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Recently, I found myself in situations where I could use a 3D printer for the parts that are not available anymore. I'm looking for a budget 3D printer that wouldn't break the bank yet would print accurately. The thing is I don't know much about them. Currently, I'm between Creality Harlot R6, Creality Uw-03 and Creality Ender 3 V3 SE/KE and I don't know which one is better. Also 3D printer general I guess.
Based ed,edd n eddy enjoyer. First things first, you need to decide whether you want resin printer or fdm printer. As a rule of thumb, if you want your prints to look great, you should get a resin printer, but if you want to print more usefull things, especially if those are supposed to be used outside, you should get FDM printer. If you want both, I think you should just get FDM and sacrifice more time on finishing prints. Those printers that you mentioned are all great, even though ender 3 is a bit dated and (from what I heard) might require some tinkering. I personally have anycubic kobra neo and it works fine. If you want more info, please refer to >>>/diy/3dpg/
what do you think about precision? Which one would be better? I'm mostly thinking about making prop guns for kids + some internal parts for myself so them being durable is more important than looking good. Would FDM be better than resin in this case?
>If you want more info, please refer to >>>/diy/3dpg/
of course anything that's tech + useful would be on /diy/ how couldn't I think of that. Though it's a bit slow over there.
Yes, fdm printer would be much better for that use case I think. Most actualy technology on 4chan is on /diy/ since /g/ NEETs cant really do usefull things most of the time.
are the ones in the OP FDM printers? I'm really new to 3d printing. Also what's their precision rate?
>Most actualy technology on 4chan is on /diy/ since /g/ NEETs cant really do usefull things most of the time.
they might as well start calling this board ricing&fizzbuzz
Ender 3 V3 SE/KE + Cura will probably be the best starting point out of the three. Resin printers are really toxic, and most of the toxic parts of FDM can be avoided by printing in a vented room
Just use a laserjet
Harlot R6 is a resin printer, uw-03 is a curing station and ender 3 is a fdm printer. You need to verify things like this yourself, anon. The precision of your prints depend on many things like printing speed, filament quality, your nozzle etc. You should not expect the same precision as with regular cnc machining and you will always need to add some tolerances to many things like threads for example.
>they might as well start calling this board ricing&fizzbuzz
Well yes, apart from a few usefull threads (that often get a lot of hate here for some reason), /g/ is a consoomer board.
ender 3 is shit but im not going to argue with you.
I got it, thanks anon, I guess I'll go for the ender 3
I opened this thread specifically for this reason anon. Tell us what you don't like about it
Generally speaking, Ender 3 is cheap but might require some tinkering in order to achieve whats possible by default on other printers. Have you considered any other brands so far?
Not really, those were the only cheap options available in my country. I am open to cheap suggestions though. I can check them if they're available
Where are you from? I am from eastern europe and I got my current anycubic printer (kobra neo) new for around 300 USD.
Some shithole in middle east
Then it might be hard to get more advanced printer. In this case, maybe you should get ender 3 and just upgrade it in case you need more features.
What feature are lacking in ender 3?
You can get an elegoo neptune 4 pro for <$200 now. It comes with klipper out of the box, full metal hotend, mesh ABL, PEI bed and dual zone heating on the bed. I got mine a year ago for $250.
Support is kinda iffy because China and they do all their shit on discord. At least the discord fags speak english.
Resin printers are trash for any prints larger than a water bottle. Also it's a pain in the ass to clean up and refill, and more brittle. It's generally more expensive as well.
But it's more precise, so if you're printing mechanical parts you kinda need it
You can improve a few things but it does not mean that you can't do good prints on a stock printer. You can for example add additional sensor for bed leveling, swap the hot end for full metal to print with more materials, swap stock board and/or use custom firmware but all of that is a little more advanced and I think that you should be fine with stock parts for now, just to get used to the machine.
mechanical parts with resin printer? I always thought that you are supposed to use those to print decorations as the layers are more firm.
>mechanical parts with resin printer? I always thought that you are supposed to use those to print decorations as the layers are more firm.
It's possible, not for serious mechanic stress, but for gadgets and small parts. I use ABS like resin and it turns out pretty since it's flexible enough for me to drill holes in

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