then
>Kek this shit funny.
just like your malware setup RETARDED FAGGOT
Listen retard my shit is loaded straight from CD. The only shit getting hacked is a CD kek.
>ok and?
No need one just dropped an hour ago.
>trusted guard node
Where do you get access to one of those?

>The only shit getting hacked is a CD kek.
implying your computer doesnt have several firmware roms
>No need one just dropped an hour ago.
you are nothing but a skid who cares
>Where do you get access to one of those?
pick ips hosted by your friends or someone you trust
set them in torrc state file
I have no friends and I don't trust anybody.
I don't know, why you askin' me?
Wrong again I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.

>implies open source is safe
Cope more
too bad, you will die alone and when you get assassinated no one will notice
>I have saudered everything but the CPU hard drive and ram sticks.
what does this have to do with what i said mr ESL???
do you not know there are chips on your motherboard that store the firmware?
>>implies open source is safe
Wouldn't running a tor relay accomplish the same thing?
It would provide plausible deniability (assuming fbi doesn't find a ton of pizza on anons computer before they even begin asking questions)
Wrong again my shit is flashed up the ass. My boot is 100% sauce free.

>Implies free is safe.
Doesn't know about supply chain attacks.
>its over
the best security?
a good safe
a big revolver
pen and paper
a pleasant look at life
emotional control, and
self awareness
Not a groomer ranjeet. Just someone in a heavily censored area.
>Wouldn't running a tor relay accomplish the same thing?
not in the case of OP
it would be against targetted attacks
ie entire tor network is compromised so they can see your traffic
but they cant because you connect to trusted guard node first
OP is underage faggot who thinks vpn will save him

also OP is being useful idiot for cia, since tor is world wide communication for spies to give them plausible deniability, advertised to everyone for "privoocy"

information should be free.
>Doesn't know about supply chain attacks.
you are implying a freetard would get hacked, they all use librebooted thinkpads with fsf only linux
have fun hacking any gnu software
>Wrong again my shit is flashed up the ass. My boot is 100% sauce free.
that doesnt matter because whonix is non free and can write to your rom
enjoy your botnet KEK
im raw dogging 4chan because im a loser who has given up.
You mean freshly sourced fedware. Someone has never heard of anom before?

Non free so? Security via obscurity, you trust tor don't you yet you can't garentee its a gigantic botnet without seeing the servers.
Its over
>freshly sourced fedware
i havent updated my linux libre and most of userspace in 7 years
>Someone has never heard of anom before?
thats basically what whonix is, madaidan is a fbi nigger
>Non free so? Security via obscurity
>you trust tor don't you yet you can't garentee its a gigantic botnet without seeing the servers.
ESL much
>Use freeeeeeeeeeeee
>has never read the source
>Assumes safe

>Doesn't think updates could be malicious in anyway.
>Supply chain is impossible on free.
>Yeah bro FREEEE
>Computer doesn't even function.
>Zero video memory, Videos won't even load

>I'm freeeeeeeeee
Give it a rest raanjet
>>has never read the source
yes i have, stuff like toybox, sinit, oksh is extremely low LOC
>>Assumes safe
i did not thats why i debugged and written formal verification for all software i use
>>Doesn't think updates could be malicious in anyway.
??? i dont update software
>>Supply chain is impossible on free.
go ahead and hack me, im giving you all the time in this universe
>>Computer doesn't even function.
>>Zero video memory, Videos won't even load
looks like madaidan is having a meltdown
>One zero day its all over.
>Isn't amnesiac

>VPN and tor magically become hack free on FREEWARE. Yet whonix with a gateway isnt safe.

This is some parajeeeeey IQ we have on our hands.
>>One zero day its all over.
and? what is it gonna do? what is over?
>>Isn't amnesiac
its called ramdisk you illiterate newspeak faggot
>>VPN and tor magically become hack free on FREEWARE. Yet whonix with a gateway isnt safe.
why would i want my traffic to go through someone elses network?
What do you mean ramdisk dickweed. You can't install an OS onto ram. What a tard.

Why would you connect to your own.
underage or bait
Do you really trust your VPN?
Does your VPN now who are you?
>Does your VPN now who are you?
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do you have something to hide?
I browse the Internet through a vulnerability in my router with outdated firmware that I access through Tor.
based and plausible deniability pilled
When you say VPN, do you mean one you pay for with some money trail, or open source chained VPN nodes you host on servers you borrowed using vulns you found on shodan.io?
traffic correlation attack would be much easier, but then again that could be done at the ISP level.
>giving them bandwidth size and other metadata
this, some VPN's are probably run by some shady peoples.
If you get traced through tor
>with VPN
gov subpoena VPN company to get your real ip
>without VPN
gov directly knows your location
>The only shit getting hacked is a CD kek.
your IP is all they would need retard. If you mean by CD a compact disk that you run to boot up from, then chances are there is a lot of software out of date...
open torbrowser, see the first guard node it selected is a 5 eyes country, trash the fucker by deleting all the home folders and .cache etc and restart till it gives you guard node in no where anyone cares about

The only thing they have then is your isp logging that you connected to a gaurd node in some shithole on the other side of the world.
>im raw dogging 4chan
based, except there are onion chans that are sometimes interesting but they tend to die often. There are also a lot of informations, some skitzo interesting reads etc.

The voice in the head from phone masts was very interdasting for example.
>??? i dont update software
you're asking for it, this has to be bate at this point.
Anon you're already fucked the second the glowies want to go through all that trouble because they suspect you.
i'll tell them
>You can't install an OS onto ram.
you load the fucking thing into the ram disk at boot, you update the OS on the disk, but while its loaded its living in the ram so if you switch off the computer its totally gone, nothing touches the hard disk. except when you update it obviously, do you even know what a ramdisk concept is?
its like multiplying negatives. if you use two at the same time they cancel each other out and your ip address is exposed
Tor is useless, slow and pozzed af. VPNs are also pozzed so much there are literal ads to use them for normalfags. This thread reeks of normalfags btw, you won't ever have anonymity and certainly not on this honeypot.
hello, glownigger policeman.

>pozzed af
do you pedophiles on this website believe if you say pozzed enough times that tor magically becomes pozzed? hilarious. you glow, glownigger policeman.
sneed newfag glowie.
suck my dick, leftist.
Arrest more.

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