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Mozilla bakes an ad API (from Facebook) into firefox!


It's a fucking W3C standard. It's been on Safari for years.
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gee, i wonder why would they do that
Oh! It's fine then. Rape me.
It's a fucking view counter. What a pussy ass you are
Just use chrome at this point, jesus christ. Also if you're a white male Mozilla hate you anyways.
Can't rape the willing, anon.
Which standard?
What the fuck do they need 300 million development costs for when barely anything changes? Do they literally just feed some trannies with that?
>Status of this document
>It is neither a WHATWG Living Standard nor is it on the standards track at W3C.
pedantic cuck
Look up the wikimedia foundation expenses breakdown for a real laugh
It's not even published by a W3C working group.
How do you disable this on Android?
What does it matter? The only thing this scite does is anonymously track clicks on ads
Invalid argument. These blogs don't discuss this ads counter as a W3C standard. It's just something they created to measure the efficiency of their ads while promising some privacy. However, privacy isn't the priority here since they want a reliable way to measure their ads.
>being online
>anonymously tracking
yeah, sure, as if
Both of them hate you, but Chromium is actually performant. That's what matters to me at the end of the day.

Don't pretend these idiots are on your side. You are not fighting the system by suffering with inferior products.
so pale moon now until ladybird or a servo based browser comes out?
wtf i love google now
No one really uses Firefox except for Germans, so it's a net gain.
Care to try writing that again in English?
pale moon
>privacy preserving ad measurement
ad measurement is never privacy preserving
I dont care. I'm still posting hate speech with Librewolf and Fennec F-Droid.
fuck off
All the linux distros really should start including Librewolf/Ungoogled Chromium by default instead... (also an alternative to thunderbird since it's pozilla slop too)
that's one way to diversify your income.
Stupid fucking retard. Chrome/chromium has the same thing baked in.
Mozilla is just catching up.
[x] Castration ideology
[x] Censorship
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what is this horrendous shill? brave removes google ads to add their own
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$220 million in development expenses?!

Where is that money going? I certainly don't see it being reflected in the browser.
They have to make money some how. Its just not going towards tranny ideology
librewolf is too autistic. nothing gets saved. i dont want to login all the fucking time.
You can actually turn that back on in the settings
And yet developers/contributors don't see even 1 (one) cent of those millions of dollars.
SJWzilla is long dead, what (((they))) call "Firefox" is not Firefox no more. They are just laundering money for Google at this point.
Killing americans is standard behaviour in nazi germany. Should I start now?

*yawn* die
oh yeah i remember something else about it that was autistic, you couldn't use darkmode or something because it was an identifiable signal
dont get me wrong i like it, but its too much
Then don't register everywhere, dataslut.
Ladybird can't come fast enough
>In my view, part of our job is to protect people who don't have the privilege and background to understand the details of cryptography and tracking from being tracked.
>This feature aims to do just that, and is therefore, in my opinion deeply aligned with the mission. I'm sorry you feel differently.
Can someone explain to me why a feature that will give additional bits of identifiable information to sites are gonna make me less likely to be tracked than not having it at all?
Why firefox fanboys always forget that chromium source code is 100% foss which means you can also fork it?
So it's good cause chrome (which is bad) has it and therefore mozilla can add all the bad stuff they want as far as chrome have it first?
youre a brainlet if you think any random team can actually understand it or make significant changes to it. not even googlers that work full time on the browser understand how everything works outside their highly compartmentalized areas of expertise.
>The Chromium browser codebase contains over 32 million source lines of code, excluding comments and blank lines.
forking firefox and forking chromium is the same amount of work.
Dumb fuck retard.

All advertisements are bad. Any tool to help and to support the so called advertisement business are bad.

Advertisements are psychological manipulation tool to change the perception of things.

All and any form of commercial advertisements are bad and immoral.
Same goes for firefox.
Why are you replying to me?
That's what I said, I just can grasp how are firefox fanboys defending this cause chrome have it too.
WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT WHAT CHROME DOES, i don't and in no way justifies firefox adding an anti feature to the browser that no user want and, worse, making it opt-out.
>Where is that money going?
a jewish(satanic) ngo most probably
there is no way they have more than 10 programmers working on this shitty browser.
Because I was replying to a faggot who was asking firefox fanboys to switch to chrome. >>101424796
and 5 of them are furries
Not him but probably he's ironically stating that cause mozilla is reaching a point that there's no difference between them and google as neither care for your privacy.
For most companies, privacy and security are just marketing buzzwords, see for example how microsoft stated "built privacy into Recall’s design" then the data was stored in plain text on a file where all users had access to it.
Or in mozilla case: >>101428326 they try to sell this as a win for privacy, yet it's not better that not having it at all.
And they can't properly inform the users cause they're not gonna understand it... remind me when they partnered with cliqz and stated that if users know they're being spied on the data will be skewed so they needed to hide all branding related to cliqz to prevent that. (germany only experiment)
Fuck mozilla and fuck google and specially fuck the current state of the internet.
Who cares? I'll accept code from satan itself if it's good code.
>Fuck mozilla and fuck google and specially fuck the current state of the internet.
the point is mozilla is one of the few defenders of the good standards on the W3C and other fields
the most important part of firefox is not the browser is that they are part of all those web polizy groups
(which btw probably explain a ton of expenses, attending those technical working groups uses a ton of work time)
people complain about dei and other crap but the problem with mozilla full of those parasites consultants in the csuites are that those have the wrong mentality regarding those standards, what is the open web
those csuit fuckers probably couldnt even really contemplate a non feedback of the add engagement, bc their brains are wired to the neolib corpo slop. So when proposed shit like this the try to make it the way that is somewhat private, but they wont oppose directly to it as it should have been
so of course they actually see it as a win for privacy
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Uh huh
Any reasons to not just use Mull and Librewolf?
we live in a world were organizations like wikipedia beg for money so they can afford to grind up more toddlers on the sly but it's illegal to boycott them in the most """""""based""""""" states
fuck religion

religious freaks at wikipedia, witch hunt organization against free knowledge
i am seething
>mozilla is one of the few defenders of the good standards on the W3C
Mozilla just care about how it's perceived by its users if they think they can fuck all their users privacy and get away with it they'll do without hesitation.

This is why I was so happy to see the FUTO fags gave ladybird an extra 200k grant. They need to hire more people NOW.
>he uses dark mode
just install a theme
I swear macniggers ruined an entire generation of computer users
Wow, with a FPWP like that, I can't POSSIBLY turn it down!
>lets mozilla rape my entire computer for data harvesting I won't see a single red cent of returns on
So convenient!
read what i write, they probably actually believe that they keep fighting for privacy and the open web, they are just unable to understand what really privacy is
just think how brainwashed the medium consultant it is
The internet is not anonymous and private as it was before.
You can't start a social media account without actual way to provide some sort of ID, and some right away demand passport.
Even if you try burners and such you'll stand like sore thumb.
Even this site log everything, you just keep using it.
Then why should we give a fuck about your infected STD ridden ass?
Kill yourself, faggot. Disgusting time-leech, we've got better things to do than fix your diet, R-E-T-A-R-D. You are retarded.
Just tried Librewolf. It makes all the same DNS requests as Firefox.
That's fine I still have it block html5 data (oh nooo, I can't play gay bullshit youtube trend slopp.io! Damn, I care.)
bruh just install/make a theme wtf
Why should WE care about yours? You're the uninspired, unoriginal majority.
>just untick that option
Opt out instead of opt in is a rapist mindset.
What do I switch to instead of Firefox? Is there an actually safe browser fork? Or do I just get raped?
>goy, its a standard.

still not updating.
You said it yourself, stop talking, freakish piece of disgusting garbage.
this part is unironically spyware on levels that this new thing will never come even close
Firefox is controlled opposition and only exists to guard google from monopoly accusations.
The OCSP security certificate update checkbox is also hindering on the way to libredom. Certificates in itself are a major scam if you ask me. The authority is american probably, I doubt they would allow a russian certificate in the future, so scrap the whole concept asap and reinvent it without america
this is seriously naive. advertisers will use this as just another datapoint to create a unique user fingerprint.
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What did Mozzarella mean by this?
I've got an idea:
Abgeordnetenwatch for developers that infringe the freedom of users.
You are a developer that took the freedom of users away? You cooperate with the feds?
Congratulations, you made it onto a censorship resistant high score list!

The people selling your data, the data of your family and friends, everybody you know, have names. They have addresses. And I think they shouldn't be a secret.
>Users benefit
Yes. Advertisers are internet users. Great rhetoric mudwrestling skills, dykes.
With those mental gymnastics you can claim whatever you want to be beneficial to the users.
Killing yourself largely benefits everybody, that's a hard fact, but an important one.
On one hand less wasted resources and carbon emissions, on the other hand the death user doesn't need to worry about work, money and all those shitty little things of being alive anymore.
un-alive yourself today.
because chromium is just the renderer, the rest is closed source
No, Blink is the renderer, chromium is more than that.
Everyone just needs to switch over to ladybird instead.
lol im fucking done with mozilla at this point
they are not fit for purpose and i want to see heads roll
why is mozilla trying to help the advertising industry?
i want to see actual fatalities over this
the people at the helm are former consultants, of course they really think it that way, they are corpo braindeads >>101428796
>There's no tracking involved here because nobody outside the local machine gets any individualized data, just aggregate counts.
blatant lie by the Firefox CTO - it works by sending data to a mozilla proxy server which sends aggregate data to advertisers
that is, you have to trust mozilla
ads are disgusting
>I'm a filthy rich corporation and, as such, my products, ideas, and my vision of the world have to be in your head!
>While other people have their good things spread organically by word-of-mouth, I get to bypass this natural way of things by bombarding you with ads!
>I DESERVE this unique privilege because I have money!

I love how out-of-touch I am with mainstream stuff. I bet they're seething because the billions they spend in ads don't make it to me and I don't buy their product or submit to their worldview.
Can't wait for some retard to cope by repeating the biggest lie that advertisement companies ever told.
>muh public exposure
Every time an ad manages to get through to me (happens maybe twice a year at most) I make a mental note to never buy a product from that company just out of spite. Also if you're getting endorsed by youtubers I also avoid your shit like the plague.
Also reminder about that one time Uber accidentally didn't advertise for over a month and saw user sign ups increase after they stopped advertising.
You will be surprised how stupid is the people, specially the ones that follow influencers, Can't really say the name but a company I worked on used more influencers than standard ads and every single time they did a campaing with one the visits and sales skyrocketed, the products were shit and there was way better and cheaper alternatives and it was crystal clear the influencer was trying to sell you a product that barely knew nor care about, yet people had to have one cause some random youtuber have one.
I lost all hope in humanity in that work.
Do you still work in the industry/have some insights? I have noticed that a lot of people are becoming very skeptical of youtuber advertised products but I don't really buy it having much impact on the companies actual bottom line. Feels like the ritualistic bitching about modern video games before preordering the next AAAA slop desu.
Almost 2 years since I left that job, my part was done and got out as soon as I could cause they were changing my job to trivial site changes and flashy stuff to lure visitors to buy crap, and it was crap, and the product images and descriptions were quite dishonest.
What I can tell you is that 2 years ago the amount of traffic and actual sales from influencers campaigns were huge and I saw some of the campaigns and felt more fake that some crazily bad infomercials.
We also had a system where recommending the product got you some cash (if it ended on sale) with special links or "promo" codes the system was quite crazy cause the rates were different depending on when or if you were refereed from other user, it also can drop depending of a lot of different factors... almost felt like a pyramid scheme.
is it over?
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Brave's money doesn't go to trannies??? Sauce??
"You could have prevented this" was firefox 57 release, "it's too late" was probably opt-out telemetry, cliqz experiment and other fuck ups.

CEO and founder of Brave.

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>It's happening
Eh, if it's not guaranteed contractually these e-celebs can turn on a dime, if they don't sell the company first.
Gonna be honest it's always astounded me that affiliate marketing like that isn't outright illegal since every time you peer behind the curtains it's just Mafia like business strategies top to bottom. Thanks for your reply anon.
Trying to diversify their funding seems like a worthwhile goal
He's responsible for creating the internet you use today. He's not an "e-celeb" but an actual figure. Your javascript that you use to order the pizza. Your browser that you use today. Its because of him.
... and he helped produce FF which is full of troons and furries, apparently. Now he sells ads.
Wow! My hero!
>Your javascript that you use to order the pizza. Your browser that you use today.
Got it so he's even worse than any run of the mill e-celeb.
True. He should have developed a libre-free js so that we can order our pizzas.
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Omegalol@Brave being "no money for troons"
Little off topic, but it's funny how "free-speech" before always described the same thing before but now changes highly its mean depending on who uses the word.
I miss the times when you where against someone ideas yet defended its freedom to say them.
I had hope that firefox market share plummeting to certain level will force mozilla to pay attention to its users as they were ignoring them for some time.
Now I know the truth, they'll keep going till the money runs dry before searching a new project to parasite.
So it's happening and will continue happening till google gets a monopoly accusation and decide firefox is no longer of use for them.
At that point the project will probably change hands maybe to the Linux Foundation as they're already maintaining servo.
What a little slut
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>tfw the Brendannet want's me to starve
>I had hope that firefox market share plummeting to certain level will force mozilla to pay attention to its users as they were ignoring them for some time.
Why would they when their pimp Google is going to fund them even if literally 0 people on earth use their browser?
>So it's happening and will continue happening till google gets a monopoly accusation and decide firefox is no longer of use for them.
Most definitely yes.
thats no excuse to implement it
Google/George Soros will keep funding them so they can use that money as proxy to fund transgender ideology. Thats where 90% of their money is going towards
Don't bother to reply him, it's not even a standard there's an UNOFFICIAL DRAFT for it that's all.
implying they wouldn't throw more at it if they could. its just that a couple billions is nothing to google even if stock owners would probably be happier if they got that as dividends instead
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apparently these are there for me. must be something in a more recent version
that's, iirc, the GPC it only work on some US states (i think the list was quite sort like 3-5 states)
Orange shill lion will win
>What you get out of this?
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Its what firefox used to be, you can still use addons in these
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Didn't read the thread but I just thought you should know that I'm sticking with Firefox with my custom user.js and there's NOTHING you can say that will change my mind
>They have to make money some how.
Right away with the cope after being called out.
>is all we have.
Who's we?
this plappable bitch is right, use librewolf
has no one here heard of beacons?
well you got 1 of them right.
librewolf or thorium on desktop, cromite on phone
pill me on cromite
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and on facebook's side of things, i bet theres a large overlap of users who dont use any facebook services but use firefox
bromite stopped being developed a while ago and cromite stepped in - do your own homework.
nah 'm good
Never liked firefox. Scrolling always stuttered. Good fucking riddance I guess.
Am I missing something here? It's (in its current form) just a setting in about:config. Can you not just turn it off like the other garbage everyone turns off after a fresh install of Firefox?
Fucking hell... I just switched from Edge to Firefox.
Time to install Floorp.
>Edge to Firefox
Why? You need to go the other way. Edge is a great browser.
Scrolling was fixed on 4x or early 5x versions with the apz** flag the feature was enabled by default on 57 (to make it feel like deprecating xul/xpcom has improved performance).
**apz (Asynchronous pan and zoom)
Yes you can turn it off, yet they have made it opt-out and stated that they didn't want to explain the feature to the users nor show a pop up or some other mechanism to ask users to chose whether they want to enable it or not cause they feel like letting users take a conscious decision is detrimental for mozilla's values.
Use another browser for those retard
>I'll accept code from satan itself if it's good code.
this. the whole point of FOSS is that it doesn't matter who made the code, as long as it's useful and can be learned from.
What? Killing Jews was standard behavior, and not really, because they mostly kicked them out or ostracized them.
The US had a fucking National Socialist party for a while even.
Just how underage are you Jesus fucking Christ?
>removes google ads to add their own
That's literally false.
>letting users take a conscious decision is detrimental for mozilla's values.
Mozilla's values being stock values, of course.
>I miss the times when you where against someone ideas yet defended its freedom to say them.
These days, you can just pay a bot farm to spam blatant disinformation wherever you think your agenda needs pushing the most. Very few if any talking points now are born from organic interactions
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Disabled it and moved on with my life.
Well shit.
it is true but optional, not sure why you're lying on the internet
you can earn BAT for viewing brave ads
He tried to salvage the situation but the freak show gang kicked him out in a week anyway
Why I forced myself to use Firefox for so long after that I don't know but modern Firefox is a mere subreddit of what Firefox used to be, complete with jannies and temper tantrums.
Won't uBlock Origin still block them regardless?
see you again next month when we have to do this shit all over again

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