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Why code or dev things when you can just use somebody else's tech and make more money than you would slaving away at a computer all day?

All you have to do is make 2-3 tweets a day, or maybe repost somebody else's things for x100 more views. You can earn $10,000 a week or $500,0000 a year.

You're funny, right? Your parents and friends always said you were witty. Make use of it.
is that why it sucks i rather mine monero at this point
Do you think if i got top surgery i could earn dollars like her?
Why would I help laundering scared Chinese money and inflate my own currency? Am I stupid?
But le trumperino says a weaker currency is GOOD for the economy???
>I want to be a media whore and make some bucks from lonely libtardian virgins
If you bothered to build up more than just the next financial scam, sure. High inflation *can* lead to high growth, or it can also lead to another Black Friday. Are we actually rebuilding our industrial plant?
true, the power lies in eceleb online griftcloutmaxxing
>not female
>no tits
yeah good luck with that
Dont you need to sell your soul to a kike intelligence service in order to get paid?
how stupid would you have to be to believe any of that lol
OP is lost
It's just printing more money and giving it to the megacorps so they can stuff it in china.
The real solution is doing everything to create smaller companies that can compete and innovate etc.. but that's never happening under demopublican shit.
>need to submit literally all of your personal info in order to be eligible for a twitter paycheck

fuck reddit rocket man
None of your family or "friends" believe you were funny or witty at all, but they were just trying to be nice.
Why put in that effort when you can just openly rip off right wing retards and they will still defend you? The amount of obviously AI generated """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""trad women""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" on twitter and the swaths of retards falling for it is the best entertainment since the 2016 election.
Half of that $21K goes to taxes.
This is what they mean by having "sold your soul to the devil". Also how would your parents feel about their sweet princess?
how does one grow on X then?
Don't forget to be a passably attractive asian cryptoslut
this type of shit just makes you want to not do anything. why bother lmao. working hard does not make money
i'd rather program for enjoyment. not to grind eternally to watch number go higher
nigga, she is a whore for Babylon. She makes money because she is a good little property. Unless you have the right connections and the right owners you will not make cash.
be born with a vagina.
I hate women so much
>good little property.
It would be massive waste to be anything else when you are pretty.
She's not though. Simps are just desperate.
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898 KB
898 KB GIF
>ugly gook
>no nudes
into the trash it goes.

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