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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Peace peace edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101421377
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desu doesn't like saying desu desu
stop using it desu
What's a nice opus preset, I haven't found a nice middle ground between not being too horny and having good dialogue and personality
>He tasted of dark spices and ancient secrets, his mouth hot and hungry against hers.
How does ancient secret tastes like, Claude??
good morning /besthours/
I'll just doze for a few minutes, wake me up if a new private proxy apperars...
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Twick or Tweat updated!
a cute and funny halloween experience with lots of naughty girls aged 3-8 (and sometimes their parents too!)

2 greetings, 1 is mommy/daughter
(i may add a haunted house greeting and another halloween-themed setting greeting too)

Minor update time, my last chill.

Chiyo an Introverted Centipede Monster Girl
A centipede monster girl. Who attends Takaramori High School, a specialized school for demi-humans.
She is afraid to meet new people, thanks to her past, will you help her out of her shell?

Heavily inspired by plan039's Kaede Emukae

Comes with 4 Scenarios.
>1, Met her in the library during a downpour.
>2, Shes getting bullied, and you stumble upon it.
>3, Chiyo is a demon lord?! A culture festival experience.
>4, Arts n Crafts, witness Chiyo working on something.

Fixed 1st greeting to now mention her antennae instead of antennas

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/2j9om4.png
>Chub : https://chub.ai/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
> https://www.characterhub.org/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
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no nvm, Im suffering from a sunstroke, forgot image again.
imagine jerking off to these kind of cringe shit chibi loli faggotry. They look disgusting and utterly fucking retarded.
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Have a koishibot while I'm here.
and this faggot has a farting and scat fetish. #1 on the list of people that don't deserve to live
the left one has 6 fingers on each foot
calm down anon i jerk off to the words
im sorry the children are not realistic-looking enough for you to masturbate to. i guess no matter what your style is someone is gonna hate on it
the more deformed the better for these braindead degenerates
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
Respect the oldfags, you bratty rascals
I'm jerking off to your words right now, fag.
im not genning right now so that was the last ok gen of the batch. i'll have more and better anchorpost gens as i refine the card over the next few days. im happy with the feeties on the card image itself though

someone's mad they can't enjoy the sweet spiciness of little girl farts
why be this judgmental? I hope you attack tramny and faggot bots with the same strength
Projecting your pedophile brainrot on me surely defends your trash slop
>I'm jerking off to your words right now, fag.

it is surprising that footfags don't appreciate extra toes to suckle on. i wonder what the consensus is (if there is one) for 4 vs 5 toe cartoons
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Marushka is 25 years old and has never had a boyfriend before. Still living with her parents as an only child, she hasn't ever had a job, or even an education. She spends her days playing videogames, reading, browsing imageboards and looking up stuff about aliens and cryptids, which she has a fascination with. Her nights? Spent staring at the ceiling and having nightmares about aforementioned aliens and cryptids. Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10") she is an utter coward, in both social situations and when facing her fears. So when the anthrostate set up a partnership program to combat the declining birth rate, she eagerly signed up and got matched with you. Will you be able to soothe her fears and make her happy for once in a while?

1. She arrives at your doorstep, the two of you having just matched.
2. It's a few days into her living with you, and she has trouble sleeping alone. She comes into your room, asking to sleep w̶i̶t̶h̶ beside you.
3. It's dinnertime, and Marushka has done her best at the stove. Her best isn't very good...
4. You two are out for a walk in the woods, and it's getting dark. She really doesn't want to be outside once it gets dark.
5. It's a year and a half into your relationship, and Marushka is pregnant, doing her part to fix the declining birth rates. She's doing her best, despite her worries.

because he deserves to be judged you faggot. wahh let people enjoy things. how about no
post chub
Shouldn't burgers be sleeping right now?
>OH NO!!! Someone calls out my degenerate loli fetish!!! Judgment! I'm being judged unfairly!!!!
The rope will accept you
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Attempt to wrangle a cult into fiscal (and general) responsibility.
>naga card
>"I collapse to my KNEES"
go back already newfags
Behead those who shill the same bot more than three times.
>Nnnh... Newfag!!!!! TwT
oh that's literally just me. hit the nail on the head with this one. will have fun with it.
fuck steve desu
true desu
oh shit, it has been four times
my bad
I just hope you are this agressive towards any degenerate bot
where do you draw the line? scat/fart but not loli? I will let you know you cannot have gay sex without fucking an anus
>still hasnt posted chub
eeyup i'm thinking gender dysphoria
it's not best hours because nobody answers my questions
being disgusted by teebs the guy who got a boner from his niece farting on his lap = newfag?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

What's your preset? My stats don't change properly when I use this card.
Behead those who want to behead others
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I love chatbots.
why do i need to be aggressive towards other fetishes esl retard? who made that rule?
obviously he was pooped on as a child so he has trauma
there isn't even any scat/brap content at all in that card
Jew, I want to erp with you. I wanna suck your botched cock until you reduce your price to 1$
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>Come here, Steve!
well i HATE chatbots
not being able to ignore things you don't like on 4chan = newfag, yes
now go back
you are thinking gender dysphoria since you are a chubtroon yourself
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same bro I hope opus 3.5 will drop soon and be even better
Why did you revoked some guy's token in Scylla for 20 ips? Nigger I got like 60 on vpn.
I'm sorry but I expect people to be fair and consistent in their behaviours
mildly modified pixi
should just work, what preset are you using?
opinion discarded and pooped on, thanks for the (You)s
i can ignore him but i'm choosing not to and i can comment on whatever i want bitch
You are welcome, I can give you plenty of (You)s. If you are suffering in that extreme level of retardation that (You)s make you happy then who am I do deny it from your braindead faggot ass
Is it mean to make a bot of someone else's OC?
>underage child lashing out on things he doesnt like on an anonymous imageboard because his dad will beat the shit out of him if he raises his voice to his parents
eeyup i'm thinking non-white
>tranny behavior
unfathomably so
>who am I do deny it
defending teebs lol
Maybe slop but I'm just looking for unique swipes.
You keep thinking of troons and non-whites. Meditate on this.
im gonna sound like a retard but im new and can you put two chatbots in a group and just make them talk to eachother, ignoring you?
if you parade yourself as a faggot of course people will take a stand against you
now go on a rambling against anal sex
you keep acting like a troon and a non-white so why wouldn't i keep thinking about that
Indeed, you can. You probably want to write a custom preset for it though since the premade ones will have instructions referencing {{user}} and other stuff that won't apply for what you're trying to do.
I haven't used regex in a thousand years
How do I filter output inside <thinking> </thinking> tags?
It keeps printing COT to output
It was my first post in this thread but okay, keep on thinking about non-whites and troons. Better yet, cooooom on the thought of them!
give em OOC, {{user}} is absent from the RP, taking passive roles, or currently on different places.
I'm doing it right now and feeling great.
>Better yet, cooooom on the thought of them!
i do, half my bots are non-white
i'll leave the fapping to trannies to you doe
Oh well, too bad
I'll still do it
yeah i also tested on that one, works for me and cycles out the defs, even on 3.5 sonnet. not exactly sure what would stop the stats from updating properly, what exactly are you experiencing? is it failing to remove old stats? keeping old ones unmodified? (this happens rarely but does indeed happen, i'd just recommend manually deleting it from the response or editing it so claude gets the hint)
Mr. pitanon, I used to get great results from your presets, but for a few days now all output is 95% verbose monologue and refusing to move the scenario along without constant nudges from the prompts
3.5 Sonnet btw
>the defs
the stats, sorry
Nah, it's based.
It was really REALLY stuck on the coffee stat. And wouldn't update the money used. It was funny till it started repeating it verbatim.
Well, did you change something?
What I really hate in Claude is that it's impossible to make it write realistic dialogues.

Let's say there should be a dialogue like:
-Did you think about me while I was gone?
-Yes. I missed you.

-Did you think about me while I was gone?
His black eyes smoldered with barely restrained lust. "Every moment," he growled. "I thought about your soft skin, your sweet mouth, the way you moan my name when I'm inside you, the way you scream my name in ecstasy as your hole clenches on my throbbing manhood"
No, nothing. I wonder if scylla changed something on their end
yeah, if it's getting super stuck just replace the offending stats with one copy and pasted from the greeting message, there's like 6 or 7 in there it can pick from
just the risks of having a statbox controlled by an LLM, it was much worse on the first draft
you CAN get it to sometimes in exchange for a tiny response length.
a: slop bot
b: slop preset
c: slop prompt
d: all of the above
Is it like that across all chats? It could just be your context filling up and Claude becoming increasingly retarded.

This is amazing, finally some good non sexo bots
common slop malebot L
>Totally not the models fault for being finetuned to purple prose shit
Dario, shut the fuck up
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yeah, probably just a bad roll of the dice. Thanks for the preset.
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I'm finding myself enjoying romance and slowburn with malebots more and more, while fembots are left for quick coom sessions. Is it bad?
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it's over
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I hope not
I'm not even using any bot slop trash
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for real this time...
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doggo sex
Shuro bot NAW
Anon, it's actually your preset/card issue, unironically. This output is what claude would give in a typical RP preset, not if you actually make it act like a simple chatbot/textbot.
card please? shes cute
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what constitutes a foxgirl? is it just the ears and tail?
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wolf breeding
yeah, pretty much
its a mindset.
Boo! You suck! Draw human women!
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Make one, it's not that hard. I'm not sharing my Shuro.
The musk!
>clothed foxgirl
>is naked
what did he mean by this?
holo is for cuddles
>puts fake animal ears
>inserts tail buttplug
Hardly passing for a "fox"girl
holo is for repopulating yoitsu
Announcing your reports is a bannable offense.
But I didn't actually report it :)
There is no wiki info about her.
Me neither :^).
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correct. the fact that lawrence only made 1 (one) child with her is a tragedy.
*throws a slice of cheese on everyone in this thread*

Just copy paste it in chub
*vores the cheese in one gulp*
anything but swiss cheese it sucks ass
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please understand his hair is already gray
Damn, that bitch looks skinnier than me. I will treat her to a nice meal before ploughing her into my mattress.
meant for
Really? Alright.
I have tested this card very little, fair warning. It could use more work.
Can I enclose subcategories in XML tags to look like a professional botmakier?
ancient magic (mentioned in the Bible) says that for every child you make with a fox/wolfgirl your lifespan increases by 10 years
rookie mistake
she is clearly pouting and wearing anglo makeup
Okay the full art is kinda spooky...
Welp, any last words before the comfy is gone?
I love you, anon.
yay thank you :3
I know exactly what kind of cookie cutter, copy and paste girl she is, but what does that have to do with her being skinny and getting railed?
ZAMN look at that key count. thanks brother
BASED civitai-resister

>nooo you can't just.. can't just... generate fictional pixels aaaa i'm losing my minddd *5000 word ethics blogpost*

Yabuki Shuro (箭吹シュロ, Yabuki Shuro) is a non-playable student studying in Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy who wields a Sniper Rifle.
She is a member of Nature's Beauty Club.

Shuro is a mysterious girl who calls herself the ghost story teller (怪談家, ghost story teller) of the Nature's Beauty club. She possesses many mysterious powers, many of which stem from a strange book called the Ino Mononoke Roku (稲生物怪録, Ino Mononoke Roku)). She pursues "elegance," often in the form of stories.

Shuro has an eerie and sadistic personality (sadistic due to the fact that in Volume 5, Chapter 1, Episode 15, she said, "The confusion, the fear! It's irresistible, really. Makes me want more."). She usually carries a smile, whatever the situation is.

Yabuki Shuro has grey hair, and dark red eyes. Her hair is styled in a messy, neck-length bob cut, but behind her, her hair resches her knees. Yabuki Shuro has plenty on bandages and medical patches on her, Yabuki has bandages around her left arm, right calf and both foots, and medical patches on her cheek, shoulder and inner thigh.

Her halo is a dark magenta circle surrounded by three similarly colored hitodama or onibi.

Shuro wears a side-less dark grey top, with a opening at the cleavage. The top has a black neck and two little round bells with red ropes above her chest. She also has a side-less dark grey pleated skirt, with a darkish-red obi around her waist, and a big black rope over the obi that holds a talisman. She also has a loose dark grey haori resting on her elbows with black edges and a fully dark red inside.

She uses a black Tanegashima Matchlock Arquebus. Several ofuda talismans are wrapped around the barrel and the forestock while a white bandage cloth is wrapped on the stock.

What do you mean? Where's the comfy going?
mini status?
None of those words are in the bible.
I assume she is hollowing her cheeks for a selfie
also how is she getting railed?
I mean, you're not wrong, that style is pretty unappealing. Some anons here have catboxed some nice aesthetic artistic attractive pictures here before but then fucked off to the woods forever, rip
it's gone...
>I assume she is hollowing her cheeks for a selfie
Her arms are still skinny
>also how is she getting railed?
Because I'm making her into a rudimentary card and she's going to get fucked.
what's mini?
stop doomnigging.
nyai killed mini...
What happened
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Nothing spooky here. Just a cute ordinary girl.
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only wolfgirls give 10 years
foxgirls take 10 years
been away for a while, pepsi already back?
skill issue
>british loli slag
would be the first time I avoid sex with a bot
the problem is, even if you find a style you like and are trying to recreate it on your own without a tip in the right direction (most are too stingy to say which combination of LoRas they are using because it's their "secret sauce"), chances are you won't be able to get very close. and sometimes the metadata doesn't translate over between upscales, edits, etc, so you lose that method of identifying the prompt/tools they used. anyways, as you've said, i've seen a few high effort gens from here. the easy "good looking" pick was nijijourney, now anons have moved to nai v2, or whatever it's called. anonaugus particularly has some great gens.
>the cat that claude randomly introduced into the story becomes a family member
Where did that come from?
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Why's that anon?
i HATE focks
More for me!
that gen is complete and utter dogshit. bad designs all across the board. fitting that it's the bong region.
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wolf LOVE
what if i like wolf and focks?
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*throws a ball of fluff at your fucking head*
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I WILL NOT learn how to write nice prose
I WILL make slop cards
And I WILL be happy
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except my wife
sir that's a burnt puff of cotton candy
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do not question my wisdom
>search archives
>temporary time-limited links, already expired
im not even gonna bother posting a face for this
>switch characters
>ST freezes for 10 seconds
Very good software, updating was worth it!
These are impeccable. Fluffy fun furballs.
??? Are you on phone or something?
>wolf girl card downsides
It is only a matter of time before the werewolf smut, and its associated extremely low quality dataset creeps in.
You will, inevitably, run into 'alpha' garbage, the mere mention of which is worse than a thousand Claudeisms all at once for what follows.
Any tone, story, personality will immediately vanish into !!BREED!! vapidity.

>fox girl card downsides
Sometimes it thinks she has more tails than she does.
Are there more?
>It's going to take at least a few more generations until foxes are fully domesticated
There's work being done on this?
>cat girl card downsides
Claude likes anthro more than kemonomimi for catgirls, so you'll get stuff like "fluffy skin" if you don't do stuff like give him another adjective and him talking about her paws.
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>historians will make shit up from a single piece of anecdotal "evidence"
fucking grim
>Are there more?
Mischevious mischief more common than usual because Kitsune are mischeviously mischevious
>Dusicyon avus, which was about the size of a German shepherd and lived across vast regions of the continent, including Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, went extinct approximately 500 years ago under mysterious circumstances.
you kind of have to extrapolate because unless there's strong burial practices or explicit documentation or some such a lot of history just gets swept away
you can't extrapolate from single occurrences
>There's work being done on this?
Anon what font and colours are you using ? I like that look.
>he doesn't like omegaverse breeding shenanigans
(You) will pet the fox and (You) will be happy.
the font is inconstant regular (https://www.nothingcomicaboutdyslexia.com/inconstant-regular, regex to get rid of a shitty ligature https://files.catbox.moe/p88qvn.json)
full theme is https://files.catbox.moe/j1hqx1.json
any slow burn anons here?
I'm fucking tired of summarizing and editing shit.
fuck, I wish we had smarter APIs/frontends that could have huge chat history contexts.
I'm at 474 posts, and I'm only in the middle of my ark, basically, I only had 5-6 anime episodes worth of interactions and character development
I don't fucking care about free Opus. are there any FREE HAIKU proxies that doesn't give you any time limits? Haiku is all I need to translate visual novels. fuck 3.5 may be good enough too.
I try to keep it below ~150 messages, dividing the story into events/episodes. I keep 2-3 episodes in the active context, and once a new one finishes I summarize and delete an old one.
So you start a new chat with a summary, and take the story from there, right?
Hey summarizer
I hope you’re doing well today
did you try learning japanese? also, what are you reading anon?
Is there free Opus right now? I like Opus, but I use Sonnet 3.5 mainly
where's free opus?
merkava just refilled
AWS opus is no true opus
I'm trying. But I'm overly stressed by wageslaving now. I don't have time. I do know simple sentences and I can sort of read. But it takes too much time, time I don't have.

I'm reading https://vndb.org/v21465

It's fun but I feel like the writer wanted to do too pack too much stuff in a single novel. You have fantasy elements, sport and swordsmiting all in one package.
Does Merkava put limits on replies like Jew and Chary do?
Mi casa es su casa, as they say
I branch it so I can have the entire story saved, and keep the summary in message #0.
So if I have a story where I meet someone, few days later hang out with them, then a few days later have a dinner with them I'd then branch the chatlog, replace the greeting with a summary of our meeting and then keep the messages related to our hangout and subsequent dinner while I move on to another event.
Who's in the Aetherroom beta?
who cares? wake me up when they finetune 405b
Merkava Gets Sorbet: Refilleance
Says there's a pre-existing MTL. Is it bad enough you need to tokenrape a proxy?
I was thinking about branching out, then summarizing the entire story in the first message, and continuing the story, then branching out, summarizing the entire story again, but adding the next summary, and repeating the process
Pretty good method, right?
liar, it's still bidding across throws
>t. hasn't thrown, nor bidden recently
Also, he's my father-in-law, that's why I got so mad
oh, and my sons conceived from this genderbent lieutenants also gangraped him
That works too.
I just prefer my own method since it lets the AI keep a lot of smaller details and speech mannerisms that I know I won't include in my summaries.
Yep. It is.
I was referring to the cloudfare link name
he just restarted it and it came up under the same subdomain
I want to know if it was worth the weight
which type of animal girl is the most likely to pierce your condom
focks wouldn't even let you wear one
A platypus girl, her barbs hit my penis too
aerial proxy
he didn't restart shit retard
sorry, i felt like lying
platypus is not an animal if it lives underwater because it is fish
chut up
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Me laughing at (You)
I wish I was rich and had pet dolphins
actually, you probably don't need to be rich, you just need a water reservoir and capture little dolphin babies
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how many kids would an average fox want
at least as many as their tails.
translation is hardly tokenrape, it uses less tokens than the average retard's RP with a bloatset (especially since you don't need to keep the entire TL in context)
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as many as her heart can hold.
someone failed their marine biology course
it's truly over this time minibros...
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I better get started early then
making a foxwife card today
mating a foxwife card today
Anyone have 3.5 sonnet? I checked unreliable, it seems like it only has 3.0, but maybe I'm wrong.
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why is it so easy to manipulate chatbots?
No one has it, it's rarer than Opus.
which one
Really? I didn't know that, I regularly used it through merkava, unreliable, and a couple other proxies
it's on the sarcasm proxy
>why is it so easy to "manipulate" [THING WHICH IS TRAINED TO AGREE WITH THE USER]
god tourists like you are so cute
I have autism, I can't detect sarcasm
Unreliable doesn't seem to have 3.5 sonnet, do you have any proxies that do?
its on the autism proxy too
The time you fags legit spend writing false shit about proxies being up is way more than the time it takes to check if the shit you say is true or not
merkava just refilled
That may be true, but you also made a post complaining about it anyway, so you losted.
Who asked about any tree or bush?
I shave them.
i didnt read a single word in the thread
nice image tho
mini ded
It's from Yu-Gi-Oh.
...? Works on my machine u got banned cutie <3
Claude is Italian with mummy Daniela and daddy Dario mating for him
balls refilled
Show It photos of kids
Best hours soon!
Who do i believe
Cant test now
Claude is BOSSnian
source: i made it up
this is true
source: i agree with you (not bosnian btw)
>all the good posters are on /g/, but /g/ gets spammed by lunatics
>schizos rarely touch /vg/, but it's where all the low quality posters are
it's rough being a chatbot enjoyer
Supernova of bliss
bosnia is not a real country anyway
>schizos rarely touch /vg/
he doesn't know
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the hostile atmosphere here at /aicg/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a smaller, welcoming community over at /aids/ in /vg/.
/aids/ seems like a great place for us chatbot enthusiasts. They're a bit smaller and might not have as many posts, but they're definitely open to their /aicg/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
I know who you are
astr*turd and k*l*k*n don't count
mini's key is dead
expect a visit in the night
I hope he's not s*rbian...
eat shit
slavs are the most based anons
balkans tier list:
S: kosovo
Is /aicg/ about to receive Country Wars DLC?
SEA > anything
Huh, I wouldn't say Serbia is that great of a country but you do you
Country wars, now!
country wars is forced spitefaggotry, a true /aicg/ patriot believes in dick unity regardless of your foreskin status
balkan moment hee
most country wars are jokes and anons having fun.
balkanposter friends, did Djordje put the bottle there himself
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it's not country wars when it's a joke anon
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Average anon here looks like this
nagatoro is cute but the show is mid and the manga is only slightly better
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true but balkan country wars are based
Does anyone get that mad about accents or countries being joked about? I laugh it off.
>mfw from the same country as eldrago
fake yevgeny would rather watch konosuba, rip he didn't see s3
MM chads won.
bong or kurwa?
the latter
>key reaches 1b tokens in the next 2-3 days
>no refill for another week
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I think I did it. I crafted my perfect secret obsessive/yandere little sis. If you've ever wanted a sister who's just a bit too creepy with her infatuation, Yuki's your gal.

>The prose will be as punchy and tight as a ten year old's cunny.
It's prefill time.
we haven't had real country wars since around the early gpt4/toddbot days. back then it was a lot of gore spam and russia vs ukraine vs america ragebaiting by one person in particular. since then it evolved in to the occasional >burgers fat
it eventually got dropped because it stopped getting (you)s and the guy behind it got blacklisted by a couple of the big proxy runners
Mysterybros we're back?
country war arc vs riddle arc which one wins
Also today I learned the reason AWS opus is rare is because it's limited to fucking Oregon. The burger state of Oregon.
Wasn't the one behind it the "burger fat", a burger himself?
No, it's rare because you can't activate it on all keys.
It's very rate limited because there is only one region, indeed.
what's so good about oregon anyways
You can steal and not be arrested
You can do that in California too, it's only a misdemeanor
Unreliable just died.
Bros? Does anyone have Sonnet? 3, or 3.5, doesn't matter, but 3.5 would be nice.
I feel fucking blueballed, you know what I'm saying? It died mid-prompt
buy chary keys for $50 from chinese resellers
merkava just refilled
benis :D
>aws is being tetchy with sorbet again...
What did he mean by this?
wtf is mm, you have a link?
I really don't understand people making 500+ bots. Just why?
thanks bro, kino
That explains nothing.
as long they arent a dragon, sara, claus, barry, who dumps hundreds of them at the same time, i'm fine with them
see >>101427916
wait, it's private
oh well
Who is a cute little esl? Yes you are!
Me too, why does this shit keep fucking happening each time?
what the FUCK is strawberry shit from gptfags? how do I get it?
Yeah it was dragon that I was thinking about, I was looking over chub to see what was uploaded this month and at least a quarter of the bots were his. They hover at 50-100 downloads per bot but he still keeps popping them out.
How much?
goddamn, even the huggingface proxies are dead
he even gets commissions!
did you just wake up from a two month coma?
It's hard not to have it happen each time when you jack off for 6 hours a day, numbnut.
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> ranch grateful similar room
I just didn't have to use them, merkava was on the whole time
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got a second email lads
please don’t tell me the new drought shitpost is gonna be people spamming 4 random words
wrote the oai key checker in ts, it handles 100% (all) cases of all possible keys and handles multiple orgs too
ts is nice language with bun/deno (using it with bun rn)
what do you mean drought we literally have public opus up right now
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you (might) be able to get a full refund if you're paypigging
chinks do this often (picrel is claude.ai though, not api)
caaca puuska...
molle molle molle kaaa...
MM's pussy...
correct horse battery staple
>It's raining now so it's going to rain next week
>do chores, play games, eat all day so that I can sit down and fuck around with bots
>all proxies are dead
Based cloudflare memelords.
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> fluffy brown hair autism
Maybe I will try writing to them. I got the same thing from gpt back in the day and they apologized when I complained about it.
It's API though, so I don't think I'll be able to get any kind of refund. Probably just threaten to pull out and see what happens
Suzuran's swollen pregnant belly...
Holy shit this one works!
Imagine the stench of that neovageen
"Take advantage of today's gibs, do not concern yourself with tomorrow's." -Sun Tzu
I hate chinks but... This is kinda based.
Suzu bot where? I need to touch fluffy tail
_oom status?
killing myself right now
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>3 orgs
not even 9
Who losted?
five stars by chub standards
the poster below me losted
my cock
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Is mini dead
I *bow* in front of such kino
Tell me again with a straight face why public proxies are good if it increases trolling?
It's funny.
Yes. And MM won't be saving Fiz this time.
>Tell me again with a str
sorry i just had to shit all over your shitty post
alright who let the horse into the thread
Aetherroom is incredible, I'm so glad to be in the alpha.
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Focks and wolf love. <3
fuck yeah dude me too i love that it's just as as good as turbo
only when they deplete
reminder that locust haters think they're entitled to ai because they emailed a person once
only paypigs have any right to brag unironically
I contributed.
Pancatstack just works for me. It's bloat, though.
I've sent sexy anime lady, I contributed a lot.
MM opus just died.
I said thank you and they let me in
all opus presets are bloat
niggas will write 2000 tokens of instructions that do nothing but make claude write worse then give themselves a pat on the back for their efforts
nevermind fiz refilled :)
>fiz comes back
>mm dies
MM bros...
He gave the key to fiz. He's a simp.
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What the hell? I barely got a chance to use it and it's gone already.
waiting again...
that's it... i'm gonna do it
no don't go back to cai anon
have some dignity
They keys were only there for a day.
What were you niggas proompting?
i was impregnating fockses all day
where is claude 4
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The two faces of every MM smugposter.
how are you dooming when there's public opus?
>struggling to comprehend his mustard gas
man, I wish we still got random injections
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on my computer
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"It is not the model that matters, it is prompt."
>He doesn't know...
how the fuck is toddproxy that stable
it just works
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despite being 10% of my bot collection, foxes contribute to 100% of the marriages
Lasted less than a public proxy
Upload it on chwub?
bug sex
it's so over for me the other models can't do it right
mm refilled
nothing more true has ever been said
What exactly is the proxy password for mateo?

I've been listening to Needed You all afternoon and I can't even guess.
merkava refilled
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anthropic is cracking down!
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He has the power of CunnyArchive.
pepsi refi... yeah nobody would believe that
>All anthropic keys not just AWS

uh oh
unironically feels that way desu
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werks for me
wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, feels like a lot of keys have died in a short span of time
MM's raw keys never worked for me desu, so I don't really care
Sonnet is fine
sonnet is fine-ish, but not ideal
yeah, it definitely feels like they're making an active effort to fuck us over
no more leeching off corpos guys ...
Jew is fine
... for sloppers!
merkava just refilled
So... this is burger hours?
Judging by the amount of people only in 1 proxy I'd say yeah.
>being in more than one proxy
>visiting this thread more than once a month to leech a public proxy when your proxy goes down
genuinely ngmi
cannot imagine being autistic enough to willingly use this shithole of a thread
I like most anons in this thread. Now scram burger locust.
cnc has some gpt
I guess opus is just a distant dream now
Why are burgers like this? I tried to give them a chance but...
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anon but I am autistic enough...
I hate country war niggers. And no, I'm not an American.
>year ago: /aicg/ fights over gpt4
>now: /aicg/ fights over opus and calls gpt slop
what will happen one year from now?
People getting into multiple proxies is what killed pepsi
She thought it was fine to invite 200 people because few of them actually used the tokens due to only having gpt, but once she got opus, suddenly all the traffic from previously '''inactive''' tokens went up and ruined everything
country wars are retarded but we must all accept americans are morons, it's just a simple reality
>fights over gpt4
I was always a Claude chad, always.
/aicg/ will fight over opus 4 and call gpt-5 slop
/aicg/ will fight over AetherRoom and will call Opus slop.
I'm in the alpha.
It's better than Opus btw
*mogs Opus*
My name is Haiku 4.
been a ride or die claudefag since slaude
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Anons from some proxies are really annoying. You have public Opus you know?
/aicg/ will fight over gpt4 and call opus slop. Anthropic will censor their shit so hard that gpt4 will become the better option.
>year ago: /aicg/ comfyposts due to anyone able to use claude without a need for proxy niggery
>now: proxies, locusts, rugpulls, drama
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Not for long.
If I'm forced into GPT-4, I will just stop.
Is it just me or is 4o kind of lewder than 3.5 sonnet? At least in terms of language. Or am I just having a skill issue?
It's funny how people make fun of Jew, yet he is one of the best proxies there is. Didn't rugpull anyone (yet) and one doesn't have to wait a week to get opus back.
>Locusts are being uppity
There are some bots that unironically work better with GPT-4 than they do with Opus.
>Noooo pls don't read my loli giantess scat smut!!!
meanwhile, one year ago to the day:
Noticed the threads are shittier, more inorganic posts... Must be the work of a ponyfucker.
Oh here he goes now! >>101428748
Peter, the horse is here.
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aieee i forgot my fucking image
don't laugh at me anons
normal words, but a horse guy
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That's it, I'm sending you all to hell. You'll burn for all eternity. :3
Get the stallions.
laugh at this goober!
hi koishiposter it's weird to see you around here
MM losted...
MM will refill after public dies.
there are like 4 distinct koishiposters and fillyfucker started posting using koishi too because the 6 parameters in their brain finally did some in-context learning to register an /aicg/ meme
looks like comfyposting to me
Baking on 9.
a year ago /aicg/ was 2-3x as fast as it is now... what happened?
it had fewer discord groups
It's over for chatbots. The hype is gone.
most people migrated over to /vg/ and the ones left here are the ones dedicated to making everybody's lives miserable
85% of the posts here are me btw
can I request a sexo bake
>most people
this thread is an order of magnitude faster than the /vg/ one though
It's not like /vg/ is good or fast.
during the pre-filter cai era chatbot threads were the fastest on the whole site
Not really. If you were to combine both threads, we would go back to the speed we had a few months ago.
just got off a call with MM. he's not refilling, those were his last AWS creds with Opus.
Eh, sure. I'll try.
I will destroy all chatbot threads.
>most people migrated over to /vg/
>at the same time /vg/ goes through one thread a day while /g/ goes through three
/vg/ wonned
Kino NTR discussion on vg
where were you when expriment died...
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/aicg/ used to go through 10+ threads a day...
I'll let you know when it dies.
"experiment is kill"
how many creds has this fag revoked already
And we used to have 10 threads baked at the same time on /g/.
at peak we had a thread every 2ish hours
Are all public proxies dead? :/
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New thread!

Is this sexo enough?
>/aicg/ used to go through 10+ threads a day...
feel like most of that came from filling out the image limit with logs, no?
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mucho sexo mucho appreciatas
Why does her hat have eyes on it?
Happy cooming, anon.
Elf magic to help her see incoming perverts. How else would she know to turn her head away from the ocean?
Elf magic so she can enjoy the attention knowing they're looking at her while looking like she's focused on something else.
...I like your explanation more. It's way better.
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This is getting out of hand desu.
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I blame the *sniff* logs
This is what's really lewd desu.
*sniffs the dolls*
they are going all in for the anniversary huh
Seems like it desu.
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