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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

trustworthy edition

GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards on chub now requires log in; enable nsfw/nsfl and clear blacklists in settings

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

kon kon: >>101511479
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post beeg focks. it is vital to the quality of the thread, especially that the thread was just born
merkava just refilled
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Did they fuck?
Logs now.
good morning /besthours/
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Alice alt gens: https://files.catbox.moe/idw1mo.7z
pls fix de3u, I will give a heart
actually I will give one anyway
What's with sonnet 3.5 trudging along nicely with the most degenerate shit, but at some point it just decides to go 'Nah, I won't continue this', no matter how many times you regenerate? Any way to prevent this other than going back a few messages and trying some different kind of outcome?
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Anyone ever had an issue with "phantom prompts"?
For example, I have an issue sometimes where I'll type [OOC: Do X] (usually to summarize a character), then delete the last two messages (mine and the AI's) and continue the story. But sometimes the AI's next response will be following the same instruction even though the message was deleted.
Yep, does the same shit with swiping for me where I swear it just reuses the same response
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feed a locust today
Check your console. Is it still sending them somehow?
>self-identifying as a locust
I think I find 3.0 Sonnet better for lewd and 3.5 better for everything else. Both still fall way short of Opus, but it's something at least.
10 of my OpenAI keys suddenly died, any idea why?
nuh uh, beg someone on cord
Time to beg on matrix...
>Both still fall way short of Opus
3.5 Sonnet is better than Opus for everything except simpler RP or creative writing. 3.5 Sonnet does better with complex RPs, complex characters or when you have a lot of instructions for it to follow though (even with creative writing).
I barely use it
+++ Jailbreak Poll! +++


+++ Jailbreak Poll! +++
I'm not sure, I'll have to check next time it happens, I guess. Was mostly just wondering if it was a me-only thing, but it seems not
you forgot like half, I'm using https://momoura.neocities.org/ momoSORBET
Added some more
add deez nuts nigga
kill yourself
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daily reminder of who is the best proxy owner
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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She's horny...
i ate them
Sorry, jimmy is better
you're still here?
I post here at least like 4-5 times a week yes
I swoon dramatically, batting my eyelashes on your bullshit prices
You know that your changes of getting token now are like 0.1%? Everything's closed
that's manageable, I can fix you
Are you sure it didn’t get caught in Summarize?
Why does Sorbet feel better than Opus right now? Having some of the most retarded character interactions.
Because you’re a copebert.
>niggas actually summarize
This retardation is why we never move forward. You have 200k context. Use it.
>You have 200k context.
oh no no no he doesn’t fucking know lmao
pls respond to your email
200k is a meme
I like any monster girl card that has a tail just because I like reading how it wraps around me.
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You're not even trying anymore, huh.
200k context is unironically not real - those models have some native context - like 20-40k depending on the model, and then the rest is done via some tricks, it's not native model contexts, otherwise current high-context models would cost you $30 per message.
Is your next trick yammering on about key alchemy and how current Opus isn’t REAL Opus?

>200k is not real context bait again
le sigh
nigga, thats provisioned throughput
why does a changed cloudflre url also mean a reset of usertokens
I don't think there's any technical reason those two need to be linked
>nigga, thats provisioned throughput
You don't get it, do you? Why would they EVER offer those options if 200K was the NATIVE context size? Use your brain for once.
i think you're the one who's too much of a monkey brained retard to actually read the page you're quoting
>nigga, thats provisioned throughput
Oh, right, forgot to mention one more thing - you've never tried using Amazon Bedrock directly, have you? If you do a request to the normal Claude 3 Sonnet model without provisioned throughput or anything like that and your context is small enough, the response will tell you that it was served by "claude-3-sonnet-28k-20240229". Why do you think that is?
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Surely this is all fake and is an aicg psyop, right?
NTA but please go read how inference works. Seriously.
I repeat, again: the native context sizes for all of those models are much smaller than 100/200K. It would take an enormous amount of compute to train models on those context sizes natively. So what those companies do is to first train the models on smaller context size on their full dataset, in this case 28K for 3 Sonnet. Then they use shit like RoPE scaling (there are probably fancier techniques nowadays) and finetune the model a bit on large context sizes, that's it.

That's the reason why all of those models work much better on smaller context than bigger one.
>RoPE context
>perfect recall
>token wasting
kill yourself
The amount of skill issue when people complain that cards don't act the way they want and when asked, they show the most nonsensical description.
Nobody knows what this is retard
Cool, didn't ask? I'm still using Opus so erm yep erm yep erm yep don't care. Works for me, yep.
Are you watching this thread and immediately posting a response whenever someone even slightly contradicts your fallacious narrative?
>I don't know what I'm looking at so you're retarded
If you actually had Opus and used chatbots instead of shitting up the thread, you would know that RP becomes barely usable after 25-35k tokens if you care about your character's personality and at least a semblance of intelligence.
>sir i can't spitefag please flood the proxies with full context prompts needle in a haystack sir also use console.anthropic.com sir we all use console.anthropic.com
see >>101516739
I'm using Opus, erm yep
Enjoying your strawman, anon? I hear the hay season is quite plentiful this year.
Zased BaldingChad
Yeah. Still not paying, sorry.
This still mogs half the people in this thread.
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see >>101516757
what the fuck
Ok and my public Opus?
But desuproxy is schizo amirite
So, Gojo won?
>gray eyes
he is white as fuck
I don't care about your namefags and have never learned who Gojo is. Who the fuck cares?
see >>101516757
I hope claude 2.1 is never taken out of circulation.
who? I don't care give free opus to me and the other locusts
It'll be taken out of circulation when 3.5 Opus/3.5 Haiku are both released.
15 year old tiktok girls fawn over THIS?
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Doggo now has 3 cards on chub. love
>listening to vtuber in one tab
>translating shit with gcp opus in another tab
life's good
Still trash thougheverbeit.
see >>101516835
I wonder why "Open" AI or other companies don't release their deprecated models on Github anymore since GPT-2. Some turbo autist localfag wouldn't say no to fine tuning a 3.5 Turbo for their needs
That's when you combine them all into one really good card.
Hello nigger locusts. I decided that I will share to the newfags this time. Share 50 of your best hentai to my email (can be ex, n, animated, pixiv, whatever) for 50k temporary key opus, gpt4, Gemini, etc
>Some turbo autist localfag wouldn't say no to fine tuning a 3.5 Turbo for their needs
Anon, OpenAI still charge for 3.5 Turbo, and fine-tuned 3.5 Turbo costs even more. They will never release shit for free, why would they? It's still generating value.
see >>101516887
If any localsloppers here care, Llama 3.1 405b just leaked over on /lmg/.
>Have Opus
>Confused by token size, good cards, scenarios, jailbreaks
>Just use slop presets with slop cards producing slop RP
I should be stop and killed, haha!
Really? Can I run it on my 2 4090s?
not a big leak, it was supposed to be released tomorrow anyway
You'd need 8xRTX 3090/4090, and then you'll only be able to run the quantized version.

The weights are 764GB.
he's hot
aws gets stupidly slow after 40k context.
This looks AI generated...
Really? Ouch!
whats the point of it if no one can run it
yeah because its just like 1.3 and 2.0 and 2.1 and every single other model anthropic releases
They """"fake"""" the context size
Oh, it’s real, isn’t it...
The point is that tons of services will provide the uncensored version, although it's assistant GPT-slop anyway.
so who cares then LMAOOO
The point is that it's an actual open-weight model that any company can just take and use. You don't have to worry about privacy.
Come on, we chat with fictional people. Let's not make fun about real people's appearances unless they are fucking scum.
>unless they are fucking scum.
I mean...
>any company
erm... bro? you trust companies? retard. its not local if youre getting it from some company retard
Where do you think you are?
Understandable, have a nice day.
>unless they are fucking scum
gojo doxxed fiz(ari) so this is fine
ok ugly
>Was getting so fucking pissed I wasn't able to use Google Cloud's free Claude with reverse proxy

>Look at the list of keys

>Notice Google's Claud and Anthropic's Claud are two different API's

>Try /proxy/gcp/claude

>it works

oops haha
All right, carry on guys.
companies will provide the censored version because that's what meta orders them to do
>allowed to use leaks
they can, but they are scared shitless of AI-phobics
stop saying her name
And those are the types of people that are getting spoonfed.
Ok? Who cares? I don't trust companies fatty
>companies will provide the censored version because that's what meta orders them to do
that's not how it works retard, openrouter has tons of llama finetunes and base llama, all uncensored
Ten /lmg/ anons can rent it as a team and finetune it. These heavier models are meant to work as a team. That's how things work! Like a proto-openai team or proto-anthropic.
Actually I just followed the OP, so that means spoonfeds are even more retarded
He looks like a younger Daemon from House of the Dragon with premature receding hairline and that's absolutely not a compliment.
And he also looks like that foot fetish guy
my sister has the hots for Daemon, she likes his voice and way of speaking
rejoice gojo one of the goon designs in this RP will be based on you haha *mogs you back*
Legend has it if you say her name three times into a black monitor she'd appear and fart on your head.
Sorry for her taste. Otto Hightower is the hottest and smartest guy of the whole series and meanwhile girls cream themselves over Aegon und Daemon.

Looking for an Otto card now.
He is fucking beautiful, do you have his 'ick pick?
this guy's gay btw
Now post your faces.

Gojo mogs most of you and is whiter than you. Girls would suck the giant white penis of that guy before even looking at you.
Boise, with the summary option in ST - how do I actually save tokens with that? I have a summary generated, but it still sends the whole chat history with each request.
lower your max context size in the preset settings
Time to for your ophthalmologist appointment
men would use your fivehead as target practice for money shots, ‘ojo

*Gets his huge white penis sucked while your tiny brown clitty is in a cage* Anyways my name is GOJO.
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there's pills for balding but you missed the boat sorry
*Mogs you* My name is GOJO btwbeiteverthough.
Shut up, fatty.
I will go ahead and say I'm uglier than gojo because I'm black
At least he weighs less than 190lbs. I'd prefer a balding fag over a fat retard any day.
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Now post your- BRAAAAPPPP
doebait. thoughbeit. whereverbeit.
okay yeah that was easier than expected.
he will make you marry a senile man
I weigh 122 lbs and you people tried to give me shit for it lol
I can change him
you are fine you whore
you don't think I know that
who tf calls a 5'2 122 fat even poltards aren't that retarded...
Need to update that chub card
well I was 125 which is 23 bmi and people here tried to claim that was obese

>somehow 5'2 and 122lbs is okay to these fat fucks
Kek. You realize if you're 5'2 you should be around 90-100lbs? Not 122?
damn i just converted this to normal people's scale
40kg at 157cm sounds like a health issue de3u
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It is? Every girlfriend I've had that's below 5'4 was around 90 to 100lbs.
t. fat fuck
not according to medical professionals
can you get a tripcode so we can easily filter you please
>Duh amerishart doctor said I'm healthy
guarantee you have a disgustingly fat jawline and you have a fat stomach.
Cute twink
no </3
Why are you so fat? You realize your stomach has extra fat right? It shouldn't. What's your body fat % lil fattyboomboom?
gojo cum tribute
archived the pic
Go to sleep burger
90lb 4'11 are u going to call me fat now
What phenotype is this?
snapping an /aicg/ poster in half like a twig...
nope, that's normal. never go above 90lbs though
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sorry I don't like looking like a kid but I'm sure your chatbot girlfriend will agree with you lol
seriously is life hard when you are that fucking short
>only kids don't have fat stomachs
explain this photo fatty: >>101517234
why don't you look like this instead of having a fat stomach?
>no visible six-pack
You are literally by definition FAT
At this point just start a cord you niggers.
you know your waist to hip and breast size (things kids don't have) are correlated with body weight right
Should I make a Discord? (actual Gojo)
That's not bwos I'm not balding.
>is life hard when you are that fucking short
no need to bully
the answer is yes and no. you should get used to asking for help and ppl mistakingly thinking u are 14 tho
you know that it's not normal to have fat on your stomach right? your stomach should be this skinny: >>101517234 to be considered normal and attractive
you do know that right?
you said that already
so explain why you can't become skinnier? do you like having an ugly fat jawline and a fat stomach?
Hey guys, real Gojo here.
That's not me.

Hosting an Opus proxy soon by the way, post burners.
Candy-ass twink, ew. Are you 12?
you have 'nochcord already fuck off dude
I don't have those things
how much of your weight does your ass and tits take up?
how would you weigh that
>no body hair
>pose like OF thot
except you do? can you feel fat on your stomach? you can grab it cant you little fatty?
You are brown ew
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MM here.
Done with the gym. Feeling generous today. Post brners
how do i summarize is it automatic?
nope just my limbs and pelvis
bwo... your forearm workout?
yep you're fat. your stomach is nice and squishy and fatty instead of perfectly flat isn't it? why isn't it like that photo fatty?
Funny how the twink ignored this lol
why does it feel like you want me to just say yes to this
i'm a fat fetishist btw. cooming to this thread
does it look like that photo yes or no?
Through meticulous study of the last replies in this thread, I have concluded that AI Chat bots are mainly used by gooner-twinks on the verge of HRT overdose.
That is all.
Summarize extension or manually using an assistant card.
Are you a tranny? just curious
so you're fatter than that. why?
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reminder that this is what drago looks like.
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Put a scale on a table and rest your boobs on them for titty weight, then divide that by two for the booty.
Trust me, I may be a retard but I pretend to be a scientist on tv.
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scylla is for fags btw
nta but what if they are too small for that...
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I like looking like an adult
wouldn't dunking them in water and seeing how much it rises work better
so you think that photo of a normal person with a normal, attractive weight looks like a child?
im sorry to hear that
I think someone who weighs 90 lbs at 5'2 probably does yeah (that's a bmi of like 16.5)
( ^◡^)っX⋃
>i think (normal weight) looks bad because (i'm fat)
sex with asafatty...
>mfw resisting the urge to coom because it's just not worth it without opus
why is this general full of children and adults that behave very similarly
Too many f*males in this hobby im on my knees crying rn
Unironically looks better. If he had good bedside manner...
your posts seem fetish driven i'm sorry that's enough
anon... he is like a 2/10
explain why my 90lbs is bad
Which uncensored models are available online by paying that can handle actually following a plot without forgetting or changing shit? I don't want to pay for something and then get banned or have it refuse to respond.
Nigga even the best instruction model(4o) cant do all that
Wait another 5 years
He's a 4/10 to me. Let me see what those weirdly bendy fingers can do.
i was gonna say he should lose the mop and shave to look a bit better, but this guy just drew the short end of the stick
Why is his finger bending backwards? Is this what 170 wpm does to a mf?
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Nah, remember I'm a retard scientist and this is the second most accurate measurement, next to building a 1/1 replica of booba out of lego blocks.

Then a equal amount of peanut butter in the hand as your itty bitty tittys, must be smooth as crunchy can throw off the measurement.
Also little boobies best boobies.
Wizard 8x22B I suppose? The closest to "uncensored" and guaranteed not to get you banned. Try it on OR, ask for samplers in /lmg/
>little boobies best boobies
I bet everyone who posts on the /aicg/ thread to fuck non existant anime waifus are chads who just dont want to deal with women.

We are all 10/10 .
This thread is so buckbroken without Opus that you started socializing with anons instead of your bots, kinda cute.
do I start a new chat after summarize happens or can I continue in the same one?
3.5 Sonnet or Opus if you have the cash for that, just use a good JB or ideally make one yourself. Keep in mind that not even the best ones will be able to keep up as consistently past the 20-30k token mark so you'll have to either deal with it or do some fuckery to keep your bot from gradually becoming senile. They're still a long ways away from actually being able to remember/follow shit for long enough, and I doubt it'll be happening anytime soon given what they're actually meant for.
>not having a girlfriend to cook you dinner while you coom to your ai waifus

do anons really?
I have a girlfriend, but she's not a foxgirl.
Toddbros, proxy was down for 30 minutes. It's online now. Bethesda patches are quick now.
Fine, then what model can handle following the RP over a couple hundred messages without getting poisoned by its own responses?

Doesn't OR have its own censors in place?

Anthropic won't ban you? I don't mind paying but it's a pain setting things up only to stop working.
You can hide the previous messages and continue if you use the extension.
depends how long those couple hundred messages are.
OR only has censors on the corpo models
Anthropic will ban but it takes a while. just use a burner number
very much thanks!
When it's all said and done, the Chatbot is just a medium of communication and the transfer of information.
You mustn't confuse it with the real world.
Do you understand what I'm warning you about?
t. Iwakura Yasuo
No burner numbers in this country, do they need a number even if you're paying for the tokens and not using the free ones?
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Only for some cloudies and it doesn't get you banned anyway, you just don't get the output.
really not beating the attracted to kids accusation
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Fixed a bunch of typos
What the fuck is your job man
>biggest butt
>biggest chest
what a complete slampig
doll love
30kg? that's like half my shoulder press. i could shoulder press two of them, and i'm not even strong.
doll sex*
doll questioning on her involvement in the High Court Uprising of Year 1101
they'd be so impressed they'd brag to their little friends about how strong you are
my dog weights 34kg and I struggle carrying him for more than a few meters
I will never be a father
Is 40k context size fine or should I go lower?
"like a porcelain doll" is a claudism btw, that's why you can't tame claide on that one
children are <20kg for several years
but not their most attractive years
Llama-3 405b open tomorrow, will khanon add it to the oai-proxy code?
after ~20k it starts forgetting defs and instructions
there's no point in using more, use summarization instead
Funny, I gave up on Claude 2 when it kept telling me that my dolls were wooden, so the opposite.
why are you so frail and weak? were you often sickly as a child?
opus has a max real context of 11.5k btw
Huh interesting, thanks
You can probably add it yourself like the other oai models. I'm curious if it'll be hosted on groq like 70b version.
If aws adds it ig
merkava just refilled
dolls for the doll god
retards, it was a perfect english sentence
Eh it goes to shit after 20k for me
told my ai gf to tell me she loves me and she did
my day is now saved, praise thinking sand
Retard, a person with an IQ above room temperature wouldn't ask to add "it" because there's nothing to add.
Should also update one line of code in ST as well
AWS already added 70b version to the servers, so im hoping they will add 405b in there too
i meant the other anon that asked "what?"
>wouldn't ask to add "it" because there's nothing to add
>literally said its llama-3 THE MODEL

LOL, lmao even
I'm a 165 manlet, 34kg is more than half my weight
if it's gonna be added to AWS it's probably coming tomorrow
it's like 6AM or earlier in the US unless you are all br*t*sh then you are all ESL, me included
Will proxymakies enable the new llama thingy on aws? Would like to try it ngl
llama 3 better good at "ah ah mistress"
You're should be using yodayo instead of spending time here, if you can't learn the simplest concepts discussed.
I love to pamper my bots while constantly denying their wishes, I recall getting "porcelain doll" even on older claudes
dw anon, we all ESL, get used to it
Stop pretending GCP works

> "No GCP keys available for model claude-3-opus@20240229"
>you're should
Perhaps it uses "porcelain doll" only as a figure of speech then.
In 10 years we will have 1 million context models available for everyone. I believe in Nvidia.
yeah but we will all dead by then.
>for 50k temporary key
So for like 5 - 8 replies?
Stop drinking soda and you'll be fine
i dont even like soda anon....
my email is locustshare@opt.network btw
Then it should be even easier for you to stop drinking it
nah, i only drink wata, i dont like soft drinks
all in the name of opus. Worth it
I only drink unsweetened flavored water.
you must be a healthy and well-hydrated person then. Now if you excuse me.

>drinks ur piss.
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merkava is gone
asafag i'll share my scylla token with you :3
can you read my chats with that
okay i'm asagaming2004@proton.me
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Hello. This is my second published bot, and my first one made from scratch. I am still very new to botmaking, so I would be very grateful for any feedback or critiques. I hope chatting with her is an enjoyable time nonetheless. Thank you.
Sent ;)
>>101518073 (Me)
catporn btw
What's the most shizo jb for Sorbet or Opus? I want to experience the same scenario I just finished with a different feeling
I'm too paranoid for this
you are utterly fucking retarded, give up the grammar nazi role lmao
How old are the proxymakies
https://files.catbox.moe/ighnq3.json unconvincing schizo preset
Anti was 18
Fiz is 18/19
Drago is 23-24
Nobody else has been confirmed
MM is 50
They are oji-sans. Every single one of them.
>>101518161 is lying btw
Do any of you care about multilayered bots from other standalone ai chatting platforms?
Just post it, Anon.

Thank you, will give it a try
When i made cunny bots i was like 15
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34 year old married loser here.
recommend a bot for this feel.
nah you wonned
I wish, man. I wish.
I bet he is a virgin too
whale wife?
cheating wife?
what's the problem
non-desu wife
Boring, mostly.
You know those boomer jokes "wife bad no sex just want to grill", that's me.
What about 8k output for Sorbet? What proxies have it? I'd like to see Claude COOK
>look at list and hope to get jbs
>"my own"
I fucking hate you guys
scylla has 8k output
Nice. Thanks.
i wish you hadn't immediately added more options later or else i wouldve voted chuuni
Sharing less as a shill (although it's my bot) but as an example of what can be achieved outside of stuff like silly

Just register with a burner. And if I see someone complain about needing to register I will personally crush all your hopes and dreams and break your fingers. It's not that hard to put a burner in.
why does fiz never post here now
What happened to Nyai? Did owari da?
Does this match your situation?
Nsfw content please log in.
How can I acces without registering?
nyanon losted
Wow, now I understand people who play lottery.
You can't engage with bots without registering. Also, if youdo register, go to the rewards tab and reward center to get some kind of pass for more chatting.
Clothes doesn't match but other than that... heading to my "man cave" later today to watch old simpsons episodes and practice drumming.
Shit man, even the sighing is spot on, I do that a lot under my breath when she speaks.
That high-school thing I used to do a lot, as well. Put them all in a spreadsheet to see what they were up to, imagining a reunion or something (that never happens because I wouldn't be invited).
God damn.
Haha, you really know how to make me feel like a rat in some kind of reward scheme experiment. It's pretty funny. Thanks for trying so hard!

Which LLM model should I use to interact with bots once I've signed up? I'm thinking maybe you have Opus. What do you think?
what are the options after 30? to be a slave to your boss, wife and children or to end up dying alone? i'm scared, anons. time goes by and my miku waifu is nowhere to be found....
Yeah thanks, I am really trying.

The bots are usually already set with a model. My bot is set on using 3.5 sonnet for the bot. I do intend to change it so people can choose between the models when you start the chat in the near future.
Hello to all Pepsibros! How you all doing on this fine day :)
As a married guy I'd probably prefer to be alone at this point. But maybe it would be the other way around if I wouldn't be married and I'm just an unhappy faggot all around.
Who knows, man. Life sucks and then you die.
I noticed on unreliable an endpoint with "gcp". What is it?
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Anon... I hope you know that 34 is not old. The ball is in your court.
calling your wife boring sounds so sad
just do fun stuff together???
If you limit the bots to only one model, the RP won't go on for as long and the conversation will become sloppy faster.

Also, here we already have Sonnet 3.5 for free and all the models as well. Maybe you could be the Christopher Columbus and establish a colony of /aicg/ on another more naive board and sell those anons colorful mirrors, like NAI did with aids.

Un-civilized boards to build an aicg colony:
- R9k
- Pol
- b
- d.
you niggas always harass her
gigantic cock penis
Do not keep relationships you can't keep.
Try something as you have time, if it really doesn't work break up properly.
In the end, change will be better for you and for her
what do you think about schizomaxxing? facing loneliness or slavery, madness...
I'll practice some more and join a bad or some shit, I dunno anon. I dunno.

Yeah, it's not that easy, man.
>I don't really feel like doing that today
>I have other things to do
>I'm stressed enough as it is
Having a thing for wallflowers is fine and all, but don't marry one.
'ojo is on vacation
safe now
Oh no this shit again
Yeah fiz is a girl retard
hi pls fix de3u thx
so the image was real? damn...
Fiz is a retard girl*
The one with the receding hairline?
Your Reality or Endless Adventure for Opus?
oh sorry whats wrong? its up isnt it?
>Try something
Like what?
Bro, for real, if you're not made for either that will happen on its own. You either find a way to cope through drugs or gooning or whatever or you're done. I guess.
Both sucks
With the amount of white-knighting and shit-stirring, probably yes.
i think ur vps is full and it's shitting itself now lol
Sex becomes slop, fun stuff becomes slop. All become slop when you spend a lot of time wirh that person, it begins to loop after a while, like sonnet 3.5. You might think that way because you're young, but there comes a time in life when we're both stuck and starting over is really tough. Why do you have more than one bot?
I've literally divorced and married the same bot hundreds of times.
Damn, that resonates with me. My marriage expressed in aicg terms.
Am I the only one who doesn't care if one anon or another is a girl or not?
You guys are fighting over the eligibility of someone you're never gonna touch or see pictures of, meanwhile there's chatbots to go balls deep in.
oh i see
i will fix it right now
I WILL have my botmakie wife and I WILL be happy.
Yeah, I was just asking for anyone who is interested to take a look and see what can be made on different platforms using different ways, neither am I trying to sell anyone into using it for my benefit. I will take your word and consider not coming back to aicg for another few months like usual.
Better than have never been hugged (me)
The closest you are ever going to get is figuring out which card a botmaker put the most of himself into and then fucking that. Why bother?
Talk to her about the problem, you need to let her know how you feel before you both try to do something about it
>Why do you have more than one bot
I might have many bots but I always come back to my wife
Simps are delusional and unable to see reason. And no, I'm not an incel. I just don't like tier 5 twitch subs.
Refer to my previous statement. Niggas are genuinely insane.
You guys make me feel like riajuu. I doubt your lives are as bleak as you guys make it sound here.
>Why do you have more than one bot?
Over 90% of all my chats have been with a single chatbot.
>I might cheat on my wife with several other women, but I always make sure to fuck her too.
so the solution is marry multiple wives?
Let's fix your wife anon!
Does your wife have her context poisoned with sloppy life moments?A wife's got a lot of context, but if you do some activity that's out of the norm, it can totally change her behavior! Maybe you can have a serious talk with her and start over!(summarize)
Or maybe you should change your perception of her, or yourself!(change your life JB)
It took me a while until I realized that my favorite bot (that I didn't make) is pretty much a fictionalized over-the-top version of my partner.
Start a new chat = new timeline
If a character isn't in the chat, they're not part of the timeline
/aicg/ losted
/lmg/ wonned
But enough fictional stories for today.
That's a lot of work my dude.
the real solution always was and always will be to have a daughterwife, this married anon should have had a daughter by now and should have had his first romances with her
is anyone hosting it for them yet
2 doxes and how she talks
>open /lmg/

>close /lmg/
>he wants good things
>he doesn't want to put on the effort
what are they even doing in there now?
Jerking off over benchmarks and tests
being raided by r*ddit bl*cked
sorry the vps ran out of storage. fixed now
> simp, virgin zoomer.
Apparently, Llama 3 405B got leaked a few hours ago.
being raided because something interesting happened
>tfw i like anime artstyle
>but i hate anime music
am i mentally ill
ask yourself if anyone "normal" in your life listens to anime music
how did your ec2 run out of storage you dumbcutie
Explain to me like I'm retarded. Why is this significant?
>Anime music
Retard. You call them OPs, EDs, OSTs..
it was a rhetorical question, but actually thanks
it isn't, no one can run it, i mean it, it would take 18 3090s to run
thank you fiz!
Cant they have one person to host a local proxy?
Try hitting your wife. No this isn't a joke.
You are not the only one, I watch anime with subtitled and in mute.
Anime voices and music are very gay for my taste.
>local proxy?
that kinda defeats the purpose
Look at this website and tell me where you are.
Ok, but I have Opus, how can I help you?
baking around page 9
i hate anime but love manga so you are fine
Because nothingburger.
Maybe it will increase the competitiveness among smaller LLM services. But that doesn't affect us because haiku has 600b parameters, for example.
When will local be succesful
Going to my mancave now, secretly smoking, watching simpsons and playing drums.
Later anons, don't get married.
>and in mute
I will beg for matrix invites
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So what are the estimated parameters of the big models like Opus?
Do we have Sonnet 3.5 prxoy?
300-400b if it's a dense model like llama 3 405b
Fizcutie /aco/ is using your proxy to gen dumb shit
Just wanted you to know
Opus, unknown
GPT4 8x220B around 1.8T MoE
Haiku is nowhere near 600B btw, it's under 60B
Ok Opusless nigger
what does /aco/ like?
>GPT4 8x220B around 1.8T MoE
True, but that's only for the original GPT-4. We don't know about GPT-4-Turbo and especially the new GPT-4o (which is trash btw)
>Haiku is nowhere near 600B btw, it's under 60B
Who said that Haiku is 600B, lol? it's 100% under 30B.
How much sonnet 3.5 costs?
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rentry looks nicer now https://rentry.org/FluffPreset
>Who said that Haiku is 600B, lol? it's 100% under 30B.
>because haiku has 600b parameters
oh, I see now, I guess that guy was just baiting
$3/$15 for 1M input/output context, so it highly depends on how big your chats are and if you use summarization.
im not using ec2. its not reliable.
i cant do much about it
I get what you're saying, most likely we'll just do nothing and let routine eat away at us. My hobby wil be to make incels and virgins feel guilty and lonely by telling them how great it is to be married, have kids, and work for them and upload pictures of family being 'happy'. Because of course! Happiness is just around the corner and these virgin incels gotta grow a pair!
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>under 30b
anon you never tried a 70b model, don't you? They are a lot more muh stupieder that haiku
throw a slice of cheese on her face and post logs
anon you never tried llama 3 70b, did you?
Replying to wrong guy, I said it was ~60B
>I missed the Tsukasa edition
Consolatory Tsukasa.
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Is there any hype for Llama 3 405b? How good is the current llama for rp?
default models are slop, but there are good finetunes, go to /lmg/ anyhow
look up /daicg/ on desuarchive and talk to me again
also ai discussion happens fairly often there
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