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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
Why is this thread, and everyone who posts in it, so fucking gay?
>posts anyways
Anon.. I..
Wtf is so good about mpv?
overblown (and actually good)
>just cyan my whites up senpai
first orange reds, gray blacks, and now this...

what's next for libplacebo?
what's the best ffmpeg settings for recording a standard NTSC signal on a 1.6GHz Celeron shitbox? asking for a friend
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -vf "scale=640:480" -r 30 -b:v 1M -c:a aac -b:a 128k output.mkv
Should I use upstream ffmpeg for jellyfin or their version?
You're in this thread... so that means....

Rate my config.
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it allows us to watch pastel-colored ecchi **annime with an array of useful features
How do you coop with twitch ads? It makes seeking in live stream impossible, because it is jumping to ads segments. Any fixes?
I used https://github.com/2bc4/streamlink-ttvlol and that worked, but I haven't watched a twitch stream in a while.
daily reminder that wm4 was a plant to cuckify mpv by making everything LGPL and thus embeddable into proprietary garbage. it is now literally as cucked as sdl1.
you could've had iina everywhere else. now you're stuck with fucking with configs to the end of time.

fixed your ritual post
>Changes to user interface and public API must always be approved by the project leader.
which kept mpv looking hideous, if safe. I wonder why
how to load large zips without insane loading times? using the manga-reader script with cbzs.
the script sucks for not caching enough to avoid page turning lag too but that's another issue.
It's sad that people don't want to contribute code to mpv, just because it is LGPL and not GPL that would force them to share the code...
never encountered xyz file, where do you find them?
>still forcing the orange meme despite being proved a million times that isn't mpv's fault
Are you genuinely mentally ill?
nowhere, it is delivery format. Not really consumer facing, there are some files and libplacebo supports it, but it is not high priority issue.
ffmpeg is imploding

Michael has finally lost it
>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
Of course wrap them with Firejail or Bubblewrap to control where they can read from, write to and which one gets internet.
what's the drama?
I know this general is filled with unironic troons so spare me the fud, I'm not a retard.
libmpreg won
>ffmpeg is imploding
librempeg doesn't have this problem.
is there a color tag for this?
wtf how do i get my system32 back???
>I know this general is filled with unironic troons
everyone supports trans wrongs though
how about https://github.com/igo95862/bubblejail
>open console
>WRRRRRYYYYYYYY *cpu explodes*
new guidobloat just dropped folx
add more cores :DDDDDDDDD

Yuke koya wo oira bokusa
Yuhi ga giragira otoko no yume wa
Nake ashita wa kyo wa okami
Jibun no kizu wa jibun de namero

Minna wa kono ore wo nasakemuyo to iu
Tsuki ni hoete hitori
Oyanashi yadonashi no
Namonai bokusa wa
Kusari wo kami kitta!

Yuke koya wo orera bokusa
Asahiganoboru yo otoko no mune ni

Kake namae wo (Toru Rikiishi)
Nagareru kumo ni orera no yubi de
Kike burusu hitori utau yo
Namida wa darenimo misete wa naranu

Doko ka de moete iru
Mekura no hoshi hitotsu
Tatakiotose panchi
Oyanashi yadonashi no
Namonai bokusa wa
Kusari wo kami kitta!

Ike koya wo orera bokusa
Asahiganoboru yo otoko no mune ni
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>torsocks mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp

although, I can't get past the age restriction on some videos, any ideas?
lmao. fuck me. is there really a horde of retards who somehow use linux, know about sandboxing, but at the same time can't script around ip-netns and co, so they need another potential attack vector by using such tools?
(the vector can come from the tool itself, or the complexity that comes with it.)
I've switched from open cubic player and ffplay to mpv. It's just too good.
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I'm new to FFMPEG. I started using it outside of Webm for Retards when I needed to concatenate a bunch of voice lines I ripped from a video game into conversations. I used to set up every command manually, but every update adds more and more conversations, so I decided to automate it. I'm now at the stage where a program that can sort all the voice line mp3 files into conversations, properly name the output conversation file based on the lines used, and then create said conversation file. But every file this error pop up during its creation. All of the files are playable and sounds fine, so what does this mean and should I worry about this?
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I've found some issues with the output files. The voice lines are sometimes cut short. Sounds like this might be that inaccurate duration the error is talking about. Here is how I run FFMPEG in my program. What could I do to fix this?
I ran the program again and the output is fine this time. So I guess there is no problem.
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fucking 'ell I haven't upd00ted in 2 weeks
who is in the right here?
are you raw-concatenating? this may "work" with MP3 files. but it's not the proper way to do things. try using ffmpeg's "concat" demuxer instead.
why is hermite the default and not mitchell
>who is in the right here?
na-na-hi for a change.
guido went too far. it would do him good if he banned himself from here to avoid becoming fully /g/tarded.
as i wrote in the previous thread, most of us get the basic image viewing features we need with a few keybinds. doing this heavy handed shit, and doing it in builtin is counterproductive, and is indeed truly de servant of the "enshittification" tag.
if this lands, a revert commit would join the few patches i apply in my personal builds.
Why? What's a demuxer? I know nothing about digital audio.
everyone has good intentions but mpv is a really really bad image viewer. i dont know if this is necessary.
>mpv is a really really bad image viewer
it's very slow, especially with large images and anything that has an embedded icc profile (even when fully cached).

real image viewers dont have this issue. even something bloated like windows 11 image viewer is very snappy compared to mpv, and windows 11 image viewer has good scalers (it uses a windowed sinc from what i can tell). the whole "mpv has better rendering" argument falls flat unless you're using boomerware

you can add as many fancy keybinds you want, the core issue will never be solved
>it's very slow, especially with large images and anything that has an embedded icc profile (even when fully cached).
use any of the software VOs if you care about that, equivalent quality with mpv keybinds
>use any of the software VOs if you care about that
everyone cares about that. if you dont care about it then you're the weird one here
Adding a builtin profile with a common name as "image" is a good way to break a lot of people's shit.
>it's very slow
It's fast on my machine. I don't use winshit so not my problem.
same is applicable to any unix system, i just used windows photo viewer as an example because people regard it as notoriously shit. so if mpv is worse than that, you know there's a problem.
it takes nearly a full second for mpv to init when opening a 4k fanart that is 20mb. this is just ridiculous. imagine being someone with a camera reel and opening camera sensor raws with mpv. i would go insane with how slow it would be.

nanahi/ikadev is right. mpv is not an image viewer, dont make it one.
give me an example and I'll time it.
i found mpv as image viewer to be snappy with gpu-next but compare windows 11 image viewer to irfanview faststone or xnview its not the same
Well nevermind I did it myself with a 4k HDR png screenshot that was 24 MB with no shader cache.

>[ 0.422][v][lavf] EOF reached.
Totally fine. I don't know how to reliably time feh but it is not much faster on this image either. Maybe 0.1s at best. Slow claims are FUD to me until proven otherwise.
these threads were a mistake.

its getting really tiring having overbearing devs browse this place and try to psyop features that no one wants. that one anon that complained about cross contamination was right. you cant even discuss mpv features/limitations without having at least a few people jump on your throat in pure and palpable hatred. these threads weren't always like this. they used to be completely organic with just anons discussing stuff, making memes, sharing tips etc. somewhere along the way, they ended up becoming just like /mpv/ during the vo_placebo drama era, which no one wanted, hence why /mpv/ died for a full year.
The answer was one Google search away. I don't get any errors anymore. But they still often glitch out after the first line ends. Example: https://voca.ro/1kdg8w2p0Eef
it goes up and down then up and down
Interestingly, this doesn't happen in any audio player on my PC. This only occurs if you try to upload it somewhere.
It just werks, with good quality. vlc has shit banding when displaying gradients, cant display full color range videos properly, cant display 10 bit properly, cant play av1
and whose fault is that? Those threads were always "cross contaminated'. And the hatred doesn't come from devs, so not sure what you are complaining about.
sadly vlc has dvd/bd menus and 360 video playback is better than mpv
>360 video playback is better than mpv
Heh, the funny thing about that is that I have a vr headset and I made my own vr video player for linux and it uses libmpv to play the video so it ends up being the best option to play 360 videos
Do you cum when your dad fists you?
guido mista instead of drag to pan make it so pan always follows the mouse but it's constrained to the image boundaries (so you'll only see a movement if you zoom or unscaled) and MBTN_LEFT toggles between following mouse or not
this is similar to your align-to-cursor but it should work on a toggle basis (on by default), this way is more intuitive and doesn't mess with OSC or dragging the window
Yes, he has very girly hands.
thinking about making a booru browser as mpv plugin
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All bindings are taken from other image viewers which have them too, nothing exoteric is being added. In fact I didn't add every key binding from my config, because they are not all worth upstreaming.


With --prefetch-playlist mpv navigates 4k images faster than nsxiv, feh and imv here. The main platform where improving mpv's image config is advantageous is Wayland, which doesn't have a great native maintained image viewer, as far as I know. No idea about macOS.



None of these bindings do anything unless you're zoomed in or unscaled (with --video-recenter). I don't get why you would want to move images and videos beyond the visible window, that was the main reason I liked imv less than sxiv and developed my own image config for mpv on Wayland.


I don't know about on by default, since sxiv/imv/feh/mpv-image-viewer don't have this option, or at least I can't find it (else I would have already added it), so I don't know if it's expected as a default. I can make it the default, if more feedback is provided.
i can load booru search results as playlist items and play videos, but otherwise not much since my booru client can already use an external viewer
it's just easy to do since i have already written the mpv backend for my gui toolkit
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>"no u" in 3 channel stereo
I shouldn't have expected anything more from these "people".
will ikamp have mpv plugin?
>yt-dlp url
<ERROR: [youtube] : Sign in to confirm your age. This video may be inappropriate for some users.
Can now display the error in notification from my script

>mpv sameurl
Can't know what went wrong.

How to fix? I know you can pipe yt-dlp to mpv, but then you lose some features.
mpv displays the error for me
read this entire github issue https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass/issues/263
Strange. I'm on Arch and have mpv and yt-dlp installed trought pacman. Checked config again and i have nothing there.
If I try with mpv --msg-level=all=debug, I still get no yt-dlp errors.
it can provide a ui but that's about it, and i can't display the spectrum anymore if i use mpv to play music
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can you write spectrum visualizer for mpv?
nvm i fixed it
Are you retarded?
>Sign in to confirm your age. This video may be inappropriate for some users.
Can now display the error in notification from my script
>links to reason why it isn't working
yeah sure
i can't find a way for plugins to access audio data, so no
you're retarded for not understanding the original question
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I asked the question :D
Someone(might be the person who misunderstood) did bit trolling by claiming it's solved.
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You can access `af-metadata/` with scripts. So if you add a audio filter to process the data, it should be possible to display it.
but i can't write an audio filer with libmpv plugin and i can't find any ffmpeg filters which outputs spectrum metadata, only ones which output image
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Is there really no filters to access frequency domain of the audio signal in ffmpeg? Who made this library?
I literally don't even remember how to download ffmpeg on windows desu.
You don't have to tell me just don't bully me.
the only thing i found was aspectralstats but that only has statistics and not the raw power/frequency data
desu onions
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Need to wait for ffmpeg plugins...
Can someone write mpv plugin to filter out ads segments?
It was the pseudo-gui option I probably added when I made the script to get rid of all output other than errors.
>All bindings are taken from other image viewers which have them too, nothing exoteric is being added. In fact I didn't add every key binding from my config, because they are not all worth upstreaming.

one may assume that you never learned basic logic!


where did you get the idea that mpv *absolutely must* add a bunch (or even any) "image viewer"-specific keybindings to builtin?
does MPV work on SnapDragon X on Windows?
I don't care what logic fallacies are called. I already provided links for the idea in a recent post. Nothing must be included, what gets merged is up to the consensus of maintainers.
>that reddit spacing
holy cringe
>With --prefetch-playlist mpv navigates 4k images faster than nsxiv, feh and imv here.
this does nothing on init, i dont know why you're bring this up. mpv is not a single-instance program.


I doubt it. MPV for Mac is still bad even after years of having an arm processor. Doubt Windows arm will be any better.
>I use target-peak=100
mpv has almost no architecture specific code. arm or not shouldn't matter
>>I use target-peak=100
Huh? Why would you do that?
Because you said it's slow? The init time is typically a small fraction of the time spent navigating between images, and it's still plenty fast. I just measured, and it renders the first 4k image in around 0.4 seconds here, not much more than nsxiv/feh/img, which take around 0.3 seconds.
how is mpv on macos bad
it's over, just 404 the thread at this point
lachs0r used to namefag
you're implying as if that's a good thing

also mia was actually providing downloadable winfag binaries in the thread, so to some degree it was more justifiable to tripfag
>>103286063 (me)
>>103286133 (me)
This is how I use align-to-cursor:
local align_active = false

function align_to_cursor()
if align_active then
mp.add_forced_key_binding('MOUSE_MOVE', 'align-to-cursor-mouse-move', function()
local dims = mp.get_property_native('osd-dimensions')
local mouse_pos = mp.get_property_native('mouse-pos')
if dims.w - dims.ml - dims.mr > dims.w then
mp.set_property('video-align-x', (mouse_pos.x * 2 - dims.w) / dims.w)
if dims.h - dims.mt - dims.mb > dims.h then
mp.set_property('video-align-y', (mouse_pos.y * 2 - dims.h) / dims.h)
mp.msg.info("Alignment to cursor: ON")
mp.msg.info("Alignment to cursor: OFF")

mp.add_key_binding(nil, 'toggle-align-to-cursor', function()
align_active = not align_active

mp.add_key_binding(nil, "align-to-cursor", function (status)
if status == 'on' then
align_active = true
elseif status == 'off' then
align_active = false

Relevant input:
MBTN_LEFT {image} script-message toggle-align-to-cursor
For video (and also manga) profile "script-message align-to-cursor off" is added and the same but with "on" for image profile. This way just feels smoother to use rather than having to press and hold to align, and as it only does something if the image is unscaled or zoomed in, it makes no harm to start with it on by default in the image profile. The only thing that I think could be improved is if you use it in fullscreen because as it uses align instead of pan it messes up the position when zooming out (doesn't stay in the center), though this is also the case with cursor-centric-zoom
No I'm just saying it happened before.
lachs0r always namefag on /jp/
Yeah that makes sense, I updated positioning.lua in a simillar way, though without the extra script message. In my config align-images.lua recenters after zooming out, and the --video-recenter PR will do it without flicker.

We can't rebind MBTN_LEFT because it still conflicts with dragging on macOS, but even if fixed it would just cycle pause by default.
Maybe MBTN_LEFT_DBL would work?
That's cycle fullscreen.
Hmm, I see. Also another question/request, for pan-x and pan-y is there a way to use a default amount (suppose 0.1), so commands would be like:
w {image} pan-y -
s {image} pan-y +

And then having a way of increasing that default amount?
- {image} pan -0.1
= {image} pan +0.1

It's what I use for reading vertical manga in mpv so that I can adjust the speed of panning (with your pan-image)
For the video-recenter thing, I didn't know about that, and also I forgot to mention but I have modified your cursor-centric-zoom so that it works like this (basically zoom won't go below 0):
mp.register_script_message('cursor-centric-zoom', function (amount)
local current_zoom = mp.get_property_number("video-zoom", 0)
local new_zoom = current_zoom + amount

if new_zoom < 0 then
amount = -current_zoom
amount = new_zoom - current_zoom
. . . rest of the code
It's been five years you homos still talk about faggy configs and codecs and shaders and irrelevant bullshit? Jfc just agree on some perfect configuration you stupid freefat retards
It's sad that guido and kasper actually think this general is a place worth visiting, just new to 4chan I suppose.
>It's been five years
and it goes back even further :D
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I use FFmpeg for all media encoding as well as screen and audio capture. I also use FFmpeg on my own software projects (screenshotting, media transcoding, etc). I love FFmpeg.

I also love MPV. Very wide encoding format support for both video and audio just like VLC, but has significnatly less bloat: it runs faster, heavy videos don't stutter unlike on VLC, it has less UI noise (very minimalist UI), and you can define its behavior on startup with CLI arguments, as well as configure MPV's default behavior with its configuration file.
>and it goes back even further :D
not really, mpv config threads started in late 2014
i am thinking about mplayer2
That's not possible currently, in fact I had to argue to implement changes so you can pass the amount in input.conf, else just panning would have needed 8 script-bindings. I can add features if more users request it, but it can't support every possible variation of features, but one of the arguments for making it a script is that you can easily modify it.

For zoom, it would be more general to observe video-zoom and reset it if it becomes negative, no matter which key binding decreased the zoom, though that causes flicker if done in a script.
there was no mplayer2 general lol, if there was then i missed it

/a/ had mpc-hc+madvr and encoding generals that predated /mpv/ but that's about it
guido doesn't know about the prefetch-playlist CVE oh nonono
gpu-context=ikafb when?
kys asap
imagine the framebuffer
Observing video-zoom like that leads to the flicker. The way I done it, it calculates on each use of the cursor-centric-zoom to accommodate the value used by the command
local command = 'no-osd add video-zoom ' .. amount .. ';'

so that it can't even go below 0 in the first place, which means there isn't any flicker
For the pan-image amount changes I do it like this:
local default = 0.05

mp.register_script_message("adjust-pan", function (increment)
default = default + increment

mp.register_script_message('pan-image', function (direction, amount)
local axis, effective_amount
if direction == "up" then
axis, effective_amount = "y", -(amount or default)
elseif direction == "down" then
axis, effective_amount = "y", amount or default
elseif direction == "left" then
axis, effective_amount = "x", amount or default
elseif direction == "right" then
axis, effective_amount = "x", -(amount or default)

local dims = mp.get_property_native('osd-dimensions')
local dimension = (axis == 'x' and dims.w or dims.h) - (axis == 'x' and (dims.ml + dims.mr) or (dims.mt + dims.mb))
local osd_dimension = (axis == 'x' and dims.w or dims.h)

if dimension > osd_dimension then
mp.commandv('add', 'video-align-' .. axis, effective_amount * 2 * osd_dimension / (dimension - osd_dimension))

Could probably be done more efficiently (maybe using some user-data for the amount) but so far it works enough for me
you can pretty easily get extremely quick frame perfect scrubbing
nigh impossible to do in vlc
cfl looks almost unbelievably good on dandadan, these red scenes really let it shine
kys, not even the author of cfl uses that shit
He should
even Artoriuz knows that lanczos is endgame
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Retard here, is that a graph that represents the phase response or filter ringing or something
Has anyone ever written a GUI to configure Mpv shortcuts? I just want something that lists all of my binds, including default ones in one place so I can see easily what's free to assign to scripts, etc.
For listing only, ? and g-b keys do that.

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