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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101393538

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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pedo den
Does anyone know what happened to Nymbo? He was a contributor to huggingface uploading models and spaces and datasets and collections, just look at all this:
ALL those pages now return 404 errors, he's gone and deleted everything.
He had stable diffusion spaces in there that allowed you to input negative prompts, seeds, image dimensions, CFG and choose from many models, with 10 seconds/generation, something nobody else was able to replicate (because it required an ChatGPT API key or something.)
He had this in his profile:
"AI & ML interests. I like uncensored, free, utilitarian stuff. I tend to archive good spaces because I don't trust y'all to keep them good :) ".
As soon as Google realizes all those pages are gone it's going to disappear, it's hundreds of pages!
This here in case someone knows, or maybe Nymbo is an anon around here, he was a paying customer of huggingface so it's weird to see him disappear without a trace.
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Stable Meshi.
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>mfw Resource news


>Kolors + Controlnet

>OpenAI blocked staff from airing security concerns


>DiffSynth-Studio Adds support for training Kolors LoRA


>Progressive Growing for Stable Diffusion Web UI

>Video Diffusion Alignment via Reward Gradient

>MAVIS: Mathematical Visual Instruction Tuning

>Pallaidium Adds Kwai/Kolors Support

>SEED-Story: Multimodal Long Story Generation with Large Language Model

>15M Multimodal Facial Image-Text Dataset

>OpenDiLoCo, open-source implementation and scaling of DeepMind’s Distributed Low-Communication

>CLIPTrase: Explore the Potential of CLIP for Training-Free Open Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

>MambaVision: A Hybrid Mamba-Transformer Vision Backbone

>Kohaku Fork of Paints-UNDO


>Introducing AuraFlow v0.1, an Open Exploration of Large Rectified Flow Models

>FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision

>LLaVA-NeXT-Interleave: Tackling Multi-image, Video, and 3D in Large Multimodal Models
I wanna put that smelly elf looking critter into a LLM card then jam babies in it
>mfw Research news


>The Synergy between Data and Multi-Modal Large Language Models: A Survey from Co-Development Perspective

>NODE-Adapter: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Better Vision-Language Reasoning

>Semi-Supervised Object Detection: A Survey on Progress from CNN to Transformer

>MeshAvatar: Learning High-quality Triangular Human Avatars from Multi-view Videos

>DenseFusion-1M: Merging Vision Experts for Comprehensive Multimodal Perception

>Read, Watch and Scream! Sound Generation from Text and Video

>Explainable Metric Learning for Deflating Data Bias

>A Color Image Analysis Tool to Help Users Choose a Makeup Foundation Color

>Enlarging Feature Support Overlap for Domain Generalization

>Graph-Boosted Attentive Network for Semantic Body Parsing

>DεpS: Delayed ε-Shrinking for Faster Once-For-All Training

>Hebrew letters Detection and Cuneiform tablets Classification by using the yolov8 computer vision model

>Certifiably Robust Image Watermark

>Celeb-FBI: A Benchmark Dataset on Human Full Body Images and Age, Gender, Height and Weight Estimation using Deep Learning Approach

>Learning Localization of Body and Finger Animation Skeleton Joints on Three-Dimensional Models of Human Bodies

>HyCIR: Boosting Zero-Shot Composed Image Retrieval with Synthetic Labels

>Generative Technology for Human Emotion Recognition: A Scope Review
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>tfw no smelly kyphotic elf gf
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>Doesn't have to be a good gen
What if the gen was so bad it wasn't even what you had in mind?
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really nice!
ty, Kolors model.
What's the best local "nudify" tool available today? I've been using undressher and its results are decent but I am not paying for that when my hardware is just fine. Thanks /g/entlemen
>captcha: N00P
kill yourself you fucking shitskin
Its fun and harmless, I dont share them and I dont keep em for more than a few days. whysomad?
It's still img2img with a decent model that already can do nudes, the secret is to manually paint with a skin tone over the clothes, then you get the naked pic and cut the nudity and paste it over the original.
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This was not what I expected with "underbust"
Why do eyes still look awful, I thought matching eyes would be easier to solve than good hands.
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How do they do it automatically then? They auto detect the clothing and give you a drawing tool, if their auto detection fails you can draw over portions. How do they match the skin tone too? Are there any OOTB tools that can do all this?
best image in this thread so far
^ animation for the image.
v Loras used.

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What's the best for generating depth maps? In ComfyUI I'm currently using MiDaS and it works well for me but just wanted to know if there's any better.
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animerge, most of the style comes from https://civitai.com/models/503197/dream-place-abstract . Set it at .5 to .7, pretty kino lora
I have no idea what undressher uses (and I'm not going to check them out), probably something like this:
But instead of clothing or a fruit they use nudity. You're not paying them for their resources or technology, you're paying them so you don't have to learn how to set it up yourself.
Holy shit I finally found a chainsword lora
wish more anons would do animations
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It's alright,, keep gennin,,
keep up the good work anon, we need people like you to stand before the hoard of coomers
>we need people like you to stand before the hoard of coomers
hoard of pedos*
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>The electric blade slices the hoard of satanic demons.
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there is atleast one person here that thinks about pedophilia all day everyday and even posts about it here in this thread several times a day...

you know who? that's you, yes you. projection at its finest
>wish more anons would do animations
Same no idea why not. When Tooncrafter and Luma exist.
shut the fuck up julien /sdg/ went to shit exactly the moment you posted your shota catbox
shota and loli got removed from e621 when is 4chan?
I'd correct you on this but mods stalk my IP 24/7
>truth is posted itt
>decoy purple schizo deployed
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what a fucking circlejerk, shut up fags and post pictures or talk tech, else go away
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Goo'd evening
>/sdg/ went to shit exactly the moment you posted your shota catbox
let me learn something for you newfag, it was shit long before that. anons like >>101400640 or >>101400648 or >>101399899 >>101399905 and even >>101400676 ruined it long before that. even now >>101400046 slurps up the corpse. god help us all.
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Anon, I just got home LOL
I have no idea what you're talking about
Goo'd evening!! Are you the real goo anon btw!? If so it's been so long hahaha
Uhh dunno how I ruined it when i've been here since the beginning but ok hahaha
Are you all hormonal women or something
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Wow I ruined sdg? how the gloop did I manage to do dat?
ya ya .. its fun as ever
so do you finally acknowledge what has happened or are you gonna ignore it again? if you dont ignore it: what do you think about it?
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What did the slime guy do?
>hahaha i dont want to get involved anon :]
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I wonder that to! On the other hand the schizos inspired me to create the new generation of FBB agents, now bear hats are part of their official uniform
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G'evenin PW, we fight'n demons
post debo face img
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I'm so glad to see you here again! :]
You guys are making a really big deal about it just for the sake of arguing, if not this then it'll surely be something else like it always has
I didn't even see the image you guys keep talking about thread after thread, I learned long ago not to open Animanon's catboxes LOL
I don't like coomer stuff in general, but that's not going to stop me being friends with Animanon or anyone else
Hope that answers your question
If not, oh well.
Good evening!! Haha nice that's a really cool gen! Nice style! :]
>I learned long ago not to open Animanon's catboxes LOL
thank you very much for this truthful answer purple schizo, i appreciate it, very telling
>pw also thinks julien is disgusting literal human garbage
Blessed thread
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>missed the list again
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Ty, liking the Kolors model, does hands nice.
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I just don't want to see nudity at all, that's why i'm on a blue board
But go ahead and spin it however you'd like, I suppose. You were going to do that anyways
Yeah, I do! I've been using it as a base model :]
It does a lot of really good details that I like! Especially the hair and clothing!
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I do too*
Whoops, forgot a word hahaha
kek knew what you meant Anon.
no we agree
fuck all those p**** who post on blue boards :]
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Heya, Mouse anon!! I finally played with Suno today, and it'll hella fun
I gotta try out that music thing that Comfy mentioned a while back
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Anyone know why my gens with exact same prompts and loras, etc are giving me slightly different results from civitai photos? Is it because they have extensions or are using hi-res fix or something that isn't listed in the image information?
Where do I put upscalers in Forge? There is no ESRGAN folder so I am confuse where they go.
My brothers, how do you work on your images: Do you generate images with a base resolution, then use img2img and Adetailer to increase the quality and resolution, or do you generate an image, use Adetailer, and just upscale it?
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results are depending on: frontend you use, version of frontend and components of UI you use, sampler you use, GPU u use, internal settings (can change every version upgrade, sometimes stay on older ones), refining/hires fix setting, if ancestral sampler randomness in generation, steps, etc. so to replicate a gen 100% you have to have to exact same setup as the one used to make the picture initially.. it kinda worked back in 2022 when there was not much variation in frontends, implementation etc. but now you might have totally different setups across the board ..

ow and also the moon and the stars and the weather influence gens .. kek
Just create it.
I also use forge and I have my upscalers in ESRGAN.
I also have it all in RealESRGAN, idk which one is working.
Hires. fix to upscale during generation. Then send to extras if I want to upscale more, but I usually just stop with hires fix.
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I generate four images at base resolution, pick the one(s) I like, then upscale their seeds with highresfix and adetailer turned on
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>the formless die.
I promise it wasn't there. I searched for it. Then when I re-launched the folder was there. Weird. Does PAG work with it? I installed the extension, but it didn't show up.
Why you don't use img2img?
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Yeah, they're probably using extra stuff or have other settings going on with their UI
You might get similar results if you use comfy and copy someone's workflow tho!
Here's a basic workflow on how I usually do things :]
It's kinda old but the idea is still there haha
Well, I do, but you didn't ask about that. Tbh I skip adetailer because I want a selection for fixing the faces
I-I use forge cause I'm a low IQ monkey
I use hires. fix to upscale + adetailer during generation and that's it. Why send to img2img and add an extra step?
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I only use adetailer if the faces are small compared to the rest of the image, else it often ruins good gens
They made a UI just for you
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LOOOL nice I like the style of this one!
I'm with you there haha not a huge fan of all the politics stuff
I did a japanese song about not wanting to wake up this morning haha and another one when I got home in a rock style about how boring my day was LOL
Your suno songs are always so fun haha I remember there was one a while back I hella liked, but can't remember how it goes
Aww anon, i'm sure that's not true haha! Either way, all UIs have their good points! As long as you're genning that's all that matters :]
If you wanted to try it though, I made a super simple workflow in my last reply that's easy enough to just add the proompts and stuff and it works pretty well! If you'd like, of course :]
Any way to make ComfyUI restart from the start even when no changes are made/detected?
>scrolling civit
>scroll past something something toon model
>image was of a steven universe character so read it as troon model
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do you mean when it skips an image it already made? You could delete that image or move it from your output folder and it should remake it
Though it'll likely be slightly different I believe!
Well shit my song got yeeted, better delete it before I get arrested by the secret service tomorrow.
One last song for you PW before I get thrown in the gulag, pray for me
Seeya in Gitmo
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Yeah sounds about right. See you anons on the other side...
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Still no idea what's going on (Discord gay?) but I hope you all have a great Saturday, time for anime.
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>avatar gets redeemed
jannies have spoken :]
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LOL oh no!! I'm sure you'll be fine hahaha! Weird that they got rid of it tho!
Aw thanks Mouse anon!! I love it :D
Hahaha I will
Good night, Mouse anon! It's always great seeing you :]
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Dangerous time for a witch it seems hahaha! How about a cat :]
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Watercolor always seemed to be a strength of SDXL and Cascade
aww this is cute
Why are posts getting deleted? ***pt and ****n too for TV these days? Is it because I live in USA? I thought only third world shit holes were subjected to this kind of propaganda mind games these days, I thought we were the good guys. Do I need to call my lawyer or is it already too late?
But anon, we are the third world shithole.
I saw the deleted pictures. Purple witches? Really? What was wrong with them?
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Likely just mass reporting hahaha
Lots of angry imglets here today!
Honestly couldn't tell ya, but they seem to think it's an avatar or something haha
Totally not tho :]
I just like posting purple witches! Oh well, guess i'll wait til tomorrow, orrr later when they go to bed!
can i request a gen? ive been wanting to generate something for a while but my gens dont look good
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not spayed
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New lore, PW and BMP were the same posters all along
She's seven of them
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>not spayed
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I'll do it for ya, anon! As long as it's not nsfw hahaha
Just write your proompt here! :]
Just to keep your schizophrenia alive, here's a suno song :]
omg its something silly, i wanna see ryomen sukuna (4 arms) from jujutsu kaisen fighting an animal crossing devil villager. i found it hard to generate so its ok if u cant, but thank you for offering to do it though :3
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I'll give it a shot haha! Seems like something you might need LoRAs for tho!
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smug orange cat is smug
Is there a reason why debo mass reported PW for avatar usage? What did PW do this time?
take your meds
thanks :3 yeah i didnt find any lora for the 4 arms sukuna and that made it harder, so its ok if u do it with the other one
ty purple schizo
he reported BMP too for existing
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Better luck next time, imglet!

It's because PW said he won't open ani's catboxes, right?
why am i purple schizo... i just said ur gen was cute... *sniff* i thought you loved me anon kun...
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It's not quite working for me, anon! D:,
It always comes out really weird hahaha
Tried different models and stuff too
Sorry anon! Here's one of the weird ones I got LOL
LOL thank u though :3 i might have to use a lot of inpainting and controlnet
lot of schizos on tonight
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Any time! haha
That would work! Try the normal lora too and inpaint the 2 extra arms if need be haha
Tho proompting em miiiight work with enough weight
Good luck to you, anon! :]
What goes on in the mind of someone who behaves like PW on an anonymous imageboard?
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Loras used:
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Only kind thoughts, anon! :]
Only kind thoughts? I beg to differ.
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Hahaha well if you believe otherwise then I was simply matching your energy, anon!
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post grid
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face/adetailer > hires fix
hires fix > face/adetailer?
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hell yeah! more of this
Detailer last because the hires will change it again with denoise
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>Increase resolution
>...time to gen decreases

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>odd bracers
how embarrassing, she'll never live this down
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i don't care what the terminally online """aryan""" pseudo-macho community says, big ol' tiddies is the best kind of tiddies

Suicide fuel. Post more.
ywn have a loving underage gf. why even live?
2dnPony_V10 will do AMAZING things to tits if you just:

((Huge Breasts)), ((Huge Nipples)), ((Huge Areola)) then throw ((Small Breasts)) in the negative.
youll never have A gf, anon
>sdg talking about kids again
there's this idea, and maybe it's just twitter faggotry (although i can see how it might be more widespread) that big tits are peasant, and small tits are aristocratic. bear in mind the accounts spreading this are also psychotically anti-fat, and therefore immediately suspect on grounds of abject retardation so ymmv.
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the kid poster is gone, and no one's posted a "sexy" child in ages. the "underage gf" thing was a joke, just incase you're autistic and need a little bit of help understanding things like context. hth
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what the fuck are you talking about
It happens, yeah.
>there's this idea
no there isn't. get off twitter.
>although i can see how it might be more widespread
its not, seriously, get off twitter.
it's a thing, retarded as it sounds. comes from some "big" RW aryan peater type faggotrons on X.
>no one's posted a "sexy" child in ages
idk, it beats /pol/ for political faggotry
nature is healing
Nope c*nny has been posted today and yesterday
Yeah they're all hags now.
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avoid both, your mind is being polluted with complete nonsense. first time i'm ever hearing of this idea >>101402522 ever, and it's worrying that you thought it was widespread when it never was, your perception of reality is being warped here. you should really do yourself a favor and take a break from all social media, just distract yourself with something else.
I wonder if I put my other GPU in if I can prooompt while genning.
It's been a year or so,
What are the definitive system requirements for SDXL?
hey, i didn't say it was a GOOD idea, just mentioned that there are subhumans who think that way. you can use that knowledge as you see fit. i happen to believe they are bat shit insane, incase you were wondering.
as for politics, i'm clearpilled. the clown show will go on whether i like it or not.
tl;dr big boobs are best boobs.
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Maybe she did it on purpose, it's punk rock
This is kind of dated, but
(((they))) would classify this as "negroid" but they are retarded. sure, that clip has rap and shit, but honestly who cares if kings prefer small breasts? they're all faggots in my book.
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nice try debo. what's up?
This idea wasn't invented on Twitter, it has been around for ages. People were saying it on 4chan fifteen years ago, I remember. It has been a staple of big vs small tit arguments on the internet for a long time.

Nor is the attitude universal on the right, even where you might expect it. BAP posts women with big tits all the time. Form does matter, though. He does not post fat women or "shortstacks" or other disgusting trash like this. Big tits themselves not necessarily problematic.

I gen overweight dysgenic women sometimes, but I don't make a fetish of it; imperfections can work for a gen in ways that are hard to explain, hard to understand. The cute mid phenomenon maybe, or something else. It is another thing to post this kind of coal on twitter or publicly support it against reason; cultivating respect for aesthetics, which is a political project, cannot coexist with celebration of what is mid and what is ugly; especially when this provides cover for cowardly dishonesty, craven nerds gassing up ugly women, etc. "I like big titties" said by a desperate geek to a 4'9 "latina" hambeast in hopes of sex—yuck! Lax talk of subjective "sexual preference" enables this. Honesty requires some hard words for people who advertise their low standards in public.

It's fine not to know what he's talking about but you have no right to speak down to him in this way. He is speaking sense and describing something real, you are an ignorant faggot proud of your ignorance.
It's was just a meme video people used to post like 20 years ago. Zoomers probably don't know who most of those celebs even are.
i'm not sure i claimed it was invented on twitter, but, that's where i came into contact with the idea. i know i never saw it on /pol/ in all the time i was there. maybe i'm just fucked in the head, but fat bitches are the best bitches and i don't care what anyone thinks about it.
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while autistics piss and moan about the perfect foid, i'm gonna get my dick wet and cum inside a real woman. check mate.
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thought she was holding a drumstick
stop pretending not to be debo. it's embarassing
what do you call this artstyle
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she needs to feed.
it's called Debo Chic, all the rage in Paris (a city filled to the brim with shitskin muslims)
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have you guys tried my new mobile game
before too long "European fashion" will be bitches in full burkas (or whatever they call the things where you can only see their eyes through a tiny slit)
and that's (not) a good thing!
Go be racist in /pol/ loser
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i'll be a /fa/ggot right here thanks
shrug I usually post Morena

I wanted it to be "graphic novel by Kentaro Miura and Tsutomu Nihei" but my LLM interpreter for pixart totally stripped that aspect. The prompt needs tweaking
ok debo
i am unreasonable
Ancient greeks thought it ugly and grandmotherly to have a voluptuous figure, preferred the appearance of youth. There's something to it.

No doubt you will, I'm sure I don't want to imagine what that would look like

Borderlands is an action role-playing first-person looter shooter video game franchise set in a space Western science fantasy setting, created and produced by Gearbox Software and published by 2K for multiple platforms.

Decline porn detached from reality. Europe is still European and will remain so; the burka is not even particularly popular in the Muslim world; and Muslims don't have big cultural clout in Europe even if they did have the population numbers. Go back to /pol/
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sure dawg
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i prefer thiccer women desu, i have unironically had a lot of sex
yeah well, where are the ancient greeks now?

oh right, they're basically slavs, with essentially no connection to their past greatness. ho hum, i guess!

and europe... i wish them well, but they've got museum disease and it's not clear that europe can pull out of that particular tail spin. god willing they do, but i'm not holding my breath!
you're a good poster. sorry about all the shitlords yapping about nonsense like freedom and whatever liberal nonsense. you're the real deal.
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here is ((debo chic style:1.5))
Excuse me but you are asking "where are the Ancient Greeks now" then making some incorrect and irrelevant point about Turks living in modern day fake nation called "Greece"... what IS your point?
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it says here that you just admitted that anicent greeks are dead and gone, and were replaced by baltic slavs who probably migrated out of turkey a centuries ago. this is acceptable.
You are not Agamemnon. You are gay
she is neither purple, nor witch. what in the absolute fuck is going on? reality warping fuckery happening in this thread rn, fr fr
this is cute but idk she looks like a tranny
wow the ancient greeks are dead I hadn't considered this
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tfw when you have lived to see PW become a generic shitposter. sad but true.
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Anyone knows?
right, and in your arrogance youre ignoring the rest of my point that ancient greece is irrelevant. modern greeks are baltic slavs, practically niggers. absolutely worthless on a biomass leve
i love listening to europeans cope with the reality of their insignificance. i'm glad you can enjoy your museum world, but that won't take you too far
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computer can be mine or better
All american museums are the same
>dinosaur bones
>rock shit
>aquatic life
>global warming
"our superior European culture (was) centuries ahead of the blacks and browns, but America ripped us to shreds and we've never been the same since. whoopise poopsie!
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personally, i'm sorry we conquered the world!
but it is what it is. so become the vassal you are, or keep coping, whatever, i don't care.
I like beautiful slender girlish bordering on mature shapeliness, low bodyfat, healthy, blooming flower of youth that crowns a long formative adolescence, longer the better, perfecting itself at the age of sometimes 18 potentially as late as 25, in theory 30; bearing fruit in due season

and I am PROUD incel, unrepentant, untouched, unmolested, my perspective neither warped by memories nor particular fondnesses, shaped by no accident of reality, not taking into consideration 'the mechanics of intercourse', neither the feel of the pussy or any grabbing of flesh; only aesthetics, only beauty which I view with perfect clarity, impartial. An incel, if he be not tempted by his worldly resentments (whereas the uncel is tempted by his worldly attachments), sees truest, his eyes are honest, he views with disinterest ab extra

don't concern yourself with what is beautiful, don't ask questions just fuck pussy. then get excited for next pussy
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>dinosaur bones and minerals and rock shit and sea life and global warming
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Well, I feel that this song might explain a bit!
Beyond that, it's just my anti-ban green cat! I've had to pull her out quite a few times due to multiple reports for being an "avatar"? Whatever that means hahaha!
Maybe that's what you want to see, anon! Thanks tho! :]
your point? what point? you don't have one, retard

name a single person who is more interested in what you think than in what the ancient greeks thought
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>I like beautiful slender girlish bordering on mature shapeliness, low bodyfat, healthy, blooming flower of youth that crowns a long formative adolescence, longer the better, perfecting itself at the age of sometimes 18 potentially as late as 25, in theory 30; bearing fruit in due season
>and I am PROUD incel, unrepentant, untouched, unmolested, my perspective neither warped by memories nor particular fondnesses, shaped by no accident of reality, not taking into consideration 'the mechanics of intercourse', neither the feel of the pussy or any grabbing of flesh; only aesthetics, only beauty which I view with perfect clarity, impartial. An incel, if he be not tempted by his worldly resentments (whereas the uncel is tempted by his worldly attachments), sees truest, his eyes are honest, he views with disinterest ab extra
>don't concern yourself with what is beautiful, don't ask questions just fuck pussy. then get excited for next pussy

nice prompt
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ok enough talk about how I am incel and I like beauty, I'm going to go sleep now
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im working on something here
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This is really cool!
Goodnight, anon! Sleep well :]
Looks nice, anon!
is the pixelization a post-effect, a weird lora, or a prompt? Looks pretty nice
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Thanks PW. How are you
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thanks! im bored of houses now
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Any time!! :D
I'm doing great! I've just been playing with Suno today hahaha it's so fun! How have you been? I hope you're having a great day!
They look great!! How about changing perspective? That's always really fun!
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I'm good aswell Thanks
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I'm glad to hear that! :]
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cant stop laughing at the chad in the frame
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you'll run out of seeds soon
>you'll go blind
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>Photorealistic, pool table, archviz
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i found him and did more
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>add "sitting" to the anime girl prompt
Is there a model for realism that's like pony? I love AutismMix DPO but i would love to make more realistic images.
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Hahaha it might just be your model, anon!

Not an avatar btw
It's kind of silly really, I have thousands of pictures of the exact same girl(s), people just gen what they like.
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these dude keep showing up lmao
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haven't hit 151 yet
No, we bake before that happens. Fill this up before posting in new thread newfag.
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Hmm? I was just noting that his model could be "making monsters", as in deformed characters, as his image implied haha
I just added that last sentence so I don't get the hammer :]
I'm helping
I was saying that just because that's what you post doesn't necessarily mean it's an avatar but could just be what you like to gen so that's what you have to post.
Quokkas got a fly on his forhead??
>calls me a newfag
>does an early bake that promotes bred splitting

look m8 we all had to come to 4chinz at some point - none of use was born browsing here.
But what we learn about this place and how we learn is different as well - you can have oldfags who don't know about autoherbsing as an eg.

Just because you think you know what you're doing - doesn't mean you DO know what you're doing.
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Good evening, Quokkanon! :D
Ohhhh exactly!!! Unfortunately some people here want to use it against me, unfortunately :[
It's been an ongoing thing for years now haha
We're totally on the same page there, anon!
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LOL I said unfortunately twice hahaha! It's getting late it seems!
nta that baked but this close is normal. wtf are you on?
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It does look like that
Guess that's what office space does to marsupials
Hello PW, good to see you
moot point really.
Would be badass and enlightened if that spot on the forehead were enlarged into a third eye
That does sound interesting and bizarre
>Hey! Listen!
[spoiler]Error: CUDA out of memory.[/spoiler]


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