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I have a good idea for an app but have zero coding knowledge. What should I do?
tell me and i'll give you 50% of the profits.
lern to code
you have an incentive- your project
which can also serve as workshop to implement things you learn as you go
Learn to code or get someone else to do it for you. Also your idea probably sucks in reality, so plan as much of it out on paper before you commit to either path. Be sure to consider why it wouldn't work and figure out ways to mitigate that.
My idea is actually really good desu. My best friend is in college for coding but I’m worried that he’ll think my idea is cringe. I’m turning on my own niggas, unforgivable.
Just hire someone, the whole industry is looking for jobs right now.
The world doesn't need more idea guy.
I would but I got no bread. The only thing I’m bringing to the table is my idea. Some Steve Jobs and Wozniak type shit
Make it with ai
>app idea
hello? 2010 called
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haven't you heard, OP? everyone is a coder now. just use chatgpt.
Then get some dough. You think Jobs started poor?
Absolutely false. In fact it's the thing in demand right now, given the simple fact that every single western media industry is creatively bankrupt and regurgitating sequels
this. it's like hearing my normie friends 15 years ago, trying to bless me with their retarded dating app ideas, lmao.
If it's a simple app with no networking/online features, you might be able to pull it off with Chatgpt/Claude as your programmer.
If it's anything remotely complex (any kind of integration with 3rd party systems, even something as simple as creating an account, or signing in with Google) you should either learn how to program (no, not just type code, actually learn how to problem solve) yourself, or get someone else on your team who is a competent programmer.

Why not use LLMs for something more complex?
Because maintainability, if you want to make updates, or at least have it work for over a year, you will want to be able to work with the code more. LLMs will give you messy (messy, not bad) code unless you yourself have the skill to organize, you might be able to get an MVP version out, even relatively bug free, but adding anything on top will be unnecesarily hard with code made purely by an LLM.
steve cucks didnt have an idea he had money. musk had money, bill gates had money. Everyone had ideas but nobody has money to hire people to execute your retarded idea. you are manic right now, go to take your meds and settle down, poorfag
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but what if you ask the ai to stick the new functionality in, after doing the preparation to stick it in?
>learn to code
>raise enough money and pay someone to make you a prototype
>find someone who's willing to become 50/50 business partners with you and develop the prototype for free
Pretty much everyone who knows how to write software has been approached dozens of times by friends and acquaintances with what they think is the best idea ever but one that really sucks for dozens of reasons. They expect the software developer to do all of the work and usually will pitch giving them 5% of the profits (not that there will be any). Your friend will react negative because he's already been through this over and over again by lazy fucktards who want to make him slave away on a stupid idea that has no hope of being valuable.
If you want to see your idea turned into a product, pay someone up front to implement it for you. Cheap out with someone in the third world. If you're the 1 in 100,000 for whom your idea is actually good, the turdworlder will just take it from you. Much more likely is your idea is shit and they're shit at coding so you'll end up with a shitty pile of shit.
if its a web app you can use bolt.new to build the app with AI
So where to get the developer? Eastern Europe?
at the developer store
Kek how’d you know I was bipolar
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soon its going to be 2 years since its release. Wonder what Ai shills will they.
Can someone explain the pic related
JD Vance had carnal relations with a couch when he was younger. January 21st is the day after inauguration. The people in the pic, Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande, were known for having wild monkey sex constantly, as she has made comments on the size of his penis.
Thanks, so it's literally e-celeb shit
So close anon! Those are real celebrities.
FML, meant celeb. Thanks
Poorfag in college/ just out of college or draw a flowchart and copyright it and license/ sell it to a bigger company. A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing.
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You can do that. The other anon was being a bit absurd. Modules for api connections and authentication already exist. You can either use them as is or point chatgpt at their documentation and tell it what you want to build from that codebase and it'll do it.

He was right about continued support however. To get around that you can hire a dev on retainer to maintain it
>I have a good idea for an app but have zero coding knowledge. What should I do?
Hire a developer.
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Your posts have some truth to them but they're overly jaded and heavily biased.
Hiring a dev fresh out of college to build a proper product over hiring a skilled dev team from a 3rd country is beyond retarded. You will just spend all of your free time fighting with the new college grad who is pushing to have all of the latest meme technologies stuffed in there because they were all the rage in his little bubble world during his last year of school. If the "idea guy" doesn't have any other skills needed, like project management for example, then it's the blind leading the blind
just use AI to code it for you bro
I'd recommend going back in time and being political before it was too late to vote. Complaining now is like crying into the sea.
ai wants me to use "dd" and recommends the starting project "dev zero". Shouldn't it be develop 1.0?
>What should I do?
Found a startup, get a business plan set up, get funding, hire programmers, success.
>draw a flowchart and copyright it and license/ sell it to a bigger company
Hilariously wrong.
>saar we recommand the starting in the projact zero
>dd if=goodmorning.iso of=/dev/sda bs=2020M status=superpower
>we train on durgasoft core java dataset to be replacing you saar
>left still coping after losing
haha right wing death squads for all.
Enlighten us. How would you do it?

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