So long, partner
WebM For Lazys is updated fork, and supports *.mp4 output
do windows kiddies really waste minutes clicking around GUIs to accomplish basic tasks like this? spend 4 minutes writing a ffmpeg script once, then ~/scripts/ in.mp4 out.webm
~/scripts/ in.mp4 out.webm
>not using ai to make script
>>103282999I like webm for bakas because it lets me trim the video, and also because I am a baka. If you don't need webm for retards, then congrats on not being a retard. I am also lazy though, so maybe I'll update to webm for lazys.
>>103282999Do tinker trannies literally sit down and write entire scripts to solve already solved problems? And then they write out long ass commands every time they want utilize said script You know you can just click the mouse like 10 times with a gui, right?
>>103282930Take the WebmGenerator pill
>>103282999its literally the only way to do things in windows. Even the most basic tasks can't be accomplished unless you go online, find some shady website, download a compressed file, download another program to uncompressed file, swat away all the ads like flies on shit, use the video converter twice, and then get locked out of using it because you didn't pay to unlock the premium version (only $29.99). Also you need to go on UAC and adjust accordingly so you can install the executable you downloaded, but you also need to log into azure user controls as even though you bought the computer you aren't considered the admin. You press the windows key and begin typing "settings" but nothing happens as the menu is broken and you must clean your registry and restart explorer.exe. It just takes a while to launch task manager as windows antilmalware executable is doing a scan and is using all of your processing power and ram.
>>103282999do linuxtroons who larp as knowledgeable know that you can do the exact same thing on windows?
>>103282930you were still using that? All I do is tick webm conversion now, and it's way faster since it used the NVIDIA GPUsometimes you babyducks really are stuck in the past too much
>>103282999>program literally designed for retards>do windows kiddies really yes you fucking retard
>>103283057I love how you're padding your list to make things seem more contrived.
>>103282930Shutter Encoder is superior.
>>103282999Great if all you want to do is straight convert, not so great if you want to resize, trim, crop, quickly toggle between a few different encoding options, and so on. Sure, you could rewrite the script to do that, theoretically, but why not just use an existing piece of software with a perfectly functional visual interface for it?
>not using the trial version of bandicamngmi
Try avidemux, I think it has VP9 output support.
>>103283423Leveraging advanced options and complex features with the click of a button and without the need to RTFM is something clifags will never ever understand.
>>103282999>spend 4 minutes writing a ffmpeg script onceit takes less than thatAlso check'em
>>103283035>WRITE ENTIRE SCRIPTStakes 5 minutes to write a simple script brownoid
>>103282999if you were hot shit you'd just memorize the like 10-15 options for ffmpegbet it take you longer to type in the path to the files than it takes me to open my GUI program drag n drop the file and "click around" for the options
>>103284139and it takes 5 seconds to use the GUIwork smarter not harder
>>103284258Or you could save yourself the trouble with two clicks
>>103283658Yes it does, and it does have the filesize target as well. Very nifty little piece of FOSS, cross-platform as well. I use it all the time for clipping shit. The UI's a bit wonky and takes a second to get used to but after that it's a breeze.
>>103282930I've just been raw dogging ffmpeg
>>103285476Great, now do this.
>>103282999>implying you can write a simple script and get vp9 to give you anything other than pure garbageMy webm for 4chan ffmpeg script has about 10 if/then statements and two prompts.Absolute dogshit encoder.
>>103283035i dont know man.... i dont think torvalds really tweeted this
>>103282930linux version?
>drops a ffmpeg gui for another ffmpeg guilmao
>>103282999>he doesn't alias his scriptngmi
>>103282999>IM A POWER USER!!!!
>>103283035Why would I click the mouse 10 times when I can>super-T>j vid>mp4 video.webm
>>103282930>>103282999>using anything other than mpv-webmBeing able to create and edit webms instantly from whatever you're currently watching inside the video player is almost life changing
>>103282999You know you can add your own scripts to the windows context menu by adding a single registry key right?You could easily have it so that every time you right-click an .mp4 file the top option in the context menu is "convert to webm"
I posted so many degenerate webms made with it, on /gif/
>>103282999Nobody cares about your pissweak shitscript, loontroon.