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Previous thread: >>103266439
is silverblue a meme
did everything right on installing it and it somehow corrupted itself during the process and wouldn't boot. i'm able to install fedora just fine so don't know what the hell was wrong with it
has anyone been using wayfire daily? im tempted to switch to it from hyprland because of the 2d workspace grids thing it has like in picrel but how stable / usable is it with a trackpad?
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(I just used Fedora Media Writer to create a Debian live usb on Windows...They'll never suspect a thing...)
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Is Gentoo a meme?
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How to fix this?
your image for ants does not help
fix what?
it does
>the 2d workspace grids thing it has like in picrel
I'd like to see that in a bit more detail.
Anyway, never used wayfire so can't answer your question. (Forgot to write that last post)
Ark for some reason lost the top bar with settings and options shown in KDE's documentation. This happened months ago and I never cared enough to look at it until now. Anyone know how to get it back? I tried deleting ~/.config/arkrc to restore the config but that didn't seem to change anything.

What it should be: https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/ark/ark.png
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is this really how terminal coloring works? i have to manually make aliases, enabling color, for every sinlge command?

there is no like auto detection system that each program itself can check if it should print with color?
these videos show it, i can simulate it with special workspaces in hyprland but this seems much nicer, just want some opinions from people who uses it daily since it seems as developed as hyprland at this point and not being a full DE
thx, that looks a bit too funky to me (in lack of a better word to describe it) with the wobbling and stuff, but sure, looks interesting.
how should the program know if the user actually wants color or not?
There are cases where you don't want color.
half a meme
rpm-ostree is slow as fuck
Internet, it’s unstable on arch for some reason, but on windows everything works fine
not him but most terminals have a $TRUECOLOR variable set, and a lot of the gnu utils have --color=auto although its not automatically set for some reason
sorry its $COLORTERM variable set to truecolor , not $TRUECOLOR
are you sure it's actually different and not just a problem of measuring/displaying the information?
Does reencrypting my drive when distro-hopping harm my SSD badly/worse than if I were to not encrypt?
that's cause every update first uninstalls all your overrides and custom installed packages, then installs them again. With bootc things might improve.
Yeah, I’m sure, noticed and tested this with Steam
Can you test it with something else? Like iperf or one of those speed test websites?
via an env variable i'd imagine
Kinoite is just plain better, so yes.
What network manager are you using?
I've heard that people get issues when using systemd-resolved
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Your thoughts on /p/ autists take on free software design philosophy?

Is he right? I agree with some points, ie: cramming in 3 similar options instead of streamlining the best one. These are manifestations of the GNU way. The UNIX way would have one very good option and easy integration with other tools.
>configure timeshift for "twice a month"
>hear it scrape my HDD every day
it's getting a little annyoing and I don't want to get rid of it just for that.
should i just disable snapshots and do it manually?
How do I fix this? I can't mount my external drive (FAT32 formatted)....
I have a 1080ti in my artix pc using the latest nvidia-dkms driver.
For no discernable reason sometimes the gpu won't clock higher than 500mhz and power is limited to <100w. I can change power settings with nvidia-smi and using lact for overclocking. Lact reports it's always hitting SW_POWER_CAP and no amount of changing power modes, limit, or clock speeds will let it use the 330w max it can do.
Sometimes reverting the power cap to <250 and back to 300 fixes it. Sometimes toggling nvidia-smi -pm ENABLED fixes it. Sometimes a reboot fixes it. Sometimes like today I spend 3 fucking hours trying everything until I accidentally start a game in fullscreen mode and the fucking core speed rockets to 1900mhz. That actually used to be my preferred method before I knew it was a core clock issue and I just thought my framerate was bad unless I toggled fullscreen, that too of course eventually stopped working until like magic it worked this morning.
I have prefer maximum performance in nvidia xserver settings, high performance image setting set, hell even nvtop reports it can utilize 330w. Idk what's telling my gpu to throttle power. Hardware wise I also tried replacing my power supply, reseating the card, changing power ports on the powersupply to the gpu, checking for relevant mobo settings etc.
My question is what is causing that SW_POWER_CAP reported by lact? Could a bad temp sensor or something be reporting too high and it's throttling?
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ctrl+m is the shortcut for toggling the menu bar in most but not all kde applications
from there you can restore the toolbar as well
are you missing dosfstools ?
what happens if you try manually mounting it?
Holy shit he mad
Nice, thanks a lot
i got a t2000 nvidia laptop and kinda the same issue when waking it from sleep. for some reason it limits the power making games slow as shit and lag and only rebooting the whole thing fixes it. getting an amd laptop when one looks good on ebay and shoving the nvidia laptop in a corner and turning it into a media server as the fucking thing sucks
>are you missing dosfstools ?
No, I do have them!
>what happens if you try manually mounting it?
It mounted!!
Do you know if I can check for fs errors of NTFS and FAT32 drives?
>Internet, it’s unstable on arch for some reason, but on windows everything works fine

Never thought ever gonna read the word windows and works in the same sentence.
Same issue with ookla speedtest
Should be this one
I'm so done with nvidia on linux. It's cool for server stuff like llms and transcoding but for actual display it's a nightmare.
I'm thinking about getting a 7900xtx to replace it because one is on sale right now for $760.
>getting an amd laptop when one looks good on ebay
Idk about ebay but there's an AMD TUF A16 with a 7700s brand new for $700 at best buy. Down from $1100, not a bad deal.
i'll check it out but yeah nvidia is just aids and even on windows it does the same shit for me limiting the power after waking from sleep forcing me to reboot
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I'm using image preview script with ranger, is there a way to get the image preview position correct or slightly changed?
Is there any correlation between kernel version and nvidia driver versions, I read some versions work with specific kernels, but in some cases you read people not having any problems with new nvidia drivers while others have.
Whats the best match?
get a distro that actually gives you the kernel and matching drivers and don't worry about it.
check the journal for any messages regarding network.
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I want to switch from Windows to Linux... just for gaming.
What's the best Linux for gaming on a RTX4070 Ti Super and a 7800X3D.
The problem I found with this is the guys behind it have different set ups and not all the time is optimized for your pc, the best I have found is 550.107 that I installed myself with kernel 6.x this was not in the package manager everything went smooth for years until I had to update. Now I have 550.92 from the package manager because emulators were not finding the nvidia drivers because they were not set up integrated in the kernel, now they do. I was wondering if there is a chart or place I can see for this kernel use this nvidia versions and from there I can troubleshoot
There is no such thing as kernel supporting nvidia versions. It's the other way around, the nvidia drivers have to support the kernel.
>for years until I had to update.
You didn't update your system for years?
current software, gives you propietary drivers without issue. Avoid "stable" or "lts" bullshit.
Is Bazzite good?
never heard of it before
None of the silly games Debian comes with contain important dependencies, do they? I can uninstall all of them and be fine? (I guess it's actually more of a gnome thing?)
Beautiful woman.
AFAIK it's a BPF-based system for prototyping schedulers. Why would anyone that's not developing or testing one use it?

Just packages that needed. I have nothing in my pc that a hacker could be interested. My identity and important shit are in a more secure set up with vpns and encryption. Hell I even removed sudo once and linux kill itself (bad idea)
The only distros that I know of that offer Nvidia kmods compiled for specific kernels are Arch and RHEL. In most other cases they are compiled dynamically for each kernel via DKMS.
does hyprland not have plugins for this?
with ufw, can I block an entire list of ip adresses without cluttering the output of ufw status?
having thousands of lines of output will just make it useless
how do i view .scp files ( https://fileinfo.com/extension/scp )?
i've tried XnViewMP but it didnt work, shall i try Gwenview next?
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>but it didnt work
XnView should be able to open .scp files fine.
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anybody know what causes cursor delay in Wayland? specifically Sway, but it happens in Hyprland too, where the mouse feels ever so slightly sluggish, like it's smooth but heavy to move around
i've tried allowing tearing, setting every possible type of max_render_time, reinstalled drivers (it's an intel UHD btw), but nothing so far
i really like this setup compared to my i3 one but that shit's being a real dealbreaker
many such cases anon
ive tried they appimage and it didnt open, tried to convert too, no sucess
anyways i got the .scp here https://archive.org/download/doukyuusei-pc98
did i missed something?
Those aren't images you can view, anon. They're copy protected floppy disk images that need a specific floppy emulator tool to read them.
Seemingly it's this one, give it a try I guess? I'd probably use a sandbox or something though.
thanks mate, so they are the actual game? i thought it was a bunch of screenshots, thank you anyways.
Well the game floppies seem to be dumped in three different ways IE .d88, .hfe and .scp.
I don't think the .scp files are meant to be used cause they're copy protected, so I'm guessing you could download Retroarch and use its Neko Project 2 Kai PC-98 core to run the .d88 or .hfe files to play Dokyuusei.
how slow are we talking?
How actually do I fix the caps lock lag?
I can't stop noticing it now and all the fixes I found on Google don't work.
very useful info mate, thank you so much!
SFTP is the SSH file transfer protocol, not to be confused with FTPS, which is FTP over TLS
it's not really a meme, no
like 1-2 minutes for a basic package update. and that's even if there are no updates kek
im building a new pc that im planning on using as a 3d/art/dev workstation and maybe use for light gayming. ive toyed with linux before and use ubuntu on my laptop just fine, but ive never used it as a primary os. ive used arch/manjaro vms and found i didnt enjoy their rolling release (dependencies would often break when not using it for a month or more, bsds were a f un experiment but not something id consider using due to software support, and be a pain to fix), and debian flavors seem to be the least nonsense to use from what ive seen. im kinda torn between pop, ubuntu, mint, or straight debian lts. are there any significant benefits or drawbacks between these 4 choices? is there something else i should consider?
I'd say get ubuntu or fedora, popos and debian stable are pointless. mint is ok I guess
just pick a DE or go with the default if you don't care
I love arch but I don't want to be that "arch btw" guy, what's the next least insufferable OS?
is there anything fundamentally different about fedora versus debians that would make it a significant consideration? its nice that redhat is contributing to it. looking into it, it seems they have a somewhat fast-paced supported release cycle which is interesting, and that they aim for atomicity in their releases. does fedora pair well with amd cpus and nvidia gpus? do you know of any software pains with it?
CPUs are never relevant. There's some steps you need to follow to get the nvidia drivers installed but it doesn't seem that complicated.
Im using networkd and resolved. Everything has been fine. I think i had some packet drops at first while setting up dot but i didnt have the configuration complete.
>>103293955 Yes you can use dosfsck, fsck.vfat, ntfsfix.
you can mount drives with errorhandling with -t and -o recover You need ntfs-3g to work with ntfs file systems.
Imagine giving a shit what other people think of you.
yes ufw deny from to any
just don't be that guy then?
sounds like a lame excuse.
doesn't that block LAN from connecting to WAN?
shouldn't it be
ufw default deny incoming

Windows 11
not using what you want for this reason is about as cringe as being an "i use arch btw" guy
i was using lan as an example of how you could block a network using cidr without individual entries
Are there any ways to add error correction codes to something like a tar file? Or better yet, are there any archives with ECC built in? (Not rar)
you can change it to
>a lot of the gnu utils have --color=auto although its not automatically set for some reason
That depends on the distro, Gentoo has a /etc/bash/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-color.bash file that sets aliases to turn on colour by default. A lot of other distros do that too. You only have to set
to disable it then. It's also disabled by default when piping to another process because some tools can't handle the sequences properly but you can still force it with
I recently installed nobara and it worked fine. The only issue was I had to update the firmware of my xbox controller on windows. Even the freesync worked out of the box.
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Sup nig/g/ers

I posted in this thread a little while ago. I'm trying to install Arch Linux on my desktop. I have it working just fine on my laptop. The issue I'm having is as follows:

When I try to run the install disk, I have to use "nomodeset" or there is a black screen after grub. If I install proprietary drivers or open source nvidia drivers, there is the black screen, and no amount of tinkering can rescue it. I can't switch to TTY, or do anything, but taking a look at the Xorg logs, it seems like things are running fine in the background.

If I install the nouveau drivers, it BOOTS, but the Nvidia card cannot be communicated with, and it just uses the Mobo's 4:3 default output to display my stuff.

I've tried everything in the Arch Linux forums for Nvidia troubleshooting, and I've used reddit. I also asked here once but the only reply I got had to do with linux-lts kernels. I would like to avoid installing an alternative kernel if possible.

If it helps, I do have two GPUs, although I'm not sure this has anything to do with it. Any help?
I found this thread on the nvidia forums. Does this just mean I have to wait? Or am I doing something wrong:


Perhaps I can install an earlier version of nvidia?
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Yeah, it is the best
I love it when my init system fails to track processes properly and keeps saying the service is running because a different process with the same pid is listed in the shitty .pid file it uses.
im using a fork by maintainer, i like the fork more!
are you
>Just use Debian and install OpenRC. Devuan's existence is entirely political.
poster? mental illness...
okay so update, it's not the mulit-gpu setup. I just removed one of the GPUs and it still doesn't boot. this sucks :/ nvidia used to work just fine until they decided they were "fixing" their linux support

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