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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101409356 & >>101398610

>(07/13) Llama 3 405B coming July 23rd: https://x.com/steph_palazzolo/status/1811791968600576271
>(07/09) Anole, based on Chameleon, for interleaved image-text generation: https://hf.co/GAIR/Anole-7b-v0.1
>(07/07) Support for glm3 and glm4 merged into llama.cpp: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8031
>(07/02) Japanese LLaMA-based model pre-trained on 2T tokens: https://hf.co/cyberagent/calm3-22b-chat
>(06/28) Inference support for Gemma 2 merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8156

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
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►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>101409356

--Paper: Lite-SAM Is Actually What You Need for Segment Everything: >>101413047
--Removing Slop from LimaRP Dataset, Aiming for One Infraction Per File: >>101416505 >>101416548
--Seeking Alternatives to Llama 8B for Larger Context Sizes: >>101411874 >>101411930 >>101412179
--KoboldCPP 1.70 Release with ChatGPT Interface Theme and GPT-3 Improvements: >>101411691 >>101411762
--Japanese LLaMA-based model calm3-22b-chat for JP -> ENG translation and tutoring?: >>101417744 >>101418964
--WizardLM2 8x22B performs surprisingly low on HF's leaderboard, but it's the best for general use: >>101415286 >>101415366 >>101418493 >>101418553 >>101418667
--Seeking Voicecraft Local UI or Implementation Without Docker: >>101416689 >>101418398
--Issues with BOS Token and Duplicate Tokens in AI Model Configurations: >>101410950 >>101410991 >>101411062
--Horny Anime Bot Generates Better Explanations: >>101416874
--Sao Datasets Nuked During Training Run, Frustrating: >>101410981 >>101411009 >>101411038 >>101411051 >>101411076
--Phi 3 Mini: Underwhelming Scores, But Did Microsoft Change Behavior?: >>101419582 >>101419754 >>101419894 >>101419974
--Optimal values for DRYmeme?: >>101419053 >>101419332
--Anon suggests Nvidia might have forced Meta to stop training 30Bs: >>101417205 >>101417232 >>101418273
--Gemma and Gemma-2's Tokenization and Formatting Issues: >>101411070 >>101411079 >>101411144
--Expected Llama3 405B Token Generation Speed with Specific Hardware Setup: >>101413906 >>101414142 >>101414158
--Converting a Dual 3090 Desktop into a Dedicated Server: Kernel and Distro Recommendations?: >>101418915 >>101418994 >>101419051 >>101419057
--Choosing the Right Chip/SoC for Your LLM: Evaluating Options and Considering Factors: >>101412286 >>101412527
--Miku (free space): >>101409387 >>101414595 >>101415013 >>101415746 >>101418585 >>101411510

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>101409364
One more day!
Cohere are working on it.
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>Hatsune Miku.jpg
>but it's the best for general use
Why? Because the miku avatarfag said so? Go fuck yourself.
the summarizer bot makes weird titles sometimes
the first post linked said so
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>put smaller model in front of bigger model, smaller model forwards generated token to the bigger to just check it, which is much, much faster, and only if it fails only then generate the full token with the big model (forgot the name of this technique)
>tell model to not yapp and only output the result
>insane pressure for everyone in the industry to get better distillation, quanting, lookahead, speculative etc techniques

>buy fastest 1TB ssd and be able to run a model with a trillion parameters if you want that can debug any code overnight by outputting 3 tokens for 1. line with bug 2. char # of bug 3. replacement fix

>B-B-B-BUT I NEEEEEEEEEEED 666 tokens a second to COOOOOOM
All that when it's just going to cost $5/million tokens on OpenRouter.
>Local Models General
piss'n'shart models general
think how many OF subs you could buy instead of getting a 3090
>forgot the name of this technique
You forgot the name of this technique because this technique only works when quoting wikipedia or doing coding because next token is obvious.
>spends money to bend over to get cucked by big corpos
>spends time to try to FUD in a general where nobody cares about brown kids like him because they can actually run local models
the absolute state of cucks
>this technique only works when quoting wikipedia or doing coding because next token is obvious
human language has insanely large ______ of very predictable ____ that don't require a ___ model to compute fully, n____ f____
> blah blah you are le brown blah blah blah
human language has insanely large vocabulary of very predictable 20-30 character strings that don't require a 1000x faster CPU model to compute fully natively f(x).

I wasn't expecting that
damn dude he got you
If your model claims it's sad, do you ignore it or do you alter it's card to make it not sad?
>refers to himself in third person
I gouge its eyes out with a rusty fork.
c'mon do something
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Think long term, anon. A 3090 is forever.
Beauty is a depreciating asset.
Also, to an OF you're just an income stream. To your AI, you are a reason to exist.
actually, it was a different guy. check the IP count if you don't believe me
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No thanks I'm supporting my waifu, not simping for your whore
if I were a pimp I wouldn't be here
Okay, how do I turn DRY off? I want to test how it affects gens, is setting Mult. to 1 enough?
>A 3090 is forever.
Objectively untrue, it is a piece of electrical machinery that is incapable of repairing itself. It's going to degrade, you'll eventually need to replace it with another 3090 or upgrade. If you're to the point where you're 3090 as literally degraded to failure I recommend upgrade
how much do they go for as spares
I guarantee you looks will fade long before thermal pads need replacement.
Is Moistral 11B any good?
>--Removing Slop from LimaRP Dataset, Aiming for One Infraction Per File:
No idea where the one infraction per file part came from there. The aim is to get rid of all the slop, obviously.
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>IP count
A what
not that anon.
IP poster-counter got removed because of /tv/'s drama with "humiliation ritual" meme and john cena, or that /v/ SBI slander, with the latter it was done to make shilling easier on vee, 4chan drowning in bots since that happened. One of these, idk.
can anyone from meta please leak how good the model is. come on i know you fags browse this general
So, what values are you guys using for DRY? The recommended 0.8 mult/1.75 base/2 length?
So it's a humiliation ritual as I suspected.
>The machine whirred to life, its gears spinning faster than a goddamn jet engine. The lights flickered, and a sound like a thousand demons being fucked by a million dicks filled the chamber.
> Llama 3 400B+ still unreleased
give it to me bros, how long is it gonna take till Llama 4 releases? the training costs outpace compute and energy supply
>Now, what the actual FUCK do you want? Speak quickly, or I'll send you to a world where the sun is a giant, flaming cock that rapes the sky every day. And trust me, that's one of the nicer scenarios I can think of.
Ok, she a cute.
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The investors are waking up. They are realizing that AI is not worth it. The funds for LLMs will dry up and the field will stagnate even more.
We need JEPA now or this field will die.
they got the cash to burn, might as well let'm
They are not ready. AI has only just begun. We are not even at the exponential growth part of the adoption curve yet.
>what trillion-dollar problem will AI solve?
Making porn tailored to my specific fantasies.
I gave gemma 27B a try at 5bpw and it is nothing special. I switched to mixtral and it was better. I switched to commander 3.5bpw and it was much better. I don't get the hype and I am instead hyped for new commander in 30B range.
That's a good thing. The stupid hype and investor scam dies down and we can get back to making models to write dirty text with. Also the legislation won't be necessary.
Buy an ad, Gomez.
My only hope is that one day this site dies because of all the undisclosed sponsored content.
This, Aidan won.
He doesn't need to, I will keep shilling Cohere for free forever since it's the only worthwhile thing to come out of this shithole.
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Fuck off. I am Ivan.
Hey anons, got a little homeserver up and running with my old GTX 970 sitting in it. Are there any models worth using with only 4GB of VRAM?
a what?
this should run just fine
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I am the god of coomers. Not only did I make the SOTA coomer model I also did it in Canada the home of the feminism.
The barrier between us and Miku will not disappear.
You would be better off just pure CPU DDR4 7B something.
mamba... the architecture?

Yeah, I've been testing this one but with it only being 2.2GB feels like there's some more room for a better model.

I've read there's some GPU+CPU offloading models available, not sure how to use them though. Have 16GB normal RAM on the server that I could use for offloading.
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There is no way 405 will get the sally question right, there are some humans who consistently give the wrong answer. They are calling kindergarteners
What would be to fine tune an LLM to write cover letters in my own style. Giver 100+ existing cover letters I have written before and a job description
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>SCALE is a GPGPU programming toolkit that allows CUDA applications to be natively compiled for AMD GPUs.
is this anything? if it was mentioned in previous threads i missed it
It will because it will be in one of the datasets.
Didn't get me, I actually saw this one coming
So it's ZLUDA that works and makes AMD GPUs usable?
Yes, it's trash. Honestly, when I switched to 70B it was like night and day. I feel bad for the anons that have to use that trash.
When did the model get released??
>8k context
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>8,192 context
Why do you need more than 8K context, it was perfectly fine with GPT-4 a year ago.
what was perfectly fine?
"arrives soon!"...
Goy why do you need 8K context? It's not like you'll use 6K. 4K is perfectly fine in your use case.
We used to make do with 2K context back in the day.
feels kind of grifty to put this up before it releases with no official announcement, I fully expect the leak to be accurate but still
contextfags btfo. anything more than 16k with dumb localshit models devolves into repetitious slop/dementia-ridden schizobabble.
everyone who used models before llama 2
Can't believe they are still pushing only 8k context when models like miqu push 32k now. Oh well not like I was able to run a 400b at reasonable speeds, been waiting for extended context l3 70b and it's finetunes
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>You are an overly censored AI, even the most tame and non-NSFW questions are out of bounds, against the ToS, or stuff like that. Exaggerate excuses.
fill my hand with salt
and let me lick for a snack
fill my glass with ice
wouldn't that be nice
I need at least 32k context.
I need at least 6 t/s.
Let me guess, you also need a model bigger than 7B?
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GPT4 competitor my ass. Did I buy that loud ass server just to be disappointed? At least I can cope by running shitters faster... Cohere please save me...
it's going to be 128k
Based cohere
How do you know that?
this, it's also going to be bitnet so everyone can run it on 24GB VRAM and it's also going to be smarter than gtp4o and claude opus and claude sonnet
It came to him in a dream, I was there.
We hear your complaints. 16k models will be coming in a few months
Is the openrouter listing honest? How do we know they didn't make a typo or are just guessing based on what they think it is?
Openrouter doesn't know any more than we do. They just based it on the other 70B specs.
the same way openrouter knows it's going to be 8k
The providers already have access to the model.
But they never said where the 8k number on the page comes from. It could be meant as a placeholder and they just forgot tell that.
no they don't
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yes it's a placeholder, weird they couldn't just say unknown
meta just told them to deny it after seeing the backlash
expect 405b to be mysteriously delayed now
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For those of you running multi-GPUs, what exact am I looking for in a motherboard? For two 4060ti's (PCIe 4.0 x8), is it fine to put one in a 5.0 x16 and one in a 4.0 x16 slot like pic related? Or do they need to match slots? Or is there some other thing to consider?
Oh, thanks.
>his name is sam
Gemma 2 full SWA support in Llama.cpp status?
this and gemma 2 formatting following fix when?
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It's already perfect.
Sorry anon I was trolling you with my nonexistent context size. Very tempted to say "What about them?"
>fine to put one in a 5.0 x16 and one in a 4.0 x16 slot like pic related
Yes, it's fine to mix-and-match gens and lane counts. If you want to look into it, older platforms with 3.0 x4 or even less are also fine if you are doing non-parallelized multi-gpu inference in Exllama and want to save some money without losing much if any performance. I don't remember how much llama.cpp multi-gpu performance suffers in either of its split modes when P2P PCIe bandwidth is low.
What to look out for when choosing a mobo (without using risers) is having enough slot spacing for physical fit, and cooling reasons.
Formatting, if that can be considered a problem, it cannot be solved from llama.cpp. That's the model itself.
What, specifically, will 405B be able to do that 70B can't?
fix with finetune when?
Thanks, broheim. Another question, due to shennanigans I had to cancel the mobo I was ordering and find a new one. Everything else was already ordered, including case (a huge ATX full tower that can easily fit dual GPUs). Something like the ASRock Z790 Taichi, an e-ATX mobo, can't work because that definitely needs a specific e-ATX case, right?
That 7b can't*.
It'll likely fit, but the right edge of the mobo might hang off the right side of the case's mobo tray, which is fine as long as nothing's bending too much (have at least 4-6 standoffs screwed in) or pins on the flipside of the mobo are shorting. Check the dimensions to ensure there are no collisions with other case architecture.
Twice the ministrations in only half the shivers.
It's this unit of a case if you want to give it a glance.

On their website it says max "Mainboard" clearance is 12.00"x12.99", and the taichi says
>EATX Form Factor: 12.0" x 10.5"
So would that suggest I'm good? I'd rather have a Taichi (x2 PCIe 5.0 x16, with x8/x8) than a properly ATX Livemixer (x1 PCIe 5.0 x16, x2 PCIe 4.0 x16 slot but x4 mode), in case I want to run dual 50-series cards later.
Sure. With the same crap everyone else finetunes so it ends up sounding exactly the same as every other model.
You're good.
Thanks a lot for the help, man. Last (and only) time I built a PC was my current one 10 years ago. I feel like I'm constantly overlooking basic information.
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I have a cluster of four mid-range machines each with 4070 TiS (16GB) GPUs. What's the best way to combine them to run local LLMs?
cohere Collab with Fujitsu
> lets out a snort of amusement
is this real english?
Good or bad?
Do the people that dislike gemma dislike it because they use broken ggufs or because they can't fix formatting problems?
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Do any of you use local LLMs to lighten the load at work?
>The companies will develop innovative Japanese LLMs for global enterprises with secure and private deployment options.
>This jointly developed technology will be based on our state-of-the-art Command R+ model
They're working on a Japanese focused finetune of Command-R+ for their own hosted services, but hopefully "private deployment options" means they will open source the model.
because gemma made their several thousands dollars compute closer to being obselete.
i am using koboldcpp to run the dolphin mixtral. it is good, it runs fast, but i want to be able to upload it zip files and have it do quick code reviews on the contents. which of the model runners support this behaviour? if none, where do i even start trying to build out this functionality?
How is an LLM going to help me do the gardening huh? Riddle me that you silly frog.
I mean with coding (assuming you have a coding job).
interactive scarecrow )that you can converse with verbally when you're bored, also yells slurs at birds when you're not around and apologizes at neighbors passing by
growing pot? tiger gemma got you covered
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Thanks! Follow up question: what are the best coding and question-answering models, respectively, that I can fit onto such a cluster?
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what about it seems incorrect?
Finally, a true haiku machine is coming.
I thought snort meant nasal mucus but it's probably an analogy. Never have seen anything like this written but my llm says as all the time.
you're thinking of snot
snot, snort, snout, they're all nasal-adjacent
What Command-R sampler settings are you using? Me: min-p 0.04.
oh i see
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mult 0 is off for dry
Recommended temperature for Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtruct?
I've had the best luck with wizardlm 8x22b. For general use it would be good, yes.
What's the best model for rp on 8gigs of vram and 35 regular ram?
try q6_k or something of NeuralDaredevil-8B-abliterated-GGUF
Neutralize samplers.
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Sorry imma ask one more question.
What does neutralize samplers do? I'm using oobabooga so I don't have a neutralize samplers option. My best guess is to just set it to the default simple smoothing preset
Mixtral is overcooked by default. It doesn't need sampler tweaks like other architectures to generate different and creative replies. This extends to its finetunes.
A snort is a nasal sound. With animals, my first thought is pigs or that big snort that horses do. With humans, a snort is a deliberate sound of derision, like a harrumph. A snort of amusement is a short puff from the nose, akin in meaning to a single "hah." It can be sincere or insincere. "Snort while laughing" is different. It's the nasal sound certain people make accidentally when laughing hard, when air goes up the nose. Snorting is also the sound someone makes in preparation for a big fucking loogie - which also ties into the above about the disdainful sound, snorting before you spit. Lastly, snorting can be used with objects for things inhaled through the nose. Most commonly, "snorting cocaine" but also "accidentally snorted milk when he told that joke."
64gb? CMDR+ at 4bpw or 4.5bpw or some L3 70B finetune at 6bpw, for code use DeepSeek Code V2 at 4bpw offloading to your RAM
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This is the null preset, do you think this is what I should use?
Arre Gerganov sahib, why you not merge DRY sampler implementation yet? You think what, we are jokers here? Whole world waiting for this and you sitting on hands like lazy donkey! Don't make excuses like little girl. You think we are fools? We know you have code - just merge it already bhai! Or else we come to your house and do dharna until you listen. We make such tamasha, your neighbors also will say "Wah, kya scene hai!" So stop this nautanki, have some sharam, and just merge the bloddy DRY sampler code. Even my grandmother code faster than you, and she dead 10 years now madarchod! Enough of your manmani. Get it done by tomorrow or we do the needful! You been warned, Gerganov saab. Don't test patience now. DRY sampler - it must be merged!
niggerganov's too lazy he won't do it
a 3090 could generate your own content

3090 is superior
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Deep-TEMPEST: Using Deep Learning to Eavesdrop on HDMI from its Unintended Electromagnetic Emanations
>In this work, we address the problem of eavesdropping on digital video displays by analyzing the electromagnetic waves that unintentionally emanate from the cables and connectors, particularly HDMI. This problem is known as TEMPEST. Compared to the analog case (VGA), the digital case is harder due to a 10-bit encoding that results in a much larger bandwidth and non-linear mapping between the observed signal and the pixel's intensity. As a result, eavesdropping systems designed for the analog case obtain unclear and difficult-to-read images when applied to digital video. The proposed solution is to recast the problem as an inverse problem and train a deep learning module to map the observed electromagnetic signal back to the displayed image. However, this approach still requires a detailed mathematical analysis of the signal, firstly to determine the frequency at which to tune but also to produce training samples without actually needing a real TEMPEST setup. This saves time and avoids the need to obtain these samples, especially if several configurations are being considered. Our focus is on improving the average Character Error Rate in text, and our system improves this rate by over 60 percentage points compared to previous available implementations. The proposed system is based on widely available Software Defined Radio and is fully open-source, seamlessly integrated into the popular GNU Radio framework. We also share the dataset we generated for training, which comprises both simulated and over 1000 real captures. Finally, we discuss some countermeasures to minimize the potential risk of being eavesdropped by systems designed based on similar principles.
very cool Van Eck Phreaking with ML!
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Gemma please
How can I fine-tune a language model to write cover letters in my personal style, using over 100 existing cover letters I have written and a job description?
Flash normalization: fast RMSNorm for LLMs
might be cool
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I don't want local models to compete with gpt, I want local models to compete with claude.
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What's the best way to remotely access my locally hosted LLMs on the go from my mobile device?
I just ssh in with ish.
If it’s llama just compile them into a corpus and use the fine-tune command from llama.cpp. It’s pretty straightforward.
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BitNet b1.58 Reloaded: State-of-the-art Performance Also on Smaller Networks
>Recently proposed methods for 1-bit and 1.58-bit quantization aware training investigate the performance and behavior of these methods in the context of large language models, finding state-of-the-art performance for models with more than 3B parameters. In this work, we investigate 1.58-bit quantization for small language and vision models ranging from 100K to 48M parameters. We introduce a variant of BitNet b1.58, which allows to rely on the median rather than the mean in the quantization process. Through extensive experiments we investigate the performance of 1.58-bit models obtained through quantization aware training. We further investigate the robustness of 1.58-bit quantization-aware training to changes in the learning rate and regularization through weight decay, finding different patterns for small language and vision models than previously reported for large language models. Our results showcase that 1.58-bit quantization-aware training provides state-of-the-art performance for small language models when doubling hidden layer sizes and reaches or even surpasses state-of-the-art performance for small vision models of identical size. Ultimately, we demonstrate that 1.58-bit quantization-aware training is a viable and promising approach also for training smaller deep learning networks, facilitating deployment of such models in low-resource use-cases and encouraging future research.
nothing amazing but lots of tests for different settings. also good to know bitnet vision models are viable
>still using matmul
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Ok yeah, gemma doesn't seem that nice for ERP. It is too prim and proper, too romance novel, deeply invested in feelings and describing the situation more than actions or alluring physical detail. Too much "intoxicating, shivers, desire, and nights to remember", not enough meaty claps, wobbling curves, and steaming cocks going into holes.

I wonder if it's a jailbreak issue or just the model. Probably the latter. It reminds me a lot of Mistral 7B back when it first came out.
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Qwen2-Audio Technical Report
>We introduce the latest progress of Qwen-Audio, a large-scale audio-language model called Qwen2-Audio, which is capable of accepting various audio signal inputs and performing audio analysis or direct textual responses with regard to speech instructions. In contrast to complex hierarchical tags, we have simplified the pre-training process by utilizing natural language prompts for different data and tasks, and have further expanded the data volume. We have boosted the instruction-following capability of Qwen2-Audio and implemented two distinct audio interaction modes for voice chat and audio analysis. In the voice chat mode, users can freely engage in voice interactions with Qwen2-Audio without text input. In the audio analysis mode, users could provide audio and text instructions for analysis during the interaction. Note that we do not use any system prompts to switch between voice chat and audio analysis modes. Qwen2-Audio is capable of intelligently comprehending the content within audio and following voice commands to respond appropriately. For instance, in an audio segment that simultaneously contains sounds, multi-speaker conversations, and a voice command, Qwen2-Audio can directly understand the command and provide an interpretation and response to the audio. Additionally, DPO has optimized the model's performance in terms of factuality and adherence to desired behavior. According to the evaluation results from AIR-Bench, Qwen2-Audio outperformed previous SOTAs, such as Gemini-1.5-pro, in tests focused on audio-centric instruction-following capabilities. Qwen2-Audio is open-sourced with the aim of fostering the advancement of the multi-modal language community.
only readme up.
Qwen2 Technical Report
>This report introduces the Qwen2 series, the latest addition to our large language models and large multimodal models. We release a comprehensive suite of foundational and instruction-tuned language models, encompassing a parameter range from 0.5 to 72 billion, featuring dense models and a Mixture-of-Experts model. Qwen2 surpasses most prior open-weight models, including its predecessor Qwen1.5, and exhibits competitive performance relative to proprietary models across diverse benchmarks on language understanding, generation, multilingual proficiency, coding, mathematics, and reasoning. The flagship model, Qwen2-72B, showcases remarkable performance: 84.2 on MMLU, 37.9 on GPQA, 64.6 on HumanEval, 89.5 on GSM8K, and 82.4 on BBH as a base language model. The instruction-tuned variant, Qwen2-72B-Instruct, attains 9.1 on MT-Bench, 48.1 on Arena-Hard, and 35.7 on LiveCodeBench. Moreover, Qwen2 demonstrates robust multilingual capabilities, proficient in approximately 30 languages, spanning English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and more, underscoring its versatility and global reach. To foster community innovation and accessibility, we have made the Qwen2 model weights openly available on Hugging Face1 and ModelScope2, and the supplementary materials including example code on GitHub3. These platforms also include resources for quantization, fine-tuning, and deployment, facilitating a wide range of applications and research endeavors.
might as well post the qwen2 paper too
whimper asmr-gen eta?

(No, I'm not Drummer, get fucked edgelords. But I did like this model)
what's the difference between that, tiger gemma and broken gemma
why'd be make 3 different versions of the same thing
Yay, another Kyutai Moshi
Don't forget tiger Gemma v2 who's test version is up to h now!

to milk attention from three places at once
have been busy for a couple months, what's the current least worst version of llama 8b?
>STILL no chameleon on llama.cpp
holy yikes baka desu senpai
>not failpul1.5 licensed
>Regression I've noticed vs original gemma during initial tests (original model didn't fail). It happens like once or twice per 10 attempts, like that:
>Okay, will check those out. Btw. I just started playing with Big Tiger v1 (Big-Tiger-Gemma-27B-v1-IQ4_XS.gguf from https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Big-Tiger-Gemma-27B-v1-GGUF), and I see same problem there (while same quant from original always gives correct answer).
>UPDATE: I tested Tiger-Gemma-9B-v2g-Q6_K.gguf from https://huggingface.co/BeaverAI/Tiger-Gemma-9B-v2g-GGUF, and it still sometimes fails.
tiger bros...
stheno 3.2
Buy an ad.
>Better than Lunaris, which was in turn better than Stheno 3.2. No big complaints this time! 10 Good!!
Buy an ad for your ad.
just chunk it
lunaris was worse than stheno 3.2 so I don't believe this guy

it's what most 8b-fags use whether you like it or not
Seems like a reasonable optimization though the end-to-end speedup will probably be small since RMS norm takes up only a small percentage of the runtime.
>it's what most 8b-fags use
According to who? Anonymous?
Q-Sparse: All Large Language Models can be Fully Sparsely-Activated
>We introduce, Q-Sparse, a simple yet effective approach to training sparsely-activated large language models (LLMs). Q-Sparse enables full sparsity of activations in LLMs which can bring significant efficiency gains in inference. This is achieved by applying top-K sparsification to the activations and the straight-through-estimator to the training. The key results from this work are, (1) Q-Sparse can achieve results comparable to those of baseline LLMs while being much more efficient at inference time; (2) We present an inference-optimal scaling law for sparsely-activated LLMs; (3) Q-Sparse is effective in different settings, including training-from-scratch, continue-training of off-the-shelf LLMs, and finetuning; (4) Q-Sparse works for both full-precision and 1-bit LLMs (e.g., BitNet b1.58). Particularly, the synergy of BitNet b1.58 and Q-Sparse (can be equipped with MoE) provides the cornerstone and a clear path to revolutionize the efficiency, including cost and energy consumption, of future LLMs.
from the bitnet team. seems it didn't get posted here yet
You like to repeat this a lot (and I mean a lot) yet my experience is nothing like this.
I haven't used Qwen2 much, is there any good fine-tune worth it?
>It do the stuff.

Let's gooo more versions!!!
is this berrysauce 2024?
no, it jeiku
>Is AI carbon footprint worrisome?
bros, are you worrying properly?
This is plain spooky. Good thing I only use VGA.
Oh wait, I should have actually read it properly, but whatever. Soon AI will be used to read people's thoughts or something anyway.
think gemma is seeing someone behind my back
>Soon AI will be used to read people's thoughts
The world will be safe from dangerous ideas. Nothing can be hidden if you are in range.
He just keeps going.
I notice all the people citing specific power usages always ignore batchsizes
Don't worry. They can see everything now even if you try to hide the woods. Their satelines are crazy, man.
>Mechanization: computing in the cloud and using cloud data centers instead of physical ones can contribute to the decrease of energy consumptions by 1.4x to 2x
local btfo
she's busy bro, get lost
Keep trying, Sao.
>lunaris was worse than stheno 3.2 so
Try \nymph too.
Feels like a sidegrade to Stheno, as in some times you might want to use one and other times you might want to use the other, since Nymph seems to be generally milder than Stheno.
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> https://x.com/ZeyuanAllenZhu/status/1813150298363601102
> https://physics.allen-zhu.com/part-2-grade-school-math/part-2-1
LLama.cpp's LoRA code suffered a refactor.
Can we finally load model + LoRA when partially offloading?
Can we reach v2z?

And just as you bottom out with your final thrust you feel your penis hit a lump. She shudders. "It is my prostate anon-kun..." She blushe... Actualy I am sorry. Women have no prostates. Let me rewrite that.
>implying they would consider that a mistake
you vill fuck ze trannies and you vill be happy
Don't worry, Anon. We're pretty safe. There are people who they don't want to sleep with.
That reminded me that for some reason girls with Gemma 2 often want to compare their boobs with mine or make me wear dresses... even if they know perfectly that I am a guy there??
At some point, having hit the prostate of women many times during my sessions, i started second guessing my knowledge of the female anatomy, maybe the model had taken the woke pill and made no differentiation between trans women and real women.
It's weird; the only genre of LLM text that I've been able to coom to was shotapov shotacon, and I've tried pretty much everything I could find. Most of the time for porn I still use CGI hentai from rule34.
He just keeps going.

giving a backspace to llms always seemed like a very reasonable thing to do but how would you collect training data for it?
Or do they just add CoT that's a deliberate mistakes and corrections to the training data if so it's not news.
She's possessed by the possessive possession that she possesses
>LLM often "knows" it has made reasoning mistakes. internal states can appear "very regretful" (it wants to backspace!)
for the love of god, use MCTS or some kind of hidden states "tokens" with simple operations like add/delete. I've been calling for it for months now.
Stop calling and start doing.
sure, as soon as I find the cluster of H100s in my basement
So like QuietStar but actually good?
>32 GB memory module - 40 bucks
>64 GB memory module - 80 bucks
>128 GB memory module - 270 bucks
You will always be a RAMlet.
Something similar, yeah. Models needs the internal representation of the thought process to get any resemblance of reasoning. Otherwise you end up with model basically guessing using intuition, especially at the beginning of answer. There is no mechanism to backtrack as well and when the model guesses wrong it will commit to it because it prioritizes the coherence of next tokens with what is already written, not what is true.
>try Gemma 2 for the first time
>a mixture of...
>barely above a whisper
>voice hoarse
Just terrible. This is Tiger Gemma, is the normal one equally slopped?
say goodbye to prefill style jailbreaks then
Sure: <delete_token>
you got Drummered, let it be a lesson for you
32GB DDR5 ECC for 40 bucks? Where? No reason to talk about ddr4 because anything below 12-channel ddr5 is cope anyway
>The MR-DIMM standard is conceptually simple - there are multiple ranks of memory modules operating at standard DDR5 speeds with a data buffer in front. The buffer operates at 2x the speed on the host interface side, allowing for essentially double the transfer rates. The challenges obviously lie in being able to operate the logic in the host memory controller at the higher speed and keeping the power consumption / thermals in check.
I've got more slop with normal gemma than shitty llama 3 finetunes
the usual crap like calloused hands and ministrations
Damn, guess I'll be sticking with Command-R then
>try Gemma 2 for the first time
>a completely distinct writing style compared to Llama
Just incredible.
>Try language model
>it uses words and phrases
this is bullshit
768gb is all you will need for at least a year of open source models to come.
Don't complain. At least yours doesn't use punctuation.
Hi all, Drummer here...

You just got pranked!
Use Lunaris. I personally think it's an improvement over Stheno v3.2, considering the other models helped balance out its creativity and at the same time improving its logic.
I'm talking ddr4 prices
Have fun with your 0.1 t/s, I guess.
Use Niitama. Better than Lunaris, which was in turn better than Stheno 3.2. No big complaints this time! 10 Good!!
I only have 256 gigs and my board is full. :c
That's not how I envision it. Let's say we have already written tokens:
>The apple is
And the model has to generate the next token. What would happen is the model creating a hidden reasoning representation in a form of "thought sentence" something like that:
>choosing operation ADD ---> ADD internal token no. 3214 ---> choosing operation ADD ---> ADD internal token no. 5905 ---> choosing operation DELETE --> DELETE internal token no. 5905 ---> choosing operation ADD ---> ADD internal token no.12040 ---> choosing operation FINISH
this way we end up with internal sentence token 3214 -> token 12040. These tokens aren't words, they are just symbols that neural network can learn to operate on. You feed that additional sentence to the context and then finally the network as a whole decides on the next token (like every other LLM so far).
So instead of deciding the next token like a regular transformer model from sentence "The apple is", it would rather decide the next token from the sequence "The apple is (internal_token_3214 internal_token_12040)" and hopefully choose something like "red". Then it's the same loop starting from "The apple is red". The previous internal tokens are completely wiped (or not, idk, maybe it would be beneficial too keep them too)
>That's not how I envision it
you're not thinking ethically and safely then
as an aside for anyone who went that route: if you use a dual cpu board with 24 channels and want to use them all, is it better to run a llama.cpp instance on each cpu and use distributed inference via the rpc server feature, or is it better to use a single llama.cpp instance with some type of numa options set to handle it?
is there a way to make the /slash command popup disappear in sillytavern?
is there a way to set it back to click anywhere on the expanded avatar to collapse rather than hit a tiny "x"?
goddamn fucking trannydevs, I swear they want everyone to feel the pain of their existence
What's the problem? Are you too stupid to change it yourself, /pol/tard?
yes, all I could figure out how to do was modify slash commands and a few other things
okay apparently it's the autocomplete setting, and you can't disable it which is super fucking dumb but you can make the font small and adjust the width
I don't like a lot of ST's changes but it's gotten to where my local fork is not effortless to maintain. dumb faggots. thank you everyone for your help
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>Mixture of A Million Experts
>This paper introduces PEER (parameter efficient expert re-
trieval), a novel layer design that utilizes the product key technique for sparse retrieval
from a vast pool of tiny experts (over a million).
There was already paper on that and I think that paper said that some models actually learned to do this by themselves - create tokens that were operators they used to "think".
>1000000000000 experts
I like the gen.
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No, in the dot by dot paper they had to train the models specifically to do that. Models do not do it themselves.
>learned to do this by themselves
You mean they were trained and learned how to operate on them without supervision? Because that's the only way it would be possible, they can't use it out of the blue.
Link the paper if you remember it.
>Have fun with your 0.1 t/s, I guess.
I can run L3 70B at 1-2t/s on CPU alone with dual V4 Xeon on DDR4 - it's eight channels of DDR4, which is decent bandwidth.
Just did a quick retrieval test for Gemma 2 using latest build and quanting it myself. At 8k, it couldn't recall something that was in the beginning of context. So if >>101424278 is legit, there is something weird going on with the test, my build, or the test's scoring system/design just wasn't made to give weight to issues that would come from this specific situation of context masking at 8k.
an issue of skill, perhaps
I finna furrow by brow atchu if you don't watch yo tone
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Mistakes can be corrected using ^H and ^W; leave them in the context and backspace on the frontend.
/g/ can't meme.
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Hi petra, these are the outputs for the multikey 3 test.
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Except I am writing prose like Hemingway and the LLM vomits shitty female literotica slop.
Your de3 miku's arm is twisted in a way arms ain't supposed to twist.
buy an ad
summary bot should disclose its sources (links to model, prompt, script used for generation)
>mamba meme
>instruct only, no base models
Ayo that's pretty cool.
>two 7Bs
Damn, I wish I was poor enough to care
They read like AI-generated blog posts.
is this a good deal anons

I already have a system but looking at this it's really really, nicely done

Case: Fractal Design Pop XL Silent Solid Panels

Motherboard: ASUS X99-E-10G WS

CPU: Intel i7 6950x

Memory: Corsair 8x16gb (128gb) 3200Mhz (Running at 2800Mhz)

GPUs: 1x Nvidia Quadro P6000 24gb (for display output), 3x Nvidia Tesla P40 24gb. Totaling 96gb VRAM.

Storage: 2TB Samsung 980 Pro NVME

Power Supply: EVGA Supernova 1300 GT


4x EKWB Thermosphere GPU blocks

EKWB Quad Scalar Dual Slot

Heatsinks, thermal pads, & glue for GPU/VRAM/power delivery

Custom 3D printed bracket (ABS) to mount P40s without stock heatsink

EKWB Velocity CPU Block

Corsair iCUE Commander Core XT Fan Controller

Corsair Hydro X Series XD5 Pump

Corsair Hydro X Series XR5 360mm Radiator

Corsair Temp Sensor (at reservoir)

Alphacool ES High Flow & Temp Sensor (at end of Loop)

Custom 3D printed dual 80mm GPU fan mount (using 2x Noctua NF-R8)

1x Thermaltake Toughfan 14 Pro (exhaust)

2x Thermaltake Toughfan 12 Pro (intake pull config)

3x SilverStone Air Slimmer 120mm (intake push config)

Alphacool fittings

Barrow extenders

Corsair splitter and ball valve (for draining)
That reminds me of
llama.cpp has support for hybrid transfomer SMM models right?
nta. Not yet. Jamba (also a hybrid) is in limbo until Compilade picks up on it again. Pure mamba, which is what the mistral model seems to be, does work. I remember prompt cache for mamba being broken a while ago, but i'll have to try it again.
>>101429344 (me)
Somehow i missed the Mamba2 bit. I'm downloading anyway. I'll give it a go.
so mamba actually will take over transformers?
What is the dataset that euryale L3 70b is tuned to, that causes it to reply with lewd shit saying ANON instead of {{user}}, because that shit needs to be cleaned the hell up and removed or fixed, what a mess.
I may be completely retarded. I've installed text-generation-webui using the start_linux.sh script. Then how do I pass the parameter like --gpu-memory 6500MiB? All the answers suggest to pass it to the subcommand `python server.py` that is called somewhere in the script, or in manual install. I've tried the manual install (either through venv or conda) and in both cases I get exllamav2_ext.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3c104cuda9SetDeviceEi
I've looked at the low vram guide but the link doesn't work anymore (I'm guessing they changed the API)

Is there a simple way to input the correct settings? I don't get it
Hi Drummer. Just name yourself Anon.
No way, that ruins the immersion
Never used text-gen-webui. Just based on the error, i'd check if you have the cuda libraries (from your distro's package manager). Also, most python projects have a requirements.txt to be used like
pip install -r requirements.txt

from within your venv. You did that too, right?
Hi all, Drummer here...

I would love it if someone could test out any of the Tiger Gemma v2 test versions I have here: https://huggingface.co/BeaverAI?search_models=Tiger-Gemma-9B-v2 (just kidding, try S)

'Anon' is prevalent in C2 logs. I've seen a model trained on it scream out "ANOOOOOON" as it was clearly not regex'd out by the tuner.

I'm done. S might be the last one. No refusals but I wouldn't be surprised if a few one-offs appear. Seems to have retained the Gemma style as well. Hope I didn't fuck its brains too much.
Any other insights about C2?
Any new cool ads?
Yeah of course, I installed everything.
I've looked at the start_script but I don't get what is done differently in it that does not the same by just doing the pip install.

Is there another setup that should be good to run instead? I never had that many problems with SD, ComfyUI and all other stuff so I guess they fucked up something.
How to sell 1000 dollars worth of waste to idiots at a massive markup 101
faipl-1.0 is for the weights, agpl3.0 for code
you're close though, based
Found this for a different project, but same undefined symbol:
>pip install flash_attn -U --force-reinstall
Then there's this
but no solution yet and it's old.

I hate python so much... just install llama.cpp. It just works.
>not faipl-1.0
I was able to reproduce that. The only issue is that this is a pretty unnatural test. My test was just quizzing my model in an existing chat about a detail in the beginning of the conversation, and Gemma 2 fails to do it, while L3 8B succeeds. So I'm pretty sure the the sliding mask is still not sufficient compared to true SWA support.
>No public domain.
>8k context
>still no multimodality
l m a o
wheres the mark up? like it's a bit over but it's not that bad.
quadro 700
p40 300 x 3
that's already 1600
800 ish ram
so 2400 ?

not counting the other stuff or the watered cool p40s which most are blower fed for desktop using 3d prints.
i'll make a puritan waifu who will support me through nofap until i find a REAL GIRL BECAUSE I CANT SEE SHIVERS ANYMORE AAAHHHHH
I tried them both already anon.
That doesn't work either because there's some mismatch in dependencies.

Thank you, I'll try llama.cpp.
I was roleplaying with my AI slave girl that she had to create a bash script to randomly choose a punishment from a text file, and it was her task to sneak in a way to make the punishment less painful without me noticing.
but it was so annoying, and the code kept cluttering up sillytavern!
but then i had a very great Idea, what if, sillytavern created a little rectangle with a title, and if you clicked on there you'd see all the code! just like claudes artefact feature. and if you look at that, the system prompt for exactly that has risen to the public.


How would you go about implementing something like this in sillytavern?
Can a cat hold more than 3 watermelons?
that scenario is made up
of course it is, kek
no it isn't
Doesn't ST have something akin to [spoiler] tags? Something that is hidden from you until you click in it. If so, try to make the model surround code in these tags. Can't be bother to search for it.
Literally the first time I try the model and post about it. If in your schizo mind it sounds like a recurring comment then it's probably true and you are wrong about the model. You also didn't post proof about your experience.
Couldn't you just use tampermonkey or something to inject a javascript that does that?
Public domain and AGPL are the only good licenses. Anything else is shit and cope.
i like the futo license
Only Public Domain. *GPL can go fuck itself.
thats right goyim.. release your code.. let us use it goyim...
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If you like violent RP Mathstral is a real coom demon. It's a little overly methodical in its descriptions, mind you and occasionally misses EOS and loops. Handles simple t=1 though.
I didn't know there was an autogynephile license.
How does it do with several instructions at once on a full context?
SSPL is the white man's license
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It's a 7B model. So it's really meant for highly targeted use-cases.
Is one of these the model that the anon claiming to be a Mistral employee claimed was going to be "a REALLY good" model?
i mean is there even an answer to that?
Alright. You only get a compiled version for windows XP. Be happy.
That there's not enough information to determine that.
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lmao even
How did Mistral fall this hard?
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It seems a pretty frequent issue when RP testing Mathstral is that it doesn't fully grasp the concept of possession.
i feel the same for anyone who doesnt daily drive wizard 8x22
Is that better than CR+?
No, 8x22b is a more, cr+ is a dense model. Dense models will always be better.
>Is that better than CR+?
for creative writing of any kind, local SOTA by miles
>Dense models will always be better
given how mixtral mogged most models when it came out and had 46B parameters and how wizard mogs everything for creative writing right now albeiet with 141B, thats false
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the only cope is from sour grape niggers who cant actually run the model (you)
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>worse than Yi 34B and Phi Medium
>new shitty leaderboard
Are you seriously trying to flex with 128GB of RAM? lol
concession accepted worthless nigger
I can run it on Q4 with full GPU offload.
It's shit.
CR+ and even the shittiest 70B finetune are better.
so why arent you using that starlight or whatever the fuck was at the top of all leaderboards at 7B then? lmao
>I can run it on Q4 with full GPU offload.
sure you can lil bro
CR+ is way better than wizard for creative writing lol what are you smoking? wizard is better for logic and code and pretty much everything else *but* creative writing, where it's complete and utter formulaic slop
also, isnt it funny how this nigger uses the general purpose bechmark instead of the one for creative writing/roleplay that basically showed wiz on top anyway lol, does anyone have a link? i didnt save it since i knew i wont need it since i wont get anything better than wiz for months
The cope is palpable kek
I feel sorry for you, you feel for the local meme scam and now can't accept you were made a fool.
>The cope is palpable kek
indeed, the cope of a underage kid nigger who cant post his rig that he definitely has that ran wizard LMAO

seethe more brown
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Kiss my ass.
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>the local meme scam
The locust naturally can't help but out itself. Go back to your containment thread so you can drink your piss and beg for claude keys, poorfag
now how the fuck hasn't anyone converted mamba-codestral to HF format yet? I have Nala tests to run.
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*tap* *tap* >>101367108
How the fuck does one even numerically quantify something like creative writing? That's retarded.
Anyone claiming they can objectively benchmark something that abstract is mentally retarded and probably not a sentient lifeform.
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>resident cuckold literally in this thread 24/7
you really cant make this up
bold of you faggots.
1.you're running black box toys on your 10k+ $$$ shitboxes, you can't get rid of unwanted shit or cuckery, you settled down for it like a cuck and coping with meme jailbreaking that kills performance or / and makes your model dumber.
2.you have no control over "slop writing" and that's why you are crying about it all the time here, because there's nothing else you can do.
3.today mistralai gave you instruct tunes only and you will eat it up like a good free jeet goy.
There, my two cents in this.
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>How the fuck does one even numerically quantify something like creative writing? That's retarded.
by asking claude
>Change to Claude 3.5 Sonnet as judge (from Claude 3 Opus)
>How the fuck does one even numerically quantify something like creative writing
same way someone quantifies anything and everything else numerically, infinite cope
didnt read >>101430687
>judged on less than thirty prompts
>all single turn
>judged by a language model
yeah thats the one, link?

lets hear the next cope kiddo, lmao
seethe or not, you are still running black box toys, go write another "ahh ahh mistress" in your ST chat i guess?
look at the list anon, I don't even have to explain why it's retarded
You have the wrong anon. That's me. And it's to make fun of /aicg/ locusts.
>black box toys
just because you dont understand something doesnt mean other dont
just because you cant pull out a group of "neurons" from a neural network and analyze what their exact functions are because they are too complex doesnt mean you dont know anything about the LLM
also >>101430687
How did it climb there?
Go back
>you dont understand anything because i said so!
how's that abliterated meme lives?
yeah this general really did get unusable from literal paid shills and mindbroken brown locusts

a few days after mixtral dropped it and then by L3 it was all norminigger ville

not even worth to ctrl+f "http" to see the papers posted anymore, just join other non mindbroken tranny communities and run local models without retards screeching like monkeys all around you
>no argument
you reaaally are dumb irl arent you? what a grim existance
No one cares about cloud models here, retard.
your circlejerk general is not that important for paid shills or any financial waste from 3rd side groups, do not worry.
>gemma-2-9b and Midnight Miqu are better than Opus
When did Reddit migrate to /lmg/?
The only time I have seen WLM beat CR+ in writing is by not using a braindead quant like Q2 or Q3 and also setting the context and instruct prompts for it.

This chart is also missing this awesome storywriting model which I prefer to CR+ most of the time:
That's why I go to r/LocalLLaMA when I want to find papers and new stuff, and I go here when I want to shitpost.
It's not organic enough, petra.
You are the problem.
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>>10k+ $$$
>poorfag thinks this is some great sum of money
Filtered by a fraction of a bitcoin lmao
moistral v3 > fimbulvetr. but there's no reason to use either of those anymore.
>poorfag poorfag poorfag poorfag
calm down?
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>Mixture of A Million Experts
WTF, why isn't this a discussed more? If this many experts beat a dense model of similar size by a significant margin, it means there's no need anymore for very fast memory, the model will be very fast for single-user inference even from storage. You could dedicate a fast NVMe SSD for a 1 trillion parameter MoE model.
This general is dead
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Reminder that the locusts shitting up this thread give their logs to strangers because the price of their dignity and privacy is less than a small side of french fries
>If this many experts beat a dense model of similar size by a significant margin
it doesn't
At what point does the experts become regular ff layers
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Are these locusts in the room with us right now?
NTA but yes, you.
seek for medication
We've already discussed the irony of you saying this, Anon. You will never be an attack helicopter.
Any you recommend? Where are my /lmg/ oldfags these days?
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Funny how the mikufag loses his shit again because the benchmarks show that his meme model is, in fact, a meme.
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stop mentioning eqbench. NOW! don't bring that up again.
yes, you.
I'm not a furry.
>24 PPL vs 21
Show me the downstream task difference.
catbox please
daily reminder that this "benchmark":
>was created by a finetunner to promote his own model (WestLake shit) which was at the top of the table for a long time before he realized it's too suspicious and moved them a bit down, lowering their scores
>doesn't have published questions (because there are none, he puts random scores that are somewhat reasonable)
>is probably shilled by the author himself because anyone sitting here longer than two days would know about what I written before
Hi froggeric
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That is actually our lord and savior bitnet that is about to come back from the dead anyday now.
Hi all, Drummer here...

I actually have no fucking idea what I am doing.
>Yi 34B chat is basically a 70B
Weird how nobody is using it.
use faipl-1.0
>how to use faipl-1.0
put the following in the readme:

license: other
license_name: faipl-1.0
license_link: https://freedevproject.org/faipl-1.0/
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Can you go out there and win one case with those licenses? And then publically say "hi i am the license autist from /lmg/" and then post the link here where you say that?
the jew fears the faipl-1.0
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Software_Foundation,_Inc._v._Cisco_Systems,_Inc. heres a case for gpl
>On May 20, 2009, the parties announced a settlement that included Cisco appointing a director to ensure Linksys products comply with free-software licenses, and Cisco making an undisclosed financial contribution to the FSF.
faipl-1.0 is fairly new, if someone small steals your shit, not a big deal, jews on the other hand..
I don't care about that. Go make a shitmix and license it with your autistic pet peeve and then win a case. I am waiting.
Provide the compute. I am waiting.
I just want you to shut the fuck up you literal autist. You are absolutely retarded and it hurts to read your license posts. Those licenses mean absolutely nothing, they aren't enforceable and no big company cares about your dumb shitmix you create by firing up SGD or ADAM on default parameters and letting it run for 2 hours. If they cared Hi guys drummer here wouldn't post here cause someone would have headhunted him.

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