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File: sB1XQYDbzOE.webm (3.91 MB, 2048x1024)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
>high quality webms within a filesize limit with ffmpeg

ffmpeg.exe[1] -i .\input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 512k[2] -pass 1 -an -f rawvideo -y NUL[3]
ffmpeg.exe[1] -i .\input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 512k[2] -pass 2 -an .\output.webm

[1] https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds

[2] here's the formula for calculating the appropriate bitrate in kilobits:
4096 Kilobytes (K) [4] MULTIPLIED BY 8 (to make it into kilobits) DIVIDED BY video length in seconds.milliseconds = k
512k would be for a 64 second video, because:
4096 * 8 / 64 = 512

[3] UN*X users should use

[4]chan filesize limit on most boards
6144 for >>>/wsg/, 2048 for >>>/b/ & >>>/bant/

want audio for >>>/gif/ or >>>/wsg/ ? add
 -c:a libopus -b:a 64k[5] 
REMOVE -an from the second pass (second line with -pass 2)
[5] SUBTRACT the AUDIO bitrate you want from VIDEO bitrate (-b:v from above [2]) so that the TOTAL bitrate is the same and under the filesize limit [4]

include either/both
 -ss 00:00:00.000 
 -to 00:00:00.000 
(END) to cut in the video
obviously take this into account when calculating bitrate

avoid scaling video if possible, as it always results in quality loss and a number of caveats; users should be assumed to have a competent browser and media player with higher quality scaling of their own (4chan settings -> Images & Media -> Fit expanded images to screen)
but say you want to simply *scale the video to 720p (height) and keep the aspect ratio, then add
 -vf scale=-1:720 

FINALLY, webmrel is the result of combining the concepts above, except audio (no audio on /g/). 21.054 seconds, downscaled from 3840×1920 (see reply for full command)


or just use handbrake lmao
>FINALLY, webmrel is the result of combining the concepts above, except audio (no audio on /g/). 21.054 seconds, downscaled from 3840×1920 (see reply for full command)
ffmpeg.exe -i .\sB1XQYDbzOE.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1556k -pass 1 -an -ss 00:14:16.890 -to 00:14:37.944 -vf scale=2048:-1 -f rawvideo -y NUL
ffmpeg.exe -i .\sB1XQYDbzOE.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1556k -pass 2 -an -ss 00:14:16.890 -to 00:14:37.944 -vf scale=2048:-1 .\sB1XQYDbzOE-output.webm
or just use mpv-webm for mpv
That's pretty cool
This could've been made into a GUI application but /g/tards can't into UI/UX

You just know
Any downsides to using this?
The mpvffmpegytdlp general doesn't recommend using script. I don't remember why.
Windows only.
>Any downsides to using this?
yeah it makes mustard gas
Thanks I was trying to figure this out recently.
add this line.

-row-mt 1 and -qmin 26
No difference unless you have tons of cores.
>-qmin 26
What is this arbitrary value based on?
And what about -cpu-used?
Why not use crf?
>No difference unless you have tons of cores.
Everyone today has 4 core or more now. So it speeds up double digit percentage to triple digit percentage.

>arbitrary value
Minimum value of 26 is just to keep same perceptual quality as original so that it doesnt waste bitrate with min value when there isn't a need to
Ok but why is it 26?
I made my own GUI but I'm not sharing it, fuck off and make your own.
Personal perceptual value threshold for internet webms. Thats probably a good number for most people as well
Holy based
You ruined this thread by posting linus cuck tips.

t. know VP9 secret params that let you cram video into really small file sizes
I just this function
vp8 ()
echo -e "Script input output bitrate crf/26 qmax/30 vf"
duration=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$1")
bitrate=$(bc -l <<< "scale=0; 27000000 / ${duration}")
echo -e "Starting 1st pass..."
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "$1" -threads 4 -c:v libvpx -crf "${4:-26}" -qmin 5 -qmax "${5:-30}" -b:v "${3:-$bitrate}" -maxrate "${3:-$bitrate}" -bufsize "${3:-$bitrate}" -vf ${6:-"scale=-1:480"} -an -auto-alt-ref 1 -pass 1 -f webm /dev/null
value=$(echo "$bitrate/10000"| bc)
echo -e "Found bitrate: $value K\nStarting 2nd pass..."
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i "$1" -threads 4 -c:v libvpx -crf "${4:-26}" -qmin 5 -qmax "${5:-30}" -b:v "${3:-$bitrate}" -maxrate "${3:-$bitrate}" -bufsize "${3:-$bitrate}" -vf ${6:-"scale=-1:480"} -an -auto-alt-ref 1 -pass 2 -f webm "${2:-$1}".webm
rm ffmpeg2pass-0.log
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243 KB PNG
Some time ago I saved this, maybe it helps:

> Best FFMPEG Scripts for 4chan <

>Convert Video to WEBM
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -o OUTPUT.webm
>The -o flag is NOT required

>Lower Quality Before Conversion
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -crf 48 OUTPUT.webm
>The range is from 0 to 51 where the higher the number, the lower the quality

>Cut a Specific Portion of a Video
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -ss 00:30 -to 01:53 OUPTPUT.webm
>The -ss flag signifies the start point and -to as the end point

>Adjust Video Size
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -vf scale=1280:720 OUTPUT.webm
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -vf scale=iw/2:ih/2 OUTPUT.webm
>Self-Explanatory; the second one halves the Width and Height or divides by two

>Combine Video and Audio File
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -i INPUT.mp3 -map 0:v -map 1:a OUTPUT.webm

>Disable Audio Track
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -an OUTPUT.webm

>Convert GIF into a Continuously Looping Video
ffmpeg -r 7 -ignore_loop 0 -i INPUT.gif -t 30 OUTPUT.webm
>The -r flag is the Frame Rate; the -t flag is the amount of seconds you want the video to be

>Overlay an Image at a Specific Time
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -i INPUT.jpg -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:enable='between(t,0,1)'" OUTPUT.mp4
>You only need to worry about the (t,0,1) which focuses on the length of time the image will be on the screen

>Crop a Video File
ffplay -vf "crop=x:y:w:h" OUTPUT.webm
ffmpeg -vf "crop=500:500" OUTPUT.webm
>The ffplay program allows us to preview the video as it is being rendered so we can stop it and adjust accordingly
>Once we are satisfied with the results, we can use FFMPEG to render the actual video file

>Export Individual Frames to Image Files
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 %04d.png
>The %04d indicates how many sequencial numbers you want to use. %04d goes to 9999 while %03d goes to 999
>Essentially, if you want to export more than 1,000 frames, you'll need to use %04d
Share your secrets anon I won't tell a soul
peak dunning krueger
OP is but thanks to this thread I learned about -qmin so this wasn't a complete waste of time
i knew about qmin but i've never tried -row-mt so i get your point
you can tell by the .exe
there are a bunch of shitty opinionated ffmpeg pastas with esoteric, forced meme switches and shit like combining b:v and -crf circulating that nu-/g/ (and 4chan in general obv.) is confused to complete oblivion on how simple it is to make good webms, so someone stating the "obvious" was needed
KISS, niggers.
also, saying
>peak dunning krueger
is peak dunning kruger* :)
case in point
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for me it's open-source abandonware
>b-but if you spend 15min encoding and tweaking 50 different options it'll be better quality!!
not my problem
>esoteric options like crf and bitrate
for me it's
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 input.webm
90% of posters use their phones. The rest of us want this site to die.
In other words it's guesswork of your own that may not work universally.
Random options without supporting documentation isn't helpful.
If you dont trust others to see the same reality as you do, then you shouldn't be able to comprehend whats infront of your screen either.
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ain't reading that shit
Make OPs webm with -qmin 26. Let's compare.
What GUI is this now?
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582 KB
582 KB PNG
ain't reading that shit
What GUI is this now?
>The mpvffmpegytdlp general doesn't recommend using script. I don't remember why.
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545 KB PNG
aint reading that shit
What GUI is this now?
looks like webm for retards
did you miss where it says it's a guide for retards?
thanks but for me it's vidcoder
Imagine still using command line in 2024. The 90s called, they want their ui back hahaha. Even mac solved UI in the early 2000s.
i forget if i ever asked this but does anyone know why -threads 8 crashes powershell?

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