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Another week of Firefox stats, and yet another new low of Firefox users. From 253 million in 2019, to a new load of 173 million. How bad did Firefox fail to lose 80 million users. It's only getting worse as Mozilla is enshittfying the remaining users. From sponsored new page tiles to clickbait "pocket" headlines, to sneaking in new ad-tech by default. Firefox has been murdered, and they are already working on killing its successors Servo and Ladybird as well.

It's not just Google, it's the whole hacker news - reddit industrial complex that is sabotaging web browsers. You will never have comfy web browsers again.
>Firefox is open source
>can't die, Google can't do anything about it
>zero users and you can still use it
>even Firefox Sync is working forever (yes, locally, even without Mozilla)
I don't give a shit how many uses it. I keep using Librewolf or other forks of Firefox forever.
Mozilla used to ask the userbase what they wanted when making decisions, then they would do the opposite, and they did this for like a decade+.
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Chrome is just as bad, but sure use whatever you want.
Kek they still havent merged that cookie banner changes from 4chud developer that posts here.
Mozilla is more controlled by google than any of the forks of chromium.
A company that gets 90% of its income from its direct competitor cannot ever be trusted to produce a good or competitive product.
yeah it's open source but it has to be maintained. i mean, imagine if firefox had stopped being maintained 20 years ago and you'd still be using it because you hate Google.
you'd be a prime target for hackers
People don't install things themselves so nobody downloads Firefox if Chrome comes with everything. As the computers get older and get replaced with new ones the Firefox decline slowly happens. It has nothing to do with politics that people would be "fed up with".
It's not controlled by Google. Google just wants to keep it on life support so they won't face monopoly charges. They're giving the bare minimum to keep it above the water. Nobody is preventing other people from contributing as well so why aren't you doing it? Why must all the funding come through Google and nobody else? They could get the bare minimum from Google but ten times more from other sources but nobody cares, people just consume chromeslop.
besides android phones, what devices come pre-installed with chrome lol?
Preinstalled home computers, work computers through local IT, Chromebooks of course, then as some anon had collected (but I didn't seem to save it) a compilation of all kinds of software installers that conveniently also install Chrome for you. The most used search engine is google.com which reminds everyone to download Chrome by clicking here to be faster and better. If you think all the tech-illiterate grannies are en masse all deciding that Chrome is better you're delusional. It's not organic, it's shoved down everyone's throats. Try to find a computer without Chrome that you didn't build yourself or install the OS yourself. You pretty much can't. Do you think everyone actually chose it?
>Mozilla is more controlled by google than any of the forks of chromium.
Mozilla, Firefox or any other related thing to those isn't controlled by Google in any way. Google just pays money to those. You can't control open source products with money. Users can just fork the project and use that instead. Only browsers 100% controlled by Google are Google Chromium based ones like Brave that dies the second Google says so. Code contribution is 99% from Google, sync is by Google and servers are proprietary, and even the broken non-standard web trash is forced to Chromium forks. Tracking bleads into forks etc.
>A company that gets 90% of its income from its direct competitor cannot ever be trusted to produce a good or competitive product.
You are so stupid that I'm speechless.
Gotta love the delusional replies to this. Mozilla is the definition of controlled opposition and the fact that there are still people falling for their bullshit when they've just recently bought a fucking ad company.. The internet is dead and Firefox users are unironically to blame for it. If Firefox had just died 10 years ago instead of turning into Googles more than willing bitch there would have been no other choice than antitrust finally setting their eyes on Chromium or an actual competitor popping up. Now all we have is a bunch of Chromium reskins and mark my words in 5 years time even Firefox will be just another Chromium reskin and the still left users will eat it the fuck up like they did every other retarded decision Mozilla(Google) made in the last 10 years.
>Mozilla used to ask the userbase what they wanted when making decisions, then they would do the opposite
They only do this because the userbase is incurably sexist, racist, and right-wing
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Firefox users are happy for it to continue fading into irrelevance. Try talking to some of them about its problems and you'll instantly be met with furious denial and claims that it's all okay because it's not Chrome (even though Mozilla desperately wishes it was and continues to enshittify the UI to look more like it).
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>Mozilla is working with Meta and other actors on defining an in-browser attribution API. The purpose of this API is to provide a privacy-first design for advertising companies to be able to measure how advertising drives conversions.
"""privacy-first design for advertising companies"""
Reminder that Windows 7 is only 3% of computers, yet 9% of Firefox users. That means Windows 7 users disproportionately affect Mozilla's development. Firefox is literally the baby duck browser. And some baby duck uber autists already made a fork called r3dfox where they force Windows 7 support back in.
It's just too slow
Let a normy break it down for you clows.

Chrome - Google - BIG
Edge - Microsoft - BIG
Firefox - ...browser - who?
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You have up on Safari for Windows and barely support webkit for Linux. The fact that webkit will soon be ARM only will also fade its relevance.
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If that was true they would not discontinue Win7 support over year ago.
Just give me a browser like Brave, but without all the Brave garbage.
Mozilla's entire continued existence as a company hinges on Google's pity payment.
Monopoly doesn't have to mean literally 100% market share. The Sherman Act says literally nothing about that, and it isn't required in the slightest to run a case against Google for anti-trust reasons.
Firefox with its 1% marketshare hardly represents a lack of monopoly on the part of Chrome.

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